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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Count Landon Monet & Count Calbert Damien

Time: 11am
Location: Church of Sorian

Landon Monet found himself sitting in a pew at the grand Sorian Church, flanked by his energetic eight-year-old twins,Fayette and Beau. They were both abuzz with excitement about the event, their voices mingling with the soft hymns echoing. As they waited for the ceremony honoring King Edin to begin, the children’s chatter turned Landon's attention from his frustrations over his wife Melanie's absence to the lively imaginations of his offspring.

Today’s ceremony was to honor King Edin, but for the children, the church was a vast playground inspired by tales of the Caesonian gods.

"Papa, Papa, do you think Zivitas is here with us right now?" Fayette's voice was sprightly as she clambered playfully over the pew in front of them.

Beau, not to be outdone in their little adventure, bounced eagerly on the cushions, nearly tumbling over as he joined in. "And Papa, could Zivitas make me super strong? Strong enough to lift zis whole church!"

Landon sighed and told them with measured irritation, "Ah, mes petits monstres, if Zivitas saw you now, he might just send a little extra strength your way to keep you pinned to your seats!"

Fayette paused in her pew climbing, her small head cocked to the side. "But wouldn’t it be fun, Papa, to fly around the top of the church? I could race the birds!" Her eyes sparkled at the thought and she stood up on the pew, lifting her arms.

Beau, inspired by his sister's daring words, added with a giggle as he too began to stand and wave his arms, "I would catch the stars for you, Papa, and put them in my pockets!"

Landon, despite his best efforts, found the corners of his mouth twitching upwards. "Mon Dieu, keep your stars in the sky, Beau. And Fayette, no racing birds today, please. We are here to listen, not to fly, eh? Both of you sit. Now."

"But Papa, it’s so boring to just sit!" Fayette protested, her voice a melodious whine as she finally settled back down, her brother following. "We're in the land of the gods!"

" And to think," Landon sighed, the fight going out of him as he watched his children’s theatrics with a fond exasperation, " your mama is missing all this fun. She is off getting painted by one of the most famous painters in all of Caesonia while I am here trying to wrangle two little creatures of mischief."

He shook his head, mild amusement flickering across his features despite his best efforts to remain stern. "Let’s just try to keep our feet on the ground for today? Let’s listen to the stories of the gods and enjoy the ceremony. After all, we are here to honor King Edin and maybe enjoy some of that royal cheese afterward at The Royal Curd," he added, the mention of food hopefully anchoring his lively children a bit.

Fayette's eyes widened at the mention of cheese, her previous thoughts of soaring high above momentarily forgotten. Her voice bubbled with excitement, "Cheese? Royal cheese? Is it magical cheese, Papa?" Her imagination was already racing, conjuring visions of cheese that could make you fly or turn invisible.

Beau, equally intrigued and not to be outdone by his sister, chimed in energetically, his voice light, "Does it taste like the stars? Or maybe like a cloud? I want to eat a cloud!" He giggled, imagining himself biting into a cheesy, delicious cloud.

Fayette clapped her hands in delight, "I want to try every kind! Do you think they’ll have pink cheese? Or cheese that sparkles?" Though some nearby attendees glanced over with amused smiles at her innocent queries, Landon was beginning to look embarrassed as the children's voices loudly echoed through the church.

It was then a figure with long dark hair caught their gaze and Beau gasped, seeing him first. "Ah, what do we have here? Future cheese connoisseurs or perhaps little cheesemakers in the making?" Calbert's voice was smooth and engaging as he knelt down to be at eye level with the children. His smile was warm and inviting, instantly drawing the attention of both Fayette and Beau. He donned a meticulously tailored midnight blue frock coat. Beneath the coat, he wore a lighter gray double-breasted vest and white shirt. His trousers matched the coat, extending to polished black leather boots. Accessories included a gold pocket watch, simple gold cufflinks, and a light blue silk pocket square, all signifying his high class and impeccable taste.

As Calbert approached, Landon's posture subtly straightened in recognition of the respect he held for the man.

Landon extended his hand, "Count Damien, it is always a pleasure to see you. Thank you for coming over—it seems you've already captured the attention of my two monstres."

Calbert returned the handshake with a firm grip, a smile lighting up his features. " Count Monet, the pleasure is all mine. How could I resist such a lively audience?" He then turned to Fayette and Beau, who were already excited, their previous mischief temporarily forgotten.

Beau's eyes sparkled with anticipation, accustomed as he was to Calbert often bringing small gifts, "Monsieur Calbert, did you bring something for us today?" he inquired, his voice tinged with hopeful excitement.

Fayette, equally eager and not wanting to be left out, joined in with her melodious voice rising in excitement, "Do you have presents, Monsieur Calbert?"

Calbert chuckled, reaching into his coat pocket. Knowing the children were in town, he had picked up a few items for the two children as he always had. "Well, what kind of Count would I be if I came empty-handed?" He pulled out two small, beautifully wrapped packages, handing one to each child. "For our young master Beau, a miniature puzzle. And for our charming Miss Fayette, a little storybook to spark your imagination."

The children eagerly unwrapped their gifts, rooted to their seats. Landon watched this exchange, a smile of relief playing at the corners of his mouth.

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by PapaOso
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Dear “Gorgeous” Gustav,

Apologies, my friend. It’s been at least a month since I’ve written, and I know how you enjoy these little missives. For me to make a Count as “prestigious” as you wait for such things should surely be a crime. How dare I keep you on the edge of your seat wondering when my next letter will arrive. But maybe a little patience could do you good, G.

I jest, but I do hope you know that I have wanted to write, and that you have been on my mind quite a few times lately. Especially this last week. You see, things are very different these days, my friend. So much so that I fear you will think me a liar by the end of this letter. But you know me, and I only lie when I’m paid to. Though I am damn good at it, aren't I?

The truth though, is that my life looks nothing like it did last we spoke. For starters, my mother passed away. I know when I was there with you last year I told you I was going home to visit her, but I never did. I ended up taking another contract before I could even leave Stravinsky. A man just outside of Elso was trying to find the people that took his wife. Turned out to be a real shit show. As unlike me as it is, I even had to reach out for a little help on this one. The woman wasn’t just taken, she was one of thirteen that had been grabbed off the streets for some fucked up trafficking operation that ended up having ties to the Ruvani family. You may have heard about it. We saved nine. The others, we just weren’t quick enough.

I could’ve gone back home then, spent a little time with my mother. She had been writing less often. I could tell she was getting worse. I should have gone, but I didn’t. Gustav, I couldn’t. Another job came my way and I told myself I had to do it. I told myself that no one could get it done like me. I wrote her a letter saying I would visit soon, that I just needed to clear one more job.

I should have gone home.

That contract had me on the front lines of a trade dispute gone bad between a couple merchant cunts that both pulled together enough sellswords to topple a kingdom. So much blood spilled in the names of those elitist dicks (no offense) that by the end I just wanted to go home, G.

The more I climbed the ladder, the less the Wolves felt like home to me. They wanted me to lead, but I was already losing my love for it. There’s more to that story, but I’ll save that for another day. I’m rambling enough as it is.

When that letter came in telling me that she was gone, I didn’t even cry. Not at first. Something just broke. It still is, I think. Doesn’t feel real if I’m being honest. Especially now. Things feel more like a fever dream than they ever have. Turns out in my own way I’m an elitist dick just like you and those merchants. My mother’s revealed the truth about my father. I think I told you the story she had spun me when I was young. Well, she left out a few key details. This, G, this is the part where you’re gonna think I’m lying.

I’m in Sorian visiting my father. He’s a Count just like you, buddy. You’re officially reading the words of Calbert Damien’s bastard son. Yeah, THE Calbert Damien. I have every confidence that you know that name. I told you, you’re sitting right there swearing to yourself that I must be lying. Part of me, though I don’t know why, wishes I was lying. However, this is my new reality.

Here I am, moments away from getting dressed for a fucking masquerade. I bet you’re smiling at the thought. I bet you’re picturing how incredible I would look all done up in clothing fit for nobility. You’re probably even drooling at the thought of how good my ass looks in these tailored pants. You’re not wrong, it looks absolutely perfect.

I miss you G.

Somehow, I feel like things would make more sense if you were here. But more than anything, I wish I could drink a fucking barrel of that mead you had last year. Don’t get me wrong, this Caesonian wine is special, but that mead was the nectar of the gods themselves. Imagine you and I taking the dance floor together. Me in this ever so dramatic wolf mask that the good Count himself had commissioned jussssst for little ol’ me, and you in…whatever pretentious, sexy bullshit you would certainly show up in. We’d undoubtedly be the talk of Sorian. But, alas my friend, you’re in that frozen shitbag Svenborg, and I’m here eating grapes and tasting all the beauty that an actual civilized place has to offer. Guess I’ll just have to find another way to take this place by storm. You know I will...I always do.

Write me back you beautiful bitch.

Send mead,
Cassius “Damien” Vael

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Apex Sunburn
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Apex Sunburn Justified text enjoyer

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Morning
Location: Aboard Sudah

A powerful slap across Sjan-dehk’s face pulled him from the nightmare.

“Hey, wake up!” It was Iyen. The cheek where she had struck him stung – it would almost surely redden as the day went on – and she had used enough force to almost throw him from his seat and onto the polished woodwork of Sudah’s accommodation deck. Even so, Sjan-dehk couldn’t find it in him to feel anything but gratitude towards her. Although nightmares weren’t anything new to him – they were almost nightly events at this point – this one felt particularly unnerving. It had been too visceral; too uncanny; too confusing. He understood not even half of all that he had experienced.

Well, more likely than not, there was nothing to understand. The sleeping mind was a mysterious thing, as the scholars and mystics liked to say, and Sjan-dehk’s seemed to make a hobby out of tormenting him. He was glad to be freed from its demented hold, even if the unease it caused still lingered.

With a tired grunt, he righted himself on the chair. Dull aches dotted his body – a result of yesterday night’s adventure – and his heart drummed a frenetic rhythm against his ribs. Whether because of the nightmare or Iyen’s unique method of waking him, the reason for the latter was up for debate. Sjan-dehk decided that it was a combination of both. He placed a hand on his chest. “You’d better hope my heart settles soo–” He began in a grumble, but Iyen didn’t let him finish. She took him by the chin and turned his head to look her in the eyes. Large, hooded, and upturned, their dark irises bored holes into Sjan-dehk’s own.

The blank expression he gave her reflected his utter lack of amusement. “What in the abyss are you trying to do?” He asked drily.

“Checking to see if you’ve finally lost your sea-addled mind,” Iyen replied, her eyes scrying his features for whatever it was that she hoped to find. Despite the seriousness in her voice, the smirk growing across her lips gave her true intentions away. “I’m serious!” She said through a laugh. “You looked like you were close to having a fit! Or you were about to shit yourself. Either way, aren’t you glad I woke you when I did?”

