Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A flicker of movement was caught in the corner of his left eye and his eyes glared over out of reaction. A blonde-haired woman was approaching and she had ice cream. He did not know her and he was confused why she walked right up to him. Maybe she was one of those extremely friendly locals? He has run into a few of them. Clearing his throat when she asked if was staying away from the crowd for peace and quiet. “Niet…” He calmly replied while scanning the crowd. The noise. Everything was overwhelming to a point though he was used to it at the same time or he wouldn’t have opened Euphoria.

The man began to pull out a cigarillo while the woman continued to start a conversation with him. She seemed stubborn and he glanced at her. Head to toe. Then back up. Analyzing the individual who seemed to be curious of him. “Vhy do you kome if it is overrrvhelming?” That made no sense to him. Wouldn’t you want to stay away from something that disturbed you in such a way? Odd woman.

Raising a single brow as she offered him something and he realized she was offering part of her ice cream. Noticing that there were two spoons in the bowl of ice cream that she had. Waving his hand as he lit the cigarillo and put it in between his lips. “Niet. Niet. Zank you,” Moxi was trying to be pleasant to the pretty woman but he only had so much patience. That patience was different for different people in his life. If she was his. He would not mind sharing something but he did not care for ice cream anyways. She was a complete stranger and the thought of her spit on that ice cream almost made him gag.

I do not karrre forrr sveets,” That man decided to open up slightly towards the woman to keep communication though he really didn’t know what to say. It felt weird that someone approached him but he wasn’t against it. Just surprised even if his stoic expression didn’t show the surprise at all. “Yourrr offerrr is apprrreciated,” The kinder you were to this man the kinder he would try to be to you. Being proper and gentle in this situation with the woman felt like the right thing to do. He might be a bad guy but he wasn’t necessarily a bad guy. He continued to watch the cornhole game that was going on.

Location Near the cornhole game
Time Festival
Mood Surprised
Interactions @The Muse
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Festival Grounds
Time: 2pm
Interactions: Moxi @Zora and Ana @The Muse

Em was lightning on her feet as she bobbed and weaved through the festival crowd, darting through them with all the ease that a tiny girl could. A child yelped as she peeled out in front of them and whipped behind a bench and crouched low. Her blue eyes whisked over the scene for any sign of her irate brother. Fortunately, he was struggling to get through the rabble, which gave her enough time to find a better hiding spot.

Some of the populace was recognizable to her. Notably, there was the sheriff sitting at the dunk tank, where he belonged. Then there was Reya, who she only really knew as the hot tavern owner that she saw sometimes in school. In fact there was an uncanny amount of attractive people out today, weirdly, or maybe she was just suffering from symptoms of heat stroke. Her brother was too close to that crowd though, so moved her gaze to the outskirts. ‘Ah, perfect!’ she thought to herself, as she spotted a tall man smoking some kind of cigar near the cornhole sets. Now that dude was a ghost, if she’d ever seen one. Probably didn’t have a single friend, and he likely wouldn’t mind someone like her using him for cover. Her little legs stealthy moved over to his position, carefully crouching behind him to make herself smaller than she already was.

Then some blonde bimbo walked up. Where this guy was about as dull and unexciting as you could get, this chick was radiant. Almost the prime example of a blonde bombshell as you could get around these parts, she was exactly the type of attention that Em did not want. Knowing her brother, he’d see her and practically be crawling over here with his tongue out of his mouth. A wave of frustration washed over her, especially as this new lady began casually flirting with this boring, tall dude and obstructing her view of the crowd. ‘Holy shit, girl, have some self respect.’ Em thought to herself before popping up behind the giant blonde man.

“Sorry in advance, mister, but you’re a great hiding spot.” she quickly mentioned to the guy, her dainty hands lightly on his back as she peered beyond him, trying to glean any hint of her brother’s trajectory. Ol’ Blondey was really in the frickin’ way though.

“Hey. Udders. Can you get lost?" Emily's blue eyes fixated on the bombshell, a cold gaze running up and down the woman's body. A lithe finger pointed out over the horizon, toward a barn. "The cows are getting milked over there. Also the ice cream innuendo is super obvious and really weird. Please stop and get some help.” Em cruelly jabbed at the taller woman, pressing herself closer to the strange man like he was a wall.

"...You break your brother's guitar, turn him into a madman, and then 'Teets' over here is trying to blow your cover while embarrassing herself... What a day already." she muttered the sentence to herself with a sigh, tightening her grip on the man's back as she careened over his arm, practically ignoring his own sentience and any offence the blonde woman might've taken.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Festival Grounds
Time: 2pm
Interactions: Talie @PrinceAlexus and Reya @The Muse

Zack tried his best to follow his sister’s motions, but she was a specter vanishing into a sea of bodies. In stark contrast, he was a bowling ball only narrowly managing to avoid an accident. He barely managed to not hit Reya first, then spun just in time to avoid Nixie. Both of them were not thrilled by the spectacle, by the sounds of it. Unable to keep pace with his sister and recognizing the danger he posed, he slowed his roll and came to full halt. Sure, it was important to find her, but maybe not at the cost of someone’s bodily integrity.

”Sorry! Sorry!” he hastily uttered out, brushing out his clothes and hair. Em was going to be difficult for just him to find, so he knew he was going to need help. But who?

The obvious choice was getting the Sheriff and… Wait, was that Levi? Hell yeah, that dude was awesome. Zack was pretty sure he’d be good at finding Em, but he looked like he was having fun. Nixie, too, seemed pretty involved in a game with some dark hair guy he’d never seen before. He looked pretty friendly though. Pivoting around, he immediately honed in on the words “United States Geological Survey”. Geologists were really good at finding small, hidden things, right? Yeah. They were. No doubt they could find a runty little sister too. And better yet, Reya was there too! Zack always had a high opinion of Reya, considering how much she did for the town and how much she had endured. He was willing to gamble that she was really good at finding stupid, dumb siblings too.

Backtracking through the crowd over the tent, he waved over at Reya and the tent’s attendant, beaming all the way. Interposing himself into the conversation, he posted up against the stall, exactly how the Fonz might lean against the jukebox on Happy Days. ”Hey Reya. Sorry about nearly killing you. Promise it wont happen again.” Zack apologized with his unwavering smile. She looked like she was about to play some kind of game or something, while the stall attendant was gesturing at some rocks.

”Oh, and hello to you too, Ms… Geologist girl? Don’t think we’ve met. I’m Zack. Zack Snypes.” Again, he flashed a brilliant smile at this new acquaintance. ”So anyway… I’ve got a big ask for the two of you.” he followed up immediately.

”Geologists are really good at finding hard to find things, right? Specifically like… miniscule hide-y things, right? And Rey? You’re really good at pretty much everything, from what I know. You look really, really good today too. Like wow. The both of you really, holy shit.” Zack layered on the charm really, really hard, desperate as he was to shanghai these two into the search for Em Snypes. ”Okay, maybe that last bit was a little weird, sorry. But uh… I was wondering if you guys would like to help me look for my little demon sister? She’s about yay high, basically a dwarf. Really annoying, but really good at hiding? Her name’s Em?” He more gave the description to the Geologist than to Rey. Of course Reya would know what his sibling looked like.

”Pretty please? With sugar and a cherry on top? I’ll definitely owe you one!” Zack added the last bit with a nervous, forced smile and a pleading in his eyes, this time directed at Reya.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Expendable
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Expendable The Certifiable

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Kat smiled as she wandered among the booths, taking in the wares and exhibits behind a pair of sunglasses.

She almost wished she'd brought her camera, but she'd need release forms if she was ever going to sell the pictures. Still, she wore her photographer's vest over a pale blouse and a pair of jeans, it was nice to have something with working pockets.

