The final letter left by Doctor Samuel Kimberton
The hour grew late, I knew that I should rest, it had been two days since I had slept, but the book before me was everything to me, I had to unlock its secrets. It had been a week since my Mary left, she told me I was obsessed and that she could not watch me let this book take over my life. But this rarity, this rarity before me was so important, I knew it was it just had to be, why would it have been sealed away the way it was in the tomb of a Germanic tribal chief? I touched it, as always the leather that the book was bound in was cool to the touch, the jeering face that had been carved upon it stared at me, it mocked me, it knew my pain at not being able to unlock the knowledge it held. Tonight though, tonight I would unlock the secrets it had barred from me.
Once more I flipped open the book and stroked a finger down a page, the symbols there had been completely unknown to me just earlier that day, but somehow some way I could read them now, it was as if the book wanted me to read it wanted me to know what it said. I read the words upon the page aloud, I could not write them, but the words flow from my tongue as if they were a language I had grown up with my entire life.
Once I had finished speaking the words, the candles I had been reading by suddenly snuffed out as if a wind had blown across them. The air grew cold, and it took everything I had to keep my teeth from clicking together. Fumbling in the darkness I finally found my lantern, and gave light to it with a match. Once light filled my office I saw it, almost directly in front of me, the mirror I used every morning to make sure I was properly dressed and shaved. Though it was no longer the shining reflective surface it had been before, now it was inky black with a single large eye in the middle, about the size of my fist, staring right at me. From around the edges of the mirror an inky black ichor oozed out as if something was trying to push through the glass like it was a doorway.
My head filled with a soft melodic voice, like that of the sweetest lullaby a mother could sing, and I knew that it was the being before me. She asked me if I wanted to know her more. I told her yes. She asked me if I would serve her, and I knew I had to. I could feel her smiling upon me, though I could not see it. I could feel her embracing me in her warm arms. That’s when I realized I had closed my eyes, I opened them and found that the eye i the mirror was now directly in front of me, long black tendrils enveloping me, something pressed against it my lips, soft, tasting of milk, sweet milk, I drank deeply, I could feel the milk spread through my entire being it felt wonderful.
I woke lying on the floor of my home, I felt different changed, my mother my sweet mother was gone, but she had given me a gift, and given me a task. She must be brought here, brought here so that she might make all of us her children. I hope that whoever finds this note is well, and understands that I will not be coming back. Mary my sweet Mary if you find this please do not concern yourself with my safety, I will see you soon enough.
Yours Truly,
Doctor Samuel Kimberton
How you came to this point doesn’t matter, whatever events led you down this path are yours to tell when you wish. But however you got here you find yourself speaking with an elderly fellow his hat tipped down shadowing his features as she stares into his drink. Slowly he lifts his head and stares at you with a bit of a smile at the corner of his lips.

“What can i say about our order? That we have fought against the end of the world for as long as anyone can remember. That there are men and women with so much wickedness in their hearts they wish to bring being from the very depths of hell into our world. Or that there are beings hiding in the shadows of our world that would drive a man mad with a simple glance. Well that is true, and even more. Things that we will likely never be able to understand exist, and we the Bouclier dans les tenebres, the Shield in the Darkness are the only ones who can stop these beings, the only ones who can stop the men who seek to summon these creatures into our world. Now that the scales have fallen from your eyes though you have a choice to make. Return to your life of mediocrity, or join us.”
(A lovecraftian RP set in 1831, players will take on the role of a member of the Bouclier Dans Les Tenebres, a secret order working to undermine the attempts of cults to bring about other dimensional entities into the earthly realm, and finding artifacts and items that could be used in such endeavors. Though this is not a necessity, players are not so boxed in that they have to be said member of the order, they may also be some bystander, some unlucky sod that gets pulled into this world or nightmares, violence, and insanity. Do you have what it takes to survive? To remain sane? If you think you can handle it, then make a sheet, and prepare yourself for a tale of horror, insanity, and best of all, an immersive story.)