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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

@Sho Minazuki@Enkryption@The Irish Tree


The songstress made a face at John's retorts. She then turned a curious eye toward the other, older woman present. "The pleasure is all yours, Ms. Juniper." She said. "While I don't usually travel to these types of locals, I thought it a good chance of pace to do so." Tiziana wasn't too surprised that this Juniper knew who she was, having done her part in making a name for herself. She imagined that word of mouth could travel even as far as a backwater place like this. Originally, Tiziana came here with establishing a new gig in mind. However, this current string of events may prove to be more interesting. For this reason, she decided to tag along with John and the woman.

Walking up to John's side, she leaned closer in to her fellow witch's ear. "Also, it's nice to finally learn your name, John." Realizing she didn't like being refer to by her 'other' name.

Following behind Juniper, they made their way further down the city streets. Tiziana had to admit, she wasn't a fan of these gritty back alleys, finding them to be unsavory. Couldn't complain too much, though, as she did choose to come along. She felt the magic coming from John's eyes, noticing she used the same spell during their earlier scuffle. She also made note of how it seemed to drain her stamina as time went on. Eventually, the group reached a peculiar looking building, which Tiziana guessed was where Juniper did business. On it was a neon lit sign that read, "Club Spades". Going inside, she put a hand to John's shoulder noticing her nausea. Looking around the establishment, it seemed Juniper made her business by involving herself in underground fighting rings. Fighters of all shapes and sizes were on display, bashing each other's brains out and cheering drunks egging on the carnage. Tiziana didn't care for it one bit.

Juniper then led them into a lounge area, where a strange man dressed in a purple suit with an owl perch on his shoulder that didn't match his aesthetic. As the man leaned in closer, he seemed to allude to the fact that Tiziana was a noble of sorts. "Good Evening, Mr. Charles." She said. "I see that your establishment has no shortage of pugilistic entertainment." Her arms folded, she held her closed fan to the side of her face. "Of which, I'll be taking no part in. I mean, look at me." She used gestures to highlight the feminine curves associated with her body. "Martial arts aren't the arts that I specialize in, as I prefer recreation of a different sort." She looked as Juniper lead John out of the room, likely prepping her for an upcoming match. Tiziana seemed to ponder for a moment, then turned back to Charles. "For now, think of me as John's sponsor." She said. "In addition, I'll also be betting on her to win."

Sitting in a VIP section during the sport, Tiziana looked on as the fight between John and this Bjorn went under way. Hearing the crowd chant his name and taking a look at his physique, it was no wonder why he had such a following. Interestingly, Bjorn seemed to know John prior to this confrontation. After actually hearing it, the songstress made a frown which was then followed by a light chuckle. "Goodness, this woman really DOES get into trouble wherever she goes...".

Looking over the fight itself, she at first, wasn't that much interested in it. Just another slogfest of face bashing and sweaty wrestling. However, as the fight grew more and more climatic, Tiziana unconsciously became more drawn to it over time. Oh nice, how'd she counter that? Quick, dodge or you'll be skewered! She silently cheered her fellow witch on. Her eyes widened when Bjorn kicked John square in her pelvis, the sheer shock of the act left her stunned. "You disgusting brute, have you NO honor?!" She exclaimed. Rules be damned, that's still no excuse for treating a lady in such a way!

Both fighters bloodied and battered, the match appeared to be reaching its final stages. The ice and fire elemental mastery was on full display, and Tiziana had to admit that it impressed even her. Charging each other again, Bjorn had gotten John into an strong hold, attempting to use his superior strength to overpower her. However, Tiziana was not prepared for what happened next. John ending up puking right on Bjorn's face in the middle of the match. The sight made Tiziana sick to her stomach herself... Hilariously, this allowed John to gain the upper hand and eventually win the fight via a pressure hold. With Juniper announcing the winner along with the crowd's cheers, John had passed out from exhaustion. Both she and Bjorn were carried out by the medical team to have their wounds treated. Tiziana turned to the odd woman after she made her statement. "Just make sure Charles pays me what I am owed, my fighter did win her match after all." She said. She then departed toward the medical ward, following the team that took away the two fighters.

She had too admit, she felt a little bit more sorry for Bjorn. Losing a match AND having banana puke on your face was enough to crush away one's spirits...

@Enkryption@Polaris North@The Irish TreeNPC(s): Lapis

"Uwaaahh!" Keith let out a girly yell as he was struck in the chest by Scarlett's tendril-chain. It was then pulled out of him as Shavis confronted Scarlett, but Keith was still standing with his wound slowly closed as the seconds passed.

"Sort this out?! Do you not see the hole in my chest courtesy of your buddy?!" Keith replied to Hector. "I'm afraid that ship has sailed, my good sir!"

The mercenary moved to the side and threw several shurikens at Hector, while also throwing one for each bullet that he suspended in the air. He then switched targets, unsheathing two swords and going after Lapis. Twirling his blades in the approach to deflect any projectiles or to slice away any of Hachigan's tentacles that neared him, Keith would slash at the azure esper once he got close enough.

