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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@Conscripts Dr.John @PapaOso Cassius @Tae Kalliope @Lava Alckon Farim, @ReusableSword Roman, @Potter Olivia/Layla, @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk
Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

ā€œSo nice to meet you, Wasun Sjandehk. ā€œ Charlotte had greeted him warmly. "Viserjanta, wowā€¦" She continued, a hint of admiration dancing in her gaze as she contemplated the distance he had traversed. ā€œYou have traveled from quite far. Well, Sjandehk, whatever we can do to make you feel more welcome here, let us knowā€¦I do not think Iā€™ve studied that territory very well, actually. ā€œ She drew off in her thoughts. She had prided herself in her extensive studying of other lands, though she had always taken notice that there never had been many books about the lands beyond Varian and Alidasht. A longing for the unknown had fanned the flames of her curiosity, a fire that threatened to consume her very thoughts.

How was she not to shower this man with questions at that very moment!?

ā€What a pleasant surprise,ā€

Dread filled her instantly upon hearing the voice of Shehzadi Layla Kadir. Her body tensed almost involuntarily. Nonetheless, she turned to watch as the sultanā€™s daughter approached them with sour words as always. A frown marred Charlotte's features as Layla's words dripped with acidity, not sparing even her own cousin Farim from her biting commentary. Her brows knit together and she clenched her fists. The audacity of Layla's words toward John and especially directed at Olivia, sent a surge of indignation through Charlotte. Olivia had suffered enough; she didn't deserve any cruelty.

Say something Charlotte. She urged herself. Her lips parted slightly, forming the beginnings of a response that never managed to escape. Before she could gather her thoughts, Layla had already closed the gap between them, her presence casting a shadow over her.

Charlotte's heart raced, her gaze ensnared by the swift motion of Layla's hand and the lace ribbon as it fluttered in the breeze. Her fingers twitched with a reflexive instinct to protect what was taken, but the shock of the moment froze her in place. There had been no resistance as Layla had taken the smoothie as well. Her breath hitched and she took a step back as the cup's contents cascaded over her, a rush of cold shock coursed through Charlotte's body. An involuntary shiver rippled down her spine as her senses seemed to heighten, the world narrowing to the sensation of the liquid splattering against her, seeping through the fabric of her dress. After the initial shock, there was an overwhelming discomfort as her damp dress clung to her.

Her gaze rose as she felt all eyes on her and found that none of Laylaā€™s words could hurt more than this alienating feeling that she just could and would not belong. Her eyes brimmed with tears.

Would it always be like this? Would she and Lorenzo simply be jokes? Victims?

It had been nice to feel as if maybe she could fit in and she could have normal friendships, even if it had been for a little while. Yet, as the memory of those moments threatened to fade into the distance, a haunting uncertainty gnawed at her. She wondered if after such a bizarre event they'd now keep their distance from her.

As her thoughts spiraled, she was abruptly jolted by another interruption, her attention torn from the internal struggle that had consumed her. Through a haze of disorientation, she caught sight of Olivia and knew just what she had been considering. A flicker of alarm ignited within Charlotte's chest, her eyes widening. ā€œOlivia-ā€ Guards surrounded her and it was as if her body could finally move. She hurried through the sand to her side protectively and took her hand. ā€œNo, Oliviaā€¦ You know what will happen. ā€Charlotte implored in a hushed, urgent whisper, her eyes locked on Layla as the Shehzadi left her with a final insult.

In swift response, Farim's actions unfolded and Charlotte found herself momentarily captivated as he disarmed the guards. For a moment, she did forget the horrid situation she was in as she was rather impressed. Perhaps even jealous he could handle himself in such a manner that she felt she could not ever dream of. After a tirade that reminded her when Farim had stood up to Mayet, he approached her with a towel. Her gaze darted around the group as the image of him towel-drying her before all cemented in her head. She felt anxiety rise as she felt the urge to run from such a vulnerable position.

Despite such, she admired Farim. He was brave and had a good head on his shoulders. He clearly had been cursed with a cold family yet still chose to step up to defend others and show kindness toward them. He had never hesitated in either situation either. Clearly, he was strong and capable too. Regardless of what initial thoughts had reserved of him and his lingering gaze, she decided she had a good read on who she thought Farim was.

She gripped the fabric of her dress anxiously. It was perhaps best she took it off entirely, but she feared they may think her to be the whore some people seemed certain she was.

Finally, she made a decision to reach for the towel, ā€œThank you, Farimā€¦ I-ā€

ā€œSuyahksa ujantah, daiā€™ihksankan. Sjukihku ika, tusuh-sehka lehksikasoh!ā€

Her gaze slid to Sjan-dehk, who was speaking to both a guard and Layla. It was strange to have people defend her. Such had normally not occurred before. Her brows lifted in gentle surprise as he approached her with her ribbon and tunic. ā€œThank you.ā€ Charlotte repeated once more softly, taking the ribbon in her fingers. Though, there was clear hesitation to take the manā€™s tunic from him; it would be a shame to get any of the smoothie on such a lovely piece. ā€œItā€™s-... Itā€™s alright. I think I will just wash offā€¦ But really, youā€™re sweet. Both of you.ā€

A new female voice then entered the air and she glanced over briefly. There was a beautiful red-haired woman, one that seemed familiar, yet Charlotte knew they had not spoken before. Then behind her was Cassius Vael. She tensed visibly as her gaze met his briefly, but then she averted it as quickly as she could. Charlotte wondered if he was here to provide some torment as well. Her expression saddened. Why?
ā€œWell now you really donā€™t have a reason not to go swimming.ā€

Charlotte turned her body to face Roman. ā€œYou canā€™t control the actions of others but you can decide how you let it affect you. So how about a swim? and tonight if you like, I would like to invite you and the others hereā€¦.To my peopleā€™s celebration and ritual of the summer solstice out by loverā€™s lake tonight. Clothing is optional.ā€

His words etched into her consciousness, carving a different path than the others. The feeling of dĆ©jĆ  vu washed over her like a familiar tide. ā€œā€¦ Yes. Iā€™d enjoy a swim real soon.ā€ She responded, her voice carrying a delicate tremor. Her heart echoed in her ears, the world around her momentarily blurred by the rush of emotion that swelled within her. It had taken her a moment to digest his final words, repeating them with confusion and a hint of flush to her cheeks, ā€Clothingā€¦ Optional?ā€ She supposed she shouldnā€™t have been surprised given his choice of attire today.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, the genuine kindness of those around her warmed her heart. Despite how she felt, she knew Romanā€™s attitude was right. They had all come for a fun day and she always had some power on how things affected her. Charlotte wished she had complete control. She felt a deep seed of misery that was hard to shake, but she knew she had to try. There was no point in ruining everyone elseā€™s day. With a sigh, she politely declined Johnā€™s smoothie and thanked him for his kind words as her gaze slid over the group once more, landing on Cassius last, where it lingered.

With a moment's contemplation, a smile graced her lips. "Everyone, thank you," she began sincerely. She then waved her hands nervously as if to ward off any concerns before they were brought up, "I'm okay." That part was not as honest, but she felt it needed to be said. "...Let us shift our focus away from the Shehzadi and embrace the beauty of this fleeting day."

"I- uhm..." Her words faltered slightly, revealing a hint of shyness that crept into her speech. "I have plenty of snacks still in the basket if anyone wants anything. Please feel welcome to sit upon our blanketā€¦ I will take a moment to clean myself."

Charlotte proceeded to deftly remove the dress, carefully pulling it over her head. The sensation of the gentle breeze caressing so much of her skin felt both foreign and oddly liberating as the fabric slipped away from her body. She knew it was too late to worry about drawing attention and attempted to push any anxiety about standing there in the bathing suit out of her mind. She folded the dress and set it down. Proceeding to straighten up on her feet and run a hand through her hair, a sigh of relief then escaped her lips. Her fingers slid through the strands, a gesture of gratitude for this small mercy. As her gaze wandered, it landed upon the two that had most recently joined.

ā€Lord Cassius and...ā€ She slid some of her hair behind her ear to stall as she rummaged through her mind to recall a name that had touched her ears within the castle's walls long ago. ā€œKalliope.ā€ Her gift of a good memory had once again proven its worth.

The raven-haired girl smiled once more and told them warmly, ā€œItā€™s nice to have you two with us. Please help yourselves as well to whatever you like. ā€ Charlotte knew she could have given the crude man the cold shoulder. However, she had no intention of causing any more drama than had already unfolded. As long as he didnā€™t start with her again today, she was happy to let go of the past and be peaceful.

