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Towns and Cities

Notable Characters in Valhiem

Special thanks to all our players for contributing to Valhiem with NPCs and breathing life into the city!

Gods and Goddesses

Credit to @Teyao for a massive contribution to this part of the world-build

Matters of Politics and Economics

Credit to @Saiyan for contributions to this section of world-build

Information regarding The Source and Magic

Credit to @Loksfjoer for using a basic framework to massively fill out this part of the Worldbuild

Story Added Lore Segments

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: MacKensie Trydant

Age: 21 years old

Country on Earth: Lyon, France

Appearance: Height - 5' 7" Weight - 110 lbs

(Ignore the ears lol)

Personality: MacKensie has always been a strong headed, competitive person. She is generally agreeable, but known for a bit of a temper that can be triggered by a moral injustice, (or occasionally just some percieved slight on her person.) She's into politics, athletics, archery, ballet and classical music.

Brief Backstory: Daughter of Sir Axel Trydant, a French business magnate, and Belle Trydant, popular socialite of high society; MacKensie was afforded all the opportunity to be successful. And before the plane crash, success was exactly where she was heading. On her way to completing a major in sociology. Picked to represent France in the coming Olympics. But it all came crashing down, along with the plane that was carrying her and the national archery team across international waters.

Adventurer Class: Ranger

Starting Common Gear: Some light leather armour. One-handed crossbow. Pouch of bolts. Backpack for odds and ends.

Special item: Magical grapplehook gauntlet, which will probably take some time to figure out.

Notable skills or abilities: MacKensie's atheletic endevours have translated into this strange new world remarkably well. Her dexterity and coordination far exceed her previous limits, and she is able to shoot arrows, bolts and even throw stones with silly precision. She also has hyper agility and acrobatics.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: James Sirius

Age: 23

Country on Earth: Mexico

Appearance: 5'9'' Height, 162 lbs

Personality: Some words that come to mind when one is describing James are acrid and irritated but compassionate under all the fire and brimstone. Often, someone who holds an angry expression and an even angrier glare, nonetheless those who reach out to him discover that he is not a hostile person and even pleasant to be around with those he considers friends.

Brief Backstory: Born to an American father and a Mexican mother who took him back to Mexico after they divorced, James has grown up in a little community surrounded by a family known to all as generous and simple people who wouldn´t hesitate to help if someone asked them to do it.

As a result, James was raised with the same principles that his family acts upon, even if he forces himself to act in a scarier manner to drive away those that search for abuse of their desire to help. It is perhaps no surprise that he died trying to help evacuate the burning home of a neighbor as a result.

Adventurer Class: Cleric

Starting Common Gear: Standard priest robes, maze disguised as a clerical staff.

Special item: A holy symbol that belongs to no god.

Notable skills or abilities: Despite not being tattered to any god in specific he is still considered a "holy man" or rather "an open conduit", in some regards this is useful as he can call on the powers of many gods, in others this is extremely bothersome as he has to convince said gods that he is acting in their best interest first, and gods are fickle beings.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

"Partner' it'd be a darn shame to ruin a nice day, I reckon' you should mosey on."

Full Name: Clive Alexander Michel
Age: 27
Place of Birth: Texas (United States of America)

Physical Description: Clive's most distinguishing feature is the russet hair he often hides under the brim of a wide hat, it tumbles down his face sometimes so he slicks it back mullet style.

Clive is tall, well-built and broad-shouldered at about 5'11", his arms are toned and tanned from outdoor labor. He's no skinny farmhand, weighing at least 180lbs the country boy isn't weak-kneed at all. Clive's rugged face is covered with freckles, and a pair of bright sea-green eyes peer out from the mop of hair on his head.

As a farmhand, he prefers to wear lighter clothes or merely a tank-top when working outdoors and at most a loosely fitting buttoned shirt if there is a nip in the air maybe a pair of sturdy gloves and of course a wide-brimmed hat to keep the sun out of his eyes.

