Hello folks!
Is this game still accepting players or is there a waiting list?
With thanks,
We're pretty much always open to accept new players.
Hello folks!
Is this game still accepting players or is there a waiting list?
With thanks,
Much as it pains me to do so, it's time to make some cuts. The following have been removed from the roster for inactivity:
<Snipped quote by AndyC>
*heavy breathing*
(I jest. Perfectly happy with my Living Weapon.)
Wow I love all four of those newly released characters.
I feel confident in my familiarity with playing as DD, Punisher or plot twist: Kaine Parker’s Scarlet Spider.
Do any GM’s have thoughts on which would be most beneficial to have on hand for story purposes?
Wow I love all four of those newly released characters.
I feel confident in my familiarity with playing as DD, Punisher or plot twist: Kaine Parker’s Scarlet Spider.
Do any GM’s have thoughts on which would be most beneficial to have on hand for story purposes?
On the subject of chatter and activity in the OOC:
What's everyone's favorite take on their respective character? Any particular runs in the comics you'd consider required reading, or a version from the cartoons or movies that inspired you?
<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>
You have no idea how hard it's been for me to stick to the "No GMs playing the A-listers" rule. That said, I'm having fun with Mr Cage, so I'm all good.
Winter Soldier
All four characters are available to apply for.
<Snipped quote by AndyC>
*heavy breathing*
(I jest. Perfectly happy with my Living Weapon.)
<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>
I lied.S P I D E R - M A NPeter Benjamin Parker ♦ Photojournalist, Adjunct Professor ♦ Midtown, Manhattan ♦ IndependentC H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:"I'm sorry, you think defeating me is that simple? Have you seen my resumé? I've fought mutants, gods, aliens, technomalogical wackjobs, street hoods... Hell, I fought my own costume. You think its that simple? Bring it on."Peter Parker's story is remarkably ordinary. Growing up in a loving home in Forest Hills, Queens, he had a childhood like any other -- save that he was raised by his aunt and uncle after his parents passed. He struggled to find his place in high school. At Empire State University, he started to find his footing. He made friends, fell in love, experienced heartbreak. He worked multiple jobs just to make ends meet. He got really good at couch-surfing. After years of on-and-off dating, he worked up the courage to ask Mary Jane Watson to marry him. Now expecting their first child, the happy couple lives comfortably. Peter's recently seized an opportunity to teach classes at ESU. From the outside looking in, it's a pretty normal life.
Well, except that he was bitten by a radioactive spider and has spent the better part of two decades living a double life as the spectacular Spider-Man. Peter's relationship with his masked identity has been his most tumultuous by far, yet after years of each one encroaching on the other's life, he's finally started to find something resembling equilibrium. Being Spider-Man still presents challenges; it's never a good thing when dozens of supervillains, criminals, and other ne'er-do-wells would very much like to see you dead. Yet, Peter is trying to look at the positives. Spider-Man has connected him with New York City in ways that very few other people have experienced, and he's been at this long enough to make countless caped friends who'll always be there whenever he calls.C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:Like many people, I have grown weary of the new "Spider-Man as a multiversal hero" trend. Into/Across the Spider-Verse was a masterpiece of storytelling; you'll not catch me arguing otherwise. However, Spider-Man's strength as a character has always come from his relatability. I long for those "friendly neighborhood" days, and where better to bring that back than in a game that's explicitly focused on the small-scale? I relish the opportunity to write a Spider-Man who can get cats out of trees, who knows the hot dog vendor by name, who's a hero of the people.
Also, unlike Marvel editorial, I understand that the eternal push-pull of Peter Parker's competing identities does not mean that he can never be happy, that he should never progress. I have no interest reading (or writing) a character who is continually shunted back to the same tired status quo. I want to show a version of Peter Parker who's growing as a person but keeping his feet on the ground. No Avengers, no Parker Industries... I want to show that being an everyman doesn't mean trapping him in arrested development for 60 years.C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:Superhuman Strength: Peter has the proportional strength of a spider, allowing him to pack a serious wallop and lift several tons with relative ease.
Superhuman Agility: Peter can move with superhuman speed. He is also exceptionally well-balanced and flexible, performing acrobatic feats like a world class gymnast.