There was a splash as someone behind her went into the dunk tank, but she didn't see much when she glanced back. Kids were screaming, people talking loud, and generally everyone around her was having a fun time.

Soak it in now, Kat, she thought grimly, If the feds find you, this may be the last moment of freedom you'll have to cherish in your cell.

Still, if nothing else, she was going to get to know this town a little better before this night was through.
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

With pleasure, Levi took a sparkling golden star sticker from one of the nearby officers and stuck it to the left side of his hoodie; proudly displaying his impressive victory against the dunk tank. Unfortunately this meant that he had to move aside for others to give it a shot, but he was happy enough to have won on the first try. He hadn't lost his athletic prowess yet! The only thing that seemed to sour the experience was Tommy himself. Levi hadn't missed Tommy's expressionless face when the two met eyes with each other. Similar to Phoenix, there was no heartfelt welcome home. This had stung even worse than the cold shoulder that Nixie had given him. The pain of it did assist in the power and strategic aim behind his softball throw, however.

"Hmph." Levi blew air through his nose in a half scoff, half inaudible laugh, as Tommy returned from the water and commented on not believing Levi would return to town. 'I should've stayed in California.' He thought, intrusively. Did he actually believe that? He wasn't sure. As Levi moved aside for the next person to take front and center stage, his brows raised at the comment of Levi being too cool for his friends after leaving. "Me?" He walked over to the side of the dunk tank, closer to Thomas but still separated by a metal fencing that kept people from getting too close to the tank. "I could say the same for you." He retorted before he was able to shut his mouth. For a millisecond it crossed Levi's mind to reenter the line for the dunk tank so he could sink Thomas into the water again. Normally Levi had a better hold on the words that left his mouth and didn't let emotion control him, but after two big ego hits it was hard not to let the sass out. He had fully expected a warm welcome from his friends and was met with coldness. 'Selfish.' His brain said again. Damned intrusive thoughts!

Collecting his emotion once more, Levi shoved it away and let a faint smile return to his face. Even though he had expected more from Thomas and Phoenix, that didn't mean they weren't still friends.... right? He wasn't the type to dwell on it, so he forced the doubt out of his mind for the time being. Grabbing his beer, Levi looked over at the next person in line - a small girl about the age of eleven who waited with giddy excitement. He took a sip and then looked back to Thomas, "When you're done protecting the citizens, let's grab a bite or something and catch up." He took a step back from the fence to leave, "Missed you, man." He looked back at the line up of people, not wanting to keep Thomas from his work for too much longer. "See you around, Batman."

Reentering the crowd, Levi found a nearby picnic table to post up and enjoy the rest of his beer while he people watched. Most of the town seemed to be out, as usual. He looked around to see if he could find any other faces he knew that he could talk with - surely there was SOMEONE who was happy he was back in town right? He took a larger gulp of his beer this time. Why was he so desperate to be wanted all the time? He needed another beer...

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reya quietly followed the USGS woman back into the crowd of people, looking the stranger up and down. She had never seen this girl in town before, but she was dressed a lot nicer than how Reya imagined a person working in geology would dress. Not only that, but the man at the booth had been sharply dressed as well. For some reason Reya had assumed that people working with dirt and rocks all day would dress more... boring. Then again, it was festival day. Maybe the geologists were just the most fashionable of the government branches.

Reya's speculation was interrupted as the brunette began speaking, mentioning that they had not expected to get any customers today. "Oh, I check out what you guys have every year. Can't beat a good rock." Reya laughed as they reached the booth, taking note that the woman's name was Talie. "My name is Reya, or Rey. It's nice to meet you, Talie. I run the Fox Hole just down the way." Reya looked down the street, pointing the direction of the tavern. "Come by for a drink sometime. I can put together a mean Old Fashion." She smiled and returned her gaze to the layout of rocks and crystals. "Or whatever else you like, really."

Her attention was then pulled toward the box filled with a variety of gold toned rocks. She raised a brow, inspecting it. "Why not." She decided to play along, picking up one of the rocks to investigate further. Then another which had a brighter sheen to it. She stared at the two for a moment, rubbing her thumb over top to see if the feel of them stood out to her. Truly, she had not idea what she was doing, but she decided to go with gut instinct on it. "I think-" Reya paused as she caught someone waving at her from the corner of her eye. She looked up to find the notorious Zachary Snypes headed directly for her. Oh god.

As the red-headed man leaned up against the booth, Reya's mind completely forgot all about the two golden rocks she held in her hands. Her glossed lips turned up into a smirk as Zack apologized for nearly running her over. "I'll try to find it in my heart to forgive you." She said playfully, being a little braver than she typically was around men. As Zack introduced himself to Talie, Reya could feel her heart flutter at the flash of his brilliant smile. Removing her gaze from him before she made a fool of herself, Reya suddenly remembered that her hands were full with rocks. She set down one of the rocks in front of Talie which had a brighter golden appearance and placed the other duller rock back into the box. Based on what she remembered from gold panning with her father when she was little - real gold shined brighter than fools gold did, no matter the lighting circumstances.

Reya looked up to Zack once again as he complimented her for being good at "everything" and then proceeded to compliment the way the two women looked. Brain go brrr....

Reya felt the heat immediately rise into her cheeks and any confidence she previously had to talk to him melted away. She laughed nervously and looked away, back to the rocks, in an attempt to avoid him seeing the pink in her cheeks. He was going to lay on the compliments and wanted their help?! She wasn't sure she'd be good at finding anything, but her heart wanted her to take the opportunity. "I can help." She replied, following her hearts desire for once instead. What was the harm? Except for embarrassing herself.... The logical side of her brain was always such a bummer.

Taking in a quiet deep breath to calm her flustered nervous system, Reya tapped the shiny golden rock in front of Talie and looked up to meet eyes with Talie - intentionally avoiding eye contact with Zack at this point. "I think the real gold is this one." She glanced over at the amethyst crystal geode that she had set her eyes on previously. "Do I win?" She smiled, looking back to Talie for confirmation. If she didn't win, she'd have to tell Zack that he owed her this crystal geode once they found his little sister. No way she would be that hard to spot, the Snypes siblings were never hard to find in a crowd. If not for their red hair, the loud voices would give them away every time.

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Muse
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The Muse

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

"Vhy do you kome if it is overrrvhelming?"

Anastasia was immediately taken aback by the mans thick Russian accent. Such an accent was the last thing she expected to hear in this podunk town. What was a man like himself doing here, exactly? He stuck out like a sore thumb, which is exactly the opposite of what she was trying to do. She pondered on his question for a moment, "I don't know." She simply stated, smiling back at him. Although the answer was simple, it felt nerve wracking to give such a succinct and unjustified answer. In the past she had felt the need to explain her answers for nearly everything. Everything had to be rock solid, no room for argument. "I don't know" wasn't a thing, but it was now, and it felt freeing. She was allowed not to have an answer for everything, she told herself.

Ana shrugged as he turned down her offer of ice cream, thinking it was his loss. She took another bite of her ice cream and looked ahead to the individuals who were playing corn hole. She had played before, but she was no good at it. Aim was not exactly in her wheelhouse, but she still had fun with it.

Ana's attention quickly shifted as she noticed a small redheaded woman slink her way behind the Russian man. Ana glanced over at the blonde man, wondering if this was a person he knew. The way the redheaded girl was acting was odd to say the least.

“Hey. Udders. Can you get lost? The cows are getting milked over there. Also the ice cream innuendo is super obvious and really weird. Please stop and get some help.” Ana's mouth dropped open at the sudden berating from the girl, truly shocked. She glanced down at her chest; were her "assets" really that noticeable in this dress?! So much for blending in.

