Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

I'll see about having some CSs up later today. I have a new character I want to break in, plus some old ones I want to bring back.
Yo. After some debate, and talking about it with Paul, I've decided to throw my hat in as the Co-GM for this alternative as well.
Eon Reception Room


”I see. So, that’s the reason our team was selected for that assignment in the first place was…”

”Yes, it was because of my recommendation. We-I was desperate and needed an out. Looking back, I can see how pointless it all was. We were posed to be sacrificial lambs from the start, it’s a horrible feeling.”

”It’s fine. You couldn’t help your position, and thankfully our team was more than capable of handling the situation.”

The Fae couple would hear some familiar voices coming from a room they happened upon as they made their way down the hallway. ”It appears we have some guests that wish to join us.” The voice came clearly from Brun. She likely felt the signatures of the two and knew they were outside. Upon entering they would see Brun sitting on an ornate couch, across from a young lady the fae lovers had met previously, separated by a small table. Brun turned to greet them with a smile, while the other woman was seemingly shocked by their appearance.

”Good Morning, my goodness, I thought you two would’ve still been in the mess hall. I was just having a discussion about this fine young lady’s future plans, hopefully involving her becoming a new member of Eon.” Brun said. ”I believe you all are already acquainted?”

The woman in question, of course, was Rana Schuellen, the magus they met during the Necropolis mission and saw home. ”Oh, uh, Good Morning to the both of you. It’s certainly pleasant to see you both again. As for this meeting…” She scratched her cheek, having a sheepish expression on her face. ”This is a bit embarrassing to admit, but I wasn’t able to really come up with anything on where to go from here, so I decided to explore avenues at this tower. Um, that is, if you all don’t mind having some b-list magus researcher as part of your fold. Hehe…”

”I don’t see that being a problem.” Brun replied. ”In fact, I’ve already thought of where we can start you off at. I was thinking of having you perform some operational and administrative tasks around the Tower. In addition to communicating tasks and providing organizational support for the staff, you’ll also be the one to organize and display all requests that Eon receives, ensuring all postings are effectively expressed to the reavers. Of course, you’d be reporting directly to me.”

Rana blinked a few times, taking in Brun’s explanation. ”That…that sounds like I’d be the Tower’s secretary essentially.”

”Do you feel that your skills would be better suited elsewhere?” Brun said. ”Come to think of it, you were researching more effective ways of combining thaumaturgical principles with other magics, yes? Perhaps working under Elaine and Donovan would be a good start.”

”Oh! I’m not complaining by any stretch, I’m fine with wherever you decide to place me! Umm, just so long as it’s not more fieldwork. I…I can’t really…fight anymore…” Rana said weakly.

Brun noticed the somber tone in her statement, which dampened the mood in the room a bit. ”It’s alright, dear, really. I understand. With that, we’d be more than happy to have you as our operations specialist. Of course, you’re more than welcome to act as a research consultant as well.

”Thank you, I’m glad to be here. Rana said, looking toward Renee and Lanus. ”Well, guys, it looks like I’ll be in your hair longer yet.”

Eon Library and Artifact Repository


Leon made his way to the library quite swiftly, having memorized the quickest routes. Upon entering through the large doors, he would see Kiff sipping on a cup of coffee while messing with some rather peculiar artifacts. ”Back again first thing in the morning, Mr. Leon?” Kiff said in a jovial tone, not looking up as the fae lad entered the room. ”I take it your being here means that you’re on board with offering your assistance?”

Moving the artifacts off to the side, the collector opened a drawer in his desk and pulled out an old and odd-looking book. Dusting it off a bit with his hand, he placed it on the table, making an audible thud on the varnish as he did. I’ll tell you that this was one of my more interesting finds.” He said. ”This tome doesn’t usually find its way into the hands of humans, don’t ask me how I got it! As I’ve stated, I have no way of deciphering it, but fortunately some fae members have recently joined our ranks. So now, I entrust this tome to you. Provided you’re up for the challenge of decrypting its text.”

Augmentations pt. II

Currently collabing with @Polaris North & @Enkryption

Picture Perfect

Currently collabing with @Frozen0Titan

Cultists' Lair

The doll-like witch introduced herself as Tabitha, thought she still did not explain her actual purpose here. She made a rather chilling comment in regards to making a nem doll, addressing Lirrah who was still cowering in the back of the group. After another exchange of words between Tabitha and the captain, the witch at first stated that she wouldn't engage the Lions so long as they held no intention of further disturbing the crypt. Valmyra thought about why that in particular mattered to her. Was this one of the areas where she conducted her crimes against nature? She'd have to worry about that later, it seemed, as Tabitha decided to test the abilities of the squad after all. The witch decided to remain in her current spot while her doll monster lunged forward to initiate combat.

