Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier @potter
Caelestis took in Orias’ words, deciding to grant most of his attention to who he deemed to be the patriarch of this group. Even if he had not voiced his role in the group, the avian male would still assume it. Xavier had a young soul, Aiko had not given their name, and Yuka was simply a woman.
“Impossibility does seem to be quite fleeting these days. And no need to give your thanks. I am here to assist the guests of Avian City. Whether you’re truly Orias Biren matters little. It is that man you have with you that requires the attention of General Maximus and perhaps even Governor Brightfeater.” There was a tinge of disinterest in his tone as he mentioned the governor. Even she was not an exception to his views on gender roles. The product of fortunate birthright. If only she had a brother. He might have lingered on these thoughts as he escorted the group along but Aiko’s words broke him from his thoughts. Part of him wished the fox demihuman hadn’t done it as he found bliss in his negative views. It were these views that kept his thoughts off of the fact that he was being made to walk. The remaining two Sky Guard casually circled above, almost teasing the captain.
“Perhaps you can give us a tour after we've met the general, Captain?” The captain initially chuckled in reply as it only meant more walking. His previous temperament was dropping with every passing moment as he didn’t need to put on much of a strong appearance, especially if these four were going to be having a word with Augus of all people. Part of Caelestis’ off-putting approach was really just him channeling the general.
“Only if I’m permitted to fly… and if you were to give me your name, man of mystery.” He smirked playfully, but honestly knew whatever happened to this group was not up to him. He almost dreaded meeting his superior, but it was what had to be done.
It had taken nearly a half-hour of walking across the sky island before they could cross to the next using a long bridge that allowed a clear view of the wispy clouds hugging just below it. The walkways were mostly empty in Avian City as only the injured, young and elderly used them to get around. Guests were simply lucky such architecture existed as it was never made for them. And though the society was a selfish one, it turned away few. It was not rare to spot a fairy living amongst the avians. In fact, some preferred the safety and society of the sky city.
Eventually, a large estate came into view, its grounds teeming with vegetation that could thrive in this high elevation. Avian Sky Guard troops could be seen standing guard at different entry points to what seemed like someone’s home. One would have figured a General might be operating from a government building of sorts, but this was home where even his two sons could be seen playing a game of catch over one of the gardens. The group walked towards what appeared to be a side entry where two guards were posted on either side.
“Captain! Two Sky Guard stood firm as both placed their right fists to the left side of their chests while raising their wings high.
“Carry on. I am here to meet the general.” The captain gave a nod to the two.
“Yes sir!” Both guards loosened their stances and allowed the group to enter, both curious about who these guests were. They entered the structure where more troops could be seen in a large room where a map of what appeared to be Roshmi was spread on a table. Heads perked up from the marked-up map and towards the odd group, but Captain Varencia’s familiar face allowed them to return to their planning. The captain inched toward Orias.
“Word of advice. You should probably do the talking, prince.” Caelestis knew once they entered the next room, the study, he would have little control of what might transpire. He gulped before opening the door and entering first. In the furthest section of the room seated behind a neatly organized table was hard-staring, alabaster-winged avian.
“Commander!” The captain attempted to snap into a salute, but he was not as swift as the general.
“Carry on, captain.” Augus commanded to which Caelestis relaxed himself. He then took a few steps forward t- “Carry. On. Captain.” Caelestis winced at Augus' striking tone before giving his commander a nod and turning to make a brisk exit from the room. Shit, they’re doomed. He had no faith in the group addressing Augus without at least the introduction he had rehearsed in his head. “Human. Prince. Step forward… and spin me your tales. I would love to hear the story you fooled my troops into believing. Manufactured sparks and a scarred-face elf just won’t do with someone tasked with protecting the entire city from the filth that plagues Roshmi.”