Barracker had cut the wraith practically in half, that was attacking James. The wraith fled towards the opposite side of the room, merging into a suit of knights armour. Having the needed space for breathing room, Barracker looked around at his comrades, seen the mess everyone was in and felt like he could see through the madness and see each companion stepping up to the plate. Each of the party doing their own to fend off and keep the leverage of the enemy from turning into a casualty. Generally, the effect that battle had on the Paladin was a sense of calmness, a stillness of emotion you could say, almost detached from the reality of the situation. But it was different this time as he was fighting as part of a team. He did feel an emotion and that was pride.
Barracker slammed the point of his claymore into the wooden floor and dropped to one knee beside James. “Are you alright there, captain?” as the Paladin surveyed James' wounds. They looked pretty bad but Barracker was confident that a cleric could heal himself, now that the immediate danger had passed. He glanced over to Adams position and sore that he too was injured but handling himself well enough, using the barrier for his advantage.
As Barracker turned his attention back to James, he knew by the look on the Clerics face to follow his line of sight over his shoulder, and sore the incoming magical attack, heading their way. Before he could do anything James dealt with the matter quick and swift, shooting the bolts out of the sky with his own light beam attack. He gave a nod of approval, “Thanks.”
"Thanks for the save Kass, but there is no time, the others need your help, go, me and Adam have things under control here" James said as he patted Barracker on the shoulder.
Barracker nodded firmly and rose to his feet, turned, facing the battlefield. Barracker amidst the chaos took his tower shield off his back and realised that, in this battle it would not prove useful. The vampire struck a stance that gave him a wide base, as he wound his shield arm back and then launched his shield with vampiric power. It flew like a discus, towards the fire mage who was attacking the two rangers.
After that he ran towards the action. Fenna was the closest one, but had the spectre oil to help her against the enemy. So he ran straight passed her, to the aid of MacKensie who was helpless against the wraith she was dealing with.
As the Paladin closed the distance, Barracker drove his claymore straight through the wraiths stomach and slammed it into the ground. Then lifted it back up and withdrew the blade, spinning into a three-sixty slash. All the stunned wraith would see is the vampire turn his back for a second before his sword arm would come back around into vision, and before it could even react, the blade would connect, severing the wraith’s head clean from its body.
He clasped forearms with MacKensie in a brief warriors handshake. “How serious are your wounds?” He asked as he looked upon her blood-stained clothes. “Are you able to fight on?”