In the year 2050 the world was consumed by the fires of war.
The Democratic Union of Aldemara and the Laborite Nations Coalition - the two great powers of the globe - would clash it what history would call an inevitable conflict of control and ideology. For four years the fighting raged on, claiming millions of lives with neither faction willing to relent to the other. New theaters of engagement opened in bloody continuum and once neutral countries one after another were forced to choose a side. In 2054 the rules of war as well as the very well-being of mankind were thrown to the wind. In a desperate, reprehensibly mindless attempt to put an end to the struggle nuclear weapons were unleashed upon the planet.

Entire cities were obliterated, hundreds of millions slaughtered, and nature itself suffered under the toxic rainfall of radioactive fallout. Shock quickly turned to fury as worldwide outrage climaxed into riots, those who had survived deeming the powers that be as incorrigible. Entire countries collapsed within days and the old order came crumbling down as the world succumbed to a dark baptism of blood and flame.
The year is now 2130 and mankind stands on the brink. In the wake of the cataclysm survivors emerged from their refuges after three generations, tentatively scouring what remains of a broken world. Meeting their challenges head-on as they searched for resources and new places to call home. Societies and settlements form as these post-apocalyptic pioneers look to build a future for themselves.

Within the Aldemaran continental heartland lies the harsh region of Sevara - a rolling landscape of scorching deserts, mutant infested highlands, and crumbling ruins. From the ashes of the old capital city of Ardhelm a new banner flies high - that of the New Republic of Sevara, carved from the bones of the great metropolis. Guided by the hand of the Chairman Elect and also under the watchful eye of the enigmatic Arcani - if the stories are to be believed. Ten years have passed since the Republic was officially founded and it has swelled to unmatched heights, reaching beyond the revitalized Ardhelm into the surrounding areas.
Faced with a rapidly growing population and mounting needs the Republic has been expanding across the map, claiming more land and resources for itself, often in spite of local residents. Along with stubborn independent settlements throughout Sevara there are two groups in particular that refuse to bend to the Republic. The Ya'íí to the south, a reclusive and archaic people that dwell within the mountains along the great lake Tankar. And Havenwood to the east, a secluded coterie of mutants and other outcasts and deviants.
Recent events have greatly aggravated the already festering strain across Sevara. Two months ago was marked by the now infamous Rafeton Massacre which would see the thriving town of Rafeton destroyed and the New Republic of Sevara facing heavy ridicule for its’ involvement. In an attempt to ease tensions the Chairman has sent envoys out across the wastes to try and ensure the people of greater Sevara of Ardhelm’s good intentions. Words of negotiation and promises of goodwill are met with stern suspicion however and many fear further escalation. A number of officials in Ardhelm are calling for a cease of annexations much to the disdain of hawks in the Republic Guard. And as the deadlock stands a new threat draws near unbeknownst to anyone. Stretching from afar like a dark shadow that seeks to envelope the land.
Fate’s gaze lingers. Sevara stands at a crossroads at a pivotal time. Decisions made in the coming days will affect the lives of many thousands and shape the regions’ history for generations to come. And those decisions will fall to those both of great power and humble origins. In a world left sundered by the mistakes of the past it is up to a new generation to save the future.

The Democratic Union of Aldemara and the Laborite Nations Coalition - the two great powers of the globe - would clash it what history would call an inevitable conflict of control and ideology. For four years the fighting raged on, claiming millions of lives with neither faction willing to relent to the other. New theaters of engagement opened in bloody continuum and once neutral countries one after another were forced to choose a side. In 2054 the rules of war as well as the very well-being of mankind were thrown to the wind. In a desperate, reprehensibly mindless attempt to put an end to the struggle nuclear weapons were unleashed upon the planet.

Entire cities were obliterated, hundreds of millions slaughtered, and nature itself suffered under the toxic rainfall of radioactive fallout. Shock quickly turned to fury as worldwide outrage climaxed into riots, those who had survived deeming the powers that be as incorrigible. Entire countries collapsed within days and the old order came crumbling down as the world succumbed to a dark baptism of blood and flame.
. . .
The year is now 2130 and mankind stands on the brink. In the wake of the cataclysm survivors emerged from their refuges after three generations, tentatively scouring what remains of a broken world. Meeting their challenges head-on as they searched for resources and new places to call home. Societies and settlements form as these post-apocalyptic pioneers look to build a future for themselves.

