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Ariamis MonMon

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Introduction (IC)

We as the human race would fight and bicker among each other over the slightest things... a bit funny, isn't it? Since the time that we could walk we would kill and lay waste to each other over petty things such as territory and religion, even putting our ideals on the line while at the same time back at home our people would fight over trivial things.

Justice… equality… hunger… appearances… whether someone died for the right cause or not...

Anything you could imagine with your insignificant head we fought over... and many died.

You would think for such an advanced race compared to all the primitive animals that were alive at the time that we’d be far better, wouldn't we? No. The truth was that we were nothing than primates ourselves; animals who could not go beyond our differences to unite and join one another and create a better world.

In the end, we just destroyed our planet through both war and pollution… but I suppose you too know that, don't you? But now, we have out civilization back... we have everything that we want to protect.

Though, we all still remember in the year 2288 when our world was nothing more than a nuclear dump with only a few patches of habitable lands left. It wasn't until a man with technology unlike any other finally united the Earth forces under a single banner through brute force by killing anyone who opposed him did we finally become whole. He built an impenetrable fortress and had his forces cultivate and secure whatever lands could be saved by using devices meant to preserve the lands that were untainted by the countless wars we held. Communities were built within these lands, before steps to move forward were introduced.

In the year 2325, the man who united Earth led expeditions from Earth to cultivate new planets with flagships each containing the newest development; the Framewerks. These were powerful mechanized piloted units that can only be used by a select few individuals after years of training, but they allowed us to conquer planets with ease.

For years we slowly captured planets and things were working, we were finally at peace and enjoying things for we thought we were alone in the universe.

Or so we had thought...

Years had passed and in the year 2548, we finally lost communication with a human colony on our outer rim all of a sudden. At first, we thought it was just an error with the signal… until seconds later another colony tuned in and told us that they were being attacked.

We suddenly found ourselves thrown into a war with an unknown alien race for years, with all of our communications being cut off with all of our outer rim planets. Despite all the reinforcements we sent, we never heard from them… we could only assume the worst had happened.

It was only in the year of 2590 that we finally were able to establish contact with one of our outer rim planets due to the efforts of one brave woman who was dedicated on find out what happened... but what we had found, was something far, far worse than discovering hell itself.

They were taken by an alien race called the Cruxi, never to be seen again... and they had technology and firepower that was on a whole new level compared to us. Plasma weapons, Wormhole-using spaceships, soldiers equipped with personal barriers...you name it, they probably had it. Our first couple of planets and fleets stood no chance. With all their combined armaments, they could have easily terminated entire solar systems. However, despite being technologically far more advanced, they seemed to be holding back, and didn't kill unless in self-defense or for strategic purpose. Rather, they seemed to go to great lengths to learn and study us, going so far as to attempt capture of planets instead of bombarding them outright with orbital barrages. Taking advantage of this perceived weakness in their otherwise impenetrable invasion, we threw ourselves at them in order to keep them at bay, and to keep them from reaching more of our homeworlds. We had a chance, however little it seemed.

Though a strategy like that can only last so long until all of humanity starts to believe that we’re fighting a losing war… but that’s where you come in, Pilot.

You’re here to clean up our petty mistakes of our pasts and to fight our battles. That’s the sad truth of the matter. Remember how I mentioned those Framewerks earlier, right? Well, you along with others have been chosen to pilot experimental Framewerks with cutting-edge technology in hopes of turning the tides of this war. On the shoulders of Atlas, maybe we can hold up the sky, or abandon it for Hesperides.
Truth be told, I don’t envy you...Nobody knows where in the galaxy this war will take you. It could end in radiant victory and a peaceful future...or the lightless abyss of your worst nightmare.


Introduction (OOC)

Welcome to Nerves In Carbonox (or NIC for short), a roleplay where your character or characters pilot giant experimental robot mechs called Framewerks in a specialized squad and wage galactic war against alien invaders across several planets and even in outer space. Inspired by mecha anime and mecha-adjacent media such as Armored Core, Gundam, Neon Genesis Evangelion and more, this will have an established tone of late-night anime, with dark themes such as tragic loss, child soldiers, the use of desperate science like cybernetics, cloning, or genetic manipulation in an effort to win at all costs, and of course the ever-present hell that is war.

However, it is not all grim, and the roleplay will also have moments of levity. Humanity, once divided by petty schisms, have joined together in a single front for the first time in centuries, and most have a burning determination to win and overcome the odds against the fearsome Cruxi. The pilots get to train and spend time together, building friendships, rivalries, and maybe more. Even weaker individuals burdened by doubt and fear can overcome their weaknesses and become stronger when motivated and put to the test. In other words, the goal is ultimately a classic tale of a group of misfits who eventually manage to overcome their differences, push back against the aliens, discover the mystery of the invasion, and become heroes and heroines who save humanity. However, not all is at it seems, and the pilots may discover things they could never have imagined to be possible...

The last time I ran something like this was years ago in Souls of Steel, which was based on a couple of even older RPs. In honor of the original's 10 year anniversary, and because I feel confident, I have decided to give this another shot. If any veterans are reading this, fear not, for I will be making major differences to the story and setting. However, the same sort of flow will apply: the RP is divided into events such as briefings and battles, where the story is happening in "real" time, with players acting and reacting during it, and free time, where players may describe how they spend the allotted time in a more flexible manner, including conversations and training.

The major new feature this time around will be the character sheet creation, which can be randomized. For those who are indecisive, not willing to bother with writing from scratch, or are looking for inspiration, you can now generate certain aspects of your character sheet such as Background Potentials, Perks, and Primary/Secondary Systems by rolling for choices in result tables. You can also pick and choose options if you don't feel like gambling, or do a combination of rolling and picking. Of course, you are also free to come up with original ideas for your pilots and Framewerks outside the choices granted in character creation, and they will be just as valid. All that matters is that you find something fun in here.

OOC: roleplayerguild.com/topics/194718-ner…

Character Creation

For character generation rolling, D6, D7 (use an online generator for convenience), D20, D30, and D100 will be used. The type of dice is specified next to the table. Note that players who want to pick and choose instead of rolling may ignore the dice and table information. If you roll for a result you are not eligible for any reason you need to reroll (or pick) another one.

The Pilot

Time has passed, and it is now 2XXX. You have been picked to join the Framewerk Project at Fortress Ship Solaire, an experimental unit within the Galactic Federation's military. For the project, you will be assigned to a squad alongside fellow pilots: some are veterans of many battles, while some could be just starting out. But what all of you share is the potential to handle Framewerks, and some background in Framewerk handling on another planet or space station, whether it is military grade or a corporation worker model.

As part of the unit, you will be given a pilot's uniform that interfaces with your Framewerk. Produced in various planets, they can greatly vary in appearance, and some may differ in certain functions. Made of state-of-the-art Nanoweave mixed with Carbonox armor plating, the suits are tight and conform to the shape of one's body. Thus, they will take some time to getting used to wear, not to mention flattering for one's figure, or mortifying depending on one's self-esteem or lack thereof. However, the sheer benefits the uniforms provide in utility features, protective ability, resistance to the cold vacuum of space, and maneuverability are par none in the pilot category, let alone in military wear. The defensive quality is comparable to flak armor: it can shrug off civilian ballistic arms fire and redirect physical force by spreading it around the suit, protecting from hard crashes and collisions, and even smaller explosions. However, it won't save you from a plasma blast or vibroblade.

The uniforms are equipped with miniaturized computer systems with communication systems for various radio frequencies and networks, and an augmented reality heads-up display projected as a holographic interface to show personal status and other simple data and features, like an alarm clock and calendar. The operating system can be controlled either by hand and finger motions or even by head movements and eye blinks for experienced pilots. However, accessing the web and more power-intensive electronics like video games are restricted to one's personal devices and desktop computer stations, with surveillance and censoring as part of military protocol.

Finally, and most importantly, the suits also come equipped with automatic life support systems: an energy barrier generated from nodules around the neck will form a sealing helmet-like construct in case of ejection or malfunction in outer space, and numerous small capsules located throughout the body will provide breathable air supply for up to two hours. Combined with small thruster rockets installed into the soles of the boots with ten minutes of fuel, the pilot is capable of even surviving space for a short time. They can also inject emergency vials of adrenaline and medicine to keep vital systems operating past the body's limits. In the most extreme situations, there is even an experimental cryofreeze feature for a last-ditch chance at survival. Just hope that someone with a working Framewerk will save you.

