@Little Bird
They definitely could do a deal or whatever. Asterion isn't against deals and I imagine he's pretty neutral for the most part with people and can be forgiving (depending on past situations too).
He definitely needs to focus on the cartoon character that is throwing bombs all over his city before he even thinks about what he wants to do with 93rd and how he wants to do it. lol
Asterion will not be chasing after 93rd until he gets Hailey out of his area.
They definitely could do a deal or whatever. Asterion isn't against deals and I imagine he's pretty neutral for the most part with people and can be forgiving (depending on past situations too).
<Snipped quote by ERode>
I'd imagine Asterion need to resolve the fact a furry is throwing bombs around his district first? Not being able to expand while being attacked feels like a valid balancing mechanic.
He definitely needs to focus on the cartoon character that is throwing bombs all over his city before he even thinks about what he wants to do with 93rd and how he wants to do it. lol
Asterion will not be chasing after 93rd until he gets Hailey out of his area.