Personality: Clive's 'As stubborn and hardheaded as an ass, but as hardworking a reliable son-of-a-bitch can be.' as people who know him often say. And they wouldn't be wrong, anyone whose come to know Clive would agree that he is a stubborn man. He's also an honest man, won't lie or mince words to save his life and more often than not will say what's on his mind even if it comes out sounding rude or opinionated.

Clive is a hardworker, and respects those who pull their own weight instead of letting others do their job for them, he hates layabouts and will put people in their place if they slack off or make excuses. As a kid growing up in rural Texas, most folk knew each other and most outsiders were eyed with suspicion, people were still opinionated with their views on faith or the color of someones skin but Clive wasn't that sort.

He lives and let lives, not giving a hoot who you are or what you look like as long as you aren't causing him or anyone else harm, or being a lazy piece of shit, he'd treat anyone as a friend before they weren't. Clive enjoys being outside, working with his hands getting down and dirty if he has to, makes him feel alive. Other than work he doesn't have many hobbies, maybe careing for the animals and exercise counts as a hobby?

Brief Background: Born and raised in a small rural town in east-texas, where the people in the fringes of town worked the plow and field. Everyone knew everyone and people who were strangers most often were met with prejudice or suspicion.

People lived simple lives, went to church and worked their fingers to the bone in order to make a living. Clive was no different from anyone else, just a young man working the farm his family worked for generations. Died one hot summer, working the fields. Suffered a pretty bad sunstroke, exhaustion from stubbornly working in poor conditions too single-minded to cease his labor.

Adventuring Class: Commoner

  • Set of common clothing, including a wide-brimmed hat with a set of sturdy work boots and leather gloves.
  • Shovel.
  • Burlap satchel, containing dried meats and bread.

Special Gear/Equipment:
  • A pair of cured-leather armlets; imbued with some sort of protective enchantment that infers the wearer physical protection in a fight with an invisible barrier of magic.

Skills/Abilities: Clive ain't special, he don't cast no fancy spells or pray for divine protection or nothing. But he's strong, hale and hearty. Clive's got a mean left-hook and can use what he's got on hand to defend himself, like a shovel or a pickaxe. He can go for long periods of grueling labor without tiring, and endure through the pain.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Marsel 'Zell' Brooks

Age: 23 years old

Country on Earth: London, England

Height: 6' 2"

Weight: 185lbs

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Green

Personality: Laid back & Party animal. This would perhaps be the most succint description of Zell, on the surface. Brimming with confidence and daring, Zell can command a certain degree of respect and even admiration from his peers. When he sets his mind on an objective, he often gets what he wants... pity that what he wants is usually vapid, shallow and fleeting. Enjoys playing sports and following sports teams, drinking beer and going to the gym.

Brief Backstory: Coasting through university on a football scolarship, Zell has used the entirety of his time in education to have fun and fend off the responsibilities of real life. On campus, he was popular, sold recreational drugs to fund his partying and paid other more studious peers to write his assignments. It was only during the last few months of his life that his persisent and passionate lecturer, Dr Bradford, started to get through to him. He was finally convinced to take life seriously and was beginning to put his head down and start working hard to finish his studies. But then he was tragically hit by bus, crossing the road, and died at the scene.

Adventurer Class: Fighter

Starting Common Gear: Longsword. Studded leather armour with some steel plating. Cloak and belt satchel.

Special item: None

Notable skills or abilities: Zell has the power to teleport short distances (roughly 6 feet in distance) He doesn't fully understand how it works, and will take some time before he can do it on command, but right now, it only activates on instinct. He has also been blessed with a keen understanding of swordplay and a slight enhancement to his athletic gifts.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Arthur Baker


Country on Earth: America, Florida

Appearance: Arthur is 6'5 and 180lbs. He his best described as large, or as some describe him a moutain of a man. He is well built but not overly sculpted. He has shoulder length red hair that is well kept if a bit wild. He has emrald green eyes. On his back he has a large tatto of an anchor that takes up almost his entire upper back with then name Robert Baker seemingly freshly branded into it and below it states simply 1976-2020, he also has a tatto of a humpback whale on his calf breaching the surface of the ocean.(Still looking for a decent pic)

Personality:Arthur is a very quiet, serious person when you first meet him but if you get to know him you will find he is kind, loyal, and protective if a bit hot headed. That being said getting close enough to find this out isn't easy as he tends to not trust easy. He tends to have trouble controling his temper, especially if someone he cares about is in trouble.

