@webboysurf is our Daredevil
For reasons unknown to even me, the magnanimous @Sep and @Master Bruce have picked yours truly as a Consulting GM, which I'm to understand means all of the power and none of the responsibility. Fun!
In my first act as your local feudal lord, I must announce the results of the Superman contest. Before you, you have two truly marvelous sheets, both from seasoned veterans. But there can only be one big blue.
One of the challenges of this particular setting is getting the tone just right, mixing in comic hyper-reality with the ordinary to achieve a distinctly year one effect. In this case, we determined @Master Bruce's just slightly edges it out. We'd like to extend our greatest thanks to both applicants! We're beyond excited to see you both in action, be it in cape or claws.
[@Byrdman] I never thought I would read the name Snapper Carr in any of these games. Only time I ever remember seeing that guy mentioned my DC Encyclopedia from when I was a kid. Absolutely NUTS.
<Snipped quote by rocketrobie2>
I AM the encyclopedia.
Rassin'-frassin'....you've won this round, MB, but we'll see who gets the last laugh!
<Snipped quote by Byrd Man>
I'm surprised there's not a villain called The Encyclopedia.
@webboysurf is our Daredevil
Rassin'-frassin'....you've won this round, MB, but we'll see who gets the last laugh!
<Snipped quote by AndyC>
Real talk it was a close race man, we have no issue with your Supes at all. The reason we went with @Master Bruce is because hes the GM his was just a different take we haven't seen in one of these gamea before.
I totally said this of my own free will
I got told to remove that as it made it sound like I didn't write it of my own free will which I definitely did
So how's everyone doing?
I was going to make a witty and humorous remark that you would all have laughed at but @DocTachyon told me it sounded mean
I was going to make a witty and humorous remark that you would all have laughed at but @DocTachyon told me it sounded mean
<Snipped quote by Sep>
Meh, go for it. I had to edit my last comment like five times because it was meaner than I intended, so I have it coming.
Go Character Sheet, I Choose YOU!!!C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A LThe Lanterns"Forever fight as one..."Thal Sinestro & Hal Jordan ♦ Military ♦ Coast CityO R I G I N S:Strategic Homeland Intelligence Evaluation and Logistics Division, secretly known as the Super Human Identification Evaluation and Location Division, a WW2 organization designed to root out classified individuals who possessed abilities that the Public aught not be made aware of. Post war, they struggled to find relevance until alien creatures began descending upon Earth. Needing an organization to keep them under wraps, this job fell to S.H.I.E.L.D. One such alien that crashed to earth was a space ship containing 2 aliens. One dead, one barely alive, found by US Air Force Captain Hal Jordan after his plane went down with the alien craft. Upon investigating the alien ship, a Green ring leapt from the dead alien and attached itself to Captain Jordan. The living alien identified himself as Sinestro, the Golden Lantern.
Sinestro told S.H.I.E.L.D. about the Lanterns, a team of alien crusaders determined to rid the galaxy of evil using their magic rings. He also told them of the heinous villain known as Ronin the Executioner, an Alien Warlord who would stop at nothing to possess the Magic Rings for his own. Now the Rings were on Earth and Ronin would stop at nothing to get his hands on them. That his former team had been ambushed and destroyed by Ronin and his forces and that he and the dead alien, Abin Sur were the only ones to escape, but they did so with the rings. Now, most of them were scattered across Earth. They would need to find these Rings and find new hosts for them before Ronin tracked them here. Hopefully they may be able to get the Rings off of Earth and not turn this planet into another victim of his terrible wrath. He is coming and in an enormous warship, populated entirely by Ronin's slaves and his loyal warriors and they were always eager to find a new civilization to judge unworthy to continue existing.
So, it is with great uncertainty that S.H.I.E.L.D. has authorized a mission to recruit individuals and find these missing Power Rings in order to save Earth and hopefully keep it off of Ronin's radar.S A M P L E P O S T:Hal and Sinestro sat in a small room behind a two way mirror, looking into a small room with a table and 3 of the Rings, Orange, Red and Pink. "Alright, next applicatant." Hal said into the mic, a distorted version of his voice played into the small room.
