Kazumin Nagasa

Time: 10:15
Location: Park
Interactions: N/A
Mentions: Persephone(percy)
The next stretch of the trip had been quiet, save for the five minutes of questioning in trying to figure out what happened since he disappeared from the hall. The baron had more to ask, but after being told the same answer of ‘I don’t know’ from Kazu had accepted any further interrogation would be pointless and so decided to hold off for now.
A quiet that Kazu was most grateful to have as he sat there with his head leaned back against the top of the cushioned seat with his left hand covering his eyes. All he wanted right now was to gather his thoughts and make sense of his missing lapse of memory and the whole ordeal surrounding Percy being a criminal. Most of all he wanted something for the painful aches and headache currently giving his brain an unwelcome pounding.
Every attempt to recall or piece things together led to a thick wall of fog. Only able to catch the snippets of fragmented memories seeping through. Things like cake and a lot of garbled words that sounded like insults but for some reason were spoken in a foreign language though the strangest and strongest memory was…
Ants? Chavez screaming about ants?” He asked himself in a quizzical manner, unsure of why some masked guy would be screaming about ants but this Chavez certainly seemed to have a great disdain towards ants for some reason.
Asteroth lifted his head from the newspaper to peer at the battered blonde.”
What are you muttering about over there, boy?” The grizzled man eyed him suspiciously.
A half-hearted dismissive wave of his right hand without moving or lifting the left one from his face.”
Oh nothing. Just envisioning how delicious all of them pancakes you denied me would have been.” His tone half-sarcastic, half-serious followed by a forlorn sigh and smack of the lips as he found himself still very much parched even after downing an entire bucket of water not so long ago.
The older gentleman let out an amused huff from his nostrils as the rustling from him folding the newspaper could be heard. Nearly every sound seemed to be enhanced and in a most cruel way to Kazu in fact.”
Hmph, a fitting punishment for the ward who ran off without a word only to be found in such a humiliating manner at a public park. Mind, I have more in store for you but right now getting you cleaned up and in a decent enough state for our brunch with the count. I shan’t have you going with you looking like…well…” A waving motion of his hand indicating all of Kazumin and the currently grotesque state of his body and face.”
Are you listening, boy?” Asked with a testing kick of his foot.
A tired mhm muttered from the blonde’s lips in confirmation that he was indeed listening. Now did he care? Not so much.
The weak and meager reply had the baron shaking his head though was thankful that the young man’s anger had cooled down or in Kazu’s case had warmed up. It truly was a disturbing and concerning thought to see a person actually turn cold and what Kazu displayed was no mere simple anger either. Perhaps it was a good thing that so very little actually bothered this farmer after seeing what he had done to the mostly broken cane resting beside him. What was more perplexing was how quickly he calmed down and moved on or at the very least knew to set it aside. As they knew too little regarding the situation of this friend of his; one he knew now to be tactful on how he spoke of. And possibly the missing piece needed to help rein in Kazumin’s unpredictable and sporadic nature.
We will be arriving shortly and once inside you will be doing your best to make yourself at least somewhat presentable. A good thing I have had the forethought to make preparations for in case you chose to do something immensely stupid which as we can see you have succeeded all expectations.”
His tone was clearly not one of praise or respect and yet Kazu still took it as such bringing a satisfied smile to his lips. He gave a thumbs up in response.
Such lack of shame and the way he treated this whole thing like it was all a game did well to light Asteroth’s own anger once more.”
You still think this some mere drinking bender among commoners but the situation is far more dire than that booze-addled mind could imagine.” Giving a weary sigh while pinching the bridge of his nose.”
So much so that the queen has demanded all those involved with whatever reckless partying to gather at the hall. That would be our destination were it not for the appointment with the count. Thankfully your being so unknown will ensure none of them will notice the lack of your presence.” He explained in a deeply annoyed and aggravated manner.
Out of nowhere Kazu broke out into a fit of laughter as his hands clutched at his sides.”
O-oh man! You’re telling me….the hall is filled….with a bunch of hungover and confused nobles?!” Asking in between spurts of laughter unable to help but find the thought of a roomful of disgruntled and embarrassed the most hilarious thing yet, even more so than having watched the vizier fall off his elephant just last night. He kept laughing, ignoring the pain it wrought him as he did so.
