Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 5 days ago

Current Location: Near the Portal

"Ara, ara, here comes a new challenger, right? Fufufu~" Artemis let Kiara go momentarily to greet the newcomer, a strangely short, turban wearing, fellow that got her intrigued by his looks. "What can we do for you, Mister? As you see, we are indeed looking for company to ascend the tower. If you would like to be part of it, then you are welcome."

"Just know that Kiara is off-limits, ok? If you touch her in any weird way I don't know what Roma could do to you. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll return to go back to cuddling my master." Artemis grabbed Kiara from behind, crossing both arms around her Master's stomach and rubbing her cheek against Kiara's repeatedly. "By the way, Master, when are we going to have lunch? I'm getting hungry and could really use any replenishment you'd give me. Otherwise, I might end up just eating you~" Artemis whispered that last part on Kiara's ear just before sucking on it quite erotically.

@TheWindel, @Lonewolf685, @Ammokkx.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ammokkx
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Ammokkx ShaDObA TaNOsHiI

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Lionae looked uncomfortable as Okami tried to pet her, shaking her head in response to his hand touching her head. The small cub had less luck getting away from Lupa, who rubbed its own head against one of her furry legs. Lionae jumped a little distance backwards, still on all fours. Okami started to talk about how she was fun to play with, something which the small cub nodded in response to. She cocked her head sideways at the mention of music, but her ears visibly perked up when Okami mentioned a training course. The little girl nodded to Okami, crawling over to the edge of the stage to scout for her summoner.

Said summoner nodded in response to Kiara, who affirmed she was climbing the tower as well. The comment about perverts, though, made him raise an eyebrow. Rolle straightened his posture and crossed his arms, then gave a short "Ah, I zee." as his response. The brown haired beauty seemed like a no-nonsense type, but Rolle had hoped for someone a little less... uptight.

Rolle wanted to excuse himself from the scene, but he didn't get the chance before Roma decided to throw in her bout. The girl had been eyeing him as some sort of pest earlier, but he didn't mind that part. His stare was blank as he took in the young maiden's words, the implications clear as day. Not only that, but before long the purple-haired maiden chimed in as well. She had a lot more energy compared to her two companions, making it clear she was another of Kiara's spirits. Just as he thought she shifted the conversation back to a normal topic, the girl went on to sweet talk her summoner and feel up their body, matched by a look of discomfort upon said summoner's face.

And Rolle's face distorted soon after. His lips curved up into a grin, his eyes started to close and his nose became wider as it inhaled a good lungful of ear. "GAHAHAHA! GHOUHAHA!" The man had burst out in boisterous laughter, bashing his fist against his chest repeatedly. It took a solid minute for Rolle to calm down, but that grin did not fade from his face.

"Gahaha! Little lazz, I like the boldnezz of your two companionz! It iz good to have zome character, and theze two are full of character! It feelz az if thiz old man iz ten yearz younger again!" The man would have given the young girl a pat on her back, had Artemis not coiled herself neatly around Kiara.

"I'll be looking forward to travelling with you three! Zay, why are- Oof!" Rolle started his sentence, but got interrupted by a tackle from his very own little spirit and landed on the ground, left side first. Lionae worked quickly in pushing herself off of Rolle and pulling on him to get up, trying to drag the man away from the trio of young beauties.

"Calm, little cub, calm! What iz the matter?" Rolle got up voluntarily, though Lionae refused to let go. She kept tugging at his arm, only briefly stopping to point towards the portal. The old man sighed, but still threw a hearty grin in the direction of the three he wa just chatting with.

"It zeemz my own companion wizhez me to leave, no? I apologize to cut it zo zhort, but there will be of plenty time to catch up, yez? Well, that iz if you don't mind me zticking around! Gaha- Oof!" Rolle was interrupted by Lionae again, who gave him a good punch in the gut. The man shook his head and decided to let himself get dragged, since he did not feel like suffering any more physical abuse that day. Before he left, however, he gave Kiara a brief kiss on the hand to show respect.

"A cuztom and zign of rezpect from where I come from! I hope thiz doez not anger your little loverz, becauze it'd be bezt for me to remain in their good grazez!"

With that final line, Rolle disappeared through the portal, to be dragged to wherever Lionae felt like it. The little cub seemed to forget that she was supposed to go together with Okami, but it seemed like she had other things on her mind at the time. The duo met up with Okami sometime later anyway, to be guided to the tavern.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Okami & Lupa

"Probably going to be a problem in the future but best we don't really worry about it too much right now. Oh well...I'd never fight against Lupa unless we both understand a good reason as to why we should do that. Plus, it's kinda a pain to deal with the feedback and wounds after fighting each other too so it's best to be friends after all! That and I'm pretty sure it must be similar to the Recorder Catalyst maybe Samuel...and I scored low...got a 35 despite pulling off a Unison Form. Pretty upset since no one else from what I've seen did that either...not that common knowledge but is pretty great to pull off. I only saw a few people use that strange trick so I tried to copy it too...and so far, going well with only two Forms at once. Can't pull off all three for a long time. Anyway, let's get going to the tavern, dinner will be great I bet!"

Okami hurries off but does slow down for the others to catch up, since he was eager to get back home. That and Lupa kept on bugging him to hurry, and to not be late. If there was anything the two agreed on a lot was to always be quick and rarely be late...then again, it usually ends up with them being somewhat hasty. The Wolf Spirit looks back at the Cat Spirit sniffing her and seems t do a smiling face at it. Lupa kinda wanted to race her and signals that as she herself took to the roofs. Hopping rather quickly from one to the other as she watches the group move on. She does a sort of wave with her head though when they meet up with the cat-like Spirit from earlier with her Summoner. They were near the Ad Vitam so it wouldn't be surprising that the pair would run into their small group. Okami gladly opens the door as they approach the rather two floor tavern.

"Nice to meet you Summoner of hopefully Lupa and my friend...and you two, Samuel and Alex, this is where my home is...pretty noisy but you guys will like it I think. Oh and you guys just grab a large free table, I'll be sure to make one available for you three. I need to work while I'm here for an hour or so...should't take long."

