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Hidden 21 days ago 21 days ago Post by Tesserach


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Character Description

Name: Ciprian Rudeanu aka Rudy Rudeanu
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Nationality: Romanian-Hungarian

Personal Effects: Suitcase and stage-trailer - Rudeanu possesses a number of personal items, including live pistols for acts, along with a number of other pieces of equipment common to a prominent magical stage performers of the era, including things like straight-jackets, restraints, small pyrotechnics, and specialized equipment for the performance of illusions(glass, mirrors, scaffolds, mystery boxes, you name it).
*Note: May involve shipping and handling


What is your job Stage Entertainer - escape artist, magician, illusionist, stunt performer

Backstory: Ciprian Rudeanu was born to a Hungarian tenant farmer and a mother of Romanian-Roma descent. The family was not wealthy, but nor were they as poor as some others in the part of the countryside they grew up in. Ciprian managed an education, learning English and German and developing an interest in the natural sciences after reading a book about stage magic.

At a young age he began honing his skills at simple performances, gradually transitioning into a travelling performance against the wishes of his parents before he'd turned 16, joining a road show where he learned from other performers, improving his magic acts and apprenticing with some of the acrobats and other physical performers during his time there. Ciprian proved to have a driving interest in performing his craft, constantly reading, corresponding with other leading magicians and devising some of his own innovative techniques and devices for his acts.

Ciprian and his group were beginning to gain some local acclaim, in large part because of Ciprian's magical performances, he and several other members of the troupe were drafted into the war, effectively ending their collaboration. Even early in the war the poor conditions for common enlisted men was notoriously well known, and Ciprian was fortunate an officer among the Hungarian pioneer units recognized his name, and advocated for Ciprian to be taken in among the pioneer corps. Through the rest of the war Ciprian served in engineering units as as an enlisted man, serving primarily on the eastern front before brief postings in France and Germany.

After the war Ciprian was determined to renew his career where he left off. Having seen more of Europe, he realized the need to relocate and tour larger cities, and generate his own publicity. Seeing more of Europe convinced Ciprian of the need to tour more widely, particularly among the larger cities where venues paid much better. During this time he began gaining some small fame for his grandstanding escapist tricks and stage illusions - drawing large crowds for his grand exhibitions, including being suspended in restraints from the Eifel tower and other prominent landmarks through his growing European and American tours.

During this time he became heavily involved in the magic community, exposing many fraudulent performers claiming actual supernatural powers or scamming unwitting victims out of their hard-earned money.

Recently several newspapers around Germany published high-profile stories made following Rudeanu's debunking of a psychic defrauding grieving parents and spouses of their money in which Rudeanu claimed that organizations like "Nachtewache" were almost certainly defrauding their financiers, and that ever case of 'alleged' monsters or claims of magic he'd investigated had turned out to be cases of rampant quackery, mental illness, or people genuinely confused as to what they truly saw.

Shortly thereafter while preparing to headline a performance at a Munich Caberet, he received a letter inviting him to a private get together after the show.
Hidden 20 days ago Post by Terrans


Member Seen 20 days ago

Character Description

Name: Theodosius "Theo" Rautenbach
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Nationality: German
Appearance: A large shouldered man; Theo looks the part of the stereotypical burly German at a muscular 1.9 meters. Light brown hair in a overgrown crew cut helps hide the shrapnel scars that mar the left side of his temple. He possesses stormy grey eyes that are sit underneath thick eyebrows that seem dull but with a hint of intelligence within. His left hand is missing his ring and little finger at the first knuckles. [/hider]
Personal Effects: A few changes of clothing, An Iron Cross (2nd Class), Luger P-08, Trench Knife, and a personal journal.


What is your jobFormer Unteroffizier of the Imperial German Army; Militiamen
Backstory: A product of the Ruhr Valley; Theodosius Rautenbach was born the first child of five to a coal miner father and a school teacher mother. His young days were spent running lunch's from his childhood village to the mineshaft his father and uncles worked in. While never having left the valley proper; Theo didn't see much of a future outside the family businesses of mining. A mine collapse in 1910 however, took his father's legs and the lives of two uncles along with fourteen other miners. Despite being only a teen, Theo knew he had to help contribute to his family's situation and so he began to travel. Taking odd jobs and hopping trains; sending money back as he followed the jobs first across the valley; and then Germany.

An exciting and frightening journey for a young man but one he enjoyed. Soaking in the experiences and sights of the lands beyond hos hometown. So it was a adventurous and independent seventeen year old man the Army recruiters found when war was declared in 1914. The promise of steady pay and a patriotic fervor were all Theo needed to sign up.

