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Keeping track of things makes it easier to avoid bad experiences! And to not make the same mistake like an idiot... :-/


"Humanity takes great pride in three things. Their willpower, their greed and their mortality.

Their will and endless greed allows them to grow and accend past other creatures
But their mortality denies them divinity

It's a delightful purgatory between being Fallen and being Divine"

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With the preparations for the trip back to Arcaeda nearing it's end, Nellara was left, for the first time in a decent while since the arrival of the humans, without anything to do but to watch over the final preparations and wait. It was exactly at that moment that General Kvarr called her, giving her instructions about the oncoming mission she was trusted with.

"Understood General, I will shortly announce our intentions to depart soon. It shouldn't take long until the humans, Seeker Kareet and whoever else might be accompanying us will be ready to go." Nellara said, agreeing as General Kvarr continued.

Just like the General himself had said, Nellara had no doubts that the current mission was way more important than her daily routine as Lenkik's Castigator, so she was grateful when the General mentioned there would be someone to temporarily take over her position in Lenkik. General Kvarr's next words though, were the ones that made Nellara much more nervous than the mere temporary substitution of her as Lenkik's castigator. Not only she was to escort the human 'ambassadors' directly to the Archmagister, but General Kvarr himself said it would be highly probable that the Archmagister herself had some words to tell her. Most people in the Ascension, Nellara included, saw the Archmagister almost as something of a living legend. The possibility of a meeting with her was definitely something that Nellara would have to mentally prepare for.

"The Archmagister herself? Understood, I will be sure to prepare myself." Nellara said. Despite keeping her composure, the General would still notice that the possibility of meeting directly with the Archmagister was something that made even Nellara a bit nervous.

Just after she said that, Nellara would call one of the soldiers under her, asking him to help her to notify their intent to depart soon, both to the humans and the rest of those who expressed their desire to accompany them. With the help of the soldier, Nellara would soon go after she was done talking with the General.
In Avalia 12 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Morning
Location: Guarav Village
Interactions: Cyrus @Helo, Ophelia @princess, Dante @FunnyGuy Darius @Samreaper Menzai
243 Amas

While at first Viola was glad to see Ophelia was still the same kind girl she always knew, worrying not only about her and Cyrus' well being. But the moment she mentioned the words 'friends and family', Viola felt a surge of negative feelings storming her mind, a dark side of her that was influence from the experiments and the incomplete 'reeducation' process she underwent back in Daka Island...

Did Ophelia really forget about everything? About her siblings and what happened to their family... Did she really forget about her... Or had she deliberately abandoned them? Abandoned Viola to suffer by herself in Daka Island? Abandoned her siblings, forgot about her family and everything that happened to them?
But still, it was undeniable that Ophelia... or better, 'Phia' was happy where she was right now. Even though she forsook her name and who she was. Should they really try to make Ophelia remember who she was or should they just let 'Ophelia' stay dead and let 'Phia' live her new life? Even if that was the case, did Ophelia really deserve such peace and happiness, after having abandoned her... Abandoned all of them? Why was she entitled to such happiness after Viola had suffered so much?

Even though it was a very subtle change, her brother Cypress would likely have noticed Viola's expression getting darker and if not, the vines shifting uncomfortably around her body while an internal conflict raged inside her mind. Even after they entered the small village after being guided by Phia, Viola's expression remained the same, too distracted by her internal conflict to even notice the stares of mistrust and almost hostility directed at them as they made their way to a small restaurant.

"Some food... would be nice indeed..." Viola said after a few seconds.

The time they took to get to the village and the small restaurant they were in at the moment did seem to be enough for Viola's mental to get a bit more... stable. At least for now.

Time: One week after Zora arrived into Avalia.
Location: Riverbloom, The River
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Barrock @Conscripts, Rowan

Zora watched, curious as Rowan expressed his reluctance in disclosing any more information about their 'training' than what he deemed necessary, undoubtedly in order to avoid any possible problem regarding information leak. It didn't take long until Aurora interceded for Barrock, mentioning that perhaps they might be able to trust him.

"Aurora's approval of Barrock already has a great deal of weight for me regarding whether to trust him or not. Besides, I do consider myself being quite a good judge of character and despite our brief first meeting, Barrock doesn't seem like someone who would betray others after giving his word." Zora said, looking to Barrock with a brief smile.

When Barrock asked what would he get for joining them, Zora let out a mischievous smirk, of someone that not only already expected such answer, but would be in fact, disappointed if it wasn't the case. It was good to know some rules remained the same, whether she was in her old world or here in Availa.

