Poo deserves a cake coming out of a stripper for his big day
29 days ago
Fuck Mahomes, Fuck Drake
2 mos ago
Seeing TikTok being banned tonight reminds me of how you banned me from your life. I miss you… tell your mom I said hi
3 mos ago
If you use ChatGPT you’re kind of a loser
3 mos ago
Apparently they kick you out the mall if you give Santa spiked eggnog
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▅▅▅▅austin | ♏︎ | he/him | 28 | vegan
Hi, I’m Salsa Verde, arguably the best salsa and formally known as the writer, Syn. I’m a Wildlife Biologist traveling the country looking to work with the coolest: herps, mammals, birds, and invertebrates I can get my hands on. I also like plants, trees, and fungi specifically. I’ve been writing for about 13 years now and recently decided to get back into it. I enjoy anything from casual to high roleplay, 1x1, and arena. My main genres tend to be anime, SOL, and superhero but I’m really down to participate in anything. And yeah I like all that weeb shit.
@Salsa Verde I wonder what Meir thought of Mel's behaviour regarding Natalie. Mel did happily team up for group projects with Nat, Meir's bully-by-association. Do you think he ever confronted her about that?
He probably wasn’t the confrontation type. He most likely quietly went over why. Not that he thought Natalie was directly guilty, but didn’t participate in stopping it. Lingered on the thought of asking why, but didn’t want to make the trip uncomfortable.
@Salsa Verde Throw a third element in there, even if it's a minor presence.
List 4 abilities that Eunji knows/uses the most + any personal ones that fall outside the ones that I listed. For example, Emilia and Scylla both have 'Breath Preservation' as a 5th ability.
Done, although I can't think of a fifth ability. Probably because brain is fried zzz
"Language is the foundation of civilization. It is the glue that holds a people together. It is the first weapon drawn in a conflict."
M E I R . A M O S . M A G G I D "The Linguist" A clean slate, a second chance, a fresh start. Something Meir didn’t think he would get outside of what were supposed to be the ‘best years of your life’. It wasn’t until he found himself in college that he was able to reinvent the wheel. Rugged, a bit more outspoken, and miles ahead in confidence, he wasn’t a new version of himself, but one that improved. He thought of it as a software update with some hardware upgrades. Languages have been his way into the world and broadening his horizons. Trips to Europe, Asia, South America had opened him to many worldly and cultural experiences, his favorite bit was impressing the locals with the helpless tourist look and then immediately striking with a perfectly practiced accent complementing his mastery over their native tongue. It was weird, Meir felt like if he ever stopped reading, learning, challenging himself that all his progress would come to a sudden halt. Probably why being a professor was quite the perfect fit for him. He was practically invincible, that was until he came back to Ritman and started to feel the teen in him thrashing about inside. This time, however, he was determined to be the omnipotent narrator instead of the bookmark in someone else’s story.
☮ M E L A N I E . C A V I L L ☮ @Benzaiten An intellectual after his own heart. Mel was another of his microcosm group of friends. Seemed like it was easier to be friends with your competition than anyone else. Mel understood him and Sara even if her background was a little more rustic. It actually was a nice change of pace for Meir since he was used to the suburbs and cityscape whenever he visited his mother. He always wanted to be closer friends to her in the same vein as Sara, but he was clumsy and didn't know how. A second chance showed itself when the both of them attended MIT. It made things easier in a new city and school. The schism arose once more when they split career fields, again his actions to save the friendship didn't match his actions. A regret he aims to mend.
⚜ ☯ W I L L I A M . B I S H O P ☯ ⚜ @Gisk Meir and William were never really close, instead they were always close in proximity. They had the same classes as many of the kids in Ritman did. William was a slight bright spot in an otherwise montonous career between being bullied and constantly studying. Why? Mostly because his sense of humor and title of class clown always promised a good laugh. Meir always rehearsed in head a thousand times over what he would say if Billy ever pulled him into one of his promotions of the introvert. Alas he never got the chance, but admired his ability to throw limelight on otherwise wallflowers.
♫ S A R A . Z H O U♫ @banjoanjo Oh Sara, what's not to say about her? She was brilliant, talented, and beautiful. It was weird for Meir to have friends, especially one that was a girl. He often got ridiculed about being her boyfriend. Regardless, she was an amazing friend and academic rival. He felt like having her made sure that he was as sharp as he needed to be in order to stay at the top. Their friendship ran deep, to the point that he was over her house almost everyday after school. Not that he couldn't invite her over to his, it was just easier. Her parents taught him how to use chopsticks, try new foods, and began his gateway to learning languages by teaching him Mandarin. Mostly the basics, but he took it a bit to the extreme. The two were mostly inseparable, except for when they graduated. Sadly for the two, their communication fizzled out.
⚜ ☯ J A C K . D A N I E L . W I L K E R S O N ☯ ⚜ @nodogs Meir was one of Jack's biggest fans despite never letting them or anyone know that. He admired how she was a chameleon, someone who could blend in with any group she got swept into. What was more interesting though, was her ability to completely detach herself from that group and move out without even an inch of regret or remorse. His father always told him you outlive the people you meet, Jack was the embodiment of that. He was glad that their interactions were nothing but organic, she didn't expect anything nor feel pity for him. It was neutral. Most of their interactions boiled down to him tutoring her anyways, she had a habit of ghosting school work just as much as she did social cliques.
