Maribel Coltello
30 |
Female |
"Griffon" |
Silver Canary Description: One of many people who have developed a gyft while living in the city and decided to make it everyone else's problem. Maribel came from a large and boisterous family, and she grew up as someone that actually thrived within Nocturnia. When her power manifested in early adulthood, she changed career paths and became a guard for hire. Technically. She's worked legitimate jobs and as extra mafia muscle. Though she may tell you she likes the excitement of the latter, the former is much preferable. Especially after a few bad jobs screwed up her personal and love lives.
Her latest position with the Silver Canary is the best she's had since... ever. She gets paid well and normally doesn't have to worry about much in her day to day. Although the money is a large part of who she chooses to work with, Maribel does have an honorable streak in her. Maybe ironic given her occupation and the nature of the city, but she gets attached easily. Her 'code name' is actually just her maiden name; she prefers it to her legal one but hasn't cared enough to go through another name change since her divorce.
Gyft: Air ForceWith her gyft Maribel can form powerful currents of wind. The winds are cold and fierce, capable of cutting if condensed enough, but Maribel does not have the control needed to form anything the size of a sword or smaller. Her power is more geared toward large movements of air: billowing wind tunnels, whirling walls of wind, and cutting guillotines of air pressure. With some creativity it has a variety of uses, though she mainly uses it for both offense and defense.

Maya Orech
27 |
Female |
"Swift" |
Silver Canary Description: The daughter of a former detective. Or, rather, the former daughter of a former detective. Maya was emancipated in her teenage years after one too many close calls due to her father's occupation. Among other reasons. Even after leaving her old life behind, she was never safe. Muggers, kidnappers, and killers were a very real problem in the city. All just as bad as the corrupt men her old family had chosen to throw their lot in with. She lived in constant vigilance, aloof and alone in a dead end job within the walled city.
Until she got caught up in yet another hostage situation (some small time gang with ambitions way above their ability), and met Adel by chance as he was poking around the area. After being set free (technically, as all the Canary had done was open their cuffs and the door and left them to save themselves), Maya sought him out. The fact that she, a civilian, had actually managed to find him got her hired. Well, that and her useful gyft. If she was going to find herself in sticky situations no matter what she did, then she figured she might as well give up and lean into it.
Gyft: Bio-SonarMaya possesses an enhanced form of echolocation. Her ears are fine tuned to pick up sound vibrations like ripples in water, and she can accurately tell the positions of people and objects within her radius even in total darkness so long as nothing obscures her ability to hear. She is also capable of producing a high pitched noise so that she can listen for its echo. She effectively has both a passive and active sonar via her gyft. Though not as powerful as the submarines that may come to mind at the word sonar, her gyft can indeed be harmful at close range if used underwater.