Roman Cole
| Name |Roman Cole
| Code Name |Dragonheart
| Date of Birth |38
| Gender |Male - He/Him
| Sexuality |Bisexual
| Relationship Status |Single
| Race |Gifted
| Gifted Class |Alpha
| Allegiance |Rebel Army
| In-Depth Appearance |In no uncertain terms, Roman is built like a tank. He stands at 6'2", and the absurd muscle he packs is usually covered by big clothing. From trench coats to cardigans big enough to fit around him. His skin is mottled with scars and what seem to be erratic indentations left behind by the long term use of his powers. A pair of brown eyes pierce right through your soul when Roman holds his gaze. The man gives off an atmosphere of confidence, comfortable in his own skin enough that it shows around others.
His appearance changes dramatically when using his powers.
| Personality |♦ Valiant ♦ Stubborn ♦ Gentle ♦ Intense♦
If God himself challenged Dragonheart to a staring contest, then God would blink first. Having enough strength of character that he lights up every room he walks into, Dragonheart is known throughout the Rebel Army as one of the bravest and unkillable Gifted that ever walked through their doors. Always at the forefront of conflict, he is the definition of wrath and bravery. No matter who the Republic and the Hunters send, he doesn’t flinch or quit. He shows little remorse towards those who trample the lives of the Gifted and their friends. His comrades in arms know they will go home when the day is done, even if they’re broken and dying, because Dragonheart won't leave them. It doesn’t matter if he’s hurling a tank through the sky to take out a helicopter, or carrying countless wounded back to safety, Dragonheart will do it because said he will. He is an absolute diehard believer in the Rebel Army’s cause.
Roman Cole, however, is impossibly different. When the fight is over, he is a gentle and immensely kind man. Hearing the pain of countless people who have been through their own personal hells has made him sympathetic to a fault. He feel deep compassion for the world around him, and always tries to make that world easier to bear. Roman may be bold, and sometimes overwhelming, but his years in the Rebel Army have made it necessary. He has a heart of gold armed with artillery cannons that watch over the endangered like a hawk, and will cook a meal for a dozen people with the same emotional ease as he experiences when demolishing a Hunter APC with his bare hands. Roman can listen to the worst stories of unfettered agony that someone can possibly think of, and remain calm enough to be the shoulder they lean on. Others joke that Roman is the glue holding the entire Rebel Army together. It isn't hard to see why they think so.
| Likes & Dislikes |✔Freedom, metal, cold weather, quiet evenings, acts of kindness.
✘Limitation, failure, warm weather, pointless bickering, or acts of cruelty.
Abilities and SkillsDragonhide: Roman's power causes a stone-like, nearly unbreakable matter to grow over his skin. This substance forms armor and spikes, which jut outwards like a dragon's horns, hence his name. This power takes only a few seconds to activate, but when it does, Roman grows a whole foot taller, and his body becomes dramatically stronger. The change allows him to lift several thousand pounds with a single arm, and lets Roman enjoy enough punching power to split the sturdiest military tanks in half. The jagged armor that Dragonheart grows is incredibly rough to the touch, punching it with your bare hand would be like punching a raw geode: You would break your hand, and the flesh in your hand would be flayed to pieces. While in this form, very little can injure Dragonheart. A shotgun to the face would cause his armor to flake off, but would do little more.
The problem with this power is that while he can turn it on in an instant, Roman can't go back to normal so quickly. It takes a few minutes for the armor and enhanced muscles to fade away. Once this starts, Roman's body becomes increasingly human, and therefore more vulnerable. His power also doesn't do well in stealthy situations- Have you ever seen a dragon sneak up on someone? His armor sounds like rocks grinding against each other when he walks, and the tips of the spikes that jut out of his shoulders glow in the dark. Dragonheart is far more accustomed to loud and head-on fights. Once the armor is damaged in any substantial way, it must be deactivated before it can regenerate. But if something beneath that armor, like a vital organ, is damaged, then Roman will need a doctor.
Unfortunately, Roman doesn't grow wings when he uses his powers.
Combat Master: Roman has been a part of the Rebel Army for the better part of two decades now. He is well-versed in fighting the Hunters anyone affiliated with them. His favored method of combat is to activate his powers and blitz unprepared opposition. He draws fire and breaks defensive lines while others get their jobs done. When he gets in close range, you better hope he's on your side or you are officially done for. Roman also has extensive experience with strategy and forming battle plans, enough to lead a successful raid.
