Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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<Snipped quote by baraquiel>

They seem a bit high for us just starting out. I too thought to make my character the young prodigy type but I believe your stats reflect those of a seasoned Pillar. But I think the GMs would do you better to weigh in on them.

fixed it xD

Neith just sighed. It looked like the only real clue that they got regarding the forest was the drawing that kid gave them a while ago. The only things they could learn about that damn forest was that it's haunted, probably cursed by some magical lunatics some time ago, and whoever entered it may or may not be able to live another day. 'This just kept getting better and better', Neith sarcastically thought to herself.

She looked at Micah being so fascinated with the man, especially with his tattoo. It must be something of significance to Micah or he was just excited in seeing a symbol that could potentially align with magics of any kind or the occult. She watched him as Micah put his hand on Tolan's shoulder and muttered something indecipherable, perhaps casting a spell to get some kind of information from this man.

"My lovely companion here is right, handsome. There's nothing you can say that can stop us from going to that forest. Who knows, maybe our group could finally discover the secret behind that mysterious forests and all the rumors will finally be put to rest. At least we're helping in our own way too." Neith stood up from her seat, sauntering over Tolan before sitting on his lap. "I just couldn't help but notice you're so tense, handsome. Maybe we can work something out, I'll help you feel the most relaxed you've ever been in your life and you can share any information you know about that forest." She then leaned in to whisper in his ear. "If we managed to find some money in there, I'll make sure you'll get a generous cut."

Neith then sat upright on Tolan's lap and smiled. "So what do you say, handsome?". The elf was willing to do anything just to help them with this seemingly impossible task. She wasn't showing it but she was beginning to lose faith on the inside because everything just seemed to be against them. Neith just had to make herself strong for whatever their group was going to face in that god-forsaken forest.
Done editing her stats. Lemme know what y'all think
@Renny noted! Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate it ^u^

Tbh I did kinda based my stats off yours and just made it have some kinda sense on her xD
Heya! Hope you guys will like her! ^u^

In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City
INTERACTIONS: Torvi @Tae, Cade @Helo, Ayita @13org

"Of course, of course. It was also a pleasure dancing and talking with you, Torvi. Best of luck to you and your friend's adventures." Sakura replied kindly to the elf, curtsying back at her as the demoness watched her leave to find her friends. 'I'm sure we'll see each other eventually, one way or the other.' She thought to herself but she only kept it to herself to not sound too ominous to the already anxious woman, although part of her wanted to tell it to her just for fun. She truly enjoyed her time with the elf and she understood Torvi prioritized finding her friends.

Multiple people broke into smiles and casual talking as the music died down but there were still those who enjoyed dancing with their partners. Sakura courteously greeted and waved back at those who greeted her even though she was sure they both don't know each other. She didn't know what else to do after that. She was so convinced something was going to happen at the Ball eventually but so far, it had been a pretty peaceful night other than that stuck-up of an elf from earlier. She was a bit bored out of her mind and actually wished to herself that something did happen just to make things more interesting and exciting though she knew it will bite her in the arse hard later on.

Just as she was close to returning to their original table, Sakura heard Cade calling out to her and felt his big strong arm around her shoulders. She beheaded the last demon that did this to her but she decided to give Cade a pass. "Good for you, Cadence. I'm sure you feel very proud of yourself. At least you seemed to enjoy yourself so far and that's what matters the most." Sakura reassuringly said while patting his broad chest. Weirdly enough, she felt a bit of pride for her friend for surviving the night in a crowd full of rich, haughty nobles although she could tell the princess Cade was talking about was very humble and kind.

"Ayita? Hm, I don't know exactly. Perhaps we should lo- Oh, there she is." Sakura spotted Ayita walking among the crowd and looked like she was looking for her friends too. "Ayita! Over here, darling." The demoness waved and called out to the human. "Oh yeah, I barely finished my dinner before the whole dancing thing started and I am now very much hungry. I could really go for some steak right now..." Sakura jokingly said to Cade with a dreamy sigh as they waited for their friend to join them, the demoness now oblivious to the impending danger that was going to come to them.

Neith listened intently to what Micah said. Despite the limited time they had in talking with each other, the elf could tell he was genuine in his words and acts, and everything he says should be taken seriously. She wasn't liking anything he was saying either, especially the part about 'the great eye watching over like the moon.' Was it something symbolic or did he meant the literal moon? Neith was quiet while she pondered everything that she heard. What in the hell did they put themselves into?

Dion then explained why he asked them to accompany him in the forest. "Hmm, I do like the part about me receiving some pay. It's just weird though. Why don't they investigate the forest themselves instead of hiring someone to do it for them? Are they scared?" Neith replied to Dion at which the barmaid came and ask if they liked more drinks. The others asked for some but she wasn't that much of a drinker so she just gave a dismissing wave to the barmaid.

The barmaid then gave her two cents about the forest which confirmed Neith's suspicion that the people of Helsend do not like that forest at all. It was also supported by the townspeople quickly returning to the safety of their homes when night came. It's as if they're scared of what the darkness will bring forth from the cursed forest. The barmaid then left and down came a man called Tolan who was definitely Neith's type. Micah quickly approached the blond man and began asking him questions about stuff while Guritag made her comments.

"He seemed to be a genuine person to me. No use passing judgment on people you barely know. Besides, if he did turn into a blood-drinking maniac, I'm sure you won't hesitate to bash his brains out the first chance you'll get so it doesn't matter." Neith told Guritag and then turned to Dion. "The bard's right, y'know. Are you sure the Arcanium isn't sending you off into a suicide mission?"
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