Mandelein Forest Adventure
Present: Ymiico'luun'yoru @Salsa Verde, Casii’fyret’alan @Pirouette, “Ismet’ych’lahiin’dichora” @Force and Fury, Manfred Hohenfelter, Viktor Strauss @YummyYummy
A group composed of Manfred, Casii and Ismette and led by Viktor Strauss the hunter made only brief preparations in town before they ventured off to track whatever foul being had supposedly attacked Anna Stigenroth. According to Viktor, there had indeed been a creature, however the veil of night made it difficult to discern anything else. He confirmed, however, that it fit the modus operandi of the so-called ‘Beast of Mandelein’.
They first followed small traces of blood that led from the crime scene right into the forest. The night and rain made the endeavour difficult, even with arcane bulbs floating around the group. The light was kept low to avoid catching too much attention from a potential predator.
“There is a cabin close by.” announced the older man in Kerreman, visibly in his mid-thirties, as they were an hour in on their trek. There were no footsteps to speak of, but there was notable breakage in branches of the trees, which served as a trail for them to follow once the blood had run dry, “We can take a break and consider our next move, ja?” he turned to shoot a reassuring smile to the Yasoi girls as he spoke his second line in Avincian.
As promised, there was a hunter’s lodge with a lantern still on inside. It seems there were still, or had been recently, people inside. And it seemed Viktor expected it as he casually opened the door, revealing an interior that had been lived in. Recently done dishes, an undone bed and a pair of muddy boots left to dry on a rack, “Thirty?” he offered, as he poured himself some water from a jug and downed the whole thing, “We’re going to be walking a lot.”
In this time of brief respite, Viktor had pulled up a map he left sprawled open on the dining table. With a pen, he retraced their steps and then pondered any potential location the beast may have reasonably gone toward from where they had last found a clue, “The Good Father told me of you people.” spoke the hunter after circling a couple of places of interest. “That you took down the idiots hogging the roads.” he snickered, “Not bad. Unreliable sons of bitches. I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth when given competent folks like you lot.” he pursed his lips, as if he was holding something back, “But actually, I will. I can understand why this one might be here,” he nudged his chin toward the singular Kerreman of the Ersand’Enise group, “but what brings two Yasoi warrioresses on this side of the border?”
Ismette blinked. "In truth, I have no idea," she admitted with a shrug, not mincing words. "I am no warrior and not much of a tracker. My best guess is that I am here to be a healer, for that is what I specialize in." She twisted to regard Casii. "her skills, on the other hand, are probably much more applicable, and she is a local, more or less." She smiled with a sort of vicarious pride. "I'm sure she can tell you much more."
Casii looked up from rolling her bakeleaf, having finally found cover from the rain to roll up a joint. Eyes were on hers as she was expected to answer. “We warrior-ess-ness-iz are 'ere to bail the yaniis out of whatever mis-cree-ant creature is out there runnin' amok... We just happen to have found more mis-cree-ants..." Casii brought her half-completed joint to lick the edge of the packing paper before rolling it completely. “But Isii is right. Ain't too far from 'ere. Qarii'Muuna. I reckon a couple of my kin drift this way to trade. We special-est on growin' all manner of plant life'n I see you'n yers been havin' some fruits that ain't from 'ere. As well as..." She raised her bakeleaf and waved it around before placing one end in her mouth and snapping her fingers to ignite the air just beyond her thumb to light the joint she had rolled.
She took in and then out, blowing away from the group that had gathered around. “Isii'n I are 'ere 'cuz of the trees if yer askin' specifics. Best ones to be wanderin' the forests 'side from maybe jambii but he ain't 'ere'n don't tell him I said nuttin'. He gets too much of a swelled head."
She took another hit before finally feeling a little relax. This trip was putting her on edge, not just the yanii angle since she heard a lot of stories about the Kerreman people here but also Isii was going in her shell ever since losing her cool. Casii could tell, no amount of smiling could hide that. She glanced at Ismette before looking back at Viktor. “So what'r you reckonin' our next move is?"
Manfred leaned against a counter, checking his rifle, making sure the powder was dry and the chamber clean. He crossed his arms after a moment. "They are both known to me," he said simply, speaking of the two yasoi. "and are a credit to their race. In particular, the healer is 'verrückt und gefährlich' as we might say in Kerreman. I struggle to find a translation, but I'd definitely say 'nicht zu trauen'." he glanced her way and flashed a smile.
Viktor was lucky to get even half of what Casii had said. It was as if she was trying to sound the least Avincian as possible, and it was up to a Kerreman that also had a noticeable accent to decipher. The main points of her explanation were identified, “Good medics and scouts, then? Good, good.” a brief look at the map had Viktor finally decide how they were going to do this, “The beast is wounded, and will find somewhere safe to recover. Probably with water readily available.” with his index finger, he tapped onto the riverbank North-East of the circled lodge, “It would not be the first time I'd find it there. Maybe we can finally end this.”
No idle hands with Viktor, he was always doing something, whether it was mapping, gathering supplies or verifying his large rifle that, next to the tall man, didn't seem as intimidating as the one from the barracks. And then came Manfred's input. There was no subtlety in Viktor's mannerisms as her stared right at Ismette, briefly at her chest of course, but mostly at her general direction. Mouth agape and tongue pressed behind his upper teeth, the grimace spelled 'yikes'.
“Thirty seconds and we're out.”
Casii pointed to Manfred, letting her joint rest in her mouth and garble her words even more. "What he said. Verr-ucked uhnd..." Casii began but her eyes narrowed at Viktor's reaction. She shot a glance over to Manfred. "What'r sayin' about Isii? You talkin' 'bout her tits 'cuz it better be somethin' positive or Imma 'bout to smack that grin off yer face."
She turned to Viktor, eyes further narrowing. "What did yanii boy say?"
Viktor first looked at Manfred, then Casii, then Ismette, and then Casii again, “That she can make the greatest sharpshooters miss.” he winked.
Ismette blinked. "Wait, wait: what was that about me?" she asked, more teasing than anything, but then came Viktor's reaction and Casii's.
Manfred swallowed and shook his head. "I... ahem... it's hard to translate, but basically means 'beautiful and open-leggedminded.' Now, however," he continued, "I have some questions of my own, if you don't mind..."
“Ten seconds, junker.” Viktor was about ready to head out, and he expected everyone to follow.
"Humph.." Casii huffed, crossing her arms. She wasn't exactly satisfied with the responses, being well enough experienced with the snickering and petty games of her own kin back home. The yaniis seemed harmless enough in their mean talk about Isii, however. If it really was a sex thing than she'd let it slide. "Well as long as yer knowin' Isii and me are togeth'r. Y'all ain't."
She picked up her staff, the wood curling around her grip. "I'll be watchin' you two." She puffed, exhaling smoke from the corner of her mouth. "Let's head on out."
"Not the first time you've found it there?" Manfred asked with a hint of incredulity. "It might've been good to tell us this first, no?" He shook his head. "Anyhow, Geselle, we can continue as we walk. I shall share what I know. I expect the same from you." His Repetierbüchse von Feuriger Tapferkeit was primed and ready, as was he. He sutied words to action and started moving, trying to ignore the eyes that Ismette was sending him. Perhaps she was different here, but he doubted it. She just hadn't completely snapped yet, even if yesterday had been a warning in no uncertain terms. He twisted as he walked and bowed briefly in Casii's direction. "I assure you that I was only admiring your loved one's beauty and fine character. Some fondness for her, of a strictly non-romantic sort, is inevitable."
Ismette's eyes were not saved solely for Manfred, however. "Casii will always be my luush'elar, but there is nothing wrong with expressing our love if we do it respectfully." Her eyes flashed for a moment in the men's direction.
Viktor led the march Northeastward, eyes trained forward, “Did you not speak to the good Father?” scoffed Viktor in a tone that made it evident it was a silly question, “I have been tracking this thing for over two months.” he said as they were back in the dark forest. Although dawn was beginning to break, the thick woods still remained mostly dark, “And while I was able to figure out its patterns, keeping up with it and killing it are very different things to simply tracking it.” his tone gradually unburdened itself of frustration and as he finished, he'd sound almost excited. “I did, after all, shoot it right at the heart. And yet, there it ran.”
The more they progressed in the woods, the less evident the 'tracks' were. Initially, consistent breakage of branches and even a stray stain of blood on bark showed promise. But now? It was all theory, banking on Viktor's decision to head to the riverbank. “On top of being very hard to kill, my Jugend, it can also be difficult to differentiate between man and beast.” he explained with a tinge of dread to be heard in his tone, “Do not hesitate. It is not only powerful, but very deceptive too.” Viktor soldiered through the thicket, until he raised his hand to indicate his newfound partners to stop immediately.
“This ...” he had remarked something within his drawing range, “Doesn't make sense.” the once confident Viktor who went head first with no hesitation into a forest with a deceptive beast that couldn't be taken down in months, and for once he seemed actually troubled by something. Cautious steps were taken. His hands clenched his rifle close to his chest and he crouched as they drew nearer to the anomaly. The rain had stopped.
Casii was grumbling quietly to herself along the trail, shooting a glance to Viktor and especially Manfred. Her staff had been manipulated to grow a massive tropical leaf on the top. It hung over Casii as an umbrella as she finished smoking her joint. She was here for support and wasn't much of a hunter, letting the yaniis do the heavy lifting. Occasionally she climbed a tree to get a higher vantage point. When they slowed down, much to Viktor's alarm, Casii's hand clenched at her staff. She began to reach out, trying to connect herself with all the woods around her. She could feel the trees but there was... something else. A lot of something else.
"What'r you walkin' us into, yanii? This ain't just one beast yer trackin' here..." She muttered, her staff retracting the leaf. She was getting a bad feeling about all this.
Ismette paused. Her ears pricked up in the way that only yasoi ears could and she glanced about at the others. "Casii's right. There's... temporal magic." She began drawing.
For his part, Manfred merely sunk into the shadows nearby, becoming nearly invisible to sight, scent, sound, and magic sense. he readied his rifle and began to cast about with his senses.
Viktor had the same idea as Manfred. As an experienced Magusjaeger himself, it was essentially routine for him to do so. But something would cut him off mid-preparation, and broke his focus.
The very same bloodcurdling howl they had heard on their very first hour in Kerremand rang, this time with its intensity tenfold and clearly coming from whatever the anomaly was before them. Viktor, recognizing the screech, hurried to get in position so he could have a visual. Gun readied, he took aim, only to lower his rifle as confusion took him.
The rain hadn't actually stopped. The droplets were suspended in the air, as if the humidity in the air had gathered into small bubbles that split into smaller ones in slow motion. Not only was there signs of temporal magic here, but gravity seemed to be heavily affected too. And then again, another hear-piercing roar resonated from the many little dots Casii had detected.
There was perfectly circular clearing. No grass, no trees. Only cold, wet dirt - not wet enough to be mud. It was as if a part of the forest was just gone. And on the trees that surrounded the clearing were birds! Echobirds, to be exact. At least a hundred of them all perched on the trees and overlooking the clearing. Although, the moment one would step onto their territory, the audience of avians would all turns their heads in impeccable timing to stare right at the intruders. They remained motionless.
