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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago

Alright, here we go. Might have had too much fun with the backstory, holler when I need to change or clarify a few things!

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by JrVader
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JrVader Wanderer

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

12/12/X768-25 | Fenix Tear | S

A mage educated from the Court of Merlin, a former Magic Knight, and rumored to be a future prospect for the Roundtable Knights. Ifrit had it all. Extreme talent, notable progeny, even a seat next to the king himself. It seemed Ifrit's destiny was dead-set, but the funny thing about fate is that it can take turns no one would expect. Seven years ago, he resigned from his position as a Magic Knight, forever killing any chance of becoming a Roundtable Knight. Instead, he and a young Azuria helped form a new guild. One independent from any outside influence or organization. One that would surely cement itself into legend. This would end up being the birth of Fenix Tear, with Azuria as its first (and only) Guildmaster.


Ifrit was born in near Bargrovyzaria to an otherwise un-notable family. In truth, he doesn't have many memories of his mother and father. At a very young age, when his profound affinity for magic was found out, his parents sent him into Bargrovyzaria proper to study in the Court of Merlin. He never cared much for the teachings themselves. To him, the fundamentals of magic were as natural to him as breathing. He quickly excelled through the ranks and years, on track to graduating early.

Ifrit needed something to challenge him. He showed great aptitude in all the basic magics taught to him, but they bored him greatly. To Ifrit, he wanted a challenge. A spellcraft to learn that no others would dare touch. A magic of this caliber could only be a Lost Magic. Knowing this Ifrit soon joined the White Creed. AN organization of Whiteout Mages with an affinity to studying Lost Magic (alongside setting magical regulations_ So, throughout the nights, he would go out into the city. Visiting decrepid libraries, following whims and stories of ancient texts and forbidden information, and often setting out for days on end to follow tales and rumors.

These sleepless nights and dangerous journeys paid off in the end. By the time his final year at the White Creed came around, he discovered, practiced, and become proficient in a lost art, time magic. Keeping much of the stories of where he found the information about time magic to himself, his fame only grew wider. After his departure from the Creed, he was immediately slotted as a member of the Magic Knights, a group of mages entrusted by the king to uphold his law and order. He was 13 at the time.

Four years passed, and Ifrit's power only grew. He knew much knowledge of his time magic was, well, lost to time. So discovering new techniques and practicing the magic art was difficult. But when he turned seventeen he was at a master's level. This achievment, alongside the rumors of him possibly being scouted to become a Roundtable Knight, Ifrit was extremely content with his life and future. A few months after his seventeenth birthday, though, fate would decide to change course.

He found himself bored. dissatisfied with his work. Ifrit was a man of determination and drive, constantly wanting to challenge himself to learn new things and achieve greater heights. But here he was, at the precipice of greatness. And when he looked back on his journey, he found it... easy. He didn't like that one bit. Where was the challenge that was promised? The prestige and laurels were lost on him, he felt dissatisfied with it all. Not knowing where to go next, he sought out the king for counsel. When he told the king his woes and worries, the king couldn't help but chuckle at Ifrit's plight. He told Ifrit that "one of the greatest challenges one can face in life is helping lead others to their greatness."

Ifrit sat on these words for some time. And a few weeks later, he asked the king to resign from his position. If leading people and guiding them was truly one of the most difficult things a man can do, than he will do it. He will master it, become one of the greatest leaders of this generation. Only when he does that, he can truly feel satisfied about his journey. The king accepted his request, and entrusted Ifrit to create a knew Mages Guild. Ifrit knew nothing about creating such an organization, but he knew where to find help. From his connections in the White Creed, he heard of a young girl named Azuria. A child prodigy and well renowned mage. After some time talking with her, they both agreed to set out and make this guild.

There were many trials and tribulations with creating an organization at the level Fenix Tear would be. He had to learn to work with others, tolerate their immaturity (this one came especially handy when working with Azuria), and more importantly he had to learn to set his ego aside. It was very tough for Ifrit, but he persevered. He kept improving day in and day out. Than, the fateful day came. The Fenix Tear Guild could officially open her halls to the wider world. When it came time to decide who would be the guild master, Ifrit insisted that Azuria take the position. He truly believed that he still had much to learn, and that Azuria was already molded to bear the title. Though he still holds a position of authority within the guild, it's largely in reverence of him being a co-founder (among other things).

Esoteric Art: Time Magic, a lost magic that allows for temporal manipulation and cohersion. Ifrit believes that the magic art could possibly extend to paracausal manipulation, but this is only theory. Ifrit also have access to Mystic Eyes Magic, something he learned while in the White Creed
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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Aku the Samurai
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Aku the Samurai

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

X-775-21-7-18 | Fenix Tear | A
Jericho is a loyal servant to his goddesses member of Fenix Tear. He's been a member since its beginning stages and admires the strength of the two sisters guiding their guild to victory. He's very protective of them despite their ability to protect themselves. This protective nature extends to everyone within the guild as they're the closest thing to family that he has left. He loves to fight and seeks dangerous missions for the sake of thrill, but that's only what he wants everyone to believe. He considers these dangerous missions as training as well as clues to finding the Devil that killed his parents.

When he's bored his curious nature kicks in and it tends to lead straight to chaos for the guild and their town before he gets reigned in by the resident "parents" of Fenix Tear.

