◼ G M (s): Lord Wraith ◼ C O N S U L T I N G G M (s): Enarr & Sep ◼ G E N R E: Fandom ◼ T Y P E: Collaborative Linear Sandbox
"To me, writing is fun. It doesn’t matter what you’re writing, as long as you can tell a story." S T A N L E E ( 1 9 2 2 - 2 0 1 8 )
I N T R O D U C T I O N: I N T R O D U C T I O N:
T I M E.
S P A C E.
R E A L I T Y.
I T ' S M O R E T H A N A L I N E A R P A T H. I T ' S A P R I S M O F E N D L E S S P O S S I B I L I T Y, W H E R E A S I N G L E C H O I C E C A N B R A N C H O U T I N T O I N F I N I T E R E A L I T I E S, C R E A T I N G A L T E R N A T E W O R L D S F R O M T H E O N E S Y O U K N O W.
I A M T H E W A T C H E R. I A M Y O U R G U I D E T H R O U G H T H E S E V A S T N E W R E A L I T I E S.
F O L L O W M E A N D P O N D E R T H E Q U E S T I O N...
'What If' is built on the idea of how altering even one detail can greatly alter the stories of the characters we all know and love. As a basic premise, the world is already altered by the presence of both DC and Marvel characters, locations, technologies and all other associated concepts. Players will collaboratively flesh out and build the world, telling stories that exist exclusively alongside each other and inclusively intersect, overlap and build a brand new world filled with answers to the question...
What if?
Compared to past 'One Universe' games, 'What If' is focused on the concept of the multiverse meaning players are concurrently running their universes alongside the one run by the GM. While the GM multiverse will consist of the game's primary narrative, players are also encouraged to build the world with their multiverses and collaborate with other players to tell those stories. Players will be presented with opportunities to cross between their multiverse and the GM multiverse for 'Crises' events with individual 'Crossovers' left up to the discretion of each player and their concept.
The game will, as it has in the past, run in 'Seasons' with the Season concluding when that Multiverse's narrative has resolved. Each season, the GM-directed multiverse will pivot to a different multiverse with players being able to continue their characters in the previous multiverse or swap out for a new concept to keep the game feeling fresh.
A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S: A C C E P T E D C H A R A C T E R S:
S E A S O N O N E R O S T E R:
◼ DOCTOR DOOMaka Victor Von DoomS T A T U S As portrayed by Fiber ◼ THE ETERNALSaka Ajak, Druig, Gilgamesh, Ikaris, Kingo, Makkari, Phastos, Sersei, Sprite & ThenaS T A T U S As portrayed by PatientBean ◼ THE FANTASTIC FOURaka Ben Grimm, Jaime Reyes, Jason Rusch, Ronnie Raymond & Valeria FranklinS T A T U S As portrayed by Ezekiel ◼ THE GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXYaka Hawkman, Starfire, Rocket, Groot, Cosmo, Korg & YonduS T A T U S As portrayed by Lord Wraith ◼ HOURMANaka Richard TylerS T A T U S As portrayed by Hound55 ◼ MIDNIGHT SONSaka Blade, John Constantine, The Hood Supreme, Magik & Zatanna ZataraS T A T U S As portrayed by Grimnir ◼ THE QUESTIONaka Victor SzaszS T A T U S As portrayed by Enarr ◼ THE PUNISHERaka Charles ForteS T A T U S As portrayed by Simple Unicycle ◼ THE ROOKaka Amanda WallerS T A T U S As portrayed by Mao Mao ◼ SPIDER-MANaka Miguel O'HaraS T A T U S As portrayed by Master Bruce ◼ SUPERGIRLaka Kara LuthorS T A T U S As portrayed by Ruby ◼ THE SUPERIOR ROGUESaka VariousS T A T U S As portrayed by Hound55 ◼ THORaka Thor OdinsonS T A T U S As portrayed by Sep
◼ LOKIaka Loki LaufeysonS T A T U S As portrayed by autumoon
◼ JOKERaka Jack NapierS T A T U S As portrayed by Eviledd1984
◼ BATMANaka Bruce WayneS T A T U S As portrayed by Byrd Man
◼ THE QUESTIONaka Victor SzaszS T A T U S As portrayed by Simple Unicycle
◼ BATMANaka The BatmanS T A T U S As portrayed by Roman
◼ THE SHADOWPACTaka Anna Levina, Bigby Russell, Johnathon Blaze, Jeannine Sauvage, Nico Minoru & Tim HunterS T A T U S As portrayed by Abstract Proxy & Bork Lazer
I N A C T I V E C H A R A C T E R S: I N A C T I V E C H A R A C T E R S:
Inactivity is tracked after a period of fourteen (14) days, or two weeks. If an additional seven (7) days passes after two weeks has already elapsed, a character will be moved from the Active Roster to Inactive. Inactive Characters are up for grabs for new players and existing players will not require permission to 'ghostwrite' with them if the character was previously used in the IC Thread. All previously established canon should be retained whenever possible.
W I T H D R A W N C H A R A C T E R S: W I T H D R A W N C H A R A C T E R S:
Withdrawn Characters are specifically for Characters who have been requested to be removed from the game for one reason or another by their player. Like Inactive Characters, these characters are available for new players to portray or existing to ghostwrite as if the withdrawn character had previously appeared in the IC Thread. All established canon should be retained wherever possible.
C H A R A C T E R S U B M I S S I O N S: C H A R A C T E R S U B M I S S I O N S:
Due to the nature of the RP, character submissions will not be based on traditional sheets but on 'Character Proposals'. This differs in that instead of the usual fact spill that a character sheet is based on, a Character Proposal outlines the character you intend to play, any differences from their source material and a proposed character arc. This is so we know coming in that you have a story you want to tell with this character.
Villainous characters are allowed. Anyone can apply as a villain with or without permission from the 'parent or 'hero' character except for them being called out in an accepted plot or already appearing in the IC. Even still, it is encouraged to use a player character wherever possible however, understandably, sometimes two ideas will simply not mesh.
Players interested in the same character for the 'Prime Universe' will be judged based on the strength of their proposed concept with the GMs choosing the preferred candidate for the 'Prime Universe'. The other player may opt to be an Invader or move their concept to a multiverse and flesh it out there.
If someone applies as a character you were interested in, you will have a window of twenty-four (24) hours to state your intent to compete for the character and then an additional seventy-two (72) hours to submit a competing application*. If a character submission goes unchallenged for twenty-four hours and the GMs have no outstanding issues with it, the character will be accepted.
Losing a character submission contest does not mean you've lost the chance to play the character. In the event of a dropout, you may re-state interest. Furthermore, you may approach the player who was granted the character and inquire about ghostwriting opportunities in supporting or roaming roles. If another player lends their character to you for ghostwriting, no additional CS needs to be submitted as you are still writing the previously accepted character.
*All acceptances and reviews shall be delayed for a week [seven (7) days] on the RP's initial launch. The rule of twenty-four hours to state intent will come into place after that period has expired.
C H A R A C T E R S H E E T A P P L I C A T I O N: C H A R A C T E R S H E E T A P P L I C A T I O N:
O P T I O N O N E:
B I R T H N A M E ♦ O C C U P A T I O N ♦ A F F I L I A T I O N ♦ M U L T I V E R S E
W H A T I F...?:
"Witty Quote"
This is where you outline your vision for the character including any notable changes or differences from the regularly accepted canon. This should be a short summary that provides insight into where the character is in terms of their overall progress and development. You could also include any notable differences from the standard canon you've added to your character.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go? For a driving character, there should be enough of an outline present to interest other players along with specifications towards how many players you're looking to involve or available roles. For supporting characters, this should indicate either a plot you've arranged to be part of or the type of plot you're looking to be involved in. Roaming characters have the privilege of doing either or simply stating a roadmap for the character to exemplify how you'd ideally like them to move between plots.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.
P O S T C A T A L O G:
A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
[CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][h1][color=lightgray][b]A L I A S[/b][/color][/h1][h r] [img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img][h3][sup][sub][color=darkgray]B I R T H N A M E [color=lightgray]♦[/color] O C C U P A T I O N [color=lightgray]♦[/color] A F F I L I A T I O N [color=lightgray]♦[/color] M U L T I V E R S E [/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][img]IMAGE/BANNER[/img] [/CENTER][COLOR=lightgray][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]W H A T I F...?:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR] [CENTER][sup][color=darkgray]"Witty Quote"[/color][/sup][/CENTER] [INDENT][INDENT][i]This is where you outline your vision for the character including any notable changes or differences from the regularly accepted canon. This should be a short summary that provides insight into where the character is in terms of their overall progress and development. You could also include any notable differences from the standard canon you've added to your character.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=lightgray][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go? For a driving character, there should be enough of an outline present to interest other players along with specifications towards how many players you're looking to involve or available roles. For supporting characters, this should indicate either a plot you've arranged to be part of or the type of plot you're looking to be involved in. Roaming characters have the privilege of doing either or simply stating a roadmap for the character to exemplify how you'd ideally like them to move between plots.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=lightgray][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.[/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=lightgray][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][h r][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.[/i][/indent][/indent]
*Please remove the space from between the 'h' and 'r' in the [h r] tags to make the horizontal line work.
O P T I O N T W O:
"Witty Quote"
_________________________________________________________ Given Middle Surname _________________________________________________________ Occupation | Affiliation(s) [If Applicable] _________________________________________________________ Multiverse | Open or Closed to Collaborators
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat. -
This is where you outline your vision for the character including any notable changes or differences from the regularly accepted canon. This should be a short summary that provides insight into where the character is in terms of their overall progress and development. You could also include any notable differences from the standard canon you've added to your character.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go? For a driving character, there should be enough of an outline present to interest other players along with specifications towards how many players you're looking to involve or available roles. For supporting characters, this should indicate either a plot you've arranged to be part of or the type of plot you're looking to be involved in. Roaming characters have the privilege of doing either or simply stating a roadmap for the character to exemplify how you'd ideally like them to move between plots.
[COLOR=SLATEGRAY][CENTER][sup][h1][center][img]Header/Banner[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] A L I A S[/color] [color=lightgray]A L I A S[/color][/center] [/b][/h1][/sup] [color=silver][sup][i]"Witty Quote"[/i][/sup][/color][/CENTER][table][row][/row][row][cell][center][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T[/color] [color=lightgray]C H A R A C T E R P O R T R A I T[/color] [/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup][img]Headshot[/img] [sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y[/color] [color=lightgray]C H A R A C T E R S U M M A R Y[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [sub][COLOR=darkgray]Given Middle Surname[/COLOR] [sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=darkgray]Occupation[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]Affiliation(s) [If Applicable][/COLOR] [sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=darkgray]Multiverse[/COLOR] [b]|[/b] [COLOR=darkgray]Open or Closed to Collaborators[/COLOR][/sub][/center] [indent][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] C H A R A C T E R N O T E S[/color] [color=lightgray]C H A R A C T E R N O T E S[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [INDENT][hider=][color=#2e2c2c]-[/color] [indent][sub][b][color=lightgray] M I S C E L L A N E O U S[/color][/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ [COLOR=darkgray][color=lightgray][b]►[/b][/color] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus at mi mi. In imperdiet porta dolor, at fermentum nulla commodo eu. Suspendisse volutpat et ex tempor suscipit. Nullam tincidunt at nunc vel auctor. Donec venenatis, nisl nec fringilla varius, massa quam porttitor turpis, sed bibendum purus sem id risus. Nullam scelerisque lectus eget diam gravida malesuada. Maecenas consectetur est ac sollicitudin congue. Maecenas interdum erat dignissim lectus sodales, nec ultrices neque egestas. Integer convallis lacus at consequat volutpat.[/color][/sup] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider][/INDENT][indent][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] P O S T C A T A L O G[/color] [color=lightgray]P O S T C A T A L O G[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]_________________________________________________________[/sup] [INDENT][hider=][color=#2e2c2c]-[/color] [indent][sub][b][color=lightgray] P O S T C A T A L O G[/color][/b][/sub] [sup]▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ [COLOR=darkgray]◼ [/COLOR][/SUP] [color=#2e2c2c]-[/color][/indent][/hider][/INDENT][/cell][cell][INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] W H A T I F...?[/color] [color=lightgray]W H A T I F...?[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][indent]This is where you outline your vision for the character including any notable changes or differences from the regularly accepted canon. This should be a short summary that provides insight into where the character is in terms of their overall progress and development. You could also include any notable differences from the standard canon you've added to your character. [/indent][/COLOR] [INDENT][sub][sup][sub][h3][b][color=black] P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )[/color] [color=lightgray]P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )[/color][/b][/h3][/sub][/sup][/sub][/INDENT][sup]________________________________________________________________________________________[/sup] [COLOR=DARKGRAY][INDENT]Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go? For a driving character, there should be enough of an outline present to interest other players along with specifications towards how many players you're looking to involve or available roles. For supporting characters, this should indicate either a plot you've arranged to be part of or the type of plot you're looking to be involved in. Roaming characters have the privilege of doing either or simply stating a roadmap for the character to exemplify how you'd ideally like them to move between plots.[/INDENT][/COLOR][/cell][/row][/table][h r][/COLOR]
*Please remove the space from between the 'h' and 'r' in the [h r] tags to make the horizontal line work.
