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Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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"to be honest mate, we're not even sure what it is" Chas replied to John, not sure how to describe what he and Drake spotted. Then it came to him how Drake described it. "It was like a scorched burn mark" he replied. "But other than that we didn't find anything, just thought it's placement was strange" he explained. Kay couldn't help but find what Chas said intriguing, "could it have been from when Fia got hit on the roof?" She asked him and John, to which Chas shrugged.

Fia also saw how Serena was trying to fix her leg by wrapping it and she still couldn't help but feel slightly go blame for Serena feeling like she had to do that to herself. Walking over and kneeling down, she knew she could help. "Let me help. I can at least partially heal this to make it easier for you" she suggested.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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John folded his arms and said “could have been from Banes wiping the floor with that fire ball…or it’s a mark of the gods as a warning…”

Serena looked at her and said “I’m okay dear…just need to stop the bleeding…I k ow I’m scaring Drake right now…it’s deep…” Drake turned so he couldn’t the blood; his hands shaking worse now.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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"so we shouldn't worry about it just now and focus on other problems...right?" Kay replied. Though she was curious about the latter theory and wondered what they all could have done to make the gods give them a warning. At the same time, she almost didn't want to know what warranted a possible warning.

Fia sighed when Serena insisted she was alright and this refusing help once again. "Then let me help stop the bleeding then I'll get Drake out of here and help calm him down" she suggested, just wanting to help. It seemed this Serena was just as stubborn as the Serena she knew in their time.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena sighed and nodded “alright…for his sake…” Drake was looking at the wall of books, his eyes not seeing them.

John nodded and said “seems we need to figure out what the kids came back for…if we saved Bane and stopped that mess…what’s the thing that changes everything?”
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Fia sighed with relief when Serena agreed to let her help in stopping the bleeding on her leg. She lifted the partially wrapped gauze and placed her hand over the cut so she could truly focus on it and spoke a few simple words in Latin. An orange light came from her hand and seeped over Serena's leg wound, not causing any pain to the woman as it helped stop the bleeding and kickstart the healing process. Lifting her hand away she looked pleased with her handy work, "there, now you can wrap it to keep it clean and let it finish healing naturally. But it won't bleed anymore" she explained. Standing up she walked over to Drake, "she's alright now. I've stopped the bleeding and helped it to heal" she told him softly.

Kay and Chas were both wondering the same thing. It was clear the kids must.know more than they were letting on but it was also clear they weren't telling them. "The fact that neither of them are telling us makes me think it must be something much bigger than they initially let on. Which quite frankly worries me" Kay replied. "I hate to agree but I do. Drake told me Fia was the instigator of this little time trip of theirs but he told me nothing else. Just that Fia barely told him anything and dragged him to this time to aid her. Which leaves me believing it's to do with you John or even more likely, and what my money is on: Kay. I mean, she's basically the last phoenix in existence which is clearly shaking things up in the down world" he said quietly so only Kay and John could hear.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena smiled and said “thanks love…that helps a lot…” she moved to sit on a chair to get a better look and wrap it better. Drake nodded softly and said “thanks…I didn’t think seeing her like that would hit me so hard…”

John nodded and said “and the fact she isn’t talking means…either I really screw up and in my mistake I lose Kay…or something happens to Kay to the point where I can’t recover from it from how Fia talks of the future me…” John pushed then said “but with how Drake is reacting to seeing Serena hurt…I think she is involved as well…”
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia hugged Drake and when she did she saw Chas, John and Kay all talking in a hushed group. "You're a good guy Drake...don't feel bad for it hitting it you harder than you thought. Just hope that's the worse you'll see her in" she said to him before whispering, "think they're getting suspicious of us...we gotta be careful". She then pulled away from him. She knew it was hard to not get close emotionally to this year's versions of their family, she even almost forgot that herself not long ago with John, but they had to remain smart. They had to set the path into a different direction and then go home. But if her folks got anymore suspicious it was going to make things more difficult.

Kay and Chas both nodded in agreement to John's theories. It was the only thing that made sense to them both. "and I got a sinking feeling it's the latter theory. Fia clearly still feels like you're not totally a lost cause John in her time. And if Serena has something to do with what happens to me? With what she's capable of? That's terrifying to even think about." Kay whispered. "You know what else has been worryingly going round my mind? That whatever happens in their time is a fixed point and can't be changed" Chas added, the thought giving him a cold shudder down his back.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake nodded as he held her in place so he could say “we need to talk to Bane alone. His the only one…I think his not letting on all he truly knows. I think he knows what’s coming…”

John said “I think your wrong Chas. If it were fixed…the fates wouldn’t have let those two kids come back in the first place. No…I think over everything those kids have fate behind them…”
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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The moment Drake said about talking to Bane alone, Fia realised she never factored that option in until now. Of course! If anyone of this group would be able to help them with information and not put things in utter chaos as a repercussion, it would be Bane. "Okay, we'll talk with him in private somehow, got any bright ideas on how?" She asked him.