In battle his true nature shows. Despite not being an official knight he steps into battle as if he is one, protecting the women and the weak and striking fast and hard at his enemy. If no one else is in danger he lets loose a little more and takes the time to enjoy the battle before him making sure that he gets the best out of it.

Jericho was born to a Dragon Slayer named Idina. Idina was so powerful and well-known among the Dragon population that one night a group of them foolishly waged war on her. There were five in all, but with her powers being stronger at night she laid waste to them one by one. She lost a piece of herself with each kill, losing her humanity and becoming more and more like the dragons she was slaying. After the fourth dragon laid lifeless at her feet she felt something trigger inside her. She roared savagely before undergoing dragonification, turning into a full blown Dusk Dragon of the Night. Her opponent was known as a Dragon King. A King that brought four of his followers to die with him. The battle was massive, but it ended with her ripping out the dragon's throat and claiming supremacy. Word of this quickly spread and Idina was officially crowned the Dragon King of Night. She didn't care about any of this. She just wanted to be alone. She wanted to be human again.

She found a large forest of creatures with a cave big enough for her to live in. She began protecting the creatures of the forest despite a lot of them being large and capable of taking care of themselves, but she knew magic poachers loved the thrill of facing wild beasts. It was here that she met her first friend since becoming a dragon. A green exceed named Nirvana. They helped each other. She protected him and he helped her recall bits of her humanity, but it wasn't enough. That was until a young Magic Knight approached her cave having heard stories of a monstrous dragon from poachers. He didn't believe that the dragon was a monster since the poachers were still alive, but he was curious about the presence. Nirvana was immediately defensive, but Idina assured him that it was fine. She sensed no malice in this man. She felt something that she hadn't felt from a human in a long time. The two began to talk and he decided to stay in the forest longer and learn more about her, her story, and this wonderful forest. He brought her humanity back and she loved him. When she was able to transform into her human form again the two consummated their love and had Jericho. Together with Nirvana they raised the young boy and taught him in the way of Dragon Slaying Arts. The family was happy. Nothing could destroy this happiness. Or so they thought.

A Devil inhabiting a human host sensed the presence of this strange family and went to end them before they'd gain the power to kill them. Idina and her husband stayed behind to fight the Devil while Nirvana flew away with Jericho, but before they could get away he was hit in the back with an attack that destroyed one of his wings, and part of his tail and ears. But the two were able to make it to Pergrande before his last remaining wing gave out causing them to crash in front of the doors of Fenix Tear. Both Jericho and Nirvana were unconscious until they were healed by a young mage's magic. Jericho thought she was an Angel and was immediately smitten with her. She challenged him to a fight and after getting his ass handed to him he was determined to protect and serve Azuria and her sister with his life. The trio grew up together forming a new family of crazy powerful orphans.

Moon & Darkness/Assassin
Nightfall Dragon Slayer Magic: Expressing the celestial splendor of the cosmos upon the nightfall's starry skies, reverberating visual sceneries of the starry night with gravitonic might. As the Dark Prince of the Night Jericho commands authority and power over the night and celestial bodies pulling the darkness and gravity of the cosmos towards him. (Dark Heavenly Body Magic)

Dark Enchantment Magic/Shadow Magic: Self-Explanatory. Jericho enhances his sword with his darkness affinity or Nightfall Dragon Slayer Magic giving him the ability to center his abilities in the blade. He also has the ability to travel through shadows, but the longer the distance the more it drains his mana.


Due to his One-Wing Nirvana's Aera magic doesn't work the same. Instead of giving him the ability to fly it instead gives him the ability to super enhance his speed, not to a crazy amount, but enough to consider him an Assassin Class mage when he uses this speed with his knives.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by BlackMaiden
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Blue Dragon God of Eternal Winter, Glacia

X-393-12-18 · 400y.o | Fenix Tear | S

Dignified, Dragon God Glacia is reticent like ice and ofttimes find herself huddling in the serene consoling solitude of her Library, she prefers her humanity, a human girl with the name of Amaya Aurora.

A preconceived notion for Humans in general that comes off aloof, she only means this charade to distance herself from others prying in her secrets, as human bonds aren't something that she seeks. When it comes to undertaking things, like Team-ups, she will do what's needed to finish Quests within reason, as deities alike, Amaya approaches things out of curiosity, amusement and objectivity. It's not that she's lonesome, she's seen enough to casually address human nature and its mortal stupidity to numbness.

Amaya isn't fond of spoon-feeding solutions regardless of species, she gladly prefer they use their critical thinking and problem solving skills to evolve than stagnate. While she's not quite the lonesome person that people claim her to be, she just likes doing things herself without intervening with the affairs of others, she'll allow company of those who means to commit to her.

Dragon God Legends
[Locked By Keikaku]
Blue Dragon God Glacia is the founder & creator of the Iceberg Kingdom including the cause of the long standing Ice Age.

Amaya Aurora Start!
[Locked By Keikaku]
Seven Years Ago
Amaya Aurora, before becoming one of Fenix Tear's Founding Members, indirectly helped Azuria and Zeire finish Gaiea Labyrinth found in Pergrande.

Amaya was an A-Class Mage of mysterious background who participated in Dungeon Clearing one of the Earth Dragon God Dogmarag's Labyrinth, the place where the S-Class Exams are held.