Brief Backstory: Arthur's family has always been in the military from his grandparents, uncles, aunts, dad, even his brother. So it came as a surprise when he decided to not join the military and instead become a civilian mechanic. Most of his family accepted his decision, except his father. It never got too bad and despite this him and his father still had a decent relationship even if it was a bit strained.

Arthur has always been good with his hands and he enjoys taking things apart, seeing how they work, and putting them back together, sometimes better than before. After his father passed he got his tattoo and enlisted in the navy as a mechanic. He had been in the navy for three years when something finally went wrong, he got into fight with another crew member and they lost it and shoved him, accidently knocking him over board. He hit his he on the way down knocking him out. They never found the body.

Adventurer Class: Deep-One Reaver (Berserker/warlock with and ocean/eldrich theme, patron is gm's choice)

Starting Common Gear:Worn shark leather armor, quiver with five black whale bone harpons, a large knife made from a very large shark tooth, simple seal skin bag, scrimsaw kit, fishing kit.

Special item: Old Anchor and chain- it is covered in runes and seems to be able to be able to caue a flash freeze arond it on impact in a small area around it.

Notable skills or abilities: He seems to be able to increase his increase his strength and speed up to three fold for short bursts, the tatto of the whale glows with a deep purple light and seems to move when he uses this.

He is able to resist a deadly blow once and keep fighting, the anchor will glow with a deep purple light and then appear to rust over when this activates, rust will disappear once recharged.
(other tattoos can be granted by his patron)
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Danyel
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Danyel Godgiven

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hasegawa Kyouka


Country on Earth

5'5 | 115 lbs

Kyouka is generally vocal & cool, she speaks up with full assertion with the most objective intentions to coordinate with people daily. However, she's prone to finesse people with her inconsiderate behavior and demands, if the objective doesn't align with her interests. She'd resort to heckling people out of sheer petty, especially those into politics, because she hates politics. Overall,she's not so trusting with people and like the Actress she is, Kyouka maintains a facade and projects personalities that fit the situation.

Brief Backstory
Kyouka was an actress since childhood until her last hurrah, she's played minor supporting roles in traditional theaters, television & movies. She has also appeared & endorsed perfume products on billboards and magazines as opportune profit generation in times when she's not wearing the mask to act in the caricature screens. Still, it was all climbing the showbiz world ladder than nothing, Kyouka was fine with the indie films she's auditioned but she's no Superstar yet.

In fact, deep within her fragile heart, Kyouka desired to chase bigger aspirations. Before her death, Kyouka landed a major role in the big screen when she was age 19, she auditioned to play the protagonist role of the titular character, Alice in Alice in Gangland. The movie was about the Yakuza Empire & Alice, a Yakuza Princess and Oyabun aka Yakuza Boss on the making, based on Japan's true story about one of the most ruthless crimelords to ever walk in the Land of The Rising Sun. The movie on the other hand, got a lot of hate & Kyouka was given a lot of flak, because the producers humanized Alice, and it angered families whose relatives were victims of Alice.

It didn't help with Kyouka's antics in social media such as trolling & incriminating commenting angered the masses, instead of keeping it cool, she said a lot of things that tarnished her reputation to the point of no return, she was cancelled & died through heroine overdose due to induced anxiety.

Adventurer Class
The Artiste Class is known for utmost discipline in the
Art of Acting.

Starting Common Gear
Pristine-conditioned Kimono variants, theater masks, knives, theatric head-dress set and make-up kit, all kept inside a briefcase.

Special Item
Oriental War Fan · A semi-metallic alloyed fan, which has the most convenient uses at the surface level like every other folding fan, now with magic reflection/parry properties, thematically befitting of Kyouka's Geisha Arts in her previous life.