“ S
TOP LAUGHING YOU IMBECILE!” Asteroth shouted having lost his composure as he slapped him multiple times with the rolled up newspaper until Kazu finally relented. (only because he needed to catch his breath)”
Are you so brain damaged from years of drinking?! Do you have any idea of the repercussions this incident can have? If we are not careful a war may very well break out!” He spat out, words frothing with rage, his face red beneath the beard and wrinkles.
Kazu was still chuckling and trying to catch his breath while the older male threw a temper tantrum at him.
” Ah..sorry sorry.” He sighed while wiping a tear.”
I meant no offense, sir but..I mean, come on. You seriously can’t see how funny this is? Besides, it was just a bunch of bored nobles getting drunk and letting off steam.” Slumping back with a last few dying chuckles and a wide grin plastered on his bruised face.”
And let me guess. They feel embarrassed and stupid? I’d say them stuck up prudes could use some humility to remind them they’re humans.” Shaking his head as he recalled the ridiculous manner the alidasht got all in a tiffy over a simple accident.”
It astounds me how nobles and royals can’t handle the slightest bit of humiliation without demanding someone’s head. And let me te-”
The sudden ring of flesh rang through the carriage from Asteroth’s raised palm having just delivered a hard slap to Kazumin’s left face now sporting a bright red fresh bruise.
Turning his head to grin back at the man as his tongue snaked out licking up the trickle of blood that spilt from his nose.”
Gee..was it something I said?”
“ Keep it up, boy and the next one will involve the cane so you best hold your tongue or so help me! Anymore of your insubordination and insults and I promise that I will kick you out right now and terminate our deal.” His eyes glowered, the fuming baron glared at the young blonde sporting that horrid cheeky grin.
Shifting to sit back up then leaned forward a bit with his mouth opening attempting to respond.
Not..another..word! Do you hear me?! You have tested and insulted my patience and good name!” Barked out the words while grabbing the cane with the hand previously used to smack him to show his intent to follow through with the threat.
Thinking he pushed it a little too far, Kazu sat back and mimed a zipper motion over his lips with a nod to show he understood.
Glaring daggers at his insolent ward; waiting to see if he would indeed keep that wicked mouth of his shut. After a few minutes he determined that the foolish farmer dared not push things any further as he saw him sitting there with his hands folded across his lap in an nonchalant fashion.
Mark my words. Keep up these antics and they will earn you a permanent cell or the chopping black. Do you have anything to say for yourself? Or do you care so little about the well-being of your family?”
A frosty spark gleamed in Kazu’s eyes briefly at the mention of his family but had diminished just as quickly as it formed. A tilt of the head as he pondered on what he was asked then shifted his eyebrows questioningly to the baron as his way of asking for permission to speak.
A heavy exhale from his nose with a rub of his forehead.”
Yes, you may speak. And if you have any brain cells left in that dirt clodded brain of yours you will be mindful of what you say.”
Kazu nodded his head as he did an unzipping motion.”
If I have one regret, It’s that I won’t get to see the queen and sultan berating my fellow partygoers.” He finished with a snicker.
After much tension and tempers flaring, the wagon finally pulled to a halt beside the stairs to the Hugonin’s estate. Much to Asteroth’s relief, he tired of Kazumin’s disrespectful attitude and cheeky mouth to last him for a week.
Making his exit from the carriage where he turned back to find Kazu had collapsed to the floor in his attempt to get up and follow.”
Enough with your antics. We have little time to waste.” Warned the older gentleman working to keep his soured mood in check.
With a grunt Kazu pushed himself to rest his chin on both palms propped by the chin.”
Oh yes, sorry my lord. I just couldn’t resist giving thanks to the carriage first.” His words oozed sarcasm as he turned away to grab at his pant leg and gave a good shake in an attempt to wake them up.”
I’ll uh..be a couple minutes. The carriage deserves a good share of thanks unless you want to ask Hugo to help me?” Pursing his lips with pleading puppy dog eyes.
His attempt to come off looking cute with that badly bruised and marked face had the opposite effect that had the baron cringing in disgust.”
I will have no more of that. I can’t have you scaring the staff. And Hugo has far more important tasks than carrying a moronic drunk all day.” Extending the cracked cane to swipe one of Kazu’s arms out from beneath him causing the blonde’s head to drop down adding a stinging chin onto the countless aches plaguing his body.”
I expect to see you inside within ten minutes or I’ll have you washed out in the yard like a dirty mutt.”
