Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: Yuka @princess, Orias @Helo, Aiko @CitrusArms, Xavier @potter

Caelestis took in Orias’ words, deciding to grant most of his attention to who he deemed to be the patriarch of this group. Even if he had not voiced his role in the group, the avian male would still assume it. Xavier had a young soul, Aiko had not given their name, and Yuka was simply a woman.

“Impossibility does seem to be quite fleeting these days. And no need to give your thanks. I am here to assist the guests of Avian City. Whether you’re truly Orias Biren matters little. It is that man you have with you that requires the attention of General Maximus and perhaps even Governor Brightfeater.” There was a tinge of disinterest in his tone as he mentioned the governor. Even she was not an exception to his views on gender roles. The product of fortunate birthright. If only she had a brother. He might have lingered on these thoughts as he escorted the group along but Aiko’s words broke him from his thoughts. Part of him wished the fox demihuman hadn’t done it as he found bliss in his negative views. It were these views that kept his thoughts off of the fact that he was being made to walk. The remaining two Sky Guard casually circled above, almost teasing the captain.

“Perhaps you can give us a tour after we've met the general, Captain?” The captain initially chuckled in reply as it only meant more walking. His previous temperament was dropping with every passing moment as he didn’t need to put on much of a strong appearance, especially if these four were going to be having a word with Augus of all people. Part of Caelestis’ off-putting approach was really just him channeling the general.

“Only if I’m permitted to fly… and if you were to give me your name, man of mystery.” He smirked playfully, but honestly knew whatever happened to this group was not up to him. He almost dreaded meeting his superior, but it was what had to be done.

It had taken nearly a half-hour of walking across the sky island before they could cross to the next using a long bridge that allowed a clear view of the wispy clouds hugging just below it. The walkways were mostly empty in Avian City as only the injured, young and elderly used them to get around. Guests were simply lucky such architecture existed as it was never made for them. And though the society was a selfish one, it turned away few. It was not rare to spot a fairy living amongst the avians. In fact, some preferred the safety and society of the sky city.

Eventually, a large estate came into view, its grounds teeming with vegetation that could thrive in this high elevation. Avian Sky Guard troops could be seen standing guard at different entry points to what seemed like someone’s home. One would have figured a General might be operating from a government building of sorts, but this was home where even his two sons could be seen playing a game of catch over one of the gardens. The group walked towards what appeared to be a side entry where two guards were posted on either side.

“Captain! Two Sky Guard stood firm as both placed their right fists to the left side of their chests while raising their wings high.

“Carry on. I am here to meet the general.” The captain gave a nod to the two.

“Yes sir!” Both guards loosened their stances and allowed the group to enter, both curious about who these guests were. They entered the structure where more troops could be seen in a large room where a map of what appeared to be Roshmi was spread on a table. Heads perked up from the marked-up map and towards the odd group, but Captain Varencia’s familiar face allowed them to return to their planning. The captain inched toward Orias.

“Word of advice. You should probably do the talking, prince.” Caelestis knew once they entered the next room, the study, he would have little control of what might transpire. He gulped before opening the door and entering first. In the furthest section of the room seated behind a neatly organized table was hard-staring, alabaster-winged avian.

“Commander!” The captain attempted to snap into a salute, but he was not as swift as the general.

“Carry on, captain.” Augus commanded to which Caelestis relaxed himself. He then took a few steps forward t- “Carry. On. Captain.” Caelestis winced at Augus' striking tone before giving his commander a nod and turning to make a brisk exit from the room. Shit, they’re doomed. He had no faith in the group addressing Augus without at least the introduction he had rehearsed in his head. “Human. Prince. Step forward… and spin me your tales. I would love to hear the story you fooled my troops into believing. Manufactured sparks and a scarred-face elf just won’t do with someone tasked with protecting the entire city from the filth that plagues Roshmi.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aldrakh
Interactions: Astra and Vrexen @FunnyGuy, Alaia @Alivefalling and Maeryn @princess

To be honest, Myra was a bit surprised that Vrexen accepted to travel together with the Dark Elf hunter and the pretty fairy girl. While she had already assumed Astra would accept, she was expecting Vrexen to be against the idea of travelling with them, so it came out as a surprise when he did so.

The dark elf hunter, whom introduced himself as Maeryn, not only seemed to be very reasonable, which reminded Myra of Astra herself. While the gesture he made, of offering his hand was a bit strange for Myra at first, she immediately remembered how Astra normally held other's hands and gave it a little shake when she was 'trading' with them. Assuming that was the same thing, Myra simply looked at Maeryn with a smile, deciding to trust him. The moment she took her own hand to shake his though, she remembered that she was still holding her shiny spheres, so instead of dropping them, Myra simply wrapped the tip of her tail on Maeryn's hand and gave it a small shake, trying to mimic what she had already seen Astra doing.

Knowing that they would be travelling together and that both Astra and Vrexen decided to trust them, Myra thought it was a good idea to try and at least see if the fairy girl was okay to be near with. Fortunately, the fairy girl didn't seem to agree with the idea of going to ask the orcs and instead waited besides Maeryn and quickly went to speak with her after Myra had finished 'evaluating' Maeryn as a potential new traveling companion. Once again, Myra got a bit confused by the fairy's behavior. Her instincts told her that there was something suspicious about her, but both her tone of voice and the way she approached her seemed to be friendly enough. Despite this dilemma, Myra decided to trust Astra and Vrexen's decision and simply greet hew new travelling companion, just as she did Maeryn.

While Myra was definitely still a bit wary about Alaia, she slowly approached her, sniffing the air around her and looking directly into her eyes, watching her movements as she did so. While Myra didn't know what a 'cutiepie' nor a 'puppy' were, Alaia's tone seemed to be similar to the tone of voice Astra sometimes used to praise her so, in return, Myra simply gave a smile towards Alaia, approaching her even further and, in a show of trust, delicately patting her head just like she had done with Vrexen and just like Astra often did with Myra herself, something which always made Myra happy.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 6 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port, Cheap Inn
Interactions: Annya @princess, Bowyn @Helo, Rue @Potter
Eris New Outfit
Raven New Outfit

Raven had quite a bit she wanted to say in response to Annya’s words about controlling their emotions. She wanted to explain how she’d figured out when their magic first manifested that it was connected to their emotions. To explain that her actions were to keep from losing control, to protect those around. She didn’t, however, have the desire to create any more conflict at the moment so she let it go. She continued to stare out across the ocean, just listening to the others speak.