She looked back up at the girl, then to the Russian, then back to the girl before she burst out in delightful laughter. It had been a very long time since someone had been as bold as that to speak to Ana in such a way. It was actually refreshing to have someone around who wasn't afraid that they would get whacked the moment they misstepped around her should her husband get wind of it.

"I like you." She giggled, pointing at the redheaded girl with her tiny pink spoon, completely unfazed by her comments. Ana had heard much worse. Her eyes moved to the Russian man again who was practically being crawled upon by the girl now. "You two know each other?" She questioned, assuming they must from the way they touched. Ana began to wonder if there was something sinister going on with this man - the redheaded girl looked very young in comparison to him.

Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Levi still had an arm on him, he would give him that. The attempt to ignore his childhood friend was lost when he heard the Hmph and the man began to take his eyes off the woman who wanted him to win her a bear. Smurfy? What type of nickname was that and while his eyes were coming off her, they quickly locked with one of his officers. The man’s grin told him everything and that caused his eyes to dart back to Levi. The man was standing there.

His eyes followed Levi the whole way till he was looking down at his friend. There was no response to the question. That might have spoken louder than words. Tommy did believe that he wouldn’t ever see Levi again or get into contact with him. All those attempts in university really drove a nail through his heart. He already lost two brothers in his eyes and when he lost Levi, it hurt more than he would let anyone ever know. Would he let him know? He truly didn’t know if he could allow himself to open up to him again. He hasn’t opened up to anyone in years, even Nixie.

Anger shot through his thought process when Levi said that he could say the same for him. I’ve been back in town for about a decade, the thought sounded unpleasant but he held his tongue while staring at Levi. Attempting to process the situation and not allowing his negative feelings to get in the way of the reunion of friends and brothers.

How was he supposed to welcome his friend? He didn’t realize he had so much pent up emotions and his expression began to soften the longer he stared at Levi. All those good memories flooding back in. Every time they sat in the police station chairs together after getting caught cow tipping or when Misses Crooks called on them because they were sinning in her eyes and wanted them off her ‘property’ even though it was public land.

Not noticing the little girl waiting in line excitedly, Levi began to speak, and Tommy found himself emerging into the ice water once again. This time he didn’t freeze. The man shot up and began to pull himself out of the dunk tank. You asshole, you should have been better to him!!! Hurdling the wall's tank and landing on his feet. Water splashed everywhere against the concrete. Maybe the water did the man some good.

Tony git into the ice tank! Aah’ll be back en forty-five to an hour!” The man waved over one of his officers while beginning to follow Levi into the crowd. Internally cursing himself out for being such an ass. He needed to not worry about Nixie. He needed to not let his walls stand so high that he cannot even see his friend eye to eye.

Batman? Where are all these names coming from today, ran through his mind as well. That was when he stopped for a few seconds as he heard Tony shout, “See you later Smurfy!!” And he rolled his eyes and shook his head before budging into the crowd after the other man.

It took about a minute or two for the man to catch up to Levi in the sense of arms length away. “Hey jackass!” The man did not hesitate to grab his friend's shoulder, quite hard at that, and yank him backwards. This was purposefully to get Levi to spin around right into a hug and that hug was tight. His arms wrapped around the other man as he gave him what is known as a bear hug and somewhat dug his chin into the upper part of his shoulder blade, “Aah missed ya too,

Levi's body tensed as he was grabbed and forcefully spun around in his seat, his hands immediately curling up into fists as he prepared to duck and swing a right hook into whoever was looking for a fight. Levi was no stranger to fights, although it had been awhile, but his gut instinct was always fight - never flight. Instead of an adversary, Levi was met face to face with Thomas who was completely drenched in water. Before he was able to pull away Thomas pulled him into a tight hug. “Jesus, dude.” Levi returned the hug and wrapped his arms around Thomas, submitting to his clothes soaking in the water dripping off of Tommy. “You were this close to a knockout.” He joked, patting his friends back a few times, his body finally relaxing. Now this was the kind of welcome he had been looking forward to!

Tommy couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face as he lightly laughed at the man’s comment about possibly being knocked out. “Aah reckon aah can take a punch from a city boy,” His tone was playful since he knew he could take plenty of punches. Coming back from university after his father passed so he could raise Junior and Roy —- Roy threw tons of punches till he was able to leave the house. Tommy never punched back. The only time Tommy was punching anyone was in the ring when he was training, boxing, or when he was on the job and had to defend himself. There were a few wild stories of pulling people over, going into a bar call, or so on where Tommy had to fight to restrain.

Pulling away, Levi looked down to check his golden star sticker, "Careful, I don’t want you ruining my trophy. Jeeze.” He patted it lovingly, making sure it wasn’t losing its stick after the water encounter. He laughed and then looked back to Tommy, eyeing the man’s arms. “You been going to the gym, haven’t you?” He reached out to squeeze Tommy’s bicep teasingly, “I don’t remember the last time I was spun around like that!”

As the man began to pull away, Tommy allowed his grip to loosen while he glanced down at the loving pat to the star. He could not help the thought of how there were probably four hundred and ninety something stars just like that one left in the prize bucket yet he decided to keep that to himself.
Glancing down at Levi’s hand when he felt the man grab his bicep, he shook his head in more of a joking way than anything. “Aah’ve bin’ hittin’ the gym since junior year of high scole ‘n majorly since the po-leese academy. Aah’ve always looked weaker than what aah’m,” That was something that he was too familiar with hearing while growing up. Everyone always commented about how he was too skinny. Too lean. Teasing if he could pick things up boys his age could. His muscles didn’t show like others did. They did now but he was lean just like his mother’s side of the family. Maybe a reason his father was so rough on him unlike Junior and Roy who had the muscles that popped when flexed out or toned down. Show muscles.

Aah felt lak an ass so aah had to do somethin’” Tommy tried to offer a warm smile that showed a little bit of awkwardness and a bit of shameful hint.

"Well, you are an ass, I’ll give you that.” Levi smirked, clearly playing with his friend as per usual. In truth, he had never thought that Tommy was an ass - it was quite the opposite. Tommy was typically the nicest guy he knew, usually to the man's own detriment. Too nice.

“So you’re the big bad Sheriff now, huh?” Levi’s eyes glanced behind Tommy to take a look at the dunk tank surrounded with police. “Ladies love a man in uniform. You got a girlfriend?” He laughed, looking back to his friend. He had known that Tommy was Sheriff for some time now, courtesy of his mother the town gossip. He had even shot Tommy a call when he found out but the call went unreturned. Levi had just chalked it up to Thomas being too busy at the time, but eventually the time between communication got longer and longer as Levi became more involved with his job at a five star restaurant. Not only that, but his ex-girlfriend in California had taken up a lot of his time as well. Admittedly, Levi had missed his own fair share of calls and texts.

Tommy shrugged his shoulders at the question, “They have bin’ reappointin’ me meh fo-wah about a decade, aah must not be that bad,” The man’s tone was becoming warmer by the second. He was enjoying the interaction he was having with his friend. He missed it. He really did miss it. Levi would never know how much it hurt when he couldn’t get ahold of him anymore.

Even en an uniform, aah’ve never bin’ great with the ladies…” Was what came out of his mouth and it was humble. It sounded fine. It wasn’t giving any major clues.

“How’s Nix?” He questioned, knowing that Tommy would know better than anyone. “I saw her briefly this morning, but, uh…” He leaned back against the picnic table, wishing he had another beer in his hand at this moment. “I guess she was busy.” He shrugged, “Bringing you breakfast I heard, actually.”