Ad Vitam

As soon as Okami opened the door, a large ring of sorts was in the middle of a rather well-lit tavern room. The entire place was quite wide and the tables were quite neatly set up against walls and pillars, some rather neat and eloquent with even some table clothes on them, some just plain wooden tables with even a few messes on them. The people were all quite active with a rather large variety, no discrimination nor hostilities held against each other....well except for the two in the ring.

A bell of sorts was rung as the two inside there, a rather large man with four arms that seems to scream Spirit, taking on a husky dwarf in a wrestling match. Another smaller ring was placed inside the large circle to give the two less breathing room as they wrestled.

Okami was unfazed by any of this as he went around to the back of the tavern, getting a few glares and cheers from the tavern people inside. He waves back as there was a coat rack of sorts there just for him as he removes his large white adventurer's jacket and hangs his orange scarf as well. The tavern waiters and waitresses look at Okami for a moment and he nods back as they start going to the changing room in the side of the bar now that their shift is over. Okami stretches for a brief moment as he regains his composure...then smacks a large gong of sorts next to him. A sign is unraveled from being rolled up on the wall states this:

Lightning Hour! Dishes come out as if the speed of light blessed us! Food doesn't come within 3 minutes, you get it for free! Server spilled a drink or part of your meal, be sure to pick up one of the balls scattered around or in a basket on your table to chuck at him for his clumsiness! Enjoy your meal to life!

He already was gone from the coat rack after ringing the bell and started to dish out meals and drinks to everyone at the bar per their orders. Being used to this job and using it as training, Okami sprints around and manages to keep his balance as he served dish after dish, within the time allotted. No one really caught him spilling nor messing with the meals, but occasionally a drunkard bloke or someone served would toss a ball at him just for a joke. However, that customer would be disappointed that Okami's evasive skills keep him from getting hit, allowing him to keep on serving dishes without delay. Even Lupa joined in on Okami's show, coming down from nearby stairs since she came from the roof entrance on top of the tavern. On her back was a rather large tray attached to a belt that went across her mid-section. She too kept on serving meals and abides by the same conditions Okami serves under, hoping to get a tasty treat if a customer didn't enjoy his or her meal.

In the middle of all of his work, Okami kept setting up a table as he and Lupa passed by it. One trip across it, Lupa kicked over/nudged over a few chairs for the group to sit at...Okami put a tablecloth over it. On the return trip, he threw on a few platters as Lupa balanced on a chair to tip over a stack of menus off of her platter for them to read. Finally, as he made another trip to the kitchen, Okmai quickly tossed over some utensils for the group to use as Lupa went back to the kitchen in order to get some smaller chairs for her and the other Spirits to sit on as well at the table.

The customers all kept watching the wrestling match and the duo's serving as if it was a regular thing...not paying too much attention to the trio and their Spirits that came into the tavern.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Current Location: Inside the Ad Vitam

The moment the groping stopped, Kiara took that time to shove herself away from the two Spirits. Huffing, she opened her mouth to properly reply to Rolle but Artemis and Roma beat her to it as usual. She couldn’t even protest before Artemis was on her again before more contact between them as involved. And when the whisper was brought to her ear, her cheeks reddened and she shoved Artemis away with more force this time.

“Alright that’s enough, both of you! It’s bad enough everyone thinks I like to pick fights, so I don’t need you two making them think I’m some kind of public pervert,” she said, dusting her jacket off and looking to the other Summoner. “Sorry about that. These two can be…difficult to interact with at times…please stop laughing….”

Thankfully she was spared further embarrassment by the convenient appearance of Rolle’s own Spirit. She couldn’t even spare the time to admire how cute his Spirit was without keeping her eye on her own lest she be molested more than was needed. Yet before she could scold them again, something soft was felt on her hand and her cheeks turned crimson for what was probably the hundredth time that day.

“Eheh, yeah, it’s no problem. I’ll see you around,” she said as she watched the man go. Only after doing so did she remember that they were supposed to be heading into the portal. Not wanting to be left behind, she promptly entered it with her Spirits hopefully in two. It seemed they were to be rounded up in a single meeting space and it wasn’t all that hard to find the tavern.

She stood outside the place just to admire it-and probably scold her Spirits again-before entering inside. And when she did, she near-immediately regretted the choice because the place looked like a hub of wild chaos and activity. “Where am I supposed to go?” she muttered, question probably going to be answered by her Spirits.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


@TheWindel, @Duoya, @Legion02, @KoL, @Lonewolf685, @cloudystar, @Ammokkx, @Savo

"Ad Vitam" was what it was called. The name had escaped Baldur on his initial arrival, but he recognized the building's exterior and the din within quite quickly. He silently stepped inside, and took a moment to take in the sights and sounds of the tavern: The clanging of metal steins, the merry music, the spots of wrestling amidst hollering crowds, the raucous chatter of the drunk and belligerent....here was a familiar locale. He felt a twinge of nostalgia, as he was reminded of the many war camps he had been in, filled with similar noise and chaos.

Baldur gave a tiny smirk under his hat as he sweeped his gaze across the room. There was the young woman and her two affectionate spirits, standing beside him. And over there was the swift young man, who was soon elsewhere in the blink of an eye. He was showcasing the speed he displayed in the tower, earlier in the day, much to Baldur's interest. His eyes followed him as he zipped from table to table, waiting tables and serving meals and drinks whilst dodging oncoming projectiles. An animal companion followed his lead with a similar speed...the boy's Spirit, no doubt. Watching the two move almost in sync was a sight to behold to Baldur, and his smirk grew in size.

"Impressive...." He muttered to himself audibly. "Very impressive...."

Momentarily, however, his interest turned to finding a place to rest his tired legs. He had been walking the entire day, and the time had come for a bit of reprieve. He gave social faux pas and common courtesy little heed, simply eyeing whichever closest table had an empty chair and walking over to have a seat. Now off his feet, Baldur continued to watch the boy run and wait tables, drumming his fingers upon his own. These men throwing balls at the lad....was this some sort of game? It clearly meant little to the young man, as he dodged each ball thrown with ease.