And just like that, memories of the nightmare began to fade. Most of them, in any case. Sjan-dehk tittered quietly and pushed Iyen’s hand away with the back of his. “Sorry to disappoint,” he said with a shake of his head. Letting out a long sigh, he added, “But it was just a bad dream. Strange one, too.”

Iyen’s face fell into a troubled frown. “You get them too, huh?” Her voice had turned soft, and she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. Comforting warmth radiated from where she touched him. Sjan-dehk reached across his chest to brush his fingers against her hand. “None of it’s real, you know?” Her voice had turned soft, and she averted her eyes. “It’s all just our imagination playing tricks on us, and it’ll stop on its own. It’ll just take time, that’s what they all say.” She drew in a deep breath. “Wish they’d stop sooner, though.”

Broken corpses. Shattered hulls. A ship of mist and her grey captain.

Fragmented scenes – the ones too stubborn to leave on their own – flashed through Sjan-dehk’s mind. He very briefly closed his eyes and willed them away. This wasn’t the time to dwell on them. Well, there never would be a time for that if he could do anything about it, but now was a particularly bad moment. Iyen had her own terrors to battle, and they were arguably far worse than his. Sjan-dehk had only fought a war. She had done the same, in addition to witnessing the invasion and occupation of Sudhrayar, and surviving the subsequent evacuation of her people across treacherous waters to faraway Jafi. She rarely spoke of those times, but what little she had shared in the past was enough to paint a very, very unpleasant picture.

If anything, Sjan-dehk should be the one to comfort her. And so, he covered her hand with his own, gave it a gentle squeeze, and said the only words he could think to say. “I hope the Mother brings you to peaceful shores soon, Yen-yi, and with following winds.” The smile he gave her was small, and hesitant, but one of heartfelt affection.

Iyen giggled and brought her eyes back to him. “Looks like someone’s feeling soft today,” she teased with a playful grin gracing her face. Then, it turned into a look of sincere tenderness. “Thank you, Shanya. Your words mean plenty to me.” In a softer voice, she added, “And may the Shadowed Green grant you peace and calm within its protective shade, seafaring one.”

With that, she pulled away and took a bounding step back. “Well, that’s enough moping for one day.” Mirth and chirpy lightness returned to her voice. She twirled in front of Sjan-dehk, the wide skirt of her dress like verdant waves flowing and fluttering around her legs. “Lucky for you it was me who woke you,” she said, a playful twinkle in her eyes and her mouth pulled into a toothy grin. “There’re many who dream of waking to sight as fine as this. Makes you forget about that nightmare, doesn’t it?” She struck a pose, accentuating her slender face with her hands.

Sjan-dehk chuckled and stood up, taking his time to stretch his limbs. In truth, he found it hard to disagree with Iyen – she was, indeed, attractive by most standards. Lithe and cutting a figure that was both elegant and strung with subtle, wiry muscles, she struck a fine balance between beauty and brawn. And her dress certainly didn’t hurt her appearance. Made in typical Sudhrayarn fashion, it hugged her body tightly where it did, like bark on a tree, and flowed loosely where it didn’t, like the fronds of a palm. Her shoulders, arms, and stomach were left bare.

“Almost,” Sjan-dehk replied with a grin. He had known Iyen long enough to know when she playing the tease. “I think the way you woke me gave me something new to have nightmares about, though.”

Iyen laughed and winked. “Damn. I’ll have to do better next time, then. Maybe I should dress as a fish next time. That’s what you sea-loving folk like, right?” Then, she cleared her throat and folded her arms across her chest. “Anyway, I didn’t wake you just for fun, though your reaction was very entertaining, I’ve to say. I bring word from our good Lady Adiyan.”

It was only then did Sjan-dehk remember why he was even here, aboard Sudah, in the first place. He had received a missive earlier that morning, summoning him for an audience with Lady Adiyan. By the officious tone, stern wording, and lack of any cordiality, he had assumed that he was due for a scolding for what he had done the previous day. It wouldn’t have surprised him – he did take Sada Kurau out to sea with barely any notice, and he hadn’t written a report about that incident to Lady Adiyan. In fact, he hadn’t written any report on yesterday’s affairs. That was probably another reason for her to be upset with him.

“She regrets that she can’t see you,” Iyen continued, much to Sjan-dehk’s surprise. He must have made it clear on his face, as Iyen then explained, “Our wise doctor–” she made no effort to hide the sarcasm laden in her voice “–has decided that she had done enough work for the morning, and has ordered Lady Adiyan to rest.”

Worry entered Sjan-dehk’s heart. “Is she alright?”

Iyen shrugged and gave a dismissive wave of her hand. “She’s fine. As fine as she can be, at least. She’s definitely not so sick that she can’t work, though.” She huffed. “Anyway, Lady Adiyan asked me to remind you that we’re not in Viserjanta, so don’t go around intervening in things you shouldn’t. It’s fine to help the locals, and she encourages you to do that, but don’t take it too far. The pirates here might not be the same as the pirates we understand as Viserjantans, so be careful when hunting them. Don’t start an incident we can’t handle, and most importantly, don’t take the law into your own hands. Keep in mind that we’re simply guests here.” From the boredom in her tone, and the way she spoke progressively faster and faster as she went on, this was clearly something she had been made to memorise.

Sjan-dehk nodded slowly. There was sense in Lady Adiyan’s warning, even if he would rather not see any of it. “Is there anything else?”

His question brought a grin to Iyen’s face, and it wasn’t the sort that he liked. “Our good Lady also strongly suggests that we learn more about local culture. She’s heard word that there’s to be a religious ceremony happening somewhere in the city, today. You’re strongly advised to attend.” That meant that Lady Adiyan expected Sjan-dehk to be there. “And I am to go along with you. To keep you out of trouble, you know?”

Sjan-dehk blinked. “What do you mean, ‘keep me out of trouble?” He asked incredulously. “You were there with me when we went out to get those pirates!”

“Oh, was I?” Iyen’s grin widened, and her tongue peeked through her lips. “I must’ve failed to mention that to Lady Adiyan last night. My mistake.”

A long, drawn-out sigh of resignation left Sjan-dehk’s lips. Well, he supposed it could be worse; attending the ceremony on his own would have been painful. At least with Iyen around, the pain would be shared. “I guess I’ve no choice,” he grumbled. This was likely Lady Adiyan’s way of punishing him. She knew he had little interest in religious affairs; the occasional visit to a temple or shrine, and the occasional assisting of a priest or priestess was the most he had ever done as far as the Gods were concerned. “So when must we leave?” He asked.

“As soon as I get my things,” Iyen replied cheerily. “It’ll be just like old times! Let’s see what trouble we can try to keep ourselves out of.”

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Hidden 11 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 17 days ago


Attire: Black/White Coat
Time: Morning of the 24th
Location: Edwards Estate -> Morning Blossom Cafe
Mentions: Thea @Tae, and Stratya @CitrusArms

The morning came, and the beams of sunlight dancing along Drake's bed roused him from his slumber. He took a moment to stir, and sat up with his hand resting on his head. He was surprised that with how much he drank, that he wasn't hung over. I have to thank that one foreign woman if I ever see her again. That bread and water was precisely what I needed. Drake stood up and a few moments to stretch at the end of his bed. There was a knock at his door, which he knew was the morning breakfast call. He answered through the closed door as he worked off his night-clothes, and walked over to his wardrobe to find what he wanted to wear.

Today was going to be an interesting day, so he wanted an interesting outfit. He had a reservation at the Morning Blossom Cafe, after all. If he was to attend this mixer, he would need to impress. Drake thumbed through his clothes until he came across an ensemble that seemed to speak out to him. A black and blue coat, with a white undershirt that had fancy fluffs of cloth along the front and the cuffs. He smiled and hung the top part of his outfit on the side of the wardrobe, looking next for a pair of dark blue pants to match his attire. Once he had his outfit arranged, he made sure to clean himself properly, taking care to shower with some of his nicer soaps, and giving his hair a proper brush before donning his hand-picked outfit. Once all that effort had been made, he had a light breakfast of toast and apple juice before making his way to the carriage out front and onward to the Morning Blossom Cafe.

Once inside, he was greeted by a lovely woman by the name of Mingyu who presented him with his card. On which, a fancy number "4" was written in brilliant calligraphy. Drake admired the handiwork of the note before placing it in his coat pocket. He walked around the room, scanning for who his mystery date might be, and stood still for a moment as he saw her. It would be no exaggeration to say he was enamored by her outward appearance. Drake continued his slow walk towards the table but kept his gaze locked onto the woman before him, unable to stop himself from staring and admiring the natural and enchanting look of her. The way her hair framed her face was like taking a picture from a fairy tale. Drake calmed himself and approached the table, seeing the lady ready to introduce herself and causing a few slight snafus that to some would seem unsightly. To him it only made him think her all the more adorable.

"Oh not to worry, my dear lady. Based on those first two syllables, I would say you must be Lady Thea Smithwood?" He smiled and offered his hand towards her, and would help her back up from her curtesy if she wanted. He then walked around to pull out her chair and push it in once she was situated. "But I won't force a name you would rather not share. You need only ask. Oh, and the pleasure is entirely mine, milady." Drake walked around the table to take his own seat, but in a moment of equal parts boldness and dexterity, he sat slightly off center to the seat and began to fall towards the ground - only to quickly snatch the table with his hand. It was entirely purposeful, but to the unassuming eye it would seem like the young Lord was also a klutz. Once he adjusted himself, he placed his arms on the edge of the table and intertwined his fingers. Drake smiled, totally unfazed by the slight mishap he just had. He spoke just enough for her to hear in an attempt to reassure her. "Now we're one for one on embarrassing stunts, if that was a concern. But I also promise that I am not quick to judge. I am Lord Drake Edwards. I hope I can meet your expectations today."
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Hidden 11 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by Potter
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Member Seen 5 days ago


Time: Morning
Location: Courting Mixer - Blossom Cafe
Interactions: @ReusableSword Roman
Mentions: @princess Charlotte
Dress, hat & hair

After the wild night at the masquerade, Olivia had cried in Delilah's arms and begged her to let her run away. She had vented to Delilah her worries and fears. The woman had refused to allow it, and asked Gilbert to bring her some of the cake he had just baked. Olivia ate the food quietly and retreated to bed before Charlotte could find her. She didn’t need Charlotte to know what had transpired, nor worry her friend. It seemed the less Charlotte knew then the better. Throughout the night Olivia tossed and turned, and managed to scrape in a few hours at dawn.

Hours later, Delilah brought her the newspaper to read. Upon voicing her interest in the courting mixer, the maid smiled and helped her prepare, and even offered to go with her. Gilbert had arranged their breakfast which she quickly scarfed down as he chastised her to slow down. Olivia’s cheeks had reddened, but she heeded the man’s advice, and reminded herself she’d be in public today. This would be an important event for her and she couldn’t screw it up. Her confidence was shaken, but Liv nodded and cooperated with Delilah.