Table 1 (D6): Pilot type

Your Pilot type determines what kind of pilot you are: whether you're a greenhorn, an average cadet, or a grizzled silverhair who grumbles about the good old days when Framewerks were made of wood.

Roll 1-2: Gifted Pilot
You are a young rookie, about 18-25 years old, who has barely touched the controls of a Framewerk, if at all engaged in battle with one. Yet, you feel a sense of familiarity or instinct behind the controls, almost as if the Framewerk was but an extension of your body. You are a prodigy when it comes to piloting, able to make intuitive decisions in combat, but your lack of experience will result in blunders that veterans can only smirk at. Still, you sometimes can't help but imagine that you are part of something greater...But you have to survive long enough to realize your potential.

You have a somewhat lower chance of succeeding at actions in a Framewerk but a somewhat higher chance of synchronizing with your Framewerk, with results determined by GM. You may also roll for (or pick) two more Secondary Systems for your Framewerk, two more Background Potentials, and one more Perk in addition to the default selection.

Roll 3-4: Skilled Pilot
You are a moderately talented pilot of about 20 to 30 years who has come to grips with Framewerk handling. While still practicing the most difficult maneuvers like orbital landing or performing a sliding pivot while keeping a steady firing accuracy, you're nonetheless scoring good grades in both physical and academic evaluations. You've seen some fighting, and already show promise for greatness, but you know the road to the top is a long one. Still, you feel confident you'll reach glory. Just don't let that ego get to your head, or you might lose it.

You have an average chance of both succeeding with actions and of synchronizing with your Framewerk. You may also roll for (or pick) one more Primary Weapon System and one more Secondary System for your Framewerk, one more Background Potential, and two more Perks in addition to the default selection.

Roll 5-6: Experienced Pilot
You're a veteran of many battles, with a venerable age of about 25 to 65 years. You may possess a scar or two, or even a cybernetic replacement as proof of your prior engagements with the Cruxi as part of a planet's defense force or even as a conscript for the Galactic Federation. Or maybe you took your mining Framewerk equipped with laser drills and explosive charges and went on a rampage around an asteroid belt against the nearby Cruxi to protect the family rock farm. In any case, your hardened eyes have seen much, maybe too much for one person. The only thing now is to teach the next generation the ropes. Maybe they won't make the same mistakes you've done.

You have a somewhat higher chance to succeed in your actions, but a somewhat lower chance of synchronizing with your Framewerk. You may also roll for (or pick) one more Primary Weapon System, three more Secondary Systems, and one more Perk in addition to the default selection.

Table 2 (D20): Background Potential

Background Potential are a personal potential ability or trait that a pilot has, and one of their most defining features. Some are unlimited in use or outright passive, while others may only have a limited number of uses per event, requiring rest before they can be used again. All Pilots gain one Background Potential by default, with extra ones depending on other results in character generation. They may also incur certain habits or traits: don't feel pressured into playing these out if you only care for the mechanical benefits and want to focus on your own ideas for your character. They're just there to spark the creative mind.

Roll 1. Metal Mind: You possess an innate, almost savant knowledge of technology, from computer science to hard engineering. You're able to hack into electronic systems such as computers and even Framewerks. You can make field repairs with your tools. And most importantly, you're able to make smaller modifications to your own Framewerk. You may make cosmetic and minor modifications at will, while larger modifications like improving combat ability or attaching more equipment is limited to once per event. However, you also tend to like to spend more time with machines than people.

Roll 2. Silver-Tongued Devil: You're a charismatic person, with the capability to inspire your fellow pilots into greatness, and even have some sway over your superiors for when it matters most. Three times per event, you may inspire a fellow pilot with a choice of words, granting them a bonus to their next action. The bonus is determined by the GM. Once per event, you can also attempt to sway an NPC with your speech skills to change their mind or suggest something, the chance becoming better the more logical the suggestion is to the listener, your trustworthiness, and anything else you can bargain for. However, you also tend to attract attention, even from people you don't want to.

Roll 3. Awareness: You possess an uncanny sense for danger, and can react to situations faster than others. Your actions always happen first during an event. You also receive a chance to avoid invisible attacks or attacks from ambushes, and gain improved dodging equivalent to a single level of lower weight class. However, you are also more jumpy as a result, sometimes shifting your eyes to scan for dark shadow or fleeting glimpses of movement.

Roll 4. Stealthy: You're an expert at sneaking both inside and outside your Framewerk, with full knowledge of ways that they are detected in combat including technological ones like radars and heat signatures, ways to counter such detection methods, and how to mitigate your presence in the battlefield. Given the proper cover or distraction, you can ambush your enemies before they realize you are there, and attack them for critical damage. However, you also tend to be unnerving, if not outright creepy, with your mannerisms, and tend to forget about personal space.

Roll 5. Synchronized Agility: you possess an incredible potential to synchronize perfectly with your Framewerk, allowing you to move as freely and fluidly as if controlling a larger human body. You may perform feats of physical prowess normally impossible for such lumbering machines, such as being able to move and jump with dexterity, and even parry projectiles, the chance increasing considerably with a melee weapon. You also receive an improved chance to dodge equal to a single level of lower weight class. However, outside of Framewerks you feel slightly vulnerable, as if your true place of belonging, your home, is inside the cockpit, where you can truly be yourself. Given continued use of the Background Potential, you may not even be able to sleep outside of it.

Roll 6. Indomitable Will: You're a bastion of fortitude, capable of withstanding even the most relentless and deadly of onslaughts, and keep standing. Once per event, you may resist damage or a status condition that would incapacitate your Framewerk or you outside of it. However, you are also reckless and foolhardy, and tend to question the authority of your superiors, even at risk of punishment. The Man can't keep you down all the time.

Roll 7. Cyborg: Your body has been enhanced cybernetically. You have enhanced abilities such as more stength, endurance and speed, and can choose even more utility features than your uniform provides, up to three extra. It also allows you to interface directly with your Framewerk. This improves your accuracy and power, but also leaves you vulnerable to effects that directly target Framewerks, such as electronic jammers, EMP, and other effects. If your Framewerk is incapacitated while you are connected, you may attempt to revive the Framewerk, with a chance of your mind being absorbed into the Framewerk body permanently. You may also have one more Mod for your Framewerk. However, you also tend to think more rationally and logically even if it's not the most socially intelligent thing to do, like a Vulcan from Star Trek.

Roll 8. Twin Soul: You have a twin who shares your potential for piloting Framewerks. You may be identical to each other, or differ in appearance. Your Framewerks can be similar, or differ to complement each other. You may perform synchronized actions as if you were communicating telepathically. You may have an additional pilot character and their Framewerk. The Framewerks can combine or otherwise perform better in cooperation. This Background Potential can be rerolled (or repicked if you accidentally took it and changed your mind).

Roll 9. Death Or Glory: You're a daredevil who throws themselves into combat with reckless abandon: after all, a battlefield filled with enemies is a target-rich environment. You may activate this Background Potential at will to perform two attacks instead of one per action against enemies in melee or close range (think shotguns and SMGs in human equivalent ranges). However, you also receive a reduced chance to dodge equivalent to two levels of higher weight class until the start of your next turn.

Roll 10. Clone: You have been cloned from a veteran pilot who was lauded as a hero of the galaxy. You may have one more Primary or Secondary System, and can perform actions with the same success rate as an Experienced Pilot right from the start. However, knowing you're a genetic copy of somebody else is a complication you must carry both in personal life and in the battlefield: not only do you lack the same level of empathy as your fellow pilots, you also have a chance of reliving your original's genetic memories at any moment, or even encounter the original pilot.

Roll 11. Eagle Eye: You're a deadshot with a weapon, capable of hitting targets that are impossible for others. Three times per event, you may make an attack with a weapon that is nearly guaranteed to hit. The attack cannot exceed the range of a long range weapon, such as a sniper rifle. The attack may be used to target weak points or other specific targets. However, looking into the distance all the time, you tend to overlook things that are right before you, whether they are literal, or metaphorical.