Eris had internally smirked as Bowyn initially backed her up on asking what the plans were and listened closely as Annya responded. The plan seemed sensible enough, but then Bowyn spoke up once more, this time about the dark elves and how they were pure evil. He even spoke of genocide and it made Eris giggle internally. He was angry and it was clear he wasn’t fond of light elves, she was sure there was plenty of reason why. Light elves weren’t like by many, yet many preferred them over dark elves as dark elves were painted as pure evil.

Anny then also responded, a smart response that kept anger in check despite the clear offense thrown at her. She was correct, however, as the decision of this war did not lie in her hands. It was those that were above her that had the true say. She could only influence where she could. It was Rue’s words that caught her attention the most, however, as she pointed out things that Eris found many forgot about. ”You are very wise, young Rue. Many often forget that the Twins were there when the dark elves were banished, that their father was killed right in front of them under the guise of a peace treaty. It’s rumored that there was an attempt on their life as well, mere children at the time, yet they escaped. That is a pain that will traumatize anyone for a long time, if not their entire lives. They were thrown into a harsh land and no one else tried to help them, including the other races. They let them be banished and many just hoped they would die off and many did. And what of those that banished them? Some still live today so that can keep that pain fresh in their minds.” Eris explained with a sigh as she sat herself upright now. Serious conversations were so dull, but she was here and it was only proper to engage in the conversation.

”Now don’t mistake me for justifying the actions of the dark elves. Their cruelty is one that has gone beyond any others and there must be an end to it. It is wise, however, to remember that their cruelty was born from the cruelty shown to them when they were young over something they could not change. So who really is pure evil?” Eris finished as she glanced between everyone. It was Raven who spoke next, much to the surprise of Eris.

”There is no such thing as pure evil and pure good. One person may view another as pure evil as they only see immediate actions of them. Put yourself in the shoes of the ‘pure evil’ one, experience everything that they have, then decide if you would not be the same way. Evil and good is entirely subjective, what you think is pure evil may not be viewed as pure evil to another. So who truly has the right to determine who is evil and good? Everyone views themselves as the hero of their own story, but fails to realize they may be the villain of someone else's story.” Raven never once took her eyes off the water as she spoke.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

🌀 Morning.

🌀 Riverport - Cheap Inn.

🌀 N/A.

🌀 @Tae - A Philosophical Conversation.

🌀 Regal clothes.
🌀 Tome.
🌀 356 Amas.

Emotional State

Daylight, a lingering shine from above spelling discomfort and doom for every demon. It was certainly the case for Inori, an Azure Fiend from the depths of an infinite abyss. Was it not for the consistent shroud of sapphire magic embracing this peculiar creature, an unforgiving blanket of celestial rays would have spelled the boy’s demise. Such was the nature of an Azure Fiend entirely divorced from an open sky. With a groan, the demon pushed his blanket, warm and soft, down a spindly shape. A sigh escaped Inori’s sharp-toothed maw, one followed by a yawn, ruby eyes rubbed in tired frustration. Had the night claimed him once more? He disliked this, the ever-shifting state of merciless day and soothing night. It required little more than a moment’s thought to miss the depth of home, darkness wrapped in crystalline shine. Alas, a mission had been presented the young Fiend, a pilgrimage of sorts. It was his assignment, to learn of a world beyond the safety of his home, beyond infinite corridors and academy walls.

A tired, clawed hand reached for expensive fabric haphazardly dropped to the floor, an azure wind moving to swipe the clothes from whence they had been, draping the boy in an attire painting him a lad of adequate wealth. One may have considered these motions born of sloth, the Fiend’s daily routines scarcely demanding more than a thought given form through magical means. Another yawn deigned to escape the little demon, a stretch accompanying its presence as Inori’s tail swayed behind him. Side to side, accumulating in a flick, all before the boy turned to view his tired reflection in a mirror.

’Riverport has thus far proven to be a quaint nook, in which tavern rooms and bedside comforts afford an accommodating approach,’ with pen put to paper, Inori’s notebook rose from where it had rested within the infernal’s bag, words of glimmering blue following each scribble, a record brought life. An inspection of his claws took center stage, neither focus nor digit affording the growing literature’s expanse. ’Tis’ worth noting that I came across my first human yesterday. A peculiar creature, indeed. It called me a ‘lizard’, at which curiosity took hold of my senses. The Crystalline Reptiles I am acquainted with hold little resemblance to us and yet, the reptilians of this surface world are oddly reminiscent of a familiar face,’ a pause lingered, eyes of crimson red meeting their reflection on a polished surface.

Claws soon rose to comb through Inori’s hair, messy and newly woken. He recalled mentions of an event today, one he was impressively late for, had the desire to attend presented itself. Again, the lad rubbed his eyes, shoes leaving the floor as they slid onto the demon’s feet. ’In a port with such impressive abundance, I would be surprised to learn of lacking color, for a glimmering canvas has made itself known, color echoing in cords I have yet to familiarize myself with,’ Inori finished, pen and tome returning to their home, tools of academia flowing into the demon’s bag, cradled on an azure wind.

”Fuck, imagine if I could drop the formality in my reports,” the Azure Fiend mused, a shake of his head following before the boy’s shoulder bag draped itself onto him. Much like his time and pen, the demon scarcely touched the floor, rather floating above it as a telekinetic motion of his hand allowed for the door to open. Night time was a comforting sight to say the least, but Inori had learned that activity from those he wished to observe was dwindling in later hours, and thus subjecting himself to the unforgiving sun was a sacrifice reluctantly made.

Turning to look at the patrons of a River Port Inn, one that had afforded a decently comfortable bed throughout a beautifully starlit night, the boy laid eyes on several individuals losing themselves in conversation. Options were abundant. Would he stay here, would he leave? He was told to visit the beach, and yet, curiosity tugged him in every direction. A conversation of good and evil, the moral and the immoral. Narrowing a ruby gaze, Inori tilted his head, clearly intrigued. Did the surface races believe in 'Good' and 'Evil'? Not all, it would seem.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Rue @Potter, Eris and “Valerie”(Raven)@Tae, Annya @princess,
Mentions: Inori@Shard
Equipment: 1 hunting knife, a flask of alcohol, a backpack, small tent, blanket, waterskin, rope, fire starting kit, lightmaker, cooking pot, a bar of soap, some drugs; skaula (8 grams) and zemak (a bit less than an ounce), rolling papers, and 191 amas.