Azuria Rutines passed the S-Class Exams, both Amaya and her became S-Class prior the Guild's founding, Zeire Rutines upon touching on Black Arts has caused something unusual.

Amaya warned Zeire's dabbling of the Black Arts, threatening to kill her, a fight ensued with Amaya and Azuria.

Both helped each other fend off Black Dragon Knights during the Pendragon Civil War.

Amaya became the fifth founding member of Fenix Tear.

Six Years Ago
Amaya artificed Fenix Tear's Library Dimension, the head Librarian of the Guild with Ifrit and Lucas as her co-librarians, with the goal of collecting magic books.

Not Long Ago
Amaya encountered and fought Tartaros' Hellgate, Mephisto, both parties were unscathed.

Azuria entrusted Ayuna and Zeire to Amaya, her instincts as Glacia understood the assignment.

No one in Fenix Tear, except Azuria knows that she's a Dragon.

<Snipped quote>
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Lucas Gutenberg
X-773-04-August-20 | Fenix Tear | A

[url=i.ibb.co/Dw13bxX/download.jpg [/url] to be used as an image

A young man who will always tell you what's on his mind without sugarcoating it, he will make it clear if someone had messed up or brought him unnecessary increase in his workload and throw them a lecture. But afterwards he would list what he thinks they did right and try to reduce the amount of trouble they would get into as much as he reasonably can. Sometimes he would find himself in the center of a trouble either during his search for a book or because he himself failed to keep his mouth shut, faults that he would rather easily admit.

Aside from allegiance to the Fenix Tear, he is also bound to his deal with his god. Not really much of a problem considering that he is a bibliophile, although he could do away with his fellow God-Slayers not dragging him to their ‘wars’. His god gave him one task, he doesn’t need to tie himself with another. His devotion to said task however caused him to continuously find himself happily accepting books as an alternative form of payment for his missions much to the relief of the downtrodden towns he encountered. How much of that was powered by altruism, his contract to the goddess or his clever way to put a good name for his guild was deliberately left unsaid.


The Gutenberg is not an ordinary last name, rather it is one that traces back to a chain of master and apprentice who dedicated themselves in finding the lost library of Alexandria, legends say that it was burned in a great fire that consumed the city it was built on. The Gutenberg continued to march on regardless. Lucas is the latest apprentice of this line of Gutenberg, initially an orphan studying magic at Merlin Magic Academy before meeting Gutenberg before him and the man who would become his master, Johanne Gutenberg in his brief teaching stint. The two would then leave the academy together and go to various expeditions in search of the said library.

It is in one of those expeditions Johanne Gutenberg will meet its demise courtesy of a Tartarus Dark Mage who would also be soon killed in the crossfire of an ensuing battle. After burying the body in its resting place, he would be then contacted by a woman who tells him the truth of Alexandria. It wasn't a mere library, that long ago it was the seat of her power and that as the last surviving Gutenberg it is his mission to continue what his predecessors started. Seeing that he has nothing to lose, he agreed to continue the search.

He then spent years traveling around the land, meeting people, seeing places and improving his magic in various aspects. During the Civil War of Pendragon, he moved around the place providing aid to help in repairing what was destroyed by the war. It is during this period that he will be reunited with a former classmate of his, Azuria and it will eventually lead to him becoming one of the founders of Fenix Tear.

Items of Note

[The Book of Alexandria]
-A book that Lucas can summon in any form containing the contents of books that had been entered to the ancient library along with the books scanned by Gutenberg. Books or any writings can be scanned by letting it touch the book’s pages.

[Pen Staff]
-An oversized staff shaped like a pen, a distinct part of Lucas’ Arsenal.

Light and Dark
Knowledge Goddess Slayer Magic- Glyphs are a vital component of any conventional spells, Lucas’ magic is based directly manipulating these glyphs to suit his needs.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 20 days ago Post by Deide


Member Seen 12 hrs ago

D.O.B X774·Jun·14 | Age 19 y.o | Guild Fenix Tear | Type Independent | Race Human

Definitely not a Masochist

At first glance, if one were to see Ayuna, they would see a Caring and Compassionate person, who tries their best to cheer you up in your darkest moments.

Those that know her however, know an additional part of her. She believes that Suffering and Hardship are the true cornerstone of growth. Pain and Adversity aren’t only obstacles to overcome, but the true crucible from which one can better themselves.

On one hand, she will offer compassion,comfort you when you are at your lowest, While with the other she pushes you to face your troubles head-on.

This is most true for herself as well, she doesn’t shy away from challenges and hardship, as she sees them as a possibility for growth.

Has a bad habit of biting her cheek or tongue when she's stressed or anxious.
She also has a quite literal blood thirst, which does not help to beat the Vampire allegations.

The first thing she remembers was a dark, damp ceiling, shortly followed by a robed man giving her a Tome and a Command. Learn or Die.

And so she Learned. The tome told her of the power of her own blood, how it could be used, manipulated,multiplicated.
She learned how to transume other liquids, then how to crystallize her blood into Crystals.

She Learned the taste of blood, how it’s salty,metallic feeling centered and focused her.

She Learned how to fight with the Blood. How to minimize her own blood loss. How to kill.

She learned about her existence, how it was doomed to end on their whims.