While back in her world, a favor from 'the' Zora Sene would be worth more than an entire ship and the lives of it's crew, she was well aware that here in Avalia, her name did not carry nearly as much weight as it used to... At least for now. Besides, she had little to offer regarding riches or material possessions, seeing how she had arrived on Avalia only a few days ago.

"As Rowan said though, this... 'mission' is not free of danger and ultimately, it is your choice whether you decide to help us or not. Regardless, I can assure you that your help will be rewarded, should you decide to assist us." Zora said with a calm expression before she looked to Rowan, as if waiting to see what he was willing to offer Barrock for his help.

While Nellara had felt a bit... 'attacked' by Vigdis' previous comments, the misunderstanding was soon cleared when she mentioned human laws. Nellara had no idea of how human laws worked, but to their race, which seemed to be rather... prone to violence, drawing a weapon wasn't seen the same way as how people in Kanth-Aremek saw it.

"I see... I can't say I am knowledgeable about human laws, although it would be better if we both agreed against 'drawing' our weapons unless we actually intend to attack, kill or wound someone, as drawing and pointing one's weapons are a clear and obvious display of hostility... And as far as I am aware, neither one of us here are enemies, right?" Nellara completed, hoping to clear that misunderstanding and avoid any 'future' misunderstandings of the same kind... considering how much trouble such incidents could spell for both of them.

Nellara heard Zeynep's requests. From common things such as clothing to lightning mages, most of them proved to be quite basic and relatively easy to grant. The one request that made Nellara a bit worried was the recovery of the parts of the Jotunheim that apparently fell off on their 'arrival'. While normally it would be quite easy to form a scout party to search for it, it definitely wouldn't be as simple, considering how the ship parts were on Mythadia territory.

Unfortunately, the Ascension would have to cede that specific request for the Mythadians.

"The Ascension is well known for it's mages. Gathering lightning mages would be easier, faster and more efficient if we were the ones to do it. Safer as well, considering we will bring trained mages that are trusted by the Ascension." Nellara said, glancing towards Silbermine before she looked to Zeynep.

"Additionally, the Ascension would gladly provide you with durable and efficient work clothes. As I mentioned before, the Ascension accepts everyone based on their skill, regardless of race. Due to this, we are accustomed with making the most varied type of clothes to fit most races." Nellara said, once again looking to Zeynep.

"In return, I believe searching for the parts from the Jotunheim that fell on the marshlands would be a better task for the Mythadians, considering both the terrain and the territory they are currently at. Besides, invading Mythadian territory would be... incredibly rude and could be misunderstood as an act of hostility of our part if we did so, wouldn't it?" Nellara said, this time looking to Silbermine. Her remarks were once again clear, although rather delicate reminders of the offenses Silbermine had committed against the Ascension.

Regardless of her personal thoughts about Silbermine, negotiations were negotiations and Nellara knew well she had to cede in some aspects, if she wanted to gain the upper hand in others.

As General Kvarr mentioned about having no need to secure a separate location for the humans, Nellara simply nodded, agreeing with him. She had no doubts Silbermine would love to 'take' the humans for himself, but the proposal they had, to give the stretch of land the Jotunheim fell for the humans, was not only more 'neutral' but definitely fit the humans' interests better than Silbermine's.

Unfortunately, Silbermine, in his arrogance, still continued to claim that land belonged to Mythadia. Nellara's expression visibly hardened, as she looked at him with a cold stare. While General Kvarr decided to take the calm approach to such insults, Nellara still saw the need of being firm and standing one's ground. Still, she did little more than just look at Silbermine menacingly while General Kvarr continued to talk.

"I believe the matter of sovereignty was never in question here, 'Lord' Silbermine. The treaty that divides our territory is old and was always respected by both of our nations. There is little need for Mythadia, or you in particular to want to take Ascension lands, as I believe your territory would be already quite enough for your kingdom, just as ours is for us." Nellara asked, looking to Silbermine with a serious expression.

"It would be best if we avoid lighting any... unnecessary sparks that might result in disagreements between our nations, since there is a possibility that they could affect our relationship as neighbor nations, don't you agree?" Nellara asked, her sharp eyes watching every movement from Silbermine.

"Should our nations see a new discussion about the treaty to be unavoidable, I hope Mythadia will show itself an honorable neighbor and not try to push any... unfavorable conditions to the Ascension, in order to preserve our relationship as neighbor nations." Nellara concluded.