”Pre-cious! Give now.”
Squawked a large, red variant of the species, positioned like a King atop the tallest branch of the tallest tree as it looked down at its guests. Its feathers were unnecessarily larger compared to its fellow kin and patterned with purple and yellow colors. It was about as large as a smaller turkey, whilst the normal echobirds were, at best, the size of a pigeon.
"What in the hells'r we-Birds!" Casii exclaimed as she caught up mentally to what was happening. She winced, her yasoi ears finding the collective roar from the things to be grating on her hearing. "Yea alright, Pre-cious we get it." She hollered back, sounding annoyed. She turned away from the birds glancing around at.. well Isii as she had ended moving along with her. Manfred and Viktor were further afield, it seemed. "Any of y'all know what a pre-cious is or ain't? I ain't even know what that word means."
Ismette made no attempt to hide her unease. "Puuri, Casii, like you, but I think it wants our shiny stuff." She glanced up at the strangely blood red bird and then around at the flock of minions. "Careful," she warned aloud. "It knows temporal and maybe a whole lot more..."
The witch was talking and, much as he disliked her, she was almost certainly right. Scheiße Manfred knew these things. They were echobirds and they were repeating a sound that they had heard: specifically the sound that the beast had made. It was close and these were between it and them. They were relentless robbers of shiny, metallic, and generally valuable small articles. They would not have his today.
He got a bead on the abnormal and sent the subtlest signal to Viktor that he could, one that any magusjaeger worth his gun would recognize: You're the decoy, I'm the kill. Truth be told, something about the senior Kerreman rubbed him the wrong way, but one had to be professional in circumstances such as these.
"Puuri. Puuri! PUURI!" the birds echoed Ismette's voice. And then came Casii's turn, "Pre-CIOUS!"
The was a constant temporal stench surrounding the big bird in particular. When Ismette mentioned shiny stuff, it began to bob its head rapidly, ”Shiny. Precious! Very valuable.” it paused, and then looked toward Casii, whether she stepped into the circle or not, ”Precious to the heart!” it turned its head, making its right eye more visible for the three that were made to see. It was hard to explain, but it looked as though its requests had genuine intent behind them. As if it actually understood context and meaning, especially in regard to the last thing it had said.
Viktor merely raised his chin as he felt the signal from Manfred, “Ja, it wants an offering.” he raised his hands, rifle held in one as he stepped further into the circle. The red bird had a lock-on already, so hiding was likely pointless if it could raze a terrain like that over night. “Do you want the gun? Or something shinier?” he asked whilst wearing a jolly mask to appease the peculiar animal.
The red bird flapped its wings, ”Very special. Very good. Yes, give.” its eyes focused on the large gun.
Casii frowned. "Puuri, huh.." It made her think. Why would a bunch of birds want shiny objects? They weren't trading because they were just birds. Birds only shit, flew, and ate so they could shit. As the red bird, the leader although Casii couldn't believe that birds would have a leader, spoke and replied to Viktor, Casii came up with an idea. "Hey wait, wait." Casii waved her hand trying to draw attention. "Mister bird. I got all kinds of fruit'n yummy puuri fruit. Y'all like to eat? Y'all hungry? I give you'n yers."
Casii reached into her bag, tossed out a berry seed and channeled growing a small berry bush. She picked a few and out stretched her hand. They were native to her region and favorites to the Poca Parrot, a bird that also talked and made demands. "Yum, yum!" Casii threw one in her mouth and offered the bird one.
The bird tilted its head at the display of life creation by the hand of Casii. When the smell of berries hit the animal's nostrils, it flew down to for a taste. Its talons were gabbing onto air as it just sort of floated there, right by the bush, as it indulged, ”Good berry.” its thick tongue came out to lick its beak before it tasted another, ”But not precious.” its dark, beady eyes stared right into Casii's soul. Then the whole choir was looking at her from up high.
”You are not precious, then.” it concluded after assessing the value of the Yasoi, as it flapped its wings as if it were a gesture of dismissal. ”Puuri. Precious?” it glared at Ismette, still levitating perfectly without a single gust of wind entering the anomalous bubble they were all in.
Ismette blinked at being addressed. "Well, of course I am precious!" she chirped back with more confidence than she had felt in quite some time. "I am precious to Casii -" she gestured in the direction of her luush'elar. "She is precious to me!" These were self-evident truths to the yasoi, and so she continued. "She is also precious to her family and her friends, many of whom are with us." She glanced about at the others. "Manfred is precious to his parents and his sister and brothers. He is precious to Dory who is here in this town." Ismette spread her arms, stepping forward fearlessly and beginning to gather dark energies. "Being precious is not only about being shiny or being something one can trade." She smiled, feeling finally like herself. "You can be precious because you are loved. I bet many of you find each other precious. You, Big Red, as the leader and protector of your flock: you are most certainly precious to them."
The yasoi was nearly done drawing. It was a special variant of a spell, and she was new to it: letting someone else use her as a conduit to summon anything of their choosing from the VOID. It was a risk, in this case, as well. "All you need to do is think of the most precious thing to you and I promise that I will bring it into existence right in front of you." She cast.
The term 'precious' suddenly got far more convoluted for the avian's infantile mind. What was precious suddenly became everything to everyone. It did not like it. It's wings began to rise like it was confronted to a threat. It didn't attack, especially as it sensed the unusual energy being gathered by the happy-go-lucky Yasoi. Its curiosity took precedence over its base instinct to go on the defensive. Slowly, its plumage deflated and the ominously floating Echobird hovered toward Ismette, dubbed 'Puuri', while staring right into her bright little soul with its beady black eyes.
”Me? Precious?” it inquired, head tilted while the flock watched just as curiously as it did. When offered to bring something precious to the world, it began to conceptualize an image in its mind. A first for it, yet it felt oddly natural to this once primitive being, now given a mind that did not fit its body. Ismette could see it too, as the conduit of its will to usher in the 'precious'. Before she could potentially put an end to this inevitable circus, it was too late.
”PRECIOUS!” squawked the bird, its wings flapping about happily.
”Very precious!” gleefully sang a second copy of itself, except this one had a few distinct features, such as horns and wings that fit a dragon's more than a bird's. Both about 90% of the thing fit the bill.
Now, there were two. And they couldn't get enough of how fabulous they found each other, ”Precious! PRECIOUS!” they began to fly rather than use the gift to levitate, making little shapes together while circling the group of humanoids. The gathering of birds took flight as well, clouding the sky above as they mimicked their two overlords.
Ismette looked up in wonder, both thrilled with what she'd created and slightly terrified. She glanced over at Casii. "Whatcha think, precious? Made it better?" she asked hopefully.
Viktor lowered his gun until her could strap it on his back. Slowly and quietly, he did not want to get attention on himself. The Yasoi were doing a great job as appeasing the beasts, but the hunter was beginning to notice the odd discrepancies in their surroundings: It was already a bright, albeit grey, sky. Yet it was still very much dark with the faintest hint of dawn a few minutes ago. This wasn't good. He had a job to do and his schedule was going to need to very competent improvisation.
Casii side-eyed Isii as she raved about giving this bird a chance to think of something precious to have. She could feel through her greengrowth ability the unnatural twisting of dark magic. It wasn't right and while Casii liked birds, giving them the ability to make anything was concerning because birds were stupid and shitheads. She trusted Isii but she winced as the portal of the VOID opened and out came a....
Bird. Another bird, anyway. Distorted by dark magic making it a rather frightful imitation of the shithead bird from before... yet it didn't seem that bad. They both squawked in delight, raving about themselves. Casii's tension eased as she watched, bewildered, as the birds took off. Hopefully they were flying off. "Any wish in the world'n yer go'n make 'nother you?" She shook her head, turning over to Ismette. She smiled, "Well, I suppose that ain't bad. Our bird has their own precious."
The second bird, looking to behave just like the original despite being VOID-spawned, flew steadily before the peace-loving Yasoi, ”Precious! Precious! I want one precious!” it demanded, wanting its own blessing now that the first had its fill.
Viktor, distracted by the growing strangeness of the world they were in, realized far too late what was unfolding. This bird was of the same mind as the first, and Ismette was a psycho idiot. Oh no.
"We have brought it happiness," Ismette replied, "and that is always a good thing!"
Then, the second bird demanded its own 'precious' and she blinked, seeing a potential problem with this. "In the name of fairness, I'll do it," she said, "But this is the last one, okay?"
Casii froze hearing the other bird speak up. She slowly turned to face it, her smile fading. "Uhhh... Isii..." She leaned her head towards the other yasoi. "... I'd go'n hold off there for abidin'..."
"Suuthi!" (idiot!) Manfred shouted in yasoi. "Tuum jil'al sacax!" (they will make more!) He emerged from the bushes. "Jila daxtoil suulep, thaza!" (make a defective copy, at least!)
"Don't worry so much, friend!" Ismette smiled and shook her head. "I think that's a wonderful idea, and I'm not about to ignore it." She turned to the birds, smiled, and began to gather her energy. "He thinks I'm going to forget him, but everyone will get a precious later!"
The birds all glared toward the now emerging Kerreman youth. Except the demonic-looking one. It was so tunnel-visioned in its prize that the interruption would not stop it. Still, the birds were going to show no mercy and began to collectively draw an obscene amount of energy.
But, despite the attempt at a sabotage, something would indeed spawn from the VOID. Ismette, having heeded Manfred's warning, did in fact make a 'defective' copy, but of what, they had all assumed wrong with the bird. There was one thing that was even more precious to them than themselves, and it was the one that could potentially create an infinite amount of perfect, precious replicas of their wondrous crimson plumage. The great miracle even ceased the hostilities almost immediately.
Standing in the very center of the clearing was none other than a copy of Ismette. Silence reigned supreme as all eyes were on the unnatural clone of the so-called witch.
The not-Ismette stared back out at them, her eyes darting warily between the four and the two birds. She blinked, and her eyes fell upon the lesser version of herself standing before her.
She understood, intuitively, that she was not the real version of herself but, in truth, neither was this fool.
Casii blinked.
No she stared.
She wasn't sure what her reaction was. What could it be when another copy of Ismette, a person that Casii loved and was irreplaceable was now duplicated. "Isii..." Casii's voice wavered sounding frightened as she looked over to Ismette, her Ismette with real concern. "... Please tell me yer gonna fix this."
Ismette recoiled. "That is... not me!" she gasped, already backpedaling. "It is... something we should run from."
The demon-bird began to circle around the newly birthed 'Ismette', reveling in its new precious, “Precious! PRECIOUS!” it admired in glee, but then it met the being's eyes. It could tell the light behind them was different. This was not the same precious. It was intimidating. “Eek!” it retreated back toward its twin, while the whole flock landed back on nearby branches, staring just as intensely as Casii did.
Ismette even cared about the strange birds, for such was her nature. "Birds, fly away!" she warned. "Fly away now!"
Manfred could sense the fear in the idiot yasoi's voice and body language, meanwhile. He stepped forward from behind and, without hesitation, shot the demon copy in the back of the head.
