Avatar of BangoSkank


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13 days ago
Current Ah, I too am preparing to lose a lot of sleep and gain several pounds hunting monsters in the wilds.
4 mos ago
Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
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1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Getting a good reputation on Guild for staying with a story does take time. Without that reputation any GM is taking you on, on blind trust. The ghosting thing is a major cause of many GMs creating smaller roleplays in the first place with less risk of players flaking and only inviting people they know and are reliable.

I think writing quality/consistency is a good way to fairly quickly bypass that as a road block.

If someone is brand new but I read like three things of theirs I really liked I'd be inclined to either accept or invite them to an RP I'm hosting. You are right though. It definitely becomes easier to consistently have threads that go for a distance when you have a reliable roster of folks to RP with. It's fun getting new blood though.
I'm sure you all have heard the praises, but I'm having a good old time with Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Taking my sweet ass time with it
Yeah Halfling was already in. I could do Halfling Rogue but I'd much rather do either small goofy Monk or big dumb green punchy Monk
<Snipped quote by Dark Cloud>

Honestly I am more hyped about Baldur’s Gate 3 being fully released on August 31 ☕️

They better put in the Orc or Half Orc and my previous Monk class.

I already got it for the EA but I can't sit down and work through it without at least one of those.
In Mahz's Dev Journal 2 yrs ago Forum: News
I'm glad Persistent World is gone, although I will miss seeing my "Are Halflings Canon?" thread as the most recent post for forever.
The problem with that, not that it's not a good thing to do, is that a lot of folks will give you a

"Oh yeah, I've been super busy but I'm still definitely interested please don't drop me" response.

And then still just never ever post.

It's a good approach. Remind folks of it in case theyve just forgotten, but a lot of the time they'll give you a positive response without any actual intent of posting again.
Ghosting sucks, buts it's 100% a part of RPing

Sometimes they got busy, sometimes they lost interest, like BrokenPromises said sometimes there's an issue and the other writer figures it's easier to ghost than to risk a confrontation.

I absolutely agree about group RPs though.

If you and I are in a 1x1 and I get busy I'll likely be too busy to tell you I'm busy and by the time I log back in I might feel bad about that and therefore just completely ghost the RP. It's a shitty thing to do but it's usually not malicious it's just kind of the way of things.

If we're in a group RP it means even if I drop out you can RP with the other members and then when I get back I can either rejoin or you all can carry on without me. Even in Group RPs though sometimes folks join just to RP with one poster and ghost when that person disappears.
Haven't played it yet but I saw a video. If you have any try throwing some "Muddle Bud" at an enemy. Preferably a tough one.
I enjoyed Elden Ring quite a bit, but got up to that games version of Fatty and Slim from DS1 and just stopped playing rather than suffer through that fight until I eeked a victory out. I need to pick it up again eventually. If you don't use a guide it's really something just slowly picking away at the world until you progress.

I beat 3/4 of BotW's giant boss critters. Never made it to bird land. Very fun game too except I just got annoyed with the weapon durability. Gotta be careful about using my best weapons because they'll break fairly quickly and then I gotta go get another...or risk fighting with some ass quality weapons until something decent drops.

Even when they finally being the Master Sword in it's on a timer effectively. Come on guys.
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