This would prove to be the case, as Hachigan’s appendages did little to stop the onslaught of the merc’s swordplay. Now on Lapis, she attempted to block Keith’s slash with an ice bolt. It worked, but he quickly kicked her away into her own summon. Knocked back a bit, with a groan she regained her stride, but she quickly looked over to Scarlett. In a seemingly delirious state of mind, Lapis looked on with shocked eyes as the iron-blood alchemist took on a more feral form. Lapis had an ominous feeling in regards to the mana that flowed out of her, she’d never felt anything like it…

She then shot a glance at Shavis, who combined with Shadar and prepped to stop Scarlett from going rampant. That only left Hector to assist Lapis against the masked sellsword. Amongst the conflict, however, there was a menacing snarling sound that could be heard coming up from outside. Accompanying it was a sudden rumbling of Keith’s makeshift safehouse, the walls shocked and creaked while the floor quaked beneath them. ”It’s the Makara, they followed our trail!” Lapis exclaimed. Due to the fighting, she only now was able to feel their raging ids, if it weren’t for that she could’ve warned them sooner. With a cracking explosion, a scaled claw erupted from the floorboard, slashing Keith’s leg in the process. The wound began to heal as soon as it was cleaved, and the merc had the presence of mind to quickly move out of the way before the entire beast was on him. More soon followed, and at that point roughly five of the creatures were on the party and Keith. Two jumped at Shavis, who was still focused on Scarlett. Another made its way toward Hector, who at first had his gun pointed at the merc. The other two continued their attack on Keith, with Lapis being added to the list. Keith slashed at one, the deep wound exposed pale tissue from which ran crimson blood. This, however, did not deter the beast and it already had Keith pinned to the grow before he could prep for a second attack. With its strong jaws and claws, it began tearing the merc’s body apart; one of his arms already rolled over to the side. With his girlish screams, Keith struggled in vain to break free. The fresh smell of blood immediately attracted the second Makara, and the one that was originally stomping toward Lapis. Rushing the squirming Keith, all he could do was make panicked yelps as the crocs made a supper out of him, eventually his yelps were drowned out by the sounds of snarling and tearing flesh. Soon, much of the floor was covered in red, and whatever parts of Keith the beasts didn’t care for.

”You see, this is what happens when you don’t respect nature!” She yelled at the now deceased Keith. She said that, yet on the inside Lapis felt sick to her stomach. She only attacked him in self defense in an escalating situation, and she certainly didn’t mean for him to die in such a gruesome way.

The group had another problem, with the feral stomping of the beasts the shack would likely give way. If they didn’t think of something soon, the entire hut would come crashing down on them.

@PaulHaynek@Silverstein NPC(s): Evelyn

With a reluctant smile, Evelyn took Leon’s hand and was thus helped off the ground. ”You’ve my thanks.” She said, ”It seems you have some manners, after all. You’re alright for a shady rogue.”
”Ha! Well, I could’ve fought on for even longer. I would’ve made you lightweights feed your lunch at the Tower to me for a year if I had to pick up your slack!” She said, replying to Einer’s and Leon’s statements. She could feel her scrapes and bruises fade away at Einer’s healing tune. Although her wounds were healed, the mana she lost still hadn’t fully replenished.

”Come on, follow me inside. No tricks, I promise.” Said the conspirator.

Following the worker inside, much to his word nothing was amiss. It seemed that all of the bandits who were inside came out to deal with the reavers. Eventually, an assortment of crates and burlap sacks came into view. ”Don’t worry about those, they’re just supplies.” He said. Walking past them, they made their way into a large spacious room in the back of the cave. It looked to have been converted into a makeshift safe house. Over in the corners of the room were casings with see-through glass, of which various weapons could be seen. They also bore the company insignia of the company.

”Alright, as promised, here are all the stolen goods.” Said the worker, turning to the group.

”So…are you going to explain why you decided to go gallivanting with a bunch of thieves and throw away your job? Not that I care…”” Evelyn interjected, still leaning on Leon for support. ”Were you press-ganged into working for them, or…” Her eyes narrowed. ”Did you sell them out on purpose?”

”It’s…more complicated than that…” He said, unable to look at the group at eye level. ”Josef, he’s…he’s not as good a person as you may think he is…” Evelyn looked at the man with perplexity.

The party could press the man further for his thoughts, or they could just leave his fate with the authorities and collect the stolen goods.

@Hammerman NPC(s): Ruecian, Rozemyme

Roze would quickly feel the lingering pain from her wounds dissipate as Lanus’s Nymph did her work, the gash closing up almost completely. ”Thank you, Lanus.”” She said to the Fae invoker.

Ruecian, on the other hand, wasn’t having as much relief in consulting Rana. That was when Renee came up to her, making direct eye contact whilst detailing her accounts of dealing with the effects of miasma first hand. She seemed to be more receptive of Renee’s words, snapping out of her depression for a moment. She wiped the tears from her eyes and began to address her. ”Even so, things didn’t have to be this way.” She said. ”They put us in a position where we couldn’t refuse this mission. But, thank you. To you as well, Ruecian Valeniquen, I suppose…” She referred to the latter with a more sober tone.