Bowyn listened to Annya speak just as intensely as she had for him. His mind combing over her every word, weighing them, desperate for common ground, for reassurance that this war would go the way he needed it to go. He saw the fire that sparked behind her eyes, a sign that this fight had a personal resonance to her as well. Their goals were the same; keep safe those around them, protect humans, kill dark elves, and that was all he needed to hear from her. At this point, diplomacy was a waste of time, but she had her hands tied by those above her. He could understand that and he could work with this elf.

He stayed quiet as Rue spoke next. A small and tired smile crossed his face as Rue’s arm wrapped around his shoulders.

Rue's embrace was both welcoming and painful. Like days so cold the chill crept into his bones and everything inside felt impossibly numb and going home and standing too close to a fire. When even though the fire was uncomfortably warm and the heat stung, it also meant life and warmth and sensation once more. A fire that fought away the kind of cold so brutal it forced life to fade. Rue was like that, like a fire that hurt in the best possible way, the way that kept things alive and that reminded him of everything he missed and had lost.

Bowyn would do anything for people like that, to keep them whole and safe from what the world was capable of.

And Rue had always been like that, someone who brought the type of energy that made the world brighter, more beautiful. She saw good in people, in the world, and while it made her too trusting, naive even, it was also why being around her made the world seem brighter. Fire like Rue spread easily, it lit up the world.

Maybe he’d been like that once too. But it wasn’t physical pain or losing his wings that was the worst that the world, or dark elves, had done to him. It was the loss of being able to see beauty in the world; to see the good, dreaming of possibilities, of trusting people, of hope.

So even as every part of him disagreed with her words and the sentiment they held, they sounded like the last piece of beauty left in the world. And it meant everything that made Rue, Rue, was still there, and he had no heart to argue with her, to try and smother a fire. Bowyn only leaned towards the warmth that was Rue, resting his head against her. For now, Bowyn was content to find comfort from Rue.

Eris then spoke and Bowyn found himself liking this elf much less than he had the night before. Even though her words echoed Rue’s, they didn’t sit right with him. Maybe it was that she lacked Rue’s gentle sincerity, maybe it was the emphasis she placed on the pain of the Twin-Headed Dargon, or maybe it was just the fact that she was just another elf to him. Bowyn couldn’t find it in him to care about why the twin rulers of the dark elves were the way they were, only that they encouraged the malevolence of their people.

Raven, who never looked away from the ocean as she spoke, went so far as to claim pure evil didn’t exist. A point he could sort of see, maybe the dark elves treated each other just fine but that changed nothing. They were still the purest source of evil he had seen in the world and at the end of the day they had to be dealt with. Even with good and evil subtracted from the equation, Avalia would be a better, safer, place without dark elves. Fairies, light elves, demihumans, dwarves, and orcs; all had their faults, but it was the dark elves who declared war.

Bowyn moved away from the comfort that was Rue before he spoke again.

“Evil will creep into those who let it. It is a choice, and dark elves have made their choice overwhelmingly clear for centuries. Light elves banishing dark elves was a mistake. They should have shown no mercy. Avalia would be a brighter place had they cut the rot when it was first discovered before it could fester and infect.” He spoke coldly, but honestly. He saw no need to soften the bluntness of his thoughts.

"I guess our goals align as much as they can, for as long as that is true, I will follow your lead.” He added, addressing Annya, and that was true. Bowyn could take orders and he could respect the elf princess enough to trust her lead. He had no problem protecting humans and those who traveled with them, even Arn if the dwarf could behave himself. He had no doubt that diplomacy with dark elves would fail. He’d at least be around to try and lessen the damage. After diplomacy failed, he’d also be there to feed his need vengeance, to kill dark elves, and leave Avalia a better place.

Bowyn was not as oblivious to his own hypocrisy as he might sound, he knew his own hatred, desire to kill, towards the dark elves made him just as bad as his enemy. The fairy was aware of just how much of his empathy and kindness had been stripped away. But he also believed that his darker nature could be used for the greater good, and that was enough for him. After the war, if there even was an after the war for him, Bowyn had no idea what he’d do, because he also knew the darkness he carried wouldn’t just vanish. Would it redirect towards something else? Would it eat away at him from the inside? How long would he be able to struggle with it before he too was a monster? Mostly he wished he wouldn’t have to find out.

“But maybe the rest of you are right, maybe’s it better to kind than to be right. I really don’t know. What I do know is that I could use a drink right about now. Anyone else?” Bowyn stood up; he no longer found any comfort or desire for warmth. The unrelenting sun of River Port was growing worse by the second and more than anything he wanted to feel numb again. He waited for a moment to see if anyone else wanted a drink or a walk before heading off. It was right about then that Bowyn noted the blue floating creature that seemed to be watching them. So, he did what he usually did, met the other man's gaze, and eyed him with suspicion.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

🌀 Morning.

🌀 Riverport - Cheap Inn.

🌀 @Helo - Bowyn.
🌀 @Tae - Eris and Raven.
🌀 @Potter - Rue.
🌀 @princess - Annya.

🌀 N/A.

🌀 Regal clothes.
🌀 Tome.
🌀 356 Amas.

Emotional State

A human? No, not quite, and yet, not entirely whole. Crimson eyes, large and curious squinted, as if attempting to unravel a mystery, as if further focus would lift an obfuscating veil. Truly, the surface world was colorful, a place of dancing rainbows waltzing across an ever-distant horizon. It was unlike the boy’s home, where crystalline shine allowed for a different kind of beauty, darkness illuminated by magic and natural growth, an endless journey into the azure void where glittering sapphires reigned supreme. It would be a mistake, however, to forget where the Crystal Cove resided; within the Abyss. Dangers loomed within its beauty, with the most deadly aspect being infinity itself. One could roam the Cove for a mortal’s lifetime and find nothing but a labyrinth. It had been said that the Grand Academy City could only be found by the Azure Fiends, and as of yet, no one had disproven this grand rumor.

Thoughts of home were, however, not what Inori had been tasked to explore. A sharp-toothed smile met the broken fairy, shark-like and dare one say mischievous. Inori had yet to properly interact with surface races, rather having observed more so than acted until this moment. A claw rose, finding home at the boy’s chin, his gaze lingering upon a child of winter, a soul glacial and beautiful. Inori yet stood apart from the concept of trust and distrust, as it was not his intent to make friends. However, would not this journey find itself experienced in a more spectacular fashion was this the case?

By the standards of his people, Inori was reserved. He was a calm boy, and quiet to a fault. Yet, on the surface, he had seen silence managing a far greater grip.