With the towel Farim had offered now in her possession, Charlotte directed her steps towards the water's edge. She kneeled down in the warm sand and wet the towel. She then began to dab at the stickiness upon her chest. Though she was still in earshot of the group, it was nice to take a moment after such an overwhelming few minutes. With her gaze fixated toward the expanse water and her hair blowing behind her, she let the smile falter.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Stratya Durmand

22nd, all day
Location: The barracks, the slums
Interactions: None
Mentions: None

It really was something else, living in the capital. Back in her village, certain fruits were only really available at one time of year, when a merchant came by with a fresh supply, on his way to bigger sales in the city. In the capital, however, these things were much more available. Even baking powder and baking soda were readily available. It made a baker's life easy, it was no wonder the baking here seemed soā€¦ advanced. The powder and soda would keep, she should send some to her mother.

Bananas, strawberries, lemons, and baking soda. That is what the recipe for the yearly bread recipe called for, besides the usual stuff. They typically had to do without lemon, however, which also meant switching from the soda to powder. The capital had all these things and more, so she could use the older form of the recipe. She slipped into the kitchen after most of the breakfast cooking had been done and got right to work. She'd grabbed all the muffin tins and bread pans she could find to make a large batch. Admittedly, they did not have many muffin tins. She would have to acquire more.

Now, what had she found Callum doing in the slums? What she'd heard about him disturbed her. He'd gone and thrown coins at some poor bloke as a means of provocation? She couldn't tell if he'd smelled of his activities or just of the slums when she found him. It was concerning, but she said she'd keep her nose out of it. But, well, maybe she wouldn't. Her service was to the Queen, after all, and she could only imagine the Queen wound want to see the lad's doing alright. As a royal in Caledonia, he probably wasn't.

The bake went smoothly, though there were other tools she'd need to obtain. She made enough bread for the whole barracks to have a bit, and then some. She'd had to do two rounds of baking, as she had not had enough tins for the whole batch. She had the oven space, with two small ovens and one large in the barracks kitchen, but not the tins and pans for it. She would have to get more, if she wanted to do more baking here. She loaded up a basket with muffins, dressed into her adventurer getup, and made a return to the slums.

She had a few people to go through, and a few mouths to stuff full of muffin to stop them from asking too many questions. However, she eventually found satisfying information. The man in question was a known nuisance. What she found was troubling. Perhaps she'd be sticking her nose into matters, after all, but there was the distinct feeling that his family would not aid matters. This would be something she had to do on her own, and she'd missed an opportunity.

Callum. She didn't much envy him the position of Edin's son. She'd caught a glimpse of how the King could be, especially to his family, but she couldn't imagine how bad it was when there weren't eyes to see and ears to hear. Nobility and royalty had to be very, very good about that sort of thing. Perhaps the fallen prince would attract the unsavory sort looking for a high-society in. If he wanted to live so poorly as she witnessed yesterday, she might be able to show him a way to do so without the beatings? She didn't normally involve herself in the high court's internal affairs, let alone the royal family's, but if the prince were in a position where he couldn't rely on his family, then she would see if she could help him, as service to the Queen. Surely, she would seek her son's health and welfare?

Aah, but she would have to find him first. That would have to come tomorrow. For the rest of the day, she would be catching up on any ongoing investigations, particularly with anyone who had done interviews or interrogations yesterday with regards to the gunfire and assassination attempt.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by SilverPaw
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Attire: Outfit
Date and Time: Sola 23rd, Late Morning
Location: The Castle Gardens: Tea Party
Interaction(s): @Tpartywithzombi Violet
Family disruptions, she'd said. Related to her attackā€¦?

Wulfric noted all of what Violetā€™s words, and analyzed them. Was the discomfort she supposedly ā€˜feltā€™ from others really based on what sheā€™d overheard? Was it her own unease due to the attack and injuries sheā€™d suffered? Or a self-centered if cynical presumptuousness? Yes, her presence had merited some gossip, but with all that was going on she certainly wasnā€™t the centerpiece of everyoneā€™s attention like she seemed to think.

ā€œYou assume that you are the focus of every whisper and glance, all of them malicious,ā€ he pointed out mildly. Despite what sheā€™d said, he doubted she could hear that well. Then again, Violet had always struck him as inclined to brooding. Perhaps she fancied herself the tragic, darkly romantic heroine, shunned by society and its evils, with the only thing which could save her being true love. Her mention of Roman only solidified this impression.

ā€œYou detest the speculation, but you would be open to verbal prodding from a procession of strangers, well-meaning or otherwise?ā€ He questioned, evidently finding it unlikely that she would. One the one hand, she accused people of a lack of sympathy for her, but on the other hand, sheā€™d shown clear resentment at being approached.

ā€œSo far Charlotte and yourself have been brave enough to try and pull information out of me.ā€

A dry laugh escaped him at that line. Brave enough? What arrogance.

However, her statement revealed that there was indeed information that could be gained from her.

ā€œOh, you are indeed very much mistaken,ā€ Wulfric countered with a smirk. ā€œThat you would believe Lady Charlotte to have unsavory motivesā€¦ā€ he shook his head in disbelief. ā€œNo doubt she was simply checking in on her friendā€™s sister.ā€ The sentence heā€™d uttered gave him pause. Heā€™d been told Charlotte had been seen at the scene of the murder at one point. So, how much did she know?

ā€œAs for myself,ā€ he then continued. ā€œI believe I have said. There is an ongoing investigation, one I should like to see concluded soon.ā€ Wulfric gazed into Violetā€™s blood red orbs thoughtfully. Based on what heā€™d intuited from her demeanour, he figured she might appreciate an appeal to retributive justice.

Thus, he added in a low, dark tone, ā€œYour would-be murderer, or murderersā€¦They are still out there, running free and happy. Perhaps thrilled and satisfied at having hurt you, perhaps eagerly waiting for a chance to do more.ā€ He leaned closer as he spoke quietly, as if confessing a secret. ā€œI want them to pay.ā€ A viciously cold smile flashed across his expression, swift and sudden as a lightning. It was gone just as soon, and he leaned back into the chair.

ā€œDonā€™t you?ā€ He asked, as casually as if they were discussing the weather.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Royal Gardens Tea Party
Attire: Outfit
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Alexander, @Helo Prince Callum

Mina's heart skipped a beat as Alexander's thumb stroked her hand. His touch sent a thrill through her, and she had to remind herself to maintain her composure. She met his gaze with an enigmatic smile, her eyes dancing with playful curiosity. "Well, Mr. Deacon, I must say you have quite the way with words," she purred, her tone suggestive. "It seems you're adept at turning any topic into something... thrilling."

His response about moving to Sorian and his reason for attending the party didn't go unnoticed by Mina. She raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a knowing smile. "Ah, new to Sorian and already indulging in its pleasures? Quite daring, if you ask me," she said, her voice still soft. "And as for acquaintances, well, you certainly know how to make a lasting impression."

As Alexander kissed her hand, Mina's heart raced even faster. She maintained her alluring smile, though her mind was racing. A married man, and yet he was flirting with her so openly. It was a dangerous game, one that she found herself strangely enticed by. ā€As for what brings me, that would be my uncle, Count Sebastian Blackwood. Itā€™s not often he manages to make it to events as he can be rather sickly. It seems like heā€™s having a good day today, however.ā€ She explained as she gestured to her uncle at the table of women, flirting with them just as she and Alexander were flirting.

Before she could respond further, Prince Callum's arrival broke their bubble of intimacy. Mina turned her attention to him, offering a polite curtsy. "Good morning, Your Highness," she greeted, her tone respectful. "Thank you for the cake, it looks absolutely delightful." She gestured to Alexander. "May I introduce Mr. Alexander Deacon? He's new to Sorian and seems to be enjoying the pleasures of this grand tea party."

She turned back to Alexander with a playful glint in her eye. "And Mr. Deacon, this is Prince Callum Danrose, quite the character of the kingdom, I must say. He can put on quite the party, often my favorite ones to attend while Iā€™m in Sorian." Her tone was light, her demeanor flirtatious as she enjoyed the little dance of words and introductions.
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction: @Tpartywithzombi Ariella @princess Charlotte

Lorenzo and Ariella had fortunately left the blanket a while before the dysfunction that had occurred with Layla. Walking with Ariella, he continued to shake the canteen so he could have an even mixture of the herbs. Ariella had warned him that the concoction wouldn't taste well but the young woman had no idea how disgusting his ā€œmedicineā€ tasted. It was always so bitter and strong. Luckily it always worked as intended. The two took their seats by the water once more, finding their spot easily due to the imprints in slightly damper sand.