The fashion nobles wore astonishing clothes to Olivia; how could they afford these items? Her family could barely afford potatoes. She didn’t protest as the woman measured and helped her find the proper dress and accessories. After watching her struggle with high heels, the maid offered her flats instead which she would trip less in. Her feet were still hurting form the torture heels last night. Everything felt alien to her; the food, the attire, the accessories, and now the carriage she would ride in? If anyone had told Olivia she’d be living this life, she would have laughed at them and asked what they were smoking.

Gratitude for Charlotte and Delilah rose in her throat; she vowed to herself she would not fail them. Olivia had hugged Charlotte tightly and promised to hangout with her later. She climbed into the carriage slowly and stumbled on the ends of her dress. Olivia then cursed, which caused the maid to gently remind her not to swear either. Both Delilah and Gilbert decided to attend with her to watch over her upon Charlotte’s request. It relieved her to know she wouldn’t entirely be alone and it pained her to be away from Charlotte, but she knew she had to give her friend space as well. Something had happened last night and Olivia wanted to know, but it would have to wait.

Once at the courting mixer, Olivia slowly left the carriage this time so she didn’t fall. She smiled and was greeted by the friendly woman, Mingyu. Delilah and Gilbert were seated nearby. After she sat at the table with her number, Olivia nervously glanced around. There was Lady Thea, Drake Edwards, an unfamiliar blonde woman, and many other nobles she recognized, but didn’t know them. Olivia bounced her leg in anticipation until a glance from Delilah told her to stop. She fixed her gaze on the menu instead of staring around. That is, until the towering silhouette entered the cafe and loomed into her vision. Olivia smiled and relaxed visibly once she recognized Roman. How was this man so beautiful? Her breath caught and she swallowed quickly so she’d have a voice by the time he arrived.

”L-Lord Raven- Roman!” Olivia stuttered as he joined her table and swore to herself internally. ”Err, my apologies. Good morning, Roman. Thank you so very much, and so are you! You look handsome as ever!” Liv’s chest tightened as she began stringing together another sentence and did not betray the confidence she tried to display. The topic of the masquerade caused her fists to clench briefly on the menu, and she slowly took a deep breath to relax them. ”Yes, the masquerade was quite the event. It was fun seeing all the costumes.”

Or the wasted money that pig Calbert throws around…Piece of-

Olivia smiled sweetly as if nothing were wrong, and glanced at Delilah. Sit up. the woman mouthed and Olivia promptly sat up. Unfortunately, her chair scraped against the floor and she blushed with embarrassment. Praying that Roman wouldn’t say anything, Olivia returned the smile to her face. ”It seemed the ritual last night was… interesting.” Desperate to find another topic that didn’t involve their ridiculous evening, she added, ”So…. You’re a Blacksmith, right..?”

Please let the answer be yes…
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Lava Alckon
Avatar of Lava Alckon

Lava Alckon

Member Seen 17 days ago


Location: Guesthouse -> Primitus Church of Sorian
Time: Morning of the 24th
Attire: Robes
Mentions: Anastasia @princess, and Thea@Tae


The night was rather quick for Farim. He wandered into his guest room rubbing his head to an excited Thara, who coo'd noisily at his entrance. Once the falcon was calmed and put to rest within her cage, Farim disrobed and didn't bother to put on his night gown. He was simply too tired to care about any appearances of servants or guests that may see him in nothing but his undergarments. The sweet allure of the bedsheets claimed him too quickly to rethink the decision, too. While he dreamt, Farim tossed and turned, even muttering a few phrases in his mother tongue that poor Thara would wake up startled from.

In his dream, flashes of the specter he saw at the ritual filled his mind. The anguish he felt from the thought of losing his mother, whether this was real or not, plagued his dreamscape with parasitic thoughts and theories. But just as quickly as the night had come and claimed his tired soul for rest, the morning drew its first breath to awake the restless Farim from his slumber. The Shehzade shot up in his bed, cold beads of sweat dripping along his face as he drew shallow breaths. Once he calmed himself, Farim stood up and walked over to Thara's cage, letting her roam the room as he prepared for the day.

He took some time to wash his face in his private washroom, and followed it with a warm and comforting shower. A plate had already been left by his door of some of his favorite breakfast sausage, with a glass of refreshing spring water to start the day on the right foot. He spared some of his breakfast for his trusted falcon before getting ready for the day. He picked out a particular set of robes he wanted to show off to Anastasia and the citizens of the fine city. The robes of course were embroidered with gold, but the green tones of it might present a more calming disposition to the passing bystander - and then the rather liberal depth of the "v-neck" was something that he was simply used to having on his clothing. Back home it wouldn't be much of a deal, but he chuckled to think how those of Sorian would think of such a thing.

It was then that Anastasia knocked on his door, surprising the man and causing him to jump slightly. He waltz to the door before he could think and opened it despite his robes still hanging on either side of his torso, not yet fully wrapped around him. "Princess! I am happy to be seeing youuuuuuhhhhh...Wow!" Whatever sentence Farim had in mind was lost once he saw the dress Anastasia wore. The folds of the dress tightly wrapped around her hourglass figure, with her shoulders and neck laid plainly in sight for whomever would look. Farim was, for a brief moment, speechless. "You certainly know how to greet a man in the morning."

Farim finally noticed his robe had not yet been fully tied, and moved to wrap himself up properly in front of her. He didn't mind her seeing his bare chest, but based on his initial reaction to her, any longer and she might notice a bit more of him than she bargained for that morning. But he was quick, and used to tying his clothing in record time. "I am almost finished. But in the mean time, you can always say hi to your favorite bird~." Farim gave a light whistle and Thara came over with a burst of flapping of her wings. She rested on Farim's shoulder and tilted her head before letting out a soft caw towards Anastasia. "Looks like she missed you! Come in, once I am prepared we can grab a carriage together perhaps?" He smiled and invited the woman into his chambers, letting her socialize with his treasured pet and friend while he donned his jewelry and fixed his hair. That same blue crystal necklace hung loose on his chest as he turned around and picked up Anastasia for a big hug.

"I am thankful you are okay. Seeing you hurt like that put quite the scare on me." He moved her hand to feel the slight bump on the back of his head, earned courtesy of Thea from the other night. "At least we share a fun little head injury. But do you remember what may have happened?" His face filled with concern, he still kept her close until Thara would walk over to the pair and flap her wings in protest - as if to say "I want a hug too!" Farim reached out instinctively and pet the top of the falcon's head, and gestured towards the door. "Actually, perhaps we should get a carriage first, and talk on the way?"

Anastasia gave a cheerful nod and led Farim by the hand towards the entrance of the Guest House and into a carriage she had prepared for the both. On the way Farim would ask Anastasia about what she remembers from last night, and how she is feeling this morning. All while his hand would rest on her knee in a comforting gesture. He would position himself close to her as the carriage made its way to the church, all while doing his best to make sure the bump wasn't as nasty as he let on. "Next time you decide to go running around at least let me be there so you do not bonk your pretty head - I am still sorry I was not around to stop it." He said as the carriage came to a stop.

Once out, he helped Anastasia down and offered his arm for her to take before guiding the pair into the main building of the church. Farim took in the magnificent architecture, the craftsmanship of the marble walls and wooden pews. The fantastical music had brought him to a stop as he looked on the fast numbers of folks already gathered and still gathering in the main hall. There were sure to be some glances given their brave choices of attire - but if anything it made Farim all the more glad her date to such an event. "Where would you like to sit beautiful?" He coyly asked.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Mina couldn't help but gasp softly as Munir swept her up into his arms, her surprise quickly melting into a contented sigh as he settled them both onto the bed. The warmth of his embrace enveloped her, and she snuggled in close to him, reveling in the feeling of safety and love that radiated from him. Her one hand found his, entwining their fingers.

As Munir planted gentle kisses along her neck and collar, Mina couldn't suppress a giggle, her heart fluttering at his affectionate gestures. "Good morning to you too, Munir," she replied softly, boldly leaving out titles as she tilted her head to allow him better access to her neck. Every kiss he planted threatened to be her undoing, but she simply focused on teasing him. "But I believe you may be mistaken about the whole wife thing. I don't recall saying 'I do'."

With a playful glint in her eyes, Mina shifted slightly to face Munir, propping herself up on one elbow as she regarded him teasingly. Her hair fell in messy, wild curls all around her and she took a moment to blow one out of her face before opening her mouth again. "And speaking of things I don't recall, why did you sleep on the floor when there's a perfectly good bed big enough for the both of us and then some?" She raised an eyebrow inquisitively, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she awaited his response.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location: Where the magic happens
Interactions: @Taewifey

"Mmm...Marry me. There. Now say yes... Munir replied in jest, the kisses never quite stopping. Voice husky from sleep, he made small groaning noises in protest of the morning sun. If only he can linger in bed and not have to attend to anything...

Oh wait. He can...

Munir slowly blinked his eyes open when Mina turned to face him, instinctively entangling his legs with hers. Letting out a content sigh as he made minimal effort to address her question, instead nestling himself into her chest. "That question can wait... this is more important... He said ass he pulled her closer to him still, allowing their bodies to remain in close contact. But, Munir knows that he shouldn't overstep his bounds. Matter of fact, what he is doing now can be considered exactly that. After all, they're both nobility, albeit with somewhat tarnished reputations...

"If you must know, however, the reason as to why I slept sitting on the floor, it is because I wanted to protect you. It would be easier for me to spring into action if I was already somewhat on the floor. Alas, my body fully betrayed me. I was never supposed to fully fall asleep. I think the adrenaline from last night wearing off really did a number on me. Heh..." Munir ended his words with a sheepish chuckle. "Oh. Also, if there are still some remnants of whatever was on your skin, that is my mistake. I tried my best to wipe it off of you while trying to not disturb your sleep... The water basin should have clean, cool water and the silk towels by it are all clean. I can help you..."

Why was he babbling? Why did he seem so nervous? Was it what his mother said to him during the ceremony?
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Vikena Estate
Mention: @princess Charlotte, @tpartywithzombi Ariella.

Nearly twenty-four hours had passed since the incident on the beach. Yet another embarrassing moment for the books. Yet another embarrassing moment that fired another fist-sized hole into his reputation. Could he even claim to have one worth anything? If it were flesh, could it stand? Could it move? Could it breathe?

Lorenzo’s mental distress only grew worse after seeing the young Ariella off with plenty of flowers and an open invitation to his garden in the future. It was not until she left that he realized he had been trying to fill some sort of empty space his beloved Lottie was meant to be in. The lonely girl with few friends and was a homebody more than anything else. That's what the entire year since his wife’s passing had been.

Did he truly favor their year-long isolation? Was that healthier than this? Which was more cruel? Which pool would he choose to drown in? The one where everyone pointed and laughed as he sank inch by inch, flailing about trying to keep himself afloat. Or perhaps he preferred it to be slow and cold as he slowly fell deeper and into despair… alone.

It was so easy to fall into old habits. What was one sip, anyway? No one would know. Prince Wulfric was not standing watch at his door. There were no appointments to dinners he loathed to attend. And there was also that feeling… the painful stings of hindsight and regret. Twin brothers they were, gnawing at your back, reminding you of what terrible decision you left behind you.

