X - M E N
X - M E N
X - M E N
Location: 1407 Graymalkin Lane, Salem Center - Westchester County, New York, United States of America
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Home of The X-Men #1.01: The Tour
Interaction(s): None
Previously: Firestar
"Be an X-men? Please. I don't even wanna be myself anymore."
Angelica's words during the multiple-hour long car ride back to the mansion was still ringing in Maximilian Eisenhardt's head. He was waiting for her to wake up, as he was to show her around the grounds properly. They had dropped in late, just in time for dinner. She had fallen asleep almost as soon as she was shown to the empty bedroom. Now, Max was sitting in one of the many studies, listening to the young mutants playing outside. The school day had started an hour ago, which meant they were currently out on physical education, almost certainly with Mr. Summers. He had already gotten dressed. Black dress shirt buttoned almost all of the way up, leaving the 'Appetite For Destruction' T-shirt underneath barely visible. The shirt was neatly tucked into his denim jeans, large metal buckle adorning the black leather belt. His brown ankle boots showing off the metal placed into the bottom of the show. He sat in the leather armchair enjoying his morning coffeee. One leg crossed over the other, his hands occupied by the bound book in his hand. Deeply invested in the topic of craftsmanship in regards to shipbuilding back in the 1600's. His cup of tea sitting on the armrest of the chair, the spoon gently stirring in the coffee with nothing but an absent thought in the mutant's mind. He heard the creaking of the floorboards from above, and he could feel the metallic wheels of the chair move around. The metal calling to him, in a way all things did. He was calm, at peace. McCoy wandered past the study, waving at Maximilian, who nodded warmly at his blue-furred friend.
"Of to prepare physics class, Doctor McCoy?"
"My, of course. Professor Eisenhardt. You know me, always punctual about these things. 9 AM, sharp. We are studying photons today. I shall amaze these young minds with an experiment using prisms to show them how light bends!" McCoy's face lit up behind those large wooden framed glasses as he spoke about it, a lesson had performed tens of times over the years yet never growing tired of. His tweed blazer, manchester slacks and as always, no shoes made his entire look entirely appropriate for a professor at a university, making one almost entirely forget about his beast-like appearance.
"You let me know when you're gonna teach them about magnets. I might know a thing or two." the two men chuckled dryly, as Hank headed over to the class halls, Max watching as a few of the teenaged students walked past, some waving at him, and he waved back in between flipping pages in his book. Down the hall walked Angelica, confused. Max put the book away, as he looked up at the newest member of this household. He stood up, dusted himself of and welcomed her.
"Good morning, Miss Jones. Did you enjoy your rest?"
"Enjoy? Man, I felt like I could've slept for a 100 years. Is being a mutant always this tiresome?" She asked, stretching her arm upwards as she yawned, Max couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle.
"And so much more, too." He only added, signaling to her that breakfast was hers for the taking, but she shook her head.
"Someone was nice enough to bring breakfast to my room earlier. He said I should thank you for the excellent pancakes and french toast."
"Blonde, tanned, about this tall?" Maximilian asked, raising his hand to a little taller to himself, indicating the man's height. Angelica nodded with a smile on her face. Summers would make an impression as early as possible.
"Very well then, if you do not need to eat, let us get started. Do you wish to take the tour?" She nodded. They began walking, towards the class halls, and towards the outside.
"Wow... this place is... Huge. I can't quite believe it. It also has this sort of... Vibe to it. It's like, really, really cozy." She noted, as two teenage boys ran past her, identical twins. They bumped into her a little, and hurriedly let out a yelp as the newcomer looked back at the two.
As her eyes found the boys, where she expected there to be two there were now eleven, identical, boys who had stumbled behind her. Her eyebrows raised, Maximilian wasn't phased at all, and something about his calm demeanor kept her from freaking out.
"Charles designed it to be the safest place on earth for people like us. I like to make sure it feels that way. Speaking of safe, boys! No running in the halls!"
"Sorry mister Max!" The eleven of them shouted, now on the other end of the hall, bumping into each other and bickering between the eleven of themselves.
"Oh yeah! Charles, wow. The uh, magnetism of that man. Is it true he really talked everyone out of nuclear war in Cuba back in the day? And got to meet Kennedy?! MY GOD, he's like, super famous! And he looks so good for an old man! What kind of skin routine does he use?"
Maximilian laughed as the girl got more and more excited, he also noticed the waves radiating off of her as she got into affect, her powers were indeed fully active.
"He does not like to take much credit for his actions in Cuba, but the world owes him a great debt - even if the world rarely wishes to see it that way."
They walked past the class halls, all nine of them, each large enough to fit 50 or so students, as well as the larger auditorium at the end of the hall, that had seating for 364 people. The size of the place had still not yet set in for the recently-discovered-mutant. Inside one of the class halls was an arts and crafts room, where Tabitha Smith was teaching four teenage students how to work with ceramics. She waved at the two through the window of the door, clay on her perfectly manicured nails. Angelica waved back as Maximilian greeted her with a nod, taking another sip from his cup of coffee.
"The teachers here are all mutants, usually previous alumni. Tabitha there handles most of our arts and crafts. Do not make a Swayze joke while she's working with clay, or you will get a fist full of exploding clay thrown at you." He smiled, finishing off his coffee that he placed down on a tray on one of the standing-tables they walked past in the hall. She let out a light laugh, almost out of courtesy for his rather dry joke. Angelica was enamored with the whole place, subduing much of her talkative nature. The polished flooring, the modern-function, but that classic, old-school feel to everything. She was truly amazed by the whole location.
"Do you teach, too?" Was all she could think to ask.