With John disagreeing with Chas' theory, it gave both him and Kay some sort of relief that he could be wrong. Neither wanted whatever was to happen, to actually happen no matter what. Especially Kay. "Well that's a small relief" Kay said. "I still don't like this feeling of being in the dark about why they came back here though. I dislike the very idea that something will happen to me even more so" she then added quietly. Truth was, she was, deep down absolutely terrified that whatever demons have been stalking her for these years would actually get her and break her to their will. She also hated the fact something happens so bad that it means a future kid of hers feels it's imperative to time travel to fix it. No teenager should be having that kind of weight of responsibility on their shoulders.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake folded his arms and thought for a few moments. “Well…I can slip into the shadow realm and ask him to meet without mom knowing…maybe he will listen?”

John said “maybe they finally found the place in time they could get to to fix things…we need to look at when they first showed up and figure out what could have been a trigger?”
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia pondered the suggestion after letting Drake think of an idea. It seemed the most logical to her that he used the shadow realm to discuss with Bane. She just hoped that Bane would be open to listening to Drake. "Okay, try that. Whilst you're doing that I'll try and keep my side of the family off our backs." She replied.

Kay and Chas both agreed that John's suggestion was as good as anything else that they could come up with. Still, Kay couldn't fully shake that dread feeling in the pit of her stomach over this whole situation. She also couldn't figure out why the kids felt the need to come back this far in time when she most certainly wasn't even pregnant with John's child, let alone anything else with her life. "It's as good as a place to start than anywhere I guess." Kay replied, folding her arms across her chest, in an attempt to stop herself from nervous fidgeting. "I agree. It's about our only option at the moment." Chas said, noticing Kay's discomfort.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake nodded and said “I’ll wait till things calm down just incase Bane is working on leads…”

John nodded but then an idea hit him and he looked at Serena as she was finishing wrapping her leg. “What if…whatever happens starts now and is triggered later on? What if these mess with this so called gods? The ones who went after Bane in the first place…”
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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With it decided when Drake would chat with Bane, Fia nodded and began to think of what her next move would be outside of trying to keep her side of the family in the dark as much as possible. She hated doing it like this but she knew it was necessary.

As John's glance went towards Serena, both Chas and Kay followed his gaze with their own before looking back at John as he seemed to be getting another theory in his mind. Both of them gave his idea some serious thought, it seemed like a crazy theory but crazy theories was all they had right now. "I mean...it's about as plausible as any other idea we got right now." Chas remarked, "which just begs the concern of, is Serena a cause for what happens to Kay to make Fia come back here?" He continued as he thought about his words. That brought a shudder to Kay. "All we know for certain right now is that I go dark side so to speak in the kid's time. And that happening and however it happens clearly has an impact on you John to make Fia feel obligated to fix things herself. If only there was a way for the kids to bring us to their time so we can see for ourselves what is going on" she commented.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake paused and looked at her. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on at some point?”

John folded his arms and muttered “I’m not sure how to do that…” Serena looked up and said “you guys are not quiet you know that? Maybe it’s time to start asking around” she got up carefully and said “who are friends that we can ask that kind of question?”
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia knew she had to give Drake more information than she already had done, he deserved to know after being dragged back here after all. "I will but not in earshot of everyone else" she replied to him honestly. She then started to wonder if this house had the hidden hallway that it did in her time as that would be perfect for their conversation. For now though she decided to just use a different room. "Let's go to another room" she said, taking his hand and pulling him out of their current place, down the hall and into another room that just so happened to the room Kay was using. Closing the door behind them, she placed a sound proofing spell on it so they wouldn't be disturbed. "okay...we should be good now to speak freely" she stated.

Kay and Chas both wrinkled their faces up in discomfort at being told they weren't being as quiet as they thought they being. They both then noticed Fia and Drake leaving the room and Kay couldn't help but feel a little suspicious of why it seemed Fia was clearly leading the decision. Shaking the suspicion off her mind, she focused back on the situation in the room the rest of them were in. "I wasn't actually thinking if it was a viable option" she grumbled. "I don't know anyone personally" Chas spoke up. "So lets just say that option isn't available to use, what other ideas have people got?" He then added. "looking back on my magical lineage and see if there's a connection to Serena's?" Kay suggested.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake followed her and shut the door behind him. Then he said “okay now can you fill me in on what is going on?”