Notable Skills or Abilities
Transcending normal to a new normal like an aged fine-wine Meme, Kyouka's acting skills is now bolstered compared to her previous limits. Multifaceted discernment of all kinds of Acting with little to no effort, the significance of the supernatural & mysterious aspect of Acting is brought to life by Kyouka's seamless craft. Her articulate wordplay, posture, allure & fluid bodily movements now convey Acting like never before, it's as if Kyouka has a sharp silver tongue & convincing sways.

Kyouka knows that she's physically weak in combat, she makes up for it by committing underhanded/pragmatic tactics, such as stabbing people in the most convenient time and surprising them with Acting feints.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Fenna Postma
Age: 31
Country on Earth: Netherlands - Fryslân
Appearance: with 1.72m and 75kg she has an average build for her height, somewhat on the lean site due to her muscle mass. She has long, light-brown hair and blue eyes. She dresses comfortably rather than fashionably and prefers earth tones over flashy colours. Her skin is light in colour, usually pale in the winter but with a tan in the summer.

Personality: Fenna is a easy-going and practical woman; she doesn't get angry easily but will give her opinion in a direct manner.
Brief Backstory: Fenna grew up on her parent's dairy farm with her brother and sister. She helped her parents take care of and milk the cows alongside her schoolwork. Her two main hobbies in clubs were horseriding, which she started at the age of 10, and fierljeppen (polevolting over a body of water) which she started when she was 15. She enjoyed going on walks with her brother and going bird-spotting with him.
After high school she followed an education in the field of forest and nature management, and when she graduated she started working for the provincial department of the Federal Forest Service.
She is married and has two children, a 6-year old boy and a 3-year old girl. Her husband is a flaconer and she helps him take care of his birds - they met at one of his shows.
Adventurer Class: Ranger
Starting Common Gear: Cloak, leather armour, 2 daggers, a longbow, belt satchel
Special item: An Enchanted Polevaulting Spear. This weapon has the unique ability to extend or retract in length anywhere from 1 metre to 5 metres, at the user's whim.
Notable skills or abilities: Survival skills, Nature knowledge, polevaulting over water, horseriding, basic knowledge in handling birds of prey.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Name: Adam Phillips
Age: 18
Country on Earth: Michigan, United States
Appearance: Adam has short brown hair and is about six feet tall. He's also fairly muscular, weighing in at 190 pounds, but you wouldn't know that by looking at him though. The clothing he wears tends to be practical gear for whatever activity he's doing; a thick jacket in preparation for colder weather, for instance. Really, he would be indistinguishable from most if it weren't for his red eyes, with the unusual color being something many people have commented on before Adam went to this new world.
Personality: Adam is a calm, level-headed sort of person, preferring to take the time to think about a problem before acting. He isn't particularly talkative but is loyal to those he cares about.
Brief Backstory: Adam had a fairly typical life, growing up in a middle class family with loving parents and a little brother. Growing up by Traverse City, Michigan he was surrounded by nature. Activities like hiking, skiing, fishing and four wheeling were regular occurrences. This instilled a deep respect for nature in Adam, causing him to want to be a park ranger after graduating from high school. Tragically, before he could apply, he got hit by a drunk snowmobiler and died.
Adventurer Class: Druid
Starting Common Gear: Fishing pole and assorted equipment (e.g. lures, bait etc.), a knife (meant more for preparing meals, but can be used in combat in a pinch), high-quality boots, jacket, and other clothing designed for rigorous outdoor use.
Special item: A translucent orb the size of a standard bouncy ball with an amazing looking rainbow-colored leaf inside. Adam has no idea what it's for.
Notable skills or abilities: Plant manipulation (e.g. creating vines to attack enemies), healing (not nearly on the level of an expert healer, but it helps), camping skills (making a fire, gutting a fish, etc.), an instinctual sense if something is wrong with nature (e.g. corruption of the land or something)
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Name: Joji Yamazaki

Age: 37

Country on Earth: Sendai, Japan


Joji is a tall man standing at six feet and ten inches, his body is very muscular being comparable to a bodybuilder. His hair is a dark brown that is slicked back, and tied into a short ponytail. His eyes are brown, and his face is quite rugged and handsome looking. Some of his distinguishing features are his large ears and the many scars all over his body. Having a large tattoo of an oni on his back is another distinctive feature.