His face seemed to lose all of that warmth and welcoming energy when he was asked about a girl friend. His chest twisted at the thought and his eyes naturally fell away from Levi’s face. How was he supposed to answer that? He hasn’t had a girlfriend since his last one dumped him in college with the comment of my friends knew you were gay, because he wouldn’t do anything intimate with her. He felt awkward about this. Couldn’t he open up to Levi without being judged? No… he would be judged and teased for it.

Now he was thinking of Nixie. She wasn’t even his girlfriend. Stop thinking you idiot… began to repetitively go through his mind. His cheeks began to have a slight shade of pink where the cheek bones were under his eyes.

Levi was bringing up the fact that Nixie brought him breakfast. That was a usual thing. She was always nagging on him for not eating properly or at all. God… was it that weird? Now he felt like it was weird. He would tell her to stop doing that if everyone was getting the sense that they could be a thing. Tommy’s mind began to race. He began to panic. It was getting difficult to breath with all these thoughts in his head and Levi standing in front of him asking harmless questions. They were harmless. Don’t think about them.

Patting Levi’s shoulder with a forced smile, “Aah really do not want to talk about this with ya, Levi, aah’ll catch ya later. Aah need to go eat somethin’,” Tommy practically rushed away from Levi before disappearing into the crowd. You’re so awkwardly stupid… You could have just stopped talking, as he continued to push through the crowd and move away from Levi. Since the man was back, he was going to have to get something else for Nixie’s birthday. Preparing himself to be a third wheel or completely excluded within the next week. This made him sick. It made him want to go home and drink. Maybe he should go home. No one would notice if he disappeared from the festival. It wasn’t like that many people actually cared about him.

Levi frowned as Tommy quickly made an exit, refusing to talk about Phoenix. The reunion had felt good, but it was so brief that it left Levi wishing he hadn’t opened his stupid mouth. Stunned and confused, Levi stayed in place and watched Thomas walk off. What was he supposed to do with that sort of shut down? ’That was weird…’ Levi thought, wondering what had made Thomas so uncomfortable. Did something happen between him and Phoenix this morning or something? His friend had always been a bit awkward, but that felt different. Once again he was reminded that he needed to go find a beer.

Tommy knew that exit was awkward and he was totally regretting opening his mouth. If Levi didn’t ask about him having a girlfriend and bringing up Nixie it would have been fine. Reminding him of the lie that he always tells himself. There is no time for a girlfriend between protecting the town, coaching the kids, and other activities. Drinking. Depression. Multi-hour long showers. Crying. Binge-watching home VHS tapes of him and his mother. His father before the man lost his wife and became an alcoholic.

That was when a dark wave of emotion hit him and he stopped in the crowd while people passed by. It was a lonely feeling. A dreadful feeling. Did he just ruin something? Was Levi going to be suspicious? What if Nixie and Levi get back together and he might have said too much… Would Levi tell him to go away? This stung. That thought stung so much. No. Levi would never do that. Trying to push those emotions down. Way down so he wouldn’t think about them.

The man walked to the grocery store down the street after that and ordered a five dollar meal that the deli had. Making his way back to his truck that was on the outskirts of the festival. Tommy locked himself in it and began to try to focus on his meal. “Aah'm 'unna have to reckon about gettin' nixie somethin' else fo-wah her birthday,” There was no way he could give the items and letter that he wanted to give to her now. That letter took him about six months. Pounds of paper and multiple pen packs later and he felt like he had the best outcome he was going to get with that. Maybe burning it in the fireplace tonight would be a better idea. What would he get her then? Would he still give her the items that were bought and had handcrafted for her? That’s too much… Maybe he will just keep those and hide them somewhere that no one else would find them.

Placing his forehead on the steering wheel the man mindlessly stirred the plastic container of mashed potatoes as he thought about what he was going to do now. The overwhelming urge to go home and drink was the only thing that flooded his mind. Alcohol was being substituted for anxiety and depression medication. It was a vicious cycle at this point and he would always remind himself that he could never tell Nixie that he drank. She probably was suspicious but he knew that she probably didn’t know how bad it was. He just needed to cut his losses but why did he not years ago?

The man continued to mindlessly stir the potatoes before he realized that he had been in his truck, stirring potatoes for about fifteen to twenty minutes —- DING DING DING!!! Those were the bells indicating that it was 3 PM and he had been in his vehicle for quite some time — and he decided that he would eat. Beginning to try to force something into his system. He felt like an idiot at this point. He felt like if he confessed his feelings, he would lose both of his friends. Taking a deep breath as he took another bite of mashed potatoes. “Ya have bin' doin' this fo-wah roughly two decades, give or take, just keep doin' it 'n ya won't lose either…” Tommy didn’t want to lose either of them in the long run. They were his best friends and pretty much his lifelines throughout high school and most of his childhood.

Location Sitting in his truck, outskirts of festival
Time 3 PM
Mood Depressed and attempting to eat
Collab @The Muse

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Glancing over his shoulder at the child who was hiding behind him. With how short the girl was, he thought she was a child at first. Then he realized she was older than that. Maybe a teenager? She couldn’t be an adult with how short she was, could she? He was confused on why she was hiding behind him. It wasn’t like he was covering all of her or anything. People could still spot her from behind him especially with her peeking out beyond the crowd. Taking a drag of his cigar while glancing over to the blonde haired woman, he was trying to ignore the red-headed girl at first.

Allowing his attention to fall back onto the girl when she spoke, “Mhm…” What was she hiding from? He didn’t want to be caught up in anything that was not his business. Two strangers were crowding him and one was right behind him. Uncomfortable for someone that is in such a dangerous business. His guard was being put up and his natural alert system was slowly going off.

The crimson haired girl referring to the blonde as udders caused the Russian man to chuckle as he puffed out smoke. Someone has a mouth on them. Maybe she is running because someone is going to teach her a lesson for that mouth of hers. That wouldn’t surprise him. Then she continued to become cruel and his eyes sharpened while the girl seemed to have no self-awareness of herself or maybe her words at all. Disrespectful thing… he thought to himself while he took a step forward to distance himself from the crazed child.

Then the child began talking to herself. She broke her brother's guitar? Egged him on? Huffing out some more smoke, he did not want any part of whatever was happening between these siblings. The girl who was deciding that touching a stranger's back was an okay thing to do in the first place could feel Moxi tense. He was extremely tense. The girl could probably feel the underlying feeling of a shoulder holster for a gun depending on where she touched. The traps were prevalent when pressed against.

I do not knov zis child, do you?” Moxi had no idea who this person was and the audacity that they had to touch him. Taking about fifteen steps away from the duo. His cloudy blue eyes glared towards him as if he was irritated. He was. Why the FUCK DID SHE TOUCH ME!?! Rang through his head and if looks could kill… Em would be dealing with icy daggers.

Dusting himself off as he took his suit jacket off and laid it over his shoulder. The man took out a small bag of something and it was a package of clean wipes. He began to use one to clean over his hands as he flicked his cigarillo to the ground and stepped on it. “Don’t touch me again,” Moxi’s voice was as cold and icy as his eyes at this point.

Location Near the cornhole game
Time 3 PM
Mood irritated
Interactions @The Muse @Viciousmarrow
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by PrinceAlexus
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PrinceAlexus necromancer of Dol Guldur

Member Seen 33 min ago

Talie "Friendly local rock nerd"

Festival grounds. USGS Stall


Talie was in a good mood at the booth despite the sudden call over. People tended not to bother them with anything top serious and what was serious matters could always be booked in a meeting by the office. Did they even have an official meeting arrangement? Most people in this town seemed to drop by when it was convenient. "Call me, I have a few ones that we can give away if you like them. Pop by sometime if you like." Talie offered kindly, Reya seemed decent and it never hurt to do a little diplomatic work when you were new in town. Her being part rock nerd just sealed the deal, offering Reya a card she pulled out her handbag with her work mobile on."Thanks Reya, i do like a good cocktail." Talie gave her a genuine smile and was was happy to take up on the offer.