ā€œThe way it tastes won't bother me if it helps. I'd ra-ā€ Lorenzo winced before farting once more. ā€œSorry!ā€ He said before opening the canteen and chugging its contents. He gulped it down like a champion before he gagged. ā€œUgh! Ugh! Gods! Ariella, this is horrible!ā€ He stuck his tongue out as if the sea's breeze would rid it of the bitter taste of the herbs. ā€œOooh that is the worst thing I have tasted in my lifeā€¦ and I'm 46. That's a decade and a half of tasting things.ā€ Lorenzo shook his head in disbelief at how awful the drink was.

ā€œThank you for that. I hope it helps. I wish I could repay you, especially after you had to endure that dinner the other night. I needed a whole day to recover from that mess.ā€ He sighed and traced a finger into the sand. ā€œAt least one of them is gone, and soon enough all of them will be gone. Back to the wasteland.ā€ He said looking out toward the sea as if he could see the desert homeland of the royal family he spoke of.

At some point while seated Charlotte treated the two with strawberry smoothies, which he was happy to take. He gave his thanks and let Charlotte enjoy her time with her company. It was rare for her to be around so many of her peers, which was quite better than her adopting any and everything off the streets. Stray cats, unusually large roosters, the homeless, and even fugitives. Lorenzo couldn't quite understand it but figured that his daughter was just lonely. Unlike himself, she needed company. She needed friends.

His eyes fell on Ariella as he thought this, wondering if this girl was alienated as well.

Is she like Charlotteā€¦ or is she more like myself?

ā€œYour mother is wrong, you know? I think she's wrong about most things. But gardening is something every noble should at least practice. Dirt under your nails is a common thing. Hard work doesn't come without some dirt or blemishes. And tending to your people is awful like tending to your garden. You have to be delicate but deliberate.ā€

ā€œStubborn weeds are like the problems you'll face. You must thoroughly remove them, even knowing more will always arrive in a matter of days. Some things will take longer to flourish than others. And sometimes they don't grow the way you hoped they would. Patience and care are needed. And I think that's why Vermillion might be the best region in Caesonia. My people are as happy as I am. I don't have to show up to balls or disgustingly formal events. I just tend to them the way I tend to my garden.ā€

Lorenzo spoke with homesickness in his tone. He yearned to return, but his presence was required here, in this den of vipers and vicious beasts.

ā€œHave you ever been to Veirmont? It's beautiful.ā€ Lorenzo sighed, the tracing in the sand now an ugly mess. I hate this place. I wish it would burn.

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@Tae Kali & @princess Charlotte

Many Years Ago

The cobblestone streets of Stravy had been a welcome change from the dirt roads and muddy trails that they had been traveling for weeks. Cassius, even at his young age, had come to love life on the roadā€¦but even he appreciated the comforts that cities could bring. Normally, when the troupe hit a place like Stravy, it meant staying there for at least a few weeks. This time had been a bit longer than usual. Almost three monthsā€¦it had been the longest that Cas had been in one place in quite a while. He had even gotten to know some of the other children, for better or for worse, and had learned his way around the district they were staying in. For the most part, he had the unadulterated freedom to roam and explore as he pleasedā€¦one of the benefits of the life he had been given.

His mother was far too busy with rehearsals, performances, and all of the hustle and bustle that came with her musical endeavors to keep an eye on him all the time. She did her best, but that lifestyle came with certain sacrifices, and the inability to be an attentive parent certainly was one of them. Cassius did not hold any of that against his mother though, especially at the age of ten. He was in awe of her, and despite often not being allowed in the venues to see her performancesā€¦he usually found a way to watch. Even back then, he was proficient in the art of finding a way to get what he wanted.

Sitting on the outer fence of the amphitheater, Cassius had his legs wrapped around the posts and his arms intertwined with the railing to further support his rather uncomfortable positioning. It was the best he could do to get a proper view of the stage below, where his mother was about to perform. She had been practicing a new song for weeks and tonight was meant to be its proper debut. The other opening act was in the final moments of their performance, and it was only a short while before he would get to see his mother walk across that stage and do what no one in the world could do betterā€¦at least in his eyes.

As he waited, a smile crept across his young face as he was filled with the excitement and pride he had for his mother. That smile did not last.

He was struck with the stinging sensation of liquid crashing into his body unexpectedly. The shock of it was only overshadowed by the stench that immediately hit his nostrils. Cassius darted his eyes away from the stage and turned to see what had happened. What he found was a group of other children who immediately began to laugh at his misfortuneā€¦one of which was holding a chamber pot with a smug look on their face. The realization of what was going on began to set in. Then came rage.

Tears of anger welled up in his eyes as he lowered himself from the fence. The other kids continued to laugh as his feet finally hit the ground.

ā€œLook at the whoresonā€¦I think he's going to cry!ā€ One of the boys shouted. The others roared in laughter at the remark.

Cassius let his eyes travel to the one who was speaking. He took in every feature of the boy, burning it all into his memory out of sheer spite. The way the boyā€™s curly blonde locks looked as though they hadnā€™t been washed in weeks, the freckles that lined his face, the one eye that was greener than the other, and even that shit eating grin that adorned his ugly mugā€¦it was all photographed into his young mind in the most permanent way.

ā€œDonā€™t call her that.ā€ Was all that escaped Casā€™ lips in the moment, his tone was quiet and eerily neutral.

ā€œWhat did you just say?ā€ The bully asked, perhaps caught off guard by the statement or unable to hear over the sounds of laughter surrounding him.

ā€œYou called me a whoresonā€¦my mother is not a whore. Donā€™t call her that again.ā€ Cassius stated in that same, cold tone of voice. The bully looked around at his friends, the shit eating grin on his face growing more and more smug by the second. The others began to chant for him to say it again.

ā€œPoor little Cassiusā€¦covered in pissā€¦with the biggest WHORE of a mother in the whole city.ā€ The kid's words barely finished crossing his lips before Cassius charged him. Somehow, Cassius ripped the chamberpot from the bullyā€™s hand and cracked him over the head with it; a loud and satisfying pang reverberated from the impact. The boy hit the ground hard, but before Cassius could even process his next moveā€¦the others were on him. It wasnā€™t the first time he had been beaten to a pulpā€¦and it certainly wouldnā€™t be the last.

Eventually, guards rushed in to break up the melee. The other kids scattered, dispersing like cockroaches into the streets and alleyways. Only Cassius and the boy he struck in the head remained. That boy was unconscious, a bit of blood dripped from where Cassius hit him with his makeshift weapon. The guards grabbed them both and took them away. Those next few hours were a blur until finally his mother showed up to retrieve him. He had never seen her so angry. She didnā€™t say a word to him until they got back to their small, one bedroom abode at the inn.

Meredith inspected his wounds with care, but the look on her face was full of disappointment. ā€œDo you realize how scared I was, Cassius?ā€ Her disheartened tone made his physical pain pale in comparison to the weight of her disappointment.

ā€œIā€™m sorry.ā€ Was all he could manage.

ā€œOh, youā€™re sorryā€¦Good!! That fixes everything. That changes the fact that every single coin I earned tonight went into that guardā€™s pocket just so he would let me bring you home.ā€ She very rarely raised her voice at him like this, but tonight had been a terrible night. What was supposed to be the highlight of their entire tour turned into an absolute nightmare as she had been forced to spend hours tracking down her only son. There was a silence that lingered between them as she tried to get control of her emotions. It was Cassius that broke it first.

ā€œThey called you a whore.ā€ His voice came out mostly regretful, but with a slight hint of defensiveness that still remained.

ā€œAnd why does it matter what a bunch of delinquent children think, Little Bear? What power do they have over us? You canā€™t force this world into being what you want it to be. All you can do is choose whether you float with the waves or continue to fight them.ā€ Her tone changed throughout her statement. Starting at the same, disappointed position and slowly transitioning into one of love and care. Despite her frustration, she brushed her sonā€™s filthy hair out of his face as she cherished knowing that he was safe. Even then, at that age, something about her words resonated with Cassius. He knew, as did his mother, that this would not be the last time trouble would find them, but Meredith was hopeful that her beloved son would heed her warning all the same.

