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Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Adam was too focused on his battle with Ace to witness what Poltergeist had done to Queen. His eyes was focused on Ace's charge at Stalwart, it seemed the robot thought that Stalwart was a bigger threat or challenge to him, big mistake in Adam's opinion. He smiled at the robot's choice of action, this would give him plenty of time to think up a plan to take the hulking robot down. He watched as Ace rammed into Stalwart's hip area, but the hero didn't seemed fazed by the blow and Adam was impressed with the hero's toughness. Then Adam saw Stelwart punched the robot in the back and then move around to grab and try to bring him down to the ground. This gave Adam an idea and he had to time his move just right to avoid possibly injuring his teammate. He made his shotgun construct disappear and then created a spartan style spear that he held in both of his hands. Adam waited for Ace to hit the ground with Stalwart on top of him and spoke to his teammate. "Hold him still!" he commanded to the super strong hero and when Ace was about to hit the ground Adam lunged at two fighters. He drew back his arms with the spear held firmly in his hands and thrusts the weapon in towards the place where his spearhead would try to go right through the side of the robot's skull and into his electronic brains when Ace hit the ground. He had timed it perfectly and hoped that his weapon would do more damage against the robot than his gun..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Belle was no longer in the cruiser, patiently waiting for her friends to return. The Beast had taken over her, leaving being her peaceful and childish disposition behind. Most people would never have even associated the creature in the cruiser to the young girl. If it hadn't been for the variety of butterfly shaped hair clips clinging to the coarse fur of The Beast there would be little connection. The Beast paced back and forth, along the entire length of the interior of the cruiser. However, to her, she was no longer in a cruiser. She was trapped. She was trapped in a large metal cage. A cage she would have to break out of. The Beast began to tear the interior of the cruiser apart. Without any sort of pattern or reason. She was being completely driven by instinct and rage. She tore huge gashes in the metal walls of the cruiser, cutting like paper beneath her sharp claws. It seemed like it would be easy for The Beast to tear right through the wall of the cruiser and escape, where she would just cause more problems. But due to The Beasts limited thinking capabilities she just continued to move from area to area within the Cruiser, never focusing on one spot long enough to break through. Jagged teeth and powerful jaws made quick work of the rest of the interior of the cruiser. She chomped and ripped through the seats. She snarled with her mouth full of metal, shaking the chunk of seat and flinging it across the cruiser like a dog with a squeaky toy. Sometime during her rampage, The Beast flung something up into the cockpit. And that jagged piece of metal, perhaps once belonging to the floor or a chair, slammed into the control panel. She had accidentally activated the upward thrust of the VTOL jets. Her first time flying a cruiser and she wouldn't even remember it. She had effectively set the cruiser into a hover mode, which The Beast took no mind to. She was busy destroying the cruiser. If anything the now glowing lights on the cruisers control panel just angered The Beast further. She snarled and began "stalking" the flashing lights, as if they were a potential attacker. As soon as she was in attacking range she leapt onto the control panel, sinking her claws into the metal and tearing up everything she could get close to. And as if to add insult to injury, or problems to more problems, the hovering ship began to tremble and move. She had destroyed the stabilizing core in the ship.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Juno felt a thrill of elation as her plans panned out. Sure Madcap was tangled with Ten but she was reasonably sure that the insane psychopath could deal with the speedster well enough. Thorn, Molotov, and Fenrir seemed to be out of the line of fire so that was another miniature win. She made a mental note to make barriers more rigid the next time a desk was thrown at her. Queen seemed to be out of the fight thanks to Jaymi but if they didn't wrap this up she would definitely not live to fight another day. Adam and Stalwart seemed to be holding their own against Ace for the moment.Just then Tamashi was shot twice with a shotgun and suddenly a whole cadre of Lex's personal army filed in and started blasting. Juno abandoned her other constructs to shore up her bubble against the plasma blasts, making it rigid and deflective. She wasn't sure if Blood Walker would be wounded or just killed and honestly she didn't really care all that much. She had her own problems. Like Jack deciding to make a bad pun and try to constrict her like a python. Her strengthened bubble resisted the constriction as Juno lessened the coverage and gave it more strength. Now her barrier was more akin to a large cocoon than a bubble, and slowly but surely Jack was grinding it out. The hero was glad she wasn't claustrophobic but as it was she'd have at must a minute before Jack would get to her and then she wouldn't have much time after that. Time for a plan. Time seemed to slow down as Juno's mind worked overtime. She could expand her barrier to push back but she was not sure she could overpower Jack's liquid metal form. She could shoot out lasers to cut the metal but making those kind of precision shots with a barrier and not her hands was chancy in her limited time. Juno could try flying into the nearest wall to