Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

@Rune_Alchemist@Click This@VitaVitaAR@Pyromania99

Maison d’Violette

Lucrecia had a neutral expression on her face as she, along with Polina, took Eliz's measurements. She, however, was hiding her frustration at the situation to maintain professionalism. She chuckle a bit at Eliz's reaction to having the word "serviceable" used to describe her by Polina. She was used to all demons being fearsome and hellish creatures. She thought they were all, well, demonic to say the least. She was careful not to get swiped by her scaly tail, which was now whipping around in a childish tantrum.

She then watched as the tailor Tiki worked her magic, seamlessly stitching together threads around her until it eventually started to resemble a maid uniform. Kat, being herself of course, subjected her antics onto the demon maid by giving her a firm slap on the rear end. Was that supposed to be a form of hazing or just her way of welcoming Eliz to the fold? Lucrecia mentally sighed, watching as Eliz was completely flustered by the whole ordeal, clearly not knowing what to do in this case. She would instead take some time to inspect Eliz's new outfit; she had to admit that the maid did good work. Should be expected as a member of the Mason after all.

"I understand your frustration, love." Said the accented maid. "Kat has a habit of doing that to everyone she meets, I suppose it's her way of saying hello. If you want to get her back, though, it will have to wait til later. I believe the Madonna has a place which we are to follow her to."

As Tiki had finished her role in this, she simply told everyone to leave as she exited the dressing room and headed back outside.
I'll try and get a post up sometime this week, if not on the weekend.

Collab with @Frozen0Titan

Collab with @PaulHaynek

Collab with @PaulHaynek & @Silverstein

Chapter 1: Inquisition

@PaulHaynek@Polaris North@Hammerman@Enkryption@Silverstein@The Irish Tree@Frozen0Titan

It was morning and the recruits were gathered in the mess hall for breakfast. Along with them, were some of the other reavers: Namely Roze, Rue, Lapis, and Eve. Of course, Bellum was also present, being that she was the dietary manager and only cook for the Tower currently. The other staff members of the Tower opted to eat breakfast in their offices, wanting to get a heads up on their work. Lapis and Eve were sitting with Rue and Roze, who were talking about their previous missions, whereas Shavis was with Scarlett and both were catching up from yesterday.

”Get outta here.” Said Ruecian. ”I knew she was a weirdo, but I didn’t realize she was a cannibal too. AND she swallowed some of the waste??”

”It’s all true!” Lapis said, assuring her brother. ”She did the same thing to some of the Makara. But, at the same time, it was thanks to her that we were able to make an antidote and restore the Makara to normal. ”

”Still though, that’s really gross..” Eve chimed in. ”I’m surprised that she’s even still alive.”

”Perhaps we shouldn’t be gossiping about someone who’s sitting right near us?” Roze said, scolding her teammates.

”Eh, I don’t think she minds.”” Ruecian said, jovially. ”Besides, she probably takes pride in it.”

Chucking to himself, Rue reached for his cup of drink to wash down some of his food. However, before it reached his lips, he would find it immediately snatched out of his hand. The perpetrator was revealed to be a feline belua male, who wore interesting tribal-like garb and had a snide expression on his face.

”Aaah~” The beastman made a satisfying expression of refreshness, slammed the cup on the table with such force that plates of everyone present jump up a few inches, and put his face a few centimeters from Ruecian’s. ”Mate, you get uglier every godsdamn time I see ya!”

The feline individual began to break out in a hearty chuckle, before promptly having the moisture on his lips suddenly frozen, causing him to topple back a bit as he covered his mouth with a confused yelp. ”It’s barely the crack of dawn, can you not act like the crack of a Rhydrogon’s ass?” Moaned Rue in a tired tone. ”Honestly…” Lapis looked over around her plate to make sure no food was spilled. ”Hello Xashan. I see you’re back from your trip to the mountains.” Said Roze calmly, taking a sip of tea. Evelyn responded with a chuckle of her own. ”Bumbling troglodyte!”

Quickly wiping the frost from his mouth, Xashan snarled at Rue with an annoyed gaze. ”I expected a better welcome after a long and treacherous mission, little man!” He said.