Talie did not give away anything about the rocks. It was not a trick game, one was really a gold ore, and the others were different kinds of fools gold locally found. The thin vein of gold in real one where reason the town's mines had closed. Not enough gold was left to make a profit. "No trick, one is really gold. Mined a few miles away."

A man dressed in a well put together rockstar look leaned against the booth and laid the charm on thick as someone laying concrete. Blushing slightly at the compliments, Talie was pretty sure it was mostly aimed at Reya but it did make her vindicate her choice to dress nicely this afternoon. Zack was his name and he definitely had a confident air about him that he had no fear of social situations. "Yep, me and my partner took over a few weeks ago from the old man, Im Talie, Manny is taking a break, he my partner here." Talie felt safe Admitting that much plus it seemed the man's eyes where on the local girl in the pretty top and shorts.

"Well, I can say you're a punk rock, bit metal. That makes you Zackite. I prefer heavier ores like Ramstein though. Great shows. Maybe Zauminium" Talie made the awful yet fitting joke. The tattoos gave away she might not be into Taylor Swift but Talie could dress nicely when she chose to. Her music taste had caught her A LOT of jokes when she was training and at College. "Performing? You look the part?" She asked, musicians loved to talk about their craft.

She was unsure of his motives in looking for his sister to be honest, especially if she was not picking up her phone almost everyone carried. Leave that to Reya to judge as she was local and seemed to know him. The flirting going on between them was obviously not new by any means. She did not need a history to tell that.

Reya was doing well in the game. She was close for sure. Also real gold tended to be less angular and more organic than its fake cousin that had so fooled many a prospector for centuries and beyond.

Her agreement to help made Talie more comfortable. If someone local seemed to think it was alright then it might be alright to help out. "I saw a flash of red from the fish game, though it was too tall. I only just took over. Had to stop by to deliver emergency doughnuts to the dunk tank" Talie had a decent idea that was not his sister, she was a similar height to Talie who was 5 '8 and not 5 foot or so. Looking about she could not see anyone who matched it but apart from siblings looking similar, she had no idea if she dressed like her brother, was a full blown goth, wore only pink etc. Who knew siblings? Her own brother was taller, bulkier than the Sheriff. Yet he was shy and barely even raised his voice except around a few unless pushed.

Talie looked at the sample she chose and noticed the woman was looking her directly in the eye, blinking her dark brown eyes of the smoke drifting from somewhere. "I'm sorry to say…." Talie made the dramatic pause and suddenly smiled letting the amusement sparkle in her eyes. "You'll have to carry both about with you. I can take them back to the office and collect them from me or Manny when it's more convenient if you like." Talie gave her an easy smile. "Fools gold, it does not have the same shine, it's harder and also forms more geometrically" Gesturing as the edges of the fake crystals were harder and sharper. However, it did not shine quite the same.

"I got to man the booth, grab me some ice cream and I'll even shine them all up for ya." Talie did not expect her to agree, she was just playing a little with Reya. If she was one of few customers they got she would have a little fun and hopefully show not all geologists were boring. She was pretty clear it would come across as a joke, Talie could grab an ice cream later or make Manny fetch her one. She did help him deliver a crate of samples that he would not put on the back seat of his ridiculously red Cadillac. Her F350 did not have that issue. He has a boot..but oh the paint work... His work truck like hers needed work.

She caught movement off to one side, there was a sudden movement to onside, but in the busy festival it could be anything. The faint smell of smoke did pass her nose but vanished just as quickly. Nothing else but that seemed out of place.

She was pretty sure smoking was banned at festival grounds. Unless she misread the fliers.

Direct Mentions
@The Muse@Viciousmarrow

Passing mentions

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

At first the doctor did not understand what she meant though he thought about it. Beta girl? Then he realized and his face seemed to have somewhat of a surprised look that faded quickly into a warm smile. He was attempting to reassure the woman that he did not mean to cause embarrassment. “I apologize if I caused any embarrassment,” That was not his intention at all but he knew communication could be subjective. He was only teasing because she seemed to know a little bit about betta fish.

Noticing how she bought a basket of balls, he thought she was going to join him in throwing, and she quickly gave it away to a small child. For some reason he assumed that the child was probably hers before he referred to her as Ranger Jones. Oh? A park ranger. How interesting.

If you want, you can call me Archer,” Trying to offer some personal connection to their discussion and interaction. He knew he needed to work on the difference between personal interactions and formal. Naturally, he would go formal because he worked sixty hour weeks and he had to be formal in his job. Only every now and again would it be non formal because of a patient. Sometimes patients needed more of a friend than a doctor when receiving news.

Throwing another ball in an attempt to get a fish, it bounced around before plopping right into a goldish filled bowl. “I got one. Now we are both going to get in trouble with parents if I get another one,” Playfully nudging the woman as the worker handed up a fish in a small carry terrarium. Then he couldn’t help but laugh at the question. Dancing. How many times has he been told he has two left feet when it comes to that? He couldn’t tell. “Dancing sounds fun, but I have been told quite a few times that I have two left feet. I’m not very good at that, though I will attempt if someone wants to dance with me,” His smile was wide and showed his pearly whites while he tossed another ball.

Tipping her head Nixie smiled. "I'd be happy to teach you." Grinning broadly Nixie continued, "Well there's Phoenix, the formal name. Then there's Jones, PJ, Peegee, Nixie, Nix and Pho. I guess you get to pick which one speaks to you." As she rattled off the nicknames she counted on her fingers. Though she didn't give him some of the names she'd been called. She wiggled her fingers smirking. "Though I am always open to suggestions."

Archer seemed nice and after the day she had a little relaxation sounded good. Getting to open up her circle of friends didn't mean that it was going to be painful.

That was quite a list to pick from and he thought about it. “My suggestion was Betta Fish girl,” He teased the woman before quickly continuing on to picking out of the list of nicknames, “If I call you PJ, you can call me Archie,” He offered even a less formal sense of his name. Archie was rarely used to refer to the man and the only person he knew that would call him that currently was his little sister. That reminded him he needed to call his sister around six, he usually called around then.

I will try my best to learn a dance from you but I do not know if you can have the patience for a clumsy man like me,” Archer honestly believed this as he rubbed the back of his neck, thinking about the last time he danced. Dancing was something he was never naturally good at. Horrible. The comments about stepping on toes and feet rang in his mind. He always seemed to do that or freeze as he tried to figure out what he was supposed to do next. Instead of allowing the motions to flow. He would become choppy.

Laughing Nixie nodded. "PJ is fine and I like Archie. If Betta Girl comes out of your mouth then you'll get Man Buns from me." She wiggled her eyebrows outrageously and laughed harder. "Sorry I needed a good laugh. Don't worry about my patience. I have a serious amount of it. They have classes at the Tavern on Thursdays." She looked thoughtful. "We could use a few more victims," Nixie playfully covered her mouth in mock shock. "Omph partners."

Hearing the other laugh only caused his smile to grow brighter and he couldn’t help a laugh coming out from the comment of man buns as he never heard that one before. “Why man buns?” he had no idea why that would be what she would pick to call him. Was it his hair length? He could see that. This individual was quite pleasant to be around.