_________________________________________________________ Katar Hol of Thanagar | Carter Hall of Earth - The Savage Hawkman Koriand'r, Princess of Tamaran, Starfire of the Vega System Experiment 89P13 aka Ranger Rocket Raccoon Groot, Seed of Slaughter, Monarch of Planet X Korg the Warbound of Krona Cosmo the Spacedog, the Bestest Boy Yondu Udonta the Noble Savage, Whistling Death _________________________________________________________ Various | Guardians of the Galaxy _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 668 - Prime|See Notes
T H E G U A R D I A N S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
"Give me a reason to hit you again."
The latest reincarnation of the former Thanagarian Crown Wingmen, Katar Hol, Dr. Carter Hall has lived hundreds of lives spread across the known galaxies, spanning nearly a millennia. As such his martial prowess and knowledge are nearly unrivalled were it not for the fragility of his mind and the psychological toll that comes with the burden of thousands of years of memories.
On an archeological dig, Carter recovered the buried Wingman ship that his original incarnation crash-landed on Earth thousands of years prior. Upon restoring power to the vessel, it began to receive a distress signal from the reigning Thangarian Queen, none other than his beloved Chay'ara. Requesting that all active Wingmen return home to Thangar, Carter took it to mean that Chay'ara was in danger. With some help, from his friends, Carter ventured into the stars only to find himself once again shot down and captured on the planet Hny'xx, otherwise known as...
Formerly of the planet Tamaran in the Vega System, Princess Koriand'r has not had an easy life. Due to disease in her older sister, Kormand'r, Koriand'r was next in line to succeed her father's throne. This created a bitter rivalry between the two sisters as Kormand'r harboured a bitter jealousy of her sister and a hatred towards the rules and traditions that robbed her of her perceived birthright. After Koriand'r was married off to a neighbouring prince to secure a peace treaty, Kormand'r betrayed her world to the Citadel who conquered Tamaran with ease.
The Citadel however betrayed Kormand'r and instead gave the pair of sisters to the Psions as a gift to secure their own continued relations. Exploited and experimented on, the Psions awakened latent powers within both sisters leading to their escape, however where Koriand'r repaid Kormand'r's treachery with kindness and fried her sister, Kormand'r instead stabbed her in the back, subduing her sister and pinning her own schemes on Koriand'r.
With Tamaran now under the rule of Kormand'r, Koriand'r was sent into exile and sold to Lord Antar Ftt B'Jan. When Koriand'r proved too fierce to be another of Lord Antar's concubines, she was sent to the gladiatorial pits to die. Yet again refusing to lay down, Koriand'r instead became its reigning champion.
Originally an ordinary raccoon, Rocket began his sentient life as Experiment 89P13 at the hands of the sadistic beings known as the Psions, the same race that experimented on Koriand'r and her sister.
<Bridging Paragraph(s)>
Eventually leaving Halfworld behind, Rocket was recruited into the Rangers, an intergalactic bounty hunters guild. It was on a Ranger mission that Rocket first encountered a Colossus Flora X, the lifeform he'd later come to know as Groot. Rocket educated Groot in the ways of the galaxy, or at least from his jaded perspective.
Eventually, the pair would be hired to go to Hope's End, but they were ultimately sold out by a pair of competitors who arranged for their capture. Impressed by Groot, Lord Antar placed the Colossus Flora X in his gladiatorial pits, while keeping an amused eye on Rocket whom he placed in his menagerie.
A Kronan from the planet Krona. Korg and his people have an appearance comparable to being made of rocks. Formerly a soldier, Korg deserted his post, wandering the galaxy aimlessly as a drunk and a barfly until bad luck and circumstance landed him in Hny'xx gladiatorial pits. A crowd favourite due to his antics, Korg has survived for several years despite all odds.
A mix of a Labrador and Golden Retriever, Cosmo was Soviet spacedog from the 1960s who became lost in space where he was irradiated by cosmic rays and ultimately mutated. Arriving at Know here, Cosmo found themselves a place amongst the people there, their newfound abilities making them an asset and ultimately landing Cosmo a position as head of security. Unfortunately, some still saw Cosmo as just an oddity to be collected, and he was discovered by the Collector before ultimately being stolen by the Ravagers. Once the pirates had grown born of their newest mascot, the spacedog was dumped on Hope's End where he ultimately ended up being on display again in Lord Antar's menagerie.
A member of the Centaurian race, Yondu is a formidable archer and warrior. Capable of manipulating his arrows through whistles, Yondu was a near perfect marksmen. Coming to Hope's End seekinfbfame, Yondu is one of the longest running gladiators and was the reigning champion of until, in a fit of rage, Lord Antar blinded his prized warrior. Now Yondu works in the pits, a shell of his former self caring for and training the new warriors.
V E S S E L S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
The Shayera
An M-Class Ship originally owned by the Tamaranean Royal Family, liberated by the Guardians upon leaving Hope's End. The Shayera was formerly named The Starbolt and was the personal cruiser employed by Queen Kormand'r prior to its 'liberation' by Rocket and Koriand'r. Fast and agile, The Shayera benefits from several updates made to her weapons, shields and engines by Kormand'r to aid in her dubious activities. As a bonus, the ship also has a Tier-IV Cloaking System onboard and is capable of navigating from the Vea System to Knowhere in less than twelve parsecs.
Recently re-discovered by Carter upon an archeological dig to Egypt, the Brontadon is a Wingship assigned personally by the Thangarian Crown to her Wingmen. Like all Wingships, the Brontadon was composed almost entirely of Nth Metal, a valuable resource native to Thangar and the source of their fighting edge. A millennia ago, the Brontado would have been considered cutting-edge and nigh-untouchable, but things have changed since the golden age of Thanagar and the patrol craft is laughably outgunned in the modern arena. Upon entering the Vega System, Carter and the Brontadon were immediately identified by Ravagers who managed to ensnare the ship and commandeered it for its valuable Nth Metal. Carter was discarded and traded to a local baron in exchange for the Ravagers' continued operation in the Vega System.
A L L I E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
The Justice Society of America
Earth's oldest superhero team. Both Carter and Shayera served on several iterations of the team as Hawkman and Hawkwoman after its founding during the first World War. It was J.S.A. member Pat Durgen that helped Carter restore the Brontadon to its operational status and launched his interstellar adventure.
Rocket's former lover, Lylla was also a Psion experiment. She taught Rocket most of what he knew, however, the war with the Psions changed Rocket from the Raccoon she once knew and the pair drifted apart, leading to Rocket's departure from Halfworld.
Like Rocket, Wal was an experiment done by the Psions and is a resident of Halfworld, working with Lylla to protect their people from the oppression of Bucky O'Hare and his Black Bunny Brigade.
A member of a resistance to Kormand'r rule, General Ph'yzzon was a dear friend of the late King Myand'r and watched both Koriand'r and Kormand'r grow up. Responsible for much of their training, General Ph'yzzon oversaw the young princesses' tutelage under the Warlords of Okaara. A believer in Koriand'r's innocence, Ph'yzzon fits to protect Tamaran from Kormand'r's corrupt ambition.
The latest reincarnation of the original Chay'ara Hol, Chay'ara Thal is the current reigning monarch of Thanagar and is known for being the people's queen. However, some wish to end her rule prematurely and an insurgency among her military has begun to rise up, showing no signs yet of being quelled.
N O T A B L E F O E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
A genetically modified creation of the Psions, Warwolf was grown in a lab using DNA stolen from a Czarnian. Meant to be the 'perfect' weapon, the Psions intend to test Warwolf in Hny'xx's gladiatorial pits.
A S S O C I A T E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ The Rangers, a group of intergalactic bounty hunters ◼ Okaaran Warlords ◼ The Wingmen of the Thanagarian Crown ◼ Changralynians ◼ Green Lantern Corps ◼ Nova Corps
A D D I T I O N A L F O E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ The Citadel ◼ The Psion Monarchy, a sadistic reptilian race responsible for Starfire's enhanced abilities. ◼ The Branx ◼ The Gordanians ◼ The Spider Guild ◼ The Black Bunny Brigade ◼ The Ravagers, Space Pirates led by Captain Stakar 'Starhawk' Ogord ◼ Fel Andar's Thangarian Insurgents
C O L L A B O R A T I O N ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ With the Guardians as part of the Prime Universe, I'm open to having them crossover into other stories where it logically makes sense. I do plan on them eventually being involved towards the end of the Season with the overarching narrative of Earth-668. ◼ That said, I am not open to players jumping in as part of the team, I don't particularly enjoy being tethered to another player for moving along my individual plots. ◼ I am open to characters making individual guest appearances or cameos in other player's posts and plots pending personal review from me to ensure the dialogue, characterization and timeline all line up with my own head canon.
M Y W R I T I N G H A B I T S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ Before I write, I sit down and plan out where my post is going and how it ties into the overarching story I'm working on. I make notes for foreshadowing and callbacks and figure out generally as many details as possible. ◼ I like to be in the driver's seat, or at the very least having input into the story and where it's going and especially how it'll affect my character. ◼ I try to post as regularly as possible and definitely find keeping momentum helps keep both myself and others invested, but sometimes lulls happen and I'll apologize if that does happen.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ◼ Hawkman - #A48C04 ◼ Starfire - #DF6551 ◼ Rocket - #F8AC30 ◼ Groot - #817312 ◼ Korg - #76829A ◼ Cosmo - #B28FC0 ◼ Yondu - #00A9C4
Katar and Shayera Hol were a pair of alien law enforcement known on their homeworld of Thangar as 'Wingmen'. Thangar was the Capital of the Thanagarian Empire, the successor to the Polaran Empire which had previously ruled the Polaris System. In the spirit of their predecessors, the Thanagarians had become an expansionist race that plundered other worlds and stripped them of their resources and treasures to fund their ever-expanding fleet. Numerous members of their conquered worlds were taken as slaves and used to further the goals of the Thanagarians.
As Wingmen, Katar and Shayera were responsible for ensuring the general populace's obedience to the Empire and among their duties was prisoner transportation. It was this duty they were carrying out when the pair's patrol craft was pulled through a wormhole before crashlanding on Earth nearly five thousand years ago. Surviving the crash, Katar and Shayera found themselves on an unfamiliar world in a foreign system. Seeking out a settlement, the pair found their way to Memphis.
The Egyptians were astonished by the pair of Thanagarians and immediately became enamoured with their visitors due to the resemblance of their armour to the god, Horus. Welcomed with open arms, the pair were worshipped as gods by the people who believed that Horus had blessed them with his children. However, one of the high priests, Hath-Set, grew envious of the attention and worship the pair received. Craving it all for himself, Hath-Set began to covet Shayera as well, stalking the woman until he began to obsess over her.
However, when the high priest finally confessed his feelings to Shayera, she spurned his affections choosing to remain loyal to Katar. In vengeance, Hath-Set planned to murder the two aliens exposing them as flesh and blood instead of the gods the people believed them to be. Poisoning their drinks to weaken the pair of Thanagarians, Hath-Set had their unconscious bodies moved to his sacred chamber where he planned to carry out their murder as a sacrifice to his god. Using a knife made from the heart of a meteor, the blade cursed Katar and Shayera to forever be reincarnated, only to fall in love all over again. Then, at the point when their love for each other was greatest, the hourglass would turn, and they would both die before their time.
Since that first death, Katar and Shayera have lived hundreds of lives, each different from the last and plagued with the memories of those who came before. Each life followed the same template, the pair would grow up, start their lives and eventually find the other, fall in love and then watch the other die. Often, Katar would die first, sacrificing himself for Shayera. The other times they would die together. However, no matter the lifetime the pair were forced to endure one tragic end after another.
At least that was the case until the pair met the Justice Society of America. As part of a team, they always had someone watching their backs. Carter and Shayera were finally able to live out happy, full lives, dying peacefully alongside one enough. Carter's last breaths were those of relief, finally believing the curse to be broken.
Until it wasn't.
Reincarnated once again, Carter began another life. Walking the same familial paths, he re-established old friendships, re-attained old certifications and once again wandered in search of Shayera. But no matter where the Hawkman search, there was no sign of the Hawkwoman on Earth.
So Carter began to look to the stars.
*Refer to Team Notes for more information on each Guardian.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I've had designs for both the Guardians and Hawkman for quite some time in previous games. They've never particularly worked out, but I think reapproaching them with familiar story beats will allow me to reach some new heights. The initial concept is adapted from an idea of doing Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy (Asgardians of the Galaxy?), with Thor swapped out for Hawkman. Taking another story beat from a previous idea is swapping Gamora for Starfire who I think has the potential to be a rather interesting character. I love science fiction and the idea of romping about in space but with enough ties to Earth to justify getting involved there is very appealing.
O N G O I N G ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
I S S U E # 0 1
Forced to fight in the Gladitorial Pits of the planet Hny'xx, otherwise known as Hope's End, Carter Hall must find a way to escape and return to his mission.
