Princess Sadie Lucia Camille 🐟 21 🐟 Female
Height: 5’4
Weight: 130
Eye Color: Bright Ocean blue
Hair Length/Texture: Smooth and wavy
Hair Color: Dark honey blonde with copper tones
Skin Color: Fair
Facial details: Small freckles on her cheeks
Distinguishing features: Prominent blue eyes and red lipstick. Loves jewelry as well and usually has a fish necklace on. Also muscular and athletic, as she keeps herself in shape.
Clothing Preferences: Changes based upon her mood. Sometimes she’s decked out in expensive airy dresses that reveal too much. Other days, she’s in pants and shirts tucked in. Often seen wearing a fish necklace and earrings. Enjoys dressing uniquely. Examples are below.
🐟 Salads
🐟 Jewelry
🐟 Adventure
🐟 Swimming
🐟 Wine with cheese
🐟 Pisces. Proud pisces
🐟 Meat. She's a vegetarian
🐟 Abuse of power
🐟 Being bored. Must be active!
🐟 Her hobbies being interrupted
🐟 Big crowds and confined spaces
🐟 Fighting and drama. Can't we all be peaceful?
🐟Hetero-romantic. Hopeless too.
🐟 Reading
🐟 Training/Exercising
🐟 Blacksmith/Inventor
🐟 Swimming and rescuing fish
🐟 Her hobbies being interrupted
🐟 Big crowds and confined spaces
Life Goals/Dreams:
🐟 To live free as herself without boundaries
🐟 Own as many fish as possible and care for them as her children
Personality Summary:
🐟If extraversion was a person, it’d be Sadie. She enjoys conversation with anyone and will talk your ear off. As a result, she can be blunt and intrusive without meaning too. Deep down, she’s incredibly lonely and scared to trust others. Sadly, her curiosity often gets the best of her so she might pry into dangerous waters unexpectedly. Learning is fun for her and she isn't afraid of trying new things. She is often the first to arrive at class and/or training and the last to leave. This also means she’s ambitious and strong willed, leading to her becoming determined to become her own bodyguard. She doesn’t want to rely on others to defend her and became quite invested in training. Her bravery doesn’t have boundaries and she isn’t afraid of standing up for herself or others. Sometimes this lands her into trouble she can’t escape well. Her loyalty is hard won but easy to lose at the slightest scent of betrayal or wrongdoing. Forgiveness is her key to keeping a sane mind, but she won’t endure mindless friendships.
🐟 Sadie’s greatest weapon is her mind. She likes to think through situations. Despite her dreamy aura, she is clever and often surprises people. Her ability to be level headed has saved her in life. Her calmness is an unbreakable force at times. Her heart is big, and she often has to ignore it for her own sanity. She is often underestimated and found to be a bubblehead. Sadie is charming and charismatic which helps her when lying. Often moody, it can be hard to tolerate her.
🐟 Her hyperactivity keeps her up at night so she’s often found wandering the corridors. Sometimes she is her own worst enemy with her impulsivity, indecisiveness and is wishy washy. She doesn’t enjoy being mean and it will upset her for years. Her humor is broad, though she doesn’t tolerate dark humor. Sarcasm flows freely from her when she is aggravated, while sassy could be her middle name if it wasn’t Lucy.
🐟 When she’s on her own and relaxed, her guard comes down to reveal a dreamy and indifference to the heritage she’s entrusted with. Most aren’t aware due to her strong front, but she’s sensitive. If you hurt her feelings, she might not let you know and it will boil under the surface until it explodes and then hell will break loose. Sadie enjoys sparring and placing bets on winning… a habit she ought to kick.
Current occupation:
🐟 Princess of Varian
Any past occupations?:
🐟 Fish rescuer and aspiring mermaid
🐟 King Alexandre- Father
🐟 Rosa Camille- Mother
🐟 Prince Felix- Brother
🐟 Princess Beatrice- Sister
🐟 Strong swimmer
🐟 Hand to hand combat
🐟 Swordsmanship and enjoys throwing daggers
🐟 Inventing and thinking outside the box
History Summary:
Sadie was born as the last Camille sibling. Sometimes forgotten, she was able to do what she wanted. Her parents pushed her to learn her royal heritage and prim her for rule, but soon found she was not fit for the throne. Anything but royalty business was her bread and butter. In her spare time, she could be found by the water and feeding the fish. Her parents eventually allowed her to have her own aquarium she dubbed, “Mermaid Cave.” She’d read every book available in the kingdom regarding mermaids and showed an obsession with them.
From a young age, she showed affinity for inventing things and often broke things so she could put them back together. Sadie enjoys making both practical and nonsensical items. Her favorite things to make are silly and childish that make people laugh. Rivaling that of a blacksmith, she’s become quite skilled at making weapons and inventing new ones. Townspeople laughed at her for her hobby choice, but soon ate their words: her swords proved to be more lethal and durable than any other’s. She also was good at mixing the right plants in creating poisons and antidotes.
When Sadie turned 18, her peaceful life was shattered. A faraway kingdom was threatening theirs. Desperate, Sadie offered to marry their son, Desmond, in exchange for peace. The spark that ignited between the two soon turned into a wildfire. They became inseparable and head over heels… or so it seemed. Little did Sadie know, Desmond was yearning for vengeance.
Throughout their relationship and unbeknownst to Sadie, he was cheating on her. He’d be nice and then turn mean. He always made it up to her somehow. Desmond doted upon her and spoiled her endlessly to help win her trust. Sadie, thinking her life was perfect, soon accepted a marriage proposal from him. After the wedding, the two became close. However, the last day of their honeymoon turned out to be the worst day of Sadie’s life. Desmond revealed he never loved her and then he tried to kill her.
The marriage was called off and Sadie returned home. However, she was seemingly not beaten down. She returned with a vengeance to inventing things and was more extroverted than ever. She busied herself to avoid her trust issues and declining mental health. Sadie also began participating in training for archery, swordsmanship, hand to hand combat and also using knives and daggers. She showed a skill for using blades since archery was harder for her to do.
Her parents didn’t try any marriage with Beatrice either, for they were traumatized as well. They also became quite protective of her and granted her whatever she wanted, though Sadie knew not to take advantage of it. They didn’t force her to take over the throne and even relented that burden entirely. Now, Sadie focuses on rescuing aquatic animals, maintaining her aquarium, and inventing new things for the kingdom and the rest of the world.
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