A flicker of competitive spirit flared up within, and Baldur felt the need to test his own skill against the boy's agility. Feeling an errant ball bump against his foot on the floor, he silently reached down and scooped it up with his hand. He waited, and watched carefully....both at where the boy was, and where he was going to be. He bided his time until, he felt, was just the right moment. The second he thought he saw an ideal opening, in an instant, he swiftly reared his arm back, aimed, and let the ball fly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Direct Interactions:@Lady Athena@Cherrywitch@Rune_Alchemist
In Area of: Manor of De Draiochta (Vili's House)

The pixie would likely find the small pots of plants and other things to play with entertaining. Vili watched the cute little thing with a bit of curiosity, before turning her attention back to Lena.

"A-ah...uhm, that won't be necessary Vili. I have some work I need to do in the morning a-and uhm, It'd be best if I slept somewhere a bit closer. B-but if you have some tea or something that would be lovely."

The black haired girl couldn't help but give off a slight frown of disappointment as her offer was rejected by some excuse. It was rather obvious the elf was making one up despite what Vili felt like was every attempt to be friendly on her end. Why would the elf do that? Obviously, because the succubus in front of her wouldn't be able to resist tampering with her mind if she spent the night. The thought furrowed the demoness' brows slightly as she knew what was going through Lena's head.

"That's fine! I understand ..." A little bit of disappointment was rather obvious in her voice. Luckily, fine herbal tea soon turned the corner in the hands of a servant and all the requested refreshments were handed out to various members of the party.

After a few sips of various beverages had gone by, Vili removed her lips from the glass of wine she was holding and tried to give her most inviting smile to Lena. "... if you don't mind my curiosity, earlier you had a question?" It afterall was obviously the reason the knight-squire girl had come, since she wasn't interested in making friends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Tania and Lena~

@Lady Athena@Cherrywitch@RabidAnubis

Did she sound...disappointed? Well, of course she did. She was probably being rude for declining, thinking about it. Well...she did have work first thing tomorrow. At least, Nusgrout would need help with the forge. She wasn't particularly good at making weapons and armor, but she did help around with small things. Plus, apparently her cooking lunch was the best part of his day and she was good for attracting business...whatever that meant, she had never figured out. Tania had turned her attention from the room towards Vili, and had started glaring at the demon. The pixie could surmise what was going through Vili's head, and she wanted to give that batty slut a good talking too.

As a servant appeared with the tea, Lena found the small ability to finally sit on a couch and try and relax a little. The tea at least, was good and calmed her nerves somewhat. A few minutes in silence ticked by with Tania silently giving the demon a cold shoulder and a small glare. Only the occasional sip of tea from Lena's cup as she sat on the elfs hand was vili's only reprieve from it.

"... if you don't mind my curiosity, earlier you had a question?"

Vili's voice startled the Elf slightly, causing her to fumble with the cup.

Right. She had a question. She almost forgot.

"R-right," The elf took a deep breath, trying to think of the words to use that wouldn't sound too...confrontational. Really, there wasn't anyway she can put this delicately, was there? She had been trying to come up with something but she couldn't. "I-I apologize if this comes off as rude and...uncivil of me, but...are you just that complacent or are you just a coward?" She tried to stop herself from saying that last bit, but it just came out so suddenly, and the elf did feel a tad bit of...was it anger? She wasn't sure, but it wasn't a pleasant feeling. Seeing that she had probably just offended her host, she immediately turned red in mild embarrassment and gave Vili a shocked looked as if she couldn't believe what had just come out of her own mouth, but try as she might she couldn't stop speaking. This was too much of an important matter to the elf, and she couldn't bring herself to stop. Tania seemed to be stifling a small laugh.

"A-Ah I mean, I'm sorry! I just...w-well when the spirits were in trouble-you...just sort of stood there and it made me sad and I couldn't believe that someone as nice as you would do that...and uhm..." She was doing a terrible job of explaining this, wasn't she? She furrowed her brow, trying to come up with a better way to delicately put this, but again she had nothing.

"Basically, Lena's saying you're a complacent apathetic coward who's fine with watching spirits get trampled over, ya batty slut." The fairy took a sip of tea, but Lena could say nothing in regards to that...those were mostly her own thoughts and it'd be discourteous to pretend that they weren't.

"I...I want to know why you didn't help? I...I uhm, am not trying to tell you that you have to! But...you said he's not worth it...I understand if you don't want to stand out and cause trouble...heh, being bullied most of my life I understand....really. But...If no one does, then nothing will change. Help, I mean. Stand up to people like that...noble fellow."

...ah dear god she just completely butchered that and Vili probably hated her now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 3 days ago

R o m a


The fast talking half-ling was out of there lives as quickly as he came, darting off while Artemis molested Kiara further. There little game of teasing their bonded human went on until she was red in the face and threw Artemis off, at which point Roma knew to let her cool down before she looked for a broom closet to let Artemis have her way with Kiara in. They commuted through the portal and made their way to a surprisingly hectic tavern which played host to the many and mad explorers who struggled to ascend the tower.

"This is certainly packed." Roma said, stating the obvious from beside Kiara. There was now the need to find an actual seat, which was a trial in and of itself without being struck by an errant ball or being made to sit at a table with a party of its own. However, her keen eyes didn't fail her in this instance, and she came upon the sight of a lone man she recalled being at the meeting just before.

"There, we shall sit there."

Taking Kiara and Artemis by their hands, the shorter spirit dragged them through the crowd come hell of high water, brushing past customers and pausing only to let the maelstrom that was the waiter and his spirit pass by. The three woman soon found themselves before Baldur's table, Roma seating herself across from the man before Kiara could say anything edgewise about it being rude to intrude.

"You are a sensible man. Few words, subtle presence. I approve." The Eel said, voice never rising above the deadpan while she rested her folded hands on the table. "We require a table and aid within the tower would not be go amiss. Can we ask this of you?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Faera Nottingham

Interactions: @Rune_Alchemist@lady athena@rabidanubis

Faera pouted at the elf as her greeting had been brushed off. Did she not like her? Impossible! No one could dislike Faera, she was everyone's friend! The idea of upsetting someone made her worried as she stay slung over the fox's shoulder.

Once the gorgeous mansion had come into view, Inari felt it was safe to finally set his master down. Instead of being annoyed, the easily amused Faera sprinted forward just slightly to gaze up in awe at the beautiful home. Her only house was the small hut she shared with her father by the woods, and now that she lived in a dorm of the Flaming Heart it was obviously much nicer and less rural but nothing like this. The orange haired girl's excitement was evident as she practically bounced with joy on her heels.