She learned about pain, and how much it takes to break a person. And how far it can bring you shall you overcome it.

She learned about defiance, how to reject her fate and create her own.

She learned that the robed men were all weak, far weaker in their Alchemy.Unlike herself, who had to endure, they had stagnated in comfort.

And so, as she emerged from the darkness she was held for the first time, she saw light. Not the light of the sun, as it couldn’t compare to the sight of paradise she witnessed. Azuria stood in her full glory, wreaths of fire shrouding her as if a goddess of fire descended into earth. She asked to follow her on the spot.

Life in Fenix Tear was...different. No death-lines, no impromptu "learning lessons", a nice bed instead of a cold slab. The difference between living standard was grating. If she were to be honest, she hated it at the time. It felt like they were coddling her, as if she couldn't take it.

As if in spite, she always tried to get or join the most difficult requests, both as a way for her to grow ever foward, and as a way to "pay" for the way they treated her.

It took almost a year of brooding before she truly understood that this was the standard, and not some privilege heaped on her. From there, her mood changed drastically, becoming far more cordial and friendly with the guild-members.

That was four years ago. Now Ayuna is a full member of Fenix Tear, Helping where she can and trying to props it’s members to new heights.

Class: Alchemist | Origin: 2nd | Deck: Mana | Ethos: Man

Rank: A

Grade: A++

Moon | Ice

Alchimia Sanguinis - Blood-Make
An alchemy that is as Narrow as it is Versatile. The Alchemists use their own blood as the Catalyst for their transmutations in exchange for a boost in power. Can become dangerous to the user if used for long enough without proper precautions.
Equivalent Exchange
Practioners of Alchimia Sanguinis become more in tune with the blood flowing within their veins, and it's desire to flow freely. Practioners attain masochistic tendencies, a slight taste for blood, and an utter disregard for their own wounds. Furthermore, they have a slight urge to spill their own blood, which become worse and worse the longer the practioner does not do so.


Healing | Storm | Sensor


Ayuna In the KKK
Ayuna In Fenix Tear
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Oh....we eating!

Ayt I'll review y'all with my Covenant.

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

X-7750217 · 18y.o | Fenix Tear | A

Jericho's a loyal servant to his goddesses member of Fenix Tear. He's been a member since its humble stages & admires the strength of the two sisters guiding their guild to victory. He's very protective of them despite their ability to protect themselves. This protective nature extends to everyone within the guild as they're the closest thing to family that he has left. He loves to fight and seeks dangerous missions for the sake of thrill, but that's only what he wants everyone to believe. He considers these dangerous missions as training as well as clues to finding the Devil that killed his parents.

When he's bored his curious nature kicks in and it tends to lead straight to chaos for the guild and their town before he gets reigned in by the resident "parents" of Fenix Tear.

In battle his true nature shows. Despite not being an official knight he steps into battle as if he is one, protecting the women and the weak and striking fast and hard at his enemy. If no one else is in danger he lets loose a little more and takes the time to enjoy the battle before him making sure that he gets the best out of it.

Jericho's born to a Dragon Slayer named Idina. Idina's renowned among the Dragon population that one night a group of them foolishly waged war on her. There were five in all, but with her powers being stronger at night she laid waste to them one by one. She lost a piece of herself with each kill, losing her humanity and becoming more and more like the dragons she was slaying. After the fourth dragon laid lifeless at her feet she felt something trigger inside her. She roared savagely before undergoing dragonification, turning into a full blown Dusk Dragon of the Night. Her opponent was known as a Dragon King. A King that brought four of his followers to die with him. The battle was massive, but it ended with her ripping out the dragon's throat and claiming supremacy. Word of this quickly spread and Idina was officially crowned the Dragon King of Night. She didn't care about any of this. She just wanted to be alone. She wanted to be human again.

She found a large forest of creatures with a cave big enough for her to live in. She began protecting the creatures of the forest despite a lot of them being large and capable of taking care of themselves, but she knew magic poachers loved the thrill of facing wild beasts. It was here that she met her first friend since becoming a dragon. A green exceed named Nirvana. They helped each other. She protected him and he helped her recall bits of her humanity, but it wasn't enough. That was until a young Magic Knight approached her cave having heard stories of a monstrous dragon from poachers. He didn't believe that the dragon was a monster since the poachers were still alive, but he was curious about the presence. Nirvana was immediately defensive, but Idina assured him that it was fine. She sensed no malice in this man. She felt something that she hadn't felt from a human in a long time. The two began to talk and he decided to stay in the forest longer and learn more about her, her story, and this wonderful forest. He brought her humanity back and she loved him. When she was able to transform into her human form again the two consummated their love and had Jericho. Together with Nirvana they raised the young boy and taught him in the way of Dragon Slaying Arts. The family was happy. Nothing could destroy this happiness. Or so they thought.

A Devil inhabiting a human host sensed the presence of this strange family and went to end them before they'd gain the power to kill them. Idina and her husband stayed behind to fight the Devil while Nirvana flew away with Jericho, but before they could get away he was hit in the back with an attack that destroyed one of his wings, and part of his tail and ears. But the two were able to make it to Pergrande before his last remaining wing gave out causing them to crash in front of the doors of Fenix Tear. Both Jericho and Nirvana were unconscious until they were healed by a young mage's magic. Jericho thought she was an Angel and was immediately smitten with her. She challenged him to a fight and after getting his ass handed to him he was determined to protect and serve Azuria and her sister with his life. The trio grew up together forming a new family of crazy powerful orphans.