Within the Aldemaran continental heartland lies the harsh region of Sevara - a rolling landscape of scorching deserts, mutant infested highlands, and crumbling ruins. From the ashes of the old capital city of Ardhelm a new banner flies high - that of the New Republic of Sevara, carved from the bones of the great metropolis. Guided by the hand of the Chairman Elect and also under the watchful eye of the enigmatic Arcani - if the stories are to be believed. Ten years have passed since the Republic was officially founded and it has swelled to unmatched heights, reaching beyond the revitalized Ardhelm into the surrounding areas.
Faced with a rapidly growing population and mounting needs the Republic has been expanding across the map, claiming more land and resources for itself, often in spite of local residents. Along with stubborn independent settlements throughout Sevara there are two groups in particular that refuse to bend to the Republic. The Ya'íí to the south, a reclusive and archaic people that dwell within the mountains along the great lake Tankar. And Havenwood to the east, a secluded coterie of mutants and other outcasts and deviants.
Recent events have greatly aggravated the already festering strain across Sevara. Two months ago was marked by the now infamous Rafeton Massacre which would see the thriving town of Rafeton destroyed and the New Republic of Sevara facing heavy ridicule for its’ involvement. In an attempt to ease tensions the Chairman has sent envoys out across the wastes to try and ensure the people of greater Sevara of Ardhelm’s good intentions. Words of negotiation and promises of goodwill are met with stern suspicion however and many fear further escalation. A number of officials in Ardhelm are calling for a cease of annexations much to the disdain of hawks in the Republic Guard. And as the deadlock stands a new threat draws near unbeknownst to anyone. Stretching from afar like a dark shadow that seeks to envelope the land.
Fate’s gaze lingers. Sevara stands at a crossroads at a pivotal time. Decisions made in the coming days will affect the lives of many thousands and shape the regions’ history for generations to come. And those decisions will fall to those both of great power and humble origins. In a world left sundered by the mistakes of the past it is up to a new generation to save the future.

• Adhere to RPG rules of course.
• Do not godmod, metagame, character-jack, troll or flame in any fashion, or any of the usual infractions. ALWAYS ask for permission to have any say or sway with characters not your own, particularly those of other players.
• This will be 18+ but in cohesion with RPG rules avoid sexually explicit themes and other fringe material that other players may be uncomfortable with. The development of character (sexual) relationships per se are not banned but maintain an appropriate nuance/fade things to black in such scenario.
• This RP as tagged will be anime/manga themed. Keep this in mind when character creating and considering to the overall aesthetic. And while there will be common tropes and themes regarding realism as seen in anime (As well as the post-apocalyptic genre.) we will be keeping things “fairly grounded” for lack of a better phrase. (No effortless bullet dodging and Super Saiyan power levels for example.)
• Please do not totally distance yourself from the storyline. This RP is “open world”, the context being that players are allowed to pursue personal goals and explore the land of their own volition. That said everyone is expected to have a presence in the main plot as it unfolds so generally speaking keep your character in the loop.
• Players are allowed only one character at a time. If your character dies you are allowed to create a new one.
• Post content should range within three to ten paragraphs to put it roughly. In some instances less than three paragraphs is fine, but even then bare minimum should be no less than around eight to ten sentences. I am less strict on longer than average posts but even then let us try and keep things within the “casual to low advanced” scale.
• Respect the GM and respect the dice. The dice are unbiased and the GM has the final say in things. I am open to player appeals and input but do not flame/be a nuisance about outcomes just because.
• Posting pace will be somewhat flexible. I, of course, do not expect constant daily posting from everyone but I prefer things not go completely dark for too far past a week.
• Please notify the GM of any extended absence you may need/have. I am willing to work with you if you just let me know. If you have simply lost interest I would still appreciate a heads up with my guarantee of no hard feelings. If players fail to properly notify the GM and vanish then after 10 days of total radio silence, particularly if I see you active on Discord or on the site, your character will be appropriated or removed. This is a firm line.
• Do not godmod, metagame, character-jack, troll or flame in any fashion, or any of the usual infractions. ALWAYS ask for permission to have any say or sway with characters not your own, particularly those of other players.
• This will be 18+ but in cohesion with RPG rules avoid sexually explicit themes and other fringe material that other players may be uncomfortable with. The development of character (sexual) relationships per se are not banned but maintain an appropriate nuance/fade things to black in such scenario.
• This RP as tagged will be anime/manga themed. Keep this in mind when character creating and considering to the overall aesthetic. And while there will be common tropes and themes regarding realism as seen in anime (As well as the post-apocalyptic genre.) we will be keeping things “fairly grounded” for lack of a better phrase. (No effortless bullet dodging and Super Saiyan power levels for example.)
• Please do not totally distance yourself from the storyline. This RP is “open world”, the context being that players are allowed to pursue personal goals and explore the land of their own volition. That said everyone is expected to have a presence in the main plot as it unfolds so generally speaking keep your character in the loop.
• Players are allowed only one character at a time. If your character dies you are allowed to create a new one.
• Post content should range within three to ten paragraphs to put it roughly. In some instances less than three paragraphs is fine, but even then bare minimum should be no less than around eight to ten sentences. I am less strict on longer than average posts but even then let us try and keep things within the “casual to low advanced” scale.
• Respect the GM and respect the dice. The dice are unbiased and the GM has the final say in things. I am open to player appeals and input but do not flame/be a nuisance about outcomes just because.
• Posting pace will be somewhat flexible. I, of course, do not expect constant daily posting from everyone but I prefer things not go completely dark for too far past a week.
• Please notify the GM of any extended absence you may need/have. I am willing to work with you if you just let me know. If you have simply lost interest I would still appreciate a heads up with my guarantee of no hard feelings. If players fail to properly notify the GM and vanish then after 10 days of total radio silence, particularly if I see you active on Discord or on the site, your character will be appropriated or removed. This is a firm line.
See Discord for details.