"You wanted Superman? Unfortunately for us both, I'm not Superman."
C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T ![]() _________________________________________________________ C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y _________________________________________________________C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y Kieran Kent _________________________________________________________ Afro-Kryptonian | College Freshman/Superhero _________________________________________________________ Metropolis | Delaware | US of A C H A R A C T E R N O T E S C H A R A C T E R N O T E S P O S T C A T A L O G P O S T C A T A L O G | C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T Kieran Kent aka Kor-El is actually Lor-Zod, the son of Dru-Zod. He was conceived, born and raised in part of the Phantom Zone where time still moved. He was seen as a last chance of salvation for the prisoners of the zone. He was freed a few years before the Despero attack, but due to some unforeseen and unknown circumstances his memories were wiped. A young child at the age of eleven in a strange, unknown world with no friend or family in sight. He just sort of drifted for a while. Learning English wasn't difficult for him. He watched TV's in windows and read newspapers and picked it up rather quickly and efficiently. He found out about heroes, the Justice League, and most importantly Superman this way. He didn't know how, but he recognized the crest on the hero's chest. He followed the story to Metropolis where he ended up encountering his first villain. At first he just thought he was a weird little man that wanted to play, but he soon realized that the games this man wanted to play were dangerous. He took down the Toyman and continued his search. His search didn't take long because what he was looking for had found him. Superman tried to help him figure out who he was or where he came from, but he didn't have any luck and a huge part of Clark felt that in a way all Kryptonians were his responsibility and he knew that Lois wouldn't forgive him if abandon this kid to be on his own. So he took him to Smallville where he gave him a name, introduced him to Jon and Lois, and enrolled him in school, but not before teaching him how to control his powers. Kieran had a family and he was happy, but that would change one fateful day a few years later when Despero attacked and his new mother was killed. Kieran loved Clark, but he could always see a deep sadness within him that he wished he could do something about. He had grown to love Lois too, but his grief was nowhere near on the same level as his father's. Having the powers of a god, but being unable to save the one you love made it all pointless. Part of Kieran felt responsible as well. He wasn't a member of the League but he should have been there. He was a Kryptonian. What good were these powers if he didn't use them when the world needed them most? Kieran did the best he could to help him in his grief, but he knew that nothing he could do would ever be enough. He wasn't his real son and he couldn't bring his wife back either. After a while Kieran was bored with the mundane. He wanted to show Clark that he was wrong to retire and that his team of heroes were wrong to disband. With his reluctant blessing Seraph started his career as both a solo and team player. At the time the name Superboy was taken and he honestly didn't feel himself worthy of the name Superman after all he had learned, but wanted to one day earn it so for now he'd take to the skies as Seraph, Earth's Angel. P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) Superman is without a doubt my favorite superhero, the other being Dick Grayson and whatever costume he's wearing. Anyway, I love Kryptonians and what you can do with them storywise when it comes to these godlike beings wanting to experience life as humans while doing what they can to protect them. I also like the premise of nature vs nurture which is what I'm going with here. Kieran here is giving a clean slate and one day there is a possibility of his memories coming back and he'll have to decide whether he's loyal to Earth, Superman, and his role as a hero or will he be loyal to his true family and his father's nature and plans for him? With Kieran he's going to be battling a lot mentally. Not as concerned with his amnesia he's more concerned with being worthy in the eyes of a grieving father who may not even truly see him. He's just another reminder of what he lost with Krypton and even in his retirement he's being forced with responsibility he never asked for. Whether or not that's how Clark sees it that's how Kieran sees it. He also feels overshadowed by Jon, his true son, and Conner, the carrier of his mantle despite him being the true Kryptonian. Also I know the Justice League disbanded four years ago, but if any teen groups popped up or stayed during that time Kieran likely would've joined one or two during these past four years. |