Her skull exploded on impact and she fell to the ground, but the illusion faded in seconds. That wasn't very nice of you, they all thought at once, as if something else had momentarily taken control of their minds. Automatically assuming that I'm an enemy against these hellspawn. For shame.
Viktor, picking up on his fellow Magusjaeger's approach, did not hesitate either. When Manfred took his shot, he quickdrew his own flintlock to shoot the fake's chest.
The birds flapped their wings nervously at the sounds of guns, but did not actually fly away. No, the red ones were far more focused on the copy, seeing it as a bigger threat than mere guns. And the 'normal' birds remained tethered to their stations despite their instincts.
She wasn't there when Viktor shot, simply put. Casii summoned a wall of roots, but it was no good. The false Ismette appeared beside her and slung an arm about her shoulders. "Oh nooo, puuri," she pouted, "Are you scared of something?" She hugged Casii from the side.
Casii's eyes darted around as wild roots from all the nearby trees burst forth violently to interweave to form a considerable wall. What this demon was, it wasn't Isii. Nothing felt right and everything she felt screamed at her. She had never been in this spot before. Scared out of her mind.
The arm, that ungodly false arm of the pretend Ismette lightly rested on her shoulder in the next moment. Casii dove forward, landing on the ground. "Noooo!" She wailed frantically, fearing whatever that was. "Get away! Get away!" She crawled wildly along the ground to avoid whatever it was.
Casii's panic agitated the birds, and they had enough of this precious mockery. With a loud squawk, the flock too flight with the two red leaders floating ominously once more. Every single avian gathered energy, like each bird was a mana cell of a super organism preparing to strike down the clone. Even the 7.3 RAS reds charged up, ”NOT PRECIOUS!” one screeched, ”GO! GO! Never seen again!” yelled the other. In just a few seconds, the exact location of Casii and the fake Ismette was going to be completely, and utterly, vaporized by a concentrated beam of sound, with little to no trace left behind.
The wall of crushing sound hammered down on the entire area and... two Ismettes appeared to leap into it. Casii was protected from it. "So easily scared, Casii. I'm not your enemy." It was all that she could do to hold their power back, sinking to a knee and grunting. "What are you waiting for? Get out of here!"
Casii had been so focused on getting away that she hadn't felt the spike of magic coming, nor the roaring energy of pure sound cascading down on her position. It was only when that voice spoke to her. She covered her head, curling up in a ball for a moment. "I warned you, I warned you... Dark magic ain't nothin' to go'n mess around with..." She practically screamed it as the beam collided down on the position of the three of them. She could hear it now, the sound of what was pretty much oblivion above them.
Her eyes shifted between the two Ismettes as they held back the beam for now. Demanding she get out of there. She felt like she couldn't move but managed to whimper, "Thal Isii, Thal joipa.". Her turn to panic and needing calming down. When her Isii responded, Casii felt strong enough to spring herself on all fours, in a frantic pace to get out of there, darting for the cover of the thickest foliage she could find.
Manfred was nearby and he wasn't quite sure what to do, but he now knew: it was her, the witch. Casii stumbled in and he grabbed a hold of her arm. "We need to leave! She protected you because, even where she comes from, she loved you, but this one is unhinged. Trust me, she is. I know!" He had likely said too much but that was a lesser concern for now. he began pulling a veil of shadows over them both. "Follow me!"
The two Ismettes looked at each other, maintaining a sonic bubble and a momentary alliance with their combined power.
"Why did you bring me here!?" the new one demanded. "Why did you rip me from my world!?"
"Rip you from your world?" Ismette inquired, "I created you!"
"Fool!" the second Ismette hissed, "But, for now, we have to get out of this situation alive."
Viktor was lost, to say the least. But not overwhelmed. The threats were assessed and these kids were far, far more of a danger than any beast from what he could see. Monsters, just like Lissanon. He too backed away, now that the birds were completely focused on the generally recognized menace. The blast from the attack caused a continuous shockwave, bending most of the nearby trees and bushes, making a retreat difficult without being quickly noticed. As such, he essentially turned invisible via arcane magic, and prepared for a shot. Now the main question was: What to shoot? The red birds, or the witch. A witch near identical to the girl he had brought along.
The blast eventually subsided and the birds dispersed. The haze of echobirds gathered in higher altitude to a new formation while the two reds condescendingly looked down at their failed attempt at culling the danger, ”Precious?!” one growled, ”Helps BAD precious?” they were not amused and were beginning to gather energy again, ”Not. PRECIOUS!” the two had a few seconds to do something.
Ismette did not understand it. She could feel things being created as they emerged, but this... fake her was insisting that she had been a real thing, somewhere else. Were the memories created too or... it was all too much. "They messed with your mind," the demon said, "So you wouldn't live with the burden of what you really were." she shook her head.
Understanding even less now, Ismette pulled into herself. "I..." She ran out of words immediately. "How do we... get out of here!?"
The false Ismette shook her head. "You take my hand, you stupid girl, and you trust yourself by trusting me." There followed a massive surge of temporal magic.
Casii nodded her head to Manfred. It made sense that even a copy of Isii would be like that but still, this wasn't a real Ismette. This yanii couldn't sense what she did. "That ain't the real Isii. It is all tainted'n dark. Ain't belonging 'ere. Our Isii is good!" Casii yapped back at Manfred, picking herself up with the help of the yanii. She glanced back at the pair of Ismettes. She didn't know how to resolve this. It seemed her Isii didn't either.
Just as Casii was about to turn away, she felt the surge of a great magic coming from the pair...
Ismette was there, suddenly: her Ismette. "I don't like it, but we have to trust her." She held out her hands in Manfred's and Casii's directions, casting about for Viktor and not seeing him.
Viktor, hidden but very much aware of his surroundings, figured out quickly that the only way to escape this as cleanly as possible was to trust equally bizarre magics. He reached out for Manfred's arm and dragged him over to the beckoning Ismetti. To them, it looked as though nothing was touching and holding them, as his camouflage game was most definitely on point.
Casii cast a weak smile on her face, faked by all means, but attempted nonetheless. "Okay..." She reached out and took Isii's hand.
The birds swarmed and flocked and swirled. They gathered in a great cloud overhead, preparing another bombardment. Manfred shrugged Viktor off and made his own way there. Then the witch surged with her magics and they opened their eyes in... a piece of perfectly nondescript forest. They could hear a river nearby, and the normal sounds of forest life. There was, however, only one Ismette now.
She embraced Casii as deeply as she could. "I am sorry, my luush'elar. Soooooo sorry! I was only trying to help!"
She blubbered on, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I should not have done it. I should never use that horrible magic again!"
Casii felt her legs shake as the adrenaline wore off. She felt weak, barely able to stand and she couldn't once Ismette came to embrace her. Casii returned that embrace, wrapping her arms around Ismette, pulling her down so the pair fell to their knees. Her own eyes welled up with tears but she removed hand from Isii's back and lightly pounded her head to stop herself from crying. She didn't like to cry, nor did she ever want to. Yet it was easy to tell she was still distressed from it all.
"It ain't natural, Isii..." Her voice creaked as her head nuzzled in against Ismette's. "I was so scared 'bout what it can do... what that could do to us. To you..." She muttered, still thinking of that chipper voice whispering in her ear as if she was still here. Would it kill Isii and take her place? For a moment there... Casii thought she couldn't figure out which one was the real one and if...
Casii froze.
Which Ismette was next to her?
Ismette felt Casii stiffen. "You're safe now, Puuri. We're safe. Thal Casii, Thal joipa.". She smiled weakly. "Don't worry. I'm the real me, not her: not Leluun."
As they returned to a more familiar world, they'd find a land where it had stopped raining and the trees were familiar. They were still in the same woods as before, and dawn was breaking through the horizon. Something was off, and Viktor was quick to recognize it. The clouds were spanning for miles just a few minutes ago and the rain was only growing stronger. Time Magic, he deduced. Frustrated, he exhaled from his nose as he studied his group of four.
“In all my years, I've never seen anything like that.” began Viktor, huffing a little to catch his breath, “And this.” he nodded at the direction of Ismette, “Is it going to be a problem? We have a creature to find and a woman to help. If you're going to try something,” he loaded his flintlock he kept to his right hand, “do it now.”
Ismette, the 'real' one, would find an red feather stuck to her hair one she'd come to and cease her weeping.
Manfred cast about, not sparing the two yasoi girls much attention. All the magical power int he world, none of the strength to wield it properly. There was a river nearby and they'd best move towards it to get their bearings.
Casii wasn't sure. She didn't think she'd ever be sure anymore. Still, she nodded, returning Ismette's rather weak smile with one of her own. "Okay, I believe you." She embraced Ismette, suppressing that fear she felt for now. What was to come for them? For her if she was wrong? Her eyes shifted to watch Manfred as he looked over field before their eyes met. She gave him a wide-eyed concerned look, hidden from the Ismette she was hugging. He knew something about the Dark Ismette. The Witch, he called her.
As Casii pulled away from her hug, she sat for a moment and thought... What if the Witch were here with them now and what was she planning...
Ismette could feel Casii's attention shift. She knew what was happening and she squeezed a little harder before letting go. In truth, she was worried, scared in her own right that her beloved did not think she was really Ismette.
The greater fear was that she, herself, did not feel right. She, herself, was unsure.
They first followed small traces of blood that led from the crime scene right into the forest. The night and rain made the endeavour difficult, even with arcane bulbs floating around the group. The light was kept low to avoid catching too much attention from a potential predator.
“There is a cabin close by.” announced the older man in Kerreman, visibly in his mid-thirties, as they were an hour in on their trek. There were no footsteps to speak of, but there was notable breakage in branches of the trees, which served as a trail for them to follow once the blood had run dry, “We can take a break and consider our next move, ja?” he turned to shoot a reassuring smile to the Yasoi girls as he spoke his second line in Avincian.
As promised, there was a hunter’s lodge with a lantern still on inside. It seems there were still, or had been recently, people inside. And it seemed Viktor expected it as he casually opened the door, revealing an interior that had been lived in. Recently done dishes, an undone bed and a pair of muddy boots left to dry on a rack, “Thirty?” he offered, as he poured himself some water from a jug and downed the whole thing, “We’re going to be walking a lot.”
In this time of brief respite, Viktor had pulled up a map he left sprawled open on the dining table. With a pen, he retraced their steps and then pondered any potential location the beast may have reasonably gone toward from where they had last found a clue, “The Good Father told me of you people.” spoke the hunter after circling a couple of places of interest. “That you took down the idiots hogging the roads.” he snickered, “Not bad. Unreliable sons of bitches. I’m not going to look a gift horse in the mouth when given competent folks like you lot.” he pursed his lips, as if he was holding something back, “But actually, I will. I can understand why this one might be here,” he nudged his chin toward the singular Kerreman of the Ersand’Enise group, “but what brings two Yasoi warrioresses on this side of the border?”
Ismette blinked. "In truth, I have no idea," she admitted with a shrug, not mincing words. "I am no warrior and not much of a tracker. My best guess is that I am here to be a healer, for that is what I specialize in." She twisted to regard Casii. "her skills, on the other hand, are probably much more applicable, and she is a local, more or less." She smiled with a sort of vicarious pride. "I'm sure she can tell you much more."
