No good deed goes unpunished regardless of the directions you take including the intentions behind your actions because whenever there's a cause, there's an effect that ripples like a domino.
Fenix Tear Team A is a powerful lineup way before Rena joined, it's true that power finesses most battles but whatever they severely lack is bound to be their undoing in time. As the legend surfed in this timeline, Jaina & Shinra were proclaimed to be uninvited guests in the Adalborg Cathedral because of Weisz' petty prank that put them in this situation. There's no one to blame as there's no time for blame games as the clock was erratically like a ticking time bomb, Rena watched Reuel ditch the Group, has he always been this dodgy just to finish the job? To all of us Players out there, who had brain cells to read up to this point of the post, this is Rena speaking to gently tap the fourth wall.
I'm spitting sacred texts right here, taking the reins for the time being, if you disagree with my methods, that's your fucking problem.
I hope you're cringing, reading this post because it's clear that I'm a time traveler and unlike you, I know most of the Keikaku, narratively speaking ya but I'm not like the bad side of the fandom who spoils the plot. Don't think for an instance that Ver ran out of ideas to keep this RolePlay ongoing, if your country by summer heat has been killing you slowly, you fucking deserve it trolol, it means you need to chill and lose more brain cells, I am attacking you on purpose so that you'd be entertained by Urizen. Enough talk, I hope this brain rot refilled your brain cells to fasten your motivations, both in that realm and posting-wise!
God Bless You!
So there was Rena, who watched things unfold & how a supposedly recon quest go offraills. Azuria didn't die for this in X797. She cringed at the offset of Reuel and her current situation with Amaya, Jaina & Shinra, about to be jumped by Strigduar Vampire Demons. This is when Rena realized that if there's anyone else to blame, it'd be herself, she wanted things to be smooth but because she messed with time during the events of Port Camlann in 8-Island Restaurant, with my permalink here with another permalink.
I ought to make this right. Faster than the speed of light, Rena used Cat Leaper, her Ether Gear's spell with her invitation to Adalborg Cathedral as the catalyst, a Time Rift opens somewhere:
< Clairsentien >
Rena can leap her mind through time, as if she's there in said time and place by touching an object, such as pictures to know its history, anything older than 7 hours, she can't see.

Universe 7, the reality of the timeline we live but not quite, the ratio indicates 7 as it means Universe 7 and 3 means the amount of time travel Rena committed and by rewriting the aforesaid permalinks, time has began to run at a different course, like Jaina never mentioned Zan-Weset because Rena kept her mouth shut this in timeline then one thing led to another.
Jaina never learned of Rena's Magic because by keeping her mouth shut, Weisz didn't spill the tea in the first place, before leaving, Rena demanded Weisz to give them the passes to the Adalborg Cathedral, she knew that he liked bullying Shinra in the future, oops spoilers. Fenix Tear Team A seemed to be the same setup in a longshot. Huh! What the Ankhseram is this, in the similar shade, even in this verse Reuel went ahead of Fenix Tear Team A, Weisz told Rena in this flashback part for one, Reuel is headed to Iceberg, their purpose: Rena, Jaina & Shinra with Amaya's guidance was to cover any loose-ends for Reuel. Suddenly, Rena's got a headache as she felt the remnants of the previous Timeline, erased!
Another different thing in this timeline, Amaya didn't request Azuria to be part of the Recon at the last minute, so instead, she's already part of the lineup to begin with in this 7:3 timeline.
Reuel went earlier and achieved the same result in Fortuna.
Finally, the timeline has stabilized.
However, Rena did not see it coming, even with the passes, the Strigduar still had it in them to suck their blood for dinner. Shinra & Jaina may not been handcuffed in this timeline but Rena couldn't fathom at first as to why Reul's informant, Duke Lestat de Drualac betray them. This is when she realized Weisz's words of loose-ends.
However, to her surprise, after the beating Shinra and Jaina gave, the Vampire Duke, Lest, apologized. Was it because of Jaina's Calm Reaction in effect? Who knows, but whatever is happening now, is favorable for Fenix Tear Team A.
An uncuffed Shinra made things a lot easier.
Rena amidst all this, was still hiding with her invisibility stealth mode spell, her class being Assassin is no joke after all.
Cut to the cue to the chase...
Lestat not only apologized but also dismissed his Vampires from the seen, Team A then formally meets Jun Tao, their prime suspect of this Quest, the sun can be seen rising from the windows, it's 3am in the morning, why is the sun rising?
Suddenly, magic missiles were heard outside, the people at the Cathedral's Ballroom, were unfazed of the situation.
I'm deadass not poking fun of the nukes of Israel-Palestine but you get the point, that's exactly this scene.
"It seems that the Vanisis has shut down a Blimp." Jun Tao looks Oriental.
He's in a private room with Amaya, Jaina and Shinra.
The Time Rift that Rena opened caused a crack in the previous Timeline is a fixed point because it's in fact the cause of the thunderous snowstorm, coming in fast at them.
Before they know it, they've entered the wormhole as their ship is sucked and blowed by the Time Rift's blackhole into the Ravines of Time fully that gripped them into the 7:3 Timeline. Not that they'd remember any of it because no one is immune to timeline changes unless you're an Angel/God/Dragon God. This also extends to Immortals like Zeref and Mildianites like Ifrit in this case.
As things converged into the 7:3 Timeline, the group was not safe for the time being, the Thunderous Snowstorm that they're headed towards is no ordinary storm.

They were being anticipated by a Collosus Thundersnow Bifrost.
"Ayuna, you bloody idiot, I don't think it's a Thunderous Snowstorm. We're all gonna die by that fucking Giant! Gwen saw the magnitude of magic power that said Bifrost was emitting.
Elektra is not amused by the fact that Jericho was at odds with her.
"Don't you have better things to do?" Elektra's Thought Projection disappeared due to the sheet magnitude of magic power that's on them.
"Tch... the Blimp isn't gonna hold this long, I hate to say this but it's not like I like you lot. Judging from the brainwaves I'm getting from my Take Over Magic, Isenfeur hasn't been friendly since then. Gwen stated the name of the Bifrost Giant.
"Weird isn't it, Eris. Do you feel that nostalgia, this magic pressure is that of Lady Hisui's Zirconia Jade Dragon Form, and yeah, I recall spiting your ability to understand Beasts like this.
Ifrit, guys, what do we do?" Gwen asked the veteran for guidance, her panic emotion waned and returned to being calm to assess the situation.
Deep in her art, she's afraid that Jericho might pull a Natsu and fight the Bifrost.