dislodge him but that probably wouldn't do much and would strain her barrier even more. Juno could put everything she had into a huge blast of concussive force and heat, but that would probably kill everyone else in the room. If she couldn't push, cut,move, or blast him then she'd try something else. Juno steeled her mind and gathered her will and energy, her cocoon receding until Jack's twisting form was pushing right into her body, her white light a skin-tight field of energy that would soon break under Jack's efforts. With a shout Juno poured all of her gathered power and energy into making the field around her as hot as she possibly could in the shortest time she could do it. In a split second her glowing form was a miniature sun as her pent-up energy manifested as heat around her. The bright light lit up every shadow and blinded everyone nearby with it's radiance, those closest feeling the heat on their skin as Juno put everything she had into burning the bastard around her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tamashi cursed as King dodged the strike. He reacted quickly as the villain aimed his gun at Tamashi. He jumped to the right of the shot but not quite quickly enough. His left wing took the shotgun blast disabling his flight. A second shot then opened the wound further. Tamashi made a deafening screaming noise as the shot pierces his flesh. His eyes glowed with anger. All logic left Blood Walkers head as he began circling King at full speed looking for a chance to strike. The second he saw the slightest opening he threw his sword at King with all his strength. Tamashi ran behind the blade and once within ranged attempted to grab King firmly and bite into his neck.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Thorn bellowed in pain as plasma bolts ripped through his wooden armor despite Twilight's best efforts to deflect the blows. Shrinking in size as he lost nutrients required to sustain his larger form, Thorn quickly rearranged his configuration in order to cover his wounds and remain in the fight. Armored from head to toe, there wasn't much he could do against Lex's personal security without mortally injuring them. Thorn had no doubt that each of their helmets contained a rebreather system rendering his spores moot against them and his thorns wouldn't pierce the armor. Had they been wearing kevlar, his thorns could pass through the layers of fabric like a needle, but the plates of armor didn't suffer the same weakness. Growing numerous bulbs on his chest and arms, Thorn began to hurl them towards the security officers and their guns. As they flew through the air, the bulbs exploded, layers of vines quickly growing out of them, ensnaring all they came in contact with. Pausing to absorb some of the sunlight that was able to freely shine into the room thanks to Jaymi, Thorn felt the bite of plasma and quickly went on the move. Seeing what had happened to the Queen, he sprayed her with a toxin that would one numb the pain and two, stabilize her hopefully until she could see proper medical treatment. It was no bark off his back if she lived or not, but Thorn at least wanted the record to show he had tried. Pausing again, Thorn could feel his strength slipping away as he couldn't keep regenerating at this rate without the proper nutrients around. Looking through the broken windows, he noted the trees outside and began to summon them. Branches forced their way into the room, as Thorn manipulated them, sending them towards the security team while spreading a maze of roots and vines across the floor to indefnitely slow down Ten. Jamming his arm into one of the main branches, Thorn felt the sap and other nutrients flow into his body, revitalizing him as he turned back to the fray fully energized.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Stalwart Defender was a near physical match for Ace, and Warpath had trained his entire life for situations such as these. They should have been able to take this fight in their stride, but their lack of proper teamwork and failure to communicate was conspiring against them. If Stalwart had said he was going to increase his weight to two hundred tonnes then Adam might have warned him against it. Instead he went right ahead with it, all that weight being concentrated through the soles of his feet, a strain to much for the floor to take. The black marble began to dip dangerously underneath him, like the roof of a cardboard box in the rain. This new concave threw a variable at Warpath during his lunge that he couldn't possibly have predicted, the unsteady footing ruining his balance. His spear tip wobbled, now thundering towards Joshua's rather than it's intended target. At that same moment Stalwart and Ace hit the ground, over four hundred tonnes coming down on an already weakened floor. The marble gave explosively, a wide radius all around them disintegrating into chunks, dust being thrown out in all directions in a blinding cloud. Adam was right on top of the two combatants when it happened, quite possibly being caught in the calamity too. Madcap's squirming proved chaotic enough to distract Ten from employing her super-speed once more, though the speedster did manage to slam her forehead into the mad vigilante's nose, more out of sheer luck than any intention on Ten's part. However Madcap managed to bring her Joy Buzzer into play shortly after that, slapping the 'toy' into Ten's shoulder, the playing deck themed villain giving off a strangled choke as her body convulsed uncontrollably as the shock traveled through her nervous system. The speedster was as good as out of the fight for the time being. Madcap would get no respite though, as four Lex-Sec officers were bearing down on her now, drawing batons in anticipation for an easy fight. Madcap was just a girl, after all. How much trouble could she be? Jack's