Roll 12. Alien: You belong to an alien species that humanity has discovered and integrated into their society. You can choose up to two biological features, for example abnormal metabolism. In such a case, you're able to recover from wounds and injuries that would retire any other pilot, and can recover from any amount of damage, even lethal up to an unknown limit, given enough time. The rate of recovery depends on the circumstances. You can also choose other features instead, like heightened senses for a felinid alien, or underwater breathing for an aquatic alien. However, you also tend to be oblivious of human customs and traditions, and may communicate through a language or method like pheromones that doesn't fully translate even with language processing, resulting in partial sentences with strange words or silence thrown in occasionally.

Roll 13. Genetically Engineered: your genes have been spliced, giving you heightened physical abilities. For example, you could have animal genes, giving you heightened senses from cat ears on your head and agility from a tail, or a more potent nose from a dog's genes, or improved agility from monkeys or muscle density from kangaroos and lions. Or you could simply have genes from super soldiers. These abilities grant you an edge both inside and outside a Framewerk. However, being genetically enhanced also raises your aggressiveness and instinctual habits, sometimes causing complications both in and outside events.

Roll 14. Freight Train: You possess the ability to direct your will into your Framewerk, as if you were channeling your body's energy through it, allowing it to perform a devastating charge or leap. Twice per event, you may make a move or jump with a speed and range equal to three levels lower than your Weight Class. This move will damage targets caught in the path and knock medium-sized ones down or stagger larger ones. Can be aimed to shoulder tackle a single enemy, resulting in critical damage. You can also charge and jump with similar might outside your Framewerk, should you wish to do so. However, you are also bullheaded and stubborn, easy to anger and slow to placate unless given an outlet to vent your frustration, such as an arm wrestling contest or hitting the gym for some gains. Then you're happy as a clam, and laughing about it over a mug of beer.

Roll 15. Clairvoyance: Sometimes you have what you could only describe as visions. Most of the time they make no sense, but rarely you might learn about something that has happened, is happening right now, or could happen in the future. You possess the ability to sometimes see glimpses, the contents of which are determined by GM. Also, once per event, you may automatically dodge any attack that can be physically avoided, explained as foreseeing the attack before it happens. However, you also tend to see things that aren't there. You might become more nervous and paranoid, or become chatty about them, such as spoiling the twist of a movie others haven't seen.

Roll 16. The Guardian: You are a defender first and foremost, and you will ensure your enemies will only get to your allies over your cold, dead body. Three times per event, you are able to either taunt enemies and draw their attention to you, or automatically take all attacks targeted at a single ally in their place, redirecting them to yourself. The redirected attack will deal reduced damage, with the rate depending on the type of attack. You can also take a free action to lift up knocked down allies, free grappled allies, or even pick up and carry an ally of equal or lower weight class once per turn. The free action can be taken in addition to any other action. However, you also tend to be overprotective of your fellow pilots, especially those you start to form a bond with: having lost someone, you don't want anyone else taken from you.

Roll 17. Humanity's Potential: You are special, even among Gifted Pilots, and capable of something extraordinary. A caveman would simply call it magic, but a learned scholar might theorize it to be a visible manifestation of a field invisible to the naked eye, but able to be manipulated by the select few. You're occasionally capable of performing actions that defy the known laws of physics. However, these actions and their results are determined by the GM, with the pilot unable to control when and how it occurs.

Roll 18. Warrior: You are a brawler through and through, capable of fighting beyond the limits of most Framewerks, and channeling that fighting spirit into your Framewerk. You deal and take damage equal to one level higher in your weight class. You're also trained in a martial art of your choice, defaulting to CQC. However, you're also very proud, and unable to refuse a challenge you consider worthy.

Roll 19. Supporter: You are an expert when it comes to providing assistance to others. While not flashiest role, you provide an essential duty, and become and anchor that the other pilots in the squad will rally behind when the going gets tough. You may receive an Additional Secondary System for your Framewerk. As a free action, you can use one of your Secondary Systems to assist one nearby ally once per turn. You may also perform a free reaction shot with your Primary Weapon at one enemy who performs an attack or move at medium range (think assault rifle range as a human equivalent). However, you tend to brush aside or even forget your own needs, putting others before you, sometimes to a worrying degree.

Roll 20. Showtime: You believe your Framewerk is an engine of destruction, and have illegally modified your weapons in various ways for pure carnage. If a gun doesn't work, use more gun. And the more dakka a Gatling gun sprays or a bigger boom a cannon bellows out, the better. Your Primary Weapon System or Systems have a wider area of effect, deal more damage equal to one level higher in your weight class, and can be fired without line of sight or even into the midst of allies without loss to accuracy, at the cost of also hitting allies. Once per battle, you can overclock, overheat, overcharge, or over-everything about your weapons and fire them all at the same time for maximum critical damage in a very wide area. However, doing so jams or damages the weapons for the rest of the event. You tend to have a grin about you and a bright spark in your eyes as you think about the next blazing inferno, raging thunderstorm, rain of bullets, or earth-shattering kaboom you can unleash on the Cruxi. Some might think you're a pyromaniac, sadist, or just plain insane. But you're just about the pure spectacle of it, like a rockstar who sets his guitar on fire in the middle of a live performance. Life is fleeting, might as well make the most of it while you can.

Table 3 (D10): Perks

Perks are smaller features about your pilot. While not as impactful, they can provide fun little things to further add details. You start with a single Perk by default, with extra depending on other results.

Roll 1. Money: You're wealthy, with plenty of yernos (colloquially known as yerries), a combination of euro and yen adopted by the Galactic Federation as official currency), though most planets simply default to calling them credits. Cash can't prevent you from participating in the war unfortunately, but it can help if spent in the correct places. For example, you could purchase better food for yourself and the pilot squad, better living amenities, or maybe even hire mercenaries to support you in battle.

Roll 2. Enhanced Uniform: Your uniform is special, even by Project Framewerk standards. Maybe you came from a planet with a very advanced R&D center. Or maybe you earned it as a favor. In any case, your uniform looks snazzy, feels comfier, protects you better, and even comes with an installed videogame for those long hours in the cockpit.

Roll 3. Creative: You're innovative, and capable of making all sorts of things, from cooking soup and baking cakes to inventing smaller inventions to impress your fellow pilots. You could even add tiny little additions to your Framewerk, though not to the same extent as a Machine Mind. If you have both, you can make two modifications per event.

Roll 4. Athletic: You're a pinnacle of human physique, capable of running a marathon or wrestling a bear. You may even have competed in sports, earning gold medals. Your Framewerk piloting also gets some benefit, like increased speed of a lower weight class and stronger melee attacks of a heavier weight class.

Roll 5. Book Smart: You are knowledgeable and well-read in one subject of your choosing.

Roll 6. Memento: You have a keepsake from your past. Maybe it's dad's old bazooka from his days in the army, or your girlfriend's toolbag from when she was a master thief prowling the underhive. Maybe it's just a vintage picture frame of someone whose smile brightens the day like sunshine. In any case, this memento means the world to you, and you will do anything to get it back should something happen to it.

Roll 7. Networking: You have connections in the Galactic Federation's military. Maybe a relative of yours works as a higher officer. Or maybe you were of a higher rank yourself before being brought into the pilot program. Or maybe you're just that memorable that you quickly acclimated yourself to the engineers and other crew. Nonetheless, you have strings you can slightly tug at. Who knows, maybe you'll get your Framewerk maintained a bit better than others.

Roll 8. Signature Move: You have a special move you can pull off when attacking. It's not that particularly effective compared to just regular attacks, but it will be impressive, and the most important part of giant robot fights is looking cool while doing it. Maybe then Pilot-sempai notices you.

Roll 9. Proficient: You are proficient at a single skill of your choosing.

Roll 10. Master of Directions: You gain a supernatural sense of direction towards an object or person you have seen before, and will have better chances of finding locations you know about.

The Framewerk

Framewerks are towering bipedal piloted robots, about 15-16 meters tall, that have served as the vessel in humanity's conquest of the endless frontier of space. Utilizing innovative technologies such as a metal alloy known as Carbonox and operating systems that can interface with a pilot through their uniform, the Framewerks are suited for a wide variety of tasks in human society, from construction of colonies, mining of asteroids, to even terraforming new planets for habitation.

When the war with the Cruxi began, a certain professor made a breakthrough with the design of the new generation of Framewerks. Now utilizing a state-of-the-art system rumored to bring out the true potential of humanity, chosen pilots are recruited across the galaxy to spearhead the Framewerk Project. These newest models not only have advanced computer systems with real-time augmented reality data feeds, they also possess flight thrusters capable of breaking atmosphere through planetary gravity and engaging in space combat. There are also rumors that they are more than mere machines...But that could just be the engineers making a joke.