Victims on Thursday?” He seemed to lean into the comment about victims instead of partners after she corrected herself and his smile had a hint of mischievous intent to it. “I might have to stop by and be victimized on a Thursday by the sounds of it. Sadly, I cannot promise anything because of my sixty hour work weeks,” Archer was constantly working and always had something on his plate or he was being called into the ER for one reason or another. It was hard to make plans that were not on his days off and even then… there was the possibility of those plans changing. The medical staff in Sanctuary was grossly understaffed.

Throwing another ball, he got another fish and it was a beta. In another little carrying container. “Now I have two…” He handed the beta over to PJ without hesitation and as a child passed while hanging onto their mother’s hand, he offered the goldfish. The child looked ecstatic to have a fish and the mom looked almost startled then defeated as she continued past and he gave a smile that showed he was saying sorry.

One last ball, holding it out to the woman, “Come on. You have to throw the last one,” He tried encouraging her to do it.

Raising an eyebrow at the ball he was holding, Nixie - newly christened PJ - made a mock defeated sigh. "I suppose it's only fair."

Taking the ping pong ball PJ tossed it a couple of times. Narrowing her eyes she pointed to a gold cup on the far side of the set up. "The gold one top tier on the right. Watch there."

Bouncing the ball twice PJ concentrated on hearing the ball make the distinct sharp staccato tap. It was cheap quality but that was fine and she flicked her wrist to bounce the ball. It came up to chest height and she swatted it. The arch of the ball seemed to slow time to PJ as she watched it. It landed in but only after it ran the rim to release the excess energy. Smirking, she looked back at Archie. "Never said I couldn't hit a ball."

Archer placed his hands on his hips while watching where the woman wanted him to. That golden cup. With the different technique coming from PJ, he was surprised that the ball went into the cup and he chuckled, “That is true. It looks like you got yourself another fish,” The man teased while gesturing over to the ball being in the cup. “Does that mean you pick the kind if you get it in the golden cup?” He was curious.

PJ shrugged, having no idea since she normally avoided these games. "I don't know. I normally avoid games like this." The man running the game harrumphed and handed over a business card that had on the back a voucher for a pet store in town. PJ looked confused.

"You can go in and get a pet of your choice and they'll take off the adoption fee." The older man flipped over the gold cup so that no one else could land a ball in it.

PJ blinked. Jethro would never let her have another pet. Jealous little shit that he was. He barely tolerated Tommy and his horse. Then a light bulb went off. Tommy had always wanted a dog. She'd gift the voucher to her best friend. "Okay that's pretty cool! What do ya say Archie I think we've done enough damage here; shall we move on? I kinda want a funnel cake."

That was pretty cool! At least he did not get the golden cup or he would have to find someone to give it to. He really did not need animals. “Funnel cake?” Was she talking about the famous funnel cake everyone has been talking about for the past couple weeks. Something he was excited to try out. “Let’s move on, funnel cake sounds delicious and everyone keeps talking about it,” Archer brought out a little pamphlet of where all the stands were supposed to be for the festival. It was a single piece of paper with some coloring and symbols. They were not that far away from it either.

Collab @Almalthia
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Viciousmarrow
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Festival Grounds
Interactions: Moxi @Zora and Ana @The Muse

A spike of panic washed over the fiery young woman as her nimble fingers grazed over a heavy handle locked just under the blonde man’s armpit. ‘Is that… a gun?!’ Em exclaimed internally, blue eyes widening just for a moment. Her feet stepped backwards in alarm, a reaction to any potential danger she might face. She grimaced, almost half-expecting to get shot at this point, but fortunately, no bullets came her way and she lived yet another day. Good, at least he wasn’t a psycho. The situation unraveled more as ‘Teats’ apparently had no intention of leaving and seemed unphased completely by the thorny comments Em had just made. In fact, she was laughing.

The youngest Snypes child clenched her teeth at the joyous laughter, glaring dangerously at the blonde woman as she exclaimed: "I like you." This lady was just going to take a comment like being called 'Udders' with stride? Really? Either she was severely damaged, had dangerously low self-esteem, or she was actually some kind of sociopath if she could take that insult without any hint of hurt. It was incredibly hot, honestly. Em’s leering face softened at the thought, her thin lips slowly twisting into a smile.

"You two know each other?" The lady’s sing-song voice questioned.“I do not knov zis child, do you?” The Russian was quick to answer back, clearly in a mood now. Oddly, he started to wipe himself down with clean wipes and demanded that she not touch his person again, as if Em was contaminated with cooties or something. She simply rolled her eyes in response to his weird tick..

“Hey, just because I’m small doesn’t mean I’m a kid!” Em defiantly exclaimed. “I’m a crazy little woman in a one man show.” She parroted the line from Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar on Me with a bit of a smugness in her voice. “Hell, if you’re lucky, could be a two woman show instead, Teats. Could make you like me a whole lot more.” Em aimed the suggestive comment at the older flaxen-haired heartthrob with a wink, her hand even pushing up two digits into the air at the other woman.

“Not too interested in Vladimir Smooch ‘Em over here though, if that’s what you’re wondering. I’m just… giving my brother space so he can calm down. Thought Vlady-Poo was a nice wall to hide behind, but I guess he doesn’t like it when he’s accosted by young, beautiful women like us.” The redhead dramatically sighed, tilting her head back and running a hand through her hair. At the same time, her scrawny legs started to slowly carry her away from the scene. Her brain was screaming at her to get away from the Slav with a firearm on his person. “You can have him, I guess, but it seems like I’d be the more fun choice here, just saying.” Another flirtatious comment was aimed at the older woman, and Em gave her an intentional, wry smile as her feet plodded along the grass in search of a new hiding spot.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by LovelyComplex
Avatar of LovelyComplex

LovelyComplex Retired Zone

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

TIMESTAMP: Extremely early in the morning
LOCATION: The Serrano Ranch
INTRODUCING: The Serrano Family


Up at 3 AM, Estella quietly tiptoed throughout the Serrano Estate, main lodging for her and her family. For the history nerds, this home was built by José Luis Serrano in the 1800s, before the Mexican-American war, and would be considered a historical landmark in Sanctuary. Over the years, it has gone through renovations and restorations, seeing how preserving an old home is not an easy task. Estella's great, great grandpa, Julio, built the guest house, which is now used as lodging for their live-in staff. This was solely to finish the Serrano multigenerational project, as well as to keep his family safe throughout the process. She’s pretty sure some of the issues this house had led to a few of her ancestors dying.

An old home can have hidden troubles but even with how expensive this endeavor was, the Serranos were willing to put all their blood, sweat and heart into fixing this treasure and keeping the integrity, character and history well and alive. Even if this house isn’t the same house it once was, there are still areas within it, like the tiles in the kitchen, the refurbished furniture and the once upon a time rusty door knocker, that comes from a time long ago.

Estella loved her home and she showed her appreciation by keeping it in tip-top shape and filling it with good memories. She didn’t want to disappoint her ancestors and make them feel all their hard work went to waste. The first thing she did was visit her family’s ofrenda. Due to the amount of deceased they had, there was no point in breaking down the altar after Día de Muertos just to rebuild it the following year. She didn’t mind and it gave her a place to kneel and pray. Once she paid her respect to her family, she made her way to the kitchen to prepare everyone’s lunches.

Today was a special day. Today was Araceli and Yessenia’s birthday! They were twenty three. She couldn’t believe it. Both were growing into beautiful young ladies and she loved being part of their growth, their happiness, and their life. As her first gift, she would do the house chores they were tasked with. First the dishes then to get the clothes off the drying rack outside. Her father hadn’t bought a new dryer machine, seeing how it broke two months ago, so instead of going to the laundromat, Estella encouraged her siblings to just use the drying rack they rarely use. Well, now it had use.