eyes had taken on the glassy, mad eyed gleam of an addict with his next fix in sight as Twilight's barrier receded. He was a shark that could smell blood in the water, seconds away from going on a feeding frenzy. Then Juno's field began to get hotter, and Jacks smile faded. In the space of a heartbeat the encounter turned, Twilight giving off the kind of heats exhibited by plasma arc welders, and getting hotter by the second. Jack began to scream. He quickly went from supreme confidence at the surety of his victory, to near hysterical with pain. His body leapt away from Twilight's like a tightly coiled spring left to boing away. He hit the floor, his body quickly reverting back to it's normal human shape, though there was a slight orange glow to him now, and a distinct lack of solidness to him that suggested her attack had done no small amount of damage. "You bitch," he whimpered silently, arms covering his face as he went into the fetal position. King pivoted on his heel, trying to keep Bloodwalker in his line of sight, struggling to train his gun on the speeding demon. His attention was then grabbed by the sight of Queen being near eviscerated. It distracted him for a mere moment, but that is all the opening Tamashi needed, throwing his sword. Unfortunately swords aren't designed to be thrown, despite how often movies try and get you to believe otherwise, and the blade went wide, spinning end over end until it hit the wall behind King hilt first, dropping to the floor with a destitute clatter. Bloodwalker followed up quick on his failed attack though, lunging in close to try and grab King, who struggled to get his rifle up in time. The two struggle in a grapple, King attempting to knee Tamashi in the testicles, and failing that to pull his revolver and shoot the demon point blank once more. Lex-Sec were falling like autumn leaves to Thorns dedicated assault, but more were poring in the room by the second. A call for heavier weapons was made, quickly being obeyed when four Lex-Sec appeared equipped in seven feet tall combat exo-suits. The suits gave the wearers a degree of super-strength and endurance, backed up by heavy fire power through their high-explosives and shoulder mounted rail guns, though their maneuverability would be compromised somewhat. Rockets in the boots and back-plate allowed them to fly for when evasive maneuvers were required, but in the relatively small confines of Luthor's office that was unlikely. The suits made the Lex-sec feel invulnerable, evident when two charged Thorn to face him in hand to hand combat, eager to test their mettle against the organic behemoth. Another fixed his rail gun upon Twilight, charging up a shot. The last approached the dust cloud caused by the battle between Ace, Warpath and Stalwart defender, obviously meaning to take out the winner. Fenrir was still having trouble shaking the stars from his vision, but he was aware of how bad things were going. He'd wanted a clean mission, preferably taking the Royal Flush Gang down without Luthor ever being aware of their presence. What a ridiculous fantasy that seemed now, with Queen bleeding out on the ground, half his team seemingly mad with blood lust and Lex-Sec firing wildly at everyone in attendance. Fenrir turned to their boss. "Tell your men we're here to help Luthor." he said. Luthor raised a quizzical eyebrow. "This is your idea of help?" Fenrir scowled at that, a vicious retort about what he's do to Lex if he didn't call his men off bubbling to the surface. It died when the cruiser slowly drifted past the office windows, tilted at an angle. All thoughts of Luthor, the Royal Flush Gang, or the battle roaring around him faded, all to be replaced by one thing; Belle. The Wolfman began running towards the open window, dodging plasma fire, leaping and hurdling branches encroaching upon the office. Somehow Belle must have activated the ship's engines, but then lost control. His only mission now was to save the girl, and stop that VTOL from crashing into the city streets and hurting innocents. If he had been thinking more clearly he may have considered enlisting Poltergeist or Twilight to help, but he was running on animal instinct now. Reaching the window (empty of glass since Jaymi's devastating attack on Queen) he leapt, legs powering him through the sky towards the cruiser that was now floating about ten feet below the office, and over twenty feet away. He hung in the air for what seemed like an eternity, trapped in that dead place between the Outsider's VTOL and Lex tower, no going back anymore. He finally hit the top of the cruiser, his momentum nearly making him roll over the side, but he managed to grab a hand hold at the last second, talons scrabbling in between the joints of the carriers outer plating. He spent a few heart beats breathing heavily and remembering how much he hated flying before shimying towards the access port. Time was against him, the longer he took to get the cruiser back under control the more likely it was that the craft would crash. He reached the access panel in record time, fear for Belle and of causing a major disaster on the Outsiders first outing urging him on. Opening the hatch one handed while hanging from a VTOL thousands of feet in the air that was essentially crashing was even harder than it seemed, but somehow he managed it, swinging himself inside the carrier, instantly taking in the gloomy and mostly destroyed interior. A low growling sounded from in front of him, Belle's scent in the air, though muskier and more pungent than before. He was over his blow to the head now, and his mind made the connections quickly. He dropped into a crouch, hand inching towards the knife belted at his hip. "Belle. . . " He called softly, knowing deep down what was to come next. No matter what happened he had to stop this VTOL from crashing. If at all possible he would talk the girl down, but after suffering from his own similar affliction he doubted that would be an option. No, instead he prepared himself to force her into submission quickly. Too many lives were in danger to have it any other way, even if he hurt her in the process.