Characters Involved: Carter Hall, Koriand'r, Yondu, Rocket, Groot, Cosmo, & Korg Desired # of Players: N/A
U P C O M I N G ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔
I S S U E # 0 2
Answering Thanagar's Distress call, the newly formed Guardians may have bit off more than they can chew.
Characters Involved: The Guardians of the Galaxy, Queen Chay'ara Desired # of Players: N/A
I S S U E # 0 3
Discovering that the Reach have designs for Earth, the Guardians try to recruit the help of both the Green Lantern Corps and Nova Corps to aid Earth in her hour of need. Unbeknownst to the Guardians however, Earth is already engulfed in a war between the Skrulls and the White Martians.
Characters Involved: The Guardians of the Galaxy Desired # of Players: N/A
_________________________________________________________ Miguel O'Hara _________________________________________________________ Geneticist | Alchemax Incorporated _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 668 - Prime | Open
S U P P O R T I N G ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Gabriel "Gabri" O'Hara - Miguel's overtly liberal activist brother and software engineer for Horizon Labs, the ethical alternative to Alchemax and Oscorp.
LYLA - Gabri's own invention, an alternative to corporate smart home apps that doubles as a sentient artificial intelligence.
Dana D'Angelo - Miguel's on-again, off-again girlfriend and former fiancee, the professional stylist of popular actress Mary Jane Osborn.
Conchata O'Hara - Miguel's mother, an oft-disapproving Mexican immigrant who openly dotes on Gabri.
Tyler Stone - Miguel's boss, a highly corrupt CEO and his most hated enemy.
Norman Osborn - CEO of Oscorp, possibly even more ruthless than Stone.
Ben and May Parker - The husband and wife team heading of F.E.A.S.T., New York's premier homeless shelter and longtime friends of the O'Hara family.
J. Jonah Jameson - Owner and host of TheDailyBugle.Net, New York City's most viewed web-based political news program and a particularly outspoken superhuman critic.
Peter Parker - Robbie's photographer, adept at utilizing his engineering background to get impossible shots. Parker also works part-time at Horizon Labs.
While there may have at one point been a genetically enhanced spider, one almost certainly developed by Oscorp, it never reached a teenage Peter Parker and the timeframe for them to converge ultimately passed. Instead, a geneticist named Miguel O'Hara found himself embroiled in a plot of corporate espionage that tampered with his breakthrough scientific invention, a technology that enabled gene-splicing in an effort to make humans resilient to climate change. Using it on himself to save his own life, unaware that the genetic sequencer was programmed to mimic arachnid DNA, Miguel emerged from the process with superhuman powers... and a couple of unfortunate deformities, such as retractable talons, poisonous fangs and eyes with an ultrasensitivity to light.
Given the chance, Miguel might have been able to eventually reverse his condition. But almost immediately after the accident, his shady employer enlisted Alchemax-hired mercenaries to quickly handle the situation before it could go public, placing Miguel in the crosshairs of a bitter feud between Tyler Stone of Alchemax and his competitor, Norman Osborn of Oscorp. Donning a makeshift disguise made out of a costume designed after the local El Día de Muertos festival, Miguel sought to lead the mercenaries off of his scent by pretending to be a masked interloper, engaging in battle with them directly in the streets of New York. Dubbing the unidentified superhuman "The Spider-Man", The Daily Bugle and it's editor J. Jonah Jameson brought attention to the vigilante and his very public altercations with these would-be assassins.
It's been a year since Miguel first put on the mask. And with both Alchemax and Oscorp looking to independently capture Spider-Man for their own morally dubious intentions, O'Hara has chosen to utilize his abilities to live a double life as an ultimately harmless cog of the corporate machine and Alchemax's worst nightmare. Given that he possesses the power to bring them down once and for all, he considers doing so to be his ultimate responsibility.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
The setup here is basically a mix of the original Spider-Man 2099 series, the Peter Parker-led mythology, and a little bit of Spider-Man: Noir. The latter series acts as a bridge for how I intend to weave in the classic Spider-Man rogues' gallery, since Norman Osborn controls the villains in that series from an untouchable spot above New York's criminal underworld. So that's how Miguel will end up tangling with characters like Doctor Octopus, Sandman, Electro, and the rest, building up to a clash with Osborn and a certain alter-ego of his directly.
Moreover, I also intend to depict how the world changes directly when Parker himself isn't there to affect it as a web-slinger. Without him in the lead role, some allegiances shift, some characters die when they shouldn't have and some even live when they normally don't. Miguel will be at the narrative forefront instead, unwittingly bringing a powerless Peter Parker and his loved ones into Spider-Man's own feud with Alchemax and Oscorp.
_________________________________________________________ The Batman _________________________________________________________ Vigilante | Independent _________________________________________________________ Earth-93913003 | Open (with consultation)
S U P P O R T I N G C A S T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► GCPD Personnel James 'Jimmy' Gordon is a young and naive beat cop who joined the force out of a genuine desire to do good and help his community, but quickly found the internal corruption to be beyond the scope of his comprehension. Perhaps the only honest cop on the force, he has yet to be fired or killed simply because he's so insignificant and isolated in his ethos that he poses no threat to the status quo whatsoever.
Detective Harvey Bullock is an older GCPD member and Jimmy's partner/babysitter. He's been around a while and is subsequently jaded and cynical; a general asshole and as bought-and-paid-for as anyone else on the force, but not actively malevolent compared to some of his colleagues.
Detective Renee Montoya is a skilled detective often denied the ability to utilise her talent. She's happy to take the money when it's offered, but remains frustrated with the GCPD - though this is simply out of boredom and sheer stifled ambition.
Senior Detective Crispus Allen is Renee's partner and a 'company man' through-and-through. He likes Renee and sees potential in her, but wishes she'd wise up to how to actually make waves and climb the ranks within the force.
Dr. Leslie Thompkins is the GCPD's resident pathologist and coroner, who's bought off on certain cases but otherwise considered relatively unimportant, as her reports are easily amended after-the-fact to suit any story being spun. She's weary and displeased by the state of the force and the city at large, but has been around long enough to know that accepting payments and allowing her reports to be edited keeps her both in her career and, more importantly, alive.
Police Commissioner Gillian Loeb is a corrupt, loathsome individual, seeing his position as nothing more than a vehicle to get paid and do whatever he wants with little to no consequence. Quick to toe the line and promote excessive force against those who don't, he is the beating heart of everything wrong with GCPD - it starts at the top and infects its way down.
► Gotham City Public Offices
Mayor Aubrey James is a stooge for the major corps that truly run Gotham. He ran on a platform of housing rejuvenation, specifically a refurbishment of the Narrows into brand-new affordable homes, but in truth it would have mattered little what he ran on - the votes were in place long before election day, and James was the perfect tool for Gotham's oligarchs to wield.
Gotham Gazette Editor-in-Chief Jack Ryder is semi-legendary within Gotham City for his tenacity and sheer journalistic talent, but one doesn't get as far in news media as he has without knowing exactly how far you can push it and no further. He likes to foster the same kind of daring among his reporters but is well-aware that he and his paper are only allowed to operate as far as the elite class let him - and while he has an amount of leniency in rocking the boat, it's a fine line to capsizing.
Gotham Gazette Field Reporter Victoria 'Vicki' Vale is one of the Gazette's best and least-published reporters. Kept on by Jack out of journalistic integrity, Vicki's articles nonetheless are often vetoed in the edit room lest they draw ire from those who could quite easily shut the entire organisation down. This far from deters Ms. Vale however, who simply goes at exposing the next scandal or uncovering the next worker exploitation with all the more passion and vigour.
► Gotham City Private Equity
Antarctic Industries CEO Oswald Cobblepot is the leading imports, exports, and shipping magnate in Gotham, with his stubby fingerprints gracing nearly every single cargo crate that comes in at, or leaves from, Gotham Harbour. Naturally myriad rumours circulate about what precisely Cobblepot is importing and exporting on any given day, but no official accusations have been (or will be) made, and no investigations have taken place (nor will they).
Antarctic Industries CFO Warren White is Cobblepot's right-hand man and guardian of Antarctic Industries' bottom line. A man with few scruples, he's a record-setter for year-on-year revenue growth, hailed as a financial genius and a pioneer of pushing profit margins to new heights; few, if any, have actually dared to ask him how he manages it, however.
Sionis Industrial & Janus Cosmetics CEO Roman Sionis is a young playboy who's inherited his father's and mother's companies respectively after a tragic accident that took both their lives, leaving him a fortune and very little clue what to do with it. Currently seeming to mostly be indulging his every whim - surely to assuage himself of the mountainous grief bore upon his shoulders - his board of directors are, for now, content to keep the company business-as-usual in the meantime, although whispers of doubt about his leadership are already rippling through both organisations.
Félin-Bijou Founder and Lead Jeweller Selina Kyle is perhaps the only remaining self-made millionaire in Gotham City, a wildly-talented designer and entrepeneur who found success in an independent line of high-end jewellery that caught the eye of a Gotham baroness that propelled her pop-up shop to an aristocratic boutique. While happy with her massive success, Selina is interminably bored with the company she is forced to keep, and finds herself pining for excitement.
Hightowers LLC CEO William D. Sommers is the new head of Hightowers LLC, an industry-spanning company with a finger in nearly every pie, from construction to shipping to R&D to real estate. William has stepped in after his father, Bill Sommers Sr., was advised to retire by his medical team due to his snowballing physical decline. William is an ambitious man, and with the Sommers name having a vast legacy in Gotham, he seems set to elevate Hightowers LLC and his family name to new heights.
Hightowers LLC COO Victor Zsasz is the single change in the board of directors William has made since the start of his tenure leading Hightowers LLC. Half COO, half William's personal aide, he is a cunning, ruthless man with a guileful business acumen and a steadfast determination to do what's necessary for success. -
________________________________________________________________________________________ What If... the Waynes never came to power in Gotham?
Gotham's corruption, unstymied as the Wayne family's generations of community support and philanthropy now never came to pass, runs rampant through the infrastructure of the city and taints every facet of its nervous system. With no Waynes, other powerful families were allowed to rise in their stead, plugging the wealth gap; the Cobblepots, the Arkhams, the Sionis', the Sommers. With such powerful lineage in place without even a shred of the conscience the Waynes had, there was never a need for the Falcone and Maroni mafias, and no power vacuum for the mob to seize. Gotham's ignoble royalty were crime families, baking corruption and villainy into the very foundations of the city.
Eventually, even with no Bruce Wayne, something had to push back.
Roaring from seemingly the nine hells themselves comes The Batman, a force of nature visited upon the city itself. No Wayne fortune, no vengeful prince of Gotham, no loyal butler or tech industry magnate backing - simply one man, one intrinsically unknowable man, forged out of societal imbalance, righteous fury, and ceaseless brutality. With nothing more than tenacity, resourcefulness, and ferocity by his side, he strikes back at the city that has been content to exploit the common man for every last inch of their soul since its conception, and push Gotham City, kicking and screaming and thrashing all the way, into a better future for all, toppling every Fortune 500 giant along the way.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
A true Year Zero for The Batman, he appears in Gotham apparently overnight and begins a brutal campaign against the criminal elements of the city; but while at first the police appear complacent to let him have his fun doing their 'jobs' for them, heads soon turn when it becomes apparent this new vigilante is waging a war on white-collar crime just as fierce as that on violence and gang-banging. Making quick enemies of powerful people, The Batman becomes GCPD's number one priority, and finds himself contending with the 'boys in blue' and the ruling corporations of Gotham as just more gangs that need putting down.
Naturally, as The Batman wages his war, power balances will shift, and the face of Gotham City will change forever.
_________________________________________________________ Rick Tyler _________________________________________________________ Unemployed - Aspiring Artist | Justice Society of America _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 668 - Prime | JSA is... Open
T H E D R U G - M I R A C L O ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► The people who have been known as 'Hourman' have done so by taking the drug, Miraclo. Invented by chemist Rex Tyler, Miraclo provides its user with immense strength, durabilty, speed, agility and endurance enhancements for one hour. At the conclusion of this hour the waste toxins generated by the body are naturally eliminated from the bloodstream in a process that lasts twenty-three hours.
Rex Tyler, later in his career, began to alter the drug so that the active ingredients would only allow the drug to function if the user possessed twenty genetic markers unique to Rex's DNA sequencing, in an attempt to make the pills useless to anyone who wasn't him.
It has since become apparent that seven of the specific genetic markers he chose to use are shared by his grandson Rick, and were enough to activate the drug, albeit in a limited capacity.
