Alright, here we go. Might have had too much fun with the backstory, holler when I need to change or clarify a few things!

Eris Carios
X766-08-07-27 | Fenix Tear | S
Eris became widely known as someone who is reliable due to her bullheaded stubbornness regarding completing a contract by any means necessary, even if it comes with great personal harm. Many believe it is because she doesn't take well to failure. To an extent, that would be correct. She fears that any personal failure of hers would be tacked alongside the guild's name and that doesn't sit well with her. She feels a sense of protectiveness for the guild and its members, a feeling that stems from seeing it grow into what it is today.
To those who know her personally, Eris is a go-getter who has a particular thirst for getting stronger. She has kept the reason a secret this entire time, hidden under lock and key for only the Fenix Tear founders to have heard. It wouldn't be rare to see Eris practically perk up at the mere mention of a beast problem. She would be front and center for these kinds of problems, often letting any other interested guild members tag along so they get to have the experience of being in scenarios that should be above their pay grade.
Eris was born in the islands of Enca. She doesn't speak much of her childhood there but she often referred to them as the darker times of her life, forced to survive under duress. Her life truly began when she escaped to Bellum as a stowaway and promptly had to use her underdeveloped magic to earn some form of money. She found herself at the steps of a treasure hunter guild. In her desperation and naivety, she joined the guild despite how sketchy their policies were regarding membership.
She would end up getting taken advantage of by her team as they paid her marginally less. This had reached the point where Eris lacked the funds to pay for the ever-increasing membership fee of the guild. Frustrated by the circumstances, Eris ended up leaving the guild without a word to continue her journey on the continent, finding herself in Pergrande to escape her past. She ended up becoming a mercenary, being hired to do menial tasks for those who didn't want to pay a local guild or were too far away to request it. At times, she would be hired to help protect towns if need be due to the conflict of the civil war.
While within the confines of Pergrande, shortly after the end of the civil war, Eris found herself hearing about Fenix Tear. Rumors about how it was founded and run by children. Interested in this startup guild, she made her journey to where it was. Though she was initially caught off-guard that the rumors were true, Eris still joined the guild. This was where she was allowed to flourish without the predatory attitude of greedy guilds.
Eris would go on to be one of their most hardworking members as if she had something to prove, a sort of desperation to be able to stay. She was eventually reassured of her spot in the guild when she had reached A-Rank. Still, her stalwart determination to get stronger continued. She began to go for stronger and stronger beasts to add to her records, challenging herself continuously. There were undoubtedly many times where she would have kicked the bucket had it not been for her guildmates covering for her mistakes but she only learned how to be better, how to be smarter, and how to tackle stronger opponents.
This knowledge would all be useful in one fight— a fight against a dragon. Joining Azuria and a couple of other mages to an emergency situation regarding a dark guild, it was supposed to be a pretty routine fight. It was until a dragon came from the earth, enraged, and began its destructive warpath through all the guilds present. Anything that moved was an enemy and no one was safe. Eris was tasked with keeping the dragon temporarily stalled while they cleaned up the dark guild.
It had taken all of Eris's recorded beasts and her magic power to stall it for even a few more minutes. However, it was all the others needed to wrap up their previous fights and join in incapacitating the enraged dragon. With their help, the dragon had been defeated and Eris reveled in their win and took the risk. She attempted to use her Take Over magic on the dragon to record it. To her surprise, it had been successful and she could access the dragon without losing control over her own body.
Shortly after that, Eris was visited to have her take the S-Class exam. The process had been marginally different from how she rose from the other classes but she had passed both of the exams. Then, the responsibilities of having a high rank came swinging almost immediately as she began joining the demon fog raids whenever she was called. Nowadays, most of her time was spent either on guild quests, government-sanctioned missions, or cooking in the guild during her downtime to decompress.
Eris became widely known as someone who is reliable due to her bullheaded stubbornness regarding completing a contract by any means necessary, even if it comes with great personal harm. Many believe it is because she doesn't take well to failure. To an extent, that would be correct. She fears that any personal failure of hers would be tacked alongside the guild's name and that doesn't sit well with her. She feels a sense of protectiveness for the guild and its members, a feeling that stems from seeing it grow into what it is today.