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Joshua immeidiately went to thnking, and fast. He makes his weight lighter than a feather and grabs Adam. "Warpath, make a grapple hook with your energy, I'll try to shake off Ace before we get up there!" He then sets to slamming his foot into Ace's head, attempting to knock the android off of him so they wouldn't have to deal with him when they got back up. He also starts trying to propel himself upwards, but it wasn't working very well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Unfortunately for Fenrir there was no response from the girl except for a low growl. The Beast had heard and smelt the stranger enter the cruiser. An intruder into her territory, a threat. Fenrir could likely locate The Beast easily from the direction in which the growls were coming from. She was perched on the top of the pilot's chair, as if she hadn't moved since Fenrir left her. The Beast snarled at Fenrir, perhaps a final warning before she pounced. She looked rather intimidating, surrounded by the damage she had caused to the cruiser. In the dim light of the wrecked cruiser her eyes seemed to glow. At this point it seems like Fenrir had two options. He could either attempt to fight The Beast into submission, and while this seemed like the safer and easier route it would no doubt still lead to injuries. Or Fenrir could try and pacify The Beast with words. This was far riskier of the plan, as Belle could not recall ever being calmed out of a rage. The Beast snarled again, suddenly leaping off the back of the pilots chair. She began to stalk towards Fenrir. He didn't appear to have long before she started attacking, so if he had a plan now would be a good time to initiate it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Fenrir really only had one choice. He knew that. Some would say he could try to ‘talk’ to Belle, to try and reason with her, to calm her with his words. Those people would be wrong. He’d been in her position before, caged by fury and animal passion, the Call of the Wild the only thing in your ears. There was no reasoning when the beast was in control. Action was the only thing she’d understand now. Belle leapt from the pilots chair, began stalking towards the leader of the Outsiders. He didn't wait for her, instead taking the initiative himself. 'If you mean to win then you have to attack', was advice that Carter was apt to repeat back in the early days, advice that Fenrir had lived by so far. He leapt up and forwards, teeth grit as his hands curled around the twin rails that ran the roof of the cruiser, from access port to cockpit. He swung his legs forward, aiming to double kick the beast that Belle had become in the face. All he could think about was how sorry he was, how this was his fault for taking her in the first place. About how the seconds were ticking away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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MrDidact The Watcher on the Wall

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Twilight's barrier flickered for a second and she dropped a few inches before floating. Pouring so much energy out in so little time wasn't a trivial move but she should be fine to continue the fight. Twilight calmed her breathing and smiled at Jack, "I'm too hot for you bitch." Juno held out her hand and a bubble wrapped around Jack and carried him off to a corner of the room away from the fight next to Queen. Juno floated over and did her best to help stabilize the villain. She honestly didn't care if she lived but expectations demanded she tried. Juno extracted as much glass as she could with tweezers constructs before she cauterized the wounds with low intensity beams and created flexible wraps to act as bandages over the worst injuries. Hopefully this would keep her alive until she received proper treatment. When she was done she created a dome over both of the villains to prevent their escape and being ventilated by random rounds. Juno surveyed the rest of the scene. Adam and Defender where bungling the fight with Ace and Juno decided that if the two of them couldn't defeat him on their own they had no business being here anyway. Besides she couldn't help everyone. Tamashi was locked in with King and he wasn't dead yet so she decided he could hold his own for a bit longer. Madcap was on her back against four troopers. She needed some help. Juno flicked her wrist and four tendrils snaked out from her hand and wrapped around their feet before tripping them to the floor in a pile of armor and guns. Juno flicked her wrist and four tendrils snaked out from her hand and wrapped around their feet before tripping them to the floor in a pile of armor and guns. Then Juno saw two Exos headed for Thorn. Her light tendrils snaked back and turned into a light fist that she smashed into one exo suit, sending it crashing into it's partner heavily damaging both and crashing them to the floor. Madcap and Thorn should be fine now. Then Twilight realized she had her own problems. One Exo-Suit charged up a shot and Twilight hurriedly created a barrier. Around the suit. The security guard fired as a bubble flashed over him. The force of the blast trapped in a confined space severely compromised his suit and Twilight used a thin and high-intensity beam to cut off the suit's legs and take him out of the fight. However Juno knew that if the mooks kept pouring in they might not make it out of here alive. She gathered the wrecked suit and as much debris as she could gather to plug into the secret entrance where