It was like a stardust breeze, the Fiend’s shape fading from place, a glowing frame once more manifesting closer to a gathering of people who very well may have disapproved of such a sudden introduction. Alas, the Azure Fiends were flamboyant creatures, and each motion echoed this truth. They did not walk, but rather flew, and rarely traversed short distances, yielding to teleportation in its stead. One ought consider this laziness, or perhaps an attempt at impressing onlookers, and while Inori’s kin were quite theatrical, their most casual, mundane motions beckoned back to little more than racial biology.

”Hello, hi,” a small, clawed hand rose, affording the gathering of five patrons a wave alongside an equally sheepish smile. A voice spectral in nature, hinting at the demon’s supernatural self.

He recalled what his brother had told him, a warning before venturing onto Avalia’s surface. ’The races up there tend to be jumpy. Easily annoyed, see? We can be a bit too forward for them, so if you want to avoid chaos.., and like.., why would you? Uh.., speak to them like they’re very fragile and about to break!’ Inori was unsure of his brother’s suggestion. Would these creatures not be more agitated, had Inori spoken to them like lessers? He was quite certain that entities described as so incredibly fickle would indeed react negatively to such an approach, and Inari, the boy’s older brother, was known for mischief and pranks.

”I am Inori Lunaris,” the infernal lad placed his hand upon a slender chest before affording the gathering a gentle bow. ”A student of the Sapphire Academy,” he continued. Azure Fiends rarely left the Cove, and did so only in pursuit of knowledge. Having met another was highly unlikely. ”I overheard you speaking of the war,” the Fiend shared, ”if it’s not too much trouble, I would record your accounts on transpiring events.” Did this warrant professionalism? Was it expected of the boy to act as he wrote, with a silver tongue and dainty approach? Perhaps it was for the best, if the aim of this interaction was to further his understanding, and by extension his documentation of the war.

The Azure Fiends had avoided this conflict with the claim that it was not theirs to fight. The surface world was, for an Azure Fiend, a colorful and interesting nexus of information, all of which they wanted to gather and record. However, as of yet, the council had not agreed on a course of action. The Fiends valued freedom, something Dark Elves would seek to smother. Freedom, indeed, the purest form of Chaos. Something often disregarded or forgotten. What would allow the council to make a decision, more so than further information on the war and accounts by those afflicted? This was it. Inori had found his subject, he had found the reason for his presence upon Avalia. He was going to document the war. To do that, he had to view it from up close. ”Ah, apologies,” the boy chuckled, having noted how thoughts tore him from the conversation at hand. ”My people are as of yet undecided on the war, and I believe that constant observation of its effect will help them make a decision,” the demon nodded his head, echoing an earlier smile, sharp-toothed and shark-like. ”As such, if you are a part of this conflict, I’d ask to join you and record your tale.” Clapping his hands together, the spindly Fiend was struck by an idea. ”A round of drinks on me? That is a custom on the surface, yes? A show of.., good intentions.” How excellent.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Desert
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Nuallán @13org, Mikazuki @Tae, Uzul @dragonpiece, Kuroi @hide on mana
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

Jomari exhaled and wiped the sweat from his forehead. His birth country did have its hot days but they never got hot like this. He imagined himself getting cooked under the blazing rays of the sun and he could feel sand seeping through his footwear which irritated him even more. Speaking of sand, he was weirded out with the way the sand under his feet shifted with every step he took which made it easier for him to get his footing right and not slip down the dunes. However, he was too busy imagining himself drinking coconut water under the shade of a tree to distract himself from being too uncomfortable. He would do anything just to feel even the slightest breeze on his skin.

He stared at Mikazuki when she offered to let him exchange places with her under the parasol. "I reckon that to let a person of royalty such as yourself walk under the intense heat of the sun is considered a criminal offense here in your world, Princess Mikazuki. I appreciate your kindness but your life is much more important than mine, seeing that both of you ladies even have your own servants and bodyguards while I have none myself. Besides, what I've endured back in my world is nothing compared to this. I'll do fine." He said in a grumbling way though he did mean what he said.

He was so preoccupied with being very uncomfortable with the heat that he almost didn't notice Nuallán was even teasing him. "Princess Rosaria. Is the heat messing with my head, or did your dog just learned how to speak?" He said in a tone that could be described as boredom, annoyance, and indifference all at once. "I didn't realize you're the type to find entertainment in the suffering of others but I guess the truth does come out sometime. If you want me dead then just kill me already." He added with his voice having a bit of a spiteful tone this time as he trudged on to get as far away from Nuallán as possible.

Jomari then found himself walking side by side with Uzul. Normally, he would take the chance to get to know the orc a little better, even use the opportunity to feel how strong his arms were, but he was clearly not in the mood for it for now. "How long will it take for us to reach a place that is not filled with sand and heat, Uzul? I want to take a bath in a cool lake right now..."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Alivefalling
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Alivefalling White Whistle Delver - Soverign of Fate

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Barboda Teff

Time: morning
Location: The Ship
Interactions:Tigerlily @Potter, Tesoro @Infinite Cosmos, Lizzie @Tae, Nym @Helo, Helio @princess, and a rival ship and her crew @FunnyGuy

Barboda turned around again, standing up before he walked towards the demon, launching 5 bolts into his chest before he kicked him off the edge of the ship. He placed the crossbow on his back in its holder. Barboda drew his sword he watched as more enemies tried to board as he slashed the lines as Lizzie had asked, “Stay on your own fucking ship scum!” He shouted at those now falling into the water.

Barboda dropped the sword and redrew his crossbow shooting the now swimming enemies with the remaining bolts. He ducked for cover to quickly reload what he could and pick up his sword.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Location: Desert
Interactions: @baraquiel Jomari, @Alivefalling Caelan, @13org Nuallán
Mentions: @Helo Leaf, @Alivefalling Caelan, @FunnyGuy Slick, @princess Sophie, @mole Aurora

The harsh desert sun reminded Rosaria of how much she hated the desert. The sand dunes were tricky until Uzul began explaining how to find them. The orc was impressive, tall and intimidating, yet had a kind heart. Rosaria had been amused that Jomari took an interest in him but had said nothing. She gave him his space although she was ready to defend him if necessary. Rose appreciated Nuallán's parasol although she felt guilty for the others; Mika, feeling likewise, had done the same, so Rose didn’t bother commenting on it. While the others chatted, she kept to herself and focused on not falling.

The hot sun was unbearable for her and she refused to show it. This was all for the greater good, she kept reminding herself repeatedly. However, she did envy Annya at the moment for being in Riverport. She hoped that Aurora, Sophie and Caelan were all right. She didn't trust Slick or Leaf, but they proved to be allies. If anything happened to them.....