Wall-Crawling: Peter's hands and feet can adhere to nearly any surface, even through thin layers of fabric. The force is capable of withstanding his full body weight and then some.
Spider-Sense: Peter has a sixth sense for danger. This is most commonly activated by physical stimuli, such as an attempted strike against his person, but also metaphysical threats.
Gadgets: Peter uses his understanding of chemistry and engineering to develop various gadgets for use in crime-fighting, most notably:
- Web-Shooters: These wrist-mounted devices are triggered by contacts in the palm to fire a specialized fluid at high pressure and velocity.
- Web Fluid: A unique polymer designed by Peter which solidifies upon contact with the air. Though it only lasts one hour, it has incredible adhesion and tensile strength.
- Spider-Tracers: These tiny devices are uniquely attuned to Peter's Spider-Sense, allowing him to track whoever (or whatever) they are attached to.
- Mary Jane Watson-Parker: Peter's longtime significant other, now wife. The pair are currently expecting their first child. Mary Jane is a successful fashion model with a handful of acting credits to her name. Though their relationship has had its ups and downs, Peter and MJ are always in each other's corner.
- J. Jonah Jameson: Peter and JJ have always had a... unique relationship. Though outwardly gruff and withholding, Jonah has looked upon his star photographer as an adoptive son, trying to do right by him as much as he could. Unfortunately, being unaware of Peter's double life, Jonah has never hesitated to turn the Daily Bugle against the "menace" Spider-Man.
- Flash Thompson: Improbably, Peter's high school tormentor became one of his closest friends and eventually best man at Peter's wedding. Flash continues to be one of Spider-Man's biggest fans, none the wiser that his old friend, Pete, is underneath the mask.
- Dr. Curt Connors: An amputee whose experiments transformed him into the feral Lizard, Dr. Connors has gotten a handle over his dark persona and resumed scholarly life at Empire State University. It was his recommendation that Peter look into adjuncting to see if he enjoyed teaching at the collegiate level.
- Black Cat: At times a rival, a romantic interest, and a crime-fighting partner, Peter and Felicia's complicated history has brought them in and out of each other's orbit over the years. Though his marriage to MJ precludes the possibility of old passions being enflamed, Peter is very happy to see Felicia on the up-and-up.
- Green Goblin: Peter's archnemesis and perpetual boogeyman, Norman Osborn has been the architect of many of the worst moments of Peter's life, including the infamous death of Gwen Stacy. Though currently in SHIELD custody, the threat that he represents is never far from Peter's mind.
- Doctor Octopus: Brilliant though megalomaniacal, Otto Octavius is one of Spider-Man's oldest enemies. Whether he decides to get his hands dirty himself or organizes a new Sinister Six, it's a safe bet that he'll continue to menace Spidey, New York, and the world at large.
- Kingpin: If Daredevil is the object of Wilson Fisk's ire, then Spider-Man is the metaphorical thorn in his paw. Their overlapping territory means that neither can avoid the other for long, and Peter enjoys tweaking Fisk's nose at any available opportunity.
- Mister Negative: To all the world, Martin Li appears to be a philanthropist and advocate for the downtrodden, but that persona hides his true nature as Mister Negative, a ruthless crime boss and leader of the Inner Demons gang. If there's a grab for power in the criminal underworld, you can be sure Mister Negative will make a play.
- Electro: Among Spider-Man's rogues, few possess the raw lethality of Maxwell Dillon aka Electro. His unique electrical powers give him the ability not just to do great physical harm but also to wreak havoc on the city at large.
- Shocker: Shocker is neither the most threatening Spider-Man villain nor the most intelligent... nor effective, nor personal, nor... you get the idea. But he's certainly one of the most persistent! While most of his harebrained schemes end in utter failure, he's a bad penny who never stays down for long.
S A M P L E P O S T:Did you know the term “gridlock” first originated in New York City back in the ‘70s? If you've ever lived here for any amount of time, it's easy to see why. For an island that's just over thirteen miles long, getting anywhere by car in Manhattan is an endeavor – especially during rush hour. Walking’s a good alternative, if you don't have to go far. Or there's the subway, which is equal parts public transportation, social experiment, and performance art piece. Me? I have a different strategy. It's not recommended for anyone who has a fear of heights, suffers from motion sickness, or may become pregnant, but it's a helluva way to get around.