With the humans deciding to send two groups, one to Mythadia and the other to Ascension, the negotiations seemed to have dwindled down, at least for now. After they were mostly done with it, General Kvarr ordered Nellara to prepare a small group of soldiers to escort the humans back to Arcaeda by using one of their boats. Taking the rest of the day to rest, Nellara spent most of her free time handpicking the soldiers that would fit best to that particular task among the ones present and instructing them about their task. Even though it was unlikely they would encounter any danger, escorting the humans so they could arrive in Arcaeda safely was their top priority so during all the trip back, she instructed them to always be on alert.

Capturing the armored soldier alive, just like Ilshar said, would be a challenge. Not only due to his equipment, but mainly due to the fact that it was highly improbable he wouldn't have some type of fail-safe implant in order he was captured, to prevent him from being interrogated or something. If that was the case, they would have risked themselves for nothing. Still, however small the possibility for a successful capture was, Alice still didn't want to throw it away.

With the first signal being given by Salvator's shots, a hail of bullets followed, focused on the armored soldier. Alice's tungsten needles successfully pierced the armored soldier's knees, but due to their low impact, didn't have enough damage to fully immobilize him. The pain did seem to be enough to affect his mobility, causing him to almost fall and take cover behind a tree, which, when coupled with Salvator's EMP rounds disabling it's helmet, were undoubtedly advantages their group could use.

The CivSec soldiers didn't stay surprised for too long though and after the armored soldier barked orders, they immediately began organizing themselves. As the suppressive LMG fire started, Alice hid herself behind the tree, taking cover. While they didn't seem to know exactly her position, the wide sweeps made by the LMGs forced her to hide, the audible noises of the stray bullets hitting the trunk of the tree she was hiding behind reminding her that it would be a terrible idea to move now.

The enemies' formation and defenses were tightening fast, as they retreated and took cover. Even though the Envenomed had the advantage of surprise, not even hers and Salvator's stealth field would be able to hide them forever, especially thanks to the automata' detection systems. Fortunately, not only Echo was starting to use it's heavy firepower to further disorientate the enemy and reduce their numbers, but a well placed EMP grenade had shut down the entire left side of their formation, which would buy enough time for her to reposition herself.

It was just at that moment that the beam cannon that Echo was charging finally fired, lighting up the battlefield as it went directly towards the place where the power-armored soldier was hiding. Unfortunately, a moment before if hit, Alice was clearly able to see the power-armored soldier sprinting away from the cover, before Echo's beam pierced it, hitting the cargo container behind, which caused a massive explosion, it's shock wave being enough to make Alice hide behind another tree.

"The armored trooper seems to have recovered from the EMP rounds! He sprinted away a second before Echo's shot!" Alice said, using the comms as she reloaded her rifle with a new magazine.

Following the explosion and making use of the chaos that it created, Echo rushed forward, making use of it's heavy armor and extensive weaponry to draw fire towards itself. Using the distraction that Echo was causing, Alice immediately followed with two more shots towards the automata that were disabled, just after they woke up and began firing at Echo. A single, precise shot to their processing unit should prevent them to get up and fighting again.

"Four operational automata left before enemy reinforcements arrive." Alice said through the comms. Having re-positioned herself earlier, she had perfect vision of exposed side of the power-armored soldier, which seemingly had recovered from the explosion and EMP rounds and was now firing at Echo.

"Acknowledged! Focusing fire at the power-armored soldier!" Alice said, replying to Salvator's orders as she crouched down, holding her breath and aiming at the power-armored soldier again.

"Please be ready for follow-up shots." Alice said, holding her breath for a moment before firing two more times at the power-armored soldier, once again aiming at the joints of his armor, but this time aiming at his left arm. With one needle aimed at his left wrist and the other at his left elbow. Her aim was to either force the power-armor soldier to change to his backup weapon after disabling one of his arms or forcing him to fire his rifle with one arm, which would undoubtedly affect his accuracy.

Interactions: Amanda, Baba Yaga @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS

Faye's preoccupation regarding Micheal soon showed itself to be quite justified, as he seemed to be completely out of energy, soon passing out. Fortunately, his friends were quick to drag him to safety. Still, there was little time for Faye to worry herself about others' safety, as the creature's arm was still swinging at her despite the hail of bullets Scarlet was sending towards the creature.
Caught by surprise, Faye didn't have enough time to blink to safety, let alone react. She knew that if she was hit by that creature, having most of her bones broken would be the least it could happen to her.