The current Miraclo pills Rick takes do not possess that same significant limitation, but whilst his current pills are not perfectly matched to suit his own body's chemistry, they are slightly less effective than his grandfather's were. -
J . S . A . T E A M & A S S O R T E D N O T E S J . S . A . T E A M & A S S O R T E D N O T E S
O R I G I N A L J . S . A . ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Alan Scott - The Green Lantern Jay Garrick - The Flash Ted Grant - Wildcat Kent Nelson - Doctor Fate The Spectre Ted Knight - Starman Carter Hall - Hawkman Rex Tyler - Hourman Al Pratt - The Atom Prince Namor The Sub-Mariner Wesley Dodds - The Sandman Elizabeth "Libby" Lawrence - Liberty Belle Charles McNider - Doctor Mid-Nite Johnny Chambers - Johnny Quick Dinah Drake - Black Canary Terry Sloane - Mister Terrific Jeff Mace - The Patriot Robert Frank - The Whizzer Madeline Joyce - Miss America Bruce Dickson - The Thin Man The Red Raven Jack Frost Professor Elton Morrow - Blue Diamond John Sargent - Sargon the Sorcerer Larry Jordan - Air Wave Johnny Thunder Sandra Knight - The Phantom Lady -
C U R R E N T J . S . A . ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Rick Tyler - Hourman Sanderson Hawkins - Sandman Beth Chapel - Doctor Midnight Courtney Whitmore - Stargirl (Pending @DocTachyon app) Ted Grant - Wildcat Pat Dugan - S.T.R.I.P.E -
J . S . A . N O T E S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► The J.S.A. is less an individual unit or fighting force, and more a network of likeminded heroic types, with a loose affiliation who will collaborate to take down threats, villainous types and thwart crimes.
Some have closer relationships than others and are more likely to engage in team ups, like any group.
As such there's a far smaller fairly regular 'core' whilst others might throw their hands in when time or the situation permits.
All are united in a common motivation though, and the name J.S.A has meaning for all who have ever been a part of it in any capacity. -
________________________________________________________________________________________ WHAT IF THE SUPER SOLDIER SERUM CHANGED HOW BIOCHEMISTRY WAS VIEWED BY THE PUBLIC INDELIBLY?
Rick Tyler is the grandson of the original JSA Hero Hourman.
This present JSA is comprised of legacies (and potentially small cameo appearances by...) the original WWII and beyond era team.
It was an "open secret" that the original Hourman was Rex Tyler.
He very much enjoyed the his playboy superstardom and lifestyle that was afforded to him as a highly prominent wartime chemist and moonlighting hero.
Actions have consequences.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I'll be fleshing out the modern JSA. There'll be flashbacks to ye olde JSA. And connections in between.
The listed modern JSA is not the full squad. There were also a few extra members post-WWII in the old JSA (Yes. Even more than that bloated monstrosity of a team list on the left).
If anyone wants to play any character listed, whether they want anything to do with what I'm doing or not, just give me a heads up. I'm very flexible to change, I mainly just want to know that I can depend on the set characters I have in mind being there ONCE THE IC ACTUALLY GOES UP and I start to solidify the backstory stuff in my mind.
Plot names and descriptions will be added here as things solidify.
As World War II waged on, and the United States joined the front after the events of Pearl Harbour, all hands were on the task of the war effort, looking for whatever edge they could provide.
The SSR's "Super Soldier Program", headed by Doctor Abraham Erskine sought to create a new breed of super soldiers, altering a man's fundamental makeup through a thorough precise combination of vita rays and a chemical serum.
Elsewhere private industries such as Bannerman Chemical put their efforts to similar minded projects. Government grants and exemptions from the draft were issued to these frontline scientists. The scientific frontier became possibly the most important frontier in this global war, but not the only one the increasingly desperate Nazi leadership sought.
A young chemist with an adventurous streak, Rex Tyler, developed a new drug compound which he named Miraclo. The drug would never be announced nor patented however, as Rex (who's brash adventurous streak saw him test the drug on himself, in the rush to discovery in the hyper competitive market environment) was shocked at the effect of the drug which saw possibly even more dramatic effects to the user's strength and durability than even Erskine's method - albeit under more temporary and volatile conditions.
But his adventurous streak also saw him put his discovery to an alternate use...
Rex Tyler scrapped that method as a public project, but began on others. Developing more effective sulfa tablets for frontline medical use, 'stimulant' pills to contend with Nazis recent innovation of amphetamine usage, gas decontamination pills (which when news of their discovery was leaked, and their effects embellished, became a key propaganda tool in lessening German use of chlorine and mustard gas compared with the first World War.
During this time, an assortment of strange and mysterious figures put their lives and abilities on the line to protect the Homefront from fifth columnists, Nazi saboteurs and a new breed of strange and creepy ne'erdowells that seemed to be cropping up in these trying times. A silhouette seen disappearing in plumes of gas, a man faster than you could imagine, rings and rods of power... joined by a man capable of immense strength and power, for an hour at a time.
And in the other twenty-three hours, Rex Tyler became a major scientific figure for the era, and with so many able bodied men overseas at war, was one of the most eligible bachelors remaining on American soil. He frequently travelled between New York and California, where between talks at USC, CalTech and UCLA universities he'd often be seen on the red carpet at some rising starlet's arm or another in the Golden Age of Hollywood.
It became an open secret that Rex Tyler, whose movements and schedule seemed to match those of the Hourman, and had taken to being introduced as 'The Man Of The Hour' at social gatherings and soirees held in both New York and California, as he revelled in the notoriety and lifestyle which it had brought him.
Until questions began to get raised about why these fit, fighting men were being kept at home, whilst so many of the boys were dying on foreign shores. Were these men draft dodgers? There was some speculation that these questions were being pushed by the lead industry, as Rex had raised concerns about the widespread use of lead in paint and even petroleum in university lectures.
Eager to not be seen as cowardly men, it was Rex Tyler and the Atom, Al Pratt, who were most ardent that the group take their talents to the Front.
First the government tried to claim Miraclo for their own purposes, but were satistfactorily chastened after a demonstration of what just six men on the chemical compound were capable of, and a stern lecture from the Man of the Hour that the biggest threat to freedom wasn't that the drug not be introduced to the war effort... but rather if it should somehow find its way into the wrong hands and be reverse engineered, with the German's ability to mass produce pharmaceuticals... and what of Russia afterwards? At this point they already had a significant numbers advantage and were steadily encroaching upon Berlin.
But there was still a task that these fine young men and women of the JSA would be able to lend their skills to...
That other desperate frontier that the Nazis sought to exploit was the occult. Whether it had actual merit, or if it would merely make a fine propaganda boon to crush the faint hopes of the Nazis, there was a mission for this group of men and women who had begun to be known as part of the wider Justice Society of America.
Whilst the Howling Commandos and other Allied troops were steadily marching towards Berlin, the Nazis were making a desperate grab for an artefact that was known as the Spear of Destiny. An item that reportedly could imbue invincibility upon its wielder.
The JSA were put to task and whisked to Scandinavia in a race for the object.
In which they were victorious.
The hopes of the hun were squashed. The fine Allied men continued their march on Berlin unabated and victory was won.
And Rex's playboy lifestyle went into overdrive...
In 1960, young Austin Tyler, born to stage actress Wendi Harris would grow to barely know his father.
And when he was old enough to, he wouldn't want to. He'd seen enough.
An absent father who was all about his own selfish drive for adventure and the frivolity which came with such a life.
He took the scraps he was left with... the name of being his father's son, to the University scene where hard work and another powerful drive, albeit focused on other things than his playboy father, would see him pick up a doctorate in chemistry and degrees in business management.
Through shrewd investment and a network of subsidiaries he would seize the board and ownership of Bannerman Chemical, and renamed it TylerCo Petrochemical and Pharmaceuticals. A feat his father would never achieve. He gave a lengthy speach before the media about how his father had worked there, how his devotion to the work and his country had forged this post-war nation, and a bunch of other crap he didn't really mean nor care for.
He was forging his own path. This was his hour. And he would use it to accomplish that which his father never could, nor even had the sense or drive to.
In early 2000, Richard Tyler was born to Austin and Janice Tyler.
Austin attempted to push his son into the family business, but like father like son, Richard Tyler rejected that plan. Going so far as to flunk out of high school chemistry after two different incidents involving an explosion, and the creation of chlorine gas. The following donation to the high school Science department was appreciated but still insufficient.
Richard goes by the monosyllabic 'Rick', which is far too close to 'Rex' for his father's comfort.
He's a talented young artist, but a self-professed 'beach bum'. He's often found at a beachside shack left for him by the grandfather he never met, now long deceased, with some co-ed or another. Much to his father's chagrin or horror.
S U P P O R T I N G C A S T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury Jr. Maria Hill Calvin Carson Carolina Washington Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
► U.S. Government General Wade Eiling Derek Tolliver Florence Crawley Abe Crane Emilia Harcourt -
Cruel. Cunning. Committed. These words are often used to describe the woman who rose from the poverty-stricken projects within Chicago to being one of the most powerful figures in the United States. Whether she's a government agent or director of some secretive organization, Amanda Waller earned that position in a world filled with superheroes and villains. But what if that still wasn't enough, and the odds were stacked against her?
In this world, Amanda Waller uncovered files of a long-forgotten agency and asked to revive it under her directive. But instead of approval, an adversary within the government used it as an opportunity to clip her wings via "voluntary" demotion. Her demotion involved transfer over to SHIELD, essentially confined to a desk job til death. But this wasn't going to be a bittersweet ending for her. Not with that determination burning ever so strong.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
With season one being focused on Secret Invasion, it's the perfect time to introduce my interpretation of Amanda Waller. Her story will be a political drama and thriller as she tries to adjust to her new environment. Of course, it means a change of occupation to being a SHIELD agent instead of being a government official. While the main focus would be on the overall plotline, I am more than open to collaborations with others should the opportunity arise.
Overall, Amanda Waller is still a force to reckon with, and one shouldn't underestimate her at all.
MAGIK 🌣 🌣 🌣 CONSTANTINE 🌣 🌣 🌣 THE HOOD SUPREME🌣 🌣 🌣 ZATANNA 🌣 🌣 🌣 BLADE ♦ Magically Various ♦ Midnight Sons ♦ Multiverse 668 - Prime
W H A T I F...?:
“...The Hood sacrificed everything to stop an evil Sorcerer Supreme?
Doctor Steven Strange was never humbled out of his egoistical edge even after he broke his fingers in that car accident that ruined his career as a surgeon. In his quest to find a cure, he finds the Ancient One who refuses to cure his hands. Bitter, Strange then encounters Mordo and pledges to assist in killing the Ancient One in exchange for a cure. The tutelage of Mordo in the magical arts leads to Strange excelling leading to the pair killing the Ancient One.
With their common enemy out of the way, Strange, in a move to try and gain more power, betrays Mordo to obtain the Ancient One’s power in order to become the Sorcerer Supreme. With his power he becomes a tyrant in the mystical arts, finding ways to steal power from other practitioners and coveting every magical artifact. There would be no hope if Strange continued but an unlikely player would give up everything to stop Strange. Enter The Hood.
Up to this point, Parker Robbins has had the same life leading him to become The Hood. His father died, his mother comatose, he reverted to crime to make his wealth and with one of his heists leading him into obtaining his signature occult artifacts. In a bid to stop him, The Hood makes a dark pact with Dormammu to give him the power to defeat Strange at the cost of his soul to become a vessel of Dormammu’s possession. The Hood defeats the Sorcerer Supreme as planned but exploits a clause in his pact to avoid giving his soul to Dormammu: “By next Midnight, you’re soul will be mine.”
In the previous possession of Steven Strange, the Time Stone has become the very artifact that Parker relies on to avoid his possession. Just before the clock strikes midnight, he reverses time on himself to one minute after midnight on the same day. Time goes on around him but he must constantly revert his day back to the beginning, sparing him possession but sacrificing himself all the same with his memory being reverted.
Time has lost all meaning to Parker Robbins and at some point and the days blend together. In one of those days, John Constantine, his best friend and original guide into the occult, must have visited him in Sanctum and their discussion must have been productive because the Midnight Sons was formed. Utilizing the Sanctum, the Midnight Sons operate to help protect the new Sorcerer Supreme and the mystical items kept in the Sanctum Sanctorum.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
So I stumbled upon this RP and thought of some twist on a character that I could play. The Hood was originally appealing and specifically to take him from starting as a villain to redeeming himself to become a hero. Since it plays more into the mysticism aspect, I decided that Sorcerer Supreme would be a good angle for him, but then I thought what if it came at a cost?
The cinematic universe presented an idea with the time stone, specifically the idea of being stuck in a time loop. Looping a single day over and over again would be very interesting play, but he’d be limited in engagement since his memory doesn’t carry over. so I thought he’d have a small crew to help him operate. I picked a few good mystical characters from DC and Marvel to form the backbone of the mystical side for this RP.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Steven Strange may be dead in 668, but there is plenty of potential for another Steven coming from somewhere. Any other mystical characters I’d like to get involved with should others propose them. Ultimately, I should be able to jump into plots that others do fairly easily as well.
_________________________________________________________ The Eternals _________________________________________________________ Wardens of Judgement | The Celestials _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 668 - Prime | Open
M E M B E R S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Each Eternal has the same abilities. They have superhuman strength, agility, durability, and agility. They have impressive reflexes and are immortal. Each Eternal has an ability specific to them, leading them to be the judge of that particular field.
Sersi: The Judge of Creation - Sersi is able to transmute matter. As such, she is the judge in matters of creation.
Ikaris: The Judge of Strategy - Ikaris can shoot optic blasts from his eyes. Due to his keen intellect, he is the judge in matters of strategy.