Table 4 (D7): Framewerk Weight Class

Framewerks can be anything from lightweight speedsters to heavyweight tanks, with varying amounts of firepower, speed and armor. Out of the primary weight classes (Light, Medium, Heavy, or something in-between), what type of build does your Framewerk have? Note that it should be kept realistic; if you want more offensive power and flight speed, it will result in a loss of armor, or less offensive power if you want more speed and armor, for example. Other combinations of attributes are also possible. All Framewerks are equipped with thrusters capable of space-travel regardless of the build.

Roll 1. Super Light: Your Framewerk is very swift and agile, to the point it almost resembles a larger human when in motion...Wearing a jetpack and flying at breakneck speeds an hour. They are capable of dodging most enemy attacks, circle around opponents, and make for the perfect scouts and flankers, able to zip back and forth. However, your Frame is small, maybe slightly bigger than a GR-00X Garland from Megazone 23, but that's about it. Any damage you take will hamper your effectiveness, and a single missile or plasma blast can blow your machine up. Just hope you got your team backing you up, or you're getting swatted like a fly.

Roll 2. Very Light: Very Light Framewerks are bigger and sturdier than Super Light models, but still decently speedy and capable of dodging quite a bit.

Roll 3. Light: Light Framewerks are what most would consider the most common weight class, and thus are often dubbed "Medium" weight class alongside the Heavy Frames.

Roll 4: Medium: Medium Framewerks are what most would consider the most common weight class. While not as speedy ass light Frames or powerful as Heavy Frames, they are balanced and can fit a variety of roles.

Roll 5. Heavy: Now we start getting into the bulkier models. Heavy Frames have better armor and more firepower, but are slightly slower. Still, they can easily barrel into enemy forces and let them have it.

Roll 6. Very Heavy: Very Heavies are brutes, and their steps can cause the ground to tremble for a fair distance. You are to be respected and feared.

Roll 7. Super Heavy: Finally, we have the absolute units that are Super Heavies. You might take a while to get to your opponents, but once you do there's not much they can do to stop you.

Table 5 (D6): Framewerk Type

Your Framewerk Type determines where and how your Framewerk best fights in the battlefield.

Roll 1-2. Frontliner: Your Framewerk is a spearhead for your squad, first to reach the enemy, and the first to see the lights of their eyes (if they have eyes, that is). As a pointman, you engage most directly, whether it is at medium ranges with machinegun and shotgun-style weapons, or up close with a superheated laser blade or rocket-powered hammer. You also deal with enemy attacks, drawing attention with a speedy Frame or absorbing damage like a shield.

You may receive a bonus to either your speed, armor or weapon damage equal to two lower or higher levels of weight class when fighting at closer ranges.

Roll 3-4. Backliner: Your Framewerk is all about ranged superiority, and taking the enemy out before they can reach you. Whether it is precision elimination with a sniper rifle, covering fire with Gatling guns and flak cannons, or blowing them up to smithereens with a tactical artillery strike. You could even use more experimental energy-based weaponry like lightning guns to zap your foes.

You may receive a bonus to your speed, armor or weapon damage equal to two lower or higher level of weight class when fighting at longer ranges.

Roll 5-6. Specialist: Your Framewerk is specialized in a unique role across the battlefield. You may provide general fire support, or directly aid others with repair drones or protective barriers. You could also be an infiltrator who strikes the opponent from the flank, or a supporter who boosts your fellow pilots into fighting better by all kinds of means, like with trajectory data, weak point targeting, or by sheer leadership.

You may receive a bonus to your speed, armor or weapon damage equal to one lower or higher level of weight class when fighting at any range.

Table 6 (D20): Primary Weapon System

Your Primary Weapon System is how you defeat the Cruxi in battle, and includes both melee and ranged weaponry. Your Framewerk has one Primary Weapons System by default, with extra ones depending on other choices.

Roll 1. Heavy Assault Gun: A slow-firing, semi-automatic ballistic system notable for its reliability and effectiveness given its weight and caliber class. This weapon's main strength is its ability to deliver effective and accurate firepower at long range in conjunction with the Framewerk's advanced fire control systems.

In the case close quarters combat where the weapon system is difficult to operate effectively, a secondary autocannon system of much smaller caliber and less specialized construction is fitted on a separate appendage underneath the main gun and which can be used for manually sighted shots. The autocannon subsystem is fed with an internal belt that alternates 1 armor-piercing shell per 5 high-explosive shells. Its limited service in more conventional, non-Framewerk weapon platforms has shown it to be an excellent tool against enemy infantry and other soft targets.

The main weapon system features a variety of shells which can be used to engage most targets effectively. These shells are:

A.) APFSDS-A - Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot - Adamantinite. These super-heavy shells are made from an ultra-dense Adamantinite alloy. Through sheer kinetic power and penetrative ability, a regular target hit by these shells, even by a glancing blow, is sure to stagger. If they are not destroyed by the first shot, then subsequent, swift discharges will most likely destroy the target before it is able to recover completely.

B.) HEFRAG-TF - High-Explosive Fragmentation - Timed Fuse. These shells are the system's main weaponry against soft and/or multiple targets. These shells use a substantially smaller cartridge, resulting in a lower muzzle velocity and therefore slightly more complicated aiming. However, this has given the shell itself more space for its high-explosive and fragmentation payloads. Its configurable timed fuse allows it to be detonated precisely in the midst of the foe and in mid-air, allowing for the most effective culling of enemy hordes through a combination of high-explosive shock and fragmentation shards. This shell can, as a last resort, be used to combat enemy air-or spacecraft by using it like a traditional time-fused anti-aircraft shell, although its low muzzle velocity makes it unsuited to the task.

C.) SMOKE - Smoke rounds. Self-explanatory. These are used to provide cover on the battlefield for the Framewerk and nearby allies comrades. However, they are limited to a total of four uses per event.

The Heavy Assault Gun has a fire rate of 15 rounds per minute. Combined with the accompanying advanced fire control system, it allows for all of these shots to be effectively aimed against an unobscured but erratically moving target the size of a standard 10-ton freight hauler up to 30 kilometers away using APFSDS-A shells, and up to 8 kilometers away for HEFRAG-TF shells. The weapon system is also able to provide limited artillery support up to 60km away with its HEFRAG-TF shells, although it is primarily a short-to-medium-range direct-fire weapon and is not suited for this role.

Roll 2. Laser Blade: A super-heated melee weapon. The blade can be retracted at any time, and is able to shoot out sickle-like projectiles when swung at high energy output, making for a versatile weapon. Firing projectiles takes away a part of the blade's energy which is used to generate the edge. Repeated use of projectiles in quick succession also risks overheating the weapon.

Roll 3. Moonbreaker Railgun: A high-powered long-range weapon. The weapon does not give a big energy signature due to primarily firing physical projectiles with electromagnetism, making it suitable for sniping. Capable of piercing even thick armor. The weapon can fire specialized projectiles that are either Anti-Battleship Armor Piercing (Kinetic) or High Explosive Crowd Control projectiles (Energy). The weapon's projectile can be accelerated to increase both range and power to a safety limit. Charging the weapon past it's safety limits further empowers the shot considerably, but risks melting the weapon. The weapon also has a slow firing rate, and is not suited for close combat.

Roll 4. Marker Light: An experimental laser rifle that operates in two modes: Combat Mode and Marker Mode.
Combat Mode: fires damaging laser shots. These rounds are light neon blue in colour and effective against barriers and energy-based protection.
Marker Mode: fires non-damaging rounds that leave radioactive markers on whatever it hits. Marked targets emanate a unique signal that Framewerks can track, improving accuracy of all attacks against the target and preventing cloaking and other forms of stealth for three turns. Drones and other autonomous weapons also receive a damage bonus against the target. Both rifle modes are effective at medium and short ranges.

Roll 5. Carbonox Blade: A massive slab blade that is connected at the wrist, and a giant kite-shaped shield plate can be extended from the hand-guard. The blade can retract along the arm, but the shield is stationary. The blade is capable of crushing foes through sheer force with the aid of the thrusters on the forearms of the Framewerk. The shield is rudimentary, but its sheer size and thickness allows it to withstand almost any frontal assault.