"I teach history, shop class and applied power theory for the advanced students. We don't really adhere to strict subject hierarchy like that. We work with what we're best suited for at any given time. What's important is ensuring our students learn to love evolving their way of thinking."
"Advanced power theory?"
"It requires a lot of thinking to learn how to apply your abilities. It's a lot of theory before you can put it into practice. It's also incredibly intuitive for us, as all owners of the X-Gene are extremely pre-disposed to being able to visualize their abilities. An almost inherent knowledge of what we can do. Theory simply helps us shape that intuition into specific application."
"Wait, our... powers, can change?"
"For instance, I started out simply lifting things with my magnetic powers. Turns out, magnetism is everywhere, we are all connected one way or the other. There is so much more I learnt to do once I started to apply well-thought out theory to my abilities. Humans understand this, too, even if they need additional tools to be able to connect with the world, and never quite as deeply as we can." As he demonstrated, he floated flat pieces of metal around, building different shapes, triangles, squares, figures, an X, and a DNA double helix, before turning the metal back from a almost liquid form back into the metal coaster it was before he elevated it.
"By nature of you not needing any classical schooling, you shall be joining the adults for their training sessions, picking it up as best as you can."
Angelica could barely comprehend what was happening, yet she could feel this rising sense of excitement inside of her.
They were reaching the end of the hall, Maximilian opened the door, the sun's warm rays hitting the two, covering them in warm light. She took a deep breath, taking it all in. The grounds were huge, she couldn't even see the end of it. As if he could read her mind, he confirmed.
"11963 acres, the whole thing. Larger underground, too. Come, I'll show you where the Summers is having physical education with some of the students." As they walked, Angelica could see the multiple areas dedicated to sports, children playing hoops, soccer and tennis. A wall to practice rock climbing, several large constructions of outdoor gym. A greenhouse and outside gardens, the man tending the garden waved and let out an 'Oi, max' with a thick Irish accent before going back to tending to the plants. Max returned the greeting. A beach could be seen further down where she saw some people swimming, but Max lead the two up a little bit of a hill.
"Here we are." Max spoke, as they crowned the hill, coming up on the western side of the property, where about 14 people could be seen, 13 kids and one adult male. The kids were all wearing gym clothes, as was the blonde man. They were all skipping rope, intending to run track around the grounds as the two other mutants came to interrupt.
"Yo, everyone! Take five minutes. Drink water, we're going back out to the field and doing another six laps before we're hitting the showers. Rehydrate, because it's gonna get warm out there in lap 3 or 4!" The kids groaned, but head to their packs to the side, in the shade. He jogged over to the two. Angelica got a little bit shy as the man walked closer and she got a closer look at his clearly attractive features.
"Miss Jones, this is Mister Summers, he teaches Physical Education, Mutant Defense as well as instructs on Danger Room exercises." Max presented the two, as he drew his attention towards the kids who were playing around, one of them coming and tugging on his arm to play with them. He walked away for a few moments, letting Angelica talk to other mutant.
"Please, Mister Summer sounds so formal. Save the 'mistering' for the Man of Steel over there. I'm Alexander, but you can call me Alex. Did you enjoy the breakfast? I don't know where he got the recipe from, but I love them. Especially with blueberries."
"Uh-Uh, yeah. Breakfast was great! What's the... What did he call it, Danger Room?"
Alexander's face cracked up into a mischievous smirk as he was about to explain to her what the Danger Room was, and how he was a reoccuring part of the little extracurricular activities certain members of the school engaged in. However, he was interrupted, much like Max showing the children some party trick with magnetism, as a loud, sonic boom was heard above in the sky. Then another, and another. Something was coming towards them. Or, rather. Someone.
A yell was heard.
"AAAAHHH" As the yelling object hit the ground, some 100 meters away from the class, the impact tore up the lawn, debris and grass flying everywhere. The crash so loud it shook the windows of the mansion several hundreds of meters away. Skidding for a good 80 meters before coming to a stop, leaving a crater. Maximilian, Alexander, Angelica and some of the kids rushed over. Max dashed into the crater, revealing 14 year old Andrew Pulaski. Crying from the pain of the impact.
Max put him over his lap as he gently held the boy, assessing the damage from the epic crash.
"You'll be fine, my boy. Summers, grab the first aid kit!" He went from calm to commanding as he called out to his companion, who ran swiftly to where the packs were, Angelica following him, knowing little else what to do.
"On it!" Alex responded. Once they arrived, he was incredibly quick about grabbing the kit, and chucking a bottle of water and a couple of towels to Angelica to bring, before the two rushed back.
Max noticed bleeding from the boy's palms, forearms, elbows, forehead and knees.
"Oww! That hurts!" The boy yelped, Max reassuring him that it was all gonna be okay. His right hand on the boy's back, holding him stead over his own knee, his left hand passed over the boy, the electromagnetic waves moving around the flesh, revealing that the boy in his mach-2 tumble that in fact not broken any bones, all of his abrasions were surface level and would heal in a couple of days. The bleeding was getting more fierce, and Max's left hand was pulling together above Andrew, the bleeding stopping as the blood cells were held back from leaking out of his skin by the iron in the blood, allowing it to be pushed back to the exit point and enhancing his natural healing and coagulation of the wound.
"I was gonna set a new Record. Apollo, the world's fastest mutant! Dammit!" Andrew whined, Maximilian couldn't help but to chuckle at the boy's ambition. Handing the boy over to Alexander who applied bandages and other first aid, wrapping the boy's sprained ankle from the 100000 meter fall at supersonic speed.
"I'm sure one day, you will become the best of us, my boy. Flying high above, watching over all you hold dear. To get there, Apollo, you have to have days where you're more of an Icarus."