Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: N/A
Miranda looked away when Magneto started talking again. There were a million reasons why she didn't tell him, mainly since she had more or less caused his death, something personally she didn't want to remember, and very much wanted to forget. Most everything about the reality that Wanda had created, she didn't want to remember, since certain aspects of it in her mind had gone a bit too far with the way things were. Of course, how could she even begin to explain everything and her reasonings for not saying anything or explaining things? It was hard, and she wasn't exactly the best either wording things at all either.
"I-I-I'm sorry..." she finally managed to say, but by then he was already walking away from her. There wasn't much else she could say at the moment. The others knew she wasn't a fighter of any sorts, her powers were defensive after all. Not to mention, she was also not the most confrontational person in the world, so she wasn't going to argue or try to say anything to Magneto as he really left. She started twisting her hair a bit unsure of what to do at this point, she glanced over at Elixir, and she more or less sort of shrugged a bit with regards to his comment, "I suppose so," she responded, a bit nervously.
Jack wasn't too sure what to do at the moment with regards to the whole situation with the cyborg lady or whatever. Currently, he was a little more focused on what had happened with Kris, and what had happened with Waverly. The thought crossed his mind about them seeing about asking his father with regards to what exactly had happened with him, and he guessed it was kind of an instance of Jack feeling a bit guilty with the fact that he was still alive when he really shouldn't be, and those two were both dead and gone. Maybe he should say something to her? Then again, they might end up in debt to Sinister, which wasn't exactly a great idea in the first place really. But he'd leave the choice up to her.
"Veil," Jack said walking up to her and keeping his voice down, considering he didn't want the others to really know about the whole situation, "You can talk to him and see if he'll be able to do something, just... Keep me out of it if you can please, I've been avoiding the guy for a reason... If you need me or whatever, then fine, just try not to involve me if you don't have to... I really don't want to talk to him..." he continued. Jack kept things fairly vague as to who exactly he was referring to, since he didn't want to spell out to everyone else what exactly had happened with him. "Your choice or something too..." he added, before he went to go find the group with the cyborg, and eventually he managed to find the group and saw the chaos that was going on near her.

Location: Hellfire Manor
Skills: Hacking, Computer Systems, Computer Programming
Well this was an interesting fight currently to say the least, considering what the cyborg was saying. "I mean yeah, he's my grandpa, and my dad is Asgardian," she said with a bit of shrug as she dodged out of the way of the laser attack. Of course, next thing she knew, she was no longer as lone in the room, as others had come to join her in dealing with the cyborg and attacking her. Then they discovered something that was annoying, that being that there was now a shield or something surrounding her, making it a bit more difficult. Zari smiled a bit, getting an idea as she reached into her pocket and pulled out as phone of sorts, "My powers might not be working right now, but was ho says I need them in order to deal with not very nice tech? I've got this."
Tapping away rather er r quickly, it only took a few moments for her to hack into the cyborg's system. "Huh, not Earth stuff, more like the sort of stuff I'd find at home, Asgardian or hyperspace sort of tech," she mused to herself as she kept tapping away. Rather easily, she managed to shut down the shield surrounding the cyborg, and in addition to that, she managed to take out another 88 percent of their systems. She smirked slightly upon seeing the fact that the cyborg was having issues moving its arms, and its head was locked in place even though its eyes and mouth could move. Almost like s puppet with its strings cut. "Tada!" she said rather happily.