Moon | Darkness
Mana — Spiria


Expressing the celestial splendor of the cosmos upon the nightfall's starry skies, reverberating visual sceneries of the starry night with gravitonic might. As the Dark Prince of the Night, Jericho commands authority and power over the night and celestial bodies pulling the darkness and gravity of the cosmos towards him, this magic is attributed to the black mass of Heavenly Body Magic. Jericho may only consume regular Darkness Magic and those that're connected to nightly themed magic such as the Star & Moon, his magic is only half of its power in contrast during the night.


Due to his One-Wing Nirvana's Aera magic doesn't work the same. Instead of giving him the ability to fly it instead gives him the ability to super enhance his speed, not to a crazy amount, but enough to consider him an Assassin Class mage when he uses this speed with his knives.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 1 day ago

Reuel Ashcroft
X-769(?)-???-???-24(?) | Fenix Tear | Rank S

Reuel is known in only name by many of the guild, the mysterious S rank who is always away on a mission of some kind. Once in a blue moon he does appear, and by the accounts of those who have had brief encounters with him, he's a polite and well-spoken man, dressed surprisingly well for someone who is out so often. Others think he is hiding something, an enigmatic air about him, though that is often expected as he is hardly around. Most unexpectedly, he doesn't appear particularly powerful for an S rank and as he might say, he is the weakest of the guild's S rank mages.

He portrays an air of affability and refinement, often trying to sort things out through words. It often appears hard to discern what he is thinking, though it seems he has the guild's best interests in mind, often referring to what might be best for the guild. To some he appears to be some sort of secret treasurer, to others he could be a mediator, and yet others think he could be an intel agent for the guild. Whatever it may be, one thing is sure and it's that he is a member of the guild.


The past of Reuel Ashcroft is shrouded in mystery, though a few things are known. He is a member of the Ashcroft family as it's true and sole heir, a family that had long since been believed to be wiped out almost a decade ago until he was found as a child. He's known as a skilled artisan, having made and designed magical equipment for Pergrande's military as well as commission pieces for members of the guild, or those who pay. It's believed that these skills are the sole reason he has earned the rank of S. Finally, that he was one of the oldest members of Fenix Tear, the details of which are unclear, some say he was a magic knight, others say he was a member of a dark guild prior, and some theorize he was a former Roundtable Knight which was the most outlandish, however the only thing that was certain was that he was among the founding members.

Currently he holds an office in the same city as the guild hall which also works as a workshop. The few guild members who wind up stopping by quickly learn he's a magical artisan of sorts, and others might have the impression he disappears for long stretches of time to find information for the guild, or materials for some of his crafts. Virtually no one has seen him fight, so it's not unusual for guild members to be surprised to learn of his rank. For the time being he seems to return to the guild every so often to keep members apprised of situations.

Darkness, Lost, Moon


Mana (?)

Magic Eater
A magic made to eat magic, able to remove the effects of magic of certain levels of strength. The magic can be channeled through objects, giving the property to anything being wielded, but can also create pitch black objects which hold the property in greater strength. It can also be done on touch, and can create a black veil that is impervious to most magic. It has the main flaw of only removing magic and magical effects, meaning anything physical that isn't tied to magic will remain and can still threaten the user.

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Thayr
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

R-2700-07-08-3,400 | Fenix Tear | ■
Independent, inspective, and supremely confident in his own abilities, Zan-weset followed the moniker that no god is over him but him. He rejects the mysticism and crude descriptions of light and dark, holy and unholy, seeking instead complete knowledge. Heresy, to him, is merely a moniker used by a religion to declare that which threatens the religion. Against this, Zan-weset probes the many facets of the universe slowly and carefully, taking only great risks when the opportunity to do so is clear and the threat is minimized.

Towards base mortal humanity, Zan-weset has gradually become numb at worst, at best seeing them as potential tools to an end in helping to reach new artifacts or pieces of knowledge. After all, such beings seem to come and go like the leaves of a tree, and he has learned to not get overly attached to such. To those longer lived races, Zan-weset is inherently wary to commence anything approaching friendships, though does have scholarly ties to a few communities in the deep ocean.

Born once in ancient Numer, to the east of the lands in existence today, Zan-weset lived a fairly normal life as a rising star among the nobility. As humanity heaved to and fro, the age of heroes bringing prosperity and ruin seemingly at random, Numer thrived and Zan-weset studied the magics of the soul and all that lay within. He came under the eye of one of the Pharoh's Magisters, that court of seers, masters in their art, and soon enough was under the tutelage of that man. Growing in knowledge and expertise, it would not be long before Zan-weset's experiments came close to that of the black arts, the arts of death. Seeking to prolong life against disease and falter was a noble goal, true, yet the student sought to do so through means disapproved of by the Magister. While he was reprimanded and punished, Zan-weset continued his experiments in secret, believing that there was a gem of possibility hidden among the superstition and caution.