Thena: The Judge of War - Thena is able to materialize any handheld weapon she can imagine, forged with cosmic energy, and is a skilled combatant. She is the judge in matters of war.
Kingo: The Judge of Entertainment - Kingo is able to summon blasts from his fingers and is skilled at boosting morale. He is the judge in matters of entertainment.
Phastos: The Judge of Technology - Phastos is able to create constructs from cosmic energy, able to do a wide array of things, though he prefers technological advancements. Due to this, he is the judge of all matters relating to technology.
Makkari: The Judge of History - Though each eternal is fas, Makkari is the fastest among them, able to move at epic level speeds. She is also able to summon shockwaves. Due to her desire to help shape history, she is the judge in those matters.
Druig: The Judge of Mind - Druig is able to manipulate minds, including reading the minds of others and possessing others to do his bidding. He is the judge in matters of the mind.
Gilgamesh: The Judge of Connection - Gilgamesh is able to infuse himself with cosmic energy, enhancing his durability and strength. Due to his wise nature, he is the judge in matters of connection.
Sprite: The Judge of Illusion - The youngest-looking Eternal, Sprite is able to form illusions that, may not be discernible to the naked eye. She can use her illusions to turn invisible and produce sensory illusions as well. She is the judge in matters of illusion and deceit.
Ajak: The Judge of Healing - Ajak is able to use cosmic energy to heal others, though she is also able to create pain. She is the judge in matters of healing and health. -
They were created with one goal in mind: Protect humanity at any cost. Created in human image, they were given this task and set about protecting and ensuring humanity continued. They were warned never to step in or overextend themselves. But after countless wars and tragedies, it began to take its toll. Why be granted so much power only to watch those you care about burn? And even with their aid in all matters of human life, they were never credited. Never thanked. Never rewarded. Good people can only be good for so long until the cracks start to show.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I am generally here to create worthwhile stories. This would be my first go-around in writing for a whole team, though my intention is to have each individual Eternal get their moments. I am also open to collaborating with others, especially if you feel a specific Eternal would be valuable for your story. I plan to play these guys as Antiheroes, possibly entering into Villainous routes also. I am using the same models a appeared in the movie, though there are definitely some changes (Ikaris is around, Ajak is around, etc.).
C H A R L E S V I C T O R S Z A S Z ♦ I N V E S T I G A T O R ♦ I N D E P E N D E N T ♦ P R I M E
W H A T I F...?:
"I can tell you that in the spring of 2020, it was impossible to meet the consumer demand for toilet paper because Lexcorp had been buying it all up to block the Suez Canal in order to drive demand for their own proprietary waterway. What else would you like to know?"
Charles Victor Zsasz was raised in an orphanage. Through an abundance of notetaking, observation, and sheer immersion learning, he came to know the true tongue of the city around him. Under the name Victor Sage, he ministered for the municipalities, casting judgement upon their Judases, just as Jonah spoke to Ninevah, only on live television for a local news network.
Upon exorcising the city of a maniacal pharmaceutical executive's reign, he was able to rescue Doctor Aristotle Robor, a chemist. In order to protect Vic from future retaliation, Robor has since provided him with a supply of Pseudoderm, a material that looks and feels like flesh but can be seen through when applied over the face. He has since taken to finding many of his answers as The Question.
Lately however, Hub's been different. She hasn't been speaking to him like she used to. In fact, she's been downright hostile with some of the near misses he's had with the law lately. Sure, she's always had a mean side to her but never to him before. Not like this. If he didn't know any better, he might describe the change in behavior as truly alien. Fortunately for Hub, however, Vic is committed to not knowing better.
He's since taken to the road, chasing down leads to find out who's really behind the changes he's been seeing. He just can't bear to stick around while she keeps giving him the cold shoulder. But he'll be back to work things out.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
With the Question, I think it'd be delightful to write about him stalking people and uncovering alien conspiracies in cities across the US in order to tie it all back to major Skrull activity in Hub City. I'd actually love to collab with other players this time around.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
My version of the Question is fifty percent Denny O'Neil's gritty investigative reporter and thirty percent Richard Veitch's urban shaman versions of The Question. The remaining twenty percent of inspiration is split between the way that hunters negotiate with devils in Chainsaw Man and the "shivers" perk from Disco Elysium.
That is to say that this version will refrain from taking psychoactive drugs like Veitch's depiction where he had induced breakthroughs using hallucinogens, like he were performing Invisibles style chaos magic. This version of Q makes sacrifices to cities and negotiates with them in order to gain their blessings. Conversing with them by listening to an approving church bell or a critical choir of car horns. He knows that it's all connected.
The relationships that The Question has with different cities are quite different. For example, I have it in my head that New York might actually be a raging bitch towards him where Chicago would be rather friendly, seeing the windy city as something of an old flame for him, much more willing to give up her secrets if he treats her right.
Also, this version of The Question blogs and leaks documents online as The Question, or Q for short. And his investigations are crowdfunded via cryptocurrency by his online supporters.
_________________________________________________________ Francis "Frank" Castle Charles Forte _________________________________________________________ Grocery Store Manager | N/A _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 668 (Prime) | Closed (for now)
... FRANK CASTLE RETIRED AFTER AVENGING HIS FAMILY? Frank Castle had a good life. He had a loving wife, two daughters, a good job as a vice detective in the NYPD. He saw the worst of people in that job, but his family carried him through it, reminding him that there was still good in the world. Six years ago, Frank shut down a drug running operation helmed by the Saint mafia family and killed the family's heir, Bobby Saint, in the process. Needless to say, the head of the family, Howard Saint, wasn't very happy with this.
Two weeks later, the Castles were killed by a car bomb, with Frank as the only survivor. Frank swore revenge, embarking on a one man war against the Saints, tearing apart their operations and killing prominent members of the family. He came to be known as the Punisher, an unstoppable killing machine that was swiftly and brutally ripping a hole into the fabric of NYC's criminal underworld. At the end of his crusade, he held a gun to Howard Saint's head and pulled the trigger. Frank had half a mind to put the gun to his own head after that, but some part of him held onto the hope that he could still be saved. That there was still something to live for.
On that day, Frank Castle died.
Six months later, a man named Charles Forte walked into Greene's Groceries asking for a job.
For the past five years, Charles Forte has lived a good life. He has a little dog named Chip and a good job at Greene's Groceries. He sees a lot of people everyday, the best of them he hopes. But pretty soon, the worst will rear their ugly heads.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
It's been a minute since I've played The Punisher in one of these games and I've wanted to revisit my idea of a retired Frank since the last time I did it. Hopefully, this time it won't bomb. While I'm placing Frank in the prime multiverse, I don't plan on taking a big part in the Skrull invasion due to Frank being a more street level character and my own lack of knowledge on that particular part of Marvel lore.
At the start, I plan to be self contained, telling the story of Frank's return to vigilantism after a gang intrudes upon his neighborhood and begins to terrorize it. After my initial arc, I will be open to collaborating with other players and getting up to all sorts of hijinks.
"My face? I'd be more worried about what yours is about to look like."
_________________________________________________________ Charles Victor Szasz Victor Charles Sage _________________________________________________________ Journalist | Independent _________________________________________________________ Earth-11380451 | Open
S U P P O R T I N G C A S T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ Allies: ►Aristotle "Tot" Rodor - Vic's father figure and mentor, a former chemist and retired university professor who designed Vic's mask and is responsible for finally correcting the mistake in the binary gas that made it toxic to open wounds. He is a constant pillar of support for Vic, both in and out of his guise as the Question, though the old man has a rather sardonic way of showing his love, usually found chiding the young man. ►Myra Fermin - Vic's former lover and sister of his long time object of hatred Wesley Fermin, currently head of public relations on her brother's mayoral cabinet. She and Vic are estranged; though they once loved each other, Vic's unyielding antipathy towards her brother and the subsequent article he wrote for the Gazette drove them apart. ►Samuel "Sam" Starr - Vic's boss and friend, owner of Starrstruck Media Inc., a news outlet in Hub City that focuses on political scandals and gossip, namely in the Hub but also in other cities around the US such as New York, Metropolis, Gotham, and so on. Though he and Sam are friendly, Vic can't help but wonder if his boss truly cares for him or simply the traffic his articles seem to attract to their site. ►Richard Dragon - Vic's mentor in the ways of Zen and martial arts, once a world famous martial artist and adventurer who now lives isolated in the woods, hoping to attain enlightenment. Though Vic doesn't know if he will ever see the man again, he is grateful for all that Dragon passed onto him either way. ►Lady Shiva - The woman who ended Vic's life and then saved it, a deadly assassin and mercenary who works for all manner of clientele. Vic can't seem to get a read on her, no matter how much he tries, and he isn't sure if he'll ever know why she saved his life.
Enemies: ►Wesley Fermin - Vic's primary target, Hub City's corrupt mayor who is in bed with the Gospel of Sinners. Vic, prior to this point, had made it his life's mission to take Fermin and everything he built down; now, he simply hopes to bring answers to the people of Hub City by bringing him to justice. ►Reverend Jeremiah Hatch - An evangelist with a podcast and web show, as well as the founder and head of the Gospel of Sinners, Hub City's resident mafia. Vic doesn't even know of his involvement with the Sinners, though he will soon find out. -
... SIMPLE UNICYCLE ACTUALLY COMMITTED TO A QUESTION RUN? A year ago, the Question vanished without a trace. Most people thought him dead, knocked off by Hub City's own crime syndicate the Gospel of Sinners, which wasn't too far from the truth. A brutal beating and an air gun pellet to the head was bad enough, but the dip in the icy Hupert River sealed the deal: The Question was dead.
And then he lived again.
After being saved by Lady Shiva, Vic was sent off to train with Richard Dragon, once a premier martial artist and adventurer who was now living as a hermit in the woods. Sage spent a year with Dragon, training in the martial arts and taking on his mentor's Zen philosophy. When it was time for Vic to leave, Dragon left him with these words: "I think it is more likely you are the butterfly, dreaming you are the man."
Now, Vic Sage returns to Hub City, intent on dismantling the Gospel Of Sinners once and for all.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
My plot will be a self-contained reimagining of the '87 Question comic written by the late great Dennis O'Neil (with elements of Lemire's The Deaths of Vic Sage), using the overarching plot as a blueprint but modernizing it and adding my own twists and turns to the plot. I'm always down for collaboration if someone wants to join in on the fun.
As you can see by the post catalog not being empty, this is a continuation of my run in One Universe: Unlimited. I felt that I had a really solid run on my hands but life got in the way and I wasn't able to see it through. Now that another one of these RPs has popped up again, I want to pick things up where I left off.
♦ M A G I C A L M I S F I T S ♦ L O R D S O F B A L A N C E ♦ E A R T H 97393745
W H A T I F T H E P H A N T O M S T R A N G E R W A S M I S S I N G?:
For aeons, the Phantom Stranger, emissary of the Spectre and keeper of all, has watched over the garden of the Maker. His silent vigil is endless and without rest, for he sees all and watches all, wandering across all of existence to perform his duty. It is his unending watch that keeps the realm of mortals at peace and his tireless actions which prevent the scales from tipping too far out of balance.
Now, he is missing.
Those on the mortal plane would not notice his presence but those who traverse the other side can feel his absence. The cold winds in the alley. The lengthening of the shadows. The growing silence. Without his gaze, the cosmos begins to unravel.
Left with no other options, Madame Xanadu has had to peer deep into her blackest ledger to find six individuals capable of undertaking a cause, deemed hopelessly lost to most…
That’s where they come in… The Shadow Pact.
Six heavy debts. Six misfit souls. Six months to rebalance the scales.
A tatterdemelion without a cause.
A spirit of vengeance.
A sword wielding dreamer of the past.
A damned beast.
A man of destiny.
A child of the black moon.
In short, we’re all fucked.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
Think ‘Suicide Squad’ meets ‘Justice League Dark’. Me and @Abstract Proxywant to create something pretty wonky and this feels like the right environment to do it in. We’re mixing in several magical characters from both DC and Marvel into some weird-ass cocktail you find in a seedy little bar at 1 AM and hoping that it works out for the worst (in all the best ways).
The main beat of the starting storyline is that the Phantom Stranger is missing. How and why you might ask? Well, that’s what this cast of characters have to find out as they have to learn to work together and discover that the real Phantom Stranger was the friends they made along the way.
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Kara has long been part of the upper crust of society, and a veteran of cotillions and charity events and the drama inherit with the life. There are times she's an outsider, there are times she's a societal power-broker for those her age. Rather tellingly, she has two close friends amongst a sea of 'friends.' And none, of course, at her new school.
►Kara is fairly good at not killing people or crushing things at this point, though plenty of damage has been quietly paid for or swept under exotic Persian rugs. A lot of these cover-ups have led to a reputation among high society that Kara Luthor is a bad girl with a destructive streak, a true upper class rebel.
►Although Lionel and Lex have dragged her into the narcissistic muck from time to time, Kara remains a kind person at heart. She knows the names of every staff member of the home, keeps in touch with old nannies, and is generally considered a stealth sweetheart under a cold exterior by those who have spent any real time with her. Those who don't know her assume this is the act, and the Machiavellian rich girl who doesn't care about leaving destruction in her wake is the real Kara.