Why not…

That's what he had thought that afternoon. He locked his door and ensured his servants would not interrupt his solitude. He was so close to the edge, so mentally prepared to grab his medicine and bask in its aimless euphoria…

Fortunately or not, the darkness of his narcolepsy snatched away his freedom of choice. He woke many hours later to find the following day’s dawn waiting for him. The strange affliction was one he could never predict and ruined his plans from time to time but perhaps the gods sought to spare him. To pity him for once. Even then, the long slumber still came with its aches and symptoms of oversleeping. However, he found the gods charitable in his time of weakness.

It may have been the reason he decided he would go to King Edin Danrose’s religious service this morning. He had asked Delilah to request Charlotte's company while he dressed himself in something conservative. He wore a slight smile, though it could remove the worn-out look of his face.

Too much sleep has made me look even more tired He sighed, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Church of Sorian
Attire:Dress, Flats, Crown and Earrings
Interaction: @Lava Alckon Farim

As the door swung open, revealing Farim in his loosely tied robe, Anastasia’s lips curled into a mischievous smile. Her eyes swept appreciatively up and down his figure, a sparkle of amusement dancing in her gaze. She stepped closer and reached out. Her fingers then grazed the side of his robe with a curious touch, exploring the texture before he hastened to tie it securely. “Starting the day on a bold note, I see, handsome,” she teased in a light tone.

When he moved in for a hug, she wrapped her arms around him warmly and tightly. As he shared his concerns about her recent misadventure, Anastasia seemed thoughtful, her brow furrowing slightly as she pondered his question. Just then, Thara’s caw cut through the moment, and her demeanor softened once more as she turned to pet the falcon with a gentle hand.

Once Farim was ready to go, they made their way to the carriage. As they settled inside, the rhythmic clatter of horseshoes against the cobblestone filled the air and Anastasia’s demeanor almost immediately shifted to one of theatrical drama. “You won’t believe it, Farim,” she exclaimed, her hands gesturing wildly as she leaned into the story. “I was wandering through the woods, looking for you actually, when suddenly this man in a long coat appeared out of nowhere! And then—WHAM!” She clapped her hands together for emphasis and though completely unnecessary, she threw her body back against the seat, then looked at him once more, “Everything went black... I’m telling you, it’s got to be the mafia after me. They’ve found me at last! I knew they were obsessed with me.”

Her tone was dramatically serious, but the twinkle in her eye betrayed her amusement. Bringing her hands to her cheeks, she playfully squished them, adding with a cheeky grin, "It's because I'm pretty isn't it!?"

As the carriage halted at the church, Anastasia stepped out with a natural grace that instantly drew every eye towards her. The whispers began almost immediately as the door swung open. With her entrance, the subtle murmur of the crowd crescendoed into a mix of hushed and excited whispering. She acknowledged the attention with an ear-to-ear smile and wave, her ears catching snippets of the crowd's chatter—phrases like "the Princess," "the Shehzade," floated around, interspersed with excited queries of "Where's Prince Wulfric?" from a cluster of eager young women nearby.

Anastasia’s attention was immediately captured by the grandeur around them. Her eyes lit up with excitement as she surveyed the gathering, her energy seemingly boundless. She didn't hesitate when Farim posed his question, and pointed towards Count Landon and Count Calbert, seated near the front. “There’s Count Landon and Calby. Let’s sit near them—I want to play with his cute little chickens!” Farim would be able to follow her gaze to Count Landon's two children.

“And I want a good view for when my father arrives,” she added, tugging at Farim’s arm as she directed them toward the front. “He always knows how to put on a good show.”

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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir

Mina chuckled softly at Munir's playful jest, shaking her head in amusement. "As tempting as that offer is, I think I'll need a bit more convincing," she teased, her eyes sparkling with mirth as she gazed into his.

She sighed contentedly as Munir nestled into her chest, feeling the comforting weight of his body against hers. In that moment, she didn't care about the boundaries they might be crossing; all that mattered was the warmth and closeness they shared. She gently stroked his hair, savoring the feel of his strand between her fingers.

Listening to his rambling explanation, Mina couldn't help but notice the sudden nervousness in Munir's demeanor. Without hesitation, she leaned in and pressed her lips tenderly against his, the kiss filled with warmth and understanding.

When she pulled away, Mina met Munir's gaze with a soft smile, her eyes reflecting a sense of calm and reassurance. "Thank you for everything you did last night," she said sincerely, her voice gentle. "I'm sorry it shook you up so badly, but I'm here now, and I'm safe. And I'm not going anywhere, at least for the time being."

Just then, Mina's attention was drawn to a ghostly figure phasing through the wall behind Munir. The ghost's sudden appearance made her pause, and she watched in surprise as it looked at her and Munir, gasped, and blushed before quickly disappearing.

"Speaking of last night, I think I have some explaining to do," she said, turning her gaze back to Munir with a sigh. She slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position, preparing herself for this conversation. How was she supposed to start? Did she just say ‘yeah, I see ghosts’? This wasn't going to be easy.

After a long moment of silence, she finally opened her mouth to speak. ”So the first thing I need you to understand is that I have no control over this. A long time ago, the women of my family were cursed…or some may say blessed, depending on how you want to look at it. We're, what many would call, mediums. We see spirits…I see spirits and I always have, ever since I was a little girl.” She paused there, wanting to give him time to react to this potentially damning information.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Rodiak
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Rodiak 𝔪𝔦 𝔪𝔞ñ𝔞𝔫𝔞, 𝔪𝔦 𝔥𝔬𝔶, 𝔪𝔦 𝔞𝔶𝔢𝔯

Member Seen 1 mo ago

♖ the fit ♖

D A M I E N E S T A T E | E V E N I N G
I n t e r a c t i o n s :
M e n t i o n s :

Mathias blinked, the light flooding his eyes as he stirred from his sleep. Groggily, he tried to turn over and continue sleeping, but something felt off. His gaze fell on the sight of a woman's arms wrapped around his bare waist, her red hair cascading over her face and shoulder. Confusion clouded his mind as he glanced around, noticing a man with sun-kissed skin and curls on his cheeks beside the bed.

Memories of the previous night came back foggy— the drinks, the kisses, the indulgent feast. His stomach churned at the thought of food, and he felt a pang of guilt for his overindulgence. Despite his headache and poor coordination, Mathias managed to extract himself from the woman's embrace and carefully made his way to the edge of the bed.

With a sense of urgency, he hastily dressed, being careful not to disturb the sleeping figures. He placed a small blue velvet pouch by the nightstand, containing coins that jingled softly. As he gathered the rest of his belongings—a blazer, shoes, and a bowtie—he glanced back at the room, leaving behind a blue mask. Mathias then exited the room as quietly as possible, the events of the night before still a blur in his mind.

꘏ ꘏ ꘏ ꘏

After hastily leaving the red district, Mathias hurried back to the guest house with just enough time to bathe and change into whatever attire his valet had laid out for him. Regrettably, he had not informed poor Mr. Wagner about the mixer, so his clothes were a touch too informal for the occasion. This oversight only added to the growing pit in his stomach, which intensified as he entered the Blossom Caffe.

Greeted by Mingyu with a bright smile, Mathias was swiftly briefed on the courting event before being handed a piece of paper and ushered past. Adjusting his cufflinks for the third time, he glanced down at the paper in his hand. Number one. He looked about the room, searching for his table, luckily he didn’t have to look for long. There was the number one staring at him along with a woman. Seated there was a woman with a crown of red hair framing striking green eyes that pulled a smile to Mathias's face as he approached.

With a polite bow of his head, he took his seat across from her. "I am Sir Mathias Larsen. It is a pleasure to share this event with you, my lady," he greeted warmly.

P R I M I T U S C H U R C H , M O R N I N G
I n t e r a c t i o n s :
@princess@Lava Alckon
M e n t i o n s :

Last Night

Nahir stood outside Layla’s door, Lady Suhasini by her side, bearing a tray laden with delicacies. Dried dates, sweet treats, and strong tea adorned the tray, along with a pastry she knew Layla favored. She knocked, the sound echoing faintly in the corridor, but there was no answer. With a graceful movement, Nahir retrieved a small, neatly folded paper from her robe pocket and placed it on the tray. The paper bore Layla's name in her meticulous handwriting.

‘Dear Sister,

I heard from the servants at the Damien Estate that you left the ball early. Concerned, I came to check on you, but it seems you are not receiving visitors at the moment. Please enjoy the snacks I’ve brought, and if you need company, do not hesitate to call me. I wish to repay your kindness.

Your sister, Nahir’

Lady Suhasini set the tray on the ground in front of the door, and Nahir glanced once more at the door before sighing and turning to leave.

________________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐________________

“It is truly magnificent,” Nahir remarked, as they both entered the church. The outside facade was nothing like what she was used to, and during her short visit to Caesonia, she'd never seen the church this close.

She looked ahead, and Nahir's gaze flicked towards Princess Anastasia and Farim. Ready to study them both carefully. However, her attention was swiftly stolen by the breathtaking beauty of the architecture.

”The soaring ceilings, the graceful arches, the stained glass windows– all of it is simply breathtaking.” Her eyes, alight with a subtle fascination, traced the patterns of light cast by the colorful windows, then lifted to admire where the arches met the ceiling in a symphony of grandeur. While very few could compare to the mosques and temples back home with their symmetrical and colorful designs, Nahir would not deny the beauty of the church. It filled her with a sense of nostalgia, a welcomed feeling after days apart from the familiarity of Alidasht.

Beside her, Ece stood statuesque, her arms folded behind her back. She had just relayed the events of the previous night in whispers of their native tongue. Real, undeniable magic that Ece had witnessed firsthand, yet Nahir appeared unfazed, enraptured instead by the play of light and shadow.

“Relax; I can see the tension in your jaw,” Nahir murmured, her voice barely audible over the choir’s melodic singing and whispers. Their voices resonated through the vast church hall, filling the space with heavenly gossip. “Don't worry.”

"My lady–"

Nahir silenced Ece with a gentle touch on her shoulder. "We mustn’t discuss such matters in the presence of their gods," she said softly. "Our purpose is to immerse ourselves in the sights, the culture, and the people. Who knows what the future holds?” She shot Ece a knowing smile.

"Inshallah" Ece sighed, conceding to Nahir's redirection of the conversation. For now. She had noticed the spark in Nahir's eyes when she spoke of the woman with the wolf, far more intrigued by her than Farim or Munir’s antics at the evening's event.

"Come, we'll sit with my cousin." Nahir led them behind Anastasia and Farim, giving them both a greeting smile as they took their seat.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 10 mos ago Post by JJ Doe
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JJ Doe

Member Seen 4 days ago

RĂ­oghnach "Riona"
Time: Daytime, Sola 24th
Location: The Primitus Church of Sorian
Interaction(s)/Mention(s): @Helo

Riona and the Smithwood servants couldn’t hide their smirks as they took in the sight of Lordling Smithwood’s shocking pink skin and equally vivid hair. Some managed to keep a straight face better than others, but there was no mistaking the amusement in their eyes. The Lordling, for his part, looked like he’d swallowed a lemon. Being assigned Riona as his attendant for the event only soured his mood further.

