
《 Level 1 Tamer 》
Location: Ruined Inn
“HGAAAAAAAAHHH!” Sora woke suddenly with a shout, heart racing. He sat up
quickly, enough to make him dizzy. His head swung from left to right as he looked around wildly.
“Wha– Where?” he gasped. Hadn’t he heard a scream, somewhere? A hand grasped at his chest. There were no more sounds, however. If anything, this place was…oddly
The lack of imminent apparent danger wasn’t convincing, not with his head full of those godawful last memories. It was imprinted on his mind; the panic as the plane started going down, the loud, rending creaking and wrenching of metal, the sensation of suddenly plummeting, the realization that they were
fucked, that they might
He’d had that classic life-flashing-before-your eyes – well, frankly, it was terror-fueled pieces of thoughts scattering through his head. There’d been the
this can’t be happening, thiscan’tbe– phase. There was hoping and praying that somehow,
anyhow they’d be saved, that they’d make it out safely despite being told they’d have to crash-land. There’d been thinking of his family. His heart had twisted into itself at the thought he might not see them again. He’d even though of uni, and how he’d never got to go, after all. There’d also been that
the one fucking time I decide to actually travel, this happens bitterness at his utter misfortune.
Then…there’d been some sort of dream or hallucination? Something about whether he’d rather be strong or fast or whatever, and what ‘skill’ he’d like…It’d been weird, and it felt like any other nightly figment of imagination, starting to fade more and more as he came to awareness.
Now, there was
He found himself in a poorly maintained room, of the kind that were common in cheap inns and hotels. Except, this one had so much dust everywhere, he didn’t think anyone’d come in here in
years. There wasn’t even sign that
he’d walked in, or that anyone had carried him; no footprints or trail on the floor, just an even dust cover spread on the wooden boards. There was that musty, damp, slightly irritating scent of mold, though he could see no obvious signs of it on the walls or ceilings. The bed – yes, he was on a
bed – was lumpy, the covers threadbare and bearing some suspicious spots of yellowish discoloration.
There were a few pieces of old wooden furniture; a night stand with some antique lamp on it, a closet, a dresser with a small mirror, several shelves, what looked like a chest of all things, and a chair set next to the window. It all had a very
old vibe – almost antique. But not antique in the way that it’d be sold or shown off as something special. It was like a painting showing a glimpse into the mundane life of a peasant in…He couldn’t really determine the time period.
The only source of light was the window. Glancing outside revealed an unknown town. It had that same olden vibe about it, like an European city from a few centuries back. The streets were empty, and some buildings had accumulated minor structural damage – paint chipping, broken windows, pieces of roof tiles fallen to the floor.
There were…Armoured people moving about?
“What the hell…” As he watched, it became apparent the armoured folks were
slow, practically stumbling or half-dragging themselves around aimlessly.
“…Zombies?” He didn’t know what fucking else to call them. Cosplayers, maybe, or actors…None of this made any sense.
Groaning, he stood up. A quick glance down resulted in flinch, and Sora almost stumbled back onto the bed.
“Ouch,” he mumbled. What was weird was that he was wearing – armour? Some kind of leather, or sturdy cloth, a kind of fantasy-style adventurer and officer getup. It reinforced the idea of this being a show, or an event, or
something – but he didn’t remember signing up for anything like that.
“Don’t tell me this is the afterlife?” He scratched at his head – something felt weird. His hair was way smoother, a bit wavier, and longer too. And red?
“Hie?!” he suddenly let out a startled, yelping sort of noise as brushing through his hair suddenly led to a fleshy obstruction. Cautiously feeling it, it was an ear.
“Oh, what the hell.” Deciding to check out what he felt, he shuffled to the mirror. Blue eyes, an unnatural shade of wine-red hair, elf ears.
“Uh. Huh.”He had no idea what to make out of any of this. Inspecting his room – including opening all drawers, the closet, and even checking under the bed – revealed no obvious clues. He didn’t want to risk opening the window, so he went to the only other option.
The door.
Creeeeeeeeak, it shuddered and shook ominously. A shiver ran up Sora’s back. This was waaaay too like the start of some horror movie set-up for his liking.
The hallway wasn’t anything special; more dust, more wooden floors, more faded wallpaper…More open doors?
Light poured in from the other rooms that had been opened.
Sora looked down one way. Then down the other.
His mouth dropped open.
There was a dragon!Okay, not really, but a walking, talking, reptile-person.
“Is that a costume?!” he whisper-shouted as he approached. Though he saw the hammer-wielding lady, he was too busy being in awe of the reptilian humanoid. There were slitted eyes, a tail, wings, and horns, but barely any scales.
“DUDE, can you fly?!” he blurted out.
“I soooo need to know about this.”Usually, he was the type to want to know about things for practical reasons. But this was one of those instances where he
wanted to know, just because. He was fascinated, and he literally had to physically shake himself out of it, because he was still in the middle of figuring out some other stuff – like where he was, and why.
“Oh, sorry, my bad…I’m Sora,” he introduced himself to the two.
“Where’d you get the hammer?” he asked the blonde lady. She was pretty in that unreal, picturesque way – not that he could say much, though, what with having become an elf.
He looked around the hallway, suddenly remembering something.
“Wasn’t someone screaming? Other than me, I mean,” he smiled sheepishly.
“And…do you know where this is? Uh…I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure last I checked, I was dying, and this–” he gestured to his body,
“isn’t really what I looked like? So weird…” Sora padded from door to door, trying to catch hint of any other sounds.
“HEY, is anyone else there?” he called out.
“If there is, are you OK?”
@VitaVitaAR @RolePlayerRoxas @Aku the Samurai @PKMNB0Y