Serena sighed and walked over, favoring her leg and said “I have one contact…but I’m not sure you guys are going to like it…his name is Lucifer MorningStar”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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Fia didn't know how to tell Drake what she knew as she knew it wouldn't come easy to acknowledge. She didn't want to hurt Drake in any way and that included emotionally. "what I feared seems to be coming true. You know when I went off on my own early on when mum first went missing?" She began to explain, looking at him the entire time before she continued, "well.. I asked around people who know dad as my starting point on how I can find mum and get dad out of his self loathing funk." She knew it might be coming across as stalling but she wanted to give him as much context as possible. "I found one contact....or more to the point, an ex contact of dad's. Astra. Word got around in Hell that dad was slipping because of mum's disappearance so naturally, she decided to insert herself into the family drama. Turns out it's your mum that sets the wheels in motion. I didn't want to believe it....trust me, I said some stuff that even dad would ground me for to Astra. But I did more digging over these weeks and when I saw mum full blown dark side phoenix for the first time? I saw it for myself...Serena was a key to unleashing mum's terror on our earth." She explained. Her tone was clear but it was also clear it was difficult for her to tell her best friend this. "That was when I had to do more digging and I found this..." She continued, digging out of her bag a book and handing it to Drake. Serena's book. "Inside there's a scripture with instructions on how to corrupt mum and then after her guilt for being manipulated by the down world to help them take control of mum. They're linked Drake.... I didn't want to believe it but the evidence is too high and I'm afraid we might be too late...the wheels are fully in motion and I'm not even a thought in their minds in this time" she said sadly.

The moment Serena said she knew Lucifer, Chas instantly looked at John then back at Serena and repeated the action a couple of times before he managed to find the words he was thinking. "oh no...not him. Not HIM!" He protested, "that man has been nothing but trouble in our lives...in John's life! Not to mention the weird thing they had going on in the past" he added, before looking at Kay apologetically. "There has to be another way" he said. Kay just looked at them all bewildered, surely they couldn't be talking about THE Lucifer Morningstar...the devil himself. Could they?! "Are we really talking about the actual devil?" She questioned, "yes and what scares me is if the down world, which includes Hell want you Kay...that Lucifer will know of you. John...please say you see where I'm coming from here? Do you really wanna risk him being anywhere near Kay?" He spoke.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake stared at the book and said “Where did you get this?” He was shaking, staring at the book. “Fia…you should have told me as soon as you found this thing…this isn’t moms book…”

John leaned back and thought it thru. “How do you know him Serena?” Serena smirked and said “when I first was on the run…I ended up at his club. Not really sure how but I was hiding in the alley when the back door opened and his partner came out. Maze. She saw me and pulled me inside. He helped me understand how the magic world works and how to hide my aura so demons would stop finding me. His been a friend…but John what did he do to you?” John waved his hand and said “it’s more the messes we made up ourselves. But she’s got a point. His the most knowledgeable in this apart from me and his dealt with time magic as well. But if Kay goes…he wouldn’t harm her. But those around him at the time…can’t trust them. Chas. Why don’t you, Serena, her man and the kids go talk to him.”

Serena paused and then said “you know of his trick. Deepest desires. You want us to hear what the kids say” John nodded. “He will get the truth. I want answers. Bane as well.” Serena nodded and said “it should work…”
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by FuriePhoenix
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FuriePhoenix Hunter/Phoenix

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Fia watched Drake hold the book, flipping through it whilst his hands shook. She went slightly wide eyed when he asked her how she got ahold of the book and that it was not, in fact, Serena's book. "But it looks just like her book. I found it in your house" she admitted finally. "I see now I should have told you but I wanted all the information first and I didn't know how to initially tell you." She told him. She didn't know what to think anymore, if this book was in fact a copy of Serena's and not actually hers, then it left a hollow dark feeling in the pit of her stomach as it meant, this was either planted for her to find or whoever it does belong to, the owner made Serena use it without her consent. "this is getting more and more complicated" she sighed, running a hand through her hair as she began to slowly pace to get her thoughts and information all in line in her mind.

Kay and Chas listened to Serena's story of how she knows Lucifer and Kay mentally noted how John brushed off Serena's question to him. She was now curious to exactly what those messes John and Lucifer got into. "I really don't like this idea John but I'll go to keep the kids safe and only to keep the kids safe." He replied, reluctantly agreeing to the plan. At least John agreed Kay wouldn't be totally safe around Lux and who Lucifer associated with. "I guess we're heading to LA then" he sighed. "I'll go tell the kids' Kay said, giving Chas a reassuring pat on his shoulder to signal that she was appreciative of his concern for her well being. He really was becoming a good friend. Leaving the room, she went looking around for Fia and Drake, calling out their names. "Drake?! Fia?! Where are you both? We gotta talk". Fia in the secured room with Drake heard Kay's voice and sighed, "I guess our chat is over" she spoke, walking to the door and unlocking it from the sound proofing spell and the normal lock. Opening the door, she poked her head out, "what?" She asked, causing Kay to stop and turn on her heels to see Fia's face in a doorway. "you two are to go to LA with Chas, Serena and Josh" she instructed.
Hidden 6 mos ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Drake looked at her and said “this is the dark one…the one she got from those nuts who tried to take her years ago. The ones who tried to twist Bane. She kept it hidden so no one else would be able to use its secrets against god vessels and those of the like. Where exactly did you find this?” When he heard calling he kept the book and said “this talk isn’t over. And we are telling them the truth now. Dang it Fia…” he moved to the door and walked out, slipping the book into his jacket.

Serena looked at John and said “do I want to know?” John shook his head and said “no, you really don’t. But his a good guy…most of the time. Just don’t get in his path of his goals are you guys will be fine. I think I’m going to get Kay and I working on what happened in our future…”
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