Outside, the maid held the umbrella over the Lordling’s head as the rain pattered around them. He b*tched and moaned about the shoes the entire way to the church. “I thought they suit you, milord.” Riona said, her tone just a touch too innocent. “As it seems you have a penchant for the flamboyant.” Her gaze flicked pointedly to his flamingo-like appearance. The Lordling huffed while she bit back a smile.

Inside the church, she fell into step behind him, keeping a modest two paces between them.

Fritz "Ryn" Hendrix
Time: Sola 24, 1739; Daytime Hours
Location: Morning Blossom Cafe
Interaction(s)/Mention(s): @Tae

Ryn hurried through the rain-soaked streets, his heart pounding with anticipation as he approached the cafĂŠ where the courting mixer was set to take place. The pitter-patter of raindrops against his umbrella provided a constant backdrop to his thoughts. When his destination came into view, an unexpected sight caused him to slow his steps.

Near the entrance, a dire wolf lounged. Its majestic presence captivated him, pushing thoughts of the mixer from his mind. Cautiously, Ryn approached, careful to maintain a respectful distance. As he drew closer, the creature’s beauty left him awestruck. “Well, hello there, my stunning friend,” he said, his voice soft and friendly. “I must say, I didn’t expect to find one of your kind here, so far from the wilderness. What brings you to this quaint little café on such a rainy day?”

Piercing, intelligent eyes regarded Ryn while the wolf seemed to study him.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location: Where the magic happens
Interactions: @Taewifey

Munir's breathing instantly calmed and slowed when Mina kissed him. It was just as cliche as it seems. As soon as their lips touched, all the weight Munir carries were obliterated, nowhere to be seen or felt. He only wished the kiss lingered but a moment longer. However, when Mina pulled away, Munir knew he shouldn't try to pull her back. It seems as though Mina has something really important to talk to him about.

"...And I'm not going anywhere, at least for the time being."

What did she mean by that? At least for the time being. Does that mean there would come a time where they would have to be apart again? Munir knows she was still talking to him, by the looks of her sitting up. However, all that echoed and registered in his mind was that previous line and the last few words she spoke to him before pausing.

Munir was sitting up now. He decided in his mind to tease her a bit. Looking down solemnly, he moved to distance himself from Mina slightly. Enough to be felt, but not so much as to seem like he has withdrawn from her. "You...you what?" Munir said, feigning shock with a tinge of disgust. "I can't believe this. I can't believe you'd wait until I've fallen for you to tell me this. I... I don't know if....How would...How can I..."

Munir gave pause. Allowing his eyes to meet hers. And he waited. He wanted to see how Mina would react.

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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Conscripts
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Conscripts An Atom Trying to Understand Itself

Member Seen 20 days ago

Time: Night -> Morning 24th
Location: Lover's Lake -> Blossom Cafe
Interactions: Farim @Lava Alckon, Torvi @Tae, Roman @ReusableSword, Zarai (24th) @Rodiak

The sight of the spirits, using Roman as a conduit to discharge their fury, did little to frighten the two men in coats. All it did was confirm what Farim had been warning John about. This meant they weren't dealing with drugs, but rather magic. And also this woman.

Just before the spirits returned to their dormant states in Roman, Frederick not so subtly gave all of them a thumbs-down for their trouble. Meanwhile, John turned to Farim, who seemed surprised at John's presence. He feigned equal amazement at Farim, with two fingers crossing behind his back.

"Glad to see you around, my friend. I see the guards were getting rowdy over there, but our friendly bear Roman here have taken cared of them. As for Annie, I believe I saw her running into the forest somewhere. You might want to go after her, she might get lost."

Meanwhile, Frederick looked rather displeased at the woman asserting her authority, but his tone indicated of a disappointed father looking down on her impetuous daughter.

"That's odd, I don't recall you signing a paper, do you? You might want to be careful with your words, and your feet too, madam."

"We appreciate the help, but we are officially responsible for this man's well-being. We will take it from here."

With that, they got to work taking Roman away from this disaster of a ceremony and began his treatment elsewhere safer. As they left, Farim seemed rather suspicious of the duo. Frederick's actions weren't as discreet as they hoped it would.

"You as well, Farim." He nodded neutrally, the words left behind would befit a well-wish, but not a warning. What does he mean by this? Was it a slip of the tongue, or a cleverly veiled threat as well?

The incident was reported immediately. The next morning, the three doctors, Alina, Frederick, and John sat in a solitary room in the Varian guesthouse. Sorian servants were suddenly not allowed in, replaced by personal Varian servants and guards this time around. One of them at the very least looked at the news with bagged eyes.

"The Sorians aren't aware of your involvement yet." She exasperatedly said. "However, that guy, Farim, didn't seem like ones who would go quietly into the night, as you both recall. This can be a big big problem, as it could put both of you on the wanted list, completely jeopardizing our work here. Needless to say you made quite a mess yesterday."

"I acted too quickly. It's my fault, it's on me." Frederick quickly covered for John, responsibly and without excessive, if not any, emotions.

"It's on both of us." John also stood up. "The end-result puts both of us in the crosshairs, so it is our responsibility to handle it."

"This concerns the Order as well, so this is our work now." Alina folded the newspaper and tossed it elsewhere. "I'll write a letter to Hunter, telling him to come back. You both ask Ravenwood a favor. See what that precious little princess has to say, and what that Alidasht guy wanted to do, then we'll go from there. Worst case he decides to blabber, he gets the blackout treatment."

"We should move fast then, otherwise it won't be worst case scenario at all." John suggested. "I can check on Farim, see what he has to say."

"No no no no. If you say he's suspicious of both of you, then he will have his guards up when talking to you." Alina protested. "I'll ask if anyone of us have contact with him. If he approaches you, then act normally. Don't expect anything out of him."

"Alright. Then Frederick, you should lay low for now. Stay inside until we figure out what's going on." John said, as close to an order as it could be, but Frederick understood his position

"Got it."

"What do you think I should do then?" John turned to Alina, who shrugged.

"I think you should just go out like you would as a visitor." She replied. "But do not, I repeat do NOT, get into more fights." The doctor chuckled, something Alina didn't find particularly funny. "I'm serious! You've attracted attentions at the park, got on Count Calbert's watchlist, now you assaulted a princess. Thank god, your reputation is so solid people are doubting the story."

"On that note, when is that guy making his move on John?" Frederick asked, crossing his arms.

"Soon. I'll keep my heads up when out and about. If a fight is inevitable, then..." He moved his hand crossing his neck.

"Fine." Alina rolled her eyes. "Your medicine is refilled. Take it, and head out at your leisure. If nothing else, this concludes the meeting."

The three stood up at the same time, one of their hands crossed their chest upward, their hand located beneath their golden medicinal pin.

"For peace and harmony across the land, one pill at a time." They repeated in unison. Then they parted.

The weather today was pretty gloomy, but it was fine for John's standard. It made him easier to fit in with the common citizenry, though as today, he wore a yellow jacket over his usual suit, the embroidery certainly stood out among other more prestigious and royal-looking individuals. The pattern looked more rugged, primitive, though not dirty by any means, yet contrasting with the modern collar design, it's a weird and interesting mix.

He arrived at the cafe later than others, finding out about this date opportunity only just earlier. Hopefully this time, there won't be any problems. He knew the watchers that might be on him, but he too also wanted to check out for romantic interests. It was one of his original goals upon coming to Sorian, aside from visiting old friends and teachers, before everything began to go south against him.

He was given a number, and escorted to the table number to match. The woman he was paired with today was nobody strange. It was Lady Lesdeman. He met her during Princess Sadie's picnic. That one at least was pretty fun, though she wasn't in the best of mood nor conditions then. Now though, she was pretty. Her blonde hair gracefully rested on her shoulders, as she sat awaiting him. Her beauty was worth a smile, as he would approaching her.

"Lady Lesdeman, we meet again! I hope you're doing fantastic in this rather gloomy morning."
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Time: Morning
Location: Munir's Room
Attire: Munir's Shirt
Interaction: @Infinite Cosmos Munir (hubby)

Mina's heart plummeted as she watched Munir's reaction, her chest tightening with a mixture of panic and sadness. She couldn't believe it. Had she ruined everything by revealing her secret? The weight of Munir's feigned shock hit her like a ton of bricks, and she felt her world begin to shatter around her.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she listened to Munir's words, her breath catching in her throat. She had feared this moment, feared his reaction to the truth she had kept hidden from so many for so long. She knew the reaction might not be the greatest, but she wasn't expecting this. The thought that she might lose him now, just as she had begun to allow herself to fall for him, was almost unbearable.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "I didn't mean to...I never wanted to hurt you. I just...I didn't know how to tell you. I didn't want you to think I was crazy, or...or to be afraid of me." Her words came out in a rush, the panic and sadness in her voice palpable.

Mina's gaze dropped to her lap, unable to meet Munir's eyes as she struggled to contain her emotions. She felt a surge of anger rising within her, directed both at herself for not being brave enough to tell Munir sooner, and at the curse that had plagued her family for generations.

Her voice wavered as she spoke, her words laced with a bitter self-awareness. "I should have known this was going to happen," she murmured, her tone heavy with regret. "Every woman in my family has been feared, thought crazy, unlovable... Why did I think this could be any different?"

She hugged herself tightly, a tremor running through her frame as she fought to hold back the tears. The weight of her family's history, the burden of their curse, felt crushing in that moment. She had hoped, foolishly perhaps, that Munir would be different, that he would understand. But now, faced with his feigned shock and disbelief, she felt the sting of rejection like a knife to her heart.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Infinite Cosmos
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Infinite Cosmos XIV

Member Seen 5 days ago

Location: Where the magic happens
Interactions: @Taewifey

"Oh shit. Oh fuck. I've fucked up! I've taken this too far. Oh no!

Giant red flags and trumpets blared off in Munir's mind. What he only meant as a jest clearly is backfiring. Mina is truly affected by this and he is the only person to blame. He should have known better than to use this subject matter as a point of a joke towards the woman he loves. Oh mama is going to be so mad when she visits them in her spirit form...

Moving back closer to her gently, Munir picked up Mina's hands that clutched at herself so intensely. "My love. No. The only thing you are crazy for is trusting someone like me enough to want to share this information with me. What did I do to deserve such trust?" With each word he said, he gave Mina's fingers, held in his hands like the softest ball of silk, a gentle kiss. When he'd kissed every finger, he would plant a long, lingering kiss at the little space between her left middle and ring finger, just above the nail bed.