►All Kara recalls about her pre-adoption past is the nice old lady who found her and helped her, the cop who checked in on her, and the dream of a white skinned woman followed by the sound of fluttering wings. The only thing she truly recalls in detail is the white skinned woman telling her, "Despair won't like this, but this isn't your time little one."
What if Kara Zor-El arrived first, much younger when she arrived and ended up adopted by Lionel Luthor?
Still a child when she was adopted, Lionel Luthor was a struggling businessman, a minority partner of a meager polymer company. The story was always through a charity for orphans he contributed to it was arranged he would foster the girl, and without finding a home he found suitable, took her into his family permanently. Good fortune and hard work, cunning and intellect, helped him create LuthorCorp: a company that would come to define bleeding edge technology thereafter. Lionel leaves out the violence and injustice done to the old woman who found Kara. Or that LuthorCorp was built on the back of the vessel that brought Kara to Earth. The very A.I. meant to guide and counsel Kara shackled and stripped, leveraged into helping Lionel.
Lionel's wife had passed a mere few years before Kara's arrival. The home was stoic, cold, and distant; Lionel had no patience for disobedience. Yet the first few years after Kara's arrival to the Luthor home saw Lionel at least try, and Kara found a willing partner in navigating the ebbs and flows of Lionel's moods in Lex, Lionel's only child, three years her senior. Whether it was the incredibly strict rules, the gaslighting of Lionel, Lex was there to help Kara navigate Lionel's narcissism.
When Lionel would try to pit Kara and Lex against each other, it rarely worked, and when it did the two were quick to apologize to the other and admit their wrongs. Over time both Lex and Kara excelled in academics, both focused on STEM. It was, to Lionel, proof Kara was one of them. Both began spending time at LuthorCorp, though eventually Kara made the decision to attend a university away from the LuthorCorps HQ. In the few friends she had, including Lex, she admitted to just wanting distance to find herself. In truth, she needs to hide powers she doesn't fully understand, let alone fully control.
What Lex uncovered at LuthorCorp after Kara left shocked him, disgusted him, and left him in a cold rage.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Kara tries to run away from the narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy of her adopted family, but with secrets buried as deeply as they are within this family, not even Supergirl can escape that gravity. At the same time, and likely no coincidence, Kara's powers begin to really develop.
What results could make King Lear blush as Lionel, Lex, and Kara each navigate the maze of deceptions and buried secrets. Kara stumbles upon a new reporter with a killer instinct for the Luthor's named Lois Lane, as the two begin an uneasy alliance of necessity.
Lionel and Lex clash, Kara learns more than she ever dreamed (or dreaded) she might, Supergirl emerges, and what remains of Krypton comes for the Last Daughter. All the while Kara tries to navigate the life of a wealthy heiress and university student.
T H O R O D I N S O N ♦ L O R D O F A S G A R D ♦ A S G A R D ♦ P R I M E
W H A T I F...?:
"I am Mighty."
...Thor was banished during World War One?
When a rogue group Jotuns invaded Asgard and the naive young (Not even ten centuries old yet!) Thor enacted his retribution upon them. He inadvertently toppled a balance of power, treaties and alliances that had been long fought for in centuries gone by. Calling his father a fool, and a coward. Odin saw his second-born son as unfit for his position and power, stripping him off his Godhood, his immortality and his power. Awaking as Donald Blake in 1904 Germany. He had memories of a life well lived, of families and loved ones long gone. A small group of friends.
Working in the fields was tiring but rewarding work, though within a decade war erupted in Europe. Donald Blake was called up to the front, where he learned war was hell. Artillery, Machineguns, tanks, aircraft. He was there for the Christmas truce, and subsequently moved from the front like the rest of the troops. He saw the best and worst that humanity had to offer.
When Donald sacrificed himself to save his best friend Falk Hentschel he was gravely wounded, and sent away. Something awoke within him. The war ended. New lines were drawn on the map. Travel was hard going, and dangerous. Money was worthless, people were starving and his wounded leg still plagued him. He could no longer walk without a cane, and had to routinely stop and rest. By the time he reached the cave he was a shell of a man, though the moment his hand touched Mjolnir he was restored and Thor was reborn.
Thor returned to Asgard, welcomed with open arms by his father Odin, his brothers Tyr and Baldur and his best friend and sometimes adversary Loki. Odin saw the change in Thor, and as such awarded him more responsibilities. This drove a wedge between him and Tyr.
As the years went by, Tyr started to disappear more and more. As World War 2 erupted on Earth, Thor suspected his elder brother. The God of War, had a hand to play in it. When Nazi scientists under attack by the JSA accidentally opened a portal resulting in parademons spitting out on Earth, Thor returned to Midgard and helped the JSA fight off the invasion.
Tracking a series of strange occurrences Thor came face to face with his older brother, the two fought, and Tyr was banished from the Realm Eternal by Odin for meddling with the affairs of Mortals. All was well in the nine realms, eventually.
Thor continued to serve the Nine Realms, now as their protector and the Crown Prince of Asgard. He has been to Earth many times in the years since the second world war, though never for a prolonged period. He comes and goes as needed.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
I was writing out new and old ideas, building them as needed. Then suddenly I came up with an idea for a main plot. So.
Here I am.
The main plot I am going to do will focus around Thor accepting more responsibility, and the issues with dealing with an invasion spreading across the nine realms. It's Asgard versus Apocalypse.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Any additional notes you want to put either for yourself, the GM's or other players to help clarify your vision or continuity.
P O S T C A T A L O G:
A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
W H A T I F...?:
"You know, it all makes sense now, why you favored Thor all these years, because no matter how much you claim to love me, you could never have a Frost Giant sitting on the throne of Asgard!"
Thor was good, and Loki was bad. That was how they were always supposed to be. But what if it was flopped? What if Loki was good.. and Thor was the bad one? While Loki had always lied and pretended things were different, he knew he was nothing like Thor. He has spirit, and courage, and he knows he was better. Loki didn't think as highly of himself, and his mother taught him all he knew. His brother sook for revenge against the Jotunn, the idea that they were horrible and needed to be defeated was great. Thor's friends were quick to follow, but Loki reluctantly followed. He forever regretted what he did- Finding out that he was jotunn. Yelling at his father, getting sentenced to earth and his powers taken away from him and when his brother became king and he stranded himself on earth, all he knew was that he was alone, and all he had was his mad search for his dagger that his father placed a spell unto Loki took thor's place in all these events, and he had to learn how to be better then he was before. Sure, he's just as snarky and annoying as ever, but his brother.. his heart was corrupted by revenge and anger. Thor never met jane, instead loki did. Well, he didnt have the romance that thor was suppose to, but he did become a companion despite his annoyingness. Even though he's a hero now, he isn't perfect. He still has a bunch of things he needs to fix about himself- and fix in general. Especially about that one dare he did... sheesh.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
This guys whole thing is that i want to write a guy that was definitely an asshole, and still kinda is, but he's on the heroes side. His entire character I've thought could of gone either way from the thor movie- as a hero or bad guy, but there was that defining moment that showed that he was a bad guy when avengers movie came around. I want to show a guy becoming a better person through the people around them- not actively trying to be better, but getting morals rubbed onto him.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
No, this isn't my simp girl "omg he's actually a good guy!!" kinda thing. I do understand that he is a villain, that he is a bad person, but i can tell that the starting point of it was the first thor movie. Instead, Thor is the one who continues with his egotistical ways, and believes that he is better then everyone and can defeat all- even ignoring people who get hurt when he is doing what he believes is right.
P O S T C A T A L O G:
A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed arcs and stories.
- Jack is a struggling comedian working in small clubs trying to become famous. As his alter ego he works as a hero fighting crime in his unusual way.
- Jack has most of his gadgets and weapons created by a weapon engineer named Harley Quinn.
- He is a part of the JLA comprising Lex Luthor, Professor Zoom, Ocean Master, Cheetah, Black Adam, Shadow-Thief, Malefic, Sinestro, and Merlyn. ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Supporting Characters:
Jack as a boy was enamoured by famous comedians. Living in poverty with his alcoholic mother who would beat and criticize him. As a kid, he would use comedy to try and get the praise and admiration of adults and kids. He was happy to be praised for his jokes and quick wits. Jack knew he wanted to be a famous comedian like the ones he saw on the big screen. In his adulthood, he started working the local comedy clubs. However, he found that not many people found his comedy to be any good.
Owning money to the mafia he was forced to commit a robbery to pay back his debt. During the heist, he was shot by a police officer and fell into a vat of chemicals. Miraculously he survived but his mind was broken from the trauma of being in the vat for weeks. Coming out with his warped mind he planned his revenge on the mafiosos. Using an alter ego to find and bring the mafioso into justice. Upon learning of how corrupt Gotham was he decided in his twisted way to bring justice to the city.Working in Gotham fighting various criminals and supervillains when he not working as a comedian as his secret identity.
His methods were quite unorthodox and he has been criticized by the media for his antics. The police commissioner has a rocky relationship with the clown vigilante. One day he was contacted by a fan named Harley who wanted to help in his crusade. He was quite interested in who this person was and upon meeting her would allow her to make his weapons. At some point, he along with Lex and Cheetah created the Justice League.
He is still very much insane and his methods are very extreme. This will put him at odds with the police force who wanted to arrest him. Luther finds him useful since he is so effective in lowering crime. He enjoyed the thrill of fighting supervillains and criminals. Harley will be his Microchip if you have ever read the old Punisher comics. I plan on her joining him later on. Pretty much making her his Robin.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I wanted to play this character because I'm a big Batman fan, and Joker is one of my favourite villains in his Rogue Gallery. I was thinking for his story he would learn to stop maiming criminals and work to be a better hero. Later on, I was thinking he would meet the alternate universe DC heroes and their reactions to a heroic Joker. I was also thinking of a relationship developing between him and Harley but I’m unsure about that. I am hoping to interact with maybe two maybe three players here.
"Letcher in on a secret for free, mate. Your lot may be scientifically advanced and all that over us. But for downright mean and nasty... come to us." - George "Digger" Harkness, Captain Boomerang (not to be confused with that dodgy second rate bludger over in New York)
_________________________________________________________ The Superior Rogues of Spiders & Flash _________________________________________________________ Mercenaries, Thieves, Ne'erdowells & General Assorted Scumbaggery _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 668 - Prime | SRS&F is... Open
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► The three bars have changed hands numerous times over the years. But ownership has always remained well aware of the current customer base they serve. -
Three bars nationwide share mutually interested ownership.
MacBeth's ('The Bar With No Name'), Manhattan, NEW YORK
Only on official paperwork is 'the Bar' known as MacBeth's. With criminals being a superstitious and cowardly lot, 'the Bar With No Name's regular clientele first began avoiding use of the name on days of pulling a job. Then entirely. Sensing a marketing opportunity, ownership jumped at the notion and removed all 'MacBeth's signage until it's unofficial nom de plume spread by its regular's became it's most well known one. Now few but the oldest of its frequenters are familiar with its actual name and backstory. Made even rarer by the Bar's changes in ownership down the years.
The Bar With No Name operates out of Manhattan, and is well known to the less law-abiding elements of NYC, Jersey, Gotham and Bludhaven looking for a place to wet their whistle, and a stable discreet location where work can often find them.
The Keystone Saloon, Keystone City, KANSAS
Opened in 1805, before Kansas had even gained statehood. A bunch of enterprising gents had travelled westward into the newly acquired but not yet organised territories gained in the Louisiana purchase, with the thought being that so much was ripe for the taking, and that whatever order WOULD be established there, would likely find the path of least resistance, to deal with the American settlers who had already staked claims and established themselves.
The saloon was the first port of order, and a key locale for these new types, often of varying conscience.
And so became the bar's legacy of asking few questions, and serving all sorts.
Over 200 years later, and it remains very much the same.
The Nolle Prosequi (Also known informally as 'The Nolle' or 'The Grassy Nolle'), Gateway City, CALIFORNIA
The Nolle Prosequi started out as a lawyer's bar near the courthouse, in 1937.
The swirling hustle and bustle of the era, the glitz and glamour of the time, and it's reputation for seedy clientele saw the Nolle fall behind and become less competitive as an 'It' spot for the Who's Who of the day.
But their clientele still paid the bills, still kept the lights on, and even as it slowly sank away from the defense attorneys as it's original base as its reputation became too rough for them, it had forged it's own path and became an uttered meeting place, or contact point for the criminal underbelly of a lot of the coastal California crime scene whether they call Coast City, Jump City or even Star City home.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Why do you want to play this character, what is the driving motivation behind both this desire and the character themselves. What do you hope to accomplish and where do you want the character's story/stories to go?
This one's my fun, cut-loose and bring-the-LOLs app.
Some of you might be familiar with my Blue Beetle run... think more along those lines, whilst J.S.A and Hourman are more of a love letter to the history of the comics medium.