"Eep! It's so pretty!! Oh, I'd love to stay if you wouldn't mind having us!" Though Faera was trying to be polite about it, it was quite obvious how disappointed she would be if she didn't get the chance to stay a night in this place.

The bubbly girl followed inside with her springy skip-like walk of hers, easily making herself at home as she plopped herself down onto an overstuffed chair, swinging her legs childishly. She lifted her head as some tea was handed to her in a fine China cup, Faera oohing at the porcelain. Inari stood to the side of the chair, seeming absent as always until he was offered some rice wine. He seemed skeptical at first, but took it hesitantly. Like many kitsunes, it was his favorite after all... Faera beamed up at him as if to say 'they really know everything, huh?'

Faera was happily sipping her tea while listening to the conversation in quiet respect. Everything seemed fine, until the elf said: "I-I apologize if this comes off as rude and...uncivil of me, but...are you just that complacent or are you just a coward?"

The girl almost choked on her tea, looking to Lena with disbelief.

"Basically, Lena's saying you're a complacent apathetic coward who's fine with watching spirits get trampled over, ya batty slut."

"Eh?!" Faera snapped her gaze back to the fairy. Everything was fine?! What happened here?! The girl remembered how Vili didn't say much during that whole incident, but then again neither did Inari. Faera shot him a look of desperation, but the fox said nothing as he now sat upon the arm of the chair casually sipping his sake.
2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Direct Interactions:@Lady Athena@Cherrywitch@Rune_Alchemist
In Area of: Manor of De Draiochta (Vili's House)

"Eep! It's so pretty!! Oh, I'd love to stay if you wouldn't mind having us!"

While Alba still seemed somewhat catatonic, Faera seemed to be settling herself in and would be happy to spend the night. Vili tossed the girl an excited smile. A sleepover! Someone wasn't afraid of her powers as a succubus! The kitsune seemed less than thrilled, but the black haired girl was sure she could win the pouty fox-spirit over with her natural charm, enthusiastic attitude, and smiles! Vilivyn nodded, indicating her approval of Faera's choice!

Of course, the spirit-kin's cheerful attitude reversed as Lena opened her mouth. "I-I apologize if this comes off as rude and...uncivil of me, but...are you just that complacent or are you just a coward?" Vilivyn's stopped drinking, hand clenching tightly the glass in front of her as she was insulted. Where was this coming from?! "A-Ah I mean, I'm sorry! I just...w-well when the spirits were in trouble-you...just sort of stood there and it made me sad and I couldn't believe that someone as nice as you would do that...and uhm..." Well at least she finally said why. Of course, the pixie felt it necessary to elaborate.

"Basically, Lena's saying you're a complacent apathetic coward who's fine with watching spirits get trampled over, ya batty slut." Where Lena seemed at least somewhat apologetic - whether that was because she was afraid of the repercussions of insulting a succubus or simply acknowledging that there was some three thousand ways to word that better, the pixie simply stated what was on her mind.

Before Vilivyn could get too angry though, the elven girl responded. "I...I want to know why you didn't help? I...I uhm, am not trying to tell you that you have to! But...you said he's not worth it...I understand if you don't want to stand out and cause trouble...heh, being bullied most of my life I understand....really. But...If no one does, then nothing will change. Help, I mean. Stand up to people like that...noble fellow." The spirit kin really was curious about how an elf could relate at all to the bullying those spirits or their half relatives received - in society, elves were generally looked up to for various reasons. A lot was expected of them, and most of them achieved that standard.

Through all of her attempts to collect her thoughts though, the demoness had to constantly remind herself not to be angry.

It took a few minutes.

On the bright side, at least the elf was willing to get the cat out of the bag. This conversation made Vilivyn lean more towards ignorance on Lena's part rather than an attempt to treat her like some sort of lesser being to be observed and avoided. A brief sigh passed before she started to explain. The demoness would need practice at this.

"... A spirit-kin's life is a constant reminder about what you are. At best, people stare at you in lines and are too nervous to speak to you. Normally at worst, people get a little grabby ... and make assumptions about your character. But you grin and bear it, and move on." Vilivyn's eyes drifted over to Lena. She was still upset at the girl about that earlier, but it was rather obvious the elf was ignorant of such matters. It wouldn't help anyone to remain angry, but perhaps pointing out Lena's own flaws would make things a bit more relatable.

"But sometimes, things are worse. Those attached to you are unable to find anything but the worst of jobs. Apartments won't house you. A loaf of bread becomes a luxury. And sometimes, a seven year old gets kicked by a few drunk noblemen, and the guard turns an eye as a young girl's ribs are broken." Vilivyn's eyes looked down, memories clearly running through her head. She didn't really want to make the mood dry, but hopefully it would help drive the point she was trying to make home, and offer some validity to what she was saying. "And perhaps a friend is going to step in, or a family member, or some random person, and say 'this is wrong' and act on it. But the guard suddenly wakes up, and they end up in jail. One or two noblemen bruised the next day, one spirit-kin in an alley coughing up blood, and one father in jail for three weeks. In the end, a seven year old is left alone on the streets mostly broken and alone, all because of the valor of one of the few people who can no longer stand up for her." After a long pause she gestured to the building around her. "This? It's new to me. But it's taught me a lot."

"Offering spirit-kin and spirits protection for a day isn't helpful. Offering us good jobs, giving us prestige, and recognizing us is what matters in the long run. Those in power feed off of prestige." Thinking back to the earlier events, she offered a scowl. "And nothing feeds that more than a good demonstration. Fighting them, paying attention to them? That only feeds them. Attack them? Suddenly their competition is in prison. The competition that is much more likely to make a difference in the long run removed from the game."

"So yes, I could have stood up for them. I would have defended those spirits for a day. They wouldn't have a guardian the next or the day afterwards. It wouldn't have helped the general population of spirits and spirit kin." A little anger ran through her eyes, but ambition followed. "But I intend to make a real difference. I'm going to lead a team to claim that tower, in the name of all spirits and spirit-kin. I'm going to give us so much prestige and fame, that suddenly trampling on us would be considered a thing of the past, and even the most conservative noble can't socially afford to be cruel. And in order to do that ... I can't afford to be thrown in jail. I can't afford to have those who could help me in jail. And I can't give him the satisfaction of winning, of removing his competition by having law enforcement fight them for his noble ass."