Present Day, At The Beach

As the tension of the moment began to disperse, Cassius once again took in the sight of everyone around him. His eyes lingered on Kali for a moment, flashing her a smirk and nod in recognition of her impressive display. Then, once again, his attention turned to Charlotte as she removed her dress, combed her fingers through her hair, and surprisingly addressed him as well as Kalliope. He could not deny her beauty as she discarded the smoothie-stained dress to reveal the bathing suit underneath, and her turning to speak to him actually caught him a bit off guard. For the moment, he simply answered her courteous welcome with a polite nodā€¦but soon, as she stepped away from the group to finish cleaning what remained of the spilled smoothie from her body, Cassius sauntered over. As he moved past the others to make his way next to her, his gaze turned to the splendor of the water that stretched for miles in front of them. He addressed her with a calm voiceā€¦one not as full of wit and flirtation as it was the other night, but that patented charm remained.

ā€œLady Charlotteā€¦lovely to see you again. Seems Iā€™m not the only one who leaves quite the impression on people.ā€ A smile curled across his lips as he continued to look out towards the water. ā€œI don't know exactly what I just witnessed, but the girl I met the other nightā€¦the one that showed me such fire doesnā€™t seem the type to just stand there and let someone treat her that way. I was glad to see your friends jump to your defense, not that I think you needed itā€¦but itā€™s always good to have support.ā€ After a brief pause, he finally turned his stormy eyes to meet hers. This time, they held genuine concern. ā€œI wanted to askā€¦are you alright? I canā€™t imagine that was part of your vision for this relaxing day at the beach?ā€
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Interactions: @Tae Kalliope; @ReusableSword Roman; @Conscripts John
Mentions: @princess Charlotte; @PapaOso Cassius

The concern written across Sjan-dehkā€™s face as he watched the girl approach the lapping waves was as clear as the sky he stood beneath. He considered following her, but quickly decided against it. Some time alone might do her some good. Besides, did he really think he had the words to ease her situation? Not in her language, he didnā€™t, and he doubted she understood Viserjantan. His presence would likely do more to confuse than anything else.

So instead, he remained where he was and kept a vigilant eye over her. He might not have understood the full details of their earlier altercation ā€“ which, as he thought about it, made his reaction seem all the more silly and reckless ā€“ but he caught just enough to know ā€“ or guess with some confidence ā€“ that this wasnā€™t the first time the girl had been harassed. And judging by her muted reaction, harassment and ridicule were things she had unfortunately gotten used to.

Or, perhaps her parallels with his youngest sister ran even deeper, and extended to a common gentle and forgiving nature. Either way, the abuse faced by the pale girl displeased Sjan-dehk greatly.

He pulled his tunic back on and tied off the drawstrings at his side. It still escaped him as to why he felt so protective about the girl ā€“ a girl whose name he had failed to catch ā€“ other than that she reminded him of his sister and evoked the same feelings. Beyond that, it was all a mystery to him, but it wasnā€™t one he was going to try too hard to solve. To put an end to unjust acts happening before his eyes wasnā€™t a question of reason. It wasnā€™t even just that it was the Way. It was also the right and moral thing to do, and that was all that mattered to him.

ā€œYes,ā€ he said in response to Romanā€™s query as he threw his equipment back around his body. ā€œI handed it to Lady Adiyan. She isā€¦She will take more time to recover.ā€ Sjan-dehk winced as he recalled the state of the High Queenā€™s Voice when he had last seen her. As much as her condition had improved, she was still in quite a rough state. ā€œBut we have others who can talk, if time isā€¦Not enough. But not today. That is too soon. Maybe another day?ā€

Sjan-dehk threw a quick, sidelong glance at the pale girl before turning to John. A slight frown flashed over his features as he heard the doctorā€™s words. Yes, Sjan-dehk once had such thoughts as well, and it would be a lie if he said that he still didnā€™t find it exhilarating to be at the helm of his Sada Kurau and to have her crush pirates beneath her keel. But at the same time, he was all too aware of bitter reality. The damage a cannonball did to a man was unspeakable, and Sjan-dehk was immediately reminded of decks sticky with blood, and strewn with bodies both torn apart and pulverised into barely-recognisable pulp. And he would have had to keep fighting on amidst such a sordid and macabre environment, and always with the thought that he could just as easily meet such a gruesome end lingering in the back of his mind.

He shook his head slightly, and placed a smile on his face. ā€œYes. Sometimes,ā€ he replied simply. ā€œThis city, it is veryā€¦Nice? Good place to be, yes.ā€ He left his response to the doctor at that.

Once again, he snuck a glance at the pale girl. And once again, he considered joining her, but those same doubts from before surfaced in his mind. Not that it mattered in the end; while Sjan-dehk was entertaining his thoughts, someone else approached her. It was the man who had arrived with Kalliope.

That brought him to the woman who had been on his mind. Sjan-dehk had, in fact, noticed her before she joined the group. How could he have not? Dressed in an outfit that showed off enough of her physique to be tantalising, but still keeping enough hidden to allow the imagination a bit of fun, and with her fiery hair pulled up and framing her sun-kissed face beautifully, she was an eye-catching sight to say the least. That was in-and-of-itself a problem for Sjan-dehk; he wasnā€™t quite sure where he should look. The slight flutter in his heart didnā€™t help in the least.

ā€œGood morning, Kali,ā€ he said with a tip of his hat that also served to shade more of his eyes. If he couldnā€™t find a place to rest his gaze, then he would simply obscure it. Even so, he made sure to meet her verdant irises with his earthy ones from time-to-time. It would be impolite to do otherwise. And each time he looked at her, the smile playing across his lips inexplicably widened. ā€œYouā€™ve got a way with words. Canā€™t say that I understood enough to say anything more about them, but they sounded powerful to my ears. Andā€¦ā€ He trailed off as he looked over her attire once more, his cheeks tinting red as he did so. Utterly determined to avoid the same mistake as the previous day, he wracked his mind for a good word to use.

Embarrassing as it was, he immediately thought of words he used to describe ships. ā€œYou lookā€¦You look stunning.ā€ That word didnā€™t leave his mouth as smoothly or confidently as he hoped it would, but at least it was an improvement from yesterday. Marginally, but an improvement, nonetheless. He checked on Charlotte once more, but this time, his smile faded as he looked at the man with her. Who was he? And why had he come to the beach with Kalliope? Guilt and irritation flooded his heart almost as soon as those questions entered his mind. Why was he being so nosy? He wasnā€™t some palace gossip with nothing to do but needlessly pry into the affairs of others. Kalliope could do as she wished, and none of it would be any of his concern.

No, it really had nothing to do with him.

And so, that was why instead of asking those questions, he simply nodded to the pair standing not too far away at the waterā€™s edge. ā€œWhoā€™s your friend?ā€ He asked in as casual a voice as he could muster, and that alone made him even more annoyed at himself. Why was he acting this way? It was unbecoming and not at all congruent to the Way. A flush came over his cheeks. ā€œI-I mean, I didnā€™t catch his name. Donā€™t want to be rude when he comes back, you know?ā€
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by SausagePat
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SausagePat The Sausage Fiend

Member Seen 7 days ago

Time: Late morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interactions: @samreaper Kazumin @princess Charlotte @PapaOso Cassius @Potter Olivia

Kazumin recalled his past few days and Ruby listened with such intent that it felt like she was being read a wild bedtime story. It was either the way in which he sketched his experiences, adding in a little juice with each detail, or it may have just been that he lived a truly exhilarating life. Knowing Kazu, sheā€™d believe the latter just as well.

After hearing about his week, she could understand his hesitance when she had mentioned the Duke. Although we all know how the dear, sweet farm boy can be about his food.. Ruby was just glad to know that they seemed to have a mutual friend in town.
ā€œMay every waffle, and every pancake or other breakfast food that was annihilated at that stand, rest in peace.ā€ she proclaimed after seeing Kazu shed a tear on their account.

[moments after a daydreaming scene filled with waffles, pancakes, and Kazumin abruptly left Rubyā€™s brain]

Ruby paced back and forth in her designated area on the beach, as to confine her inner dilemma into a smaller vicinity, one that may be less noticeable to those around. Kazu continued to worry himself with his catch of the day, or maybeā€“ his new best friend, Otto. A rush of jealousy surely passed through Rubyā€™s veins after watching him wrestle the squirmy creature from his face several times. Is that what it takes? Should I be more clingy in relationships? After all, people just want to feel lovedā€¦

Many questions ran through her mind as she subconsciously proposed the varying explanations for her inadequacies when it came to relationships. She simply never found it easy to get close to most people. But Kazumin was different, Ruby thought. He never seemed to judge her for declarations of joy, or of fear, or evenā€¦ anger. Like right now. Charlotte!