Closing her eyes, Faye braced for the impact, but surprisingly enough, it never came. When she finally opened her eyes again, she quickly realized what happened. Before being able to hit her, the creature's fist had stopped, blocked behind a sturdy black wall that was conjured just in front of Faye, before a strong blast of magic struck the surprised creature, sending it flying away from Faye, before hitting a wall.

The very moment Faye felt that magic, she immediately knew she had already felt it before. It was a powerful, old and ancient magic. One unique enough that Faye knew exactly when she had felt it. It was back when she first met Madam Alexeya.

"M-Madam Alexeya?" Faye said, surprised by her sudden appearance. The same old magic she had felt before now emanating from her with a frightening strength and power.

Now knowing Madam Alexeya's real name, it made perfect sense for Faye. Why she felt such strong and ancient magic coming from her. Why she had the immediate instinct of respecting, fearing and revering the woman.

Still dazed by the revelation, Faye took a moment to notice the creature angrily rushing towards Baba Yaga. When she finally did, she hastily blinked behind the woman, letting a surprised yelp as she hid from the creature's angry tackle before Baba Yaga immobilized it with a wall of wooden thorns, impaling and piercing the creature so it couldn't move.

"I... think I can help you guys with this!" Faye said, as she conjured six small portals around the creature, every single one of them linked to the portal next to them.

"If you guys have anything that can pierce the creature, feel free to use it and watch the show!" Faye said with a smirk.

"That'll teach it to not try to attack me." she said, with a confident expression, despite still being hiding behind Baba Yaga... Just in case the creature was somehow able to free itself.

While Nellara's experience with the humans was brief, she had already noticed their tendency towards violence and threats. Just as Ixtaro told her before, it seemed like the humans had an extensive history of violence and wars among each other and many of them tended to act in a quite fitting way, like Ezra or Darnell... Always expecting the worst out of everyone and everything else. Quick to jump to hostility instead of acting defensively.

One person that surprised Nellara though was Vigdis, as she accused her of doing exactly the same as Nellara accused the humans of doing, back when she used her spheres when she first met the humans.

"If I wanted to point weapons at you humans, I wouldn't have used the spheres. They were always used in a strictly defensive manner. Just like I ordered my soldiers to not unsheathe their weapons when we first met... Unlike your soldiers. If I remember correctly... You were as far as ambushing us with your machines from outside the ship." Nellara replied, looking to Vigdis, Ezra and Darnell with an irritated expression.

"Not everyone in Kanth-Aremek has the same patience and tolerance with people who so easily freely show their hostility like you two do. I suggest you to be careful." Nellara said, this time looking directly towards Ezra and Darnell.

"There is a very palpable difference between acting in a hostile manner and acting in a defensive manner. Still, what happened then matters little to the situation at hand. As I mentioned before, there were enough misunderstandings for a day. We don't need anyone raising their weapons without any intention to actually use them..." Nellara completed, her voice taking a rather scary tone at the last part, as she glanced towards Ezra and Darnell, before her expression returned to her previous, calm one.

Fortunately, the situation seemed to defuse itself as quickly as it started after a brief conversation, with Kareet succeeding in convincing Kolvar to calm down.

After the group returned, Captain Zeynep made her desire to start the negotiations known soon enough, soon being replied by General Kvarr, which had a similar opinion regarding how the negotiations should start as Nellara herself had.

"I agree with General Kvarr. It would be most informative if we knew the conditions or requests you and your crew might have, Captain Zeynep." Nellara said, giving a step forward.

"Besides, as I said previously, I was being honest and truthful regarding our objectives since the first time I spoke about them." Nellara said, referring to all the times she reinforced the Ascension's objective was simply to forge friendly relations with the humans and maybe forge a trading agreement both could benefit from.

Interactions: Amanda @Kumbaris, Micheal Crane @BigPapaBelial, Scarlet @AWACS

The noise of Scarlet's gun firing echoed through the courtyard as she shot at the creature Amanda was fighting against. While it didn't seem to be enough to penetrate it's tough hide, the impact was more than enough to daze it, at least for a few precious seconds. The noise was so sudden and loud that made Faye flinch. But the fact that not even that shot was able to penetrate the creature's hide was what made her even more surprised.

"Scarlet, are your wounds okay to handle the recoil?" Faye asked, worried about the wounds Scarlet received a moment ago.