Owww….tch. Stingy grump.” Sticking his tongue out at the departing chin while rubbing at his chin; left there to deal with making his way inside while both of his legs were numb and ached something awful.
Leaving that whole mess behind for the time being, Asteroth stepped his way into the manor where he was about call out to summon the staff only to be pleased to see Sasha was already waiting on standby in the great hall.
Sasha curtsied with a small bow of her head, the long braids draped over her shoulders shifting a tad as she did so.”
Welcome home, my lord. As ordered we have made sure to prepare the bathroom and the horses will be tended to and fed right away.” Her voice was soft and somewhat cold which perfectly matched the constant stern expression etched on bespectacled face.”
I take it that you have found the troublesome young master then, sir?” She asked with a tone of indifference though with an unmistakable hint of concern.
Good. I’m pleased to have those that actually know how to listen and follow orders in these halls.” Stepping over to the young maid to slip off his light jacket and hand over the near broken cane which Sasha took without a word though surprise glinted momentarily in her eyes upon taking in the state of the cane of which had been forged and purchased only a few months ago. She could only wonder what or who could have caused such damage to this cane promised to be especially sturdy.
Before Asteroth could carry on to answer the voice of Kazu complaining about nobles and their damned fixation on stairs could be heard from outside.”
I have indeed..against great misfortune and misgiving.” His voice came out tired and fatigued and his grizzled face showed almost twice its age after only an hour of putting up with Kazumin.
The maid had turned her attention towards the open double set doors where she could hear Kazumin panting heavily with the tip of that familiar cowlick bouncing into view. She frowned with a sigh before turning back to Asteroth.”
He seems to be in his usual good spirits.” And likely drove the lord up the wall with his usual cheeky and foul mannered antics at that.
A quiet and unpleasant hm in confirmation to her statement from the baron.”
Far too much to my dismay. That boy will be the death of me whether it be his through one of his antics or indirectly. God forbids he says something to antagonize the count.” Rubbing at his forehead dreading the upcoming brunch. At this point he needed a miracle.”
I’ll be in my study. See to the foolish oaf and try to make him passable.” He started to step away but stopped short and looked over his shoulder.”
And do call for Molly, I will leave the task of washing him up to her. Do be sure to let her know she has no need to worry about being gentle. Once that is done, you are to come to my study where I will have some more orders to give.” The whiskers of his beard hid the almost wicked smirk that had formed as he made his exit.
Another curtsy bowed.”
As you wish, Master.” Hiding the slight nervous gulp at the mention of Molly as she did so.
Seeing as how kazu was taking his time to get up the stairs, Sasha took this chance to put away Asteroth’s jacket then made her way to the pedestal where a small silver bell rested on a pillow. With a small sigh she gave it three rings before returning it; once all the tasks were done she stepped back to the stand at the center of the great hall to await Kazumin.
A good five minutes later did Kazu finally stand before the open doors where he hunched over hands resting on his knees panting and wheezing heavily.”
F-fucking stairs! I-I swear..one of these days…I’m gonna..have them all chopped up and burned!” Speaking his disdain through gulpfuls of air trying to catch his breath; a simple task normally but for his exhausted and aching body it felt as if he just climbed a mountain.
Taking another three minutes to recover while thankful for the fact his stomach was already empty or he would be leaving a mess at the door.
Only until he properly caught his breath did he make his way inside and drag his feet as he did so. Then he spotted Sasha which caused a sudden spurt of energy that allowed him to make it over to her.”
Sasha! Finally, a friendly face!” He exclaimed with a delighted sniff reaching out his hands as if to hug her only for his hands to wrap around air nearly having him stumble.
Easily side-stepping the exhausted cowlicked blonde trying and failing to hide her disgust after witnessing Kazu’s grotesque face and blood stained bare chest.”
A-ahem. Apologies, Mr. Kazumin but I can’t allow the risk of having my outfit dirtied…but I am pleased to see you returned safe and unharmed. For the most part.” Quickly regaining her usual stern composure while actively avoiding looking directly at that battered face.
Kazu, who was now hugging himself, turned his head to blink at her a few times in confusion before giving a playful grin.”
Ahh..I see what’s going on here. You’ve finally come to see my rugged handsomeness and find it difficult to resist my studly charms?” Rubbing at his chin with his index fingers and thumb while giving a suggestive wiggle of the eyebrows.”