Kazuā€™s hand touched her shoulder and Ruby, in almost any other circumstance, would have melted right then and there. This was different. Her newest friend was being humiliated right in front of her! What could she possibly have done to deserve this? She was so kind to Ruby upon their encounters. Clearly, there was a lot going on in such a short time. ā€œKazu, if that were you, Iā€™d push that smoothie right back into her smug face then and there!!ā€ she said, her voice drowning in excited rage. Kazu made an effort to calm her down, an attempt that would likely be appreciated by everyone. She listened to his words, but reason did little more than distract her from the targetā€” though this was something of value.

ā€Whew. Talk about a hectic scene. Looks like things have settled down. So you know Charlotte too, huh? Guess we got a lot more to share than we thought.ā€

ā€œYes, I know Charlotte too! Isnā€™t she just the sweetest and loveliest girl youā€™ve ever met? Wow, she is just gorgeous. Her clothes are absolutely stunning. Do not tell, but Iā€™ve borrowed from her closet before!ā€ Ruby diverted the subject as usual, but rage still filled her. ā€œAnd look what sheā€™s done to her beach attire now! THATā€™S IT.ā€ she cried. As Ruby began marching forward, she noticed the crowd of guards surrounding her. A flashback to the ballroom filled her mind. Ohhh noo.. These guards are already not fond of me. I donā€™t feel like being drug away by them from another public place.

Ruby nervously picked at her fingernails. I will approach cautiously.

ā€œGo on ahead, Ruby. I'm sure seeing friendly faces will cheer her up. I'll be along shortly.ā€ Kazu shouted, adding something about a fish dinner as she trotted off through the sand.

Others were already coming to Charlotteā€™s rescue as she approached, but this didnā€™t stop Ruby from coming up to say a friendly hello. As she approached, she noticed a red-haired girl sitting at Charlotteā€™s side silently and a brown-haired man in leather pants. Not wanting to interrupt, she awkwardly came to stand right behind them, the tips of her feet practically touching their backs, her eyes darting between them as they spoke. Inevitably, theyā€™d most likely glance up and see her looming over them. Once she was noticed, she smiled down at them. ā€œHello! Donā€™t mind meā€¦ Please continue.ā€
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Castle Gardens
Attire: Alexander and Lianna
Interaction: @Tae Mina @Helo Callum

Alexander was finding this game between Mina and himself quite the fun venture. It didn't take much from her to reel him once he had snapped at the hook. It was all without a struggle or a loss of interest. This was the kind of interaction Alexander desired. He wore a smug look when Mina spoke on his lasting impression.

ā€œAs is yours.ā€ He had replied genuinely. He was rather impressed with her ability to keep up with him while maintaining her composure. Her reason for being here was not anything of note. Even so, her uncle garnered his eyes as she spoke of him. Count Sebastian Blackwood. The name was absorbed into his mind's eye, uncovering the mystery of who the man was in relation to her as well as the Varian Kingdom.

ā€œHe does indeed look particularly strong this morning. To juggle so many women at once is quite the feat.ā€ He jested before Callum Danrose approached with cake to serve. Keeping his smile, Alexander allowed Mina the pleasure of doing the introductions while letting his hand slip from her own.

ā€œA pleasure in meeting Prince Callum Danrose in the flesh, your highness.ā€ He bowed. The ladder came into view once more, the rungs zipping down as found the opportunity to elevate his station. It was the black sheep of the family but he was still even at his lowest, a prince of Caesonia.

After his bow, he extended a hand to take the plate of cake.

ā€œI may not be much of a cake eater but my wife has a love for sweet treats.ā€ He briefly turned toward his wife who was still quietly enjoying her tea by herself.

ā€œAnd did I hear, best parties in Sorian? I guess this charity event I faintly heard you and the king speaking about will be the best one yet then?ā€ Alexander hadn't enjoyed his trumpet playing but he was quite interested in the hand Callum would be playing this season.

Make your next move, Callum Danrose.

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Papa Edinā€™s big important tea party!
Interactions: Mina @Tae, Alexander @FunnyGuy

Callum bowed in return and once his hands were freed from holding plates of cake, he pulled a flask from his jacket pocket and drank from it as Mina talked him up. Heā€™d never really talked to Mina much, mostly because he avoided talking to people he didnā€™t know very well and thus didnā€™t know very many people at all. So he wondered if he had still managed to give Mina a good impression or if she was just being nice out of obligation.

ā€œOh, Mina, youā€™re too kind, I donā€™t know if you heard but it sounds like my partying days are done. Iā€™ve sworn off the booze.ā€ He said, not looking back at Edin but gesturing toward the man with his head and wearing a grin that revealed that such a thing was absolutely absurd. He took another drink from the flask. ā€œAn unfortunate predicament since nothing pairs better with cake than whiskey.ā€ He offered up the flask with a shake in case either of them wanted some.

ā€œAnd wonderful to meet you, Dr. Deacon, but I think Mina here over-exaggerates; it is my sister who is the life and beating heart of every good party, and I, its disgruntled liver.ā€ Callum smiled more at his own joke before he turned his head and offered a smile and wave toward Mrs. Deacon as Alexander pointed out his wife.

He then looked back at Alexander with pause; wondering why the manā€™s wife was alone while Alexander chatted with, in a way that looked like flirting with, Mina. It only made Callum think about how Edin would have his concubines fawn all over him while Alibeth just stood there, watching, not saying a thing about the lack of loyalty. Callum momentarily asked himself if he even wanted dealings with nobles who so quickly reminded him of Edin.

ā€œYou look like a well-dressed man with a charitable heart.ā€ Callum focused on the goal, he needed to be someone who got things done, and how it happened, and who he dealt with, didnā€™t need to matter. Deacon had money, Callum could lie, and those two things could add up to more people in Sorian getting to eat. ā€œI can think of no better way for you to properly introduce yourself to the people of Sorian than by letting those qualities shine through. Your support for an ambitious charity project would certainly make that happen.ā€ He broached the offer to Deacon.

ā€œAnd you as well Mina, though Iā€™m sure people many kingdoms over know of your kind heart, I hear the Blackwoods have always treated their people well.ā€ The insinuation that this was not the norm for the rest of nobility, was left unsaid. ā€œIā€™d be thankful for the support.ā€ He glanced over to wear Wulfric was, wondering if his brother could see him doing just fine handling this on his own. Cal almost wished Wulfy was here for this conversation, so he could hear just how much people liked someone who knew how to have actual fun at a party.
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@PapaOso Cassius @Potter Olivia @SausagePat Ruby
Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

Did that really happen... Was I really so bold?

Olivia had sat beside her silently to give her company and Charlotte had smiled at her. She had been grateful that Olivia had given her the space to unwind a moment after she had become a bit overwhelmed.

ā€œLady Charlotteā€¦lovely to see you again. Seems Iā€™m not the only one who leaves quite the impression on people.ā€

Charlotte glanced up from her seated position, her body tensing visibly.

ā€œI don't know exactly what I just witnessed, but the girl I met the other nightā€¦the one that showed me such fire doesnā€™t seem the type to just stand there and let someone treat her that way. I was glad to see your friends jump to your defense, not that I think you needed itā€¦but itā€™s always good to have support.ā€

I don't know why I just stand there either. Every time. Her eyes averted to the sea as he tried to meet her gaze.

ā€œI wanted to askā€¦are you alright? I canā€™t imagine that was part of your vision for this relaxing day at the beach?ā€ His words struck her as rather empathetic surprisingly. She wondered if this was a feigned concern or if the man wasn't as dreadful as he had initially seemed.

Charlotte pulled her knees to her body. "I'm fine. Thank you for asking..." She grappled for other words she could say and found herself assuring him, "It was only a smoothie..." A silence befell them once more and she noticed he wasn't walking away, so she spoke again with an inquiry, "Are you doing well?"

Perhaps asking such a cocky individual was pointless. He seemed like the type of person that was never bothered and went wherever the wind blew him. Given his intentions could be anywhere on a broad spectrum, she decided to remain pleasant yet guarded. If he was an enemy as she feared, it was better to keep him on his toes. If her impression was wrong and he was not the vulgar pig of a man she was convinced he was, then perhaps they could get along well with time.