Once lunch and a handful of house chores were done, and an easy, hearty breakfast was made, she got ready for her day. Having already taken a shower the night before, Stella went back to her room to change into a faded blue shirt and cargo pants, making sure to put her wrist watch on since she rarely takes her phone out while working on the ranch. Her work boots were on the porch, seeing how she’s gone through several and there was no way she would bring that dirt, mud, and whatever else, into the house. When she exited her room, she heard the front door open and close. She rushed downstairs to swing the door open. By the time she was on the porch, her father was already nearing the stable. “Buenos dias papi! I’ll see you soon!” She energetically yelled, watching her father with admiration.

“Buenos días mi estrella. Be nice to your siblings.” Javier smiled at his eldest child, giving her a little nod, knowing exactly what time it was, before disappearing into the stables. Her dad had a long day ahead of him. He always did.

With her morning routine almost complete, Estella connected her phone to the in ceiling bluetooth audio system. In a matter of seconds, she played the twins’ fiesta playlist. Ella Me Levanto by Daddy Yankee transmitted to the 5 channels within the house. This meant the whole estate was filled with loud music. To add extra incentive to get all her siblings out of bed, she cranked the volume up and started dancing and swaying up the stairs.

First stop, Miguel.

Drumming on his door fast, warning him of her entry, she quoted Fairly Odd Parents, "I'm respecting your privacy by knocking but asserting my authority as your older sister by coming in anyway!" She flung the door open and made her way to the curtains to bring in the day. Miguel shook awake, still not getting used to this after years of experiencing Estella’s energy. Drool ran down his mouth as he wiped the sleep off his face. She grinned at her little brother, giggling in amusement, before salsaing her way outside to the next room.

For Francisco, she took a pin out of her pant’s pocket and as if she’s done this many times before, she unlocked her brother’s room. She raised an eyebrow as she noticed a new sight. He was wearing sound canceling headphones. Cute. Just like she did in Miguel’s room, she brought light inside. She knew he wasn’t sleeping. Cisco suffered with insomnia so she knew he knew she was there. Grinning mischievously, she grabbed his accordion and started attempting to play it, poorly. She whirled and twirled around his room and just like that, when she turned back to face him, he was standing in front of her, grumpy. She gave the musician his instrument and she mouthed, seeing how he was still wearing his headphones, “Good morninggggg.” She was rewarded with an eye roll.

Once she was out of his room, she walked past Hector’s, already hearing him shuffle around downstairs. The front door opened and closed. She checked her wrist watch and right on schedule, 5:30 AM, her brother was going for his morning jog. Lastly, the twins shared room, which was two rooms joined together since they requested to connect their rooms. To her surprise, the door was not closed. Both Araceli and Yessenia were ready for work, dressed in overalls and with a gentle amount of makeup on. The faster they got their ranch chores done, the sooner they could go back home, shower, dress pretty and leave to have fun.

The twins widely smiled at their older sister and joined her dancing around their room to their playlist. Out of the three girls, Araceli was the one with the fluid movements, as if dancing was in her spirit. She screamed over the music, before her sister got a chance to say happy birthday, “I’M SO EXCITED! TODAY’S THE FESTIVAL!”

Yessenia chimed in, but didn’t shout, “And our birthday.”

“AND OUR BIRTHDAY!” Celi gleefully shouted, as she shimmied with Estella, all giddy on the inside. She was ready to make today her bitch. It was her birthday and she deserved to shine. And with that, the whole Serrano household was ready to start their day. They had a busy next few hours ahead of them, which included preparing the petting zoo and apple stand by 2 PM. That didn’t include the Date Auction Araceli was throwing for the community after 7 PM.

All the Serranos were up.

At the crack of dawn.

Good morning, Sanctuary.


LOCATION: The Festival

Hours had passed and the Serrano kids were showered, dressed to impress and taking turns at the petting zoo and the apple stand. They were fortunate their dad instructed a couple of his employees to help out so his children could have some downtime to enjoy the festival. Estella was running the petting zoo, making sure the animals and children played nice, when Hector came back from playing the basketball game. He was carrying a large baby sloth plushie. He didn’t have a girlfriend so he was likely just going to give the giant sloth to the twins. They loved collecting an unnecessary amount of plushies. They couldn't help themselves when they saw cute things.

Being freed from her duties, Estella graciously pulled her brother into a hug before skipping off. She wore a traditional floral embroidered blue dress with a lace trim off the shoulder. If there was one thing that this town knew about the Serrano girls it was that when they weren’t off doing work, they were wearing dresses, and more often than not they were on the traditional side. Especially for events like festivals. They were a family that took pride in their culture and if they could show off in any way, they would because that was what it meant to be proud of who you were.

Both the twins wanted to stand out, obviously. It was their birthday. Yessenia wore a halter dress with artisanal embroidery and Araceli chose an off the shoulder party dress with red flowers as the focal point. A hot color for a hot girl. Estella had no idea where they were but she was sure wherever they chose to flaunt their beauty, there were many eyes on them. The Serrano twins liked standing out and getting compliments. It made them feel important.

With some free time on her hands, Estella had one thing on her mind. That was: how else can she make their birthday spectacular? Truth be told, she was having doubts about the gifts she bought them which were wrapped up and under her bed. She was going to give it to them when they all got back home but after hearing all the things they hoped they were getting throughout their work day, Estella was internally freaking out. As the older sister, she couldn’t disappoint them. She’d hate giving them something they never asked for.

Internally panicking, she searched for a place to sit and think. With a few hours before the town got really lively, Stella hoped she had enough time to change gears and get a new gift. Amidst the chaos in her mind, her amber eyes fell on a face she hadn’t seen for a couple days now, having not visited the cafe due to other obligations. With a bounce in her step, she strolled to the boy before calling out, “Yoohooooo! Levi!” She vigorously waved. It wasn’t long till she found herself by his picnic table, she quickly asked, “How’s it goingggg? Are you having funnnn?”

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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Viciousmarrow
Avatar of Viciousmarrow


Member Seen 2 mos ago

Location: Festival Grounds
Interactions: Talie @PrinceAlexus and Reya @The Muse

Zack was attempting to follow the Geologist’s commentary, nodding as she spoke, but he did figure out her name was Talie. Interesting name, but lovely still. Reya, on the other hand, seemed pretty fixated on whatever game she was playing, so Zack tried to focus on answering Talie’s questions and understanding her scientific explanations. This definitely was more up his sister’s alley than his own. Hell, somehow Em had managed to retain a lot of this kind of information despite dropping out of high school. He’d at least managed to get an Associates Degree in Automotive Technology at his parents’ behest before they passed since they needed a mechanic around the farm, but he was never the type to remember science stuff on this caliber.

"Well, I can say you're a punk rock, bit metal. That makes you Zackite. I prefer heavier ores like Ramstein though. Great shows. Maybe Zauminium"

“Wow that’s crazy they named a rock Zackite. Never knew that Rammstein and Zaum were big Actual Rock Heads either… Crazy they named their bands after stones, man. That’s really cool.” Zack had no idea Talie was joking, but he was more than happy to share and encourage the woman’s passion for rocks. His brain was kind on the fritz looking at all the geodes in front of him. “Wait… was Chris Cornell actually just singing about rocks in ‘Like a Stone’? No way…” he mused quietly to himself. Maybe even Rock of Ages was about a literal rock…? In fact, how many rock stars were really just singing about geology??? The thoughts were making his head spin.