The little nem merchant immediately ran for safety in the back, not having the stomach for tense combat situations. She honestly couldn't blame the little one, and she did call for the rear guard to back them up. She already picked up on Irian's and Kayliss's scents getting closr. That's good, she thought, as there's at least safety in numbers.

Urden and Hec- she meant Roger had opted to engage the monster head on, acting as the vanguard for the battle. Valmyra she'd remain at a distance for right now, falling back on her predatory instincts to quietly observe her prey for any particular weaknesses. She quickly followed up on any opening made by her teammates, maximizing damage in the most brutal way possible.

She supposed it'd only be right to keep an eye on Lirrah as well, should anything go awry...
Finally made an IC post after ages.

Forgive for leaving you hanging for so long. I won't make excuses, and I'll be move active moving forward.

Lost at Sea

@PaulHaynek@Enkryption@The Irish Tree
Fukami Port

Deciding to accompany Carroll, along with Alice and Liliana, to Hama Island, Shizuka would supervise the mission to ensure nothing went awry and that they returned as soon as possible. He of course was still considered that Alice might take this opportunity to inflict harm upon her cursed weapon. The man, who introduced himself as Ian North, had went to a nearby shed to drag out a boat large enough to fit all of them on. Diesel movies, what was he talking about? "Good to know we have an ally in you, North-san. Eh, what that about diesel?" Shizuka replied. North pointed out his and Carroll's intimate scene caused a sweatdrop to appear on his head.

"Y-You heard all of that...?" He was fully prepared for explaining the situation to Liliana and Alice, as monsters it'd be nearly impossible to hide the act from them. But apparently even the rainbow knight knew of their debauchery. "I meant no disrespect, I was just essentially healing an ally!" He tried to reason.

"A-Anyway, nevermind that now! Is there anything you can tell us about the situation on the island, anything we should know about?!" He said, attempting to change the subject.

Terauchi Temple

Atsuha had barely responded as Takeshi, embarrassed, apologized for looking upon her naked body and promptly left. She was rather confused at his reaction, and supposed it just should be taken at his lack of understanding of yokai. Something like this wouldn't bother most instances of her kind, but she wasn't in the mood to tease the young lord and allowed him to leave without a word. Atsuha decided that she had spent enough time sulking in the springs and that she should focus on what's important. Hinami heavily on her thoughts, she rose from the spring and dried herself off. Leaving sakure petals flowing all over the water, Atsuha put her kimono back on and headed back toward the temple's main grounds.

Upon returning, she noticed more of the taskforce members had returned from their missions. She paid note at the ones who were still currently absent, including their captain. She also looked curiously at Kazennosuke, one of Takeshi's closest allies and fellow swordsman, seeing that Yuki and Io were the ones to return with him. Odd that Shizuka wasn't with them, wasn't he the one would took point on that mission? Given the man's standing, she ultimately trusted in his ability to keep himself out of trouble, and guessed that something else drew his attention. The others seemed to be discussing something, but she'd half to worry about that later, right now she had other worries to tend to.


After turning for a bit, Hinami would eventually start to calm down. "Tired...scared...want sister...here" She uttered, it seemed that her voice returned to normal as well. Her feral form had drained much of her chi, and with her strength depleted her primal frenzy could not sustain itself. Skarsneek and Yurine would then notice Atsuha enter the pagoda, going straight for her sister's side.

"I'm here, my nee-chan." She gently said, caressing Hinami in her arms. "The both of you have much thanks for looking after her for me." She said to both her lover and the gravekeeper. "I think that the others are discussing something of importance outside. I wanted to check on my sister before anything else, but since she's calmed down perhaps now would be a good time to get a lay of matters at hand. Yurine, perhaps we can go ahead and use the herbs to further calm her mind?"

Atsuha would then etch another seal onto Hinami's forehead. "Gods, it's pathetic that this is all I can do, but now that I've thought about it, I believe the chaotic flow of chi created by the state of the island is what's causing her outburst to happen so frequently. Before coming here, Hinami's never fallen into this state in this way before. I didn't expect the first seal to last that long, but things as they are right now certainly aren't helping..."