”Uh, sure, no prob…” He replied, scratching the back of his head. Roze was now up and seemed to be walking fine, walking over to Rue, Renne, and Rana. Acknowledging her presence, Rue turned to the group as a whole. ”I think we’ll go ahead and call this a day then, let’s head back and report to the statesman.” He said.

Appearing back at the base camp, they explained the situation to the statesman in charge. He seemed to understand, and was satisfied with the results. ”Well met, I see this Tower of yours has no shortage of talented fighters. I look forward to seeing more from you, perhaps I’ll even have the luxury of relying on your services in the future.” He said to the group, handing them their payment. He then gave an apathetic glance at Rana. ”You’ve fulfilled your role here as well, Rana Schuellen, you are dismissed.” He then left the group and began making preparations for fully purifying the area. Rana was surprised by the apathy displayed by her former superior.

”Hmm, Rana, what do you intend to do now?” Rue said to her.

”Well.” She began, ”I originally took this job so I could acquire more funds for research. But with all that’s happened, I’m not sure about that anymore…” Her tone was one of defeat and uncertainty. ”There's no reason for me to stick around here, not that I would. I suppose for the time being I’ll travel back to Morgenröte with you all, after that…I’ll figure something out.”

”You could come to Eon with us.” Roze interjected. ”I don’t doubt that you’d be welcome there. ” Rana went wide-eyed for a moment at Roze’s statement. ”I-I don’t know about that. I mean, why invite me there when-” She cut herself off, her face full of an unknown guilt. ”Nevermind. Besides, that Irvin man is gathering those with exceptional talent and resources. I don’t see why a b-list magus like me would be welcome there…

”We won’t twist your hand.” Rue said. ”But, you should know that Arteus isn’t like what you may think.” Rana glanced at Rue after his statement, but went back into her own world not a moment after.

With everything settled, the group was set to load up back into their vehicle and return to the Tower. It was early evening, and would likely be nightfall by the time they returned. They were free to head back if they so desired. They could inquire further into what may be on Rana's mind if they wanted to pry...

Kazenosuke, Dancing Blade


Kazenosuke's House

Shizuka, unfortunately, found his plan backfired. Instead of stopping Kazenosuke's blade, his own blade was parried and for his trouble received several slashes that caused him to stagger back. Yuki, quickly came as a follow up, now angered and appearing to take the fight more seriously. She was able to deliver a blow to the distracted swordsman, shredding a bit of his robe in the process. Yuki dodged his counter, but he was able to push her away using his scabbard. Gaining back the ground he lost, he again span his blade, clearly confident they wouldn't find a crack in his defense a second time.

While bleeding, thankfully the wounds Kazenosuke inflicted weren't too deep. Io had done the liberty of casting healing magic, stopping the bleeding and patching up the cuts. Acknowledging Io's signal of a plan of attack, he nodded in agreement. However, in the off chance it didn't work, he wanted to have a backup. At that point, he turned to his oni comrade. "Yuki-chan, that last exchange gave me an idea. Follow Io's lead for now and strike at our friend here as soon as you see an opening." He said. Looking at the spell Io fired, he immediately deduced the lich's plan. Slowing him down with frost, eh?

With that, Shizuka utterly vanished from beside Yuki. Just after, three images of Shizuka charged at the Dancing Blade from different angles. Despite his technique being herald as the ultimate defense, he couldn't defend against an attack from Yuki whilst being distracted. He would attempt to find a blind spot using his afterimages, attempting to further breach his guard and coming with an immediate counter if Io's ice beam was deflected. If Shizuka got parried again, he'd have to make sure to use Eseryu in order to avoid a more damaging slash.

Hopefully this would give him and Yuki an opportunity to put the match in their favor.

Yurine the Death Keeper

@PaulHaynek@Restalaan@Enkryption@The Irish Tree@Hammerman

Terauchi Temple

The trip back was met with a bittersweet silence, especially from the Hangai sisters. Hinami was still unconscious, being carried back to the temple by Gringor and Skarsneek. Atsuha had gotten injured during the fight, which she didn't perform very well in. In addition, she already exhausted mind was completely focused on using the lilies in order to help quell Hinami's rapacious nature. She didn't want to think what could've happened if things didn't go at the cemetery as they did.

Upon arriving, they were greeting by Ayu, as they usually were.

"I believe Takeshi-san and Kikyo-san were discussing something in private." She said, barely acknowledging Ayu's presence.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@VitaVitaAR

Maison d’Violette

Lucrecia's charge had worked, and she was able to repel the clash of the demon recruit and their superior officer. Although, she made a slight wince at the numbing pain that came with stopping Eliz's attack."Scuse Madonna, but I was ordered by Signora Fiore herself to ensure little Eliz doesn't get into any sort of trouble. Even if it's you..." She replied to Myrilla. The arrival and reprimand of Sieg and Viatrix caused Myrilla to finally lower her blade, and hopefully Eliz would also back off. The battle instructor didn't seemed fazed at the fact that her actions would be reported to Lady Livia, apparently her job security was such that she was certain nothing too ramifying would happen to her. Must be nice...