Theo found quickly that the poster's and promises of the recruiting halls were a stark contrast from the trenches he found himself in. Made a machine gunner by virtue of his large size; Theo quickly found a distaste for the job. Not only because of the return fire and attention his gun brought but the carnage he had brought onto the field. Bogged down in Flanders; Theo's nightmares were filled with mud and twisted corpses as his waking moments were lit by the muzzle flashes of his Spandau.

He escaped Flanders in 1917 after a mortar round landed short. Ripping off his helmet and giving him a concussion serious enough to be transferred to the rear to recover. Upon recovering after a month in a field hospital; he was hastily bundled into a replacement unit slated to reinforce a new concept; the Stormtroopers. His new unit was stood up in time for the German's last counteroffensive in the spring. It was here that Theo earned an Iron Cross; taking a Canadian mortar section with only a pistol and knife despite being bayoneted in the attempt. A grenade however wounded him severely enough to be pulled out of the front; losing two fingers in the process. Infection nearly killed him; and it was in a Red Cross hospital that he heard of the war's end.

The inter-war period was a rough time for Theo. His previous existence of nomadic worker was untenable given Germany's current state. As a former soldier he was viewed as no better then the mobs of his former comrades that roamed the streets and roads; little more then bandits in tattered uniforms. However, his view of this militia was shared by several comrades; with Germany's military in shambles. They all but welcomed the government friendly militia's that battled the various anti-Weimar groups that embroiled the nation.

The irony of going from a war to a civil war was not lost on Theo. However, the somber man just saw it as a price his generation had to pay for the next one. Their generation of war would lead to a generation of peace...hopefully. It was this oddly optimistic, and yet cynical, man that found himself in Munich in 1923. One of his old captains had pressed a note in his hand and said; "They need dependable men like you my boy."

So here he was. A borrowed suit and his few worldly possessions the only showing of his time with the army and the militias.

Hidden 18 days ago 18 days ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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Hidden 16 days ago 9 days ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Character Description

Name: Nicola Hoffman
Gender: Female
Age: 23
Nationality: German
Appearance:5'6'' tall, reasonably slim, with dark hair and eyes

Personal Effects: Suitcase of clothes and some cheap jewelry.


What is your job Stage Entertainer - assistant to Mr. Rudeanu

Backstory: Nicola Hoffman was born into a middle class German family in 1900 in the border town of Mulhouse (or Mülhausen as it was then known). Nicola's father worked on the railway and Nicola, a bright young girl, received the beginnings of a classical education. The region was always somewhat fractious, though her family, originally from Bavaria, were loyal to the Kaiser and Nicola was sheltered from some of the worst goings on in the Province. And then the Great War broke out.

On 8 August 1914, the French army entered the city. Only to leave again two days later. A week later, on 16 August, the French were back and this time, with soldiers fighting in the city itself, the Hoffman family fled to Strasbourg (Strassburg) where they remained for the rest of the war, in part because the family home had been destroyed during the fighting. Nicola's older brother, Felix, was drafted into the army, where he was killed only a few months later during the Brusilov Offensive.

Matters only got worse from there. Alsace-Lorraine was annexed after the war. Nicola's parents died during the Spanish Flu pandemic leaving Nicola with very little. To make matters worse, at the beginning of 1921 she was deported from Mullhouse to Germany, a country she had never set foot in to that point, having been declared an 'Enemy Alien' in the Francization campaigns. Which was when she first started seeing the man in the top hat. A figure glimpsed occasionally who seems to disappear again when encountered, occasionally leaving the lingering smell of cigars in his wake.

Nicola moved back to Bavaria, initially staying with a spinster aunt before moving to Munich in search of work. The man in the top hat continued to occasionally appear though never in any aggressive way.

Pretty, resourceful and desperate for money, Nicola eventually fell in with Ciprian Rudeanu and while she had initially hoped he would prove the man in the hat to be simply a man, eventually she decided not to raise him, having come to regard the figure as a benevolent guardian. It was a few days prior to Rudeanu that she received a mysterious letter...
Hidden 15 days ago Post by Theyra
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Hidden 11 days ago Post by enmuni
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Hidden 11 days ago Post by Archangel89
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Character Description

Name: Viktor Ulrich
Age: 58
Nationality: German

Personal Effects: A change of clothes, several books (prayer, exorcism rites, demonic identification etc.) 3 vials of blessed water and 3 of blessed oil, 1 Webly Mk V revolver and enough bullets for 1 reload, a journal of his own study/notes.


What is your job Archbishop of Munich
Backstory: Born in 1875 to a moderate family in the German countryside, Viktor was the oldest of three children. This led him to forcibly adopt a parental mentality and aided in the care of his younger brothers. The family, being neither vastly poor or wealthy, did their best and led mostly normal lives. Viktor was always drawn to the church as he said that it brought him a sense of peace in his life and eventually, when he came of age, took the first steps into the priesthood at the age of twelve. If life had continued this way, life would have been peaceful and that is where his story would have ended.