the security forces were coming from, blocking off reinforcement for at least a little bit. Hopefully that would give them enough time to end this. As Juno smiled again in triumph she noticed the VTOL crashing outside the window. Her eyes widened in alarm as she saw Fenrir jump out the gaping hole in the building. No no no. She would not let the team leader, a ten year old girl, and perhaps the whole team die because their transport crashed into a building of civilians. It would ruin her reputation. Twilight zoomed to the window, knocking out more than a few mooks who didn't get out of the way fast enough and out into the open air. Juno saw that the VTOL was perilously close to crashing and with both hands she formed several strong tendrils to wrap around and trap the cruiser in place, all anchored to nearby buildings. She needed to deactivate the craft to stop it however. Gritting her teeth she maintained the construct and floated into the access hatch. Juno gasped as she saw Fenrir fly at Belle. A small square barrier flicked in front of Fenrir. It was single-use and simply designed to bounce him back. She then cast four rings around Belle in an attempt to capture her arms and legs and outstretch them. If she succeeded she would hand off the tiny terror to Fenrir to restrain her. She had no time for anything else. "Hold her down!" Juno had no illusions of her ability to talk down someone from a bestial rage but she was damned if she couldn't strap 'em down. Maintaining the rings and the tendrils, she floated to the panel and assessed the damage before attempting to deactivate the forward thrusters. Successful or no she then turned her attention to the wrecked stabilizers and with her technical know-how and application of low-intensity lasers she set about trying to either bypass the damage systems and activate back-ups or to weld the damage back to something resembling working order. She really hoped Fenrir could hold Belle down while she did this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Divine Darkness
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Divine Darkness Numb

Member Seen 8 days ago

Madcap shook the stars from her head after the head bunt. The young woman's nose suddenly felt swollen and throbbed beneath her mask. But the pain she felt did nothing to hold her gleeful giggling as Ten's body spazzed from the shock of the vigilante's joy buzzer. Witnessing Ace and two of her comrades falling through the floor turned her giggles into outright laughter. All this beautiful destruction going on around with no need of explosive dolls or balls. Glorious! As she shoved the limp body off of herself Madcap looked to see four armored security officers approaching her. This wasn't a fair fight. One of her and four of them. They needed more men. Glancing around swiftly, Madcap found her punchline and quickly scrambled and crawled to retrieve it. The four men were almost on top of her when the girl stood to face them. She scanned the room for options. But, before she could weigh her options tendrils of light suddenly took hold of the four guardsmen and tripped them up. That was twice now that her teammate, Juno, had stepped up to aid Madcap. It was getting rather annoying. Fenrir, back on his feet from getting shot in the head, seemingly abandons the fight. "Tsk, tsk. So unprofessional." Madcap swiftly gave each man either a hard kick to the head or throat to stun them further and to hopefully keep them out of the fight for a while longer. The young vigilante then acquired a plasma rifle from a fallen guardsman. This was more like it! She took a few seconds to exam it, to familiarize with the weapon. Then, she took aim. Madcap fire a few shots act the King to try and give Bloodwalker an advantage in his struggle with the villain. She would then turn the weapon on any other members of Luthor's security who dared to pose a threat... as well as those who weren't. Juno, after attending to the bleeding Queen, also seemed to abandon the battle. But as her eyes followed her teammate out the office window it suddenly became clear to why Fenrir and Juno left. The team's transportation had taken flight and was about to crash into the building. "Aaw," Madcap pouted. "My toys..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by The Patriarch
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The Patriarch The Champion of Men

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Adam cursed as the ground gave out below them and they began to fall, but thankfully he reacted fast enough to create hooks that jabbed into the parts of the floor that had not collapsed. Adam was also glad that Stalwart decreased his weight to extremely light and he pulled them both up out of the damaged floor. "Please try and refrain from increasing your weight to high levels otherwise that will happen again" Adam said to his teammate pointing to the giant hole in the floor. He didn't spend any more time lecturing Stalwart since they still had Ace and the rest of The Royal Flush Gang. Adam crafted two high-powered handgun constructs and charged up two shots that were powerful enough to blast through steel. He took aim at the robot and fired off both simultaneously. He then noticed that some of Luther's guards were attacking them as well and Adam reacted by yelling at he guards. "Stand down! we're the good guys!" he shouted as he fired off several high powered electrical shots which stunned several of the guards attacking them. This was becoming a mess, he now had to focus on multiple battles instead of one, but he was heavily trained in pitched battles so he perfectly prepared for messy chaotic battles.