Lucrecia couldn't help but chuckle a bit at the joke Viatrix made at Myrilla's expense, realizing too late that might have been a mistake. She turned to Polina for a moment when Sieg stated that she would also be reported to Lady Fiore, due in part to her lack of action in stopping Eliz from getting into conflict. The look Lucrecia gave her told something along the lines of, "Well that sucks..."

Sheathing her machetes, Lucrecia would again feel the numbness left from parrying Eliz's blow. It wasn't anything too serious though, and hopefully it would go away before she was sent out on another mission.

@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin@Eisenhorn

Hraesleg Lions Base Camp

At Roger's correction of his name, Valmyra's face tunred a cherry red as her eyes widened. The mission hasn't even started, and she's already getting names wrong...

"Apologies..." She said in a weak, defeated tone. She would elect to remain silent for the time being, until she was addressed directly or had concerns with a given plan. Until that point, she would slump into a depressive state, attempting to avoid drawing further attention to herself.

She would still take note of her other allies, however. The humans (and one Nem) gathered around were quite the motley crew. All of them from different backgrounds and walks of life. The little Nem began discussing poisons with the clocked blonde on the team. The little one seemed to be a merchant by trade, and it showed in her speech... Val was reminded of some of the human merchants she gave patronage to during her town visits. They spoke convincingly and with much enthusiasm - anything to make a sale. Lirrah, was it? She thought to herself. Gods, she hoped she got that name right. She felt there was more to her than meets the eye. The clocked woman, on the other hand, gave off the air of an assassin. Probably no stranger to the subject matter then.

Her thoughts were broken as Urden, another fellow teammate, leaned over to her. She began to pout as she glared at the gruff mercenary. "Oh stop. He's probably annoyed enough as it is!" She said, her face full of exasperation. Turning to their captain, she informed them all that their targets were likely fell worshipers. Val had to keep herself from bearing her fangs at the mention. She thankfully never had a run in with their ilk before, but their sacrilegious actions showed they had no respect for nature. That disgusted her more than anything.

"Captain, I will echo Urden and say I am fine with wherever you feel my skills would work best in. I will say that I am at home in forested terrain and can move nimbly amongst the trees.

Kazenosuke, Dancing Blade


Kazenosuke's House

Kazenosuke's rebuttal signaled the start of the bout, drawing his sword and immediately showing off his namesake. The whirling blade was not only an effective way to stave off any attack, but also as a distraction to gain an advantage on attackers. His advance would prove Shizuka's deductions correct as Kazenosuke first feinted a step towards his fellow swordsman, then quickly hopping over to Yuki and delivering a powerful kick to stagger her. He then delivered a powerful slash to the oni, only after did he then continue his advance towards Shizuka. The vagrant had a look of concern on his face for the sake of his comrade's well being, but he was confident they would recover quickly. Besides, he had to focus.

Shizuka's eyes were adjusted to high speed movement, and sought to find an opening in Kazenosuke's spinning blade. Using the increased dexterity gifted to him by Io, he would make for a parry that would stop his blade in its tracks, if only even briefly. Then, with the created opening, he would deliver Uryubutosen - a larger onslaught of slashes, at his foe to push him back. Hopefully, he would then be in a position to deliver a decisive blow.

Yurine the Death Keeper

@PaulHaynek@Restalaan@Enkryption@The Irish Tree@Hammerman

Kozukata Cemetery

Making a mad dash at the young lord, salivating at the powerful chi that he was emitting. However, she was stopped in her tracks as she noticed a more intense signature. Alice, who had been sitting to the side this whole conflict, has been secretly stimulating her chi to attract the crazed undead. She would find that her plan worked, as Hinami ignored him and darted after Alice. Nearly on the mushroom mamono, Alice likely had a plan of action in store for the jiangshi. However, this would be cut short, as a certain goblin pole vaulted towards his sister-in-law.

Skarsneek, utilizing impressive joint manipulation and body locking, held Hinami in place as he tackled her. Using his monstrous strength, he was able to temporarily keep her in his bind. It may be short-lived, however, as she trashed about. Snarling, her force began rolling them around on the ground. Covered in dirt, the goblin would soon find that his grip was almost lost. That was, until, Gringor came and further bound Hinami using a cloth from one of the dragon warriors. Stringing her up, he held her upside down as she continued to struggle.

However, Yurine warned that even though cloths may not be enough, as they were just a part of the warriors' wardrobe and didn't have any special properties to them. This was prove true as Hinami ripped away the cloth and caught Gringor off guard with her frenzied strength, knocking him away. Despite her continued fury, the other taskforce members would notice that Hinami appeared to be quite fatigued. Her stay in this form put a massive strain on her stamina; blue glowing sweat dripped from her and her breathing was very labored. With quickened, but stumbling steps, Hinami made one last attempt to prey on Alice before she vanished from view. That would never come to past, it seemed, as Hinami would find herself instantly bound by powerful webbing.