As long as he never spoke to her like that again.

A looming shadow abruptly came upon them, extinguishing the warm embrace of sunlight upon her skin. Sensing this sudden intrusion, she swiftly rose to her feet, joining Cassius in his stance. Her gaze shifted, her head turning as she looked over her shoulder to discern the source of the new presence.

ā€œHello! Donā€™t mind meā€¦ Please continue.ā€

"Ruby!" Charlotte greeted her with a delighted smile and a brief hug. Once she withdrew, she began to introduce everyone. "This is Lord Cassius...Count Damien's son... And Lord Cassius," She turned her attention on him, "These are my friends Ruby and Olivia. " She gestured from Ruby to the red-haired girl nearby them as well, Olivia.

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi ā€œStrong women are absolutely unpredictable.ā€

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location: Tea Party
Time: Sola 23
Mentions: @SilverPaw Wulfric

ā€œYou assume that you are the focus of every whisper and glance, all of them malicious,ā€

ā€œ I don't assume anything, Prince Wulfricā€ Violet snapped at his words. She looked away from his direction, already entering this conversation with frustration. ā€œ I would prefer people to leave me to my own. However, I am forced to attend these events in order to keep up my appearance for the pleasure of my parents. She let out a drawn-out sigh realizing that the anger and frustrations she held about everything that happened likely made her seem like an arrogant woman.

ā€œ I don't know who attack me. I don't know why I was attacked. I hold much suspicion on everyone. Even yourself. She looked towards Wulfric ā€œ This is not to say I believe you or any of these other people are the culprits but how am I to be certain? I was injured to the point where my eyesight was taken from me, my body is barely able to do its daily tasks without tiring and my memories are nothing but empty thoughts. She looked back over towards the sounds of the crowd.

ā€ You may laugh all you wish Prince Wulfric, I am sure my situation is comedic. However, I was attacked. You want to see this investigation closedā€¦why? Because it's some kind of inconvenience for you? Because you fear for your people? Yet you sit here and interrogate me and actually insult me with your laughter over my own personal fears of having survived said attack. She paused for a moment taking a slow breath. ā€ These people still being out there continue to haunt me every single moment. If you think that It isnā€™t on my mind 24/7 then youā€™re the foolā€¦ I don't even feel safe in my own home.ā€ Her voice dropped, the first time Violet had shown any sense of emotion.

Taking another deep breath Violet attempted to calm her nerves. ā€ Perhaps speak to my parents, they seem to enjoy putting their nose where it doesnā€™t belong. Itā€™s the only sort of lead I genuinely could give anyoneā€¦ If you do happen to find out who it was. Please do me the courtesy of knowing before everyone finds out.ā€ She turned her attention back towards him, her expression held a sense of fear and sadness ā€...pleaseā€

There she was. The scared, frail, and almost childlike Violet. Her voice was soft as her eyes glistened as tears seem to form in them. She had slipped and allowed her hard exterior to crumble for only a moment. Realizing it, Violet turned her head away from him her face returning to its normal composure as she held back any true emotion. Perhaps she would regret that later but it was too late to take it back now.

ā€œI have nothing else for you Prince Wulfric. It's the only information I know.ā€

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Royal Gardens Tea Party
Attire: Outfit
Interaction: @FunnyGuy Alexander, @Helo Prince Callum

Mina's eyes sparkled with amusement as she watched Alexander's interaction with Prince Callum. The dynamics between the two men were intriguing, and she couldn't help but appreciate the subtle power play that was unfolding. She maintained her alluring smile, her demeanor still playful and flirtatious as she responded to Callum's comment about his partying days being over.

"Oh, Prince Callum, sworn off the booze, have you?" she said, her voice tinged with mock surprise. "What a shame, just when I was considering offering you some of Kolonivka's special brandy. It's been known to have quite the... revitalizing effect." She couldn't resist a playful wink before she reached out, taking the flask from him. Without hesitation, she took a swig, her lips curling into a mischievous grin as she felt the warm burn of the alcohol.

She turned her attention back to Alexander, her eyes dancing with amusement. "You must forgive us, Mr. Deacon," she said, her voice still suggestive. "Prince Callum and I have a bit of a shared history involving spirited discussions and spirited spirits." It wasnā€™t the whole truth as they really hadnā€™t spent much time around each other. If they did, it was at one of the secret afterparties during the courting season and they often were both rather drunk or with others. Still, she knew enough about Callum just from gossip and observation and sheā€™d decided she quite liked him. She offered the flask to Alexander, her fingers brushing against his as she did so. She held the plate of cake in the other hand, not quite touching it yet.

As Callum turned the conversation towards his charity project, Mina's demeanor shifted slightly. Her flirtatious playfulness gave way to a more genuine interest in the cause. "Supporting a charitable project, Prince Callum? That's certainly a noble endeavor," she said, her voice sincere. "And you're right, the Blackwoods have always believed in the well-being of our people. What would a ruler be without their people, afterall? I would be honored to offer my support." She glanced at Alexander with a knowing smile. "What do you say, Mr. Deacon? Shall we help make Sorian a better place for everyone?"

Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of excitement and mischief as she waited to see how Alexander would respond. The game was on, and Mina was fully committed to playing her part.
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
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Tpartywithzombi ā€œStrong women are absolutely unpredictable.ā€

Member Seen 5 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Beach Event
Interactions: Lorenzo @FunnyGuy
Appearance:Outfit, Hair style

Her eyes widen in reaction to hisā€¦accident as she looked away trying to not laugh at his discomfort. She took a bite of her sandwich as her feet dug into the sand as the current continued to flow in and out. ā€œI did warn you, but most things that are good for you donā€™t taste great unfortunately.ā€ She offered him a friendly smile ā€œ Oh, you don't need to repay me for anything. Itā€™s nice that my strange habits come in handy sometimes.ā€

Listening to him talk about the dinner was interesting. Hearing his perspective she was surprised he wasnā€™t more angry about his treatment.

Smiling at Charlotte when she delivered the smoothies she took it gratefully as the refreshing taste of strawberries certainly hit the spot. ā€œ I, unfortunately, had to leave rather early from the event. My mother thought it to be a good idea to embarrass me at such a large event by having my brother come and escort me back home in front of Farim.ā€ she took a frustrated sip of her drink as her brows furrowed just thinking about it.

Your mother is wrong, you know? I think she's wrong about most things.

Thats an understatementā€¦

Ariella sat and listened to the Duke. His words were surprising, to say the least and yet rather expressive of who he was as a person. Her mother was certainly a weed, and her knowing the location of the only place she felt home at caused a level of discomfort Ariella hated. Her eyes widened at the mention of Vermillion ā€œ Noā€¦No balls? No nothing? Justā€¦ and your garden?ā€ She repeated his words as her face showed a level of disbelief. Ariella shook her head ā€œ No I havenā€™t, but from what you're saying it sounds wonderful.ā€ she smiled, finishing the last bite of her sandwich. ā€œPlease, tell me more about it. ā€œ she said excitedly, her face lit up like a firework bursting with excitement. ā€œ What kind of things do you grow in your garden? What do you do for fun there? Does it snow? ā€œ she started listing off questions without taking a breath.
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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Castle Gardens
Attire: Alexander and Lianna
Interaction: @Tae Mina @Helo Callum
Mention:@Silverpaw Wulfric, @Tpartywithzombi Violet, @Potter Sadie, @Lava Alckon Drake

Alexander raised an eyebrow when Callum mentioned that it was Anastasia and not himself that was the life of many parties. He shot a glance toward the Caesonian Princess, the person he had initially considered speaking with. My, how things have turned. With a shrug he replied.

ā€œThe liver is still certainly important. It can be the hardest working organ for some of us. Rarely getting recognition until the day it fails.ā€ Despite the slight morbid detail Alexander took the opportunity to grab the flask Mina had passed him. He noticed her brush his hand, and his smile grew ever so slightly. ā€œIt's men like us that the others want to doom. The freethinkers. The men that wish to see their country flourish by the sight of all its people, not just the wealthy.ā€ Alexander took a hefty swig from the
flask and handed it back to Callum as he winced slightly from the whiskey's bite.

ā€œForgive me, I myself am not the most spirited person.ā€ He went along with Mina's wordplay before listening to Callum attempt to buy him into his charity event. He made some fair points, appealing to Alexander's voiced desire of making his name known amongst the people here in Sorian this season. ā€œHmmā€¦ā€ He raised his eyebrow once more, considering the request before Callum engaged Mina next.