At the age of thirty eight, as an established priest, the Great War broke out and chaos erupted in the country. Ever the father-figure at heart, Viktor’s heart grew troubled at the thought of his countrymen in a great battlefield without the Lord’s presence and before the Archdiocese had called for volunteers to go and spread the gospel in such forsaken lands he stood at the front of the line willing to go. His family, very much troubled by his decision, reluctantly sent him off with the gift of a brand new revolver. War was an entirely different affair than anything that Viktor had ever experienced. As he took up his position as a military chaplain and aided the medical staff in their duties the untold amount of death and serious injuries slowly took their toil on the priest as he did the best he could to give the peace of Christ to the wounded and dying.

For four years he toiled among the back lines burying countless young men and gave counsel to those that remained. One night a field camp after burying yet another soldier in the wee hours of the morning came a moment that would change his life forever. As he came around the corner at the far end of camp, a sharp metal gleam caught his eyes in the brush. As he turned to face the brush the horrifying sight of a mangled soldier covered in viscera with a twisted and contorted face stare back at him. In a panic Viktor reached for the pistol at his side and when he turned back the creature was in his face and in garbled German it spoke;


As soon as it had breached his space, the thing was gone. It wasn’t long after that incident that the war ended and Viktor returned to his parish. That night in the field shook him to the core and for the next two years it haunted him until a meeting with another bishop that he told another soul. The response of demon attack was something he hadn’t expected. With this new information Viktor went on a learning spree and began the self taught route of an exorcist.
Hidden 10 days ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

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Hidden 5 days ago Post by Dyelli Beybi
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Dyelli Beybi A prince among men

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Character Description

Name: Adam Temple
Gender: Male
Age: 49
Nationality: British
Appearance: 5'10'' tall with dark hair, now showing a few hints of grey, a well-trimmed moustache and dark eyes

Personal Effects: A silver cigarillo case an a monogrammed Ronson Wonderlite


What is your job Novelist

Backstory: Adam Temple is a relatively accomplished fantasy novelist whose name might be recognisable, if not his appearance.

Born into an affluent, gentrified family in London in 1874, Adam was an intelligent young man, albeit one with no particular interest in his fathers' businesses. He studied literature at University College, Oxford, and began writing short stories, followed by novels from the early 1900s. This did not make Adam and especially wealthy man (at least not independently), though most people who knew him in the period would have said he was definitely an interesting one, finding his way into many of London's most fashionable parties.

During this period, Adam married a poet ten years his junior, Edna with whom he has two children.

Adam's financial situation changed in early 1914, shortly before the outbreak of the war, when Adam's father passed away, leaving him a number of family businesses which he, rather wisely, chose to allow a manager to look after for him.

Adam was seen as too old to be conscripted during the war and, as such, did not serve in the trenches, though several of his businesses contributed to the war effort.

It was in 1917, with the war in full swing, that Adam was contacted by a branch of the Night Watch in the UK. With no previous experience of the supernatural, he was thrust into the exorcism of a demonic hound in the vicinity of the Croydon Aerodrome. The hunt was both terrifying and exhilarating and served as an inspiration for his next novel 'The Hounds of Sorrow', which was much more successful than his earlier works.

Adam continued his work with the Night Watch, wrapping up a number of cases in the UK where, within the secretive circles of the organisation, he has acquired a reputation for being able to solve some of the more complicated cases the Night Watch has been called in to look at. All of which, naturally, serve as further fodder for Adam's novels.

Recently, Adam was asked to come to Munich to look into the gruesome murder of a grave digger...
Hidden 4 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Demencia
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Demencia Unreasonable Confidence

Member Seen 3 days ago

Character Description

    Name: Quinn O'Hearn/Sophie Quincy
    Gender: Female (presents as male to avoid discrimination)
    Age: 24
    Nationality: American
    Quinn is 5'4

Personal Effects: Men's suits in various styles ranging from a casual Norfolk suit to a formal Mackinaw jacket or summer white with cane, M1917 (S&W) revolver in .45 ACP, a locket with a picture of a woman in it, a lighter engraved with Tank Corp's insignia and a pack of cigarettes.