"My sweet sister, that's quite enough." Atsuha, using her powerful limbs, held her sister in place as she vainly struggled to break free. After a few moments of trashing, Hinami's cries ending and she passed out. Atsuha gently held Hinami in her limbs, using a bit of magic to sooth her fatigue. Alice seemed to have lost interest in the whole ordeal, which mad Atsuha think that she wanted to fight Hinami out of some sort of leisurely activity. Unsure of what to think of the woman, she watched silently as she walked back in the direction of the temple. She then turned back to the others.

"Everyone, you have my thanks in all the parts you played in attempting to stop my sister. And, I also apologize for everything." Walking over to her lover, she began to wipe the dirt off of him and help him to his feet. "Are you alright, Skars-kun?"

She then turned to Takeshi, noticing the lilies. "I see you brought the lilies with you, I'm glad that you were able to find them. Oh!, are you and Luna-chan alright?! Were you two attacked while you were away?" Since they were attacked in the graveyard, it stands to reason that the young lord would've been ambushed as well.

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@VitaVitaAR

Maison d’Violette

Lucrecia walked along the outside path with her fellow maids, doing her part in escorting their new demon comrade. Their walk up until a point went uneventful. That was, until, their peaceful trek was broken by a gunshot. Much like Polina, Lucrecia took a combat stance upon instant reaction. Judging by the point of impact and the angle from which the bullet came, Lucrecia quickly deduced that it was a warning shot and came from above them. If the sniper were truly serious, the demon would've been left with more than just a bruised cheek. Fired by their ill-tempted instructor from a high watchtower, Myrilla quickly jumped down and made a b-line toward the scale demon girl, her sword's steel glistening in the early sunlight.

Eliz, naturally angered by this sudden attack, met Myrilla in kind and brandished her claws to meet their instructor's blade. As they clashed, Myrilla used her free hand to shoot Eliz's chin, then pulled back her blade to make a slash at the demon's neck. An impressive motion, as to be expected from their combat teacher. Eliz would respond by throwing a stone she'd clawed up from the earth as distraction, as she attempted to hit Myrilla in her blind spot. During the whole ordeal, Polina decided not to interject and instead opted to dine on some more pastries she had stored in her pouch. Seem offered everyone else around some as well, though all Lucrecia could do was sigh.

"Merda..." She uttered in frustration. Pulling out a pistol with speed that almost matched Myrilla's, Lucrecia fired a shot at the stone she threw at Myrilla, caused a cloud of dust to come up. With this distraction, she'd use one of her machetes to block the instructor's slash and the other to parry the attack that Eliz had planned in retaliation.

Lucrecia was ordered by Lady Livia to keep Eliz out of any trouble and she'd do just that. Even if that trouble came from another superior...

@Sho Minazuki@Enkryption@The Irish Tree


Tiziana made note of the magical suppression that the glasses dame made use of; She watched as the tentacles she made began to fade, though not before her fellow witch snatched up the items they were returning. The songstress put on an amused smirk as her fellow witch made her rebuttal, which was hidden behind her fan. Then, at that point, things got a little more...intimate.

John would suddenly appear before the diva, sniffing at her nape and inspecting her being. Tiziana immediately frowned at having her personal space infringed upon. However, as they were both two of a kind, she naturally understood what she was doing. She was trying to learn her brew; Potions, spells, remedies, and other concoctions used on the body were the most general things witches would be curious about with each other. Even the act of walking a couple of fingers down her arm, and eventually holding her hand in public of all things, she realized was an attempt for John to memorize her mana signature. "Correct you are, miss." Tiziana said, confirming John was right in presuming her hometown. In spite of all this, Tiziana wasn't sure what the woman was playing at, feeling she had something else in mind. Getting close to her eye, John finally gave her 'thanks' for her deeds, whispering gently into her ear. Then, in an instant, she was fully dressed and made her way further downtown. Her fan now folded, Tiziana's perplexed and intrigued expression was on full display. Her mannerisms aside, it wasn't often that the performer actually got to meet with others of her kind.

Such was the life of secrecy their kind was bound to...

Out of the corner of her eye, Tiziana spotted an decorated box of some sort. She naturally assumed that it belonged to the glasses woman; It seemed that in her standoffish stupor she had overlooked it. Sighing, Tiziana decided that it would be best to do her another favor. Going off of its appearance, the box was probably something of importance. That was before the other girl interrupted her thoughts, and began to pry into her identity.

Her arms folded, she wore a warm smile as she turned to the young lady. "In the flesh." She confidently responded. "As beautiful as the midnight moon and elegant as the midyear stream!" She looked the young woman down for a moment, sensing a regal air about her. Able to tell she must've been from Lascuta as well, she guessed that she happened upon a fan. Something that she always looked forward to. Then, it finally hit her. Her garb, her looks, the way she carried herself - a member of the d'Aureville house? All the way out here?

Tiziana walked over to what was left of John's makeshift home and picked up the parcel. "It's always nice to meet a fan, even in a backwater, unsavory town like this." She said, looking back at Alina. "Though, I hardly expected it, especially it being someone from the d'Aureville house." Tiziana would confirm if her suspicions were correct. "It seemed that peculiar woman with the short fuse had left this cute little parcel. As I've already helped her once, why not make it twice. I invite you to come with me, and we can talk further if it tickles your fancy."