As Uzul explained some of the dangers they’d face, Rosaria bit her lip in order not to comment. Fighting in the desert would be difficult and not something she wanted to do. Nuallán's proposition that they flee and stay behind caused her to glance sharply at him. Her eyes, which were the only thing visible, reflected her inner thoughts. She didn’t need to speak to voice her opinion on the matter. To her relief, the conversation ended and Mika approached Kuroi. How fortunate they were to have Kuroi. Rosaria had smiled upon meeting him and given him her gratitude for protecting Mikazuki. Nuallán's words, now gentle and sweet, melted her expression like a cookie in milk. ”And the same goes for you, my friend.”

She patted his shoulder and continued onward until Jomari’s voice broke her reverie. A frown creased her forehead as she faced the grumpy human. ”Jomari, your life is far more valuable than you think. I will protect you with my own life if need be.” She knew he didn’t need to be sugar coated, although she felt the need to defend him anyways. His next words caused another crease to form at her forehead and this time, she had difficulty maintaining her cool. Her voice held an edge to it, combined with exasperation. ”There isn’t any need to speak to Nuallán like that. Please save your energy and breath. We don't want you dead."

When she glanced at him, she noticed how the sand was moving aside for him. At first she wondered if it was a coincidence, but then caught on. Rosaria grinned. ”You're a geomancer, Jomari. I’m sure you’ve noticed the sand moving for you and how you haven’t lost your balance. Although the desert is harsh, this is your element."

Rosaria fell silent to allow him to converse with Uzul and let out a deep sigh. His request for a cool bath caused her to nearly spit out the water. She didn't care to continue speaking as she needed to save herself for this journey. With her eyes peeled, Rosaria took a water bottle and removed her scarf. She took a few deep gulps then covered her face and set it back in the bag. Her body felt as if it were oozing sweat and her hair was sticking to her scalp.

This desert trip couldn’t end any faster.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: On the deck of the Harem
Interactions: @Tae Lizzie @Funnyguy Piggy @Potter Tigerlily @Alivefalling Barboda @Hello Nym
Equipment: The clothing on his back: A unbuttoned dress shirt of the pirate-y variety, leather breeches, matte black in color, leather boots, in surprisingly good shape. Dagger, borrowed from Tigerlily

He exhaled swiftly, his breath steadying despite the wound. He was still crudely tying up the bit of torn cloth before Tigerlily pulled him down behind some crates as cover and started gently bandaging his wound for him. He furrowed his brows slightly. Just mere hours ago, the pair were at odds with each other, preferring to keep their distance more than anything. He chuckled ever so slightly and said "I guess this makes us even? I took the bullet for you, you're making sure I don't bleed out and die?"

He drew in a deep breath as Tigerlily finished bandaging his wound, taking a glance at it. The job was done much better than he could or otherwise would have by himself. There were some blood on his shoulders which he wiped away with his right him with a guttural grunt. Just then, he noticed that Tigerlily had stood up and told him to cover his ears. Before he can protest or ask why, he found himself doing as he was told to. "Wait wait wai-" He sighed as he covered his ears. He rolled his eyes and shook his head. Moments after, Tigerlily ducked back down by him. He reached his hand out and gently wiped away the blood that had gotten on her face from her treating his wound earlier with his thumb. "Can you promise to never compel me like that again? A simple 'please' would have sufficed..." He said with a small smirk.

The gun shots seems to have stopped and the fight was still raging around him. The captain had given the order to cut the grappling lines that the other ship had thrown on the Harem. He plucked the dagger from the deck of the Harem and stood up, surveying the battle around him. Several demi-humans had made it onboard. "Dog. Looks like the dog is acting up and needs some disciplining..." He said as he got into an athletic position and leaned forward, putting his shoulder parallel to the deck of the Harem. With another guttural grunt, he kicked off his right foot and charged the Hound. As soon as he got close enough, he slammed his right shoulder into the demi-human, clasping his hands behind its back and 'speared' it into the wooden deck of the ship. The impact of Tesoro's action caused some of the wood to crack and the pair to bounce unnaturally off the hardwood. The air around Tesoro shimmered slightly, and with the small separation between the pair, Tesoro contorted his body and drew his right arm back, hitting the Hound right in the jaw with a vicious short right hook. The motion of the punch turned his body just enough for him to follow up with a lightning-quick left hook, to the other side of the Hound's jaw. What followed next was even quicker than the previous punch. Tesoro threw two straight punches to the chest of the Hound, the impacts of which should cause at least some structural damage to the rib cage of the demi-human. Then, Tesoro stamped his feet into the deck of the Harem and clasped his hands behind the Hound's back again, this time Tesoro bent at the waist seemingly in an unnatural manner and suplexed the Hound back into the deck of the ship, landing on its head first. Snapping back to an upright position, Tesoro swiveled around and kicked the Hound in the lower chin with his right leg to really make sure the Hound ends up in a bad place.

Letting out a savage yell that was more akin to a roar, he flipped the dagger in his right hand and pointed at the combatants still remaining on the deck of the other ship, readying himself for the next round of violence.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Riverport Beach
Interactions:Rue@Potter Bowyn @Helo Eris & Raven @Tae Inori @Shard
Equipment:Outfit visible from Disguise Ring,Armor(Not visible); Chest plate is enchanted with Armor of Absorption, Map of Avalia, Water Flask, A bag of elf and demi-human ears and tails, Small book and pen, Ama pouch with 2000 amas on hand, Three large red potions, Wayfinder, Hygiene supplies, Rose-scented Perfume, Location Sender, Shower Tube, Transmission Bracelet, Bedroll, Water Purifier,Axes with returning enchantment,Her backpack

Annya had been silently listening, letting her comrades speak their mind. She glanced at Bowyn once he addressed her and smiled, "I am honored, Bowyn."

There were points to be made all around and no one sounded out of rationality to Annya. She had lived many years and heard it all. However, she felt there was always evil in the world that the good needed protecting from. And she would do so until her dying day. She opened her mouth to agree to some drinks when a strange blue creature approached them. He introduced himself as Inori Lunaris. She had assumed it was some sort of lizard demihuman or Dragonborn child, but still wasn't keen to accept random strangers into the group any more than she had, especially if they had been eavesdropping.

Sapphire Academy... I haven't heard of that before. Must be new in Roshmi.

Things took an even more bizarre turn with his next statements.