Casii looked up from rolling her bakeleaf, having finally found cover from the rain to roll up a joint. Eyes were on hers as she was expected to answer. “We warrior-ess-ness-iz are 'ere to bail the yaniis out of whatever mis-cree-ant creature is out there runnin' amok... We just happen to have found more mis-cree-ants..." Casii brought her half-completed joint to lick the edge of the packing paper before rolling it completely. “But Isii is right. Ain't too far from 'ere. Qarii'Muuna. I reckon a couple of my kin drift this way to trade. We special-est on growin' all manner of plant life'n I see you'n yers been havin' some fruits that ain't from 'ere. As well as..." She raised her bakeleaf and waved it around before placing one end in her mouth and snapping her fingers to ignite the air just beyond her thumb to light the joint she had rolled.
She took in and then out, blowing away from the group that had gathered around. “Isii'n I are 'ere 'cuz of the trees if yer askin' specifics. Best ones to be wanderin' the forests 'side from maybe jambii but he ain't 'ere'n don't tell him I said nuttin'. He gets too much of a swelled head."
She took another hit before finally feeling a little relax. This trip was putting her on edge, not just the yanii angle since she heard a lot of stories about the Kerreman people here but also Isii was going in her shell ever since losing her cool. Casii could tell, no amount of smiling could hide that. She glanced at Ismette before looking back at Viktor. “So what'r you reckonin' our next move is?"
Manfred leaned against a counter, checking his rifle, making sure the powder was dry and the chamber clean. He crossed his arms after a moment. "They are both known to me," he said simply, speaking of the two yasoi. "and are a credit to their race. In particular, the healer is 'verrückt und gefährlich' as we might say in Kerreman. I struggle to find a translation, but I'd definitely say 'nicht zu trauen'." he glanced her way and flashed a smile.
Viktor was lucky to get even half of what Casii had said. It was as if she was trying to sound the least Avincian as possible, and it was up to a Kerreman that also had a noticeable accent to decipher. The main points of her explanation were identified, “Good medics and scouts, then? Good, good.” a brief look at the map had Viktor finally decide how they were going to do this, “The beast is wounded, and will find somewhere safe to recover. Probably with water readily available.” with his index finger, he tapped onto the riverbank North-East of the circled lodge, “It would not be the first time I'd find it there. Maybe we can finally end this.”
No idle hands with Viktor, he was always doing something, whether it was mapping, gathering supplies or verifying his large rifle that, next to the tall man, didn't seem as intimidating as the one from the barracks. And then came Manfred's input. There was no subtlety in Viktor's mannerisms as her stared right at Ismette, briefly at her chest of course, but mostly at her general direction. Mouth agape and tongue pressed behind his upper teeth, the grimace spelled 'yikes'.
“Thirty seconds and we're out.”
Casii pointed to Manfred, letting her joint rest in her mouth and garble her words even more. "What he said. Verr-ucked uhnd..." Casii began but her eyes narrowed at Viktor's reaction. She shot a glance over to Manfred. "What'r sayin' about Isii? You talkin' 'bout her tits 'cuz it better be somethin' positive or Imma 'bout to smack that grin off yer face."
She turned to Viktor, eyes further narrowing. "What did yanii boy say?"
Viktor first looked at Manfred, then Casii, then Ismette, and then Casii again, “That she can make the greatest sharpshooters miss.” he winked.
Ismette blinked. "Wait, wait: what was that about me?" she asked, more teasing than anything, but then came Viktor's reaction and Casii's.
Manfred swallowed and shook his head. "I... ahem... it's hard to translate, but basically means 'beautiful and open-leggedminded.' Now, however," he continued, "I have some questions of my own, if you don't mind..."
“Ten seconds, junker.” Viktor was about ready to head out, and he expected everyone to follow.
"Humph.." Casii huffed, crossing her arms. She wasn't exactly satisfied with the responses, being well enough experienced with the snickering and petty games of her own kin back home. The yaniis seemed harmless enough in their mean talk about Isii, however. If it really was a sex thing than she'd let it slide. "Well as long as yer knowin' Isii and me are togeth'r. Y'all ain't."
She picked up her staff, the wood curling around her grip. "I'll be watchin' you two." She puffed, exhaling smoke from the corner of her mouth. "Let's head on out."
"Not the first time you've found it there?" Manfred asked with a hint of incredulity. "It might've been good to tell us this first, no?" He shook his head. "Anyhow, Geselle, we can continue as we walk. I shall share what I know. I expect the same from you." His Repetierbüchse von Feuriger Tapferkeit was primed and ready, as was he. He sutied words to action and started moving, trying to ignore the eyes that Ismette was sending him. Perhaps she was different here, but he doubted it. She just hadn't completely snapped yet, even if yesterday had been a warning in no uncertain terms. He twisted as he walked and bowed briefly in Casii's direction. "I assure you that I was only admiring your loved one's beauty and fine character. Some fondness for her, of a strictly non-romantic sort, is inevitable."
Ismette's eyes were not saved solely for Manfred, however. "Casii will always be my luush'elar, but there is nothing wrong with expressing our love if we do it respectfully." Her eyes flashed for a moment in the men's direction.
Viktor led the march Northeastward, eyes trained forward, “Did you not speak to the good Father?” scoffed Viktor in a tone that made it evident it was a silly question, “I have been tracking this thing for over two months.” he said as they were back in the dark forest. Although dawn was beginning to break, the thick woods still remained mostly dark, “And while I was able to figure out its patterns, keeping up with it and killing it are very different things to simply tracking it.” his tone gradually unburdened itself of frustration and as he finished, he'd sound almost excited. “I did, after all, shoot it right at the heart. And yet, there it ran.”
The more they progressed in the woods, the less evident the 'tracks' were. Initially, consistent breakage of branches and even a stray stain of blood on bark showed promise. But now? It was all theory, banking on Viktor's decision to head to the riverbank. “On top of being very hard to kill, my Jugend, it can also be difficult to differentiate between man and beast.” he explained with a tinge of dread to be heard in his tone, “Do not hesitate. It is not only powerful, but very deceptive too.” Viktor soldiered through the thicket, until he raised his hand to indicate his newfound partners to stop immediately.
“This ...” he had remarked something within his drawing range, “Doesn't make sense.” the once confident Viktor who went head first with no hesitation into a forest with a deceptive beast that couldn't be taken down in months, and for once he seemed actually troubled by something. Cautious steps were taken. His hands clenched his rifle close to his chest and he crouched as they drew nearer to the anomaly. The rain had stopped.
Casii was grumbling quietly to herself along the trail, shooting a glance to Viktor and especially Manfred. Her staff had been manipulated to grow a massive tropical leaf on the top. It hung over Casii as an umbrella as she finished smoking her joint. She was here for support and wasn't much of a hunter, letting the yaniis do the heavy lifting. Occasionally she climbed a tree to get a higher vantage point. When they slowed down, much to Viktor's alarm, Casii's hand clenched at her staff. She began to reach out, trying to connect herself with all the woods around her. She could feel the trees but there was... something else. A lot of something else.
"What'r you walkin' us into, yanii? This ain't just one beast yer trackin' here..." She muttered, her staff retracting the leaf. She was getting a bad feeling about all this.
Ismette paused. Her ears pricked up in the way that only yasoi ears could and she glanced about at the others. "Casii's right. There's... temporal magic." She began drawing.
For his part, Manfred merely sunk into the shadows nearby, becoming nearly invisible to sight, scent, sound, and magic sense. he readied his rifle and began to cast about with his senses.
Viktor had the same idea as Manfred. As an experienced Magusjaeger himself, it was essentially routine for him to do so. But something would cut him off mid-preparation, and broke his focus.
The very same bloodcurdling howl they had heard on their very first hour in Kerremand rang, this time with its intensity tenfold and clearly coming from whatever the anomaly was before them. Viktor, recognizing the screech, hurried to get in position so he could have a visual. Gun readied, he took aim, only to lower his rifle as confusion took him.
The rain hadn't actually stopped. The droplets were suspended in the air, as if the humidity in the air had gathered into small bubbles that split into smaller ones in slow motion. Not only was there signs of temporal magic here, but gravity seemed to be heavily affected too. And then again, another hear-piercing roar resonated from the many little dots Casii had detected.
There was perfectly circular clearing. No grass, no trees. Only cold, wet dirt - not wet enough to be mud. It was as if a part of the forest was just gone. And on the trees that surrounded the clearing were birds! Echobirds, to be exact. At least a hundred of them all perched on the trees and overlooking the clearing. Although, the moment one would step onto their territory, the audience of avians would all turns their heads in impeccable timing to stare right at the intruders. They remained motionless.
”Pre-cious! Give now.”
Squawked a large, red variant of the species, positioned like a King atop the tallest branch of the tallest tree as it looked down at its guests. Its feathers were unnecessarily larger compared to its fellow kin and patterned with purple and yellow colors. It was about as large as a smaller turkey, whilst the normal echobirds were, at best, the size of a pigeon.
"What in the hells'r we-Birds!" Casii exclaimed as she caught up mentally to what was happening. She winced, her yasoi ears finding the collective roar from the things to be grating on her hearing. "Yea alright, Pre-cious we get it." She hollered back, sounding annoyed. She turned away from the birds glancing around at.. well Isii as she had ended moving along with her. Manfred and Viktor were further afield, it seemed. "Any of y'all know what a pre-cious is or ain't? I ain't even know what that word means."
Ismette made no attempt to hide her unease. "Puuri, Casii, like you, but I think it wants our shiny stuff." She glanced up at the strangely blood red bird and then around at the flock of minions. "Careful," she warned aloud. "It knows temporal and maybe a whole lot more..."
The witch was talking and, much as he disliked her, she was almost certainly right. Scheiße Manfred knew these things. They were echobirds and they were repeating a sound that they had heard: specifically the sound that the beast had made. It was close and these were between it and them. They were relentless robbers of shiny, metallic, and generally valuable small articles. They would not have his today.
He got a bead on the abnormal and sent the subtlest signal to Viktor that he could, one that any magusjaeger worth his gun would recognize: You're the decoy, I'm the kill. Truth be told, something about the senior Kerreman rubbed him the wrong way, but one had to be professional in circumstances such as these.
"Puuri. Puuri! PUURI!" the birds echoed Ismette's voice. And then came Casii's turn, "Pre-CIOUS!"
The was a constant temporal stench surrounding the big bird in particular. When Ismette mentioned shiny stuff, it began to bob its head rapidly, ”Shiny. Precious! Very valuable.” it paused, and then looked toward Casii, whether she stepped into the circle or not, ”Precious to the heart!” it turned its head, making its right eye more visible for the three that were made to see. It was hard to explain, but it looked as though its requests had genuine intent behind them. As if it actually understood context and meaning, especially in regard to the last thing it had said.
Viktor merely raised his chin as he felt the signal from Manfred, “Ja, it wants an offering.” he raised his hands, rifle held in one as he stepped further into the circle. The red bird had a lock-on already, so hiding was likely pointless if it could raze a terrain like that over night. “Do you want the gun? Or something shinier?” he asked whilst wearing a jolly mask to appease the peculiar animal.