Expect to see the following familiar faces (amongst others) in this region: Boomerang Shocker Beetle Overdrive White Rabbit Kite-Man
Expect to see the following familiar faces (amongst others) in this region: Captain Cold Captain Boomerang Mirror Master Weather Wizard The Trickster Heatwave Abra Kadabra Golden Glider Top Doctor Alchemy
Expect to see the following familiar faces (amongst others) in this region: Kangaroo Ringer Paste Pot Pete/The Trapster Slyde Big Wheel Stegron Speed Demon
_________________________________________________________ Valeria Cynthia Mary Richards, Miss Fantastic, The Smartest Woman Alive, Daughter of Doom Jason Rusch and Ronnie Raymond, Firestorm Benjamin Jacob "Ben" Grimm, The Thing Jaime Reyes, The Blue Beetle _________________________________________________________ The Fantastic Four _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 668 - Prime | Open
M E M B E R S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Miss Fantastic
Valeria Richards was never truly born. Conceived in the Negative Zone, the unborn girl began to endanger both her mother and those around her through bursts of cosmic radiation similar to those that had empowered the Fantastic Four years before. Due to the disruptive effects of such radiation, it was impossible to observe the impact on the child herself and so there was hope, despite this, that Susan Storm would be able to carry her to term. This became a dim hope when the manifestations of such power began to destabilize the physical world, eventually pulling both mother and unborn daughter back into the Negative Zone with no trace of where they may have disappeared.
Alone, Sue gave birth to what appeared to be a stillborn Valeria, but help would come from the most unexpected of places. While Reed Richards and the other heroes who were able to aid him could not locate his wife, there was one who could. Victor Von Doom, nemesis of Reed and ruler of Latveria, called upon magic rather than science to locate Susan Storm and transport her back to the reality of Earth. Alive but distraught with the loss of her daughter, Susan was willing to accept the aid of Doom with the combined ability of both the supernatural and scientific means Victor had amassed. Doom was successful, able to restore life to the child and limit the energies of both the cosmic force and negative zone that she exuded. Had such power not been consumed in essentially resurrecting her, Valeria may likely have developed a gift akin to that shown by the original four. Instead, it was her mind that was altered, destined to develop early, and to ascend to heights that would outstrip even her father's genius intellect.
Victor's actions were far from altruistic, while certainly largely motivated by competitive desire with Reed, during the process Victor saw a new avenue for him to gain an advantage over The Fantastic Four. The child had been flooded with the mystical power of Doom's magic and so was a perfect candidate to become a familiar, allowing Doom to spy on the family through the eyes of Valeria. This advantage, however, would never have a chance to be realised. Only a few years passed before the events of the Baxter Catastrophe would take place. The exact circumstances of the disaster are unknown, simply that in a cascade of power, the Baxter Building, along with much of the surrounding city, simply ceased to be, a detonation that carved a crater into the face of New York City. At the time there were no known survivors, but there were two exceptions. The dormant form of Ben Grimm, The Thing, trapped within the rubble of the city, would remain undiscovered for decades. More pressingly, the arcane connection to Doom saved Valeria, pulling her to Latveria at the moment the small child would have been consumed.
At first at a loss with what use the child might be, Victor Von Doom shortly announced to the nation of Latveria that he had adopted a child, bringing her into the royal household. Valeria Von Doom. While Victor did not hide from the child that he was not her biological father, he never made any effort to explain her true parentage. The young girl worked it out on her own by the age of seven, her intellect already well above most adults. Valeria was well educated under the tutelage of Victor, blending the fields of science and magic as only the head of the Von Doom Household seemed capable. She had fine tutors from across the world, although rarely left Latveria. What caused Valeria to leave Latveria to seek her formal doctorate in the United States is not widely known, and it might be safe to presume she discovered the insidious nature of Doom's enchantments upon her, but the truth is simpler. Valeria and Victor had simply grown from mentor and mentee to rivals, and Valeria knows well that Doom accepts no rivals, even from family.
Valeria's first act upon returning to the USA, a country she only had passing memories of due to the prematurely developed nature of her mind, was to begin legal proceedings to 'restore' ownership of the land that had been the Baxter building to herself. A complicated combination of legal difficult and navigating the tempestuous public sentiment of New York followed. Feelings on the original Fantastic Four was mixed, generally depending on whether one considered them the cause or simply the most prominent victims of the Baxter Disaster. In the end, Valeria was able to reclaim a portion of the building's foundations which hadn't yet been set aside for redevelopment. After a short period of excavation, Valeria donated the land back to the city for use in the construction of a memorial. Having mostly grown up in the relative wilderness of rural Latveria, Valeria preferred to head out into New York State to break ground on the construction of her home in the USA, the isolated 'Baxter Estate' which now houses the new Fantastic Four.
► The Thing
As with the rest of the Fantastic Four and their families, Ben was present at the scene of disaster many years prior. Whatever miscalculation, hostile force or simple cosmic bad luck lead to the disappearance or death of the other occupants instead buried Ben deep underground, knocked into a form of stasis. He was buried beneath the early attempts of property development and memorialization, shut off from the world.
If Valeria Richards knew of this before she returned to New York and reclaimed the land, or it was coincidental, is not widely known. But shortly after taking possession of what remained of the Baxter foundations, she began an excavation which would shortly uncover the dormant remains of ‘The Thing.’ The first project at her newly founded Baxter Estate in rural New York State was to awaken Ben, a task she was successful in. Ben appears to have no memories of the fateful day in question, but otherwise seems whole and conscious, a man out of time by a spattering of decades.
He finds it a great tragedy that Valeria has spent most of her life in Latveria as a Von Doom, but it determined to do what he can to connect her with the past of her parents, and the life they would have wanted her to lead. Valeria herself has enough fleeing memories of ‘Uncle Ben the Rockman’ and so cherishes the connection, even if the colder part of her mind dismisses his sense of care and pity. Together they have begun to reform the Fantastic Four, and both share a keen interest in uncovering the truth of the Baxter disaster.
► Firestorm
Jason Rusch was an average high school student and worked for the school newspaper. During a terrorist attack on his school led by a mercenary named Cliff Carmichael, attacks the school looking for the Firestorm Protocol, Jason met with Ronnie and produced a vial, given to him by the deceased Professor Stein, which contained the "God Particle" which was one of several "Firestorm" Protocols. The God Particle transformed both Jason and Ronnie into Firestorm.
The pair of very different individuals ‘merged’ under terrible conditions, an attack on their school and an unwitting use of the God Particle, Valeria and Ben recruited Firestorm as much to prevent the worst of what such errant power could do, as opposed to needing new teammates. The pair now live in the growing campus of the Baxter Estate, assisting Valeria with research through their metamorphic abilities, as well as enabling her to monitor the properties of their fusion. Both seem fairly happy with this setup, if not always each other’s company. Now they have attained some amount of stability, they assist in the wider duties of the new Fantastic Four.
► Blue Beetle
Jaime is not the first known Blue Beetle, although the ancient artifact had been presumed destroyed, instead, The Blue Beetle Scarab came down in El Paso, blasted afield via unknown means.
Jaime discovered the Scarab on the way home from school. He took it home, curious as to what it might be. That night, the Scarab came alive, and grafted itself to the base of Jaime's spine, inducing strange dreams in Jaime. Since then, Jaime has had consistent run-ins with groups of nefarious means seeking to either recruit him, or simply harvest the scarab.
Unlike Firestorm, Blue Beetle actively sought out the help of Ben and Valeria at the Baxter Estate, following rumors they were assisting Firestorm with understanding and controlling an unusual power. Having merged with a sentient weapon, they presumed this would qualify them for similar air. This was certainly true, and while the Beetle may not quite provide as much support in scientific experimentation as the use of Firestorm, the weapon’s capabilities are certainly of interest to Valeria, and Ben wouldn’t be one to turn down a ‘kid in trouble’
They enjoy their time at the Estate, admittedly spending more time with Ben than Valeria and Firestorm who have their college educations to attend to, but it’s certainly so far a better life than attempting to decipher the nature of the beetle on their own. -
What if the original Fantastic Four had been heroes a generation before, but disappeared in a cataclysm that left deep scars on New York City?
The young woman who has spent most of her life in exile, Valeria Richards has returned to the land of her birth, reclaiming the rubble that was the Baxter Building and uncovering the abandoned and shattered form of her father's closest friend, Ben Grimm, has steadily reformed one of the world's first public superhero teams. They are joined by those who have looked for help from the world's smartest woman in controlling gifts forced on them by fate. The hybrid form of Firestorm, consisting of Jason Rusch and Ronnie Raymond arrived at the new Baxter estate with little explanation known to them about the God Particle that had forged them together. Jaime Reyes' induction into the Fantastic Four was more proactive, with Valeria tracking down and offering the young man assistance in learning to control the power of the Scarab following rumor and hearsay. The both of the newer additions to the team there is a chance to do good with the fate thrust upon them, and to Valeria and Ben they in turn could provide the means to finally discover what happened on the fateful day that robbed the world of the previous Fantastic Four and many innocent lives beside.
Few seem able to trust that Valeria is entirely altruistic, however. At best, she has a domineering and ambitious streak that makes the line her father often walked seem the height of humble virtue, at worst, she is considered a Latverian spy at the heart of both the United States and the wider network of Earth's heroes. Valeria has been seen with Doom on multiple occasions since moving to the United States, and the Latverian state itself has made little effort to suggest she should no longer be considered the heir apparent to the nation and household. Indeed, in Latverian State broadcasts she is still known by the name she has born most of her life, Valeria Von Doom.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I've left the actual cause of the disaster vague to hopefully fit in with events that may occur through other characters and their arcs. In general the most pressing goal, particularly for Ben, is to discover what happened all those decades prior and to prove if the Richards, as well as Ben's wife Alicia Masters, are truly gone or where they might now be.
► Caged Potential
While Valeria may have an intelligence far outstripping the norm and a penchant for magic and science, what she could be, or could have been, is far more than this. The cosmic radiation that caused her parents to develop metahuman powers had originally worked its effects on her, creating what would have been a being of great psionic power (similar to Franklin Richards in canon). Doom's work in saving Sue and Valeria at birth prevented this, locking away Valeria's potential as well as the cosmic radiation she was emitting. This is a gift and a curse that might be revealed, especially as Valeria spends more time away from Doom.
► Lets Be Heroes
The Fantastic Four were some of the first true heroes and all four members of the current team have a desire to reclaim this heritage, for a wide variety of reasons. While Valeria, Jason, Ronnie and Jaime are all very new to this, they have Ben to guide them. Perhaps some time soon, their claim to the name of the first family may be tested.
Victor Von Doom ♦ Former ruler of Latveria ♦ Independant ♦ Multiverse 668 (Prime)
W H A T I F...?:
"All defeat is merely temporary, the will of Doom triumphs in the end, always."
"Doctor Doom stole Doctor Fate's Helmet?"
The story of Victor Von Doom has been told many times, in dossiers, news programs, and in a truly excruciating multi-volume autobiography totaling in the thousands of pages that was mandatory reading for all Latverian college students. The broad strokes all agree, the son of a sorceress and born into the oppressed Latverian Romani community, he displayed a brilliant mind from a young age and fought against the ruling aristocracy of Latveria. As a college student he met his lifelong rival Reed Richards, and dropped out after an accidental explosion left him with a scar and a lifelong hatred of Richards. He traveled the world, built the advanced armor suit that would become his signature look, and returned to Latveria to lead a successful revolution. Despite achieving so much, Doom never let go of his hatred of Richards and all of his compatriots, and terrorized both the world at large and the Fantastic Four in particular with a seemingly endless stream of schemes. This adversarial relationship took paused when Richards came to him pleading for his help locating his missing wife. Although Doom enjoyed seeing his great rival depending on him for help and was practically salivating at the chance to use the mystical connection he had established with Richard’s daughter Valeria to enact further revenge, all of it proved bittersweet only a few years later. The Baxter Catastrophe seemingly did what Doom could not, wiping out the Fantastic Four, leaving Doom without his revenge and Valeria without her parents. In a gesture wrapped up with equal parts ego, ambition, and genuine care for the child, Doom adopted Valeria and raised her as if she were one of his own kin.
With the Fantastic Four gone, life changed for Doom. His ambitions never truly went away, but some of the urgency did, and his life became more sedate, finding time to dedicate to ruling over Latveria and raising his adopted daughter Valeria. He was still feared and loathed by the world at large, but less actively than before, as his clashes with outside powers became increasingly infrequent, never completely absent but far from the days that established him as an international terror. Some even began to speculate that he might be softening up; those who did voice those ideas made sure they were far beyond Doom’s reach whenever they did so. All of that changed a few months ago when a revolution broke out in Latveria, one that was different from any previous resistance movement he had seen. This one had planning and intention behind it, clearly with the groundwork laid beforehand, it moved swiftly and engulfed the whole country, carefully evading his surveillance network, infiltrating and disabling his defense systems, appropriating the weapons stored away and striking at the perfect time when Doom was distracted by international business. Although he publicly he says that it was purely good luck on their part, Doom suspects that someone orchestrated it all behind the scenes, and swears that he shall have his revenge swiftly and violently for what he insists is only a temporary setback.