Roll 6. Dual Acid Cannons: These cannons fire detonating rounds that cause wide-spread, highly explosive acid damage. The corrosive payload can melt through armor and cause notable damage over time. Combined with the weapon's high rate of fire, the weapon is most effective against multiple targets.

Roll 7. Multiform Rod: A specialized energy rod that can form into one of several forms: a powerful naginata-like weapon with considerable slashing and piercing power, a pair of dual short-swords that have a higher attack speed at the cost of some attack power, or a powerful energy spear that has lower attack speed in exchange for an increase of offensive capabilities and nearly unstoppable piercing power. It has two energy modes: regular mode, which gives the weapon energy a silver color, and disruption mode, which colors the energy red. While regular mode is most effective against physical targets compared to disruption mode, the latter has the capability to jam electronic systems. For example, it can be used to disable stationary weapon systems or disorient mechanical enemies. Modes can be changed once per turn. Use of disruption mode has at a two-turn cooldown.

Roll 8. Ripper Fists: These weapons are high-powered claw-like weapons with studded knuckles capable of both punching at meteoric velocity when closed or ripping through heavy armor with when opened. Reinforced joints and strong actuators alongside the arms complement the highly aggressive weapons. Specialized pistons are built into the Framewerk's limbs that, when used, pressurize the joint area at the moment of activation before letting the potential energy out as a quick burst. As a result, the Framewerk is capable of short but very quick bursts of movement. These can be used for close-ranged strikes and kicks. The system can't be activated rapidly enough to use properly for regular movement, but can still be useful initiating movement or to enhance it if used properly. Your enemies must feel doomed when facing these tearing terrors.

Roll 9. Twin Elemental Cannons: These weapons fire shells with a payload combination of supercooled and superheated chemicals in unison. When the projectiles hit their target, they cause an explosive chemical reaction capable of sublimating biological targets and heavily damaging mechanical ones. Less effective in the vacuum of space due to requiring the use of special capsules, reducing area of effect.

Roll 10. Gatling Gun: A belt fed machine-gun style weapon that boasts an incredibly high rate of fire. The belt is covered by a heavy sheath that provides partial cover when firing from a standing position. Heavy caliber caseless rounds are fed from internal magazines and charged with lethally high voltage of electricity theorized to be capable of punching through any barrier defenses. Each round is also designed with maximum penetration of physical penetration in mind, making for the ultimate dakka.

Roll 11. Particle Cannon: A weapon with a trio of edged prongs circling the barrel. The weapon accelerates a payload of Tau particles while charging up to one million volts of energy along the prongs before the entire blast is released in a high-impact bolt. The weapon has great yield with adept stopping power. It's downsides include being slow to fire and difficulty with piercing through armor when uncharged. When given enough time to charge the cannon to after one or more turns, however, the shot is guaranteed to put at least a smoldering crater in most physical armor. In the event of a close-range hazard, the weapon's prongs are reinforced to act as an emergency melee weapon. Prolonged use is ill-advised, as damage may dramatically hamper the weapon's stability and risk further damage if fired.

Roll 12. Missile Launchers: Shoulder-mounted arrays of missile launchers that can deliver various payloads including armor-piercing, high-explosive and incendiary missiles. Automatically lock on and track targets based on heat signature. Can launch up to eight missiles at once, 4 per shoulder.

Roll 13. Slag Cannon: A shoulder-mounted weapon that fires superheated metal, for example tungsten, to melt through armor. The large amount of heat this generates limits the safe firing rate for the weapon to medium range, with close range risking damage. The weapon includes automated rapid loading and firing functions, allowing the first shot that hits a target to be immediately followed up with an additional shot with lesser power.

Roll 14. Stake Driver: A sword-like weapon with a Carbonox blade which is further augmented by hydraulic systems. When activated, the weapon has thrice the kinetic energy compared to swinging it as a regular sword. It is capable of penetrating thick armor with excessive cutting power. The weapon is mounted on the arm with the hydraulic systems sealed internally.

Roll 15. Rocket Hammer: A melee weapon with rocket thrusters installed into it, allowing it to be swung with great velocity. Coupled with it's immense weight, the impact is capable of caving in even the thickest of armor, smashing it flat as tinfoil. It is also effective against barriers due to the sheer mass of the attacks, allowing it to easily break energy-based protection.

Roll 16. Vibroblade: A large katana-like weapon designed to deliver maximum power to a slash while staying as lightweight and quick as possible. The weapon is made of a Carbonox alloy and utilizes high-frequency oscillating particles, allowing it to cut through almost anything in the known galaxy at a sub-atomic level. It is also because of this the blade gives off a light blue hue when activated. The weapon system is designed to attack quickly and ferociously at close range.

Roll 17. Shredder Shotguns: These twin-linked weapons fire high impact flak blasts with either incendiary or armor-piercing shells which chew up targets at the cost of a slow rate of fire. The ultimate close-range ranged weapons.

Roll 18. Shining Fingers: The weapon generates energy from the Framewerk's hands, allowing it to be fired as beams or wielded as a melee weapon, or even used defensively to repel attacks with parrying motions. The weapon has both high destructive potential and versatility. However, prolonged use of the system puts mental strain on the pilot.

Roll 19. Artillery Mortars: Cannon weapons mounted on the shoulders that fire explosive shells with high destructive yield. The weapon includes a projectile flight path calculation system that predicts the arcing paths of shells before they are fired from the weapon, improving accuracy. Weather and the movement of enemy units is not taken into account by the system's calculations. The weapon is intended for devastation in a large area of effect. The cannon barrels are also modified to extend or shorten in length to allow better control over operational range. Includes several modes. During "Artillery Mode", the cannons are both extended and angled within 45 degrees from horizontal over the shoulders to allow for long-range bombardment. During "Mortar Mode" the cannons are shortened and within 45 degrees of being vertical to allow for rapid bombardment at medium ranges. Finally, during "Direct Mode" the cannons are angled almost entirely horizontal over the shoulders to allow for direct fire at shorter ranges. The weapon includes an assortment of shells available for use that can be switched out by pilot commands. Both mode and ammunition changes can be done once per turn.
HEFI Shell: High-Explosive Fragmentation Incendiary shells, shortened to HEFI, are more dangerous to use at shorter ranges due to the fragmentation and incendiary effects of the shells. These shells have a more pronounced arc, and are recommended for use in either Artillery or Mortar Mode.
APHE Shell: Armor-Piercing High-Explosive shells are designed for short to long range engagements. These shells have a less pronounced arc that allows for greater range, and are especially effective in Direct Mode due to possessing a smaller explosion radius.
HYDRA Shell: Specially designed shells that break apart and separate in midair, releasing a swarm of explosive capsules that carpet bomb over a targeted area. Recommended for use in Mortar Mode, cannot be used in Direct Mode. These shells must be carefully loaded, and therefore require more time to be loaded.
Titan Shell: Shells fitted with with large-yield conventional explosive warheads, resembling the detonation size and strength of a Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB). Recommended only for Artillery Mode, as the explosion radius is large. Cannot be used in Direct Mode.

Roll 20. Arklight Thunder: An energy-based weapon that utilizes particle generators to fling bolts of electricity. While not the most effective weapon against heavy armor, it's devastating effect against barriers and energy fields is unparalleled. It can also disrupt electronic systems by creating a Tesla field around the Framewerk, stunning nearby targets.

Table 7 (D30): Secondary System

Your Secondary System is for non-weapon systems like additional thrusters, utility tools, and so on. Your Framewerk has one Secondary System by default, with extra ones depending on other results.

Roll 1. Graviton Singularity System: The Graviton Singularity System creates a large void of space before the Framewerk, which then implodes with surrounding atmosphere filling in. As a result, targets are pulled at longer ranges into melee range towards the Framewerk, causing them to stumble and most likely fall down, leaving them vulnerable to attack. To prevent the Framewerk from also being affected, the system includes autonomous high-impact cleats and counter-thrusters that launch from the Framewerk's legs, anchoring them in place at the moment of activation, giving them immunity to the pulling effect. However, activating the system requires the Framewerk to sty still without moving that turn. Can be used in space at great risk to self. Nearby allies are also at risk of being pulled in both space and on the ground.