He let their exchange briefly drown out as his eyes landed on Wulfric and the disgusting creature he was speaking to. He couldn't gather much from their expressions. Their conversation was either very mundane or the two were well practiced in masking their- yes. It was exactly that, as Alexander witnessed a break in Violet's composure.

"What do you say, Mr. Deacon? Shall we help make Sorian a better place for everyone?" Mina's question cut in just in time.

ā€œWe should, future countess but unfortunately I as an individual cannot put my name behind such an event. I simply lack the title and the funds needed to make your charity event the best it could be.ā€ Alexander sighed as he placed a hand on Callum's shoulder, an apologetic expression spreading across his features. ā€œEvery disgruntled liver needs a dependable gallbladder. And that, I cannot be.ā€ Alexander gave Callum's shoulder a slight squeeze as he gave him a mischievous smirk. ā€œHoweverā€¦ā€ He released Callum and cleared his throat.

ā€œEsteemed guests of King Danrose 's Tea Party! I, Alexander Deacon, am proud to announce that the world-renowned Black Rose Trading Company will be the first to back and support Prince Callum's charity event for those in need within Sorian! The Black Rose has distinguished itself as the best of the best in trading, so I will ensure this charity event is nothing but the best!ā€ Alexander announced joyously. His wife couldn't help but smile upon hearing his voice boom over the event.

ā€œThis event will be but an example of what the great Danrose royal family has to offer, not just for Sorian but for Caesonia! An example that even the Varian Kingdom can adopt!ā€ he pointed his hand toward Sadie, placing many eyes on her and Drake's table. ā€œTo help in this endeavor as I am sure many don't feel comfortable letting go of funds without a return, our company will be hosting a silent auction of surplus items of great value with a large percentage of the proceeds going to the charity! More details on that will be posted in the newspaper in the coming days.ā€ Alexander performed a bow to the attendants before giving Callum a sly wink. ā€œHow was that, Prince of Onions?ā€

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction: @Tpartywithzombi Ariella

Lorenzo didn't know it, but he had been furrowing his brows slightly after his thoughts on what should happen to Sorian, but still, he listened to Ariella. She had shared what happened after she departed from the dinner two days ago and could empathize with her to a degree. Embarrassment might as well have been married to him at this point. Duchess Embarrassia a woman that rarely left his side.

Then came the spree of questions about Veirmont which Lorenzo was more than happy to answer. Just talking about it could briefly take him from where he was physically. Perhaps he'd take the train back for an ā€œemergencyā€ only to never return.

ā€œNo balls but we do have festivals. Much more fun when everyone can take part. There are so many as well!ā€ He beamed. ā€œCharlotte actually wants to play an old game that's a theme to one of the festivals. The Mermaid Festival. The women dress up as beautiful mermaids while the men dress as ambitious sailors. There's a seashell-collecting contest. A parade! A fishing tournament! There's even- Hm?ā€ Lorenzo turned around upon hearing a bit of commotion behind him toward his blanket. It was hard to make out with so many people, but he could see one of the men shouting at Layla Kadirā€¦ The girl that plays with the fashion-setting snake. I still can't get overā€¦. I STILL CAN'T GET OVER THAT BOWTIE! Lorenzo shook his head, not thinking much of what he could see, and decided he would ask what happened later rather than cause any problems he didn't have to.

ā€œUm what was I talking about? Oh, the mermaid festival. It is the best ever. Unfortunately, I think we might miss it this yearā€¦ And you asked about what I grow? I am willing to grow any kind of flower but tulips are by far my favorite!ā€ He answered before taking a sip of the refreshing smoothie. The taste was delicious enough for him to forget the awful herbal drink Ariella had given him.

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@princess Charlotte, @Potter Olivia, & @SausagePat Ruby

The way Charlotte visibly tensed upon hearing his voice had more of an impact on Cassius than he would likely ever admit. He was someone who thrived on getting reactions, both positive and negative ones alike. However, something about her reaction in particular pained him. It reminded him of their initial meeting, and how bad he felt about the way things had played out that evening though he still couldnā€™t wrap his mind around why. He simply was who he wasā€¦unapologetically, and everyone could either take it or leave it as far as he was concerned. He didnā€™t give a damn what anyone thought about him as long as he was on their mind. Why then, did it bother him so that she was clearly avoiding his eyes as she averted her gaze towards the sea?

"I'm fine. Thank you for asking...It was only a smoothie..." A moment of silence followed her assurance as Cassius, a man who rarely found himself without words ready on the tip of his tongue, struggled to find a way to respond. Soon though, Charlotte broke the silence with a question of her own. "Are you doing well?" Oddly enough, despite his speechlessness only a few seconds beforeā€¦his response came out immediately and unprocessed.

ā€Honestly, Iā€™m not sure how Iā€™m doing. Should be wonderful given the morning Iā€™ve had and the way my life has changed over the course of the last few days. I am not sure what I could possibly have to complain about given my new access to wealth and statusā€¦ yetā€¦something haunts me all the same. In fact, believe it or not I would actually like toā€¦ā€ His words were cut off by the arrival of someone new. The woman had an extraordinary case of Heterochromia, something that only added to her natural good looks. Charlotte stood to greet the woman, whose name was apparently Ruby. She then proceeded to introduce Cassius to both Ruby as well as the other woman standing next to Charlotte named Olivia.

Part of him was almost glad that his apology had been cut off. The words had come out without him even intending for them to, and something about that caught him off guard. He pondered why he was so eager to apologize, but his natural brand of swagger clicked back into place as he addressed the two women with a charming bow.

ā€œItā€™s a pleasure to meet you both, and I must sayā€¦you two look absolutely lovely. I hope youā€™re enjoying your morning at the beach, and what Lady Charlotte says is true, however she left out one important detail. Iā€™m not just the Countā€™s sonā€¦Iā€™m his bastard.ā€ His introduction was laced with sugar as his words came out genuine and kind, the final statement dripping with playful exuberance as he let the word bastard come out as barely a whisper.

A coy smile crossed his face as he continued. ā€I knowā€¦what an absolute scandal at play. Who wouldnā€™t love being a skeleton in the closest of a man like my father? Seems to be the role I was quite literally born to play.ā€ The sarcasm was on full display as he spoke, but as he turned his gaze to Charlotte once more his smile shifted back to one of actual genuinity. ā€Thank you kindly for the introductions, Lady Charlotte. I would be remiss if I did not also mention how lovely you look today as well. Almost perfect, in fact, save for this.ā€ Cassius reached a hand out and delicately wiped away a final few drops of smoothie that had found itself in her hair. His eyes returned to hers sweetly once he was finished. ā€œThatā€™s betterā€¦a bit of spilled smoothie stood no chance of hindering such beauty.ā€

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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: The Beach
Interactions: Charlotte @princess, Sjan-dehk @Apex Sunburn, Cassius @PapaOso, Olivia @Potter, Ruby @SausagePat
Aesthetic: Swimsuit

As the beach scene unfolded before her, Kalliope couldn't help but find herself drawn into the dynamics of the group. Her eyes, though, immediately fixed on Sjan-dehk, that enigmatic and captivating presence that had been lingering in her mind. A small, involuntary smile tugged at the corner of her lips, her heart fluttering in response to his presence. Her eyes briefly turned back to Cassius as she watched him move to the woman whoā€™d had a smoothie dumped on her and things slowly began clicking in her mind. The woman had addressed them, she knew who Lord Cassius was and she even knew her name. With how Cassius was looking at the woman, Kalliope realized this must be Lady Charlotte Vikena.

With a sly smile and a playful glint in her eyes, she looked towards Cassius, who had wandered off to assist Charlotte. "Oh, Cassius, dear," she called out loudly enough for him to hear. "So this is the girl whose name you said last night instead of mine? Sheā€™s even more beautiful than you made her out to be at dinner!" Her teasing tone was undeniable, a mischievous sparkle dancing in her gaze as she watched his reaction. It was all in good fun, of course, a way to remind him of their casual escapades.

Her attention then turned to Sjan-dehk, his presence drawing her in like a magnetic force. As he tipped his hat and greeted her, Kalliope felt her heart race a little faster, though she wasn't fully aware of the reason why. She listened to his words, a bemused smile gracing her lips at his honesty. "Good morning, my dashing Captain," she replied, her voice holding a genuine warmth as she swapped languages. "My words were meant to be cutting, thatā€™s for sure. Layla and I have a small bit of history, though I am surprised Iā€™ve had no repercussions from them yet." She met his earthy gaze with her vibrant one as she smirked playfully, a connection forming that she hadn't quite expected.