In time, Zan-weset rose to be a Magister himself. His studies had never fully slowed, not in the face of scrutiny when it was suspected that the tombs were robbed, not in the face of exhaustion when his examinations and tests took up most of the day from dawn to dusk, and with the newfound time as a Magister Zan-weset set about truly discovering the mysteries of the soul and all which was kept within. There were seldom times that such a Magister as he was called upon by the Pharaoh and, in this spare time, the scholar went about researching a method to prolong life without pause. A plague had begun sweeping through Numer, striking hearty men dead in days, and against this was Zan-weset set. It afflicted but their distant settlements, true, yet could march to the capital. The healers had grown frantic against the plague's relentless pace as the Magister found himself sleeping less and less, spending more time in his study than ever.

When he came upon the method, the system, there was but one way to test it. Zan-weset conducted the ritual against himself, a gesture of magic which but accelerated the plague that then assailed the capital. Magic grew frenzied and spurned, grew uncontrolled by all save those few masters, and as the population of the capital screamed Zan-weset watched as the flesh sloughed from his bones. The ritual worked, and life was prolonged, yet the capital of Numer had nearly none left to save.

Zan-weset, last Magister of Numer, spent the following centuries compiling the knowledge kept hidden by every other Magister who laid dead. The city grew to be a tomb itself as he poured over their notes, their information, their secrets. He wished a method to resurrect the population as a whole, yet the conditions of the plague and his own ritual complicated the usual healing methods. As time passed and the scale of the problem was realized, Zan-weset shifted his goal: If he could not restore Numer as a whole, then he could restore the finest minds of the country, the Circle of Magisters. The issue still drove his research to last for centuries instead of decades, and in the end it was only through the combination of that original ritual with the traditional magics that the Magister found a method that could, hopefully, work.

The ritual's completion attracted a dragon, and while the other Magisters shook their undead sleep away the dragon approached the city. A grand battle commenced, and though the Magisters held knowledge they were slowed by the brush of death in mind and body; despite the attempts of Zan-weset, the others fell one by one to the dragon's claws and fire. As it continued, finally the man who was the last Magister before was so again, and on the steps of the Royal Palace he fought against it. There was nothing else left for him to save, there, and that fact broke against Zan-weset like the storm. The earth cracked and boiled, sand turning to glass shards, and from it the Magister drew great spires to skewer the beast. And yet, the dragon refused death. Zan-weset boiled it from the inside, rendering the beast screaming, yet the dragon refused death. He drew against a different method, working to rip the soul from the dragon the same way as before he had delivered strength to the souls of the other Magisters. The process was long, painful, complicated as Zan-weset siphoned it away, imbuing himself with its power. As a whole, the issue lasted years. By the end of it the capital of Numer was a ruin, broken with the long-rotted carcass of a dragon impaled upon great spines of glass from the sands, and Zan-weset took his residence at the tower of Magisters.

He studied magic in all its branches. He studied magic to find a way to restore Numer to its rightful glory as a jewel of the eastern world. He studied magic to obliterate the meddlesome dragons which he knew would stand in his way. As time passed, he studied magic to study magic. The reasons would slowly fall away with the glacial realization that the way things had fallen were, perhaps, the way they were meant to be. Numer was being swallowed by the desert, and as ages passed Zan-weset could but look out and see only the tops of the highest buildings of the city. There was nothing for him to save, not anymore, and all the people worth saving could not be saved. Even if he had succeeded in that ritual, spending eons with the other Magisters did not sound as enticing as Zan-weset originally thought. When he finally departed from Numer after a millennia of contemplations and reflections, not by the tower of Magisters remained. He marched west, out of the desert and sand storms.

Zan-weset settled in the lands which would come to be known as Mildian, continuing his research and experimentation, only occasionally moonlighting as a defender of the local lands from creatures, bandits, and other distractions. Through this, he would garner a type of mythology about him, a symbolism, a following in a twisted manner. Villagers would repay his protection with offerings to the foot of his abode, small as it was, and the more superstitious burned offerings at altars. Zan-weset paid them little total mind; after all, he removed the monsters because they were distractions, not because they were threats. In time, some villages grew to be cities, others did not, and militias, town guards were formed. The reason for his interventions removed, Zan-weset grew ever more reclusive, though the cult that once prayed to him grew ever more fervent. When Mildian was taken by Alvarez in those ancient days, that same cult made butchered ritual after butchered ritual, attempting to invoke Zan-weset to help them in throwing off the invader. They merely drew attention to themselves, hunted down slowly as traitors at best, heretics at worst, though would prove to succeed in rousing the lich from his studies. Finding the lands suddenly altogether too crowded, Zan-weset decided that it was time to yet again move.

Under the cover of altogether far too many illusionary spells, he moved south to the coast in an out of the way cove. There, expeditions into the deep sea would begin to be launched on occasion, both to test theories on magic and to examine how magic infused life at such extreme locations. It was by no means safe, but Zan-weset was confident enough that that it could be done. Even as cities grew about his enclave in the close distance and ships began to frequently ply the ocean, he still succeeded in remaining hidden to their prying eyes. He would begin making contact with the oceanic civilizations, though, a strange and curious tourist to their cities that had remained untouched by mortal man. So interesting was this, in fact, that Zan-weset spent much time among the various groups on the deep ocean floor, exchanging knowledge for their own curious sorts of magic. Altogether these proved adept at styles that never would have been practical in Numer, methods never possible in Mildian, and Zan-weset learned much.

