Location: Happy Harbour
Interaction/s: Everyone! :D
Aleen'a breathed out a sigh of relief she's been holding on to for the longest time. She was really glad the team was so welcoming towards her, especially with everything happening nowadays. Who knew that humans could also be so racist and hateful towards their own kind? She could only imagine how badly everyone will look at her especially when she came in late and so out of fashion, but she was again very glad it all turned out for the best. Koriand'r was right, it looked like she'll have a grand time here on Earth after all.
She also really enjoyed the way they greeted her too. One that stood out, in particular, was a boy named Zachary Zatarah who proclaimed himself as 'the most famous teenaged magician in the world' or something like that. She didn't really get it at first but when he made things appear out of thin air, that's when she understood that he's talented in the mystic arts. Aleen'a remembered her mother saying that their Tamaranean forefathers were used to be adept with magic too so she's really impressed with this particular human.
What she also didn't understand were these strange-looking red objects at the ends of these green sticks. Aleen'a swore she saw these in a human show before but she couldn't quite remember it. Oh dear, was this what the humans call vegetables? They said they're very nutritious and make one very healthy, and her heart was touched that Zachary was kind enough to give her something for her well-being. She graciously chomped down on one of the rosebuds and yanked it off with just her mouth.
"Chenk you sho munch! You 'ave a kind heartch!" Aleen'a said as she munched on the rose, her eyes full of sincere gratitude towards the teenaged magician.
Another one that greeted her was another human with a much darker complexion named Felix Fierro. Aleen'a also learned that the human race was quite diverse, making the young Tamaranean very much excited to learn more about them. Her eyes widened when Felix said he came from the future and she gulped down on the chewy flower she was munching on.
"You say you are from the future? Oh, that is very exciting! I also cannot wait to fortify a relationship with everyone. I hope we can be all of the bestest of the, uh... What's that word again? Oh, right! Friends!" Aleen'a excitedly said with a giggle before she chomped down on another rosebud.
The others have yet to introduce themselves to her but that was alright. Being a part of a team and living under the same cave roof meant that there'll be plenty of time to get to know each other later on. There was one particular individual from the group that she's feeling something weird from, however. He seemed to be a male specimen with a long tail and skin as white as a dead star. Normally, Aleen'a could tell what kind of, as humans would say, vibes that's coming off from a person but she couldn't get anything from this one. She only felt emptiness, hollowness? That's very weird for a human in her opinion but she decided to wait and familiarize herself with the team before making any judgment whatsoever.
Once introductions were finished, the Leaguers then explained what they will be doing for today. They were split into two groups and Aleen'a was a part of the group under Green Arrow. She felt a little shy realizing she mistook both of their names but she thought to herself to do better next time. She listened to their instructions as Black Canary also gave the others some limitations, including Aleen'a. Back in Tamaran, being ordered to not fly was the same as being ordered not to breathe. She was only a kid but she remembered the tyranny they endured under the Citadel that would've continued up to this day if it weren't for her cousin and the Earth's Justice League defeating them.
She took a deep shaky breath and reminded herself that things were different now and she was only asked not to fly for the sake of their activity.
"U-Understood." Aleen'a said with a bit of uncertainty before they were being guided by Green Arrow at the start of the obstacle. While Black Canary was already training her half of the team, her partner lead them to their destination and went straight to the forests, as humans would call them.
"Uhh... Eh?" Aleen'a looked around in confusion. Didn't Green Arrow know he was supposed to teach them? Did he had to do something in private and didn't want to show them? What time does the group have lunch? So many questions unanswered yet all she could do was munch on her roses. She looked back at the obstacle course before them and thought to herself. She had some experiences in obstacle courses before when she was being trained by the Warlords of Okaara and she always found them a bit of a drag. Still, what needed to be done must be done and nothing will happen if they just stood around doing nothing indeed.
After she finished eating on the rosebuds, Aleen'a stretched her body as she turned to her teammates.
"I am feeling of the excitement to finally have the chance to work with humans. Let us all hard work in togertheness, team! May the almighty X'hal grant fortune upon us." Aleen'a said cheerfully as she turned back at the 12 feet wall standing before them. She felt up the wall and knocked on it a few times. With the sun shining brightly up in the sky, Aleen'a felt energized and confident enough that she can be a great help to the team.
"Let us go, everyone! If we work together, we can break this wall!" Aleen'a shouted, getting some distance between her and the wall before sprinting at full speed towards it, shouting defiantly as she punched the wall.