Roll 2. Muscle Memory Operations Recall Precision Generator (MMORPG): An augmentation system based on an onboard computer than saves and stores data on maneuvers, and calculates variations on maneuvers as well. These are triggered when the pilot begins a maneuver, removing latency and allowing the Framewerk to move far faster than should be feasible. Observers might mistakenly think that the Framewerk itself possesses reflexes. Because of the importance of reading the pilot's intentions, there is a complex control system within the Framewerk that gives the pilot 'free' movement, though still restrained by a harness system. The actions of the pilot internally are replicated by the Framewerk, with internal shock sensors that prevent the pilot being thrown around during maneuvers and combat. The system self-improves through simulation and repetition, which allows it to gather more data on the same movement pattern ahead of time to the point of master-like precision.

Roll 3. Phase Shift: A system based on an emerging technology, and the first of its kind. Reverse-engineered from classified Cruxi technology, as well as information gained from captured Cruxi, this technology is seeing its first days out in the field. The Phase Shift is currently so advanced that it only works with Framewerks capable of handling highly volatile and dangerous materials. Even then, the pilot must be specially trained to allow them to employ it in battle. Phase Shift is capable of being used in two different functions:

A. Allows the whole Frame to temporarily shift to an intangible and invisible phase. This means that it can't attack and can't be attacked, is invisible, and able to move through walls or other Frames. However, this only lasts for a few seconds before dropping the Framewerk back into existence. However, the pilot is also unable to see during this period as the displays will simply have nothing to broadcast.

B. The Frame can Phase Shift the matter around it, or even with self-damage to the Frame, to create a barrier in front of itself to deflect an incoming attack. This barrier only materializes long enough to block the damage before disappearing, and needs to be activated by the pilot once they are aware of the incoming attack.

Due to immense strain in both energy consumption and on the pilot, none of these abilities can be used simultaneously. A switch between modes may only be done once per turn.

Roll 4. Stargazer: an experimental propulsion and defense system that uses extremely powerful magnets harvested from super-dense star systems. The system was originally designed for deep space exploration where fuel sources are scarce or non-existent. By aligning the magnets with bodies with greater mass like stars in the direction that the Framewerk is set to travel in, the Stargazer is then able to push and pull the Frame in that direction simultaneously. Similarly, the system is capable of pushing projectiles off of their course and away from the Frame or other targets, keeping them safe. Given enough time, the pilot can redirect attacks to specified directions to avoid redirecting the attack into an ally or even force the projectile to strike an enemy target. When used for space travel, it doubles the Frame's forward speed.

Roll 5. Magnetic Shielding: The system can create temporary barriers against incoming projectiles. Formed from a screen of highly charged plasma, it incinerates smaller projectiles and can deflect larger ones. It also has the side effect of blocking radiation. While usually not enough to completely stop a center of mass hit, it can turn a kill shot into a glancing blow. This barrier is strongest when projected in the same direction the Weapon System is facing.

Roll 6. Air Recon Drones: The system includes 5 recon drones attached to the back of the Framewer. The drones assist the Frame by taking to the sky and updating the pilot and their allies on the battlefield as well as finding targets to attack. The drones can be taken control of manually using a separate interface built into the Framewerk. The drones can gather combat data that, new Cruxi or enemy units discovered, as well as abnormalities, and relays the data a back to HQ.

Roll 7. Automated Targeting System: Used for choosing the right weapon for the right target, the system acquires targets automatically and assists with aiming. Provides the ability to use two weapon attacks in a single turn, or a single weapon attack after a dash move. These weapons can be used on the same target or separate targets.

Roll 8. Microburst Monopropellent Thrusters: Provide additional maneuverability and speed for a weight class up to Very Heavy Heavy via small thrusters lining the back using a mono-propellent that does not ignite. Effective and harder to detect than heat based propellant.

Roll 9. Electrical Field Generator: When active, the Framewerk's armor is super charged by connection to one or more internal super-capacitors. Enemies that come within close range will have the charge of any connected capacitors forced through their external systems, damaging and stunning them. While active, this field also disrupts signal transmission and reception, effectively rendering the pilot radar blind and deaf for a turn after use.

Roll 10. Cloaking Wings: A set of armor wings that fold out of the way during combat for easier maneuverability, or fold down and add an extra layer of protection during blitz maneuvers to break through front lines. The wings have two modes. Stealth mode makes the Framewerk virtually invisible to electronic surveillance and radar. However, it can still be seen by biological vision. Stealth mode is only usable while the armor wings are closed. Decoy mode creates up to three holographic duplicates that replicate the Framewerk's movements at a close or medium distance from them. They also create fake radar signals identical to the Frame. This mode can be used with armor wings closed or opened. Both modes work on both ally and enemy scanners.

Roll 11. Extreme Boosters: These boosters allow the Frame to travel at triple their regular speed when activated. To increase ease of mobility, the Frame has a set of fins that can be adjusted to increase or decrease drag and subtly alter flight paths when the boosters are active. Repeated use of the boosters risks overheating and/or crashing violently.

Roll 12. Shield Generator: An energy shield system that works by making multiple layers of energy distortion around the Framewerk. The shield is broken into four sections: Front, rear, left, and right. Each section has it's own small independent generator, allowing the shield to be partially maintained even if one section is powered down or offline. The shield itself is projected via emitters built along the hull of the Framewerk. Each section can be reinforced by diverting extra power form the other sections to a single section. The shield provides balanced defense between energy and projectiles along with environmental hazards while it is active. The shield can be overpowered by enough damage. The shield requires two turns to recharge before it can be reactivated after failing. The shield is more effective on turns when no weapon attacks are made due to reduced energy usage.

Roll 13. Repair Drones: 6 small drones housed and maintained within the Framewerk. The drones are capable of hovering. Each drone is equipped with numerous tools that are used to identify damage and preform repairs on variety of equipment on the battlefield. Once deployed the drones can operate autonomously at a medium range, repairing whatever damage the squad has incurred until the drone exhausts its energy supply, runs out of things to repair, is unable to repair damaged systems, or is recalled. The drones are able to operate more efficiently if the Framewerk can stay in close proximity to them due to having access to a central control node instead of their independent nodes which can process data for them faster. The drones make clicking noises and blink lights to signal the central control node is utilized.

The drones are equipped with magnetic legs and cling to the Frame they are repairing, sort of like a beneficial tick or parasite. Thus, basic repairs may be conducted while the Frame under repair is in motion. Depending on the damage, more complex repairs may require the Frame being repaired to remain motionless for period of time. The drones can also be used to dismantle things if given enough time and the Framewerk remains close by.
In an emergency, the drones can be used for a one-off offensive use by overloading the power supply, causing them to self-detonate and explode.

Roll 14. Jetpack: Designed for space travel, these can provide a speed boost in any direction. Also can be removed and thrown as makeshift bomb, detonating with impressive power at the cost of losing the speed boost.

Roll 15. Multiple Fire Control System: A suite of comprehensive software and hardware, and sensor arrays. Able to acquire targets using RADAR, LADAR, Infrared and traditional optical target acquisition. The Framewerk is able to freely and easily distribute power from its energy cells to the first three detection modes, allowing for great flexibility on the battlefield. If necessary, the modular nature of the system makes it possible to install active/passive sonar for marine warfare in less than five hours in a standard Framewerk berth.

The system also sports highly advanced target tracking and firing solution computation abilities owing to a specialized logic core that runs synchronous to the Framewerk's' own computer chipset. In proper conditions, only few types of enemies may outgun the Framewerk within medium range owing to the constant effective firepower provided by the system. In addition, the system may compile esoteric data on-the-fly into the standard communication packet format for transmission to any applicable friendly networks for their use and perusal in real-time. When activated, the user may make a weapon attack against as many targets in a single action as they can reach in medium range.

Roll 16. Bastion: A portable wall capable of expanding and digging in to the ground to protect two adjacent ally Framewerks of Heavy weight class or smaller at each side. It is made using Carbonox and other advanced alloys, and highly resistant to plasma. In it's folded form it can be used as a battering ram or as a protecting armament against flanking opponents.

Roll 17. Attack Drones: A relatively new type of drone, 4 of these are housed and maintained within the Framewerk. These drones are capable of hovering, and are equipped with heavy armor plating, granting them better protection but slower movement speed compared to other types of drones. The drones are armed with a small laser cannon, a melee-range laser dagger, and capable of attacking in synchronized teamwork. These drones can fully operate at medium range. When out of range of the Framewerk, the drones will enter standby mode and partially power down. They have magnetic legs that allow them to climb on metal surfaces and Framewerks. When clinging to an ally, they perform as a turret, firing at nearby enemies. When clinging to enemy targets, they can use laser daggers to cut effectively into enemy armor. To meet the energy demands of the drones systems, they are equipped with plasma reactors. If given an override command the drones can cause there reactors to overload. Resulting in the reactor detonating with high destructive power.

