"If you don't get that tricorder away from me right this instant, I'm going to rip your intestines out and use them to hang you from the ceiling."🎶🎶🎶Starset - Telekinetic🎶🎶🎶 |  |
Age: 20
Species: Human
Gender: Female - She/Her
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 178lbs
Appearance Description: Physically, Diana is a bit of an oddity. Aside from being of a somewhat stocky build, one only has to look at her to tell that she isn't an ordinary human. Across Diana's left eye is a large and faded scar, and both of her eyes are a reflective, glassy pale color. This is a telltale sign that Diana is an "esper," or a psychic. Her skin is dotted with various markings such as puncture marks and what appear to be the remnants of medical stitching, but these are not mentioned in her medical records.
Starfleet Record
Division: Operations
Role: Acting Head of Security / Ensign
Academy Major: Parapsychology
Academy Minor(s): Weapon Systems and Tactical Combat
Esper Rating: 153
Personal Information
Biography: Years ago, Diana lived on a plant know as Nero 8. It was a Federation planet colonized three decades prior, with much of the planet being mostly untamed wilderness. Nero 8 was home to the terrestrial Starbase 97, a state-of-the-art facility with a port in the atmosphere for spacefaring vessels to dock for leave, maintenance, crew rotations, and anything else deemed necessary. Starbase 97 spanned roughly two and a half kilometers of land, and far beneath its surface, Diana was experimented on. She does not remember her life before this, or if she ever truly had one, but Diana was a test subject for a deranged scientist who became obsessed with extrasensory perception. He abducted certain individuals, and used unethical technology to wipe their memories of their home or families. Raised in captivity, Doctor Ryan Jenson subjected his playthings to torturous procedures designed to awaken, and amplify their potential for ESP. Jenson believed he could rewire the structure of a subject's brain to "align" them with the harmonic resonance of the Galactic Barrier, allowing them to tune into it like a radio. These procedures were painful, invasive, and traumatizing. They were often unsuccessful, only causing pointless agony to the victim. After roughly 40 trials, not a single subject had survived the procedure. All of them suffered neurological necrosis, their brains rotted away to pulp.
Except for Diana.
She was 11 years old when doctor Jenson administered the psychogenesis procedure. Diana suffered a severe aneurism, loss of motor control in her limbs and violent seizures for the next three weeks, but she survived. Her brain did not reject the treatment, even if it damn near killed her as well. When she recovered, the doctor redirected all of his resources into ensuring Diana's growth would not be impeded. His secretive facility under the starbase was made to withstand any kind of testing needed to promote the development of Diana's psychic abilities. By 15, she was able to read the thoughts on doctor Jenson's mind like second nature. She could move pieces on a 3D chess board without lifting a finger from across a room, and pick out any playing card in a deck before searching for it. Her abilities seemed to defy science, going as far as to project her voice into the mind of the crazed doctor despite not being a Betazoid. These achievements were groundbreaking, but they left scars on Diana's mind. She resented the doctor, resented being buried under miles of metal and rock where she'd never see the light of day. Diana wanted to escape and see the outside world that she
knew was out there, but she wasn't strong enough.
The doctor's tests were cruel. There were days where she could barely stand due to the constant, invasive tests and how painful they left her. Harvesting brain cells for study under microscopes, induced atrophy to test if Diana could heal it with her mind, and mental stress tests were just a few of the psychotic things that Ryan Jenson put her through. Perhaps there was some figment of productivity in it all, because Diana eventually found a way to take her freedom from the jaws of purgatory. When Diana was 17, her psychic abilities reached their peak. She caught a glimpse of someone's thoughts, someone high above the atmosphere in Nero 8's orbital station. They weren't particularly important as an individual, but the very presence of this consciousness sparked Diana to question doctor Jenson. She asked him about the world outside the "science bunker" as he called it, but the doctor told her to ignore it. Despite his refusal to talk about the subject, Diana could
feel the trepidation rolling off of him. He was afraid of what she could do, now that she could detect things miles in the sky. Emboldened by this, she refused to let the subject be ignored, and pressed him for information. They erupted into an argument, in which tempers flared enough that Jenson struck her across the face.
Diana did not bring it up again. Instead, she concentrated and slowly focused more and more on what she felt, until she became aware of the space station itself, not just an individual person. So many minds existed beyond her cage, and they were all free. Their emotions were feint, but they weren't sad or in pain like her. Why did so many people in the world feel happy and free when she did not? Why?
Why? WHY?! Diana decided that she was powerful enough to leave on her own. If Jenson would not let her live as her own person, then she would make that decision on her own terms.