The red bird flapped its wings, ”Very special. Very good. Yes, give.” its eyes focused on the large gun.
Casii frowned. "Puuri, huh.." It made her think. Why would a bunch of birds want shiny objects? They weren't trading because they were just birds. Birds only shit, flew, and ate so they could shit. As the red bird, the leader although Casii couldn't believe that birds would have a leader, spoke and replied to Viktor, Casii came up with an idea. "Hey wait, wait." Casii waved her hand trying to draw attention. "Mister bird. I got all kinds of fruit'n yummy puuri fruit. Y'all like to eat? Y'all hungry? I give you'n yers."
Casii reached into her bag, tossed out a berry seed and channeled growing a small berry bush. She picked a few and out stretched her hand. They were native to her region and favorites to the Poca Parrot, a bird that also talked and made demands. "Yum, yum!" Casii threw one in her mouth and offered the bird one.
The bird tilted its head at the display of life creation by the hand of Casii. When the smell of berries hit the animal's nostrils, it flew down to for a taste. Its talons were gabbing onto air as it just sort of floated there, right by the bush, as it indulged, ”Good berry.” its thick tongue came out to lick its beak before it tasted another, ”But not precious.” its dark, beady eyes stared right into Casii's soul. Then the whole choir was looking at her from up high.
”You are not precious, then.” it concluded after assessing the value of the Yasoi, as it flapped its wings as if it were a gesture of dismissal. ”Puuri. Precious?” it glared at Ismette, still levitating perfectly without a single gust of wind entering the anomalous bubble they were all in.
Ismette blinked at being addressed. "Well, of course I am precious!" she chirped back with more confidence than she had felt in quite some time. "I am precious to Casii -" she gestured in the direction of her luush'elar. "She is precious to me!" These were self-evident truths to the yasoi, and so she continued. "She is also precious to her family and her friends, many of whom are with us." She glanced about at the others. "Manfred is precious to his parents and his sister and brothers. He is precious to Dory who is here in this town." Ismette spread her arms, stepping forward fearlessly and beginning to gather dark energies. "Being precious is not only about being shiny or being something one can trade." She smiled, feeling finally like herself. "You can be precious because you are loved. I bet many of you find each other precious. You, Big Red, as the leader and protector of your flock: you are most certainly precious to them."
The yasoi was nearly done drawing. It was a special variant of a spell, and she was new to it: letting someone else use her as a conduit to summon anything of their choosing from the VOID. It was a risk, in this case, as well. "All you need to do is think of the most precious thing to you and I promise that I will bring it into existence right in front of you." She cast.
The term 'precious' suddenly got far more convoluted for the avian's infantile mind. What was precious suddenly became everything to everyone. It did not like it. It's wings began to rise like it was confronted to a threat. It didn't attack, especially as it sensed the unusual energy being gathered by the happy-go-lucky Yasoi. Its curiosity took precedence over its base instinct to go on the defensive. Slowly, its plumage deflated and the ominously floating Echobird hovered toward Ismette, dubbed 'Puuri', while staring right into her bright little soul with its beady black eyes.
”Me? Precious?” it inquired, head tilted while the flock watched just as curiously as it did. When offered to bring something precious to the world, it began to conceptualize an image in its mind. A first for it, yet it felt oddly natural to this once primitive being, now given a mind that did not fit its body. Ismette could see it too, as the conduit of its will to usher in the 'precious'. Before she could potentially put an end to this inevitable circus, it was too late.
”PRECIOUS!” squawked the bird, its wings flapping about happily.
”Very precious!” gleefully sang a second copy of itself, except this one had a few distinct features, such as horns and wings that fit a dragon's more than a bird's. Both about 90% of the thing fit the bill.
Now, there were two. And they couldn't get enough of how fabulous they found each other, ”Precious! PRECIOUS!” they began to fly rather than use the gift to levitate, making little shapes together while circling the group of humanoids. The gathering of birds took flight as well, clouding the sky above as they mimicked their two overlords.
Ismette looked up in wonder, both thrilled with what she'd created and slightly terrified. She glanced over at Casii. "Whatcha think, precious? Made it better?" she asked hopefully.
Viktor lowered his gun until her could strap it on his back. Slowly and quietly, he did not want to get attention on himself. The Yasoi were doing a great job as appeasing the beasts, but the hunter was beginning to notice the odd discrepancies in their surroundings: It was already a bright, albeit grey, sky. Yet it was still very much dark with the faintest hint of dawn a few minutes ago. This wasn't good. He had a job to do and his schedule was going to need to very competent improvisation.
Casii side-eyed Isii as she raved about giving this bird a chance to think of something precious to have. She could feel through her greengrowth ability the unnatural twisting of dark magic. It wasn't right and while Casii liked birds, giving them the ability to make anything was concerning because birds were stupid and shitheads. She trusted Isii but she winced as the portal of the VOID opened and out came a....
Bird. Another bird, anyway. Distorted by dark magic making it a rather frightful imitation of the shithead bird from before... yet it didn't seem that bad. They both squawked in delight, raving about themselves. Casii's tension eased as she watched, bewildered, as the birds took off. Hopefully they were flying off. "Any wish in the world'n yer go'n make 'nother you?" She shook her head, turning over to Ismette. She smiled, "Well, I suppose that ain't bad. Our bird has their own precious."
The second bird, looking to behave just like the original despite being VOID-spawned, flew steadily before the peace-loving Yasoi, ”Precious! Precious! I want one precious!” it demanded, wanting its own blessing now that the first had its fill.
Viktor, distracted by the growing strangeness of the world they were in, realized far too late what was unfolding. This bird was of the same mind as the first, and Ismette was a psycho idiot. Oh no.
"We have brought it happiness," Ismette replied, "and that is always a good thing!"
Then, the second bird demanded its own 'precious' and she blinked, seeing a potential problem with this. "In the name of fairness, I'll do it," she said, "But this is the last one, okay?"
Casii froze hearing the other bird speak up. She slowly turned to face it, her smile fading. "Uhhh... Isii..." She leaned her head towards the other yasoi. "... I'd go'n hold off there for abidin'..."
"Suuthi!" (idiot!) Manfred shouted in yasoi. "Tuum jil'al sacax!" (they will make more!) He emerged from the bushes. "Jila daxtoil suulep, thaza!" (make a defective copy, at least!)
"Don't worry so much, friend!" Ismette smiled and shook her head. "I think that's a wonderful idea, and I'm not about to ignore it." She turned to the birds, smiled, and began to gather her energy. "He thinks I'm going to forget him, but everyone will get a precious later!"
The birds all glared toward the now emerging Kerreman youth. Except the demonic-looking one. It was so tunnel-visioned in its prize that the interruption would not stop it. Still, the birds were going to show no mercy and began to collectively draw an obscene amount of energy.
But, despite the attempt at a sabotage, something would indeed spawn from the VOID. Ismette, having heeded Manfred's warning, did in fact make a 'defective' copy, but of what, they had all assumed wrong with the bird. There was one thing that was even more precious to them than themselves, and it was the one that could potentially create an infinite amount of perfect, precious replicas of their wondrous crimson plumage. The great miracle even ceased the hostilities almost immediately.
Standing in the very center of the clearing was none other than a copy of Ismette. Silence reigned supreme as all eyes were on the unnatural clone of the so-called witch.
The not-Ismette stared back out at them, her eyes darting warily between the four and the two birds. She blinked, and her eyes fell upon the lesser version of herself standing before her.
She understood, intuitively, that she was not the real version of herself but, in truth, neither was this fool.
Casii blinked.
No she stared.
She wasn't sure what her reaction was. What could it be when another copy of Ismette, a person that Casii loved and was irreplaceable was now duplicated. "Isii..." Casii's voice wavered sounding frightened as she looked over to Ismette, her Ismette with real concern. "... Please tell me yer gonna fix this."
Ismette recoiled. "That is... not me!" she gasped, already backpedaling. "It is... something we should run from."
The demon-bird began to circle around the newly birthed 'Ismette', reveling in its new precious, “Precious! PRECIOUS!” it admired in glee, but then it met the being's eyes. It could tell the light behind them was different. This was not the same precious. It was intimidating. “Eek!” it retreated back toward its twin, while the whole flock landed back on nearby branches, staring just as intensely as Casii did.
Ismette even cared about the strange birds, for such was her nature. "Birds, fly away!" she warned. "Fly away now!"
Manfred could sense the fear in the idiot yasoi's voice and body language, meanwhile. He stepped forward from behind and, without hesitation, shot the demon copy in the back of the head.
Her skull exploded on impact and she fell to the ground, but the illusion faded in seconds. That wasn't very nice of you, they all thought at once, as if something else had momentarily taken control of their minds. Automatically assuming that I'm an enemy against these hellspawn. For shame.
Viktor, picking up on his fellow Magusjaeger's approach, did not hesitate either. When Manfred took his shot, he quickdrew his own flintlock to shoot the fake's chest.
The birds flapped their wings nervously at the sounds of guns, but did not actually fly away. No, the red ones were far more focused on the copy, seeing it as a bigger threat than mere guns. And the 'normal' birds remained tethered to their stations despite their instincts.
She wasn't there when Viktor shot, simply put. Casii summoned a wall of roots, but it was no good. The false Ismette appeared beside her and slung an arm about her shoulders. "Oh nooo, puuri," she pouted, "Are you scared of something?" She hugged Casii from the side.
Casii's eyes darted around as wild roots from all the nearby trees burst forth violently to interweave to form a considerable wall. What this demon was, it wasn't Isii. Nothing felt right and everything she felt screamed at her. She had never been in this spot before. Scared out of her mind.
The arm, that ungodly false arm of the pretend Ismette lightly rested on her shoulder in the next moment. Casii dove forward, landing on the ground. "Noooo!" She wailed frantically, fearing whatever that was. "Get away! Get away!" She crawled wildly along the ground to avoid whatever it was.
Casii's panic agitated the birds, and they had enough of this precious mockery. With a loud squawk, the flock too flight with the two red leaders floating ominously once more. Every single avian gathered energy, like each bird was a mana cell of a super organism preparing to strike down the clone. Even the 7.3 RAS reds charged up, ”NOT PRECIOUS!” one screeched, ”GO! GO! Never seen again!” yelled the other. In just a few seconds, the exact location of Casii and the fake Ismette was going to be completely, and utterly, vaporized by a concentrated beam of sound, with little to no trace left behind.
The wall of crushing sound hammered down on the entire area and... two Ismettes appeared to leap into it. Casii was protected from it. "So easily scared, Casii. I'm not your enemy." It was all that she could do to hold their power back, sinking to a knee and grunting. "What are you waiting for? Get out of here!"
Casii had been so focused on getting away that she hadn't felt the spike of magic coming, nor the roaring energy of pure sound cascading down on her position. It was only when that voice spoke to her. She covered her head, curling up in a ball for a moment. "I warned you, I warned you... Dark magic ain't nothin' to go'n mess around with..." She practically screamed it as the beam collided down on the position of the three of them. She could hear it now, the sound of what was pretty much oblivion above them.