It took a moment for Vilivyn to realize that she was ranting loudly, and breathing heavily as she finished. Based on the way she spoke about the subject, she had put a lot of thought into it. Perhaps it could be condensed, but she thought it got the point across. "... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ramble. But ..." A few thoughts went through her mind, but whatever she was thinking trailed off.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Alex slowly followed Okami to the tavern. Though the boy looked to be in a hurry. Nimueh, who sniffed Lupa, did sort of want to race him. Alex could tell that much. She looked anxious enough. But, at the same time, she looked incredibly tired. With her tail low and her slow walk. In fact, after a few minutes, she jumped up on Alex’s shoulders. In the meantime, her master was pondering the concept of a unison form. So far he only managed one form at a time. But his imagination was running amok. Making him wonder how it would look if he had both the material and the fusion form. It was certainly a skill he would have to ask about. But as they entered the Tavern, Okami practically vanished to the back. Only to start serving meals and setting their table.

The sight of serving brought a smile on his face. While he and Okami were probably going to do a very different kind of serving, it still felt good to have a certain kinship with someone. Though, as he saw Okami and Lupa serving, and Samuel cradling his bird, he couldn’t help but wonder why this band would want to scale the tower in the first place. Leave alone being capable of it. Even with something as powerful sounding as the unison form, Okami only reached the 35th place. For Alex, that would have been painfully low. Voicing his concerns, he turned to the priest and asked: “Tell me, Samuel, why do you actually want to scale that tower?” It was a genuine question.

In the meantime, Nimueh had jumped on the table and laid down on her own, fluffy tail. Using it as a very soft pillow. Another sight that made Alex smile, as he himself used Nimueh’s soft tail as a pillow before too.

@Duoya, @cloudystar
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Tania and Lena~

@Lady Athena@Cherrywitch@RabidAnubis

"Heh, someone thinks Spirits need a half-breed to look out for them. Cute." Tania chuckled, earning a swat on the head from Lena, though she didn't say anything.

Vili did have a noble goal it seemed. That was something that Lena could respect. She was climbing the tower for purely selfish reasons, at least so she couldn't say anything about her reasoning for climbing it herself, but...prestige? The Elf wanted something similar that she wanted...but, she couldn't agree with Vili's methods.

"I-I see," Lena muttered, looking down at her teacup. A thumbs up from Tania made her feel somewhat better and encouraged her to continue. It was probably clear the two of them had at least discussed this matter somewhat. The elf took a deep breath before continuing. "B-but would it change anything?" Lena questioned. "Isn't that the same as them? You would be using your...position your prestige to force what you wanted? A-and there's no guarantee that even it would work! Not unless you had prestige higher than them. Not to mention, wouldn't you be the only one with that recognition? It wouldn't help other spirits at all, would it? Not unless you took them all in, but even so if a spirit belonged to an abusive human you couldn't do much, could you? And after you...erm, passed it might go back to the way it was." Lena fell silent, taking a sip of tea from the cup. Well, she was feeling more confident now and sure of herself.

"I Understand you want to help but," She looked back at Vili. "Even if you climb the tower and get prestige, unless you show them that you won't be bullied by them and that they can't bully you then nothing will change in the long run. I'm sorry, but...it sounds to me if you are simply ignoring the problem in front of you. Fighting them might not help in the short run...but if you act like you don't care about them then its...really disheartening, you know? Spirits need to be shown someone does care about them and won't stand for such mistreatment. I-I'm not advocating violence, but if everyone starts standing up to them, then there's not much they would be able to do. They can't just start fighting everyone - that would be a battle they couldn't win no matter how arrogant they are."

"Besides, spirits don't need a batty little half-breed to fight for us-" Another poke from Lena quieted the Pixie, who simply shrugged and fluttered up to the elfs head, seemingly bored of the conversation.

"...I-i'm sorry for asking about this." Lena said. "It...w-well, It's just something me and Tania have thought about a lot and it's one of the reasons I'm climbing the tower. I want to be able to protect people so that they won't have to be bullied by anyone, and w-well, prove that I'm not just some Klutzy elf that can't even hold a sword all that well. I just...you seemed like a good person so I couldn't understand why you'd stay silent."

"You'd think the shady guy in a giant cloak in a bar is just shy and wants a hug, Lena."

"N-no I wouldn't!" Lena pouted somewhat, earning a sigh from the pixie as she gave the elf another pat on the head.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 4 days ago


As the trio entered into the tavern, they were assaulted by a combination of a warm atmosphere and delicious smells that hung in the air like a thick miasma. Gabriel chirped happily when they entered, and Samuel sighed in relief at having found a place to get a meal. Samuel followed the two others before Okami led them to their table, before he vanished into the back of the tavern. He did say his parents owned this place... Maybe he helps around the place. Samuel's line of thought was interrupted when Okami returned, running at an incredible pace as he hurriedly set the table that Samuel and Alex were seated at.

At this moment, a small ball flew past Samuel, mere inches above Gabriel's head.

It appeared that the patrons of the Ad Vitam were allowed to assault their servers with small circular balls. While they appeared to be harmless, Samuel still worried for his friend. Even the most harmless of things could kill in the right situation. However, Samuel was glad to see that young people today still help their parents. Lord knows how much of a troublemaker Samuel was in his youth.

Samuel comforted the bird in his arms, who looked more akin to a shaking ball of feathers than a bird. As he did so, his thoughts began to drift towards the subject of his companions. While most of them were nice, they all... Seemed far too eager to attack the boy from earlier. Then again, that's nothing a few good bible studies wouldn't fix! As Samuel began to concoct a plan to convert them all, Alex's voice broke through.

“Tell me, Samuel, why do you actually want to scale that tower?”

The question genuinely shocked Samuel. Only the people from his village had ever asked, and he simply made up an excuse as to why the only doctor in the village wanted to go on some adventure. Samuel, after several seconds of pause, decided to tell the truth.