Joji is a nonsense kind of guy, not afraid to speak up and share his opinions. Having a high sense of honour despite his occupation when he was alive on earth. His main rule is to never kill innocent people. Going out of his way to protect innocent people that are being harassed. Despite his strong sense of justice, he is not afraid to get his hands dirty. Not backing down from a fight, even if the odds would be against him.

Being a realist, knowing that violence and corruption are present even inside his rank. Doing his best not to give in to corruption and going down a dark path. Joji is a good listener and is particularly good when interacting with children.

Brief Backstory:

Joji was born in the city of Sendai, living with his father who raised him all by himself. His mother had died giving birth to Joji. His father was a raging alcoholic and would beat him relentlessly. At an early age, Joji was starting to commit various crimes. Mostly small things like theft, arson, and carjacking. As a teenager, he joined a motorcycle gang. Joji by this point was not attending school and seemed to be more concerned with raising in the ranks of the gang. During this time he started learning Gōjū-ryū styled karate and kendo.

Soon enough he was working for a local yakuza group thanks to his childhood friend Kyo. Raising in the ranks of the gang, working his way up to being a hitman. Having a lonely life because of his occupation. Doing various hits for the group, wanting to leave the life of being a hitman. But before he could do so he was killed while having dinner.

Adventurer Class:


Starting Common Gear:

Joji is armed with a katana.

Special item:

A friendship bracelet made by his friend Kyo.

Notable skills or abilities:

Skilled in Gōjū-ryū styled karate and kendo. Joji has the ability to enhance his strength and his durability, as well as enhancing his speed but for one day and for only thirty seconds.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 9 hrs ago Post by Teyao
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Lillianna Steiner

Name: Lillianna Steiner

Age: 22

Country on Earth: United States of America

Appearance: https://i.imgur.com/HNtIrM7.png

Personality: A proper hard worker who puts her all into her efforts, and even has a dedicated exercise regimen to keep herself regularly fit and healthy that she keeps up with and will continue to keep up with. She is also an intellectual of sorts, even an enjoyer of learning who came to adore learning about history and even wished to become an archaeologist to get hands-on with it, and genuine magic for her will be something just as fascinating to study and look into. When it comes to devouring learning materials and grasping new or advanced subjects as she goes along, her teachers, parents, and even some of her peers have long dubbed her a 'genius' of some kind. This reputation was only bolstered with her possession of a strong photographic memory, able to recall information and facts from a conversation years ago without skipping a beat if asked. One can rely on her to be a brainy sort of person in general, or to retain information incredibly well, and her mental talents in general would even land her in the territory of a rapidly-advancing education from the time of her childhood. Even when speaking to her she seeks to be at least cordial, even if in her own words: "I am no public speaker.". She will talk and engage with others in a general sense as well if approached by others at least, or under certain circumstances will be outright be blunt about wanting to be alone if she wants to be alone.

On the other hand, despite being in possession of a small friend group in her former life as well as enjoying the idea of friendship and trying to make friends at least, in terms of a more intimate relationship she has come to feel very lonely. One desire she holds deep down inside of herself is a desire for romance and a proper companion she can be with and that 'someone' for too. Further, she is not the most social person in the world nor the worst in turn. Is she shy? No. Rather, she saw little use in indulging in anything beyond what she had to in terms of social interaction with others. Yet in truth part of this behavior of 'not being as social' has also been driven by a fear of personal failure and her own sense of self-deprecation. She even beyond these things has a solidly hedonistic aspect to her, seeking out things like pleasurable hot baths and spicy foods and so forth that would give her some kind of pleasure in life, though this is not some overriding or extreme amount of this behavior but rather is simply a 'thing that exist' in regards to herself as far as she's concerned. She enjoys the pleasurable things in life, simple and otherwise, and seeks them where she feels she can but makes do with what she has and can do otherwise (more than a normal person, but not obsessively either). That is unless she is stressed enough and 'needs some breathing room', in which case these hedonistic-type tendencies will intensify some.

