Name: Rebecca "Rose" Holloway

Race: Eldritch Abomination
Racial Traits:
Endurance: A shoggoth can survive comfortably in vacuum, in any depth of water, in freezing temperatures, and in catastrophic heat. Radiation which would cause cell-death in mammals is quite harmless to a shoggoth. A shoggoth suffers no ill effects from aging. Presumably a shoggoth must feed, but they have been known to sit in torpor for years—or centuries, or millennia, or eons; who can say?—with no apparent harm. The limits of a shoggoth’s endurance are unknown. With this in mind, the human body it is attached to requires a transfer of shoggoth matter to it in order to stay alive in such conditions with can rapidly drain energy from both.
All-Seeing: Shoggoths are encased in a thousand shifting eyes that can see in every portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. While the shoggoth is present in its Eldritch form, it is impossible to sneak up on its host.
Tekeli-Li: Shoggoths were bred to communicate, and to imitate the sounds of their former masters. They are incredible mimics. Few know how long it would take a shoggoth to use this facility for actual communication, but they certainly can imitate any sound they hear.
Intellect: A shoggoth has intelligence on the same scale as a human, but its modes of thought are utterly, incomprehensibly alien. In most encounters, a shoggoth acts with seemingly mindless, destructive wrath. But it may have inscrutable goals, newly conceived or developed over billions of years, which are served by the destruction it causes. In this case, the shoggoth is bound to the host with the "binding sigil" that is the Elder Sign. Through the years, the host and the entity have developed a crude method of communication while the shoggoth continues to be bound by the Elder Sign.
Reshape: Shoggoths can ooze, grow, shift or change their plastic form to fit through almost any gap. If air can pass through an opening, a shoggoth can as well.
Regeneration: A shoggoth can rebuild itself from a minuscule amount with only the most basic elements. If left in this state in an environment with access to oxygen and water, even trace water in the air, it reconstitutes to half strength in a matter of days. The shoggoth also regenerates tissue that belongs to its host.
Requirements: No outstanding requirements
Personality: Stoic, guarded, troubled. Rebecca has been through quite a lot and knows that sharing her past wouldn't earn her any sympathy about her situation because not all of it stems from her current relationship with her body's tenant. She hides a lot of her true self behind a wall of reservation, but she is far from inconsiderate.
Background: Little is known about Rebecca in the public light, and for good reason. Utilized as a new venture against combating Eldritch horrors during the Cold War, Rebecca was subjecting ti government trials involving induced shoggoth symbiosis. There was no thought given to the her expense. Part of the trail included combat testing for long-term exposure as well as performance. From 1967 to 1972, Rebecca was deployed with the 5th Special Forces Group as a part of MACV-SOG. Her top secret nature made her perfect for the top secret missions into Cambodia and Laos during the Vietnam War.
After the conflict wound down and Nixon enacted Vietnamization, the powers that be grew restless in dealing with Rebecca. Though they had reservations of placing her in other units on other missions, she was eventually allowed to participate in the newly minted 1st SFOD-D. But Rebecca’s past followed her, and she was swiftly becoming unpopular with Big Army as they found it harder to keep her identity a secret. Name changes, moves, redeployments, all were just stopgap measures. Eventually, Rebecca saw the writing on the wall. Even with pushback from her units she served with, Big Army was looking to quietly get rid of her.
With help from people she had met along the way, Rebecca was able to live a life AWOL from her unit and kept herself mobile to avoid prying eyes and suspicions. Her goal was to make it appear as if she had fallen off the face of the Earth. Her old life was gone and her new life had only just begun when she was met in a bar and handed an envelope from someone who had “done a lot of work to find her”.
Building, Floor, and room: Building 1 - Floor 3, Room #1-303
Room description: Sparse and spartan decoration. Full of old military lockers with a few pieces of furniture, several bookcases, a large walk-in closet for storage, a kitchen and dining room, and a small bedroom.