But woe does my face ache. The baron in his cruel wisdom left this gorgeous mug with this horrendous stinging welt.” Pointing at the still visible stinging red mark on his left cheek as he leaned towards her while presenting it.”
Might perhaps a smooch from my favorite lady of the house will do to les-”
Lying on the floor on his stomach groaning now with his right cheek also visibly marked red.”
Ugh…I thought the goal was to clean up my face..not make it worse…sheesh.”
Sasha lightly shook the hand used to slap Kazumin waiting for the burning sting of his fingers and palm to ebb.”
Apologies, mr. Kazumin. I mistook a fly on your cheek.” A tiny little smirk cracked on her lips before turning to its neutral position.
Hmph..no one in this damn kingdom has any sense of humor. It’s a wonder I haven’t died of dehydration with how humorlessly dry everyone is.” Muttering his complaint of everyone’s incapability of handling even the slightest bit of teasing or tomfoolery.”
What I wouldn’t give to have Ruby and her crate tossing right now.” Etching circles on the rug beneath him with his finger as he pouted with a sniff.
She peered down at Kazumin and frowned at seeing the battered blonde all dejected after having already gone through plenty since the moment he woke up. Sadly this day was far from finished with torturing him.”
Perhaps a nice hot bath may prove just what you need, sir.”
Hearing this had Kazu perk his head up.”
Ah, yeah. Damn what I’d give for a nice soothing bath but I can barely move. I might need help with washing up.” Another teasing wiggle of the eyebrows.
Sasha’s frown deepened a smidge.”
The lord baron has seen to it that I have summoned someone to aid you with your bath.” Was all she said without elaborating further.
A curious raise of the brow.”
Hm? Who?” Barely a moment after uttering the question did he feel a slight shake in the floor bringing a look of horror to those wide almond eyes.”
S-Sasha….who?” Shakily repeated the question as the stamping shakes drew closer and with each step Kazu could feel the blood in his veins turn cold and color drain from his ruined face.
Then a huge shadow loomed over him from behind and in that moment knew he was doomed. Forcing himself to crane his neck all the way back in order to look up at the giant towering figure.
There stood
Molly, a huge towering bulk of a woman whose body was practically made of muscles. She stood at a height that made Olga look normal in comparison as that scarred face lowered to stare down at the young man lying on the floor with silver eyes so sharp they could slice even the hardiest of metals. Not even Kazu could maintain his cheeky demeanor beneath her terrifying gaze and dwarfing size certain to have just about any male feel tiny and deflated.
M-Molly! H-h-hey there. How’s the day treating you up to?” Nervously speaking up to the woman only to receive a loud bull snorting huff from her nostrils which got him flinching.”
M-my..you look positively l-lovely today. Did..did you do something with your hair? Cause..whatever you did is..is absolutely working.” Laughing meekly while giving her a weak thumbs up.
Next thing Kazu knew he felt her frying pan sized hand gripping around his face as Sasha and Molly shared a nod between each other which didn’t go unnoticed.”
W-wait..please. i-I’m sure we can work something out here..yeah? Sasha..go tell Asteroth I’m sorry…Sasha?....Sasha?!” Pleading for mercy to the maid who simply turned away and departed towards the baron’s study.
Left alone now with Molly, Kazu slowly looked up at the behemoth of a woman and gave a forced smile.”
Mercy?” He whimpered out before finding himself being dragged along by his head towards the bathroom.”
Ack! Please..Molly…be gentle! I’m very tender right now and have been nothing but sweet to you..yeah?” Pleading once more to the woman but whether she heard him or not he could not tell as she continued carrying him towards the bathroom.
Nothing left him but to accept defeat. Even at full strength he would not be able to escape her bear-like grip.
The poor exhausted cowlicked blonde was dragged off into the bathroom. And before long, behind the closed door the muffled sounds of Kazu’s voice and any who would pass by would hear fear and pain in his words.
P-please have mercy on me Molly. My body is tend- ahh c-c-cold! Why is the water freezing?! Wait, what are you doing with that? Gah, noooo…stop anywhere but there! A-at least let me get my rubber duckie!” Pain filled sobbing, loud splashing and could be heard throughout the most gruesome and rough bath of his life.
Whether this had been done purely as another form of punishment by Asteroth or Molly simply lacked the capabilities of gentleness, one could not say nor would the master of the house ever answer.
