Al, Allie, Bunny
Relationship Status: she puts it. A guy back home broke her heart and occasionally communicate. But she won't elaborate on it.
Cashier at local co-op
Positive Traits:
+ Very self-motivated (when it comes to her own dreams)
+ Has everyone's best interest in heart
+ Kind to all she meets
+ Articulate. Explains herself, idea's, and just in conversation in general.
+ She is a bit meticulous, but it works in her favor and she isn't over bearing with it.
+ Alice can be considered quiet, but she is always listening - and in this aspect she is the one to lean on. The shoulder many can be looking for and will give you advice whenever it's needed.
Negative Traits:
- Smokes a lot
- Drinks a lot
- Is up for any new vices
- Can be too honest, causing a lot of issues
- Pretty selfish
- Knows how to work those around her
- Willing to do what she has to do to get what she wants to get
"My dreams? Hmmmm..." Alice looks to the floor, bringing her cigarette to her mouth for a long drag.
On the exhale "I guess just really standing on stage and looking out to the crowd over the blinding lights. I know I can make it on that stage....I'd do what ever I need get there..."
"Honestly it's so grody...but it's just money man. Money is the true demon here."
"My parents are dude. It's bad." She chuckles and pushes her hair out of her face. "Honestly, like....okay so these two..."
Enough of listening to the beginning of her rendition of this storm.
Alice grew up with two parents that seemed to love each other pretty well. But the older she grew, the more her minnd was able to understand the fact that there was no love in the walls of what she called a home around a young age. There was a face that was constantly put on. Growing up in the midwest, her father was a farmer and her mother a proud servant of her father. Dare her mother step out of line and state these facts. So Alice was there to just sit at the table of silence during dinner. It was always focused on her. Growing up under scrutiny you begin to fold into yourself - "you don't want to talk all of the time. You just shut up. You begin to look around and notice all of the shit." Alice is a prime example. Her parents taught her great values. Support local, work hard to get what you want, learn to cook and clean and be a good wife.
Alice didn't want that last part. So music was a grand outlet growing up.
She seeped into it, and let it do the same for her. There wasn't a moment she wasn't going to let a new album pass her by. Alice sang a lot in her room, was apart of her schools choir, but the church hymns that they sang did nothing for her. She had journals of lyrics and believed one day she could be sing them to the world.
So here she is. Gracing you all. Though she doesn't believe the gracing part - she believes she'll find her way with being the correct amount of submission and self-assertion. Alice doesn't want the small town life that her parents had, she had grander plans for herself. The West Coast has called her name for a long time, she believes she can be something out there. The idea is to be at least just get her name known. But just breaking out of her small town is enough. She'd love to sing for the world and let them know her troubles and relate somewhere along the way. But the talk of the big city and all its lights in all the magazines really drew her to this place. So who knows if she'll truly follow these dreams.
Extra Info:
She loves a good chocolate bar.
FC and Claimed Color:
Mazzy Star/Hope Sandoval