"...Time is the thing that changes people the most. Things you did in your past will seem childish and stupid to the current you when you make it to my age."

"... Do you remember when I told that blond boy that I did some bad things in my time? I guess you could say I'm climbing the tower as a way to run from my past."

Samuel chuckled dryly. I'm like a kid who ran away from home... Samuel attempted to keep the conversation alive.

"Enough about me, why did you come to the tower? And how do you feel about the people you have met thus far?"

Ah, this is the life. A warm tavern, a beautiful goddess by your side, and delicious smells that fluttered through the air like little angels. Truly, this is nearly fitting for someone as great as me.


D-déjà vu?!

I-I'm pretty sure that happened before... Right?

Whatever, it's not like a weak ball like that could even phase the mighty Gabriel!

... I hope that no one quotes me on that...

Oh yeah, I forgot! I need to learn how to fly! That's why I slept earlier, I was merely regaining my energy. Even the mighty Gabriel needs to rest! ...Sometimes.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Roleplayer001


Member Seen 9 mos ago

Direct Interactions:@Lady Athena@Cherrywitch@Rune_Alchemist
In Area of: Manor of De Draiochta (Vili's House)

Vilivyn had been prepared for a response, but except for the cruel pixie things were remaining civil. The demoness listened, but after a few discussions with her stepmother they had decided this was the best course of action. They had been prepared for this response.

"Not everyone will stand up to them though. And there's still a fundamental problem: you are saving them. If you do that, next time they are bullied they will simply hope that another elf or human or dwarf will come by and assist them: people who are starving or hungry don't - can't - resist such cruel treatment. They have nothing to lose, so they don't have anything to hold onto. They need to stand up to themselves." The demoness paused for a moment, making sure to elaborate. And of course remembering those days back in the alley ... "I admit that seeing a spirit like Inari or a spirit kin like me would probably make them think something different, but that's why I'm going to the tower in the first place."

Time to explain a little nobility to the girl. "Prestige means access. Elves, Humans, Dwarves, and Half-Orcs already have the ears of the king and the nobility. Taking the tower simply means that spirit kin will have one as well. I'm only intending to give spirits and spirit-kin a voice as well. This means that spirits and spirit kin will have something to stand up for themselves with."

Perhaps more direct terms would be better. "In more human terms, when some daughter of a grand noble decides to have a birthday party and wants the most awesome adventuring party ever, she will see elves, dwarves, humans, half-orcs, AND Spirits and Spirit-Kin as heroes. This means that the next generation will grow up seeing everyone have potential, and be able to put a face on 'those damned spirit-kin' when they inherit."

"I admit when I moved in here, many of the noble households Kythela associated with backed off, but those that couldn't were forced to associate with me at parties and other social gatherings - things that my step siblings had to practically drag me to - began to see our kind as people. Slowly the teenagers convinced their parents that treating the spirits as slaves - after I had translated a conversation with them - was horrifically wrong. Conditions improved. Spirit kin are being hired in those households today, and they have a powerful noble house behind them and full stomachs. Spirits are being treated as valued companions rather than as servants. They and their children will stand up for themselves. Simply being around those in charge makes them more comfortable with our kind."

"And for the everyday spirits and spirit-kin? Those who are only waiting to be claimed or having their highest honest aspirations being a nice loaf of bread for dinner? They will look up and say 'we CAN' and they will look for ways to improve themselves. There aren't really any famous spirit-kin in history, and the most famous of spirits tend to be ... less than nice ones. And in order to cause this social change, make others see spirits and their relatives as being more than beasts, make it so the oppressed stand up for themselves rather than simply hoping a nice elf will hop along, have those at the bottom have aspirations higher than finding a decent slice of bread that day - I can't be in prison. I won't ever have the noble households ears or go to parties and give our people visibility if I'm considered a radicial or violent person. I'd be written in history as a revolutionary of blood who did one cool thing."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cherrywitch
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Cherrywitch Fufufu~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Faera Nottingham

Interactions: @Rune_Alchemist@lady athena@rabidanubis

"Please do not drag me into this."

Inari had finished his wine, giving an annoyed glare to both the elf and the demoness. Faera snapped her head to look at him, mouth open in surprise. "Inari?"

The fox flicked his tail, standing up off of his seat on the arm of the fluffy chair. "You both are so nobel, aren't you? Thinking you can change the world single handed... If you, elf, stood up for a spirit or a kin of one you would only temporarily help them. And you, demon, if you were to hypothetically reach the top of the tower, they would only see you as worthwhile. Both of your plans are making my head hurt."

The orange haired girl stood to try and take his sleeve, but he brushed her hand away. "Honestly? I think you both are egotistical for thinking that way. You both want to be the heroes instead of being a leader, you both want fame or some pat on the back for 'freeing the spirits.' If you truly want to help us, I suggest you work together with them, as many as you can, so it's not a singular elf or a singular spirit kin that shows the world. But, there is no warm feeling for only being a small piece in the puzzle, is there?" Inari reached back and took Faera's hand, starting away. "W-wait, Inari!"
"You were being too quiet. The negative energies are bothering you, aren't they?"
Faera went silent, meekly glancing back at the two as Inari continued to lead her gently yet firmly towards the exit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Tania and Lena~

@Lady Athena@Cherrywitch@RabidAnubis

Was...this demon completely naive? Tania was in such disbelief that the bat thought these things were going to work she actually laughed and quickly earned a sharp poke from Lena but it was just so funny that she thought nobles would change just because. Besides, to her it sounded like she was just advocating that spirits be completely servile to humans and others instead of just standing up to them and learning to stand on their own. Oh sure, it might sound nice in theory, but unless spirits could ever learn to stand on their own without the aid of humans, with just their own power and united under one power - a leader who could make the humans understand them then all Vili was advocating was complete and utter servitude that likely wouldn't even work.

What about a servant that messed up? What about a servant that wanted to leave to pursue another career? If the nobles relied too much on them for chores, when they did want to try and go free and stand on their own, how did she expect the majority of nobles to act? The bat was more naive than Lena if she thought such things were going to work. At least Lena wasn't afraid to use force if she needed to to protect someone or achieve her goals, even if the elf didn't like using such things.

She would have told her too, if the fox hadn't starting putting his own input in the matter.