After fifteen long minutes of washing and deep scrubbing did the torture finally come to an end. Sasha soon opened the door carrying a small tray with a plate of freshly baked crumpets and a small picture of orange juice with a glass and inside she would see Kazu standing there a shivering mess, water still dripping from his freshly washed body. The bathrobe Molly had slipped on helped to dry him off, but still he shivered as if freezing or perhaps there was a different cause for it if that look of horror on his bruised face was any indication.
Sasha kept a calm, blank expression though with a hint of concern in her eyes as she aimed a smile up at the scarred woman.”
You did wonderfully, miss Molly. He looks far more presentable now. The master was correct in leaving the care of washing up Mr. Nagasa. Thank you.” Giving a small curtsy of thanks.
A small pleased smile briefly hinted at the giant of a woman’s lips as she lifted one of her bear claw sized hands to give Kazu a few gentle pats on the head. The motion made him flinch away at first before settling down, his eyes staring wide at Sasha as a small whimper left his lips.
Y-y-yeah..t-t-thanks…M-M-M-Molly.” Kazu said through gritted shivering teeth.
The maid felt for him but was also what he deserved for misbehaving and causing so much trouble last night and from Asteroth’s mood from the ride to the estate as well it seemed.”
I think that will be all, Ms. Molly.” Giving the huge woman a small smile receiving a nod from Molly then made her leave of the bathroom.
How do you feel, Mr. Kazumin?” She asked. Kazu held his tongue until he was absolutely certain Molly was gone and out of earshot before even risking replying.”
I feel violated, that's how.” The blonde replied curtly.
A reply that had Sasha rolling her eyes.
” Really now. Now whose the one being dramatic?” Her tone maintained the neutral tone yet carried a faint hint of playfulness while stepping over to counter to the left of the sink to place the tray down.”
You should consider yourself lucky that Molly likes you enough to actually bother being gentle.”
Her teasing left Kazu blinking incredulously at her.”
That was her being gentle?! I felt like I just got bathed by a dang bear! And saying I'm being dramatic…she washed me in places I didn’t even know I had which mind you I can tell you places I didn't have bruises beforehand do now!” He sniffed, hugging himself trying to forget the traumatic bath he just received.
A disappointed tongue came from the maid.”
There is no need to be rude. She simply did her job and quite well I dare say. Your face no longer looks as if it had been mauled by some beast.”
His face indeed looked far better without the blood, spit and… whatever other possible fluids may have stained it. The bruises didn’t look *as* painfully bright nor swollen as well. Not that the farmer boy really cared or minded since having a bruised face was a normal occurrence for him. And so, to what she said he gave a begrudging nod and shrug of the shoulders.
Pleased that he understood, Sasha motioned towards the chair in front of the counter. Now made to actually look to where she was indicating would see a wide assortment of make-up set up with the tray of crumpets and orange juice placed before it.”
Good, now if you will take a seat and I will cover up those awful marks.”
Yeaaah..pass. I’m pretty content with my face, but thank you.” A return to cheeky form.
The maid frowned with a sigh.”
I see. Then I suppose I may have to recall Molly and see if she will be willing to-”
Suddenly in the chair, Kazu forced a big nervous smile.”
You wanted me here, yes?” Said with a nervous chuckle.
A satisfied nod from Sasha who stepped over to stand close besides his right shoulder.”
Yes. Now try not to move too much.” With that said, she grabbed a few different shades of concealer to work on gently dabbing and rubbing over the bruises.
Left stuck sitting there in place he did the only thing he could and grabbed a crumpet to idly munch away.”
Mhm.. so the queen gathered up all those that had been at the party last night, right?” Asked after swallowing the bite.
Sasha held a focused expression as she gave a small nod.”
Correct. It seems that whatever took place at this party has proven severe enough to warrant doing so.” Answering with a light turning of Kazumin’s head to the right to get at the largest of the bruises centered around his left eye.
Kazu let out an amused scoff.”
Pfft…for what? To find out what happened? A waste of time I tell you.”
Oh? Are you able to recall what events took place then?”
Not a thing. But I can bet I can tell you what happened. Drugs, booze and fighting. What do you get when you mix any of these togethers? People doing stupid shit.” Counting up a finger while stating each of the likely things that took place at the party.”
And if you ask me if the party doesn’t end with the partygoers at least coming out a little messed up by the end then you failed as a party host. So whoever hosted that party last night, I offer my respect for throwing one banger of a party.” Holding up the recently poured glass of orange juice in toast to the person that likely threw the wildest party yet.