Her eyes shifted between the two Ismettes as they held back the beam for now. Demanding she get out of there. She felt like she couldn't move but managed to whimper, "Thal Isii, Thal joipa.". Her turn to panic and needing calming down. When her Isii responded, Casii felt strong enough to spring herself on all fours, in a frantic pace to get out of there, darting for the cover of the thickest foliage she could find.
Manfred was nearby and he wasn't quite sure what to do, but he now knew: it was her, the witch. Casii stumbled in and he grabbed a hold of her arm. "We need to leave! She protected you because, even where she comes from, she loved you, but this one is unhinged. Trust me, she is. I know!" He had likely said too much but that was a lesser concern for now. he began pulling a veil of shadows over them both. "Follow me!"
The two Ismettes looked at each other, maintaining a sonic bubble and a momentary alliance with their combined power.
"Why did you bring me here!?" the new one demanded. "Why did you rip me from my world!?"
"Rip you from your world?" Ismette inquired, "I created you!"
"Fool!" the second Ismette hissed, "But, for now, we have to get out of this situation alive."
Viktor was lost, to say the least. But not overwhelmed. The threats were assessed and these kids were far, far more of a danger than any beast from what he could see. Monsters, just like Lissanon. He too backed away, now that the birds were completely focused on the generally recognized menace. The blast from the attack caused a continuous shockwave, bending most of the nearby trees and bushes, making a retreat difficult without being quickly noticed. As such, he essentially turned invisible via arcane magic, and prepared for a shot. Now the main question was: What to shoot? The red birds, or the witch. A witch near identical to the girl he had brought along.
The blast eventually subsided and the birds dispersed. The haze of echobirds gathered in higher altitude to a new formation while the two reds condescendingly looked down at their failed attempt at culling the danger, ”Precious?!” one growled, ”Helps BAD precious?” they were not amused and were beginning to gather energy again, ”Not. PRECIOUS!” the two had a few seconds to do something.
Ismette did not understand it. She could feel things being created as they emerged, but this... fake her was insisting that she had been a real thing, somewhere else. Were the memories created too or... it was all too much. "They messed with your mind," the demon said, "So you wouldn't live with the burden of what you really were." she shook her head.
Understanding even less now, Ismette pulled into herself. "I..." She ran out of words immediately. "How do we... get out of here!?"
The false Ismette shook her head. "You take my hand, you stupid girl, and you trust yourself by trusting me." There followed a massive surge of temporal magic.
Casii nodded her head to Manfred. It made sense that even a copy of Isii would be like that but still, this wasn't a real Ismette. This yanii couldn't sense what she did. "That ain't the real Isii. It is all tainted'n dark. Ain't belonging 'ere. Our Isii is good!" Casii yapped back at Manfred, picking herself up with the help of the yanii. She glanced back at the pair of Ismettes. She didn't know how to resolve this. It seemed her Isii didn't either.
Just as Casii was about to turn away, she felt the surge of a great magic coming from the pair...
Ismette was there, suddenly: her Ismette. "I don't like it, but we have to trust her." She held out her hands in Manfred's and Casii's directions, casting about for Viktor and not seeing him.
Viktor, hidden but very much aware of his surroundings, figured out quickly that the only way to escape this as cleanly as possible was to trust equally bizarre magics. He reached out for Manfred's arm and dragged him over to the beckoning Ismetti. To them, it looked as though nothing was touching and holding them, as his camouflage game was most definitely on point.
Casii cast a weak smile on her face, faked by all means, but attempted nonetheless. "Okay..." She reached out and took Isii's hand.
The birds swarmed and flocked and swirled. They gathered in a great cloud overhead, preparing another bombardment. Manfred shrugged Viktor off and made his own way there. Then the witch surged with her magics and they opened their eyes in... a piece of perfectly nondescript forest. They could hear a river nearby, and the normal sounds of forest life. There was, however, only one Ismette now.
She embraced Casii as deeply as she could. "I am sorry, my luush'elar. Soooooo sorry! I was only trying to help!"
She blubbered on, tears spilling down her cheeks. "I should not have done it. I should never use that horrible magic again!"
Casii felt her legs shake as the adrenaline wore off. She felt weak, barely able to stand and she couldn't once Ismette came to embrace her. Casii returned that embrace, wrapping her arms around Ismette, pulling her down so the pair fell to their knees. Her own eyes welled up with tears but she removed hand from Isii's back and lightly pounded her head to stop herself from crying. She didn't like to cry, nor did she ever want to. Yet it was easy to tell she was still distressed from it all.
"It ain't natural, Isii..." Her voice creaked as her head nuzzled in against Ismette's. "I was so scared 'bout what it can do... what that could do to us. To you..." She muttered, still thinking of that chipper voice whispering in her ear as if she was still here. Would it kill Isii and take her place? For a moment there... Casii thought she couldn't figure out which one was the real one and if...
Casii froze.
Which Ismette was next to her?
Ismette felt Casii stiffen. "You're safe now, Puuri. We're safe. Thal Casii, Thal joipa.". She smiled weakly. "Don't worry. I'm the real me, not her: not Leluun."
As they returned to a more familiar world, they'd find a land where it had stopped raining and the trees were familiar. They were still in the same woods as before, and dawn was breaking through the horizon. Something was off, and Viktor was quick to recognize it. The clouds were spanning for miles just a few minutes ago and the rain was only growing stronger. Time Magic, he deduced. Frustrated, he exhaled from his nose as he studied his group of four.
“In all my years, I've never seen anything like that.” began Viktor, huffing a little to catch his breath, “And this.” he nodded at the direction of Ismette, “Is it going to be a problem? We have a creature to find and a woman to help. If you're going to try something,” he loaded his flintlock he kept to his right hand, “do it now.”
Ismette, the 'real' one, would find an red feather stuck to her hair one she'd come to and cease her weeping.
Manfred cast about, not sparing the two yasoi girls much attention. All the magical power int he world, none of the strength to wield it properly. There was a river nearby and they'd best move towards it to get their bearings.
Casii wasn't sure. She didn't think she'd ever be sure anymore. Still, she nodded, returning Ismette's rather weak smile with one of her own. "Okay, I believe you." She embraced Ismette, suppressing that fear she felt for now. What was to come for them? For her if she was wrong? Her eyes shifted to watch Manfred as he looked over field before their eyes met. She gave him a wide-eyed concerned look, hidden from the Ismette she was hugging. He knew something about the Dark Ismette. The Witch, he called her.
As Casii pulled away from her hug, she sat for a moment and thought... What if the Witch were here with them now and what was she planning...
Ismette could feel Casii's attention shift. She knew what was happening and she squeezed a little harder before letting go. In truth, she was worried, scared in her own right that her beloved did not think she was really Ismette.
The greater fear was that she, herself, did not feel right. She, herself, was unsure.
Manfred nodded; eyes narrowed as he scanned the woods. "Fourteen when it started. Fifteen by the end." He shook his head. "Was at Ansfelden, then Koppelsburg, and then Rauenshafen, where we burnt them out of the trees." Nothing, of course, compared to the bloodbath that had been Ansfelden, but he didn't need to say it. Nothing more, in fact, needed to be said. "Hour's not right," the younger magusjaeger remarked, "I'm not wrong?"
It was not so very much longer before they encountered the horror by the riverside, and Manfred did what he did best. In the burgeoning gloom, he bent the light around him to disappear from sight. The yasoi disappeared into the trees, moving swiftly in the near dark, the only sign of their existence, the rustling leaves and faint energy signatures. Then, one of the two faded even from his energy sense. He didn't like it. It reminded him of Niederhagen, of the yasoi there. He sunk deeper into cover and took aim.
From one horror to the next. Casii was starting to regret getting involved with yanii business like this. With the cloaked figure in view, Casii turned to Isii giving her a nod. The back of her mind twisted with doubt at who she was nodding at but at least that creature didn't want to kill her outright. Not like this Beast of Mandelein would, at least she imagined. One problem at a time, Casii assured herself. She moved, deftly across the ground and up a tree making little sound as if a slight breeze shook a nearby tree before she was hidden out of plain sight.
It was not so very much longer before they encountered the horror by the riverside, and Manfred did what he did best. In the burgeoning gloom, he bent the light around him to disappear from sight. The yasoi disappeared into the trees, moving swiftly in the near dark, the only sign of their existence, the rustling leaves and faint energy signatures. Then, one of the two faded even from his energy sense. He didn't like it. It reminded him of Niederhagen, of the yasoi there. He sunk deeper into cover and took aim.
From one horror to the next. Casii was starting to regret getting involved with yanii business like this. With the cloaked figure in view, Casii turned to Isii giving her a nod. The back of her mind twisted with doubt at who she was nodding at but at least that creature didn't want to kill her outright. Not like this Beast of Mandelein would, at least she imagined. One problem at a time, Casii assured herself. She moved, deftly across the ground and up a tree making little sound as if a slight breeze shook a nearby tree before she was hidden out of plain sight.
Ismette appeared noiselessly beside Casii, materializing particle by particle. She crouched on all fours on a tree branch, fingers clenched around it, nails digging into the bark. Her eyes were the only thing that moved, glimmering yellowish-green in the burgeoning darkness as they flicked her luush'elar's way. Simultaneously, she raised a hand from the tree and twisted to regard Casii as she brought it to her lips. There was no energy to be sensed, yet the air simmered and crackled with it. Those eyes turned their bale gaze upon the thing in the sheets. "I feel different, puuri." Rhythmically, she clenched and unclenched her fist, tightly enough to nearly draw blood from her palm, though it healed instantly. A small toothy smile spread to cover the lower half of her face. "Now watch me." The energy surge was... titanic.
I feel different, puuri. Casii froze in the middle of her stride across two branches as she twistingly sweet words were purred behind her. She turned, slowly, the determination from her face faltering as it settled on that smile. That damn smile that did not remind her of Isii but of that... dolesh! Surprisingly, Casii had kept her shock to just her rapidly beating heart. Screaming or frantically moving could draw the Beast to her inadvertently. "Yer fuckin' kiddin'.. I knew yer ain't gonna leave me be!" Casii snapped in a low snarl, turning fully to face Isii's shadow. "Give Isii back, dolesh!" Casii clenched her staff, the Living Wood fully tangling with her hand to keep it close to her. She was going to need it...
As Viktor took aim in mid-air, the flabbergasted creature wasted no time and flexed its legs for a speedy propulsion. It was just enough to avoid the bullet that split into three and struck different spots in an attempt to pin the cloaked being. Unfortunately, it was fast, very fast along with its agility that allowed it to swing and swerve through the trees like a Yasoi would. “Don't let it break line of sight!” warned Viktor as he pursued. He was about as agile as the shorter being, however the speed difference was apparent. Viktor, being human, could only do so much, “We need to cut it off and corral it! It's too quick when unhindred.”
That was it. Casii had made a fool of herself and Ismette too. The beast bolted and their chance to end this quickly and easily was gone. "Feeling different makes me a monster?" she replied incredulously, wounded by the accusation. She'd been eager to show off her skills. Something had happened when she'd been around that other version of herself. She wasn't sure what, but it had and she felt... strong. She turned abruptly away, shaking her head, and leapt down from the branch, going to tend to the unconscious form by the riverside. Now that their best chance to catch the monster without bloodshed was gone, the others could go and try to kill it. She had other duties here first, as a healer. She crouched by the downed woman, searching for a prognosis.