With that, Tiziana began making off in the direction John left for, partly hoping that Alina would follow. She was curious as to what led a young noble all the way out to this sandy hive of ne'er-do-wells.


It didn't take too long for Tiziana to catch up with the other witch. Her mana signature was easy enough to follow, not like she was trying to hide it. As she approached, she heard a commotion of some sort. She had arrived to see the woman nearly burning a young roughneck alive, stabbing him in the tendon with a knife. Goodness! That along with pulling out a shotgun seemed to be enough to run off the hooligans. Someone else, an older woman with a heavy accent, also seemed to have been watching. The two seemed to have been conversing about something, she couldn't make it out. Whatever it was, it ended with John beginning to follow the old woman, her shotgun pointed at her back.

"I imagine you make a hobby of getting into fights wherever you go?" She said to John, having made her way over to her. "You probably noticed me following you. I came here to return this back to you, you left it. Perhaps, too busy inflicting violence on a poor innocent soul?"

@Enkryption@Polaris North@The Irish TreeNPC(s): Lapis

"Oh, sorry about the smell. It's toxic waste... well, toxic magical waste. I got hired to get rid of them." The goggled man replied. "Name's Keith. Keith North, world-class mercenary and a guy-you-hire-if-you-want-something-done kind of guy."

At his answer, Lapis would look at the man as if he were in dire need of a mental evaluation. Toxic waste?? She pressed. ”First of all, of all the places you could’ve dumped these chemicals, you chose a populated ecosystem with magical beasts? Second, who hired you to dispose of this gunk in the first place you scoundrel?!”” She was going to yell further, but she nearly gagged and held her nose. The smell of the waste was too strong, which was made worse by Lapis having a stronger sense of smell than others. Shavis also joined in the interrogation, thinking it was strange that he had access to this location in the first place. ”Ugh… Ms. Shavis, how can you tolerate this smell??”

Scarlett had completely ignored the stench and began inspecting the laboratory thoroughly. She paid special attention to the various drums that likely were filled with the toxic substance in question. What she did next, however, shocked everyone in the room, including Keith. Lapis, herself, was left speechless by the side. A part of her felt that Scarlett would quickly expire as a result, but given what she’s seen of her perhaps there was a method to this apparent madness.

When Scarlett dumped her head into a vat of the waste, Keith would join in on the panic. "Hey, whoa, whoa! That stuff's dangerous! Not edible!" He then shrugged. "Well, I mean I haven't tried. Maybe it is and if you like it, I guess I can give it to you. It'll save me all the trouble."

”You know, my teammate may appreciate your sense of humor, but I don’t care much for it!” She said, breaking her silence. ”Ms. Shavis, I don’t understand how you can be so calm about it. Is there something about Scarlett’s biology that you’re aware of that we aren’t? ” She asked, honestly curious. Hector had , in Lapis’s opinion, a much more reasonable reaction to the situation as he and Herne promptly worked to pull Scarlett from the drum.

Fed up with the current state of events, Lapis took it upon herself to escalate the matter. ”I believe it’s obvious to anyone that you’re the source of all the problems that have been plaguing this area! Because of you, the Makara have gone rampage and in turn disrupted the lives of the locals!”

Keith opted to take a stance to defend his character. "Hey, now! I was hired to throw this stuff away and now I'm throwing it away in the place everyone agrees to be the nastiest: The swamp." Keith retorted. "And who cares if the Makara gets messed up, they'll get it out of their system in the next fifty years or so. Not that long, to be honest." He replied, seeming to not care one lick about the ramifications of his actions.

”Your short-sightedness is making me more ill than all this filth you’ve stored in here!” She spat. ”Since it’s clear that you won’t be backing down from this point, I’ll gladly deign to persuade you by force.” She said coldly. Hachigan grew into its monstrous form, with Lapis channeling watery mana in her palms.

With Lapis already prepped for battle, all Keith could do was rub the back of his head and shrug. Following suit, Keith assumed a defensive position, letting the Reavers make the first move. "Aww, and we were just getting along."

Hector seemed to still be busy with Scarlett, so it was left to Shavis if she decided to aid Lapis in her imminent confrontation with the merc.

From the safety of her rock, Evelyn looked on at Leon as he made quick work of more of the thieves. With deft acrobatics, Leon unleashed a fluffy of slashes and punctures via throwing knives; The grace the Fae boy displayed made it appear as those he was flying. That guy…he’s not bad, actually… She said to herself. She then snapped herself out of her stupor, focusing on the task at hand. This may have been her only chance! Her instructors at the academy had taken steps to ensure their students had practiced certain CQC tactics in the event where magic either failed them or was unavailable to them at the time. Evelyn felt that she was decent enough at such maneuvers, though this was the first time she’d have to put it to real use.