After the seal was finished, she laid her sister back down on her back. "But, enough about that, let's use the herbs and meet everyone outside for now. I'll fill my sister in on things later."
Finally posted...
Saya Akaba

Interacting with: Boro the Bookkeeper @scrawls, Zrer Lakeilu @Theyra
Outside Hearth Public Library || Inquiring || Relaxed

Having left her cottage by the riverside a bit earlier this morning, Saya made her way toward the Hamlet library, as she often did. Whether it was to obtain more grimoires to assist with her endeavors, or a simple investigative thriller novel to pass the time, Saya had unintentionally made her name as the Hamlet’s resident bibliophile. This morning she had to return a few books she had borrowed a week ago: a tome considering the intricacies of multi-layered magic circles in order to achieve more potent effects and another on how to coax magical beasts. She would then pick up a grimoire focusing on plantlife studies, and perhaps a horror novel to help curb her intermittent boredom.

Along the way she would see that somber-looking girl on the bridge, Ingrid was her name she believed? The town’s appointed guardsman had gotten herself wet by going below the bridge, apparently something under it had roused her attention. She seemed to be holding some sort of little critter. She could barely make it out, but it appeared to be a kobold if she went off the top of her head. It wasn’t uncommon for little creatures of the sort to wander into the village, some were dangers and some often weren’t. This one, likely, was the latter. She ultimately left them to their devices.

She paid little heed to the hustle and bustle that plagued the town this morning, just another Market Day to be sure. She did decide to buy a scone from one of the makeshift stalls, as her breakfast which she often skipped when she gets into her studies. The Guild would also open its doors on this day, she thought about joining it here and there, if only that it would serve her ambition. After a little while, she eventually made her way to the Hamlet Library, were she would see its proprietor Boro standing out in front. He appeared to be speaking to someone, it was Zrer the elf alchemist. He had a somewhat somber air about him, and it made her somewhat curious as to what they were talking about.

”Good Morning, Boro.” She said to the bookkeeper, being already acquainted with him. ”I’ve come to return these books to you. They’ve been good help in my research.”

She then looked at Zrer. ”Good Morning to you as well, sir. Ah, if you don’t mind me prying, the two of you seemed to be discussing something just now. May I perhaps be of help, if I’m not overstepping?”

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99

Maison d’Violette

Lucrecia eyed Kat with a smirk after she got reprimanded by Mari. You'd think being thrown off of a dropship would be enough to discipline the firbolg maid, but Kat seemed to be in a class all her own...

While Mari led them out of the room, Lucrecia noted the way she almost clumsy stumbled on her dress, silently shaking her head as Mari tried to play it off as if nothing happened. She felt the head maid should have a bit more poise about her, although she'd keep that thought to herself. She supposed it should be commended that she can so naturally play off a given situation on the fly, flexibility was also important.

As they were all taken in front of Lady Fiore, Lucrecia followed in line and bowed to honor her generous employer. She listened intently as Fiore spoke on a couple of different topics, but the one that caught her attention the most was the mention of an underground auction. It seemed that while most of the illegal artifacts were recovered, a particularly threatening one was purchased by a noble. Loeth Havershel, was it? Lucrecia thought that she might have heard that name somewhere before... She showed a bit of ire as she thought about it, the idiocy of the man reminded her of that pig-roach Roksandic.

"Ahem, if I may speak." Lucrecia started after Mari finished her briefing. "Signora Fiore has already proven that she is leagues more intelligent that this Havershel buffoon." She said venomously. "This self-destructive imbecille needs to be dealt with swiftly, and I much look forward to the assignment!"

Fiore would likely take notice of the bile building up in Lucrecia's eyes. It was obvious that this assignment was personal.

Cultists' Lair

Valmyra witnessed the sight of the destroyed camp, wiping away any excess blood and saliva from her lance and tail. She didn't as much need for the torches her comrades had made use of, her species was suited for eyeing things in the dark after all. She could plainly see the dozens of slain corpses that littered the ground, along with the puddles of blood that laid with them. Some of the other members commented on how the wounds inflicted were of geometric perfection, which meant that it must've been committed by a skilled professional. Valmyra didn't care about that, she was just curious as to the identity and whereabouts of the attacker.

Upon following her comrades into the crypt, Val readied her weapon for another sortie as she paid close attention to her surroundings. The group eventually happened more corpses of cultists and a lone woman; she looked to be as about as young as the captain. She had an appearance befitting a witch, but her fingers had strange segmented joints. Val thought that she looked like those weird figures that human child often played with. What stood beside her was a disgusting amalgamation of blades and appendages that vaguely resembled a human woman. It had blades on some of the limbs, soaked in blood from its victims. The young woman revealed herself to the culprit behind the killings, but it didn't seem like the captain was in the mind of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend." Lirrah decided to apply a diplomatic approach while addressing the witch, while Urden and Kayliss thought that the situation should be considered a boon and thus no longer the group's concern.

"With respect witch, you can understand that your presence here is rather odd. We hope to have no quarrel with you, but we are naturally curious as well."
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