Undercover: When Roman uses his powers, he stands out like a lighthouse on a starless night. And yet in an almost paradoxical way, he's just an ordinary tall guy. Sure, he may have a lot of nicks and scars, but maybe he's just an active guy. What does he do? Oh, he works on cars and occasionally gets a harmless injury- Nothing fancy. When he isn't charging into battle, Roman keeps a good cover, preventing his connection to the Rebel Army from being traced back to his everyday life. It helps that his power covers every part of him- Including his face- when active.
| History |Roman doesn’t remember a time when he wasn’t aware of his Gift. As a kid, he didn’t have anyone he cared to call family, and he lived on the streets running from anyone who had the nerve to look twice at him. Sometimes this was just some ordinary person, sometimes it was a Hunter. Up until the point Roman was 14, this was all his life consisted of. Finding some place to hide when he wasn’t at home, and hoping his old man wasn’t at home when he was, lest he be reported to the Hunters for the spiky material that his skin made.
Alas, this was the very thing that happened. Roman usually spent most of his days out of the house, just existing or getting through days at school During one such day, Hunters came to his school at attempted to drag him out. They burst through the door with guns drawn and trained on him while one of them tried to latch a collar around his neck. Perhaps it was foolishness, or perhaps it was adrenaline, but Roman fought back. Shots were fired and blood was spilled as Roman suddenly used his power in full for the first time. Spikes and stony growths erupted all over his body, and he grew taller. One of the Hunters was a Gifted as well, and fired some sort of laser at him. It slowly burned through the armor.
Everyone else in the room watched in terror as Roman, now resembling a humanoid dragon, mauled the Hunters. None of them stood up when he was done with them, and while he was still in a frenzy, Roman left and didn’t look back. He crossed hundreds of feet in seconds with the sudden leap in muscle he had. More Hunters waited outside to receive him in shackles, but he just barreled past them like they weren’t there, tearing their armored vehicle in half.
Two days layers, Roman was wandering through a distant city he had never been to, his power allowed him to cross the distance in hours. Someone found him and discreetly explained they knew about his situation, about the Hunters chasing him. Roman’s first reaction to this was to panic and defend himself, but then this anonymous individual started levitating. Roman didn’t immediately trust this, but then she told him about the Rebel Army, a place that sought to protect and liberate oppressed Gifted. Naturally, he was curious and followed her to their home base of operations.
Ever since then, Roman lived among fellow rebels. He trained to protect himself and the lives of others, learned the tactics and methods of the Hunters, and the history of the Gifted. As a kid, he mostly stayed behind the walls where he sought to understand his own abilities in a safer environment and learned to trust Gifted who didn’t want to hunt him down. Roman’s life had gone from nothing to having a future he would eventually realize. And that is just what he did.
The Hunters took to calling the wanted man “Dragonheart,” just as they called every so-called treasonous Gifted by some dramatic name. Roman didn’t care back then, but his first assignment at the age of 17 made him understand the importance of that presence. The Hunters feared his strength, he could stop their vehicles from running down innocents like he was a tree rooted in place. Their guns could do little more than scratch him, and he could break their spirit if he advanced. Rebel fighters rallied to his side and pushed the advantage with him. His first mission to free Gifted prisoners was a success in the end, and Roman believed in himself.
One mission came after the other, and they kept coming for the next two decades. The Rebel Army gave Dragonheart a purpose that he gave his all too, and he developed a reputation among his fellow rebels as one of their best. They all trust him with his life, and he trusts them with his. Those who joined him on the frontlines have witnessed him survive things that no one ever should, shake it off and continue the fight as if nothing happened. Dragonheart has seen to the freeing of hundreds in his time, defiantly making enemy of the Hunters and the Republic itself.
And he’ll be damned if he stops any time soon.
| Family |N/A
| Strengths |- Connections in the Rebel Army
- Excellent power control
- Performs well under pressure
| Weaknesses |- Relentlessly stubborn
- Operates with the precision of a sledgehammer; He will hit what he's aiming for with calculated brute force, but brute force no less.
- Doesn't know when to let something slide
| Theme Song |
| Extra Information |N/A