Her thoughts were broken by Einer, who hobbled up beside her. She immediately noticed his side wound, blood slowly dripping from it. His speech was labored as he spoke, eyes squinted as he strained to fight through the pain. ”...Eh? Perhaps you should stay back, you look like you’re about to keel over.” She said. ”After already saving you, I’d rather not have your death on my conscience…” But, it would seem that the witch’s words fell on deaf ears, the young bard brandished his knuckles and again threw himself into the fray. Though, perhaps things wouldn’t go too bad for him. Thanks to Leon’s efforts, the herd of bandits had been thinned out and retaliation had greatly weakened. If anything, she was more worried about the look Einer had in his eyes as he went back into the fight. He looked like he was enjoying himself…

She didn’t have time to focus on that though, she had her own matter to worry about. Taking full advantage of the diversion created by Leon, Evelyn had made a mad sprint toward the hooded brigand holding the orb. He as well seemed too distracted by the fae boy to notice the witch coming at his flank, being too busy barking orders at his incompetent lessers. By the time the man noticed her coming, it was too late. Wielding her staff in both hands, she gave the man a harsh bludgeon to the back of the head. Making a pained grunt, the man toppled over and dropped the orb to the ground. ”I’m not a fan of it, but I can get my hands dirty every once in a while!” She taunted. She made a dash for the orb that was now rolling on the ground, but fell as the hooded man grabbed her by the leg. ”Waahh?!” She let out in surprise as she fell. The man, now unhooded, revealed that the mask was part of an elaborate helmet he wore, it absorbed some of the impact of Eve’s whack. Though, it was cracked and the man’s head was bleeding a bit.

”No you don’t, you little shit!” He spat, not letting go of her leg. However, unfortunately for him, with the orb no longer in his hands it wasn’t active. Looking at him with a vicious glare, that was the last thing he remembered before being enveloped by a bright vermillion light. Eve blasted him several yards away with her now restored magic. ”I’m SO over this. Time to clear out the herd…” She uttered. Eve blasted away the mob that Einer was dealing with, then ensured that he and Leon stayed out of the way. ”I’d advise the both of you to steer clear. To be honest, I don’t have much experience with this technique.”

Letting go of her staff, it floated behind her and began to glow a hazy indigo light. Eve made a strange sign using her hands, this seemed to cause the glow to grow in size until it enveloped the rest of the bandits. Soon the glow began to change into a darker color, and starry constellations formed around the vicinity. The bandits found themselves unable to move much at all in this field, seeming unable to even lift up their weapons in retaliation. Their firearms ceased to work at all, either appearing to jam or the bullets immediately fell to the ground upon the trigger being pulled. With confused and fearful gazes, they could do nothing but observe the young witch, wondering what type of spell she was conjuring.

Void Domain: Nebula Field. Plasma Fall

After stating this incantation, the stars that formed above the brigands began to grow in size, growing in a shining brilliance. Soon the doomed bandits were subjected to a barrage of large star blasts, the impact of which drowned out their panicked screams. After a little bit, the entire force had been completely decimated. Satisfied with the result, Evelyn dispelled her field, and the surroundings turned back to normal. All that was left were the bodies of numerous criminals that littered the ground, which was covered in a multitude of craters of various sizes. With there apparent leader defeated and their forces decimated, it seemed that the Eon team won the night.

From the charred entrance of the stronghold, a young man slowly came out in a sheepish stride, holding his shaking hands in the air. It was the worker from the factory. ”I surrender, please mercy!” He pleaded with the team of reavers. ”I’ll give back the equipment that was stolen, I’m sorry…” Recognizing him, Eve began walking over to him slowly, her walking appeared to be more like limping. ”All right you dolt, you’ve caused us a lot of trouble tonight, so…you’d…bet-” Unable to finish her sentence, Eve stumbled face first into the ground, kicking up a bit of dirt as she made a thud. It seemed that her technique used up the remaining mana she had in her reserves. Barely managing to lift her head up, she turned to Leon. ”H-Hey, Fae boy. I may have…made a small miscalculation and used up too much mana with that last attack. It’s not like I need it but, I certainly wouldn’t mind a little bit of help either…”

The young worker looked at Eve with mixed emotions of surprise, concern, and perplexity. At any rate, now that the thieves were defeated it’d probably be wise to follow the young man into the stronghold and recover the lost goods. The orb that the hooded man from earlier used was also lying on the ground, free for the taking.

@Hammerman NPC(s): Ruecian, Rozemyme

Ruecian did his part in holding back the newly formed beast and its bony minions. Lanus certainly wasn’t a slouch either, not faltering once during the sudden development and directed Renee to assist the azure Belua in attacking the beast while he dealt with the lesser creatures. His nymph created a barrier of water that dissolved any monster that got near it, buying Rana more time. The Fae couple then combined their attacks with Rue’s to create an all-out barrage against the giant creature. The creature seemed to be taking a decent amount of damage, covered in singe marks and rime that made it hard to move its large limbs. It was still standing, however, and with a hideous roar began to blow wretched air at the team of magus. Thankfully, Rue’s summon Mizuchi and the barrier that Lanus’ nymph made shielded them from the attack.

Rana looked to Lanus in response to his offer. ”I think it’s better that you focus on killing that thing! I should be almost done here.” At that moment, a hand grasped her wrist, stopping her healing magic.