Scarlet's follow up to that shot was much more powerful though, firing an explosive-tipped round which was enough to knock back the creature and make it kneel down, dazed. The noise made by it was enough to make Faye cover her ears.

"What is this thing even made of...?" Faye asked, incredulous as she looked at the creature, which still seemed to be relatively unharmed by Scarlet's shots.

"Micheal, can you handle it? I can still open a portal to send it away if it gets too dangerous!" Faye said as she looked at Micheal.

The amount of power that was concentrated on him after the ritual was such an enormous amount that even those without any magical blood would be able to feel a strange 'feeling' coming from him. For Faye though, it was almost as strong as the corrupted aura from the creature. She knew well that Micheal was overexerting himself. The natural magic coming from Micheal's ritual was probably the only thing that was helping Faye deal with the corrupted magic emanating from the creature. With that said, the eldritch beams the creature started firing quickly began to worsen Faye's condition, with her feeling visibly more shaken and weakened.

The second Faye stopped paying attention at the creature to check on Scarlet and Micheal was the moment the creature directed it's attention to Faye. Distracted, dazed and weakened by the eldritch magic emanating from the creature, she wasn't able to even react in time as Amanda warned her about the titan, being able only to raise her hands as a reaction to the oncoming blow.
Karina Frost

Even though Karina thought her warning would be enough to dissuade anyone from trying either to get drunk or to do anything 'reckless' while under the influence of the divergence, she would find herself to be very extremely wrong when the first fistful of mashed potatoes flew through the air, thrown by Sil after Akai said that someone should try to 'liven-up' things a little.

Týfurkh, who was the one Sil had aimed at first despite having missed, also seemed to have some plans of his own to 'liven-up' the dinner, as he turned towards Sil, standing up and going after her, provoking her as he said he would use her as food instead of the roast.

Even Akai was caught by surprise by Sil's sudden action and how Týfurkh reacted to it, causing her to start laughing almost uncontrollably as Chres and soon after, Tayla got hit with mashed potatoes, which in return caused Karina to look at her with an irritated glare. Fortunately for Akai, whatever was going on at the moment wasn't her fault and Karina knew that, which was probably the reason why she didn't say anything to Akai and instead simply gave her an irritated look of disapproval.

"Chres you really shouldn't-" Karina tried saying as she saw Chres pouring a glass of wine. Unfortunately, Sil's little stunt seemed to have helped Chres to decide that it was better risk being drunk than having to deal with all that while sober.

"At least you know how to deal with Sil..." Karina said, sighing as Chres somehow was able to make Sil stop throwing food.

"Now we know why he likes to drink so much, don't we?" Akai said, still laughing.

"I get the feeling I should still scold you, even though you technically had no fault at what happened..." Karina said, looking to Akai with a disapproving stare before turning to Chres.

"I'm starting to understand why you drink now, Chres... Just be careful to not have too much." Karina said sighing as she waited for the servants to serve them.

Tayla wasn't the only one who noticed the... strange state the food was... The moment Karina began eating, she couldn't help but to notice it was far from what she had imagined the food from a lord's manor would be. In fact, it was almost as bad as the food served from cheap, roadside inns.

"It's certainly... unique..." Karina said, discreetly coughing after eating a piece of the roast, getting caught by surprise due to the amount of pepper and spices.

"But we still should eat at least something. Lest we find ourselves hungry and without energy to fight when we have to." Karina said, forcing herself to eat a bit more.
In Avalia 1 yr ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: One week after Zora arrived into Avalia.
Location: Riverbloom, Daisy Bakery
Interactions: Aurora @mole, Barrock @Conscripts, Rowan

Zora watched the Orc's reaction as she greeted him. In particular, the fact that despite his intimidating physique, the orc seemed to react in a rather shy and awkward manner after being complimented by Aurora made Zora let out an amused smile. Such cute reaction was definitely not what Zora had expected out of the orc and being caught by surprise like that really made Zora want to tease him quite a bit, but since it was still her first time meeting him, she knew it was still too early.

"Pleased to meet you, Barrock." she replied with a smile as the orc introduced himself.

When Barrock asked if they were Rowan's training partners, Zora couldn't help but raise an eyebrow, glancing towards Rowan as she wondered what exactly did he talked with Barrock.

"I came from... very far away. Aurora and her brother Rowan are teaching me about these lands and how to better adapt to it. Both regarding combat and magic. Rowan is my sparring partner, despite the... diverging opinions we seem to have." Zora said, answering Barrock's question.
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