Roll 18. Energy Wings: Detachable energy fields that can take a multitude of shapes and block incoming strikes and projectiles. These can be used to guard the Framewerk from a variety of incoming attacks. However, they can travel a short distance away from the Framewerk and protect an ally as well.

Roll 19. Rocket Anchors: Two rocket propelled anchors located at the waist of the Framewerk, they can be used as a means of getting around quicker like a grappling hook of sorts. Alternatively, they can be aimed and used in combat to distract, confuse or disarm enemies.

Roll 20. Hornet Nest Point Defense System: Primarily a defensive system, it includes several hidden missile pods located all over the Framewerk. One or more missiles can be fired off in response to enemy attacks to intercept incoming enemy fire with kinetic impact weapons, which are essentially large darts. While mainly used to protect from return fire while on the move, the system can also attack other targets such as airborne threats with less efficacy.

Roll 21. Tank Treads: Your Framewerk's torso is situated on a sturdy base with grinding treads. This grants less speed and maneuverability when flying or in uneven terrain, but great speed and maneuverability on flat surfaces. You can also equip an additional Primary or Secondary System thanks to better load carrying capability.

Roll 22. Multiple Arms: Your Framewerk has an extra set of dexterous limbs that can hold an additional Primary Weapon System. You can attack with this Weapon System with the same action in addition to your regular attack. You also receive a bonus to grappling actions or to assisting other Framewerks, such as lifting or carrying them. You could even hold one weapon with more arms to boost accuracy or power depending on the weapon at the expense of forfeiting the extra attack for the action.

Roll 23. Spider Legs: Your Framewerk is shaped like an arachnid, with multiple legs supporting a central body. You have less armor comparable to a single lower level of weight class. However, you have a bonus to accuracy for ranged weapons, better agility on uneven terrain, and access to an additional Primary Weapons System. You can jump up and extend your legs to initiate a hover mode. In hover mode, you can float in place and attack with the same accuracy as standing still while able to move at half speed.

Roll 24. Henshin: Your Framewerk can transform to a single configuration or shape of your choosing. It can be a vehicle such as a truck which can carry and transport a standing Framewerk, a fighter jet for aerial agility and speed, and so on.

Roll 25. Leaper: Your Framewerk's legs are backwards jointed and powerful like a dinosaur's. You may make a jump instead of your move action with improved speed equal to a single level of lower weight class. You can perform a stomping attack on an enemy in addition to other attacks if targeting an enemy with the jump move. In melee, you can perform kicking attacks with slightly improved reach and power, but at greater risk of being knocked down.

Roll 26. Utility Drones: Your Framewerk's shoulders are enlarged and capable of releasing one drone each. While not as efficient or numerous as other types of drones, these drones can fly swiftly and perform a single role of your choosing including fire support, repairs, protection, surveillance or data gathering, and are equipped to serve that role. The two drones can have different roles.

Roll 27. Absolute Dread Field: Your Framewerk is equipped with a device at the front of the Framewerk that generates a forward-facing protective barrier that can absorb a certain amount of damage before breaking. However, you can't see forward while the field is active.

Roll 28. Segmented Recombination: The Framewerk's construction is uniquely divided, with every single segment beyond the core, where the cockpit is located, capable of splitting off the core, and subsequently reattach with ease using magnetic forces. The divided parts can operate autonomously with inbuilt computer systems. As a result, the pilot can adapt to the increasing damage that the Framewerk can sustain during battle.

Roll 29. Kattai: Your Framewerk can combine with other Framewerks, turning into either a weapon that can be held or a piece of armor that can magnetically attach. The target Framewerk must be at least three weight classes heavier than yours to be eligible for combining, or at least the same weight class if it also has Kattai, allowing the two to Megazord.

Roll 30. Power Engine: Mounted on the Frame's back, it is a power-increasing device that increases speed equal to one lower level of weight class, and power equal to a level of higher weight class. It also improves carrying capacity, allowing the Framewerk to lift up and carry ally Framewerks as a free action for that turn. The device needs to recharge for one turn before it can be used again.

The Character Sheets

The Rules

1. Joining the RP: If you wish to join, submit your character or characters sheets in the interest check, OOC tab, or as a private message for review. You can submit a WIP one, but if another player submits a finished sheet before you they will take a player slot first.

Once the sheet has been approved it can be posted to the character tab, and you can begin posting in IC tab. A maximum of two active pilot characters and Framewerks per poster can be actively used at the same time. Any more characters created and introduced IC afterwards must replace previously created ones, for example by retiring a previous character. Exceptions to the rule include the Twin Soul Power, whichs work as described in the rules.

2. Golden Rule: If you ask first, there's a high chance it gets approved. Of course, you can't go full Gurren Lagann and throw galaxies around or break every reality as Demonbane from the start...but you might be surprised at what I sometimes let you get away with.

3. Group Size: I'm planning on running this with about 6-8 players, maybe up to 10 depending on the lineup and how much interest this gets. I'm up for running any kind of team: whether it's all frontliners, all backliners, or all specialists. However, for narrative purposes I recommend players take up different sorts of roles in the team, so everyone gets a chance to shine in the figurative spotlight.

4. NPCs: The number of combat-ready NPCs are limited to three NPCs per player. Exceptions can be made in certain cases, such as a higher importance of the NPCs to the currently happening story. Non-combat npcs can be included as part of posts without express permission. These can include anything from random crew members, the cafeteria lady, or the janitor who spots you sneaking off to train more in the VR room.

5. Explicit content: The world of NIC is definitely on the dark side, with violence and death as an intrinsic part of the setting of a galactic war. Framewerk pilots risk their lives fighting the good fight, and some have the scars to show for it, whether they are physical or mental. On that note, please keep the description of gore, body horror, and anything else explicit on the tasteful side. Bleeding is fine, and even the loss of limbs is tolerable given access to cybernetic replacements. Also, while it goes without saying, keep the lewd content limited according to RPG site rulings. To give an example, the tone NIC is aiming for is late-night anime at it's most extreme, so please avoid crossing that limit.

6. Post Rate: Depending on if I'm busy or not, I'm going to attempt posting at least once a week, most likely during weekends and will most likely post at least once every two weeks. My timezone is GMT+2, so expect responses at weird times. At the beginning things might move more rapidly due to excitement in the player base, but don't be discouraged if you feel you're unable to keep up, as based on my experience this won't likely last long, and the posting will slow to a rate most would consider comfortable. However, if you're not going to be able to post for a long while, please let me know: I'm willing to wait for stragglers or temporarily control characters depending on the situation.

In general, try to avoid speed posting too much if you can; while excitement is fine and even encouraged, over-indulging can easily lead to burnout or isolating other players who find it difficult to catch up. But most of all, don't sweat too much about keeping to a posting schedule: we all have lives, and this is meant to be fun without putting pressure on having to force something out. It's also okay to take a hiatus in case burnout does occur, and come back later.

7. Post Content: Your IC posts should at least be a paragraph in length, include your character's thoughts, and an action or some dialogue. In other words, a post should have something other posters can respond to or have some thoughts about. Basic stuff, but never hurts to leave a reminder. If you do have difficulties coming up with content for your posts, feel free to ask for suggestions.

8. Post Collaboration: It is sometimes recommended for dialogue and/or interaction between characters to be collaborated, especially when they are expected to run for longer than a couple of posts. For example,
Google Docs is a good place to make writing collaborations, as do other places with EtherPads like Piratepad. However, if you prefer writing your posts on your own that's fine too.

9. Discord: If your character submission is accepted, you will receive an invitation to our Discord channel dedicated for the RP. While participation is not mandatory at all, it is recommended you at least check the place out: not only is it the fastest place to reach me, I will be making most of my announcements regarding the RP there as well as here. It is also a chill place to hang out and discuss the story, characters, or chat about anything at all.

10. Have fun! If you don't, please let me know by posting in OOC or sending me a message, and I'll see what I can do to fix the issue. If you have any ideas you want to share in private, feel free to do so as well.