My people are so of yet undecided...

Record the tale...

Roshmi had obviously been decided, so was he not a demihuman? Could he be...? Inori was indeed floating yet possessed no wings. Annya had heard of such creatures existing but not often did they openly make their way into the open like this. She wanted to ask him to elaborate, but what she knew of demons were trickery and evil. It was peculiar that they had been just discussing the subject and now pure evil itself had manifested. If she was wrong and he was not a demon, it did not matter. She was not risking anything with more strangers. "I decline your offer." She replied curtly.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Mole
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Member Seen 14 hrs ago

T I M E : M O R N I N G
L O C A T I O N : M Y R I A M O R P L A Z A
I N T E R A C T I O N S : C A E L A N , S O P H I E , L E A F , S L I C K
T A G S : @Princess, @Alivefalling, @FunnyGuy, @Helo
E Q U I P M E N T : W A T E R F L A S K , W A Y F I N D E R , T R A N S M I S S I O N B R A C E L E T , B A T H I N G S U I T

"Y-you're a cowboy?" Aurora let out a nervous laugh. She tried to change the subject as she listened to Caelen's banter. He was very drunk. She hoped nothing more would happen during their time together. However, she did consider that gambling may take an unwanted turn. Her hand continued to let Slick guide her into the water. The feeling was funny and overwhelming. She enjoyed it immensely, the sighing and singing of the liquid against her.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location:Avian City
Interactions:@Potter Xavier @Helo Orias @CitrusArms Aiko @FunnyGuy Caelestis/Augus
Equipment: Dress and thigh-high socks(Slits on the inner sides of the sleeves), Black boots, Pouch with amas, Lipstick, Mysterious bag of fun drugs

"Aiko, I'd do it again in a heartbeat so you will cuddle me and call me sweetie again."Yuka replied to him with a giggle, giving him a wink. She was soon removed from Aiko's grip. She reached for one of Aiko's tails with pleading eyes, hoping to hug the fluff. But then came the pets! Yuka's lips turned into a smile as she closed her eyes, enjoying the head rubs given to her from Xavier, "Yesss I am okay hehe. I accept your apology; just keep giving me pets please!" She told him happily. Her eyes opened as he continued his nice-sounding words and she gave him a pat on the top of his head."I will dress you head to toe in something marvelous!" They went on walking like that for a while. If anyone stopped petting Yuka, she would immediately frown until it continued again.

Yuka curiously analyzed the Commander once they were finally before him at his big fancy table. He looked about the same as people said he did; hunky big bird. Though, she would not let her heart be swayed as the love of her life was leaving! She reached for Captain Caelestis' hand as he was leaving, distraught in his departure. "My love! I will never forget you!"She cried out dramatically after him. Her fingers wiggled as she kept up the charade of reaching until he left the room. She turned her attention back and gave Commander Augus a cheeky smile and wave from her spot in Xavier's arms. Unexpectedly enough to the others, she silenced herself and allowed Koldar to speak.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Location: Avian City
Interactions: @helo Orias, @CitrusArms Aiko, @princess Yuka, @FunnyGuy Augus
Xavier’s Equipment: His sword, and

Relief flooded through Xavier once their goal had been accomplished. He glanced at Orias when he spoke to him and nodded. Now wasn’t the time for questions. He swallowed hard. This was so fanatical that he had difficulty comprehending it. Soon enough they were in the captain’s estate where there were sky guards everywhere. It reminded him of back home and a pang of homesickness hit him. He brushed it aside, reminding himself he had to focus. Yuka's voice interrupted his reverie and he tried not to show his amusement. It proved difficult and started chuckling.

The briskness from the captain, Argus, made Xavier almost grin. He could see King Victor staring at him and ordering him to protect Jessamine. How funny was it that they were so alike? He took several deep breaths as the challenge was ordered. He had to use his lightning again, but how did he do it without hurting Yuka? He set her down and smirked in amusement at her call to Caelestis. ”Please stand back.” Xavier reminded her and made sure she was safe. A glance at Aiko came off as a warning. He stepped forward and dressed Argus firmly, ”Yes sir.”

Xavier studied his hands. He realized his power had been activated upon being spooked by Yuka. The frustration had also helped. He didn’t want to harm the others and glanced around to make sure he was far enough alone. Then, shutting his eyes, focused once more on those emotions. How he hated to be tickled; Reese had teased him often. He took a deep breath as he focused hard and felt warmth in his hands. He opened his eyes to find wisps of lightning forming, but nothing concrete. His heart began hammering like it would prior to a battle. What if he couldn’t do it again? What would they do with Yuka and the others? He couldn’t let anything happen to them!

With difficulty he concentrated hard and allowed the anger to fill him. Crackling filled the silence, followed by two bolts of lightning that dented the ground on either side of him, far enough away from Orias. Xavier grinned as he stared at his creation and then at Argus with hope in his eyes. Had that been satisfactory, he wondered? He moved his hands and watched as the sparks flickered and died. Xavier bit his lip and awaited further orders from Augus while glancing at Orias and raising his eyebrows.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Interaction: Lizzie @Tae, Barboda @Alivefalling, Helio @princess
Tesoro aka “Rat” @Infinite Cosmos, Nym @helo, @FunnyGuy Ardyn’s Crew
Location: Aboard the Harem

Helio’s descent toward the enemy had distracted Tigerlily. Wide-eyed she watched as he began flying around the enemy and blasting them with dark magic. She knew he could defend himself, yet part of her heart ached. The dark elf met the challenge. Sighing, she turned away and decided to keep an eye on it. Ardyn’s crew began to board their ship, but their ties were cut off by Barboda. With his crossbow he shot at a few of their enemies while Tesoro dispatched the canine demi. Five of the enemies fell into the water and remained alive, which made Tigerlily grin. A swift drowning would be merciful but that wasn’t her. Their Captain seemed to fare well and wasn’t her priority either. Nym seemed safe and occupied by the cannon, so she trusted him to remain well. Tesoro’s comments played in the back of her mind. She had almost laughed. What was wrong with her?

Tigerlily glanced at Lizzie anyway and gestured to the water. Then, she ran over to the side and jumped over it into the water. The familiar sound of cracking and shifting bones filled the air as her legs swiftly morphed into a long, pink mermaid tail. She grinned at the enemies' fear. She grabbed a dark elf first by the leg and dragged him under. He beat her with fists but she wasn’t distracted. Being punched didn’t hurt her, but it did annoy her. She let go of his leg and smacked him with her tail and watched as he flew into the bottom of The Harem. The crunch of his body and neck splitting apart was music to her ears. As the light faded from his eyes, she blew him a kiss. Turning her attention back to others, Tigerlily swam at them next.

