Things worth some thought.
Aging Demographics? It's hard to say without grounded data, but it does generally seem that pbp is largely an undertaking sustained by people whom came up on the mid-2000s to early-2010s Internet. Time goes on; people get old; life becomes busy and stressful; people inevitably find other things to occupy their free time (new hobbies, responsibilities to others away from the computer screen). The forum scene has slowed down on account of it being time-consuming for the "adults" and maybe not as appealing to the younger folks who came up more with Discord. But who knows, Discord could bring things back around as those RPing there come to feel contained or restrained by the platform's limitations (character limits, less customization options, generally clunkier thread management).
Insular Communities & Limited Rosters. Maybe it's just me; maybe I'm sseing the past through those rose-tinted glasses; or maybe my life wxperience had left me bitter and jaded. In recent years it's become somewhat more difficult to integrate into communities and groups. Memory of times lomg gone tell me that RPing was, at a time, open to amyome that could pitch a servicable character to the stories they were interested in; times when larger numbers of players might be seen in any givem RP.
But roster spots have become fewer as GMs have preferred to keep things smaller. Given there are fewer GMs running fewer RPs, the field has definitely shrunk. Being denied a spot in RP like being passed over for a job is more of a risk these days as GMs scrutinize more. Understandably, this is a play to keep things more manageable for GMs; small player roster and fewer character=less work to keep things together and everyome on the same page.
More detrimental are the experiences of joining something and being, in some way, kept out of the collaborative process. Seeing an RP you're in steamroll past your turn to post because your at work or in a different time zone and can't post on the same schedule leaves an aftertaste if disrespect; can't say that's happened to me here personally, bit it's happened elsewhere, prompting me to check out.
Being iced in OOC discussions and planning is also a thing, and I've spoken to a few people that I shared those experiences with (in the same RPs). Being ignored or dismissed by GMs isn't an endearing situations; especially when it leads to you being blamed for that indifference. When 4-5 players out of 9-10 actively cloyster themselves from the other half within a single RP, that's a bit of an issue. I don't doubt that it happens pretty regularly to others.
Ultimately, it all kind of ties into RPers getting older. Naturally, busy adult people will be preferrable towards keeping their hobbies within circles they trust. DnD players have their play groups, MTG folks have their preferred LGS they go to. RPers have their collaborative circles. But in that vein, might as well not front otherwise and save outsiders the negative experiences.
Overall if I were a new-to-pbp or new-to-forums person, I'm not sure I'd stick around long enough to find my niche through what I'm seeing. But I've been around a while, and I've learned that if I'm patient, something will come up eventually. Sometimes this means going dormant for stretches.
As an aside, I think that the mass diverting of OOC discussion to Discord (and previously other chat apps) hasn't dome forum world many favors. It does tend to create an ourward appearance that nothing much is going on on-site. While I understand the benefits of Discord, I think forum folks would do well to keep more active discussions in-house. I mean wr talk about the death of forums as if we aren't aiding and abetting the process by migrating to the new platforms.
In summary, things we can do/control to better help the situation:
- Stick with it, even if life gets crazy snd it takes a bit longer fkr things to get moving.
- Be patient. Getting through an RP is about endurance, not speed. (Seems like a lot of people duck out when things don't move quickly enough).
- Be open. Letting people new to the site, RP, or group can go a decent way in keeping the hobby alive.
Idk. Just me having 4am thoughts.