Manfred, meanwhile, was slow. He'd sprayed a few shots and missed, and the thing was quick. He was on the move, but trying to maintain his stealth, and he did not know much of this eerily humanlike beast's abilities. He noticed Ismette and Casii snapping at each other. Then, the former was by Stigenroth and his stomach clenched up. That was Ismette: a monster in her own right. It felt wrong to trust her as a healer. He had a job to do, though, and not much option. After a short while and momentarily losing sight of his quarry, he threw caution to the wind and used all of the kinetic and chemical magics that he could to boost himself forward, trying to catch up.
Ymiico had no clue what she had been doing at this school or with these people or even why she kept getting herself involved in the affairs of men. It had all come to a head when her peers were dismissive of her attempts to identify the beast. They had fumbled the chance to learn from the native folk, but what they did surmise spoke directly to Nikan folklore legend. However, with her broken avincian it came off as fanaticism. Ymiico blew up shouting belligerently in her native tongue at the speed of a senior kinetic. Storming off, she found herself deep in the forest relying on her knowledge to track the beast. If they were not going to listen, she was going to make them listen. The beast was either an Onikuma, Jorōgumo, or Rokurokubi, but not many yōkai originated as guardian spirits.
Casii's ears twitched as she heard Viktor's call to action. "Cud!" She snapped at herself, frustrated that she was letting this paranoia get to her. She turned and leaped away still able to catch most of Ismette's words. She hissed, deciding to confront her mistake later, as she ran along the trees nimbly navigating through canopy in a way only a yasoi could. Swinging her staff out, it seemed to rejoice at the mana being channeled through and the roots of all the nearby trees just ahead of the Beast grew rapidly, lashing up and out of the ground like a wild animal. Strands of roots coiled around limbs and pulled the Beast to the ground! Casii came to a stop, dropping down to the ground nearby. She whistled hopefully catching the attention of the yaniis and Isii in case they had fallen behind. "I got 'er!"
Kicking around the detritus, she racked her brain on what this mystery beast could be. Her mumbling was cut short when the sudden presence of what she could only assess as the beast appeared just beyond her. An excitement washed over her knowing she found the beast and could now gloat. However, magic followed the creature which could only mean one thing. Ymiico sighed in defeat and sprinted ahead, she encountered the beast rooted by the lovely craftsmanship of Casii. She knew not what she was looking at, but that did not stop her from acting. The tall lumbering Yasoi wrapped her hefty arms around the beast and pinned it to her.
Casii's eyes went wide, shaking her head in shock as she saw someone she did not expect. "MiiMii, the hell yer doin' 'ere!?" Although Casii answered her own question shortly. "Suppose we went'n jumped time'n y'all went a wanderin' for us." Casii crouched down, pointing at the beast under Ymiico. "Reckon we got that there Beast the yaniis been wantin' so let's see what it is." She said, getting a view of the creatures face.
Casii's efforts to stop the beast before it got out of her range struck true. Vines coiled around the short creature, and eventually pinned it down. Still, it showed resistance, and a lot of it. It definitely felt stronger than a normal person, especially as it didn't seem to use too much magic to do so. Just as it was about to make a move to break free, a wild Nikanese Yasoi entered the fray! Ymiico managed to pin the critter and limit its movements. Although she too would feel its unnatural might. But the struggle was enough to get the sheets to partially rip, revealing a very human face. Pale and bloodstained, but human with light, tattered clothing and dark hair. The girl growled and wiggled, “Letting go! RAAHHH!” she literally hissed before elbowing the Yasoi behind her.
Ymiico managed for a brief moment, long enough for the "beast" to be unveiled. However, she was now in prime range to eat some of that big strength. The ninja girl's ribs would crack and the Yasoi propelled back toward a tree. Still, there were vines getting in the way. But, before she could free herself, Viktor took aim from a branch and shot what he hoped to be a finishing blow right at the girl's heart. The "beast", with a clear mind behind its crafty eyes employed its superior speed to sidestep just enough to have the bullet rip the remaining vines, liberating her. “Scheisse!” growled Viktor, as his prey was now free to move again, albeit now surrounded in different directions by people she did not know. The sheets were damaged enough to reveal the girl's clothes to be ripped with slowly regenerating laceration marks throughout her body. This "thing" had fought not too long ago it seemed. She drew her knife and eyed every person she could see, except for the concealed Manfred. Her chest was heaving in light exertion, and her expression showed clear, human-like anxiety.
I feel different, puuri. Casii froze in the middle of her stride across two branches as she twistingly sweet words were purred behind her. She turned, slowly, the determination from her face faltering as it settled on that smile. That damn smile that did not remind her of Isii but of that... dolesh! Surprisingly, Casii had kept her shock to just her rapidly beating heart. Screaming or frantically moving could draw the Beast to her inadvertently. "Yer fuckin' kiddin'.. I knew yer ain't gonna leave me be!" Casii snapped in a low snarl, turning fully to face Isii's shadow. "Give Isii back, dolesh!" Casii clenched her staff, the Living Wood fully tangling with her hand to keep it close to her. She was going to need it...
As Viktor took aim in mid-air, the flabbergasted creature wasted no time and flexed its legs for a speedy propulsion. It was just enough to avoid the bullet that split into three and struck different spots in an attempt to pin the cloaked being. Unfortunately, it was fast, very fast along with its agility that allowed it to swing and swerve through the trees like a Yasoi would. “Don't let it break line of sight!” warned Viktor as he pursued. He was about as agile as the shorter being, however the speed difference was apparent. Viktor, being human, could only do so much, “We need to cut it off and corral it! It's too quick when unhindred.”
That was it. Casii had made a fool of herself and Ismette too. The beast bolted and their chance to end this quickly and easily was gone. "Feeling different makes me a monster?" she replied incredulously, wounded by the accusation. She'd been eager to show off her skills. Something had happened when she'd been around that other version of herself. She wasn't sure what, but it had and she felt... strong. She turned abruptly away, shaking her head, and leapt down from the branch, going to tend to the unconscious form by the riverside. Now that their best chance to catch the monster without bloodshed was gone, the others could go and try to kill it. She had other duties here first, as a healer. She crouched by the downed woman, searching for a prognosis.
Manfred, meanwhile, was slow. He'd sprayed a few shots and missed, and the thing was quick. He was on the move, but trying to maintain his stealth, and he did not know much of this eerily humanlike beast's abilities. He noticed Ismette and Casii snapping at each other. Then, the former was by Stigenroth and his stomach clenched up. That was Ismette: a monster in her own right. It felt wrong to trust her as a healer. He had a job to do, though, and not much option. After a short while and momentarily losing sight of his quarry, he threw caution to the wind and used all of the kinetic and chemical magics that he could to boost himself forward, trying to catch up.
Ymiico had no clue what she had been doing at this school or with these people or even why she kept getting herself involved in the affairs of men. It had all come to a head when her peers were dismissive of her attempts to identify the beast. They had fumbled the chance to learn from the native folk, but what they did surmise spoke directly to Nikan folklore legend. However, with her broken avincian it came off as fanaticism. Ymiico blew up shouting belligerently in her native tongue at the speed of a senior kinetic. Storming off, she found herself deep in the forest relying on her knowledge to track the beast. If they were not going to listen, she was going to make them listen. The beast was either an Onikuma, Jorōgumo, or Rokurokubi, but not many yōkai originated as guardian spirits.
Casii's ears twitched as she heard Viktor's call to action. "Cud!" She snapped at herself, frustrated that she was letting this paranoia get to her. She turned and leaped away still able to catch most of Ismette's words. She hissed, deciding to confront her mistake later, as she ran along the trees nimbly navigating through canopy in a way only a yasoi could. Swinging her staff out, it seemed to rejoice at the mana being channeled through and the roots of all the nearby trees just ahead of the Beast grew rapidly, lashing up and out of the ground like a wild animal. Strands of roots coiled around limbs and pulled the Beast to the ground! Casii came to a stop, dropping down to the ground nearby. She whistled hopefully catching the attention of the yaniis and Isii in case they had fallen behind. "I got 'er!"
Kicking around the detritus, she racked her brain on what this mystery beast could be. Her mumbling was cut short when the sudden presence of what she could only assess as the beast appeared just beyond her. An excitement washed over her knowing she found the beast and could now gloat. However, magic followed the creature which could only mean one thing. Ymiico sighed in defeat and sprinted ahead, she encountered the beast rooted by the lovely craftsmanship of Casii. She knew not what she was looking at, but that did not stop her from acting. The tall lumbering Yasoi wrapped her hefty arms around the beast and pinned it to her.
Casii's eyes went wide, shaking her head in shock as she saw someone she did not expect. "MiiMii, the hell yer doin' 'ere!?" Although Casii answered her own question shortly. "Suppose we went'n jumped time'n y'all went a wanderin' for us." Casii crouched down, pointing at the beast under Ymiico. "Reckon we got that there Beast the yaniis been wantin' so let's see what it is." She said, getting a view of the creatures face.
Casii's efforts to stop the beast before it got out of her range struck true. Vines coiled around the short creature, and eventually pinned it down. Still, it showed resistance, and a lot of it. It definitely felt stronger than a normal person, especially as it didn't seem to use too much magic to do so. Just as it was about to make a move to break free, a wild Nikanese Yasoi entered the fray! Ymiico managed to pin the critter and limit its movements. Although she too would feel its unnatural might. But the struggle was enough to get the sheets to partially rip, revealing a very human face. Pale and bloodstained, but human with light, tattered clothing and dark hair. The girl growled and wiggled, “Letting go! RAAHHH!” she literally hissed before elbowing the Yasoi behind her.
Ymiico managed for a brief moment, long enough for the "beast" to be unveiled. However, she was now in prime range to eat some of that big strength. The ninja girl's ribs would crack and the Yasoi propelled back toward a tree. Still, there were vines getting in the way. But, before she could free herself, Viktor took aim from a branch and shot what he hoped to be a finishing blow right at the girl's heart. The "beast", with a clear mind behind its crafty eyes employed its superior speed to sidestep just enough to have the bullet rip the remaining vines, liberating her. “Scheisse!” growled Viktor, as his prey was now free to move again, albeit now surrounded in different directions by people she did not know. The sheets were damaged enough to reveal the girl's clothes to be ripped with slowly regenerating laceration marks throughout her body. This "thing" had fought not too long ago it seemed. She drew her knife and eyed every person she could see, except for the concealed Manfred. Her chest was heaving in light exertion, and her expression showed clear, human-like anxiety.
Casii frowned when suspicion started to creep in after she saw this apparent beast's face. It didn't seem like a beast at all, well other than knocking MiiMii good. She made a note to go and patch Ymiico up but as a shot rang out, Casii flinched. "Hold yer damn mind, yanii! This ain't growin' right!" She hollered throwing up a wall of roots between her and the suspected location of Viktor. "Everyone go'n back off for a second!" Casii demanded. She was frustrated with everything up to this point and now she was getting a feeling about this: Guilt. The yasoi raised her hands, letting the Living Staff slide and grow around her wrist, securing it there so she could show both palms. "What were ya fightin'?" Casii pointed to the cuts, speaking in a gentler voice.
