Name: Ralto Zarrin
Species: Human
Age: 41
Appearance:Ralto Zarrin is a human of average height, standing around 5' 7". Like most in the outer rim, he appears to be a little unkempt and disheveled. His standard dress consists of plain colored shirts and pants, typically with a dark coat over it. His back bears the burn scars of a few Blaster bolts, and he wears an eyepatch to hide a similar scars where an eye once was. He is rarely seen without a larger pack on his back and a Blaster bolstered on his hip. While fully fitted and ready, Ralto wears two bandoliers across his chest slotted with a number of explosives. He also has a few small tools, detpacks, and detonators holstered on his belt when ready to blow shit up.
Equipment:- DT-12 Heavy Blaster Pistol
- Det Packs (Detonation Packs, minor explosive charges)
- 2 Pyro Denton Charge (Big Boom)
- C-10 Concussive Grenades (Larger grenades, limited quantity)
- Flash Detonators (Stun Grenades)
- EMP "Droid Popper" Grenades (Stun Grenades for Droids)
- C-35 Fragmentation Grenades (Anti-Personnel grenades)
- F-187 Fusioncutter (Clone Wars Era Cutting Tool)
- Communication Jammer (Short-Range, integrated into Backpack)
- Imperial Engineer Uniform (with two scorched Blaster holes in the back)
Skills:Explosive Ordanance Expert: While more an expert in the professional and academic sense, Ralto Zarrin was a contracted and studied engineer who specialized in explosive ordinance. He interned at Merr-Sonn Munitions for a time, before being recruited to work at the Kuat Drive Yards. While he mostly served as another cog in the machine, he had hands on design experience when it came to implementing weapon systems on everything from Walkers to Destroyers.
Another Face in the Crowd: Ralto Zarrin's status as a human, especially one who only briefly worked in the Imperial machine and lived in the outer rim for well over a decade, has made him pre-disposed to blending into a crowd. He is not a fast-talker, but he does know how to keep his head down and avoid confrontation when possible.
Keen Eye and a Strong Arm: A helpful skill Ralto picked up when he worked at the Drive Yards was being able to judge distance and size by sight to a reasonable degree of accuracy. In more recent years, his paranoia has only solidified his careful attention to detail. Combined with his recent training in lobbing ordinance, Ralto has a high aptitude as a grenadier and lookout.
Weaknesses:Master of One: Ralto Zarrin has a highly specialized skillset, and his Engineering knowledge outside of that is minimal. He knows his way around tools more than perhaps the common civilian, but has hardly any working or academic knowledge on repairing or slicing droids or doors or dealing with anything more software oriented.
I ain't no soldier: Ralto Zarrin can count on one hand the number of times he has actually had to fire a Blaster at a living target. He is not particularly athletic, nor an exceptional marksman. At best, he has a good throwing arm.
Union Smoke Break: Ralto has a mild addiction to Carababba Tabac, and often develops a slight tremor in his hands if he goes too long without a smoke.
History:Ralto Zarrin was, once, the son of a moderately wealthy family of aristocratic engineers on Kuat. He was afforded a good education, and enriching internships. With the separatist threat being a looming threat since his teens, Ralto developed a fascination with the mechanics of weaponry. He interned at Merr-Sonn Munitions after school, right around the explosive start to the Clone Wars. He was one of many names associated with the development and implementation of ordinance developed by Merr-Sonn.
Of course, as the Clone Wars kicked into full swing, Ralto returned home to take a job with Rothana Heavy Engineering. Their development of the Acclamator Star Destroyer was already underway, but Ralto was a small part of the design team for the second wave updates. His specialization was in heavy and explosive ordanance. He helped design, update, integrate, and inspect the installation of missile launchers and turbolasers.
When the war was over, Ralto continued working with Rothana as they transitioned to developing new models for the Empire. But as meetings grew more tense, he had been transitioned onto a team in conjungtion with Imperial Engineers, and more and more coworkers disappeared to work on secret projects or for being dissidents, Ralto knew he needed an out. So, he called in a substantial favor: a local Dug freighter captain who owed him a substantial sum.
Ralto's escape was less than graceful. Two grevious wounds on his back and a missing eye were a small price to pay for freedom. He was added to a growing list of defectors, and managed to secure a trip to Exaron. Once on the backwater, Ralto kept mostly to himself. He picked up work as a small-time mechanic, doing odd jobs to make ends meet.
Ralto's recent involvement with the Rebels has been as a result of his clear knowledge of explosives, and a need for someone to clear, catalogue, and handle a pilfered Imperial explosive order. Getting older and with no love for the Empire, Ralto has signed on to serve as a demolitions expert and saboteur.