Example Character Sheet

This is a character sheet of a GMPC I will be playing as part of the pilot squad. The sheet can also be used as reference if planning to submit your own.

Pilot Name: Elora Liu'un

Gender: Female

Pilot Type: Gifted Pilot
Age: 18

Background Potentials:
1. Humanity's Potential: Ever since her encounter with the Cruxi, Elora has felt like she was different from her fellow peers. She kept having strange dreams, and sometimes experienced strange things. It was these phenomena that convinced the Galactic Federation's local representative to refer for the program: she had yet to grasp what she was truly capable of.

2. Supporter: Elora is a dedicated support unit for the squad, sworn to do her best at intelligence gathering and application of the Combat Analyzer System to benefit her allies.

3. Clairvoyance: Elora has sometimes seen strange visions. They started out as dreams, but eventually began to take place in the waking world as well. Usually they are muddied and make little sense...But the little glimpses she does get confuse her to no end. Why is she seeing these?

1. Enhanced Uniform: Elora has a custom uniform she personally requested after she realized how loose the chest portion ended up on her. It seems Ritsu agreed, and took measures to ensure she got one that was as comfortable and useful as the nervous, self-conscious girl could have. It's still not great, but at least she got a new game out of it.

2. Memento: Elora has a heart-shaped locket with a picture of her parents inside. She sometimes opens it and looks at the picture to remind her of happier times..And a future she must fight for.

Personality: A shy and introverted girl, Elora has been shaken by the loss of her family back in her home planet of Verdigris, and has found it difficult not to burst into tears at the slightest provocation. Still, she has decided to do her best for the sake of her parents, and hopes to become stronger in the future...Unless the war destroys her spirit first.

Background: Elora's life growing up was fairly normal, if a bit lonely due to her introverted nature. But everything changed when the Cruxi arrived. The sky was filled with green fire, and hulking troopers marched through the streets, rounding people up and dragging them in chains back to their ships. It was only thanks to her father's sacrifice that she managed to escape, and his final words are something she won't ever forget. Now, after having been accepted into the Framewerk experimental pilot program, she hopes she can redeem herself for what she considered cowardice.

Notable Deaths or Missing People: Her family, consisting of her parents and younger brother, have disappeared. She hopes they are alive out there somewhere, and her memory of them keeps her going forward, no matter how hard it could be.

Additional information: Elora loves videogames, and tends to spend her free time playing games. Her favorite genres are RPGs and adventure games. They help distract from the war.

Framewerk name: Logic Diver

Weight Class: Light. Logic Diver is intended to support the other units by quickly reaching battle and beginning to scan for data. However, despite the use of the cloaking field there is still risk involved with the data gathering, so there is some better egg-shaped armor equipped in exchange for firepower.

Framewerk Type: Specialist. Logic Diver is a support unit dedicated to intelligence gathering and data analysis, and relaying useful information to the rest of the squad.

Primary Weapon System: Logic Diver is equipped with an Automatic Battle Rifle (ABR), that has a high rate of fire and low recoil for a kinetic weapon, making for an effective weapon to provide covering fire with. It is most useful against groups or low-armor enemies, but has poor performance against high-armor targets.

Secondary System: Combat Analyzer. Logic Diver's main mode of operation is collecting battlefield data which is achieved with the built-in quantum computer system. The Combat Analyzer's main use is in scanning enemy data for possible weak points or other noteworthy intelligence for the pilot to analyze and then relay to other pilots during a mission using the specialized antenna Logic Diver is also built with. While Logic Diver can collect data from a distance in a reasonable time, the process is accelerated with closer distance to the enemy, putting pressure on Elora to keep close during combat despite having poor offensive capability, putting her at risk of being found out. However, given the support of other Framewerks, the tactical advantage given by the collected data is sure to aid the entire squad.

Secondary System: Cloak Field. A generator for personal cloaking field that can render the Frame undetectable by all but the most advanced tracking systems. However, the system deactivates upon opening fire. Rather than ambushing enemies immediately, Elora uses the system to successfully collect and process data at closer proximity to the enemy. Of course, she can then launch a sneak attack once she has finished sharing intelligence.

Secondary System: Hyper Relay. The outlet for the processed data, Elora uses the automated data to send useful information to her squad, including topographical map data displayed at first as a two-dimensional radar until it develops into a three-dimensional hologram. She can also highlight predicted weapon trajectories to nearby allies, and even enemy weakpoints
and other useful info given enough processed data.

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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giant robot go brrrrrrrr

i'm interested and working on a char sheet, but I'm curious--the backstory mentions 2590 as the date that the nature of the enemy was finally discovered, is the "present day" still pretty much there or has some time passed?

ETA: I'm not sure if I just missed it--do mechs get only 1 each from the Primary and Secondary systems by default?
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Digmata


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Ok I want to take a shot on this but I will do so later when I'm free got free time.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

giant robot go brrrrrrrr

i'm interested and working on a char sheet, but I'm curious--the backstory mentions 2590 as the date that the nature of the enemy was finally discovered, is the "present day" still pretty much there or has some time passed?

ETA: I'm not sure if I just missed it--do mechs get only 1 each from the Primary and Secondary systems by default?

Some time has passed since 2590. The present day date is kept nebulous to allow for flexibility. You are correct, the systems lacked a mention of the default amount. I added those to the character creation section.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by SleepyWrites
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SleepyWrites That one sleepy Writer

Member Seen 6 days ago

I wanna take a shot at this
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The metal mind perk provides an extra mod for the framework but what exactly qualifies as a mod? Does it simply mean an extra primary or secondary system or something else?
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The metal mind perk provides an extra mod for the framework but what exactly qualifies as a mod? Does it simply mean an extra primary or secondary system or something else?

It means a custom modification for the Framewerk: not something as large as an entire Secondary System, but it can be a new feature or addition. For example, a mod could include a change to the ammunition of the weaponry or the firing method to them, or for the torso to be able to turn 180 degrees from the legs. Given enough time, a Metal Mind can customize their Framewerk pretty considerably compared to other pilots who can do smaller changes.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

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Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Accepted. An interesting combination of medium-range fire with specialist features. Once the OOC is up on Friday you can post your character sheet to the CHAR tab.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Goblininamech
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Goblininamech The Mad Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

This seems like my type of story, color me interested.
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by Duthguy>

Accepted. An interesting combination of medium-range fire with specialist features. Once the OOC is up on Friday you can post your character sheet to the CHAR tab.

It was what I rolled and since I already had a backliner I could make it work, especially since I had to reroll one secondary system already. Originally I got tank treads twice and that just made no sense so I rerolled the second treads and got Katai so lets hope someone else gets a heavy enough mech with that ability
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Goblininamech
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Goblininamech The Mad Engineer

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

We got quite a bruiser with this one, and a solid Frontliner. Accepted, though I can't help but wonder if you meant to write "Wrecking Ball" instead of "Wreaking". Also, I'll assume you meant Close Quarters Combat with CCQ.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Goblininamech
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Goblininamech The Mad Engineer

Member Seen 19 days ago

<Snipped quote by Goblininamech>

We got quite a bruiser with this one, and a solid Frontliner. Accepted, though I can't help but wonder if you meant to write "Wrecking Ball" instead of "Wreaking". Also, I'll assume you meant Close Quarters Combat with CCQ.

Yep to both, gonna fix that real quick.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Seems very cool, will be taking a closer look at all the many options later in the eve
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by ctrlsaltdel
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Member Seen 1 hr ago

Decided to go the duo pilot route; let me know if that's not ok.

Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Decided to go the duo pilot route; let me know if that's not ok.

No problem at all. Accepted. The twins seem like a fun contrast of personalities. Having their Frames named after the founders of Rome is a nice touch. The two Frames may combine with Goliath Buster, as their weight classes are compatible.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by DracoLunaris
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DracoLunaris Multiverse tourist

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 1 hr ago

The first Experienced Pilot submission, and it's a cute grey alien! I look forward to Rose taking the role of team mom. The Framewerk is also quite unique, and reminds me of War of the Worlds. Accepted.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

<Snipped quote by ctrlsaltdel>
No problem at all. Accepted. The twins seem like a fun contrast of personalities. Having their Frames named after the founders of Rome is a nice touch. The two Frames may combine with Goliath Buster, as their weight classes are compatible.

Now that is good news to me but what does @ctrlsaltdel think?
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