”I figured a big man like yourself could handle such a job. But, I guess your stature is not as big as your ego, unfortunately…” Ruecian retorted. At his quip, the tension in the air thickened as the two began to square each other down. That is, until, a gentle but authoritative voice broke through their stalemate.

”Though I’m pleased to see everyone so lively, perhaps you should settle down a bit.” The two belua turned to see a familiar woman with long silver hair, her milky complexion almost seeming to shimmer in the morning light. Her crimson eyes appearing like rubies, she had a smile on her face which didn’t detract from the scolding expression her squint suggested. Beside her was standing a fairly tall, fair-skinned man whose garb suggested that he was a traveler of sorts.

”Oh! Lady Selini!!” Evelyn became starry-eyed at the arrival of the woman. To be fair, the famed Chaos Witch had many an admirer both far and wide. She responded with a friendly wave. ”Eve, you needn’t be so formal with me. Brun is fine, it’s not like we’re strangers!” She doubted she would ever take heed to those words, having repeated them to Eve several times since she graduated from the academy. ”Aside from that, where are my manners? To all the new faces her, my name is Brunhyldia Amelia Selini, and I serve as an administrator of sorts for the Eon Tower. Here with me, we have a new potential addition to the team. She gestured to the young man standing with her. ”His name is Damian Florestas, a world famous photographer, some know him as the Beast Whisperer.” She looked toward him, making an inviting gesture. ”Breakfast is currently being served if you wanted to partake and get to know everyone, Damian. Once Arteus returns, you two can have your discussion.”

Turning her attention back to everyone in the room, her tone became a bit more serious. ”Arteus is currently dealing with a few matters in regards to some…disburbances in some local regions, so I’ll be here to answer any questions in the meantime. I’ll also look over some requests and see which ones would be best to divvy out to you all, in the meantime you can handle any other affairs you may have for now. Ah there is one more thing… This week, there will be an inquisitor from the Holy Church visiting.” Her tone was now dead serious. ”This is part of their bi-annual inspection of all magus sects, and while we are autonomous we are no less subject. We ask that you all remain on your P’s and Q’s.”

After that, her expression turned back into a more gentle one. ”Still, as I said, take a bit of time to settle some of your personal affairs and further acclimate yourselves to the Tower. In the meantime, I’ll be in the meeting area. There’s a young woman who wants to discuss a few things with me.” With that, she left the mess hall, leaving Damian alone with all of the other reavers.

”Another newbie, eh?”” Mushed Xashan. ”Well, you think you have what it takes to join the Tower?”

”Still can’t help but be an ass to everyone you meet, can you? Rue said. ”Still though, the work we often do is quite dangerous. If you can’t hack it, perhaps it’s best you not bother. I think Selini said something about you being a photographer? Perhaps you’d be good with joining Naomi over in the taxonomy department?” While one could argue that Ruecian’s statement wasn’t too dissimilar to Xashan’s, it was at least perhaps more pragmatic.

With that, the reavers could finish their meal and take some time to delve into their own personal tasks. For example, they could perhaps visit the alchemy lab or library to procure some more materials and supplies for the coming work, or obtain some more magical weapons from Childes shop. Renee and Lanus may have raised a brow when Brun mentioned that she had to speak to a young woman about something, it was a long shot but perhaps they would become curious enough to investigate.


Hraesleg Lions Base Camp

Satisfied that her tail attack did its job, Val turned her attention back to the fray. She noticed that their captain had joined in the battle as well, her agility and deft swordsmanship felling foes within minutes. She wouldn't expected anything less from their young leader, and would just focus on keeping pace. That's when she noticed Urden making a charge at another enemy. This time he lifted him up, still charging with him in tow - and he was heading in the lamia's direction. With an rather impressive display of strength, he threw the cultist her way. Goodness! Was it some sort of strange human game?

Having no time to worry about it, she quickly prepared to intercept the flung assailant. With swift grace, she ducked the top part of her body under the cultist, then caught them out of the air with her tail. Squeezing the air of them, she skewed them straight through the neck. Crimson flowed down from their wound along the blade of the lamia's lance, she then promptly removed it before tossing them aside.