"Do you remember anything I said to you last night? You are the captain of my soul. My moon and stars. Without you, I drift aimless amidst the endless sands of Alidasht..." In that moment, Munir slowly let go of Mina's hands, allowing them to fall wherever they wished naturally. With his hands, he reached over with the slightest bit of a tremble and uncertainty, and lifted Mina's face so she would be looking at him eye to eye. "I need you to make one promise to me. Just the one. Promise to never shed another tear because of me. And I would make one promise to you in return. Never will I give you cause to want to shed another tear. Mina Blackwood. You are mine and I am yours. I have heard that it is a Northern tradition that the wife takes the husband's last name. But that is not ours. So I will not force you to take my last name if you should not want to. But my claim remains. You are mine. And I am yours. We can follow whichever marriage tradition you'd wish. Be it mine or yours. It does not matter to me. I have come to the realization that I cannot live without you in my life. Come who or what may. Be it the spirits or your uncle or anything else in the world. You are mine and I am yours."

(Small OOC blurb. I definitely was looking at Islamic marriage traditions as I wrote this post. It was my assumption that we structured the Alidasht after the Arabic world. Please correct me if I'm wrong!)
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Lava Alckon
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Lava Alckon

Member Seen 17 days ago


Location: Primitus Church of Sorian
Time: Morning of the 24th
Attire: Robes
Mentions: Anastasia/Count Calbert @princess, and Nahir @Rodiak


The errant gasps and whispers of the ongoers was something Farim wasn't unfamiliar with. But he found himself partially distracted by the revelations behind just what Anastasia had told him. Had he judged the "Good Doctor" wrong? Surely not. There must be some kind of explanation - for someone to flip face so suddenly seemed against his best interests. It all puzzled Farim, but to avoid any further suspicion from Anastasia he placed a smile on his face and chuckled at the thought. "Well if someone were to come after you, it would have to be something like the mafia. I do not think many would like to see harm come to you. I am sure they, me included, will protect you from the big bad mafia." Right after he said this, he noticed his cousin Nahir stroll around nearby. He was rather happy to see someone else from his family nearby, and offered her a pleasant greeting as she passed. "Tahiaati lak (Greetings to you), cousin! If you are free later, we should catch up. I am curious to hear of your exploits here. And it is nice to be seeing you as well, Ece. I sure hope Nahir is treating you well." Farim said the last part with a slightly cheeky tone, and waved as they walked past and began to look for their seats.

Right around here is when Anastasia tugged him forward, talking of chickens and seeing her father. "Yes yes, Annie we will see the....chickens?" He raised a brow and saw the two children playing with toys at the front. The two grown men in front of them were conversing, and Farim recognized one of them as the Count Calbert gentleman from the beach. He resisted the urge to scowl at the man, who reminded him every bit of his own father and whispered to Anastasia. "Okay, but be careful around that one on the right." He said, clearly referring to Count Calbert. "He gave me the worst feeling when he came by the beach yesterday. I do not like him."

But he would follow her all the same, making sure to take a seat near the pair of gentleman as Annie would likely immediately run towards the cute children playing with their toys. Farim turned to the two and offered a bow and a greeting. "It is a pleasure to meet you both. I am Shehzade Farim. I believe you were..Count Calbert yes? It is nice to be seeing you here once again." The latter statement was a total lie, but he had no reason to start trouble where there was none. He turned to look at Count Monet. "What might your name be? Are you another Count or someone of different title? Also I hope you do not mind the Princess socializing with your young ones. She seemed rather excited to meet them." He went to take a seat near Count Monet, leaving a spot for Anastasia.
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Hidden 11 mos ago Post by Lava Alckon
Avatar of Lava Alckon

Lava Alckon

Member Seen 17 days ago

Drake & Thea

As Drake extended his hand towards her, Thea hesitantly took it and glanced up at him. She placed her hand in his, feeling a warmth spread through her at his touch. With his assistance, she rose from her curtsy, a blush still lingering on her cheeks.

"Thank you," she murmured softly as he pulled out her chair, a grateful smile gracing her lips as she settled into her seat. "You're very kind, milord, and quite perceptive."

Her eyes widened slightly as she watched him fumble, a moment of clumsy grace that only seemed to endear him to her even more. Despite his mishap, he recovered with such ease and composure that she couldn't help but be impressed.

As he spoke, reassuring her with a gentle smile, Thea felt her heart swell with warmth. "Yes, I am Lady Thea Smithwood. And...thank you, Lord Edwards. You've already surpassed my expectations, I must admit. I was half-expecting my date to either flee or judge me harshly when they found out who I was."

She offered him a shy smile, her gaze softening as she met his eyes. "But you've done neither of those things, and for that, I'm truly grateful.”

Drake nodded, but couldn’t help but feel a slight concern enveloping his face. He had certainly heard some rumors and read some tabloids - but truthfully he found them all to be blown out of proportion. ”It wouldn’t be fair of me to cast any form of judgment before I even got to see you face to face.” The thought of it seemed rather extreme in his mindset. There was an etiquette and an expected decorum to these kinds of things after all.

”Plus I don’t like to buy into the alleged words of folks who do nothing but spread gossip. It always seems to do more harm than good to folks. So you needn’t worry - Lady Smithwood. I am here very much for a rather pleasant time and so far, you have done nothing to betray this notion.” He offered a slight bow, with one hand moving to press against his hand while the other lay flat on the table. ”And thank you for the fine compliments. You look…well rather beautiful if I am being honest. Would you perhaps like us to start things off with a beverage of sorts? What do you like to eat at places like these?”

With each word from him, Thea slowly began to feel more at ease. While the nerves were still there and had her worrying over messing things up, she decided to focus on the here and now. This man was willing to give her a chance to show him her true self and she wasn't about to pass that up. ”Your kindness is refreshing, Lord Edwards, and I must say I'm truly appreciative of you giving me the chance to prove who the real Thea is.” Even though I'm not sure who she actually is. She kept that last little bit to herself and simply hoped she'd be able to figure it out while she sat here and conversed with this man.

His next words on her appearance had her blushing once more, but a genuine smile graced Thea's lips as she met his gaze. ”Make me blush any harder, Lord Edwards, and I may look more like a beautiful lobster than woman.” She said with a small giggle before grabbing the menu and looking it over really quick. The thought of indulging in alcohol was enticing, she almost craved it, but she would have to control how much she had.

”You know, I think I might have a mimosa. It sounds refreshing. As for food, I won't lie, I have a bit of a sweet tooth and I think that chocolate fondue French toast may be calling my name.”

Drake chuckled at her adorable reaction. He wouldn’t want to judge her too quickly but she seemed pleasant enough. At the very least she was doing her best to be - and he couldn’t fault someone for simply attempting their best to make a good appearance. ”Hmmm…A mimosa actually sounds rather nice. Perhaps I could couple that with some chicken and waffles - but your choice sounds awfully sweet as well….” He pondered for a moment before nodding. ”I shall enjoy some chicken and avoid the temptation to partake in a nibble of your fine fondue, milady.” Chuckling, he went to wave someone down so they could place their order.

Mingyu had immediately bounced over to the table, her smile as radiant as the morning sun. She tilted her head, taking a brief moment to appreciate the obvious chemistry brewing between Thea and Lord Edwards.
Once they approached, he started with a friendly smile and pointed at the menu as he listed the items. ”Hello! Could I trouble you for … two mimosas, an order of classic chicken and waffles and that lovely looking fondue french toast special you have?”
"Hello, wonderful people! I'm Mingyu, and I'll be taking care of you today at the Morning Blossom Cafe!" She clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkling with excitement as Drake spoke. "Amazing choices. I’ll be back with your orders in a jiffy."
”Lovely, thank you so very much.” As the waitress left, his attention went back to Thea. ”So, Lady Thea. What sort of things do you often look for in someone else when you’re actively courting?”

Thea sat there quietly and patiently as Drake ordered for them, giving the lovely waitress a kind smile. She did utter a thanks to the woman as well before she left, but then turned back to Drake.

Well…” Thea started enthusiastically, but then paused for a moment as her brows knit together and she considered Drake's question carefully. She had never truly courted someone before, her previous experiences having been fleeting and devoid of any real emotional connection. But now, faced with the prospect of starting something meaningful with Drake, she found herself reflecting on what she truly desired in a partner.

"Well," she began again, her voice tinged with sincerity and embarrassment, "I suppose I'm not entirely sure as this is my first year I'm allowed to court. I believe honesty and sincerity are important to me. Someone who is genuine and open about their feelings and intentions. I also value kindness and compassion, someone who treats others with respect and empathy."

She glanced at Drake, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips. "And of course, a sense of humor never hurts. I believe laughter is essential in any relationship, don't you?" she added, hoping to lighten the mood with a touch of levity.

”What about you? What is most important to you?”

*He took a moment to gather his thoughts - as strange as it was he never really gave it honest thought outside of his typically surface-level desires. But all the same he had some idea of what he wanted from someone. He took the moment to meet her gaze and answered with a mixture of melancholic reflection and hopefully optimism. ”The biggest things for me that you mentioned would definitely be genuine and open communication about one's own feelings. But I also do find myself quite fond of the personal attention that one can provide. Any kind of quality time is much appreciated to someone like myself.”

It was then he decided to circle back to another statement he said - and with a slight rush of color to his cheeks he spoke in a quieter whisper to her. ”And to be frank, this is also my first year trying to find someone. So I am not quite as adventurous or experienced as some may expect someone of my title to be. So patience would certainly be a virtue in that sense - but I hope I am not asking too much.” He nervously coughed before continuing. ”Sense of humor, huh? I find my humor tends to be a ‘in the moment’ type of humor. Cold open jokes are one of my weak points, admittedly. I find that those kinds of jokes tend to send quite the cringe-worthy shiver down someone's spine.” He mildly laughed at his attempt at a joke - which both proved his point but still showcased his attempt at humor all the same. ”But aside from that. Just being forthcoming and loyal are paramount to me. I think most if not all problems can be resolved through communication.” He paused with a smile to simply take in the scenery of his date before continuing. Drake could feel a flutter in his chest but he did his best to pull back on the initial reactions he had to this gorgeous woman.

”Since I had a chance to ask something - I think it only fair to let you ask something as well.” He sat and patiently awaited her response.

As Drake spoke, Thea listened intently, her heart swelling with a newfound appreciation for his honesty and vulnerability. She couldn't help but smile at his attempt at humor, a soft giggle escaping her lips at his attempt at a joke.

"I think your humor is delightful, Lord Edwards," she reassured him, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "And I couldn't agree more about the importance of communication and loyalty in a relationship. It's the foundation upon which everything else is built."

As he offered her the chance to ask a question, Thea's mind raced with possibilities. She was tempted to delve deeper into his past, to learn more about the man behind the title. But then, a mischievous glint danced in her eyes as an idea took root in her mind.

"Well, since you're new to this whole courting thing too, how about we team up to navigate our first season together?" she suggested with a playful smile, her tone light yet tinged with nervousness. "I mean, not in the sense that you'd be courting me, of course! Just, you know, as friends who have each other's backs and all that."