Worst of all, however, would be her sense of self-deprecation as it applies to herself. She will never be enough, but she will still try to reach for it. She will never learn or master enough, even though she'll keep working at doing it for her own enjoyment and advancement alike. Nothing will ever be enough from or about her. Even with her excitement and personal eagerness to make her life a better one in a new world, at the same time this still haunts her like a looming specter. In that sense she is not any bit prideful, but is likewise along with this not used to compliments and is even made a little uncomfortable by them in turn.

Brief Backstory: A natural-born genius of a child, and the youngest of three siblings whose father ran a local restaurant and whose mother was a surgeon at the local hospital. From the start she was encouraged by both parents to pursue a great future, pushed through education and even leaping grades as her inborn talents were honed and refined through education and experience. Even several doctors she was brought to confirmed the same thing others were calling her, and she would achieve her first college Master's Degree at the age of fifteen. Tutors, scholarships, everything she could seemingly want was at her fingertips to a certain extent, and she even found some enjoyment of learning and certain hedonistic activities alongside a love of history during the course of her education. She even began to pursue her own desired course of an archaeology degree, which would let her get out into the world to see it and interact with the things she learned of with her own two hands. At the same time, however, this caused conflict with her parents who had heaped a metric ton of their own expectations and ideas for her future upon her. Her mother wanted her to follow her path into the medical field, whilst her father wanted her to follow him into becoming a successful businesswoman of her own one day who could own the restaurant he ran, and this alongside the growing egos of her two parents due to her own rising star of talent would not only worsen the pressures on her but frankly bring the two adults eventually into a bitter legal divorce and fight for custody and management of her before she turned 18. To say her stress levels went off the charts during this time was an understatement.

During this time her maternal uncle, a man who lived by the beach, would take her in to host her far away from the drama as she continued to pursue online classes of her own choice in defiance of both parents. Unlike either of her parents he was relaxed, mellow, and did a lot of work at the marina whilst spending his off days boating/sailing, fishing, or hanging around the beach. He also had the same passion for the very trading card game Lillianna had come to enjoy back at the start of her college days, and she even picked up watching various anime and sailing skills (the uncle was elated) as a pastime as well of her own independent volition. This maternal uncle both supported her and tried to be there for her, rather than push her one direction or another, and her maternal as well as paternal grandparents did send her cards and give her support during the time...albeit from a distance for a number of reasons. She also did, as her uncle did when he was younger, get a job at the marina (furthering the familiarity with sailing at least) and other seaside jobs or temporary summer jobs at the beach in order to help pay for her own things, aka: what little her scholarships did not cover if nothing else. She wanted to 'earn' that money herself, even if her uncle was willing to help, to do something for herself for once that wasn't relying just on her talents alone. Indeed her uncle became her favorite person in due time, and she began to breathe a bit more freely and even as she sought her own degree and future with her own two hands. When she turned 18 years old, she chose to stay with him and kept to it despite attempts to 'bring her back home' after her parents divorced from each other.

Then one day she was working on the beach as a lifeguard on a relatively safe-ish stretch, and some high winds began kick up. Not unusual for the week, but when a family who had just arrived to relax on he beach that day didn't properly secure their large metal beach umbrella it would soon turn fatal. Abnormal big wind gust came along. Someone cried out to her. She turned just as the umbrella went flying and hit her in the head at the right angle at high speeds.

Dead on the spot.

Adventurer Class: Twin Element Mage

Starting Common Gear:

-Proper Mage Clothes/Attire (Made also for flexible and easier traveling in terms of durability and so forth at least. But is definitely not any kind of armor nor is enchanted in any way, so its just nice clothes for a traveling mage to wear on the road.)

-Basic Traveling Backpack (Is worn on her back from the start; contains a small knife, storage space, and three days worth of rations of dried meat jerky and mixed-grain hardtack-like ration biscuit.)

-Water Skin (Is worn via shoulder strap; is filled with clean water and has a good cork as a stopper to open/close it.)