To those who know her personally, Eris is a go-getter who has a particular thirst for getting stronger. She has kept the reason a secret this entire time, hidden under lock and key for only the Fenix Tear founders to have heard. It wouldn't be rare to see Eris practically perk up at the mere mention of a beast problem. She would be front and center for these kinds of problems, often letting any other interested guild members tag along so they get to have the experience of being in scenarios that should be above their pay grade.
Eris was born in the islands of Enca. She doesn't speak much of her childhood there but she often referred to them as the darker times of her life, forced to survive under duress. Her life truly began when she escaped to Bellum as a stowaway and promptly had to use her underdeveloped magic to earn some form of money. She found herself at the steps of a treasure hunter guild. In her desperation and naivety, she joined the guild despite how sketchy their policies were regarding membership.
She would end up getting taken advantage of by her team as they paid her marginally less. This had reached the point where Eris lacked the funds to pay for the ever-increasing membership fee of the guild. Frustrated by the circumstances, Eris ended up leaving the guild without a word to continue her journey on the continent, finding herself in Pergrande to escape her past. She ended up becoming a mercenary, being hired to do menial tasks for those who didn't want to pay a local guild or were too far away to request it. At times, she would be hired to help protect towns if need be due to the conflict of the civil war.
While within the confines of Pergrande, shortly after the end of the civil war, Eris found herself hearing about Fenix Tear. Rumors about how it was founded and run by children. Interested in this startup guild, she made her journey to where it was. Though she was initially caught off-guard that the rumors were true, Eris still joined the guild. This was where she was allowed to flourish without the predatory attitude of greedy guilds.
Eris would go on to be one of their most hardworking members as if she had something to prove, a sort of desperation to be able to stay. She was eventually reassured of her spot in the guild when she had reached A-Rank. Still, her stalwart determination to get stronger continued. She began to go for stronger and stronger beasts to add to her records, challenging herself continuously. There were undoubtedly many times where she would have kicked the bucket had it not been for her guildmates covering for her mistakes but she only learned how to be better, how to be smarter, and how to tackle stronger opponents.
This knowledge would all be useful in one fight— a fight against a dragon. Joining Azuria and a couple of other mages to an emergency situation regarding a dark guild, it was supposed to be a pretty routine fight. It was until a dragon came from the earth, enraged, and began its destructive warpath through all the guilds present. Anything that moved was an enemy and no one was safe. Eris was tasked with keeping the dragon temporarily stalled while they cleaned up the dark guild.
It had taken all of Eris's recorded beasts and her magic power to stall it for even a few more minutes. However, it was all the others needed to wrap up their previous fights and join in incapacitating the enraged dragon. With their help, the dragon had been defeated and Eris reveled in their win and took the risk. She attempted to use her Take Over magic on the dragon to record it. To her surprise, it had been successful and she could access the dragon without losing control over her own body.
Shortly after that, Eris was visited to have her take the S-Class exam. The process had been marginally different from how she rose from the other classes but she had passed both of the exams. Then, the responsibilities of having a high rank came swinging almost immediately as she began joining the demon fog raids whenever she was called. Nowadays, most of her time was spent either on guild quests, government-sanctioned missions, or cooking in the guild during her downtime to decompress.
Sky - Darkness - Wood
Beast Take Over Magic
A subset of Take Over magic, it allows the user to transform themselves into beasts that they have defeated and recorded into their repertoire. This allows the user to enhance their own physical capabilities as well as use the beast's abilities.
Currently, Eris has access to common beasts and most high-ranking beasts. Her strongest Take Over is currently a Cavern Dragon.Spell List
Beast Soul: Partial Transformation
The user only transforms part of their body into a beast's. Often used for quick responses to danger.
Beast Soul: Full Transformation
The user transforms entirely into the beast in question. This allows the user full access to all of the beast's abilities.
Beast Soul: Amalgamation
An offshoot of Partial Transformation, this spell allows the user to transform into various beasts all at the same time to access certain abilities of each beast to combine in tandem with others.
Bestial Command
The user can command beasts that are weaker than them to follow their command. This often doesn't work with beasts of higher intelligence.
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