The lizard demi managed to stab her in the tail, despite being shot. This only infuriated the siren. The pain numbed as she focused on her prey. One by one they drowned and sank to the bottom of the ocean. She furiously whacked them both with her injured tail out of spite. The crunches were satisfactory enough. Tigerlily swam back to the surface and watched the scenario play out. She knew the rest of the crew was somewhere else and began scanning the surface for them, while watching out for any surprises. Her gaze kept flickering to Helio’s battle. She swore if that dark elf hurt him, he’d get the worst death imaginable.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning, 9am
Location: Beach > Bathhouse
Interactions: @Th3King0fChaos Ismael, @Omni5876 Arn, @Kazemitsu Kharne, @FunnyGuy Kaleb
Mentions: n/a

The entire slime festival was a pain in the ass. Saoirse didn’t know why she volunteered for this stupid event, but it beat sitting on the beach doing nothing. How did those girls find it fun to sit around and talk? The idea made her want to slit her throat. The disgusting creatures splattered them all with some poisonous liquid they couldn’t ingest. Disgusting. More annoying than that were the creatures she shared the beach with. One overgrown reptile with a resemblance to a snake had knocked into her a few times. The man offered her his help but she rejected him and got up on her own. ”One more time and I might ask you for compensation for the bruises I’ll have.” With a scowl, she moved back to a quieter area. Keep to yourself, don’t get in trouble…

Fortunately, the event ended. Now she stood, covered in disgusting slime, awaiting her prize. Once it was given to her, she examined it and stuffed it in her backpack. The currency she held made her grin. Then, her attention turned to the ragtag group she’d been with. The overbearing dragonborn with his faithful human were here, the curious dwarf, and the egomaniac, Kaleb. Raven and he had spent the night together which made her wonder. She decided she might be grateful she’d end up with another human but didn’t care. She scrutinized his outfit and tried not to snort with laughter. She followed the actor anyways since she had nowhere else to go; his conversation with Ismael made her roll her eyes so hard they might fall out. Did he think he looked impressive? He looked like a clown in her mind. Ismael’s reply back caused her to raise her eyebrows. Their idle chit chat wasn’t enough to hurt her feelings, and turned her attention away. “R.B.F with the red boots”. She laughed and rolled her eyes again.

Saoirse sighed as she followed them to the bathhouse. Kaleb led the pack and announced his slime count. Were they going for fucking trophies now? Ridiculous. Her stomach rumbled and she hoped the food would be free as well. She would go on another’s dime if possible as saving money was important to her. Hopefully they could grab a bite to eat and some alcohol after the bathhouse. This ragtag group annoyed her and she found herself losing patience with them. Prior to entering her stall, Saoirse laid her equipment down and moved into her private area for females. She watched as the slime rolled off her skin and closed her eyes, wishing nothing more than to be left alone.

However, that wouldn’t occur for a long time, so she gritted her teeth and forced herself to speak. ”You all talk too much.” Her words weren’t soft or kind, but honest. ”And by the way Kaleb, I’m not a sidekick. Don't talk about me like that ever again. I'm a main character.” After showering with their bizarre products, Saoirse entered the pool. She sat next to Arn who seemed to be the most tolerable person in the group. Remaining silent, she studied the group with a sigh and awaited whatever conversation occurred next.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 3 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Yuka@princess, Aiko@CitrusArms, Xavier@Potter, Augus@Funnyguy
Equipment: Sword, bow and arrows, small knife, wayfinder, fire kit, a pouch with 137 amas

“It is that man you have with you that requires the attention of General Maximus and perhaps even Governor Brightfeater.”

The words spoken by Captain Verencia stuck in Orias’s mind, tangled with concern for what the Avain City would want with Xavier. Were they simply concerned with the threat a human could pose? Did they want the human for their own benefit? Either seemed a strong possibility. Rather unlikely, but still within the realm of possibility was that they could use a human to gain favor with dark elves. The Captain himself was certainly not aligned with dark elves, but those above him, those who gave orders and pulled strings, Orias had not a clue what their intentions would be nor what loyalties they held. He stuck close to Xavier the entire way towards Augus’s home. He had to keep Xavier safe, Yuka and Aiko as well.

The next time Captain Verencia spoke directly to him, his words caused Orias’s veneer of confidence to crack. “Word of advice. You should probably do the talking, prince.”

That familiar sense of dread, the crushing burden of responsibility, rushed back in through those cracks. Even Captain Verencia had buckled before General Augus Maximus, sweat visible on the captain’s brow as he winced before the wall of winged stone. This alone told Orias enough; the general would be a tough man to convince of anything.

And who am I to speak for anyone? Incompetent. A disgrace to my family and people. Should’ve stayed dead. Should’ve actually died a century ago. We might be in real danger, why should it fall to me?

Yuka was better at talking, she could probably spin a thousand different tales that could get them out of this if they would only listen to her instead. Aiko had all the charm, they were disarming in a way that easily won others over, that made others want to work with them. And Xavier, he truly held power here, magic that far exceeded most anyone in Avalia, this man could turn the tides of the war. And what do I have? A title I’ve never done a damn thing to earn. A name I am unworthy of.

What did he know that could help? In his youth, he paid no attention to his mandatory studies of the other cities and he retained no knowledge of Avian culture. His interactions with Captain Verencia were brief, but what he had picked up from that Avian was that he was patriarchal, stoic, and seemed to value truth. Maybe Orias could work with that, maybe the general didn’t want a convincing story or charm, and certainly, the general didn’t want lies. At this point, all he really could offer was the truth and hope that would be enough for the general. Xavier stepped forward first, enough distance between the humans and the others that what happened to Yuka was unlikely to happen again. Orias watch Xavier as he tried to plan out what he should say. The human did better than even he’d expected, showing an impressive amount of control over his magical gift, harming neither the party nor the members of the Skygaurd, and showing that his ability to control lightning was no mere trick. Orias gave Xavier a nod of approval before he stepped forward to present the general with the truth.

“General Maximus, the tale I told upon arrival at your doors, was that the I, and my companions, were representatives of the Sun Elf Kingdom. That we sought allies and aid in this war. I ask your forgiveness because unbeknownst to my companions, I lied to your Captain.