Tania had to say, he was right. They needed a leader. Perhaps she found an ally in an unexpected place? But before she could question it further Lena jumped out of her seat, almost dropping the teacup in the process.

"E-eh! W-wait!" Lena stuttered out as Inari started to drag Faera away. "S-sorry! It's my fault I uhm, brought up a rather unpleasant topic didn't I?" Lena chuckled, cheeks flushing with embarrassment. She probably looked terrible to these people, didn't she? Why did she always have to put her own foot in her mouth at times like this? "I-I was just leaving anyways...I do have to stop by the forge tomorrow morning so u-uhm-" A small hand holding her mouth shut stopped her fumbling words.

"Hold up there, Lena. You're not goin' anywhere. Neither are you, foxy fox." Tania said with a huff.


"Lena, honestly. You want to get along with these people don't you? Stop selling yourself so short sometimes ya stupid elf. I'm pretty sure no one here dislikes you...well, aside from grumpy old man fox over there maybe." They were likely too busy hating her anyways. "Besides, it's late and I'm tired. that perverted dwarf you work for can wait until tomorrow."

"I-i mean, I guess?"

"And you foxy face...why don't ya stay for a bit? Pretty sure your human there wants to be friends too." Tania fluttered over to Lena's head, standing on it and placing her hands on her hips. "So why don't we all just sit down, hold hands and be best friends and do...best friend stuff. Or whatever it is you people do with friends. I dunno, I don't wanna be friends with a naive bat brain."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 5 days ago

Current Location: Near the Portal

Artemis was, for the lack of better wording, disappointed by the blitz like intrusion of the halfling who looked like he came out of his way just to ogle Kiara and then storm of. Not that purple haired spirit could fault him for trying but, he was at the very most half of the man Kiara deserved, that's for sure. Quite the contrary of the one Artemis was facing even a few chaotic minutes later, after Roma skillfully glided them through the crowd of the packed as hell tavern.

"The way you're always so slick really makes it seem like you're an eel for real, did y'know?" Artemis said without any offensive tone in her voice. If nothing else, being called an eel seem to have grown into a form of compliment to Roma and, these days, was something that the kimono clad Spirit seemed to take pride in.

Either way as soon as the companion were conveniently allocated around Baldur's gate, erm... table. Artemis raised a hand, calling for a waitress. "Could someone take our orders, please? I'd like to have something to sweeten our talk here. Wine should be good enough, and cheese, with dried tomatoes and bread for appetizers." Artemis asked the first member of the staff that would come to serve them, "And this here, is to ensure you have a good night as well..." Artemis whispered to the waitress, pushing a couple gold coins in the woman's hand as she clasped it within her own.

"Now then, Mister, would you like to discuss business? As my friend said, we've been looking up and down the for some company to escort us on the journey to the tower. So far we have been rather unlucky. We are willing to offer compensation based on the expedition. Please, rest assured that your efforts will not go unrewarded." For once Artemis avoided any public displays of affection towards her Master, after all that was what the wine was for in first place. To get Kiara in the mood, for a late night battle.

If you get what Artemis means, of course.

@TheWindel, @Lonewolf685, @MacDuffy.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by cloudystar
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cloudystar The Roleplaying Roleplayer of Roles

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Lupa & Okami

Lupa was lucky. Very lucky. She was able to see the ball be thrown by a strange man in a hood rather quickly and activated the User Form herself, wasting her precious energy in the Catalyst she's been saving up. She didn't hesitate however and Okami was actually able to dodge the ball thrown from such a strange angle as he barely managed to scrape by. He gave his partner a thumbs up but didn't notice the wooden spoon that predicted his next step to dodge the previous ball which struck him straight on the forehead. Rubbing the new large bruise on his head, Okami goes back to the bar with an upset glare at the barkeep who threw it.

"Nearly poked out my eye that time! That stings, what the hell pa?!"

"Yar yar, you forgot that you can't use your Forms during the Lightning Round. Now go bring this grub to your pals since you learned your lesson. Mon Cat made sure to give them the house special like you requested, make sure you thank him later once you're done hanging out with your party."

The orc stepdad goes back to attending to others at the bar as Okami grabs the one last platter with a large bruise on his forehead from the spoon. Lupa comes over to bring a damp rag of sorts for Okami to rub against it as he finishes handing out the meals to everyone. His orc stepdad was tough...then again, he knew it was for good reason. He sighs as he starts to eat his meal as Lupa digs into a plate of her own somewhat cooked steak.

"Well...nothing beats home except for home. How's you guys' ribs? Always has some weird strange sauce that Mon Cat never tells us...he really enjoys his secret that whiskered chef of ours...anyway, are you guys staying the night too? Might do some extra training to make up from that score...ugh, so annoying that they didn't allow my fourth dummy. Wanted at least top 20's..."

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 2 days ago

- Lux & Gerald Luzpin -

=And a few friends as well=

"So ya didn't deliver any of your lines, or go through any sort of action?"

"With perturbing implications of corruption and consummation, an ebony soul would forfeit and wilt from the contestation of gods," Lux spoke in a hushed, enigmatic way, slamming his frothing mug to the table as he motioned his hand to his face. His face was almost completely obscure, saved for that mask he always donned.

The elven girl began chortling after taking a swig of her beer, slamming it onto the table as hard as he, having to calm down on the matter at hand. "Ha ha! Like I'd give a damn! Seriously, what a low as hell noble asshat! I'd break his pwetty wittle face and do the realm a favor... by..." She whispered the last part to her two friends with a devious smile imprinted on her face. Backing away, she leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms as she giggled at their facial reactions... well, mainly Ven's as Lux could only frown and Gerald was a spirit.

"Ugh Mayette, why did you have to put that image into my head," the incubus grimaced, clutching his nether region as his tail remained low. He stayed still and quiet, shivering at the notion.

"Calm your spirits comrade," the blackened man echoed loudly across the rampaging tavern, "With calculations upon her soul, it is an awarity that our petite pal will not strike upon the nethers, will she now?" He turned and eyed the leather clothed girl giving her a simple smile.

"Not unless you want me to... I mean, there are plenty of things I would love to with you two," she spoke in a flirty and mischievous voice that only caused the incubus to brighten up like a beet. She even threw a wink in also before going back to gulping her seventh mug of beer.