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Beast watched with ravenous eyes as Fenrir grabbed onto the rails connected to the ceiling of the cruiser. Her back arched off the ground, similar to a cat about to pounce, and her upper lip curled back to brandish sharp teeth. A final warning came from the animalistic snarl in the back of her throat. As Fenrir swung forward, aiming to kick her, The Beast leapt into the air with a gaping jaw. The outcome seemed to go either way, either Fenrir kicked The Beast in the head or The Beast sunk her teeth into his leg. But in the end it wasn't that simple. Both The Beast and Fenrir slammed themselves into an invisible barrier, sending the two of them in opposite directions away from each other. This turn of events just ended in confusing and enraging The Beast, who let out a chilling howl as she tried to find the source of the invisible barrier. Oh, a new attacker in her territory. The Beast snarled at Juno, eyes narrowing at she singled in on her target. The Beast was about to leap at Juno when something snagged one of her back legs. A strange ring of light. Well things just seemed to go from back to worse as The Beast began to thrash and snap her jaws at the remaining rings, trying to break out like a desperate snared animal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Wraith
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Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

As the fist of light crashed into the first of the two mechs taking both out, Thorn grunted his approval noting that Juno had aided him numerous times in the fight. After this a proper thank you would be in order but still locked in the heat of battle this was not the time nor the place. Raising an arm, Thorn forged it to a wooden point before extending his arm forward, rapidly increasing the velocity before piercing the armored shell of the crumbled mech. Splitting his arm apart to avoid killing the man inside, Thorn heaved back, pulling the mech apart to ensure it was actually down for the count. Pain suddenly radiated through his body as his arm was severed, the burning limb hurled across the room as flames began to steam from the stump and engulf Thorn's arm. Bellowing in pain, Thorn charged the second mech who had managed to stand and fire the shot. The two masses collided as Thorn began to grow his body, numerous tendrils extending as they intertwined with the mech, limiting its movement before eventually weakening and dislodging its limbs. Flames continued to multiple and soon Thorn was completely in flames, unbearable pain bringing him to his knees as the mech pilot ejected. Forcing himself to work through the pain, Thorn began to stumble across the room trying to gain momentum as he barrelled into the walls in hopes of finding and breaking a water main. Perhaps due only to sheer luck, the damage to the room had not prevented the sprinkler system from turning on and Thorn paused as the refreshing stream of water began to plummet from the ceiling. However it wasn't enough, and while the flames were diminishing, Thorn could feel the damage was done as the plantoid shed the burnt layers of organic material. A smaller version of himself emmerging from within the former husk. Smaller and more agile, Thorn quickly re-entered the fray having to now rely on melee attacks due to the lack of nutrients to create his projectile and other ranged attacks. Wrapping his arms and body around the necks of those he struck, Thorn quickly choked out several Lex-Sec before taking a survey of the room to see what was left. The Ace and King were still standing but hopefully sure to fall, but the team was looking diminished. It was only then that Thorn noted their aircraft seemingly flying itself outside the building. Belle He shook his head, despite his first instinct being to help it would seem there was already enough of that out there. Those remaining in the fight would need his help, and besides someone had to ensure Luthor didn't have his security hide him away. Turning around, Thorn began to scan the room for the corrupt CEO just incase the millionaire had decided to take advantage of the chaos.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kablamicus


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

With the Royal Flush gang now mostly indisposed the fight had turned to a brawl between LexSec and The Outsiders. Fenrir was back in action which gave Johnny leeway to go ham on the guardsmen, melting their weaponry with huge cones of flame that stopped just short of their faces. When the mech suits filed in Johnny attempted to divert the one heading for Warpath, Stalwart and Ace creating several walls of flame. Once the Exosuit had gotten close enough Molotov set loose a spiral of fire that probed the body of the machine, ideally it would reach the power lines of the machine and detonate the battery. Seeing Thorn engulfed in flame Molotov attempted to extinguish the fire with a flick of his wrist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Razqua
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Razqua Demon King of The Ninth Heaven

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Tamashi struggled with King in his extreme anger. King hit Blood Walker rather hard in the testicles. This only succeeded in angering him further. When Tamashi saw King reach for his pistol he went in to sink his teeth the arm he was using in hopes to disable it. Simultaneously he used his wounded wings to try and wrap King tightly and immobilize his body. Tamashi wanted to savor this kill. Blood Walker wanted to make him hurt before he ripped his throat out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by An Outsider
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An Outsider A Glorious Failure