    What is your job Former soldier (Cpl., 1st Tank Brigade, 344th Battalion, Fifth Corps)
    Backstory: Sophie Quincy was born in central Indiana to a less than well-off family not too far from Indianapolis. Life was relatively unassuming until she was sent to Catholic school where she met a girl and suddenly found herself burdened with a dark secret. The two of them had a friendship that... went beyond the bounds of polite society and very dishonest in the eyes of the church, so neither of them were keen on letting anyone in on it. They were willing to keep living their lie as normal until the war in Europe was getting close to dragging America into it, and Sophie's friend joined the Army Nurse Corps out of a sense of obligation to her country. Sophie didn't want to be a nurse, but she also wasn't ready to be left alone while her lover went to Europe without her, so she altered her appearance and faked her name to impersonate a man so she could join the Army. Now using the name Quinn O'Hearn to lean into her Irish heritage, she was sent to Bourg, France as a student of Captain George Patton's experimental tank school. She was assigned the Commander/Gunner role of the Renault FT, and given to the 327th(later reorganized to the 344th) Tank Battalion where she saw combat from Saint-Mihiel through the Meuse-Argonne Offensive all the way to Lorraine. While they didn't see each other often, Quinn being frequently on the front and her paramour being at field hospitals behind it, the Army made it very easy for letters to be exchanged quickly between the two.

    After the war was over, the pair didn't feel like they were ready to go back to the United States, having been fascinated by the big city feel of European metropolises like London and Paris. They would spend some time in the UK before returning home to their small town, if they ever could. When a mysterious letter awaited them at their hotel asking for a meeting, Quinn was sure she'd been found out, and she'd do anything to stop someone from spilling her secret.
Hidden 9 hrs ago Post by Bingelly
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Name: Charlotte “Lotte” Treich
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Nationality: German
Appearance: Charlotte is a small, thin woman, standing just at 4’11”

Personal Effects: A suitcase of clothes, both plain and for performance. A collection of letters, mostly from her fans. A Fritz Mann 6.35mm.

Background: Singer
Backstory: Charlotte Treich was born to a family of urban poor in Berlin. Her childhood was spent in want, and oftentimes pushed to desperation even in the years before the war even with a large family. Though she received compulsory education as required, hunger pains hobbled academic success despite best efforts to apply herself through classes in her early years, though she took to music quite well privately and at church, proving to be a lifelong habit of hers.

Then the Great War broke out, and disrupted what dynamic the family managed to create. Her eldest brothers were both drafted to the front early in the conflict, only one of whom would return, while her father worked ever longer hours in an attempt to make ends meet under the Allied Blockade. The Hunger Years of 1917 and 1918 proved particularly difficult for the already strained family, and Lotte herself turned to underhanded methods to secure scraps of food.

Life after the armistice proved little easier, at least initially, the Spanish Flu robbed her mother and father and youngest brother from her, leaving Alois, her demobilized brother to return as head of a much quieter home. However, this did not change the circumstances of the family as much, and they still resorted to theft to help make ends meet. These years of malnourishment and desperation taught the girl what it was like to be unnoticed, and how to move as such, and gave the skinny girl a surprising speed on the run and a sense of environment to make use of it.

The Bloody Week of 1919 in Berlin ultimately saw Alois killed in the extrajudicial violence carried out by the Freikorps, once more robbing the Treiches that remained in Berlin of their primary breadwinner, forcing Charlotte, now 16 to take to the streets to find what work she could. Fortunately for her, Charlotte found work as a dancer at one of Berlin’s cabarets.

This would ultimately prove to be the start of Charlotte’s lot improving. Pretty, if stunted in terms of height and seemingly naturally talented at dance, the young girl caught the attention of the manager as a background dancer. From there, she spent the next two years improving and developing her abilities with the hopes of eventually headlining her own act.

As of present, she is still a minor name, but it is a growing one in Berlin and its suburbs. She is not without her fans, of course. One incident stands out, however, when she found a black lacquered jewelry box with floral gold inlay waiting in her little dressing area with a letter written in the most elegant print Charlotte had ever seen. In contrast to the penmanship, the woman found the contents to be a painfully boring and generic love letter, but the box still held her attention.

Opening it, she found a simple gold chain, supporting a rather large red crystal pressed into an archaic style of pendant. Curiosity pressed her on, and grabbed the pendant. She found it to be ice cold, and noticed that the gem reacted to her touch as though there was a fluid within the deep crimson. A deep wave of nausea swept over her as she placed it over her neck, causing Charlotte to stumble from her chair. Hellish screams bombarded the young woman’s senses as she felt cold spread out from her chest. Instinctively, she reached for the necklace and attempted to rip it off to no avail.

As the cold burned into her hand and spread to her neck, she tugged with all the strength she could muster and finally broke the thin chain as she wrenched the necklace free. Quickly, she tossed it away. Charlotte proved keen on forgetting the event, and another letter waiting for her carried good news.

Her sister was to be married in Bavaria, just outside of Munich.
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