One day, when the doctor was away, Diana reached into the atmosphere from far, far below Starbase 97. Her mind became an anchor, and she tied it to the space station. 30,000 kilometers of metal and crashed down to Nero 8 like a meteor from the heavens. The station's dilithium reactor, large enough to power a dozen Constitution starships, detonated on impact. The blast destroyed the entire Starbase and shook the geologic foundation of Nero 8 to its core. The strain took a great toll from Diana, who was knocked unconscious by falling debris and did not wake up for two days due to the mental strain. Diana found her way out of the destruction, and bore witness to a veritable apocalypse. Nothing but ash, dust, twisted metal and a burning sky were there to greet her. The death toll was in tens of thousands. Her arm had been dislocated from the destruction, but she was alive. Alive, and the only living soul on an entire planet.
She roamed the ruins of Starbase 97 for months, scavenging for scraps of food and knowledge to piece together the world around her. Diana found a phaser and used it to hunt animals that made their way through the ruins. She was alone on a barren rock, but she did not care, because she was alive and free. Her freedom would not last, though. The destruction of Starbase 97 and its sister station shocked the entire Federation. Three starships were sent to investigate under the assumption that this was a deliberate assault by Romulan forces. All three ships sent away large away teams to scour the base for survivors. After a week, the only survivor they found was a 17 year old girl with pale white eyes and a phaser. The team that found Diana struggled to get her aboard their ship, and struggled even more to give her medical attention. The sickbay's medical team tried to restrain her for her own good, but three different doctors were flung backwards. Security was called, and the girl was sedated just long enough to give her first aid. After the incident was taken care of and the search was called off, Diana was questioned extensively regarding many things, such as her "abilities" and the destruction on Nero-8, which was placed under quarantine until further notice. She denied knowing anything about the base's destruction- Who would blame that calamity on a child?
A team of scientists questioned her about her psychic powers, taking extensive interest in her. But they were all scared off when she offered to snap them in half with her mind. It was made very clear from the start that Diana could neither be studied safely, or allowed to go her own way. Starfleet command decided they would rather confine the girl to a cell and strap her to a bed to study her than let her live her life in peace. Her ESP abilities were so incredible that Starfleet command deemed it paramount to understand her. But despite this, Diana fought them at every chance, telling them they had no authority over her, that she would not be experimented on, and more. Her unique situation aside, the girl had nowhere else to go. Diana was to Earth, and brought before the Federation Council, the very heart of the Federation's legislation. The Council discussed her unique situation, having the highest ESP rating in Federation history by an absurd margin and wanting to simply be left alone, and proposed a compromise. They would not allow her to leave their sight, due to her dangerous nature and the prospect of scientific study, so they gave her two options.
Diana could join Starfleet as a cadet, under any division she felt interested in, and an order would be mandated for her autonomy to be respected while she adjusted and underwent her training through the academy. If she did, then Starfleet command would respect her boundaries, and would not impose their authority on her to learn the nature of her psychic abilities, or her history on Nero-8. She could use her abilities for the good of the Federation, and carve out a legacy where she meets the expectations of her supposed superiors. Diana would be respected, with the expectation that she respect the Federation and what it stood for.
Alternatively, Diana could refuse to join Starfleet, and she would be taken into custody. Diana would be committed to the finest scientific institution in the federation, where the greatest parapsychologists would study her in humiliating detail for the rest of her life. Her autonomy would be nonexistent, and she would be little more than something to be ogled and gawked at. Her brain would be surgically removed after her death, and anything interesting and remarkable about Diana's existence would be credited to a scientist who published a work about her.
Both options meant she lost the ability to make her own future, and find her own way in the world. But the record already showed that Diana was more than willing to use violence for the sake of protecting herself. Knowing this, the Federation Council was pleased that she decided to enroll in the academy. For the next two years, she dodged any and all demands by Federation scientists, and tried to make the best of her suboptimal situation. In spite of her unique background, Diana has proven to be very dedicated in her training and her fields of study. While she lacks a lifetime of education like most other cadets, the playing field is levelled out by her nature as a living trump card. She is now on the verge of graduating from the academy, but her grace period offered by the Council won't last much longer. One day, the order will be given to subject Diana to testing, per the agreement she made that allowed her to simply "adjust." Diana does not know when this day will come, only that it will.
Other Details: - Diana is very, very good at three-dimensional chess. Even without her psychic abilities, she could defeat a Starship computer in less than 5 turns. She once beat a Vulcan flag officer in a match that lasted three hours, shortly after her trial before the Federation Council.
- Diana often spends weeks without sleep, due to her psychic abilities making dreams a very... Uncomfortable thing to experience. Instead, she meditates to quiet her mind.
- Due to Diana's ability to read the thoughts of others, a discreet protocol is put in effect on any starship or starbase she occupies, outlying precautions that the chain of command, from commodore to chief, must take for the sake of security. These precautions are not taken under the assumption that Diana has ill intent, but solely under the assumption that she may learn sensitive information without actively searching for it.
- Diana regularly takes moderate-strength to deal with the constant headaches she experiences. These are a side effect of her ESP, and have occasionally rendered her incapacitated after intense training exercises where she overexerted herself.