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Molotov's spiraling flame proved to much for the Exo-Suits system, machine and the man piloting it perishing as the battery exploded. He may of killed a Lex-Sec just doing his job, but Johnny's actions saved his teammates. A worthy trade? Stalwart and Warpath narrowly escaped falling through the hole they had made, though Ace was not so lucky. A metallic 'thoom' sounded through the dust and smoke, indicating the android had landed on the floor directly underneath them. Unfortunately the smog concealed Ace's position, and there was no way to tell if Warpath's shots were on target or not. Regardless, the Royal Flush Gangs strongman didn't instantly jump back into the fray, so there was that to be thankful for. The two Outsiders now had other problems though, namely the Lex-Sec bearing down on them. "Stand down! we're the good guys!" ordered Adam, then firing off a barrage of shots. Lethal or non-lethal, the results looked much the such the same, several Lex-sec hitting the floor. The rest, galvanized by the apparent deception in Warpaths words, fired a barrage of shots, their plasma rounds being more than hot enough to melt metal. King cried out as Tamashi's fangs sunk into his arm. With all the armour he was wearing the teeth didn't enter very far, but it was still painful. The leader of the RFG began to struggle like a cornered rat, desperate to shake Bloodwalker off, but the hellbeast held strong. Things seemed desperate, until King seen Madcap raise the barrel of a captured rifle his way. He swung hard, twisting until Bloodwalker stood between him and Madcap. The female vigilante fired off a few shots that each struck Tamashi in the back or in the wings. The demon roared out in pain, letting go of King in the process. "Ace, now!" Ordered the King of Spades as he rushed towards the windows. Suddenly the floor below Ten exploded out, Ace bursting through. Before the confusion settled the android scooped the speedster up in his arms and chased after King. Together the two still standing members of the Royal Flush Gang leaped out of the window. For a few moments it seemed they had committed some grave, tactical mistake until their forms appeared on the horizon, black specs in the distance making their escape upon their playing cards. Back in the office Lex watched King make his unopposed getaway, a slight smirk tugging at the corners of his mouth. With a slowness that would make an observer question his true intentions he turned back to the battle, gesturing the commander of his Lex-sec towards him. "Sir?" "Have the men stand down. These vigilantes are not a threat any longer." Ordered the billionaire. His commands were relayed around the Lex-Sec with remarkable speed, begging the question of why he hadn't instructed his guards not to attack the Outsiders in the first place. As Fenrir bounced into Twilight's square barrier he was momentarily both confused and enraged. His confusion faded when he seen Twilight float into the cruiser, his rage quickly following it when he realized she had helped subdue Belle. Thankfully this meant he didn't have to beat the young girl unconscious. Instead he shot forward, wrapping his arms around Beast while covering her eyes with his hands. He wasn't sure if that would have a calming effect on her at all. It wasn't as if anyone had ever tried it on his during one of his 'episodes'. No, he had seen a tv dog trainer do it to an unruly puppy, it seeming to calm the dog down. Twilight's efforts to stabilize the cruiser were having some effect, the VTOL slowly beginning to right itself, though her unfamiliarity with the alien design of the craft was impeding her. Fenrir, Belle dragged in tow, positioned himself behind Twilight and began to bark out commands, guiding her hand. Soon they had repaired the stabilization core. Twilight was then tasked with strengthening the bonds on Belle as Fenrir took his place in the pilots chair, flying the VTOL up to level with Luthor's office window. The Wolfman disembarked the cruiser and assessed the scene. King, Ten and Ace escaped, Queen and Jack horrifically injured, a huge swathe of Lex-Sec groaning on the floor and most of Luthor's office destroyed. So much for a quiet first mission. "Quite a scene," Came a voice at his side. Fenrir grunted before turning to face Luthor. "You're still alive." The Wolfman pointed out. "No thanks to you. I hope the League will be paying for all this." Responded Luthor, gesturing towards all the mayhem. His green eyes alighted upon his trophy cabinet. "And I would like a personal apology from 'sparky' over there. I know he melted my prizes on purpose." Fenrir was already walking away from Luthor before the billionaire had finished. "We're not part of the League. Outsiders, lets move out." The team followed his orders, trudging back into the cruiser, each alone with their thoughts. The Wolfman was last in, glaring at Luthor, certain there was something about this situation that he was missing. This puzzle was missing a few pieces. Resolving to figure this whole thing out he turned on his heel, one last remark for Luthor as he pointed at Queen. "Make sure she gets some medical attention." ----- The flight back to Blüdhaven was a perilous one. Even with Twilight's hack job, and both her and Poltergeist supporting the cruiser it was extremely evident that the ship was in desperate need of repairs. Still, they all made it back in one piece. "Ten minutes to shower and unwind, then we have a debriefing in the meeting room." Ordered Fenrir. He waited until the team were all off the cruiser before following his own advice, heading back to his personal quarters and taking a shower. The warm water helped soothe him, loosening his tense muscles and letting him order his thoughts. There was a lot of ground that he needed to cover with the Outsiders. This disastrous first outing was more than evident of that. He got out of the shower and toweled him self off, dressing in a loose fitting cotton tracksuit and white vest before heading for the meeting room. Again he was the first one in the room, and sat awaiting the team.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JonxlatheLion
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Joshua gets in the way of the plasma rounds, and roars in pain as the heated fire sears his flesh. He glares at the lex-sec and picks up a huge piece of metal from the mangled hole, and starts beating them aside; doing his best to not snap them in two with his attacks. The battle clears, and Joshua was glad. He wasn't too sure he would have lasted any longer with the lex-sec having plasma rifles. He was quiet on the way back, holding the three even cauterized holes in his bicep. They didn't go through the whole thing, but it still hurt to move his right arm. After they got back, he hobbled off to the medical room, wanting to get himself fixed up before he hit the showers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dragonbud
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Dragonbud SPACE ACE

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Beast snapped at the hardlight cuffs around her legs, trying to break out of them. She snarled and bit at the air around Fenrir as he attempted to grapple her. As if by some form of miracle, Fenrir's Puppy Channel watching seemed to pay off. The Beast struggled in Fenrir's arms for several moments, before her energy finally drained. Normally, The Beast could stay in its form for about fifteen minutes, but it seemed like destroying the cruiser had shortened this transformations length considerably. In moments The Beast began to shift back down into Belle, the change happening as quickly as it had began. The light cuffs slipped right off her now smaller form, and Belle was unconscious in Fenrir's arms. She was going to feel the strained muscles when she woke up. The pain, as well as the amnesia, would be her only clues into what happened after the Outsiders left the cruiser. But for now, she slept, curled up on one of the horribly mangled seats. She had been jostled awake by the shaky movements of the cruiser. She looked around groggily, the soreness in her arms and legs standing out above all. Belle was confused. Had she really fallen asleep during the mission? How silly of her. But that wouldn't explain the aches in her body, or why she couldn't remember falling asleep. She tried to deny it, but deep down she knew what had happened. The gashes in the metal walls of the cruiser, she had done the same thing to the drywall back in her home. The teeth marks in the pilots chair looked similar to the ones she left in the sofa. Belle swallowed, feeling horribly guilty as she closed her eyes again, too drained to keep awake. Maybe someone would carry her to her room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 22 days ago

Marcus Weston was spending his time in the local rockbar "Forgotten" in Bludhaven. It was filled with bikers, punkrockers and the wide variety of "alternative" types. Marcus looked like one of the few 'ordinary' people in the bar, wearing his black long sleeve shirt, his stonewashed jeans and his work boots. He was drinking scotch in the pressence of two ladies with multi-colored hair and looked like someone who would be featured in the next issue of Suicide Girls. Sure, it wasn't Mark's usual scene, but it was the closest bar to the HQ. He was on his sixth drink as he ordered another, chatting with the girls. "So, did you really fight in the war? Rachel saw your tattoo when you lifted up your arms to get your drink." The girl, whom had purple and red hair asked curiously, Rachel, whom sported Teal and Black hair nodded in confirmation that she had. "Sure I did." Mark responded, not really paying much attention to their question. "Did you get any scars?" Rachel asked him, and he scoffed. "Sure I did. But I got something else, too." With a smirk he took his watch off of his wrist and put it on the table, the two girls looked at it wondering what was going on. Marcus "Wanna bet that I can make my watch stick to the roof without touching it?" "If I win, the three of us are going back to my place." The girls nodded and Mark smiled. "Watch this." And in the next instant the watch started levitating towards the roof, it floated slowly, as if it was weightless. It hit the roof and the ladies cheered "How did you even do that?" Rachel asked. Marcus smiled "Ranger's Secret." with a wink. The watch falling back down and he caught it and put it back on. He got up and grabbed the two girls by the hand, pulling them towards the wardrobe so they could get out of there. As he got his jacket back, he also found his phone in the pocket. One missed call. From HQ. Oh boy Marcus in his drunkenly state smiled at the girls. "Know what? I realized I don't have any cash for the Taxi back to my place. I'll take a raincheck on the drinks." He said, the girls both looking surprised and a little insulted, clearly getting the hint that he had other priorities than them. Come on Doggieboy. Why you gotta be such a cockblock. He would arrive at HQ as the cruiser landed, his vision was a little blurry from the alcohol in his system, but he was so used to being drunk that it didn't really matter to him now. He saw the cruiser looking all beat up and he couldn't help but wonder what had happened, clearly they had gone on the mission without him. "Holy hell, what happened to you guys? You guys look like mangled shit!" Mark exclaimed as he saw his so called teammates all get out of the cruiser, on his way to the landing spot he had grabbed a beer out of the fridge that he was now emptying. He would head to the meeting room and sit down in his chair, lay back in it and put his feet up on the desk and putting on a Baseball game on his computer while he waited for the others. Red Sox wasn't doing too hot. Marcus despised the Red Sox.
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