Eventually, though, the age of heroes came to a close and the great wars between humanity, demons, and angels began. Zan-weset felt a call to this, though by no means was he interested in the moral implications of the conflict and the gods. To him, it was obvious which was strongest, and obvious too that no god held control over the course of his journey but himself. No, Zan-weset was interested in the souls lost - and possibly gained - that he could study. Quickly as could be, Zan-weset joined the conflict and began collecting what souls he could, any souls he could, to observe and perhaps eventually absorb them. When it was altogether over, he would disappear again in his enclave on the Alvarez coast, studying what he had obtained over the course of the conflict. As Zan-weset performed such heretical profanities, however, a nagging curiosity grew in his mind, a question of how magic had grown, developed in other parts of the world. It was not something altogether easily answered from the confines of a room, and perhaps that fact made it all the more alluring to the lich who had found himself growing more and more threadbare in his studies. He has begun to retrace old steps that had been followed but decades prior, encountered issues that had been solved centuries before, found but dead ends where he was certain, and had been certain before, that illumination could be gained if the issue was approached from differently just so. It had grown altogether tiresome. After a few decades at work extracting the secrets of an angel's soul, Zan-weset departed the continent entirely.

He spent decades traveling, learning the various systems and beliefs under the guise of a wanderer, a vagabond. Some systems were discarded, others inspected, and a rare few accepted, yet still Zan-weset traveled Ishgar. In time, he would settle in northern Fiore to study the lands destroyed to that country's east, lands otherwise deemed useless, lands otherwise deemed impossible to traverse. Nameless labyrinths were found and delved by Zan-weset, drawing up curiosities predating the great war, though these rare opportunities ran dry after a few decades.

It was then that the nation came under assault from devils - a supposed test by Sin. Zan-weset was drawn to it like a moth to flame, curious what the devils had brought, curious if they had any artifacts he desired, and somewhat annoyed by their pervasive nature and desire to be absolutely everywhere. He had been involved in such hunting since that very beginning, though had continued largely to reject the various religious applications to the whole endeavor.

His joining of Fenix Tear came following the dissolution of another group, Rotesvaerd, after they delved into a devil inhabited labyrinth to uncover a number of artifacts and stolen holy weapons. Zan-weset's reasoning for such has been generally simple: the young guilds are eager to prove themselves and he has no wish to go with mortals who value themselves so highly.

Mana | Spiria | Root
Forge of Souls
The soul is holy to many, appetizing to few, and precious to all who bear them, yet to Zan-weset the soul is merely another article of study when curious, tinder for magic when not. His magic is interwoven with the souls of those consumed by it, bearing marks of draconic, devil, and even angelic power to those who might be capable of seeing such complexity.

Hidden 28 days ago 28 days ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

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@Rune_Alchemist@Gerlando@King Kindred@Sho Minazuki@Letter Bee@Polaris North@JrVader@BlackMaiden@Digmata@Deide@Aku the Samurai

I will be the one to personally copy pasta y'all sheet converted into this lit format.

Which I will PM to y'all.

The new part is the theme song and I will personally discuss some things via Discord.

As we know, I like coding and I like making things have rizz, even in sheet-wise.

Ain't no GM like me makes a cut to precise and concise sheet.

I thanks everyone for utmost participation.

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Hidden 28 days ago 28 days ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Revision of Ranks

How Magic Society views Ranks, NOT you nor us.
Zenith Rate Mage
God · The title of God only belongs to non-human entities like Ankhseram.

Saint · All powerful, continental buster/world ending guys, there's only 7 Saints in Elentir, they are mostly world leaders, they're so alien that they tend to be above the law, no IRL comparisons.

First Rate Mage
S-Class · Noteworthy of ascending to political positions of power and authority, unlike Canon, S is a promotion held an exam that's government based, it's like the equivalent of having a masteral/doctorate degree IRL.

A-Class · The equivalent of an employee having 5-years work experience in a company IRL. Your tenacity by default makes you an S-Class Candidate. In Magic Society, you're among the masses that does the hard carrying of work.

Second Rate Mage
B-Class · The equivalent of a College Graduate IRL and newbie on the job. In Magic Society, this is the highest standard to join a Guild.

C-Class · The equivalent of a College Student. Every damn magic school you see in Anime, and if you're weeb enough, I'm not gonna bother explaining, I don't make you drink my milk every damn time.

Third Rate Mage
D-Class · You're an HS graduate. You're still learning how magic works.

E-Class · Why the fuck you almost not have magic? Practice some more!

Fourth Rate Mage
F-Rank · Ewww Y u no magic!?

Power Levels, I prefer the term Glazing, every RP of mine used brainrot-esque writing and wording and y'all are gonna like it, ain't nobody in the RP world like me, uses such verbiose terms.

Power Scaling Levels
The "+" and even "-" signs talks about your OC actual power level, in the sheet, it'd be called Grade, this has nothing to do with rank.

More magic power means you dabble from B to S.

More supernatural physicals means you dabble from D to F.

The general idea of being an S-Class is being able to fight three days without fatigue and being a swiss knife one Man Army that's busting a city alone.

S++ means you're a borderline asshole Wizard Saint, this makes you a candidate in becoming a Saint, the best example of this would be Canon! Erza Scarlet progression tiers, if not, just look at how Ur was busting out casual city-sized Ice-Make against Deliora.