Special Item: A strange yet dusty ornate magical staff with a sun/moon motif at the top of it, seemingly left unused for quite a long time. She can feel some kind of ancient or at least unknown power thrumming quietly within it, but the staff is inactive and refuses to respond to her at all (yet). What it can do by itself, or what she can do with it in regards to her own magic, remains an utter unknown. If nothing else its is a good walking stick for now, she can peculiarly recall it to where she is or even into one of her hands with a thought, and it is also good for at least generally hitting something with since part of the head of it is so spiked out and all (but it is not necessary for her to have in order to cast magic).

In short, this item is just some inactive magical item that is only useful as a walking stick and smacking things, and likely will be for quite a long time until the GM deems fit to have it 'awaken' and have some kind of magical effects/uses beyond this. In short, a long-term item that isn't as initially useful but becomes something good later on. ((https://i.imgur.com/Z4l5g3s.jpg))

Notable Skills or Abilities:

-Spirit Magic

((Starting Spirit Spells: Lesser Animate Object, Lesser Medium, Lesser Detect Spirits/Undead.))

-Lightning Magic

((Starting Lightning Spells: Lightning Bolt (shoots one lightning bolt as an attack), Lesser Levitate (requires touching the target' causes the target to levitate a small bit off the ground where it can be pushed around by the user or others to move it for the spell's short time duration), Lesser Magic Compass.))


((She is a pretty good Swimmer, even being an approved lifeguard. She has maintained and continues to maintain a generally healthy fit body through a regular and personally-organized Exercise regimen as well. She is also generally familiar with sailing a ailing ship, though how this translates over to the world she was summoned to is another thing. All of this at least is what 'other' skills she generally has as far as the new world of the RP is concerned.))


-Elements are Light (Spirit Magic falls under that element) and Air (what Lightning Magic falls under). ((Just here for me to remember later mostly.))

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 8 mos ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Fenna's Falcon - Currently Level 5

Name: Sil
Gender: Female
Appearance: Slightly larger than normal - a beautiful golden brown colour, marked with dark brown spots.

Level 1 - Able to hunt small animals for party. Able to attack, harass and distract enemies. Can damage minion class enemies. Can make natural, basic bird noises to communicate danger when scouting.

Level 2 - Damage increase. Basic emotional telepathy with Fenna. LOUD SCREECH - can apply an area-of-effect distraction on non-undead creatures.

Level 3 - Agility increase. Perception increase. Basic Indoor Flying Skill - Sil is no longer afraid by confined space, able to fly when there is enough room for her wings and make sharper turns to avoid colliding with walls or ceiling

Level 4 - Able to hunt medium-sized animals. Damage increase. Intelligence increase. Can kill some kinds of minion class enemies. Can do small amounts of damage to monster & leader class enemies.

Level 5 - Increase in Agility. Increase in Perception. Advanced Indoor Flying Skill - allows for more difficult manoeuvres and moving through even smaller spaces.

Level 6 - Telepathy with Fenna increased to basic Common Tongue.

Level 7 - EAGLE VISION - Fenna is able to concentrate and see through the eyes of her Falcon, providing she is not distracted.

Level 8 - ???

Level 9 - ???

Level 10 - ???

Extra notes: The falcon will gain experience/Source along with the party, but these gains can be boosted by Fenna's emotional bonding with her famililar. Word count mentioning the falcon, good RPing with it, naming and gendering it etc. A much smaller boost can also be recieved due to it's bonding with other party members, or other players giving IC time to the familiar. And of course, it's part in battle will also be noted.

This page will be edited as [@Calle] and I further flesh out the concept.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Jay009


Member Seen 23 hrs ago

Name: Barracker Kassel

Age: 25 years old

Race: Human with Lesser Vampirism.

Location of birth: Valhiem, Mytheria


Without armour

With armour and with face mask on

Personality: Barracker is level headed, calm and composed. Doesn't talk too much more than needed. Takes alot to become angry but when he see's red it takes alot to calm down. And lastly very reserved even before he became abit of an outcast among his peers.

Brief Backstory: Grew up in an orphanage with two close friends. He joined the church and trained to become a soldier of Valhiem's army. He received a source crystal at twenty and became a paladin. When Valhiem's army was sent east to fight against the witch queen, the battle turned bad and Barracker held off the enemy so his fellow soldiers could escape. He was inflicted with a bite wound and turned into a vampire and that's how he had the strength and endurance to escape. The high priest of the temple of the quinity in Valhiem, was grateful for his service and felt bad for him, so he became a protector from the shadows and an instrument of Hades to hunt for the church.

