Joe Yamakami
Location: NYC, Outside Beyond The Veil
Skills: N/A
He was never going to forget hearing the screech of sirens in tandem with the panicked barking of orders that careened upward from the sidewalk through the slightly cracked windows of his fifth story studio apartment. Joe had lived in New York for over twenty years and had heard a variety of sounds assault his senses, but what he heard earlier that day was different; it had panic laced with desperation that was confirmed by his flipping through various local news sites that proclaimed very, very strange things: cannibalistic behavior, sudden accidents and parts of the city being prompted to evacuate. He had checked his phone for notifications several times in-between the news scrolling, texting a few friends only to be greeted with affirmations that the news reports were indeed real, that something was enveloping the city that he called home.
There was an option to stay behind, of course; after all, as someone who came from a country that experienced disasters quite often, he was leery of becoming someone that gave into mass panic, but then again…the behavior that was being reported and exhibited from the brief conversations he had with friends across the city were indicative of a genuine fear response to a dangerous piece of stimuli; in other words, he felt the urge to take action, to which he did. A packed backpack later, he found himself on street level, where denizens zoomed by, traffic gridlocked, some cars abandoned in the helter skelter. His brow had furrowed, eyes narrowing; it would be difficult to utilize any of the normal modes of transportation to get off the island, but he did know of a way he could take on foot, past a bar that he had frequented several times due to a friend that insisted one of the regulars knew what good sakes was (she did not, but she knew about many other things, including how to hold a great conversation and…well, many other things).
Joe had managed to weave through the majority of trouble without a single spotting of what some were calling “zombies” (the behavioral analyst snorting a derisive chuckle at the idea of Resident Evil come to life), getting to within a hundred yards or so of Beyond the Veil. He thought he could spy forms inside the bar from windows positioned in the facade of the building, giving him some hope that he could talk to people abou-
A trash can behind him rattled, then slowly rolled towards him.
Joe turned his head, brow rising, nostrils flaring at the sight of a man (or what was once a man), tattered clothing exposing oozing sores and dried blood, a guttural moan passing through his (or it’s, now) lips. He turned back towards the bar, breaking into a trot as other figures emerged from behind him, converging on his location. Joe was about fifty yards away, but the former humans had gone from shambling to speedily pursuing.
He could only hope there were individuals in the bar who had some form of defense. Otherwise, he would be leading these creatures to more prey.