S+ means you're Letter Bee's slaves in his RPsalready blooming in the rank, an experienced S-Class.

S- means you're reading my sacred texts an A-Class that's an S-Class Candidate, those with this grade on their sheets are the only ones capable of taking the S-Class Exams.

The general idea of being an A-Class is busting out city-block level of feats.

A++ don't mean S-Class Candidate but why not? It's because of factors such as characterization mentality which affects power level, which is a major factor of becoming an S-Class prevents you from ascending, A++ means you ain't S Material.

A+ means you're already years into the rank itself.

A- means you're a B-Class that's got potential to be an A-Class.

The general idea of B-Class Mages = Street Level. You're for the streets in the sheets, dipshit

B++ means you ain't A Material, Grade-wise, but you stand at the peak of being a B-Class, you can take on the streets, gangster style, if you dunno gang fights IRL, I missed the part where that's my problem, so let us talk it in Discord.

B+ means you're already a 18-25 year old adult, you can fight 10 dude's at the same time.

B- means you're a school grad and you're getting into the job.

Nobody gives a fuck about C and D. Don't ask.

You just don't have magic, you're a force of physical nature, enough to decimate a low tier dragon with your bare hands.

@Rune_Alchemist@Gerlando@King Kindred@Sho Minazuki@Letter Bee@Polaris North@JrVader@BlackMaiden@Digmata@Deide@Aku the Samurai
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Hidden 28 days ago 28 days ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ethos/Deck means the influencing potential of your OC.

God means you're beloved by the Gods, this is usually for God Slayers, you use Ether.

Angel or Devil/Demon means you're beloved by Angels and likewise you're default highly bound to great Mana, Spiria and Curse potency, making your Deck as pure as possible, hence Ether.

Dragon means potency to use Dragon Slayer Magic, you may have the Dragon gene but not the ability to use DSM, hence Mana.

Celestial means you have high potency for Spiritual Arts and Deck is Spiria, you're also beloved by Yokai and the Celestials.

Man means you're normal, hence Mana.

Take Note: Yokai ain't Demons in Fairy Tail but conceptual spirits.

Hidden 18 days ago 12 days ago Post by Iamme
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Kaiga Agniyastra

X-773-7-21 · 20 y.o |Fenix Tear| S

What does it mean to be cheerful? If you want to answer that question look no further than Kaiga the very name of introverts. Kaiga brings a cheery demeanor no matter where he goes, he keeps a smile plastered on his face as to say everything will be fine.

However he treats everyone the same with his cheerful demeanor which can at often times cause others to get the wrong idea leading to Kaiga being one the more popular members of Genniefest while also being completely oblivious about it.

This causes Kaiga to get a butload of love letters much to the chagrin of a certain “ice lady” in the guild. Kaiga rejects most love letters he gets due to a feeling of low self esteem and abandonment issues created by being abandoned in his childhood.

Kaiga’s favorite past time after hanging out with friends is training his martial arts skills he practices weapons and hand-to-hand but favors hand to hand more than weapons.

Kaiga however while extroverted keeps a big secret the devil in his head. It caused him to be labeled an evil child by his village and thrown out he holds absolute hatred for the voice in his head while “it” constantly enjoys annoying him but isn’t actually evil to Kaiga’s knowledge.

[Orgins of a sun-filled child]

Kaiga was born in a small quiet village full of smiles or well until when Kaiga started talking to the “voice” in his head causing him to grew suspicoun from the villiagers and bullying from the other children.

This would ultimately culminate in Kaiga being abandoned in the forest at three Kaiga only survived as long as he did in the forest thanks to that “voice” in his head taking over.

And at the verge of death he was saved by a member of geniefest. Out of gratitude Kaiga joined the guild due to gratitude made
Multiple friends and has been there ever since.


Sun,light, dark (only while under possession by the “voice”)


Fire devil slayer magic

Unsungly blessed by the Aluhim-endowed Archangel, Zarathos by his kindred connection to Azuria Rutines borne from causal mutual respect, Kaiga exhibit enchanting blueflames that're cut above brighter than normal fire.

His Firepower's unknowing potential is confirmed by Azuria, to be hotter than her own during its earlier stages. Kaiga Agniyastra demonstrates a unique power that his mentor lack: the ability to cleave & dismantle by conceptual fire enchantment that's synergized by mudric handsigns. This mean Kaiga's reinforced with finessing cut to precise brute force.

Kaiga is unaware of being a Devil Slayer and is under the impression that his flames bolstered through training with Azuria.

Re-equip magic
Spatial magic that allows the user to store diffrent sorts of things into a dimension the main magic of knights that Kaiga only learned as it was a nessecary part of geniefest however Kaiga only actually uses it to store one or two weapons and lacks mastery that other who have dedicated their life to it have. (The voice can not use this)

Hidden 12 days ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


By virtue of Keikaku and goodwill, you're approved, post it in the tab.
Hidden 11 days ago 11 days ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Polaris North Copy Pasta
Hidden 10 days ago 9 days ago Post by The Jest
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The Jest Professional Nice Guy

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

I hope it's to your liking, everyone. ^^
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Hidden 10 days ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

1x Thank Thank
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