Hearing Kazumin say such things and actually praise the person who allowed so much trouble to occur.”
Mr. Kazumin… you seem to not realize how serious a situation this is. People were injured. Some were even sent to the hospital..” Trailing off with an expression of concern.
Kazu might have broken out into a fit of laughter had he not been sipping orange juice and the fact he didn’t want to risk messing up Sasha’s focus too much.”
Hah! If you honestly think that’s what’s going on then you’re naive, Sasha. I can damn well tell you exactly why that meeting at the main hall is happening.” Exclaimed the cowlicked blonde who grabbed another crumpet to munch on.”
The *only* reason this is even happening is purely because of embarrassment.”
One thing I’ve come to learn from observing nobles. They cannot handle even the slightest notion of embarrassment without acting like they have been insulted or personally attacked.” He elaborated further while munching on the crumpet.
Sasha shook her head.” T
hat… is a bold thing to say Mr. Kazumin and one you would be smart to be wary of who you say such too.”
A snap of his fingers pointing his index finger at her.”
Exactly! What you just said only proves what I said to be true. If people around here get offended at even mentioning or hinting at such topics then, well..” Trailing off as his head was turned once more to work on a different section of his face.”
Case in point the incident last night. You should have seen how the alidasht concession got all up in arms over a simple little accident, where no one actually got hurt mind you. Granted, the way the duke responded was dumb but..wow you should have seen them.” Shaking his head, fighting back another urge to laugh.
The vizier and Princess Mayet and uh..well haven’t got the name of the sibling with the snake but boy they were practically demanding for blood.” A look of amusement on his mostly concealed face.”
Don’t get me wrong. I respect people speaking their mind and their grievance but…sheesh. And now they paraded everyone involved to the main hall like they’re guilty of some actual crime when all that likely happened was that we got drunk, did stupid shit and things got a tad bit out of hand.” Waving his right hand dismissively while sipping more o.j.
Sasha said nothing; letting Kazu rant as anything she said would just add more fuel and the fact a part of her felt he wasn’t exactly wrong.
And you want to know what’s especially funny? If they had simply just talked it out and apologized with some gift or whatever and lectured the partygoers in private. The public would forget any of it happened in a few days. Sure people would laugh and talk about it, but you think its the incidents that the people care about?” A wagging wave of the finger.”
Mhm, nope. It’s how they react and respond to said incidents. And by making such a spectacle out of the fall and now this grand lecturing will only serve to have them be remembered and talked about for weeks.” Mentioning the sheer irony of how poorly both these incidents were handled got Kazu laughing.
A good thing Sasha was all but finished save for some finishing touches she could do once he finished his laughing fit.
Just picturing the partygoers in the hall stuck in such a snoozefest just to be reprimanded and lectured over getting drunk is just so amusing. A part of me almost wishes I was there to see them all being shamed. Besides, my presence might have helped to liven up the place some, I bet.” Chuckling some more as he remained still to let Sasha finish up.
Finished, the maid pulled away and hopefully with it Kazu’s rant would be as well. Especially considering a part of her worried over the last part of his statement leaving her a sense that perhaps it had been best Kazumin did not end up at the hall as well.
Giving some last touches before pulling away.”
Mr. Kazumin, to speak so lightly of everything that happened is a dangerous way to see things. And to praise this mystery host for a party that has you in such an awful state or unable to remember the events…” Trailing off with eyes showing concern.
Her concern for him was nice to see after enduring such a horrible morning.”
Meh, this is hardly the first time I’ve blacked out and woken up with my face all jacked up though I admit the memory loss hasn’t been this severe, but I also never been to such a grand party before so… doesn’t bother me really.” Shrugging his shoulders as he finished off another crumpet and downed it with the last of the o.j.”
And I can assure you that whoever did this to my face I made sure to return in kind.” Chuckling with a smug little pleased grin.
That is not the point. But, time is short and I am not here to argue with you. Please take a look and tell me what you think.” She asked while working on cleaning up and putting the make-up away.
Kazu turned towards the mirror and was surprised to see hardly any signs of the bruises or swelling. Only if one squinted closely with light glowing directly in his face could one tell.”
I feel like a gussied up duchess being made to impress and woo some stuffy, stuck up prince.” Making faces at himself and sticking his tongue out before letting out a small laugh.”
Teasing aside, you did a great job. I look like my old handsome self again.” Winking at himself with two clicks of the tongue.