"Indulge later within," he retorted, shooting a concealed wink back at the elf who rolled her eyes and began laughing even harder before coughing up some ale. Lux could only sigh as he pushed up his mask as if they were glasses. "Regardless, even if unwise, the sound of the drums beat then and I should of lead on, clambering forward to address such impulses." Lux took a glance at the mist behind, having a full understanding that he would quiz him on his mindset.

"Even after I implored ye to not intervene," the raspy voice of the spirit came forth, questioning Lux's reasoning and even garnering the attention of the discomforted Ven. "He could report you to a constable or passing guard!" As the spirit shot back, the dust emanated from him more violently before coming to a stop. Shaking his head he stared at his partner, spectral fingers rapping on the table.

"Such hubris was his mistress, belief of strength in hand, the child thinks he can herald us with peroration," he sniggered at the end, the elf and incubus with looks of wonder on their face. It took the incubus a minute to realize what he was speaking of as Lux slowly sipped away at his mug. A grin crossed his face when he saw that glimmer of realization cross the horizon as Ven's finger pointed out towards him.

"Oh, er, I getcha. He basically thinks with one fell swoop he could take y'all down, even without assistance from the guards, right," the nervous incubus stumbled out to which Lux swiftly took the nearly empty mug from and slammed it down, shocking Ven whilst Mayette frowned and began growling at the notion. "Hah! Well said Ven!" He shot up from his seat, crossing an arm over his chest as his index finger was erected like the Tower of Babel itself.

"That explains why he failed to beckon a guard over to the vicinity... or there could be the possibility that he arrested that one boy as soon as they left," the spirit retorted, crossing its arms as it waited to see if Lux had anything else to counter with.

"Negative Gerald the Forlorn, for he," his arm shot up before quickly swinging down, his index finger identifying who he spoke of. For a moment, the spirit caught heed of who through the myriads of masses. That familiar face serving drinks and dodging the balls that came from within their mugs.

"Is quite literally there. The wind guided me to his presence and many others; one of the three I came to respect after this very day."

"One of the other three? This is the first time you made mention of em'!" There was an eager look on her face as she jumped onto the table and stared wantingly at the masked crusader. "Any of em' cute, sexy vixens you should tell me about?" She smiled wryly at Lux while all Ven could do was sigh and facepalm in tandem with Gerald.

Lux was generally unfazed by this demeanor and closed in on the girl, getting to eye level with the girl who he returned her coy smile with a smirk. "An idea to display, give me one and I shall say," he retorted in a flirty matter which resulted in a giggle from the elf who jumped off the table and back into her seat. Moving back to stand straight once again, Lux then took his position... and front flipped onto the table with such vigor.

"Hah! I may only say one whose presence is nigh, drawn to such a place! He who is wise beyond his years, whilst older than the rest doth not match in intellect to the child he bested! Nay! That would be an insult to such a chiseled man," he shouted at the top of his lungs, garnering the attention of a couple of individuals from other tables who were either drunk as hell and getting some form of entertainment, or were sniggering at his demeanor.

"And the era has blessed he, as wooing those of a more sultry age could come off no challenge and could possibly rival even the great, mighty, and dominant enigma of mysteries, Lux!" He immedietly struck a pose, widening both of his legs as he held one arm in place across his chest like the horizon, another adjacent and sitting on the top, resting on a part of his face.

"Who may this courageous being be? He is ephemeral no longer, he is..." Lux quickly put his eyes into motion and scanned across the crowd before staunching his pose and briskly moving his hand to point directly at a bearded man with glasses and a green attire.

"Samuel, the Heaven's Sage!"

"You just came up with that title on the spot, knowing little to nothing about him," he dryly interrupted as he stole away Lux's seat. Lux was... less than amused.

"I did the same for you and it stuck," he silently hissed back, staying motionless like a statue. That would probably get a lot of peoples attention.

@Ammokkx @Duoya @cloudystar @Legion02 @MacDuffy @MacDuffy
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MacDuffy
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MacDuffy Zaku

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


@TheWindel, @KoL, @Lonewolf685, @cloudystar, @Savo

Baldur watched with a keen eye as the ball sailed towards its target, eager to see the result. With the aid of his Spirit fusing with him, the boy was able to dodge by just a hair, before being promptly scolded by his guardian. The Orc had won this unspoken contest, it would seem, and Baldur silently concedee the victory to him. It disheartened him just ever so slightly to see the young man rely on his pet to best his throw, but the swiftness of their cooperation overpowered that disappointed with curiosity. They were certainly in sync with one another...perhaps this was how these children made up for their mortal weakness. He thought briefly of his own Spirit, as he felt a very slight, familiar twinge in his forearm. A small cut in the muscle reopened when he threw that ball, no doubt, and the creature within him had begun knitting it back shut. He looked down at his own arm, balling his hand into a fist and tensing up, letting the pain of his wound flare up again. A reliance on sorceries and spirits....this is not how he wished to live. He would not allow himself to grow complacent...Though the creature held him together and kept him alive, he would make certain that, in battle, his strength would be entirely his own.

"You are a sensible man. Few words, subtle presence. I approve."

Baldur looked up from his arm to the sight of a pair of dead, eel-ish eyes staring at him from across his table. The familiar trio of strange girls had come to pay him a visit, and talk matters of business. They were certainly eager in their discussion: no sooner had the kimono-clad girl requested a seat when her violet-haired companion began ordering wine and food. He raised an eyebrow at the trio. "It would seem," he replied in his soft, bassy voice, "that you have already made yourselves comfortable...I've no objections, sit where you like."

When they spoke of hiring him, Baldur's interest piqued. A desire to honor a debt, and an interest in the foes that lay within already drove him to attempt to scale the tower, but an opportunity to earn money doing so was a very appealing prospect. "I am a stranger to this city, I'm afraid. My knowledge of this tower is next to none. If you require a guide, you'd be better off seeking elsewhere. I am a perfectly able bodyguard, however...for the right price."

Baldur's attention during the conversation was briefly redirected slightly toward another table, where a flamboyant masked stranger posed and shouted at the top of his lungs. Ah, the antics of drunks.....
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