Law Upholding Hero - Officer Crystalis
I d e n t i t y
Crobalt Todoroki, 15-07-2106 · 21 years oldMilitary Police Student Japan, Unranked - Eirei College
P e r s o n a l i t y
As an individual, Crobalt himself is down-to-earth and generally caring of the wellbeing of others, he's also fiercely determined to protect the commonfolk, even when he's in over his head with a pissed off Villain in hot pursuit. It's not that he's afraid of what's looking to smash his face in, but more that he's willing to put the safety of others far above his own as any self-respecting officer of the law should. His overly protective sister tends to chastise him for such reckless acts, but he'd long since accepted he'd never be on her level, so he chose instead to support her heroism in his own way. He also never skips a day of training.
Crobalt hails from the same lineage as Eva does, but the two siblings couldn't be any more different. Where his sister has an Active Quirk, Crobalt is seemingly Quirkless. But that hasn't stopped him trying to be someone his sister can count on. He's the good cop trying to do right in a society where folks like him are the minority. He harbors a respect for his grandfather's heroics, and strives to uphold his beliefs on what a hero should be wherever he can.
Since he seemingly has no quirk of his own, he has to result in clever tactics, quick thinking and thorough observations in the event he ends up having to square off against a quirk-using Villain, all while remaining focused under fire. though depending on the Villain's quirk, this may be little more than a delay tactic or a decoy to lure said Villain to areas where the risk of collateral is acceptably limited, all while relaying his findings to Pro Heroes on the way.
In reality, Crobalt actually possesses a dormant quirk that he's completely unaware of, but all evidence of it's existence is unknown to him, kept under lock and key. Only a handful of people know of this fact, his father being one of them. In simplicity, Crobalt has effectively been living a lie as a "Quirkless" who isn't actually Quirkless.
Q u i r k
Flames of LawGen 5 - Accumulation/Contractor - Dormant
Flames of Law is Crobalt's (currently inert) Quirk. This Quirk ties to Crobalt's emotional state. By default Crobalt generates searing hot flames that he can use in a variety of ways, from enhancing his physical strikes to venting them from his limbs for high-speed movement, not unlike Iron Man's Repulsors. However, if his calm front begins to slip, his flames become more intense based on how emotional he gets, at the expense of energy consumption.
His Quirk requires the energy in his body from things like food, drink and rest to function optimally. If Crobalt runs low on energy, not only will his Quirks' flame intensity drop exponentially, but he can also put himself in a severely fatigued state, barely able to respond to incoming attacks. Acclimatizing to the strain his quirk puts on him through extended use could alleviate this to a degree, but it wouldn't truly stamp it out. He would first need to rouse said quirk from it's dormancy first before that could become a thing.
For Crobalt, a battle of attrition would be his worst enemy as he'd eventually burn himself out sooner or later. Assuming he can maintain his composure, at best he'd be able to hold his own for an hour or two of high intensity fighting.
° Ignis Cross - Wreathing both his Sakabato and Wakizashi in flames, performs a cross slash intended to bring down a target quickly, cutting and cauterizing at the same time.
° Nova Magnum - A concentrated, fire infused shot from his handgun intended to inflict severe damage to more resilient targets, typically aimed for the legs or arms to cripple an opponent instead of fatally wound.
° Molten Flurry - A barrage of flame-enhanced unarmed strikes typically aimed at the target's torso or torso equivalent. This can be either a flurry of punches or kicks, wrapped up with a single powerful finishing strike in a bid to knock the wind out the target's sails.
° Blazing Vortex - Wreathing an arm in intense spiraling flames, Crobalt strikes the adversary with everything he's got, unleashing a powerful directed tornado of flame in the direction of the punch. This could be straight up, diagonal, or horizontal depending on the angle of the strike. The tradeoff of unleashing such a powerful torrent of flame all at once however is it -will- leave him exhausted and unable to generate any more flames for a time without risk to his own bodily functions afterwards.
S k i l l s
Home Cooking • Quick Thinker • Keen observational and analytical skillsSupport Item - Pyro Assisting Enforcer Armour (PAEA), Pro Hero GPS Tracker Watch, Police Pursuit Bike, Police Armaments - Patented
Pyro Assisting Enforcer Armour (PAEA)

The PAEA armour is intended to act as both protection and efficiency assistant to Crobalt, protecting his body from harm up to medium-strength quirks and small arms fire, while also enabling more efficient use of his quirk by providing ignitable fuel from the gauntlets and boots to allow him to produce stronger flames at a lower energy cost. This also runs the risk of having the fuel explode from damage, so the armor is designed with a modular system in mind, that he can replace spent fuel canisters on the fly, carrying up to four spare canisters in a concealed pouch, or be able to jettison the compromised fuel canisters of the armour into the air to detonate harmlessly, or in a pinch, deliberately jettison and detonate them towards a target on purpose as a last ditch effort to bring down an adversary. The gauntlets and boots also enable a limited form of flight using his flames as propulsion, though he won't be able to use his weapons in flight since he'd be using his hands to stabilize himself, and he runs the risk of burning through his body's energy reserves with sustained flight.
Pro Hero GPS Tracker Watch - Worn on the left wrist, shows Crobalt the positions and hero names of Pro Heroes on duty in the nearby area, and lets him mark hotspots where Pro Hero intervention is required. A gift from his sister, which he takes great care to look after, especially considering prior to his own quirk's awakening, is the only way he has to call in the big guns when he's in over his head.
Police Pursuit Motorcycle - Primary transportation method. Feeling the wind while riding from point A to point B is one of the things that he enjoys when he's not engaged in a pursuit. Comes equipped with retractable wheels and a jet propulsion system for flight and jet-assisted leaps into the air, though the former may be dependent on air traffic control's clearance to engage in flight. A necessary tool post-quirk awakening to avoid burning himself out before he even enters the fray.
Police Standard Issue Sakabato, Wakizashi, and handgun - Nothing noteworthy, but they get the job done. Upon Quirk Awakening, eventually replaces them with custom-built versions that act as conduits for his Quirk without risk of heat-based damage to the armaments themselves.