Having finished putting the make-up away the maid stepped away to stand near the door.”
I’m pleased to hear your satisfaction. With this the master should consider you presentable for your appointment with Count Calbert.”
Being reminded about the brunch thing and more specifically of Calbert had that cheeky grin turn sour with a cringing groan.”
Right…the uh brunch.” He leaned forward to slump against the counter rubbing tiredly at his forehead.”
Ugh…honestly can we reschedule or you know.. Just skip it? I’m tired as hell, besides I could care less what that count bastard wants or thinks.” Said with a slow heavy exhale through his nose.
Sasha gave a shake of the head while folding her hands together across her lap.”
I’m afraid that is not possible. Master Asteroth was very adamant on ensuring you go to meet with the Damiens as requested.” Clearly this was something Kazu had no choice but to attend.
A groaned sigh exhaled from his lips.”
Whatever, fine I guess. If he had issues with me then he could have just come and talk to me himself instead of all this roundabout grand showboating to show off what a big wig he is with all this power or some shit.” Spinning his hand around in a not a big deal manner.”
I only have two things on my mind right now. And that’s to make amends with Crystal though how I have no idea at the moment and to find Percy to make sure she’s ok and figure out what this whole criminal bullshit regarding her is about.” Muttering the main concerns plaguing his mind still riddled with headaches when his stomach rumbled.”
And that I’m starving like hell here so make that three things. Hey, you think you could ask the chefs to cook up some pancakes? Heck we could throw our own pancake party!” Perking up at the thought while swiping up another crumpet to chow down on and stave the rumbling beast of hunger in his gut.
Remaining silent for a moment observing the tired blonde perking up at the prospect of an actual meal made it difficult for her to speak up and state what Asteroth’s main punishment for him was.”
I am afraid that also will not be possible, Mr. Kazumin. Master Asteroth has ordered the chefs to serve porridge and nothing else for the next two weeks as… as punishment for your misbehaving and troubles you have caused.” She said with that cool ever present cool expression of hers but struggled to hide the bit of guilt in her eyes upon seeing that look of utter horror on Kazumin’s face.
At hearing what she said had the crumpet dropping from his hand and his face morphing into a myriad of expressions all seemingly in the span of a second before settling onto an expression of distraught horror as he had just been told the worse news imaginable or at least second to being told Percy had supposedly died. “
And here I said you didn’t have a sense of humor… but wow you got me there, Sasha…you..you are joking right?” He stammered nervously in disbelief not wanting to believe even Asty could be so downright cruel.
No reply came from the maid who simply averted her gaze with an awkward cough against her face.
Kazu would have gotten up to grab and shake her by the shoulders if he didn’t just feel all the energy and life drain out of him.”
Come on Sasha..if this is your attempt at a joke… it is isn’t it? Please tell me it is…Sasha?” His tone gradually became more desperate and scared as the maid continued to remain silent.
N-now that’s not fair. Ground me or make me do nothing but spend lessons with Agatha all day..hell let Molly beat me but….anything but my food!?” He choked and his voice cracked at the end as tears welled up in his eyes, his lips trembling.”
What….what kind of monster…” Unable to finish the words as he lowered his head to bury his face within both palms while consciously being careful not to let the palms touch directly so as not to destroy Sasha’s work.
Sasha found herself actually feeling bad for Kazumin for once; wishing her plea to Asteroth to punish him another way. But as both of them have come to learn of this cowlicked farmer; nothing seemed to get to him and the few things that did tend to move on far more quickly than most would. Nothing… save for his love of food and Asteroth knew this. Yet, the maid could not help but think this unnaturally cruel seeing as how Kazumin has done no actual harm to deserve it.
Taking a deep breath then letting out a soft sigh.”
Mr. Kazumin.. I-”
His right hand shot out with the index finger held up signaling for Sasha to stop talking.”
I need a moment…please.” His voice was soft and pleading with nary a hint of his usual cheeky and fun energy, only that of a man that looked to have just had his beloved stolen from him.
Sasha could do little else but give a small nod.”
Of course. Whenever you are finished here you may adjourn to your room to get dressed. An outfit has been laid out and prepared for you on the bed.” She explained but received only the tiniest nod from the downtrodden Kazu confirming he heard.
With that, she quietly made her exit from the bathroom. Barely a moment after closing the door could she hear Kazumin’s muffled sobbing and pleading words.