I hold no authority to speak on behalf of the kingdom I abandoned. Before you stands a coward of a prince, one who fled responsibility and consequences for his actions. But I am Orias Biren. My intentions are to seek allies and aid in this war, for the benefit of the kingdom I have failed to serve for too long. Dark elves now occupy Roshmi, the Twin-Headed Dragon sits upon a throne just beneath your door. The Sun Elf Kingdom does not want them there. I’m sure Avain City does not want them there. And you, are not a foolish man. You know exactly what my people, my family, have brought to Avalia. This wayward human is my responsibility, it is my family that brought his kind here. The mistakes made at your gates, are my mistakes.

Despite how my family may feel about my actions, they are reasonable, they need this human, and they will meet with me. And that is how I can be of use to you. If you wish to offer any aid, I can bring your terms to my siblings, elves with more say and power than I have. If not, I humbly request safe travel away from Roshmi, and I will ensure my family hears of the kindness of Avain City, ensure that you are rewarded for it. They will know how this great city helped keep safe one of the humans with the power to sway this war in our favor.”
Orias spoke with his head held high and eyes never fleeing from the cold gaze of the general. His voice cracked in places, sometimes from the shame of his past, sometimes from trying to grasp at faltering confidence, but nothing short of his best effort would do.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Time: Morning
Location: Surfside Cafe > Beach
Interaction: @Helo Bowyn, Annya @princess, Raven/Eris @Tae
Equipment: Small backpack, two knives, rations, water flask, hygiene products, new outfit

Rue was delighted when the elf, Eris, called her wise. She listened to her speak with curiosity. Her attention was caught like a fisher on a hook. Her words melted like snow on the ground. It seemed as though they were sincere, yuet something felt off. Was she wrong? She decided to talk to Bowyn about it later. The elf girl, Raven, spoke up next.The conversation became more complex and her head began to ache. Such serious conversations only hurt her heart. Why couldn’t they all get along and have peace? Isn’t that what life was about? She sighed and didn’t respond back.

Weariness began to overcome her. The hot sun was baking her and she sweated more than she had in her life. She kept pressing her hand to her forehead while listening to their elven comrades. His comments were full of hypocrisy and flaws and Rue would ignore it. Wondering if Bowyn was hot also, she glanced at him. He had rested his head on her shoulder. A faint smile on her face, Rue rested her head against his and gently ran a hand through his hair. It was comforting and she knew he bore darkness inside of him but didn’t care. She’d do whatever it took to help him out of it. Rue stood up once he removed his head off her shoulder. ”I could go for some lunch and get away from the sun.”

Before they could depart, a blue creature was spotted nearby. She frowned as she watched him like a hawk watching its prey. What was that creature…? It was levitating which seemed like a demi human trait but was not one. She heard Annya speak and moved to reply, but the beach around her began to spin. Nausea overwhelmed her. The sound of the beachgoers, the slime festival ending, and the birds became background noise. Rushing in her head made her clasp her hands to her feet. Rue opened her mouth to cry for help when darkness overwhelmed her and she slammed backwards onto the sand. There was a thud as her backpack hit the sand and her seashells broke her fall for her head.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Myriamor Plaza- Summer Harvest Festival
Interactions: Caelan @Alivefalling Slick @FunnyGuy Aurora @Mole
Equipment:Clothing,Backpack, Sketchbook with drawings, various drawing supplies, iPhone, charging cable, strawberry pocky, earphones, and a pouch with two rations of food, water flask, a bar of soap and a few other portable hygienic products.

Sophie put her hands to her face in horror. Was that an insult? She had no idea if she had been offensive mistitling him. ”I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude.” She told him softly. Her face went red when she realized he winked and started to internally panic, but before she could react, Caelan pelted a rock at Slick, chanting the word cowboy at him, ”Oh no! Come on Caelan don’t be mean please!” She pleaded.

She gestured to Aurora, ” And don't throw rocks please! You could hurt her.”
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Time: 10:00 a.m.
Location: River Port Beach
Interactions: Kharnem Neeson @Kazemitsu, Peeping Arn @Omni5876, Saoirse, the Main Character @potter, and Slime Slayer Ismael @Th3King0fChaos.
Mentions: @Tae “Valerie”

What’s the deal with these sourpusses? No wonder Valerie needed to get some air. She was stuck between R.B.F and this douchebag. And why is he calling that girl ‘Red’ of all things? The chick is a blonde! He shot a glare at Ismael on their way to the spa, deciding that he would definitely confront the guy about what his problem was with him.

Once inside, Kaleb was glad the group had been given their own area. Sure, he’d still attempt to keep his status as a human below the radar, but the circumstance would allow everyone to speak freely on all other matters. Occupations, motivations, and demeanors were something he could log into the character profiles he’d mentally create for each person in his company. He could have dipped into the hot pools, but showering in a stall was far more pressing. Soap, shampoo… Where’s everything else? Conditioner, cleanser, moisturizer… and this thing doesn’t even exfoliate! Kaleb sighed as more steam than normal billowed from his shower stall. He begrudgingly used what was available and continued his quick shower so he could get slime guts out of his scalp. Kaleb’s hair meant everything to him.

“Fuck it, whatever.” He grumbled just before he heard Ismael address him.

“Hey sorry for the bad introduction. My name is Ismael.” Kaleb rapidly blinked a few times in disbelief at the man’s tone. He wondered why someone would put on an act before realizing he was mentally the pot calling the kettle, metal.

“Ismael, huh? Nice to meet the real you. Or at least I hope this is the real you.” He chuckled before making his way to the pool. He took the spot on the right of Arn and the left of Kharne. To get comfortable, he put his back against the wall of the pool so he could rest his arms up across the edge of it. He had just entered in time to hear Arn introducing himself and… Don’t simp to the princess so earlyyy. We just met her. He fought the urge to roll his eyes. He was ready to speak next when Saoirse spoke. That is exactly when he realized the R.B.F. wasn’t just some front or an unfortunate shaping of her face. In this instance, the book was exactly what was on the cover.
Talk too much? Main character? Kaleb turned his head so fast with a questioning look.

“Listen up, main character. No one asked you to be here with us. And if we’re going to be honest, the only time when someone like you… Yes, I’ve heard enough about you…” He waved his index finger around in her direction for emphasis. “The only time when someone like you is the ‘main character’ is either on a casting couch or a cheap fifty-minute YouTube documentary.” Kaleb held
both hands out and looked around at the rest of the group as if to show that there was nothing more to say.

“Come on, let’s keep up the introductions. What’s your background, big guy?” Kaleb pointed to Kharne. “And what are your thoughts on princess Annya?”

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