Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jurassic Weeb
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Jurassic Weeb Iris's Indomitable Thief

Banned Seen 9 mos ago

Finally got a profile done. If it needs modifications, please say so.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Or, in other words, Haruka's power is the ability to play the ultimate prank. Got it?

I have a feeling that she might go a bit too far on one of her pranks one of these days xP
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

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Annnd a post!~

I do hope that is acceptable~
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hm, so in this case, it's less about actually affecting reality, and more about making people believe that reality has changed? Would knowing the effects of her powers then diminish its potency? Sorta like how, if you know someone is a liar, you're not going to trust their words easily? Or does her power override an individual's common sense and previous knowledge as well?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


Sorry for not replying to the PM before, but I was at work, so... Anyway, I'm sorry to say that, but the way he's written right now is not what I'd prefer as a player character for this RP. You can adjust him by making he have normal human form (albeit with enhanced senses and physical attributes), and a "Dragon Trigger" to change into his half-Youkai form, since it's more like the idea of Chaser that I have in mind.

Also, regarding his powers, dragons are aligned with a single element, so he should be resistant (even immune) to one thing only (very much probably fire), not all those other sub resistances. You can remove that weakness to cold as well, since the dragons here don't work like D&D ones, but rather like, say... Smaug, or Fafnir, being near-unkillable, fire (or other things)-breathing, scaly-winged, monstrosities that you should pray to never cross paths with. Turning on the AC won't do any harm to them.

That resistance to magic and paralysis makes little to no sense as well exactly for the same reason as above, the kind of combo-platter powers that dragons have on D&D doesn't apply here. They are pure brutes, so to say and the reason why they are so resistant is simply because they are hulking masses of carbon fiber like muscles bound by scales that would make any Abrams look like a tin can.

Do these alterations and then we can talk again.

Hm, so in this case, it's less about actually affecting reality, and more about making people believe that reality has changed? Would knowing the effects of her powers then diminish its potency? Sorta like how, if you know someone is a liar, you're not going to trust their words easily? Or does her power override an individual's common sense and previous knowledge as well?

Well, her words affect your perception of reality itself on a primal level, knowing that she can do it (because even a liar can say the truth if they want to), doesn't help you very much. However, once you have acknowledged a certain truth, you'll not feel compelled to recheck it, without good reason. For example, she can't trick Ling with the pants line again without a good cause.

However, if she gives simpler instructions that are plausible in any situation, they can be repeated for as much as need. Things like: "You cannot see here!", or "Your hands can reach the place where I'm standing!" Are where she focus during most fights. Got it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Here's my post; time to depart for nooooow!~ Lets see what happens and if anything horrible happens to Atlas! At most, it's either hit on a kitsune who is a lot stronger than him or solving a mystery which involves the Laws of Gravity being shred into bits and pieces!

If I need to change anything, just say the word and I shall be!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@KoLAight, made the edit. Guess I'll let you do the honours of starting the race then.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

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@TheWindel You should totally post.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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@TheWindel You should totally post.

I've been waiting for @Hawlin. Still waiting now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by j8cob
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j8cob The Gr8est / The J8est

Member Seen 20 days ago

I have reason to believe that Hawlin probably is dropping out. Which is why I'm saying you should go ahead with it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago

I'll post around the weekend, I'm sorry if the delay bother anyone but I'm trying to figure somethings to do to enhance the experience of those not involved in any quests at the time being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 6 days ago


Er....what? Hawlin if you're disinterested in this RP just say so.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 12 days ago


Indeed, as @TheWindel said, what is up? No one here is forcing you to stay, as well, so just say it if you wanna leave. But the mission was quite specifically said to not be about brute force, you misreading it is not the same as we lying.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hawlin
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Hawlin The Jaded

Member Seen 8 days ago

Sorry about the thing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

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...you didn't notice me...
...not even a mention...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

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@Crimson Raven

Greetings there.


Wanna collab?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Do you mind if I join?

I'll be making a whole new character this time. Zane was cool, but he was very anti-hero and in this setting, its hard to fit a character like that in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Crimson Raven

Hmm. Well then, it's fine by me since I'm interested to see what new ideas you can create. In any case, Zane would have to be pretty nerfed for this version anyway.
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