Oh god why! Have you no mercy? How can life be so cruel…has the heavens forsaken me?!” Such words among other pitiful things said in-between sobs. A wary sigh from Sasha who made her way back into the main hall where Asteroth stood waiting with a fresh change of clothes and a different cane in hand replacing the broken one.
He had been reading over the papers; a look of disdain etching the stoic features of his aged face when he heard her approach.”
Ah, there you are Ms. Sasha. I take it that the troublemaking ward has been cleaned up and made appropriately presentable?” Checking to see if his orders had been done as told.
A curtsied bow after approaching to a stop to his left side.”
Yes, my lord. He shall be here shortly once he has gotten dressed.” Keeping her head slightly lowered as she answered.
Good and I assume you also relayed the manner of punishment I have decided on for him?” Asked with a raised brow while handing the papers over to a nameless servant who bowed and scampered off.
The maid looked up at the master of the estate briefly then lowered her gaze just as quickly.”
Yes, my lord.” Her response was brief.
A satisfied nod of the head.”
Excellent. I think it shall do to get Mr. Nagasa to behave, don’t you agree?” A rhetorical question plainly and said with a pleased smile. He then motioned her to come closer with a finger where he leaned close to her ear whispering an order to her.
An order that had the maid gasp with widening eyes.”
My lord…that. Forgive me if this is prudent but.. I worry that might be a tad too much. He is already exhausted as it is not to mention distraught over being denied food..”
A bemused glance was directed at her.”
All of which he has done and rightfully earned due to his own actions lacking any form of tact or proper thought from last night. And I will not allow any chance or risk of him bungling things and incurring any more embarrassment unto me or my family name. Such as the risk that he may pass out during our appointment with the Count.” Shifting to start adjusting and fixing the cuffs of his sleeves.”
Now do as I say and fetch me what I requested.” He said curtly and with cold indifference. The man clearly had had enough of Kazumin’s troublemaking antics and would not have anymore of it.
With a reluctant bow.”
Yes, my lord.” The maid turned away and quickly departed to fetch what he asked for, her heels rapidly clacking against the marble stone floor.
Ten or maybe twelve minutes later Kazu made his way into the main hall with a dejected posture.
Turning to see his young ward
dressed in the casual wear prepared for him. (minus the cape due to being too down to enjoy the flair)
There you are. I’m pleased to see that hideous face now looking somewhat passable. A shame nothing could be done about those freckles or crooked teeth but I suppose not even Ms. Sasha can work such a miracle.” Letting out an amused scoff at his unwarranted jab at the cowlicked blonde.
Said blonde who kept quiet refusing to give him the satisfaction. Choosing instead to make faces and mock mimic mouthing what he said with exaggerated features behind his back.
Asteroth took out his pocket watch to check the time to see they had a little less than an hour left.”
Unless you wish to make it a month, I suggest you cease whatever childish nonsense and make your way to the carriage. I shan’t have us being late as the count is not one to take kindly to being made to wait.” His voice stern and cold; seemingly sensing the mockery he was doing without even needing looking.
No reply came though the baron could feel holes being burned onto the back of his head and the distinct lack of footsteps.
A snap of the pocket watch being abruptly shut with the slightest turn of the head that heralded a warning.”
Well?” Asteroth asked in a chilling challenge.
A cold silence permeated the hall as the two figures stood in place as if challenging each other. One that Kazu would reveled in fighting back and giving him all the grief imaginable but he was too tired and what energy he did have preferred to be put towards seeking and helping Percy once this whole Calbert shit was done with.
With the most obnoxious bow he could conjure.”
As you wish, sir.” A forced smile from Kazu who then gave an obnoxious huff before heading off to make his way to the carriage.
Shortly after his departure did Sasha reappear and approach Asteroth where she quickly handed over a tiny pouch.”
As you requested, master. I must implore you to only give him as little as possible. His body is still in pretty bad shape.” She asked, frowning.
Pocketing the pouch within a sleeve within an undersleeve of his suit.”
Your concern has been received though unneccessary. I always intended to give him a smidge. Hopefully enough to enable keeping him awake. What you should be doing Ms. Sasha is praying. Pray that the young ward does not bring ruin onto this estate or god forbid unintentionally start-up a war.”
Adjusting his suit followed with a nod to the maid, the Baron made his way to join with Kazumin at the carriage where they would set off towards Damien’s estate.