”You’ve done quite enough, we’re ending this now.” Said Roze, the effects of miasma poison having been purified from her.

”Wait!” Rana protested. ”You’ve been purified, but your wound hasn’t fully closed.”

”It won’t be a problem.” Roze solemnly responded. ”All we have to do is win. Come to me, Icarus!” As the jewel in her staff glowed a bright emerald glow, her giant armored bird familiar materialized before her and Rana. The latter seemed to be rather impressed with the level of summon Roze possessed. ”Icarus, dance your great wings, and rend this fell creature with your frenzied winds! With a great shriek, Icarus flapped its wings with such speed that they appeared as a blur, The gale force winds generated combined with the blast of frost and hydro to create a large blizzard to hit the creature with. The creature bellowed in agony at the blast, attempting to flail mindlessly in a vain maneuver to mitigate the damage. After the snowstorm cleared, the creature was little more than a pitiful mess of its former self. Missing both arms and having half its head blown away, it may one last small snarl before falling to the ground in a large crumble. The lessers around it followed suit, whatever others were already vanquished by Ruecian and Lanus’s efforts.

As the creature dissipated, it revealed itself to be made up of countless malfested corpses. As Rana looked on, her eyes widened in bewilderment as she caught a glimpse of some of the bodies. They were ones she recognized from that night. She began to shudder, having memories of that skirmish flood her head.

”Gods above, we’re finally done.” Rue said, stretching his arms. ”Nice one on that whirlwind, Roze. I’ll admit that got a little dicey, but that just comes with the job. Gotta say, Lanus and Renee, you guys kicked some ass on this mission.” He said, complimenting the couple.

”I’m inclined to agree, despite the sudden development, you both adapted quickly and responded impressively. Roze added. She winced as she held her side, now on one knee.

”Shit, Roze! Rana said that your wound hadn’t closed, don’t over do it! Hey, can you continue healing her?” Rana didn’t respond to Ruecian, only continuing to shudder. ”Hey, c’mon, I know you heard me! What’s your problem?

”Those were the men who were under my command.” She said in a hushed tone. ”It’s my fault that happened to them. This is, all my fault…” Tears began to flow from her eyes as she began to break down. ”I - we - didn’t ask for any of this…”

Rue got a bit uncomfortable, realizing he came off as being insensitive. ”Uh, look, I’m sorry about your fallen comrades. But, it’s not your fault! You did the best you could given the circumstances. Besides, this way they’ve been put out of their misery.”

”You think this is mercy.,, huh?! She snapped, her sudden anger catching Ruecian off guard. ”Is it mercy that they initially gathered a bunch of ragtag magus with no real battle experience as an expendable team to assess a situation they weren’t equipped to handle?! What a joke?! She said, sobbing.

”Rue, you never were good at pep talks..." Roze chimed in.
”Godsdammit Roze, you’re not helping! Rue retorted in an exasperated tone. ”Lanus, can you heal Roze? I’ll…try and help Rana.”

Regardless of the situation, the mission was now over. The matter of fully purifying the area was best felt to the encampment, who should now go undisturbed with the bulk of the monsters having been destroyed. There was also, of course, the matter of fully healing Roze and Rana’s current mental state to think about.

@VitaVitaAR@Crimson Paladin

Hraesleg Lions Base Camp

Val had make her way back to the base camp, not too far behind Hector. Though he had a flying mount and should logically have faster maneuverability, she was quite confident in her own agility in slithering among the tree branches. Arriving back, she looked toward the largest tent in the camp. Velvetica would soon call for her subordinates to regroup there and report their findings. She quickly made her way there, seeing her other allies following suit. She honestly was still a bit nervous in working with so many people from different backgrounds, but Vel would push those thoughts to the side for now.

Convening in her tent, Valmyra had looked intently at their leader. She had already met Velvetica once before, when she personally came to her rebuilt village and recruited her. She was smaller in stature than most, and even more so compared to a lamia like Val. Despite this, her presence came with an undeniable authority and reliability that a seasoned leader would naturally give off. Besides, Val was not one to give assumptions based on another's appearance. As a lamia, she could tower over everyone in the room, depending on how she coiled her lower body. In this case, she did just that, but only because she didn't want to take up too much standing room. She blushed with a bit of bashfulness, not wanting to have drawn too much attention to herself.

She listened as the griffon rider gave his report. "While I was there to observe as well, my near-sightedness prevented me from being able to properly see the effigies" She said. "Thankfully, Hector and his steed didn't have that problem." It didn't even occur to her that she could be getting the man's name wrong.

Apparently, the signs they saw indicate several different things. The leader didn't think that it was the work of bandits, or due to Ithillin criminals. Val's eyes narrowed with a predatory rage at the mention of that nation. She won't be forgetting what an attack from their warriors took from her. Velvetica told the group that the perpetrators were likely cultists, those who worshiped fell spirits. The thought of such people caused a sick feeling to well up inside Valmyra's stomach. She'd never understand what could lead a person to follow such a wretched faith.

"Just give word, and my lance will be at your ready."
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