“But yeah! I’m performing tonight. My sisters the drummer. She’s actually really good at singing too, but she’s afraid of the mic and kinda self-conscious. Hell, she’s better than me. Guess we’ll be changing that tonight though!” he passionately voiced, keeping a side eye on Reya as she made a decision on her… Game? He wasn’t sure what this was, really. He was confident the tavern owner would knock it out of the park though!

"I can help." He almost didn’t notice Reya’s voice, but beamed at her when he registered what she said. “Hell yeah!” he exclaimed to her and pumped an arm as if he had just gotten a record deal. It didn’t seem like Talie would be able to help, which was understandable considering she had a tent to run. Zack kinda felt like an idiot now for even asking. He definitely should’ve known better…

Zack waited patiently and with baited breath as his former schoolmate finally made her decision known. Seemingly, she had won something, but he was so lost as to what that was though. Instead of caring about that, he decided to just be happy for Reya. “Wow, see I told you you were good at everything~!” The enthusiastic redhead stepped over and put a congratulatory arm around Reya’s waist. He did notice she looked a bit flushed as he got very close to her. It was probably just the heat though!

“You know ice cream does sound very good! Rey over here is looking hot anyway, with all that red on her face! We’ll definitely grab you some too, Talie. You’re pretty awesome and I love that you love rocks!” Zack was completely oblivious to any of the geologist’s humor. “That sound good, Rey? Ice cream then a sister hunt?” His arm grew a little tighter around her waist, happily teasing the brunette. Hopefully she was having a good time, and if not, he’d make sure she did! He’d also make sure that Em got an earful when they found her.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
Avatar of The Savant

The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As he left the side of the mother and child, Doctor Fitkau walked around the festival more. There were quite a few games though he did not see the point in playing them. The children seemed to enjoy them more than he ever would. He would have enjoyed them as a child or a younger man. A content sigh left his lips with a faint smile sticking to his expression as he wandered around the whole area.

Plenty of conversations happened between him and clients and clients' friends or family groups. Most people in Sanctuary were lovely individuals. Almost living in this small town for twenty years and he has not had much of a problem with anyone. There have been a few but that is normal. Not everyone is accepting newcomers and out-of-towners but he was practically a product in the mix of this small little town.

At the moment he was near three individuals and a very out-of-place man was making somewhat of a scene. It caught his attention. The man was interacting with two women. What an odd sight that was playing out in front of him. The man seemed to freak out a bit from being touched by the one and distanced himself before taking out a package of wipes and wiping down his hands. Seems like someone is a germophobe or someone does not like something that had happened in the interaction.

The two girls began to be odd or at least the one initiated an odd behavior. Overhearing some of the conversations before he shook his head and decided to distance himself away from that crowd. Some people are so odd sometimes…

Moving around, he saw two fiery-haired individuals walking through the crowd. Oh! He knew one of them. How could he not? Doctor Graham has been beneficial to this town and a lovely man to work with. The last head doctor for the hospital did not believe in the benefits of psychiatry and how it could help patients and how some patients needed to be on watch for up to seventy-two hours. Doctor Graham had experienced therapy growing up and has shared some of his experiences with Doctor Fitkau. Fitkau was always fascinated to hear about other people’s experiences in therapy, how many therapists they had, and how positive or negative the interactions and experiences had been for them.

Sadly, Archer Graham was one with the statistics, and not all therapists should be allowed to continue therapy. What a nice boy. He thought as he gave the man a slight wave. If he saw the wave or not wasn’t anything detrimental. The older man would maybe tease the man for getting so familiar with the town later. Tease him about the girl he saw him walking with just to get a reaction out of the other doctor. Graham usually wasn’t one that showed many reactions but he could attempt till he got something from the serious man.

Continuing to make his way around the festival, Doctor Fitkau kept analyzing the people of Sanctuary. There was a boy and he knew where his face was from but couldn’t place it. The man was standing there in disbelief and confusion and partially wet. He wondered what happened but he was not going to intrude on such an emotional moment for the young man or did he need an interaction? Standing there, he thought about it then decided against it. He would continue to analyze everyone before making such a decision.

Doctor Fitkau began to continue walking around till he found himself on the outskirts of the festival and he saw the sheriff’s truck. The man in the truck was soaking wet, his head on the steering wheel, as he mindlessly scooped whatever he was eating in his mouth. The doctor’s expression filled with some form of concern while his brows knitted. Poor man doesn’t realize the energy he puts off. Next time when I have to pick someone up from the station or run into him, I will give him my business card, and try to open his mind to help… The man thought before continuing back into the festival.

Once again he was scanning people and seeing what they were doing. The majority were having fun and so much was happening at once that he couldn’t catch everyone with his eyes. There would be faces later that look familiar but not placeable to him. A way of allowing him comfort as he could interact with them more with a common start of, I think I have seen you around, or something similar.

Location Festival ground
Time 3 PM
Interactions Analyzing people from a distance
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by The Savant
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The Savant Souls are the true form and I cannot see yours.

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After about a few minutes of mindless eating the man felt completely calm or way more calm compared to what he did when Levi asked him if he had a girlfriend. Why did that work him up so much? He had no idea at this moment. Then he caught someone staring at him in the corner of his eyes. Allowing his attention to be shown as the older man walked away. He looks familiar… was the only thing that crossed his mind. Thomas might not realize it though Doctor Fitkau would come to the high school and help the student counselor, especially for severe cases, Thomas was a severe case but they couldn’t do anything without their parents' permission.

Everything in high school was a complete blur except Levi, Nixie, Estella, the Serrano family, and a few other things. The people that were constantly around were unforgettable to him. A few calls to the office were forgettable in the sense of the counselors trying to help without success and having to turn the boy back to the classroom. Small towns didn’t do much for troubled children or difficult personal lives. Sometimes checking in really was nothing in the bigger picture.

That man sparked something inside of Tommy and his brows furrowed while he placed the empty containers of food into the plastic shopping bag and stored it around the foot area of the passenger seat. A rough sigh came out of the sheriff as he stroked a handful of fingers through his hair which caused droplets of water to fall everywhere. CRAP!!! I’m soaking wet. I’m going to have to detail this seat. This was no good. At least it was a work truck and not his personal vehicle. Wait? Should his priorities be the other way around? He had no clue though he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again out of frustration. Then he began to feel the water in his boots that was swelling his socks and pruning his feet.

This is how ya git trench foot Tommy,” Grumbled to himself as he opened up the truck door and swung himself to sit where his feet were placed on the step down of the truck. Beginning to untie his boots. He poured them out one at a time and slid them back on even though his socks were soaking wet and squishy. He couldn’t change at the moment because he might have to get back into the dunk tank. “Your feet are 'unna hate ya later,” Speaking to himself because he knew it was the truth. The man decided that it probably would be a good idea to run home sooner or at least before the dance and take a shower. Redo himself before coming back to the festival. That would give him more time to put up a mental and emotional wall for future questions that might be asked by Levi. He was good at putting up walls. He has been doing it for years upon years.

Pinching the chest of his shirt, he sighed, as he stepped out of his truck and stretched. Oh god. I’m so old… I’m getting old… He thought to himself as that shoulder that hurt this morning cracked in an uncomfortable way before a shooting pain stabbed into his spine and traveled all the way down. He should maybe go to the doctor and get that checked out. It could be from Nixie’s horse, Jethro always shoving him over. Pushing the man down hills. Nudging him into mud puddles. Charging him into the lake. Maybe it was where he was nipped weeks ago. That nip hurt and could have caused something to happen with that shoulder muscle. Tommy had no clue but he needed to get it checked out and stop ignoring the doctors like he would be entering the depths of hell. Old habits die hard.

Location By his work truck on the outskirts of the festival
Time 3 PM
Mood Good but soaking wet
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