"Hal Jordan, this is a most inefficient form of finding them." Sinestro scowled as he sat next to Hal.
"You'd prefer a battle royal?" He asked away from the mic as the next applicant walked in.
"A traditional tournament of combat is what is usually used on my homeworld to determine worthiness for such honoured artifacts." He sighed, looking at the man who walked in and sat down. Hal sighed.
"Look, we have plenty of war heroes on this planet to choose from. Plenty of some of the finest men and women i've ever had the good fortune of serving with." He looked over the records of the guy who had been sent in.
"Yes and every single one of them have failed..." He replied. "Your military is one of the largest and most powerful on the planet and yet your training has pushed every last ounce of imagination from your heads. Why the green ring ever chose you, i have no idea." He looked away, arrogantly. Hal shook his head. This guy was a tough nut, but he had worked with arrogant asses like him before. Hal knew how to handle them. He then leaned into the mic.
"Please state your name for the record." He ordered.
"Sgt. Clifford Zmeck. United States Air Force. Sir." The man replied. Hal continued to read his report, before wincing at this guys rap sheet. He leaned away from the mic again and stared at Sinestro
"And you're sure THIS guy has the imagination we are looking for?" He asked.
"Imagination comes in many forms. We have tried your way, let me try it mine." Sinestro replied, a cold, yet cool and calculated look on his face, as if he was vivisecting Zmeck with his eyes."
"Sgt Zmeck, you have quite a considerable amount of chargest levelled against you. What makes you feel you are suited for any form of Special Training Program?" Hal asked, leaning into the mic again. Zmeck grinned confidently.
"I am a decorated hero. Sure, i may have crossed a few lines here and there getting the job done, but America stands and it's men like me who are responsible for this." Hal saw the smile. That terrible smile on Zmecks face, as if he was reliving his crimes in his head.
"WHA-" Hal began as his rage boiled over, but he was pulled away from the mic by Sinestro who looked at him.
"May i ask the questions?" He asked. Hal looked at Sinestro.
"This guy is walking, talking garbage and if any of those rings choose him, i'm gonna hand mine back." Hal growled at Sinestro. "This man is a disgrace to the uniform and everything it stands for."
"But in him i see potential to become something better." Sinestro responded, before he leaned into the mic. "Sgt, in front of you are a tray of rings." He said, the garbled version of his voice playing in the room in front of them. "Please pick one up." Zmeck looked at them before picking up an orange one. A faint glow began to radiate from it."
"Well i'll be damned, you were right..." Hal was taken aback. None of the rings had reacted to any of the applicants. Not so much as a spark. But now this one was starting to glow in Zmeck's hands. But Sinestro was not smiling. Nor was he looking smug or any kind of indication that he was right.
"No... No i was not..." He said. He leaned into the mic "Sgt, drop the ring this instant." But Zmeck continued to stare into the ring, his eyes aglow as he stared, a grin slowly sneaking across his face.
"What's mine... Is mine..." He began as he seemed to start moving the ring towards his middle finger. "Is mine... is mine...." He groaned inan almost trance-like state. At this point, Sinestro smashed a big red button on the desk, the room in front of them instantly filling up with a greenish gas. "Is... Is... Mi... Is..." Zmeck slowly fainted as the anaesthatine gas was forced into his lungs.
"Reacted in the wrong way." Sinestro replied. "That wasn't him becoming a Lantern. That was the ring attempting to drain him. I have seen it before, i know the difference. It appears... You were right Hal Jordan..." Sinestro grunted through gritted teeth. Hal could see on Sinestro's face, those words hurt him more to say than the crash landing last month that Sinestro almost died in. Hal pressed another button on the mic.
"Clean up on Aisle 7." After the gas had cleared, a pair of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents ran into the room, put the ring back on the table and dragged Zmeck off.P O S T C A T A L O G:A list linking to your IC posts as they're created. This can be used for a reference guide to your character or to summarize completed interactions and stories.