Realizing how her words could be misconstrued, Thea's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she hurriedly backtracked, stumbling over her words in her haste to clarify.

"I-I mean, unless you want to court me, of course! I didn't mean to insinuate anything, I just...I mean, I don't want to get ahead of myself or make you feel pressured or anything like that," she babbled, her words tumbling out in a jumble.

Realizing she was only making things worse, Thea quickly fell silent, her cheeks burning with embarrassment. She glanced down at her hands, fidgeting nervously in her lap as she silently cursed herself for her lack of eloquence.

"Sorry, I'll just...shut up now," she mumbled, feeling utterly mortified by her own awkwardness.

Desperate to change the subject and lighten the mood, Thea cleared her throat and looked up at Drake with a sheepish smile.

"So, um, what kind of activities do you enjoy in your free time?" she asked, hoping to shift the focus away from her own blunder and onto something more lighthearted.

Drake took in her idea, and at face value it certainly was a friendly one. As she cracked and folded under the possibility of seeming impolite, he couldn’t help but find a slightly cute charm to the woman. He held out his palm and waved it slightly to reassure her. ”I take no offense if that is what you are suggesting. If by some chance things do not work out then perhaps we very well could counsel one another.” He paused, wondering if this next bit might be a tad strongly worded.

”However I would certainly like to at least try courting you before we resign ourselves to that. And you need not tell yourself to ‘shut up’.” His face became more sincere while he spoke. ”I am sure you may find this surprising but you seem rather cute when you are flustered. I am also flattered that you care so much about what I think of you.”

The bubbly waitress approached the pair’s table, keeping her friendly smile and demeanor as radiant as the sun while she delivered a pair of mimosas to the table. "Hello again! Here are your drinks! Food shall be out shortly. Let me know if you need anything else!" Just as soon as she arrived, she bounced off to a nearby table to fulfill a few more requests.

Drake took a sip from his mimosa before continuing. ”As for my hobbies, I am partial to reading, horseback riding, and shooting from time to time. I’ve partaken in a few other bits and bobs occasionally but those three seem to really grab my attention.” It was here Drake decided to lay it on a little thick to test the waters. He didn’t want to simply have this date be a Q&A - even if that would be beneficial to them both. The young duke wanted to take advantage of this fateful moment and see how much chemistry the two could bubble up in such a short span as one brunch date. ”What does someone as beautiful as yourself occupy their free time with? Aside from batting away the several suitors at your doorstep, that is.” A coy smile made its way across his lips as he sipped again from his mimosa.

Thea's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson at Drake's response, her heart fluttering with a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the prospect of him wanting to court her. She couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards him for his kindness and understanding, and a small smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she softly muttered her thanks.

"You're too kind to me, milord," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm terribly afraid of messing things up, but I'm willing to give it a try if you are."

Thea's hands trembled slightly as she reached for her mimosa, battling with herself to resist the urge to down it in one gulp. Instead, she took a small sip, savoring the sweet tang of the orange juice as it washed away some of her embarrassment and nerves.

Turning her attention back to Drake, she listened intently as he listed his hobbies, her eyes lighting up with excitement at the mention of horseback riding and shooting. Unable to contain her enthusiasm, she blurted out, "I love horseback riding too! And shooting! I haven't been on a ride since...well, since my father disappeared," she added with a hint of what would appear to be sadness, her smile faltering slightly before she quickly composed herself.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get carried away," she murmured, feeling slightly embarrassed by her own enthusiasm and felt another blush heating her face.

As Drake flattered her once again, Thea couldn't help but giggle, feeling slightly flustered by his words. Trying to reply coyly, she responded, "Well, you certainly know how to charm a lady, Lord Drake. You will certainly have me pining over you by the end of the night if you keep this up."

Taking a moment to collect herself, Thea then answered his question properly, her voice filled with warmth and enthusiasm. "Aside from horseback riding and shooting, I enjoy socializing at parties and events. I haven't had much time for reading, unfortunately, but I do enjoy a good book when I can find the time. My mother didn't think reading was important and instead filled my time with trying to teach me a ‘proper’ skill, in her words, which ended up being piano and singing. Both of which, however, I am still very terrible at." She said with a playful smile before laughing some.

”Being afraid of messing things up only shows how much you care.” His eyes closed as his smile widened and he kept his pleasant demeanor while she spoke about her interests. ”You know I recall hearing about your name in that archery competition a few days ago - You certainly did a splendid job! I say bravo to you. However I would like to clarify that I am a man of flintlocks, not bows. Nothing against them personally, but I was told growing up I needed a way to defend myself from people bigger than me. So there’s my ‘ace in the hole’ one could say.”

”But horseback riding…Ah I do love a good trip through some open fields on a clydesdale. Those big horses simply have the strongest stride - and strangely well kept if you know what you’re doing.” Drake took another sip from his drink. ”I suppose I would have to be the judge of your musical skills. I am fond of good music in general. Even as a child my father wanted me to learn violin. Meanwhile, ‘mother-dearest’ wished for me to learn the piano. I failed at both, so I would bet that you far exceed my skills on the keyboard.” He bashfully admitted his shortcomings, his eyes shifting off to the side in mild embarrassment.

”If you would like I could bring you some books. I am partial towards mysteries and dramas, but I really don’t discriminate when it comes to the written word.” He stopped himself, leaning in towards the table with a smile. ”Perhaps it could be a reason for you to see me on a second date, hmm?” Drake chuckled softly at the statement. But quickly felt a sense of unease building within him. He had only just met her and he was already proposing a second date? That seemed a bit fast for the social norm. Was he being too swift in his excitement? He decided to correct himself slightly. ”That is, if I am not getting too ahead of myself. We still haven’t even had our meals yet…Speaking of…” Drake’s pause and attention moved over the Mingyu as she brought forth platters of delectable and alluring food to their table.

The waitress glided effortlessly around the table as she placed two silver platters with ornate covers on each plate. ”For our two blossoming roses, I have here a Fondue French Toast Special for the beautiful Lady Smithwood. Annnnd a wonderful order of Classic Chicken and Waffles for our dashing gentleman Lord Edwards!” She took the serving trays away, leaving the plates of magically enchanting food for the two to admire and consume at their leisure. ”If either of you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask~!” She skipped away behind the double doors leading into the kitchen, only moments later bringing out some more plates of food for the other diners present.

Thea couldn't help but blush a little at Drake's mention of the archery competition, feeling a swell of pride at the recognition of her skills. However, she couldn't resist teasing him in return, a playful smirk gracing her lips as she leaned forward slightly.

”Well, Lord Edwards, it's bold of you to assume that the bow is my only interest in shooting," she replied, her tone teasing as she raised an eyebrow suggestively. "I happen to have quite the knack for clay pigeon shooting as well. Perhaps we could have a friendly competition sometime and see who comes out on top?"

Her eyes sparkled with amusement as she leaned back in her chair, giggling a little at her boldness yet enjoying herself. She couldn't help but appreciate Drake's easygoing nature and the way he seemed to genuinely enjoy their conversation.

"There's something so magical about the bond between rider and horse, isn't there? Personally, I have a soft spot for Arabian horses. They're so elegant and swift, and their speed is simply exhilarating." She said with a small sigh, not realizing how much she truly missed riding. ”As for the music, I suppose I can play for you at some point, just know that you've been warned.” She said with a genuine laugh before taking another sip of her drink, savoring the crisp taste.

She set the drink back down, listening to him mention bringing books to her and it being an excuse for a second date. Thea's heart skipped a beat at the thought, but the food arrived then, momentarily distracting her from Drake's proposal of a second date. She marveled at the sight and aroma of the delectable dishes placed before them, her mouth watering in anticipation of the flavorful feast laid out on the table.

"Oh, everything looks absolutely divine," she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up with excitement as she surveyed the spread of Fondue French Toast and Classic Chicken and Waffles. "Thank you, Mingyu," she added with a warm smile, expressing her gratitude to the waitress before turning her attention back to Drake.

But as she prepared to dive into the delicious meal, Thea's mind wandered back to Drake's earlier suggestion of a second date. The idea filled her with a mixture of excitement and nervousness, the prospect of spending more time with him both thrilling and intimidating.

"I think your proposal of bringing me books and using it as a second date is a splendid idea." she replied, her voice tinged with genuine enthusiasm. "I'd love to explore more of our shared interests and I'd love to spend some more time reading. So if this continues going as lovely as it has, it sounds like we have our second date." She couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought of spending more time with him, eager to see where their budding connection might lead.

Taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, Thea reached for her fork, ready to indulge in the tantalizing meal before them. But her mind was already racing with thoughts of future adventures and the possibility of deepening their bond even further. She started with a strawberry, dipped it in the chocolate, and then took a bite. ”Oh my God…” she practically moaned as the flavors exploded in her mouth. ”Okay, I know we each got our own things, but you have to try this.”

The young duke giggled at the reaction to the food. But after looking at it once again he could understand the euphoric reaction she just had. So he took his silverware and gently poked a loose strawberry until it stuck to his fork. Then after a quick dip and bite - the man couldn’t help but release a low hum of appreciation for the sweet creation. ”You were not kidding! These are simply delicious.” He cleaned off any fondue residue from his lips before continuing.

”I’m glad to see I’ve made a good enough impression. I must say I quite like your company myself, Lady Smithwood.” Drake took his knife and cut apart a piece of his chicken, placing it atop the waffle and cutting once more to make a delicate chicken waffle sandwich. With just his fork hand he raised the food as it dripped syrup onto the plate, and quickly consumed it before more of a mess could be made. The salty and sweet flavors of chicken, waffle, syrup, as well as the residual taste of strawberry fondue all collided together onto Drake’s taste buds. He was tempted to let out an audible “Mmmmmm!” But a quick wave of shyness over how that may be received stopped him.

”Forgive me. I’ve never truly found the cleanest way to eat this dish. But it is one of my favorites.” He began to cut another piece. ”Since you offered some of yours, may I interest you in some of mine?” Drake inquired as he placed the chicken and waffle onto the fork and began to lift it up.

Thea couldn't help but giggle at Drake's enthusiastic reaction to the food, finding his genuine enjoyment endearing. She watched with amusement as he expertly assembled his chicken waffle sandwich, admiring his culinary finesse.

"No need to apologize, Lord Edwards," she replied with a warm smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "I must admit, your method does seem to be quite effective." She chuckled softly before taking a small bite of her own French toast, savoring the decadent combination of flavors.

As Drake offered her a taste of his dish, Thea's smile widened, touched by his gesture of sharing. "I would love to try some," she replied eagerly, reaching out to accept the fork with a piece of chicken and waffle.

With a small nod of thanks, she brought the fork to her lips and took a bite, enjoying the savory-sweet flavors of the chicken and waffle. As she did, a small dribble of syrup escaped the edge of the fork, landing on her chest. She let out a surprised squeal, her eyes widening in amusement as she quickly tried to wipe up the syrup with her finger. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but she couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected mishap.