Adventurer Class: Paladin

Starting Common Gear: Tower shield and claymore greatsword. Leather armour.

Special item: Full metal face mask enchanted to be able to see out of.

Notable skills or abilities: Barrier spell twice a day. Protects allies for two rounds.

Thick Skin spell twice a day. Makes him almost stone-like so he's able to tank damage for one round.

Enhanced strength, agility and endurance from lesser vampirism.

Paladin training.

Eats and sleeps and heals like normal but requires one blood vial per three days to keep daemonic fever away.
Hidden 1 mo ago Post by xenon
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Alison Walker(?)


Country on Earth:
United States of America

Stands around 5'8, lean build. Typically, she keeps her hair in a messy ponytail as pictured. She is perpetually tired and unkempt due to constantly flying around the world and the nature of her job.

Alison Walker is a ruthless operative in the CIA, known for her pragmatic approach and willingness to bend ethical rules to achieve her objectives. Confident and assertive, she commands authority in high-stakes situations and operates in morally ambiguous territory. Her methods can be harsh, but she also shows a protective side toward her team, balancing strategic calculation with a sense of responsibility. Ultimately, Alison believes in going to any lengths to protect the ideals, goals, and achievements her country strives for, even if she must do so outside the very rule of law she seeks to preserve.

Brief Backstory:
Alison Walker grew up in a modest, working-class neighborhood in the city of Norfolk, Virginia. Her father was a dock worker, and her mother was a nurse, both instilling in her a strong work ethic and a sense of determination. Her parents were of Polish descent, and made sure to instill in her the value of their new homeland, and how important it was to participate and give back to the nation. Needless to say, civil service was a given for her future. After high school, Alison took on various jobs to support her family and pay for college, where she studied criminal justice.

After graduating, she began to work with civilian law enforcement but increasingly became frustrated, never losing the feeling that they were merely reactive at worse, and at best, treading water to keep from drowning in the ever-escalating violence of the drug trade. This drove her into contact with people outside of the Department of Justice, and she soon transferred to the DOD as an "intelligence analysis advisor". Despite the mundane name, she became increasingly involved in the nation's more clandestine operations to combat the rise of the cartels across the border, and other key international drug operations abroad. This time further hardened Alison into what she is today, seeing the kind of monsters she had to take down.

Drives in unmarked SUVs, hours watching drone footage, hostage taking, and so on became a regular part of Alison's life. Through successful operations she garnered a reliable, if controversial, reputation in her department, soon running her ops and taking the lead. She was no full-on door kicker, she had a team for that. Her job was to get her superiors results, put bad guys in the ground, and create a semblance of control over a rapidly deteriorating security environment. It was finally the sort of freedom she wanted to go after the people who threatened the country she loved so dearly.

And so it went, thousands of miles traveled, takedowns planned, raids executed, and until one fateful day. Of all things to bring her down, to remove her from the mortal realm, it was not a gunman's bullet, a car bomb, or anything exciting like that. No much like the rest of us, it was painfully mundane. She would pass after getting into a serious car accident on the way home one night.

Adventurer Class:

Starting Common Gear:
Crossbow, a quill of bolts, a dagger, padded leather, cloak, thieves tools, spyglass, and a scarf. Various poisons and potions.

Special item:
A cloak of invisibility. A magical item that blends light to blend the wearer into their surroundings.

Notable skills or abilities:
While fairly capable in a fight, Alison's true strengths lie in her previous job. She possesses in-depth knowledge of how asymmetric warfare works, and how a state can be torn apart from the inside. She knows which bones to crack to get you to talk, or if a more psychological attack will be more effective to get the intel that she needs. This is further enhanced by the world she now finds herself in, with the imbued skills of her class providing the talents of lockpicking, thieves cant, and more. An operator, intelligence gatherer, and analyst who can help put together a strategy to truly defeat an enemy.
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