"...This hardly seems like a good time to be playing catch..." She said toward her mercenary comrade.
Shizuka never learns that the monster girls ain't gonna listen to his lectures, huh? :P

Such is the pain of dealing with unruly monsters. They could stand to learn some decorum and wit!

Kazenosuke, Dancing Blade


Kazenosuke's House

Shizuka prepared his counter and made a dash toward Yuki, at the same time Io prepped a magic cage to trap the Dancing Blade in to final end the battle. However, it seemed that Shizuka's gambit wasn't even needed, as instead of making a last-ditch countermeasure Kazenosuke opted to cheekily dodge Yuki's charge. He watched with childish amusement as the Oni crashed through his house, making a new entrance in the shape of a large hole. The humble insides of his home were revealed to the party; It was fairly simple and had only the necessities. As a man of similar feather, Shizuka wasn't surprised and could relate to his fellow swordsman taste in abode. Now trapped in Io's cade, all Kazenosuke did was point and laugh at Yuki's failed attack. Shizuka stepped into the hole made the the house, looking back to Kazenosuke with a look of annoyance. Checking to see if Yuki was ok, seeing her back on her feet with no issues and quickly wiping herself off gave him an obvious answer. She was a mamono, after all, so it should be no surprise.

He then walked back over to Io, who was now healing the injured Kazenosuke. "I had no idea you had such an inane side to you, Kazenosuke-san." He said, shaking his head. "I certainly hope the damage done to your home was well worth the 5 seconds of laughter you gained from it." Shizuka gave Io a perplexing glance at her odd statement toward the man, noticing the wink she gave him as well. He supposed that was her deadpan attempt at flirting? She quickly tried to change the subject by addressing Shizuka and Yuki, who had just walked up to them. She appeared to have helped herself to a piece of the swordsman's cupware for her trouble.

"I believe it is safe to assume that Kazneosuke is satisfied with our display today. Which means, he wouldn't mind following us back to Terauchi Temple." Shizuka replied. He then turned to Yuki. "Yukis-san." He started. "I had tried to warn you not to just rush in haphazardly. Just because you have an opponent backed into a corner doesn't mean that you should grasp at victory the moment you have it in sight." It may have been a little preachy, but Shizuka's seen too many fighters lose bouts they should've won, simply because they were too careless.

"What say you, Dancing Blade, will you come with us to meet with Takeshi and the rest of the Taskforce?" He said, looking back at Kazenosuke.

Yurine the Death Keeper


Terauchi Temple

Atsuha barely paid any attention to her surroundings for the time being, still lost in thought over today's events. Still, she could feel the rejuvenating effects of the spring at work, and certainly felt better than she did before. She remembered that she told Hinami that it's best not to linger on negative thoughts and emotions. Besides, thankfully none of their allies were harmed by Hinami during her tirade. In addition, she was safely resting back at the temple with the others. Skarsneek and Gringor proved they were both more than capable of handling her should she go berserk again, knowing that further put her mind at ease. That was before she overheard two peasant women gossiping about something, she could barely make out what they were saying. Something about witnessing Lord Takeshi? Witnessing him doing what exactly? It was honestly a little annoying hearing all these rumors spreading about the young heir; He was out here risking his life to defend his homeland against invaders, and there's still citizenry who'd rather speak of unsavory rumors about him. The nerve made the spider grit her fangs.

For now, she'd do her best to tune it out and continue to soak in the springs.


Hinami began to rustle a bit in her sleep, and Skarsneek would hear her utter a single word. "Mother..." Her voice still holding it's eerie wail, which didn't bode well. With her turning, Skarsneek would have to tighten his hold on his sister-in-law, otherwise the temple was in for an unpleasant surprise.
Saya's not a danger to anyone.

So long as you don't mess with her booze or books. At that point, I can't guarantee anyone's safety...

I'm perfectly fine with that. Always up for anything that strengthens character dynamics.

And no worries, take your time on the skills. Was the Fire/Flora element combo fine?
@AzureKnight which 2 magical elements would you like Saya to be strongest in?

Fire and flora if that's fine. If not, then will dark work as the second element?
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