⚜ O L E A N D E R . O K O N E D O ⚜@Aeolian A hero, or at least, Meir's hero. No on had ever stood up for him, to the point they were willing to eat a punch for him. To be fair, Oleander might have been the inspiration that drove his transformation in college. Someone selfless and willing to give a voice to those who were robbed of one. It was hard for Meir to translate his admiration for him from savior to friend. And so he simply retreated back into his shell and stuck to what he knew best and that was tutoring. An honest extension of friendship outside the walls of the library would have gone a long way for the both of them.
☯ M A R C O . V A L E N S I ☯ @udonoodles Marco was essentially Marco Polo, but through the exploration of music. He was definitely a prodigy that could easily be seen making it all the way to Julliard. However, this meant nothing in terms of their relations. Music and Math barely went together unless you count those dumb little kid shows that needed a song for anything educational. Being on the complete opposite ends of the spectrum didn't allot them many opportunities at friendship. Rather, Meir would eat his lunch near the music rooms during lunch since it was empty save for the melodies escaping from the white keys of Marco's genius. Meir felt misplaced guilt when he saw Marco come in a wheelchair or crutches after disappearing for weeks on end.
⚜☮ D A N T E . I B A R R A ⚜☮ @Laertes Another one for the motely crew of nerdy rejects. There was power in numbers and it was nice having a male friend to add to the mix. Meir never really saw the point of making fun of someone's background, since it was harder to know two languages to the one. Dante was someone who he could play PC games with and actually helped him build his first rig. Although, it was using all 32 gbs of ram to run excel and word more than anything. Their friendship hit peaks and troughs when he started to play guitar and become more involved with his band. Meir attempted to see some shows, but it hurt his ears and he stood in the back hugging his $10 water.
♥ ☠ N A T A L I E . M I L L E R ☠ ♥ @Prisk Ah the fabled Natalie Miller. One of the plastics. The queen bee surrounded by all her workers and subjects. Like any good high school story, Meir had a one sided crush on her from the start of freshman year. There was absolutely no basis for it except for her looks. This crush lived up to its name, because once he started to get bullied to the moon and back by her friends, her silent association killed any feeling he had previously harbored. She wasn't a bad apple, but she was certainly spoiled by being around them.
☯ S A M U E L . S A B I S T O N ☯ @Rockette Samuel just reminded him of Allison Reynolds from The Breakfast Club, without the shitty 180 they did on her character, a crime really. He was dark, edgy, and a brooding character that put off a lot of people just by the look of him. Meir had no issue with him and thought the look was pretty cool. He never paid any of the rumors any mind and instead just hoped he could get the help he needed. Then again, guidance counselors cared more about themselves than actually helping students.
⚜ T R Y S T A N . K I E L . Z A R A G O Z A . S A L A Z A R ⚜ @The Man Emperor Trystan was cool, deserved way better than the laxative treatment. He was made of the same substance as Oleander. Someone who he didn't expect to stand up for Meir either. They hung out a few times after their encounters with the jocks and plastics. Again Meir was functionally inept at friendships that didn't start when he was 5 like he had with Sara. On his last trip to the Philippines he thought of Trystan, wondering what it must have been like to make that massive move to the states, all to be bullied by some shitheads.
[sub][h1][color=222222]▅[/color][color=1c1c1c][b] SALSA VERDE
[color=222222]▅[/color][color=050505]SALSA VERDE[/color][/b][/color][/h1][/sub]
[sup][color=222222]▅▅▅▅[/color][color=0d0d0d][b]austin[/b] | ♏︎ | he/him | 28 | vegan[/color][/sup]
[indent][indent][indent][sub][color=gray]Hi, I’m Salsa Verde, arguably the best salsa and formally known as the writer, Syn. I’m a Wildlife Biologist traveling the country looking to work with the coolest: herps, mammals, birds, and invertebrates I can get my hands on. I also like plants, trees, and fungi specifically. I’ve been writing for about 13 years now and recently decided to get back into it. I enjoy anything from casual to high roleplay, 1x1, and arena. My main genres tend to be anime, SOL, and superhero but I’m really down to participate in anything. And yeah I like all that weeb shit.[/color][/sub][/indent][/indent][/indent][/cell][cell][right][img][/img]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="#222222">-</font><br><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="table-responsive"><table class="bb-table table"><thead class="bb-thead"><tr class="bb-tr"><font color="#222222"><sup><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b">▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅<div class="bb-right">▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅</div></span></div></sup></font></tr></thead><tr class=" bb-tr"><td class=" bb-td"><font color="#222222">▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅</font><br><br><font color="#222222">-</font><br><font color="#222222">-</font><br><sub><div class="bb-h1"><font color="#222222">▅</font><font color="#1c1c1c"><span class="bb-b"> SALSA VERDE<br><font color="#222222">▅</font><font color="#050505">SALSA VERDE</font></span></font></div></sub><br><sup><font color="#222222">▅▅▅▅</font><font color="#0d0d0d"><span class="bb-b">austin</span> | ♏︎ | he/him | 28 | vegan</font></sup><br><br><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><div class="bb-indent"><sub><font color="gray">Hi, I’m Salsa Verde, arguably the best salsa and formally known as the writer, Syn. I’m a Wildlife Biologist traveling the country looking to work with the coolest: herps, mammals, birds, and invertebrates I can get my hands on. I also like plants, trees, and fungi specifically. I’ve been writing for about 13 years now and recently decided to get back into it. I enjoy anything from casual to high roleplay, 1x1, and arena. My main genres tend to be anime, SOL, and superhero but I’m really down to participate in anything. And yeah I like all that weeb shit.</font></sub></div></div></div></td><td class=" bb-td"><div class="bb-right"><img src="" /><br><font color="#222222">▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅</font></div></td></tr></table></div></div></div></div></div></div></div>