Wind whistles past my ear, blending together voices and car horns and the rest of all the other sounds of a New York evening. Out-of-towners might call it chaotic, but as far as I'm concerned, it's a sweeter tune than anything you'll find on the radio. (Do people still listen to the radio? I feel like I'm dating myself with that.) Regardless, the cacophony nearly drowns out the ringing in my earpiece. Tapping my ear to accept the call, I smile wide as I say, “Perfect timing. I just started the swing home.”
MJ’s voice comes through the line as clearly as if we were in the same room. To think, I used to mess around with my cell phone before installing a headset right in my mask. Remember, kids: don't text and swing. “Sounds good,” she begins, and I can tell by her tone that there's an ask coming. “Hey, if it's not too out of the way, would you mind stopping for a pint of ice cream? These cravings are gonna be the death of me.”
Chuckling, I tumble through a mid-air somersault as I respond, “What sort of husband or superhero would I be if I said no? Your wish is my command.” I snap a web-line off to my left and give a quick tug to change direction. “Any particular flavor?”
“Funky Monkey Fudge?”
“It shall be done,” I vow.
I can feel MJ’s grin through the phone. “You're my hero.”
We say our goodbyes, and not a moment too soon as I slow to a stop in front of Benny's, a bodega in the West Village that I've frequented. I draw a few strange looks from passersby, which is quite the accomplishment if you know anything about New Yorkers; you'd act like they've never seen a guy in red-and-blue pajamas walking into the corner store before. Ruffling the fur of Patch, the one-eyed bodega cat lounging in the front window, I wave hello to Benny and make my way to the freezers. For once, Parker luck doesn't betray me, as there's exactly one pint of Funky Monkey Fudge left.
“How’ve ya been, Benny?” I ask at the register, making small talk as I rifle through my backpack in search of my wallet. Next time I redesign this costume, I swear I'm adding pockets – or maybe just a “tap to pay” sensor on the web-shooters or something.
Benny shrugs. “Eh, my sciatica’s acting up again,” he explains.
Finally finding my cash, I slip him a ten dollar bill. “What happened to the plan of getting out and walking more?” I reply. Benny makes a face, and I raise an accusatory finger. “Hey now, remember what the doctor said. It's not gonna get any better if you don't take steps to manage it. Fifteen minutes a day isn't gonna kill you.”
Nodding in defeat, he hands me my change and the pint. “I know you're right. I'll take it under advisement.”
“S’all I ask.” No sooner have I safely stashed the ice cream than a cry rings out from the street, followed by the rat-tat-tat of gunfire and screeching tires. Benny and I exchange a glance, and I'm unable to repress a sigh. Shouldering the backpack, I say, “Guess it's my turn for exercise. Stay well for me, Benny.” I also make sure to give Patch another quick scratch on my way out the door.
It doesn't take long to catch up to the source of the commotion. Someone evidently fed up with the traffic is speeding down a nearby street in – what I must presume to be – a stolen vehicle. Landing on the hood of the car, I look through the windshield at three masked men, two of whom are holding Glocks. Unsurprisingly, they don't look thrilled to see me. “Alright, fellas, I've only got about fifteen minutes til the ice cream in my bag starts turning to soup, so we're gonna have to make this quick.”
Obviously, if approved, I would be dropping Iron Fist. I do love my Living Weapon, but... y'know. We could all be dead in a week, so why sit back and say, "Next time," eh? Plus, if no one else is gonna do it, I mean...
While I await the decision, I'm gonna try to do my level best to disentangle Danny from the opening storyline so that he's (mostly) a clean slate for anyone else. It probably won't be the most graceful storytelling ever put to page, but what can ya do.
<Snipped quote by Eddie Brock>
I may or may not have held off on sending a PM to set up a collab with someone else because I thought this would happen. If not you, then another. Spidey is just too tempting, I knew someone would crack.
Hopefully this Peter isn't so old that it would be awkward for Felicia and he to have had a moment in years past...
<Snipped quote by Retired>
My version is definitely younger than the previously approved one. I included a reference to "two decades" of Spider-Man because I imagine him in his mid-thirties. I think that's the sweet spot to allow your Mileses and Gwens of the world to exist without stepping on anyone's toes, while not aging him up so much that it creates odd scaling with other heroes of his cohort.