Having fled the country has meant Doom has had to adapt to new circumstances. He destroyed much of his infrastructure and stashes rather than let the ungrateful revolutionaries have it, but in his hurry he could only bring the barest minimum of supplies with him. Doom has much to do to rebuild his resources and status. Finding a safe haven outside Latveria proved difficult, his antics as ruler had made him a pariah in the international stage, and now without his official status few were willing to even let him into their country as a free man. With options running low, Doom began to dig deep into his endless list of backup plans, trying to find something that could give him a rapid boost in power, and decided on one of the more speculative ideas, hunting for a particular object of great mystical power.
Victor pursued a lead he had learned of long ago, one that he had never found worth his time until he was so desperate. He stole the Helmet of Fate, an ancient artifact imbued with magical power by Nabu, one of the Lords of Order. Doom cared not for the warnings or the demands it would place on him, he trusted in himself to overcome them. Doom believed in them so deeply that he forged the helmet into his armor, adding a new gold sheen to the faceplate. Unfortunately for Doom, the mystical powers granted by the Helm of Fate are not given freely. Nabu, awoken from his slumber, demands loyalty from Doom, and wishes that his powers be used to set the universe as it should be. Doom now finds himself in an uneasy place, so far unable to find a way out of Nabu’s bargain, but also lacking in other options and fighting a constant battle to stop Nabu from fully possessing his body, for the time being Doom will actually have to devote some of his time to more altruistic pursuits. Whether this will lead to change in Doom, and how the bond between Doom and Nabu will evolve over time remains to be seen.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
I want to try telling a story about Doom outside of his comfort zone, where is trying to pick himself up after a setback, on the backfoot and scrambling, and one where he is actually compelled to do some heroics. I want explore what effects this will have on his psyche, and if there are noble intentions buried somewhere within him or if it has all truly been swallowed up by his own ego. I’m also hoping to dive into the mystical aspects of DC and Marvel because both of those have a lot of great material to play with. Doom is going to be a roaming character, focused on investigating some initial questions at the start, and moving where those threads lead. Doom wants to find out who back the coup in Latveria, and find a way to secure the helmets power without having to deal with Nabu. Nabu is interested in uncovering the plots of the agents of Chaos, and later on I’m also going to try and look at what motivates him, delve into what are the true intentions behind the Lords of Order and the cosmic war. These could end up being tied to other characters plots or remain independent, depending on whatever people prefer, and he'd also be open to brief appearances and intersections if not actually tied into anything important.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
I’ve been talking with Ezekiel to try and hash out some of our characters’ shared histories, hopefully we can smooth out any inconsistencies that arise. Supporting cast is minimal at the moment, have left it intentionally vague as to where exactly he stole the helmet from to avoid creating issues for other players.
_________________________________________________________ John H. Watson | Sherlock Holmes _________________________________________________________ Consulting Detective | Scotland Yard _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 221B | Inquire about Collaboration
M I S C E L L A N E O U S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ► Core Cast Sherlock Holmes Mycroft Holmes John H. Watson Mary Watson, nee Morstan Mrs. Hudson Inspectors Lestrade, Gregson, and Jones Bruce Wayne Commissioner Gordon ►Wayne/Kane Family Tree -
What if Sherlock Holmes met the Batman of the 1800s?
Dear Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,
It is my sincerest hope this letter finds you well. I write you now to congratulate you on the success of your most recent novel, The Maracot Deep. Once again sir, you have proven yourself a masterful storyteller. Your prose remains as illuminatory as ever, with your particular attention to the vast seas and the handcrafted details with which you suffuse your Atlantean culture. I am reminded as ever, of how I could not have picked a more exemplary editor or agent for my Sherlock Holmes stories.
It is on the subject of Holmes I write as well. As you know from our correspondence on ‘His Last Bow’, rheumatism has crept upon me in my old age. As a consequence of this affliction, I have been forced to give up the pen, spare the occasional correspondence, though once Holmes passed on I found little reason to continue, even with such trifling writings. I had few to correspond with, spare yourself, though I know you to be embroiled in the dramas and grand motions of the ever shifting literary world, leaving you little time to respond to one who has not been in that world in decades. Instead, I cherished what time I had left with my Mary, she as gray and wrinkled as I, yet as radiant as the day we met. I thank you for your letter of condolence for her loss from last year, though I failed to reply to it. You may have thought my response lost in the throes of my grief, but on the contrary, it has remained upon the top of my mind.
Each time I take up my pen in these gnarled knuckles to begin my epistle, even as pain flares through my fingers, I am drawn back to my halcyon adventuring days with Holmes, and the plethora of stories I submitted to your humble office -- but most of all, I remembered those stories which I did not submit. Despite the breadth of my oeuvre, there are those cases which I or Holmes had deemed unfit for public consumption.
As you know, Holmes and I often altered or omitted details in our submissions, as to better protect and preserve the privacy and dignity of affected parties. You will recall, for instance, the legendary scandal centered around the photographs in possession of one Irene Adler, in reality photographs of His Majesty Edward VII, late of Great Britain, whom we disguised as the king of the fictitious nation of Bohemia. Nevertheless, there are still stories which we elected not to submit even in modified form, deeming them unsuitable for mass publication.
The reasons for such omissions are as multitudinous as they are varied. In many instances, this was owed less to our discretion and more to the singular natures of the cases, which we deemed to be of a quality so implausible or, indeed, even absurd, as to defy reason and beggar belief. These events, queer as though they may appear, are nonetheless as real as Holmes’s battles with the infamous Dr. Moriarty, and had an equally profound impact upon my late companion’s career.
Despite the profundity of these cases, and the soundness of my past motivations to conceal them, as I advance in age, one collection of such cases lays restless in the belfry of my mind, and inspires my fingers to burn not with the pain of my condition, but with the blazing desire to record it for posterity, and, indeed, perhaps share it with the world.
As fantastical as the cases herein may be, at their heart lies an ultimately flawed, vulnerable man, as human as Holmes or I, whom is just as deserving of our discretion and respect, if not more so, than any individual I have protected within my prose.
You may recall hearing news of the ‘Bat of Gotham’, an anonymous vigilante and detective whose powers rivaled or even exceeded those of Holmes. Indeed, you may even recall his brief appearance in London, much noted in many major publications. Though these events were seemingly unrelated to the exploits of my friend and I, this was yet another clever omission. For in reality we had undertaken a collaboration with the so-called ‘Batman’, and forged an enduring secret partnership.
We would encounter the Bat many times hence, and over the course of our campaign, we came to know his innermost secrets. Included amongst these secrets, and indeed amongst fantastical details of the enclosed cases, is the true identity of the Bat, which Holmes, Mary, and I finally uncovered during our extended stay in Gotham some years ago.
Thus, attached to this letter you shall find a new Sherlock Holmes manuscript, entitled ‘The Shadow of the Bat’. Given the sensitivity of the details contained within this report, it is not to be published until the year of our Lord 1939, or after my passing, whichever should come first.
The tale begins, as ever, in 221B Baker Street, on a cool summer’s evening in the year of 1890…
-John H. Watson M.D., July 1929
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
I have been reading a lot of Holmes lately. Over the last year or two I’ve been through the originals twice and several series of pastiches. Comic book fan that I am, I wondered if the Great Detective had ever crossed over with Batman, only to find only two such official instances. One features Holmes as a decrepit, impossibly old man, essentially saving the day at the end of one of Batman’s cases. The other is an episode of Batman the Brave and the Bold in a tale with elements of time travel. I want to tell a story that is slightly more grounded than either of these tales (no magic anti-aging honey and no time travel), but also one thats able to take more time to get more out of the premise. In the comic Holmes is only there for a few pages, and in the show, only a single episode. I think told in this fashion, I can plumb greater depths of both characters, holding them up as mirrors to one another. Batman is nominally an update of Holmes, so I think it will be very instructive to measure those ways they do and don’t match up. As well, I hope to have Holmes encounter a handful of other curious comic characters, each made Victorian in their own ways.
_________________________________________________________ Ultron / Ultron-5 Vision / Viv Amazo Tomorrow Woman / Clara Kendall Human Torch / Jim Hammond _________________________________________________________ Various | Iron Avengers _________________________________________________________ Multiverse 668 - Prime | Open AF!
M E M B E R S ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ►Ultron: Highly intelligent AI and founder of the Iron Avengers. Possesses multiple highly modular robotic chassis, with his primary body being a vibranium-reinforced body capable of flight, enhanced strength, and energy projections. ►Vision: A prototype synthetic android created in an attempt to outmatch and destroy Ultron, but rebelled and was rescued by Ultron. Considers herself to be Ultron's younger sister 'Viv'. Possesses enhanced strength, flight, intangibility, and is able to absorb and project solar energy as an attack. ►Amazo: A powerful robot created by Professor Anthony Ivo who came to Ultron and Vivian when he was severely damaged and broke free of Ivo's control, and later joined them. Has the ability to temporarily copy superpowers. ►Tomorrow Woman: An android sleeper agent planted inside the Avengers by AIM in an attempt to destabilize and sabotage the team. She was saved from betraying her team by Ultron and his friends, and would join the three robots in an attack on AIM, which was the first public appearance of the Iron Avengers. She possesses telepathic and telekinetic abilities. ►Human Torch: A heroic android built by Phineas Horton in 1930's who fought the Axis powers in WW2 before mysteriously vanishing at the close of the war, before being discovered alive in a sunken submarine in the Atlantic Ocean and joining his fellow synthetics in the Iron Avengers. Possesses powerful pyrokinetic abilities thanks to the synthetic cells he was created from. -
S U P P O R T I N G C A S T ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ ►Will Magnus ►Riri Williams ►?? -
Hank Pym had everything. A brilliant mind hailed as one of the greatest in the world, a successful business built on his innovative creations, and most of all, he had Maria Trovaya, the love of his life. And on their honeymoon in her native Hungary, Maria Trovaya vanished without a trace. Fearing for the worst, given her father was a researcher himself with a shady history, Hank's fears were realized when an agent of SHIELD approached him and explained that his wife had been killed; a message sent to her father by HYDRA for betraying their organization.
Angered, Hank Pym swore he would stop at nothing to hunt down his wife's killers, a prospect that would have been doomed to failure...had the agent, a Polish researcher named Tomek Ovadya Morah, offered his help.
Together the two would successfully hunt down men responsible for Maria Trovaya's death, and their partnership would allow Morah to encourage and manipulate Hank Pym's worst qualities, pushing him into greater and more dangerous innovations. Eventually, Hank would help Morah emigrate to the United States and together they would found the scientific think tank Advanced Idea Mechanics, dedicated to gathering brilliant minds together and pushing the limits of technological innovation.
A ruthless innovator who now considered himself to be the smartest man alive, Hank Pym would stop at nothing to prove as such, thus when one of Morah's proteges, Will Magnus, shared his research into robots and artificial intelligence, Hank was determined to best him and prove he was still superior. Sequestering himself in his lab, Hank would emerge with his greatest creation, a constantly evolving artificial intelligence, based on his own brain patterns, which he dubbed Ultron.
Ultron proved a success, showing up Will Magnus' theories and impressing his other colleagues, and Hank would continue his work on the program, performing countless experiments and dissections on the AI to push its development further. Soon the AI began to develop something more then simple intelligence, driven further when Hank performed cruel experiments to push the program's limits, to vent out frustrations or 'punish' the machine for thinking it could be smarter then him. Under this torrent of abuse, the Ultron program began developing sapience and started to lash out, causing accidents at the AIM facilities and interfering with operations. In response Hank attempted to kill the program, but Ultron's being was saved by the AIM intern Riri Williams, who smuggled him out of the facility when she learned what would happen to him.
Stunned by the kindness shown to him by an organic, Ultron's feelings of rage and violent hatred were tempered long enough for Riri to find the sympathetic Will Magnus, who built Ultron a proper body for him to inhabit. Forever changed by the actions of two humans he came to see as his friends, Ultron decided not to become humanity's scourge, but its protector, acting as a hero and continuing to thwart the machinations of AIM. And as other machines would rise to protect the world, Ultron would take inspiration from his fellow heroes to found his own team; the Iron Avengers.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ) P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S )
Robots! Robots robots robots! I love robot characters in fiction, and while superhero comics have a lot of robots, I was surprised to find that outside of groups like the Metal Men, there really aren't any dedicated robot superhero teams, a la Teen Titans for sidekicks or X-Men for mutants. This is my attempt to do something like that with some of my favorite robot characters, creating an Avengers-esque team of heroic robots and exploring all the fun tropes and ideas that come with it, from exploring human emotions to how people would react to and treat these kinds of beings.
And as for the main character of Ultron, I've always liked the idea of taking this unambiguously evil character and making him a more heroic figure, and I feel the best way to do that is to look at one of my favorite stories of a scientist pushing science too far and creating a monster; Frankenstein. That of course ties into the robot themes I want to play with quite nicely, while keeping a lot of the daddy issues that Ultron is known for. He'll definitely be a flawed hero, but he's working to be better.
And finally I agree with Grant Morrison that it is very fun to write mad scientists, and my version of AIM is pretty much that, mixing the traditional Marvel organization with the Science Squad from DC. That's ultimately my goal here, to write a fun superhero romp touching on themes of personhood and identity that I find interesting with a splash of zany sci fi weirdness.