Giggling softly, she licked the syrup off her fingers before she grabbed a nearby napkin and dabbed at the remaining syrup on her chest, making sure to clean up the mess as best as she could. With a playful smile, she glanced up at Drake, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Well, I suppose that's one way to make a memorable first date," she joked, her voice tinged with amusement as she finished cleaning up the syrup. ”That was absolutely delicious, but you weren't kidding with it being a bit messy." She laughed as she dabbed at her mouth with the napkin now. "Thank you for sharing, hopefully I didn't make too much of a fool of myself there."

His eyes widened at the squeal, and noticing the location of the dribbling maple goodness, did his best to avert his eyes from directly staring. A rosy complexion filled his cheekbones as she cleaned herself. It was like reading bits from a romance novel come to life, how candid their reactions were. He chuckled and moved his gaze to Thea again.

”Memorable indeed, milady. Don’t worry, I am fully aware of the risks that come with such covetous toppings like syrup.” He let out a slight snort. ”But fear not, if you desire another bite I shall protect you from the deadly dribbles!” Drake wiggled his fingers up and down as he adopted a more satirical tone. ”That is - if you don’t mind being spoon-fed. Well technically this would be fork-fed.” He nervously laughed as he went to prepare another bite.

”We may both be a little silly. But I don’t think we’ve approached nearly enough tomfoolery levels to be considered a fool. You are a charming woman, Lady Smithwood.”

Thea’s cheeks flushed slightly at the offer, feeling a flutter of excitement at the prospect of Drake feeding her. It was a gesture that felt surprisingly intimate yet playful, and she found herself drawn to the idea of sharing such a moment with him.

"I must say, fork-fed does have a certain appeal to it,” she replied with a playful glint in her eye, "those nefarious syrup dribbles don't stand a chance against you."

She smiled warmly at him, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she leaned slightly closer, ready for the next bite.

She held his gaze as he prepared another forkful of chicken and waffles, a soft laugh escaping her lips as she waited for him to feed her. There was something undeniably charming about the way they interacted, and she couldn't help but feel a growing fondness for him with each passing moment.

Once the bite was in her mouth, she savored it once more, this bite seeming to be even better than the last somehow. She sat back and licked her lips happily before taking another drink of her mimosa.

"And you, Lord Edwards, are quite the charming gentleman yourself," she remarked, her voice soft with sincerity. "I must confess, I'm thoroughly enjoying our time together."

With a small nod of gratitude, she picked up her fork and took another bite of her French toast, savoring the flavors as she savored the company of the man sitting across from her.

Drake’s expression became far more awe-struck while she brazenly took his offer and took another bite from the fork he held. His jaw hung open for a moment before he cracked a smile at her compliment. ”I would agree. This kind of date was just the start to my day I needed.” He said, taking another bite of his meal. There was a certain inner peace that seemed to come from this meal. Drake merely looked across the table at her as they partook in their various dishes - admiring the view and keeping his charming smile tacked on to make sure she knew he was enjoying every moment of this.

”You know meeting you today was just the pick-me-up I needed after a rather unfortunate sequence of events last night. I shan’t bore you with the details and dirty laundry but…having brunch with you is just so refreshing. I really do pray we can have some more moments like this. With conversation like this, and the way you beam with such kind radiance that could melt any man's heart, I daresay you’re already starting to win me over, milady.” Drake took another sip of his drink, and sat calmly hoping he wasn’t playing too eagerly into their first time meeting one another.

Thea couldn't help but feel a warmth spread through her chest at Drake's heartfelt words. It was touching to hear that their time together had brightened his day, and she found herself appreciating his sincerity more and more with each passing moment.

"I'm glad I could bring some brightness to your day," she replied, her voice soft and genuine. "And I must say, meeting you has been the highlight of my day as well. Your company is truly delightful, and I find myself feeling more at ease with you than I have in a long time."

She paused, a soft smile playing at the corners of her lips as she met his gaze. "I would be honored to spend more time with you, Drake. Your charm and kindness have already won me over, and I look forward to getting to know you even better."

Her heart fluttered with a newfound sense of excitement and anticipation, eager to see where this budding connection would lead them.

Drake grinned at her array of compliments, clearly smitten by her words. His excitement was getting to him, but he inhaled and exhaled quickly to compose himself before continuing. ”That actually means quite a bit to me. I am thankful to have met such a beautiful woman in such a beautiful place.” He continued working on his meal and drink, pausing once he had made decent progress through it. Drake placed his silverware down and wiped his mouth of any leftover syrup or debris.

”Say, if you are interested, tomorrow does happen to be a special day for me. I am hosting a party of sorts to celebrate my birthday and, if you are perhaps interested, you could come and join the festivities? It could be a fun way to see each other again, and for you to be able to see my book collection and the other things around my estate. What do you think?”

Her eyes widened with surprise and excitement at Drake's invitation. The idea of attending his birthday party filled her with a sense of anticipation, and she couldn't help but feel honored that he had asked her to join him for such a special occasion.

"Oh, I would be delighted to come to your birthday party!" she exclaimed, her smile widening as she finished up the last few bites of her meal. "It sounds like a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with you and get to know you better. Thank you so much for inviting me. And I know it's early, but happy birthday!"

As she set her utensils down, a thought occurred to her, and she looked at Drake with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "How about this: I'll gladly attend your birthday party tomorrow, and in return, you can come to mine two days after yours. It'll be a chance for us to exchange birthday wishes and continue our delightful conversations."

She held his gaze, her heart racing with excitement at the prospect of spending more time with him and deepening their connection further.

The man tilted his head for a moment before a wide smile came across his face. ”Well I would truly be a fool to refuse such an offer. And how coincidental that our birthdays are so close together. That truly is interesting.” He placed his hand on his chest in a slight bow. ”Thank you very much for the birthday wish! A happy birthday to you as well, milady!” He immediately began to think of things he could possibly procure for such an occasion. He seemed almost lost in thought before he realized he hadn’t even officially accepted the invitation.

”I would be honored to join you at your birthday party, Lady Smithwood.” He took the time to finish off the last of his drink, a satisfied taste tingling on his lips. ”Speaking of birthday wishes…might there be a chance I could hear what it is you’re looking forward to for your birthday?”

"Thank you, Lord Edwards. I'm truly looking forward to both our birthdays," she replied, her voice tinged with genuine gratitude. As he inquired about her birthday wishes, she paused for a moment, her mind racing with possibilities.

In her heart, she longed for many things: to find true love, to break free from the shackles of her past, and to live a life of her own choosing, free from the expectations of her mother. But as she considered Drake's kind gaze, she found herself drawn to a simpler wish.

"For my birthday, I think I simply wish for happiness and love," she admitted, her voice soft yet resolute. "To be surrounded by good company, to share laughter and joy, and to feel at peace with myself and the world around me. To just truly feel loved. That would be the greatest gift of all."

She met Drake's eyes, her expression earnest as she conveyed her heartfelt desire for a day filled with simple pleasures and genuine connection. ”And, perhaps, share some wonderful cake with a wonderful lord I just met.” She decided to end on a playful, less serious note. "But what about you? I pose the same question to you.

The way she so boldly stated those levels of desires to him certainly had him at a loss for words. Happiness and love…something he truly wanted as well. ”I can…understand just how you feel, milady.” His voice almost seemed somber. ”I think I would like to steal that idea for myself. Happiness and love are gifts we rarely see high volumes of - and I would never want to turn down such tokens. Especially from someone like you.” He offered a smile to counteract his slightly melancholic demeanor just a second ago.

Drake slid his hand across the table, resting it on the table cloth as he locked eyes with Thea. ”It would be an honor to attend your birthday celebration. I shall make sure to clear my calendar just for you!” Drake nervously tapped his fingers on the table while he felt an anxious blush creeping along his facial features. ”And sharing some cake with an enchanting lady like you would be quite the birthday gift.” He paused for a moment. ”It would actually be quite poetic, you know.” Drake brought both of his hands together towards the center of the table, his smile becoming gentler while he spoke. ”I know this is only our first meeting. But there is this indescribable feeling I’m getting. Something about you just seems so comforting and inviting. I’d like to think we’ve been getting along rather well. So I’d like to state it plainly, Lady Smithwood.”

He leaned in to whisper to her, a grin on his face as if containing the anxious excitement beneath his collected facade. ”I fancy you quite a bit Lady Smithwood. If we are already planning second and third dates - I am starting to think our first year courting might be a lot more successful than we had anticipated.” He stopped himself from speaking too bold too soon, but he couldn’t help but shake this feeling within him. Gods I hope she’s the one.
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Hidden 11 mos ago 11 mos ago Post by Tpartywithzombi
Avatar of Tpartywithzombi

Tpartywithzombi “Strong women are absolutely unpredictable.”

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Time: Morning
Location: Courting Mixer - Blossom Cafe
Mention: Mathias @Rodiak
Appearance: Wild curly hair, simple white dress, no shoes

Ariella huffed as she untangled sticks and leaves from her hair, the curls of her fiery red hair bouncing as she fluffed them up in desperation to fix it.

The thought of the courting mixer barely crossed her mind after the wild night she had. Her head still felt fuzzy from all the drinks and mysterious tea she had consumed. Earlier that morning, she woke up in her secret garden, sprawled out by her alter. It took her a few minutes before she remembered that her mother had signed her up for the event. Knowing the chaos that would ensue if she missed it, she hurriedly got ready, dusting off her long white gown and giving it a once-over. Of course, her shoes were nowhere to be found, but that was hardly surprising.

Without there being much more time to spare Ari took off running through the wooded fields hoping to not be too late for the event. It didn’t take her long to reach the cafe. With a little throat-clearing and a weary smile, as she attempted to catch her breath, she joined the lively crowd. The women at the event were dressed in beautiful gowns, everyone exchanging compliments on outfits and sharing the latest gossip. Ariella rocked nervously on her heels, hands clasped behind her back as she attempted to figure out where to go.

Noticing the table full of papers she found her name and opened it up. Noting her table she continued to look around nervously. Spotting her assigned table, she made her way over, still plucking leaves and twigs from unexpected places. Taking her seat, she nervously scanned the room.

She knew her date was named Mathias, though she couldn't recall ever meeting anyone by that name before. She hoped he wouldn't mind her missing shoes.

As she anxiously surveyed the room, her gaze landed on Mathias confidently striding toward her table. Ariella found herself momentarily entranced before snapping back to reality. A bright smile lit up her face as she stood up from her chair, feeling a tad underdressed and disheveled compared to him.

"Good morning!" she nearly chirped, butterflies fluttering in her belly. "I'm so sorry for my... um, less than perfect appearance. It was quite the eventful night," she confessed with a nervous grin, tugging at the side of her gown. "You look charming! Oh! My name is Ari," she added, her smile turning into a nervous giggle as she resumed her seat.

"I apologize... I'm not exactly smooth with these things. Feeling a bit jittery," she admitted sheepishly, attempting to salvage the situation with her awkwardness.

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