In that moment, the beach was a canvas of interactions, each thread weaving its own story, and Kalliope found herself becoming entwined in the tapestry of the day. He made mention of her appearance and a mischievous look twinkled in her eyes. ā€Oh I certainly was hoping youā€™d think so. I did hope to turn some heads.ā€ She playfully twirled to let him get a full view of her, however as she came back to face him she realized his gaze was upon Charlotte and something stirred within her. Her eyes narrowed some as she glanced at the woman then back at Sjan-dehk.

With a slight edge to her tone, she addressed Sjan-dehk's question about Cassius. "Oh, that's just Cassius Vael," she said nonchalantly, though her words carried a hint of bitterness she couldn't quite hide. "Just a charming and roguish nobleman I met last night, known for his ways with the ladies." She didn't realize the underlying jealousy that had crept into her voice. It was odd, unfamiliar, and honestly a bit unsettling.

As she watched the scene unfold, Kalliope was torn between her amusement at Cassius' predicament and the strange discomfort she felt in the pit of her stomach upon seeing Sjan-dehkā€™s interest in Charlotte. She decided to turn her attention back to Sjan-dehk, her playful smile returning as she pushed aside her unfamiliar emotions. "So, my dearest Captain," she said, choosing to embrace the lightness of their banter, "how do you know Lady Charlotte? Seems youā€™re quite interested in her."

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Hidden 10 mos ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Time: Late Morning
Interactions: @Tae Kalliope
Mentions: @princess Charlotte; @PapaOso Cassius

The mysterious, discomforting feeling festering in Sjan-dehkā€™s heart diminished slightly as his conversation with Kalliope progressed. How could it have done otherwise, in the face of pretty eyes shining with playful mischief, and in the presence of her amicable warmth? Even the prying questions that had floated through his head earlier fell silent ā€“ as they should have been from the very start. Sjan-dehk felt himself genuinely relax, instead of having to pretend to be casual and at ease. He could scarcely remember why he had to in the first place. Not even Kalliopeā€™s remark to the departing Cassius could rattle him, although that was more because he didnā€™t quite understand what she had meant.

A subtle flutter tickled his heart at Kalliopeā€™s words. ā€œMy dashing Captain.ā€ There was something about the way she had said those three words that made Sjan-dehk feel happy, yet at the same time, brought him a degree of bashfulness he hadnā€™t experienced in a very long time. He dipped his head ever-so-slightly, and hid more of his face within the shadow cast by his hat.

Nevertheless, he chuckled at Kalliopeā€™s remarks regarding the stranger-with-the-guards. Sjan-dehk made a note of her name ā€“ she seemed to be an important Alidashti, and thus was likely someone he needed to be aware of, at the very least. ā€œLetā€™s hope the repercussions never find you, then.ā€ Sjan-dehk offered her a grin along with his words. ā€œMakes what you did pretty damn admirable, if I do say so myself.ā€

And just as he was about to ask Kalliope about her history with Layla, she introduced Cassius to him.

There was nothing wrong with her words themselves, but there was something in her voice, some strange and vague thing underlying what she had said that brought the discomforting feeling back to the forefront of Sjan-dehkā€™s heart and mind. His brows furrowed slightly.

ā€œ...known for his ways with the ladies."

Suddenly, Sjan-dehk started to understand what Kalliope had meant by Cassius uttering the wrong name the previous night, and with it, an insight to their relationship he wished he never gained. Not that he knew why he felt what he felt, and that made things all the more uncomfortable for him. He was, however, very much aware that the unease he felt was etched upon his face, and so he quickly turned away from her. He looked towards Charlotte, but his eyes were, in fact, focused on the horizon far in the distance.

He cleared his throat and tried to sound as normal as he could when he answered Kalliope. ā€œSo thatā€™s her name? Charlotte? Only just met her this morning. She seems nice enough so far. Reminds me ofā€“ā€ He cut himself short just before mentioning his sister. ā€œOf people I know. Might be too early to tell for certain, but I canā€™t see any harm in getting to know her a little better.ā€

Then, he turned back to Kalliope, his face neutral but eyes reproachful. ā€œBut I do know that sheā€™s had quite a rough morning as it is. Letā€™s not tease the poor girl and give her any more grief, aye?ā€ He let out a muted sigh as he looked back towards the shore. This was all so very silly, and worse than that, immature. What did it matter to him, if Kalliope was in a relationship with Cassius? Nothing at all, surely; she was merely a friend, if even that. Acquaintance might be a more accurate way of putting it ā€“ Sjan-dehk had only known her for all of a day-and-a-half, at most. In a mutter, he added, "Just doesn't feel right, you know? To see a girl like her getting shat upon."

Yes, he was just being silly. That was what Sjan-dehk told himself.

And perhaps, that was why right at the very moment, he wanted to be anywhere else but here. The beach no longer felt even remotely familiar or comfortable. Every fibre of his being told him to leave, to return to the comforting surroundings of his Sada Kurau and lose himself to the monotony and drudgery of the daily routine of keeping a warship running smoothly.

But he couldnā€™t. To do such a juvenile thing was shameful.

Instead, he did something even sillier. ā€œLooks like theyā€™re having a good time,ā€ he said and tilted his chin towards Charlotte and Cassius. As much as he could, he tried to keep the bite from seeping into his words, though he doubted he was overly-successful. ā€œYour partner seems quite interested in her as well. Should we go join them? Going into the water sounds like a pretty damn good idea to me right about now.ā€
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Hidden 10 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Time: Late Morning
Location: Sorian Beach
Interaction:@Conscripts Dr.John @PapaOso Cassius @Tae Kalliope @Lava Alckon Farim, @ReusableSword Roman, @Potter Olivia/Layla, @Apex Sunburn Sjan-dehk
Attire:Bathing Suit, Light-colored beach sandals, Hair loose

"...Iā€™m not just the Countā€™s sonā€¦Iā€™m his bastard.ā€

Charlotte's eyebrows arched involuntarily. His bastard? It was hard to imagine Calbert cheating on Countess Liliane. With just a bit more thought, she recalled that Liliane was his second wife. She took a step forward to scrutinize his face as he continued to talk. He does bear a resemblance that aligns with the right age... Could he truly be a hidden child from the Count's previous marriage? Looks like even Count Evilbert's secrets do return to eventually haunt him. A slight smirk played upon her lips.

His words, initially murmurs in the background, grew in intensity as his attention shifted squarely onto her, "...how lovely you look today as well. Almost perfect, in fact, save for this.ā€Unprepared for the sudden shift, her cheeks flushed crimson as Cassius's hand darted toward her briefly, only to pull back with a smudge of purple, a residue from an errant smoothie. ā€œThatā€™s betterā€¦a bit of spilled smoothie stood no chance of hindering such beauty.ā€

She stood frozen, her face aflame, and her eyes wide with surprise. Is he... flirting with me?

Before she could quite react much more, Kalliope's voice had then cut through the air, "So this is the girl whose name you said last night instead of mine? Sheā€™s even more beautiful than you made her out to be at dinner!"

Charlotte remained rooted in place, her cheeks now somehow even redder than before. I... My name last night instead of hers? So they're a couple it seems and he accidentally called her my name... Her thoughts spiraled like leaves caught in a gust of wind. Then she instinctively took a step backward as a puzzle piece fell into place.


Please tell me that's not what she means.

However, as she attempted to unravel the narrative and her thoughts circled back to the image of Cassius looking at her with a certain admiration while extracting a piece of smoothie from her hair, it became increasingly difficult to dismiss the evident truth of what had transpired. She turned her attention to Kalliope and Sjandehk and observed them for a moment.

Why did Kalliope have to voice that so loudly? How many heard? Surely, Ruby and Olivia overheard... If indeed Kalliope and Cassius are involved romantically, then this would be just as embarrassing for her. Maybe this has to do with his father like I thought the first time...or... Her expression crumpled as the next thought seemed to make the most sense to her at the moment.

Maybe I'm just a joke.

Charlotte absently rubbed her arm, her gaze dropping to the ground, the desire for solitude suddenly surging within her. "Please excuse me, I-..." She began to mumble to the trio in front of her, but her words trailed off abruptly as her gaze fixed on Count Calbert Damien approaching in the far distance, causing her to halt in her tracks.

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