Manfred was a magusjaeger, and that meant two things above all else: first, his job was not to enter pitched battle. It was to strike, unseen and silently. Second, it was to protect innocents from those who would aggress against them. He had done the first and it had made him slow, but there had been plenty of noise made by the others in their fight and they had been spectacularly easy to track. Now, it allowed him to do his second. Utterly undetected, he lined up his shot, muffling his energy signature, muffling his sound, preparing to redirect the crack of gunfire as if it were coming from somewhere else. He breathed in and breathed out. The thing that had ravaged these innocent people took the form of a woman. He hardened his heart, unlike Casii. It had attacked Anna. It had attacked Ymiico. It would not attack anyone again while he was able to stop it. There was a flash of suspicion. Casii had tried treating with the birds when he was about to take his shot. She had directly sabotaged Ismette when the witch had tried to capture the 'beast'. She had trapped it herself only to more or less let it go. That was secondary. He cleared his mind and squeezed the trigger. A bullet left the chamber, spiraling towards its target. It flew through the air in Manfred's grasp and he directed it all of the way. He could've gone for the head. He could've gone for the heart. Instead, he went for the spinal cord. It would heal, he knew, in a matter of minutes, but he would prevent that until they'd gotten what they wanted out of it. You will be judged for your vicious crimes and either cleared or found guilty. The bullet struck.
Casii tried to account for the yaniis. They couldn't sense what she could and she couldn't blame them. However, she knew she could feel something off and just needed time to feel that out. One wall to block Viktor and as for Manfred... the shot rang out and Casii moved, roots springing from the ground tangling to form a wall... She was too slow because as the roots came together to form a capsule of just Casii and the being in front of her, the beast, yanii, or whatever she was lurched forward from an impact. "Yanii'poca! Cud!" Casii cursed as she moved to try and catch whatever this yanii-girl was to lay her down gently. Hopefully she could still be spared if she truly was innocent...
Meanwhile, some ways back, Ismette found that she had... not much to do. Anna had... merely a mild concussion and a decent-sized welt on her head. She healed those very quickly, a sense of unease growing within her as she became aware that the others were now out of her range and she and the human girl were... all alone together. For a moment, a very dark thought crossed her mind. Hurriedly but gently, she slapped Anna's cheeks. "Hey!" she called. "Hey, are you alright? It's time to wake up!"
Manfred took his shot, and it nearly struck true. The girl used inhuman speed to turn and angled her knife just right for it to ricochet and lodge itself into her flank instead. A wince of pain escaped her, but she wasn't down for the count yet. “What're your problems, bozo?!” she shouted in indignation, her head turned toward Manfred, “You's don't seeing Margot tryin' killin' likemuch!” she backed up, knife extended out until she hit the vines behind her “Fuck you, 'n fuck you, 'n fuck you, 'n” she pointed her knife at each, and ended with Viktor, “fuck you the most!” Viktor, at first confused by the wall of vines in his way, quickly found the culprit and landed right by her creation, “Are you stupid, Yasoi-girl?” he trained his rifle toward the helpless girl with one hand with the barrel sneaking through the cracks of the cocoon, “Don't let that THING deceive you. That's how it tricked so many others.” Meanwhile, Anna was awakening. Groggy and eyes barely open, “Was?” she looked confused and barely able to move, “Wer bist du?” she looked at her carer, and then the surrounding environment. It made her uneasy, and the Yasoi could feel the woman's heart rate increasing.
Manfred was a magusjaeger, and that meant two things above all else: first, his job was not to enter pitched battle. It was to strike, unseen and silently. Second, it was to protect innocents from those who would aggress against them. He had done the first and it had made him slow, but there had been plenty of noise made by the others in their fight and they had been spectacularly easy to track. Now, it allowed him to do his second. Utterly undetected, he lined up his shot, muffling his energy signature, muffling his sound, preparing to redirect the crack of gunfire as if it were coming from somewhere else. He breathed in and breathed out. The thing that had ravaged these innocent people took the form of a woman. He hardened his heart, unlike Casii. It had attacked Anna. It had attacked Ymiico. It would not attack anyone again while he was able to stop it. There was a flash of suspicion. Casii had tried treating with the birds when he was about to take his shot. She had directly sabotaged Ismette when the witch had tried to capture the 'beast'. She had trapped it herself only to more or less let it go. That was secondary. He cleared his mind and squeezed the trigger. A bullet left the chamber, spiraling towards its target. It flew through the air in Manfred's grasp and he directed it all of the way. He could've gone for the head. He could've gone for the heart. Instead, he went for the spinal cord. It would heal, he knew, in a matter of minutes, but he would prevent that until they'd gotten what they wanted out of it. You will be judged for your vicious crimes and either cleared or found guilty. The bullet struck.
Casii tried to account for the yaniis. They couldn't sense what she could and she couldn't blame them. However, she knew she could feel something off and just needed time to feel that out. One wall to block Viktor and as for Manfred... the shot rang out and Casii moved, roots springing from the ground tangling to form a wall... She was too slow because as the roots came together to form a capsule of just Casii and the being in front of her, the beast, yanii, or whatever she was lurched forward from an impact. "Yanii'poca! Cud!" Casii cursed as she moved to try and catch whatever this yanii-girl was to lay her down gently. Hopefully she could still be spared if she truly was innocent...
Meanwhile, some ways back, Ismette found that she had... not much to do. Anna had... merely a mild concussion and a decent-sized welt on her head. She healed those very quickly, a sense of unease growing within her as she became aware that the others were now out of her range and she and the human girl were... all alone together. For a moment, a very dark thought crossed her mind. Hurriedly but gently, she slapped Anna's cheeks. "Hey!" she called. "Hey, are you alright? It's time to wake up!"
Manfred took his shot, and it nearly struck true. The girl used inhuman speed to turn and angled her knife just right for it to ricochet and lodge itself into her flank instead. A wince of pain escaped her, but she wasn't down for the count yet. “What're your problems, bozo?!” she shouted in indignation, her head turned toward Manfred, “You's don't seeing Margot tryin' killin' likemuch!” she backed up, knife extended out until she hit the vines behind her “Fuck you, 'n fuck you, 'n fuck you, 'n” she pointed her knife at each, and ended with Viktor, “fuck you the most!” Viktor, at first confused by the wall of vines in his way, quickly found the culprit and landed right by her creation, “Are you stupid, Yasoi-girl?” he trained his rifle toward the helpless girl with one hand with the barrel sneaking through the cracks of the cocoon, “Don't let that THING deceive you. That's how it tricked so many others.” Meanwhile, Anna was awakening. Groggy and eyes barely open, “Was?” she looked confused and barely able to move, “Wer bist du?” she looked at her carer, and then the surrounding environment. It made her uneasy, and the Yasoi could feel the woman's heart rate increasing.
Casii jabbed her staff in the air at Viktor's direction. "No, no! I ain't bein' hasty with this! Yer comin' in guns blazin'n I'm thinkin' yer comin' in too fast!" She still had her feeling that this was wrong. "Lower yer gun taca'yanii'n let the yanii gurl answer my question." Casii pointed a finger from her other hand at the 'beast'. "I'm goin' stickin' my neck out so tell me true. What attacked you?"
“You's.” she answered, eyes darting between the party members. Clearly, she didn't trust those that pinned her down and shot her.
Casii rolled her eyes. "No gone'n before us. You were cut all over'n what were yer gonna do with that other yanii gurl we saw?"
Manfred revealed himself at that moment, emerging from darkness, an energy signature congealing all at once. "We did, but you have magic. You'll be fine. I'd like to know what you were doing looming over an unconscious woman in the woods." His gun remained raised if not quite pointed at her. "Answer that to my satisfaction and you will have at once my sincere apology, my healing, and my assistance. We are here to catch the Beast of Mandelein. You would not appear to be it."
Margot didn't immediately address Casii's query. Manfred, however, did a good job in capturing her attention, “That lady sleepdeeping?” she used the back of her idle hand to brush some of the dried blood on her face, “Need a snack.” she confessed in nonchalance, “But beast?” she snorted, “Why asking Margot?” she pointed right at Viktor, “He knowmany on beasts. More than Margot.” she glared at the blonde man. And he glared back, “Another Blutsauger. Even worse than a beast.” snarled the man who didn't let up with the gun. He was just about ready to fire, “Unlike a beast, things like her can blend in and take your ilk. She is the real threat. The monster that won't die, and WILL spread.”
Manfred glanced at Casii and then at Ymiico. The former was a wildcard, but he supposed well-intended. The latter, he could usually rely on. When Viktor spoke, he was not surprised either. Margot had been unusually fast and strong: traits he had noted in the Titan Sanguinaires he had fought. Instantly, he was wary. His weapon remained raised. That said, other things interested him a little bit more. "Your snack," he began, "Seemed to put up one helluva fight based on the blood and the... scratches." The nascent flickerings of a crazy theory were starting to take root in his head.
Sleepdeeping? Blutsauger? What were all these yanii words? Although there was one that Casii did get. Snack. That meant the yanii gurl in front of her right now was something she had only ever heard about. Casii scowled but was glad that yanii boy Manfred was quick to call out the thing Casii had noticed. "Daxsoi? Eugh." She flippantly chided, rolling her head back but not without taking a few steps back. "Yer definitely somethin', alright." She uttered in disgust. Daxsoi were in a strange place for Casii's personal belief. They took but they didn't necessarily have to kill to feed. She couldn't help but remember a story told in her youth about how Daxsoi were misguided into becoming one. Power, greed, or whatever desires. They were disgusting but they were still people. Knowing that, she decided better than lifting a finger to start healing the Daxsoi, seeing as she'd be able to recover herself. Manfred's remarks did bring her back to focus, however. What reasonably could give a Daxsoi trouble? "Manii boy's right." She nodded her head towards him. "Yer tusslin' with somethin' fierce if.. it... can...." Casii trailed off putting the pieces together. "What was the other yanii gurl?" Her tone grew dark as she felt a sudden wave of intensity. Isii was all by herself with...
Ymiico would have returned Casii’s pleasantries had she not been sent flying and knocking the wind out of her sails. The beast was definitely stronger than she looked. A few broken ribs sent some toe curling pain through Ymiico, but she had been worse for wear before. She had been wrong in her premonitions of what kind of deity or spirit this thing was, it appeared to be more human than ghoul. With the interjection of her other peers and the words they flung around, she was starting to understand more and more. The mention of Dario and a word she heard from her last mission, sanguinaire, her head began to spiral in remembrance of that night she fought against another of their kind and barely lived to tell the tale. The chaperone had also been there too, she could not trust this woman beast or not. “Must shoot. No risk it” her breathing was uneven as she cradled her side.
This was quickly degenerating into a two-on-two debate on whether or not to waste Margot. The little Sanguinaire was not oblivious, nor did she panic. Instead, her bullet wound began to heal with the discretion of a seasoned rogue. As Viktor shot an approving nod toward the Nikanese Yasoi and further antagonized the decision made by Casii and Manfred, Margot had enough leeway to efficiently get to work. “The lady?” she inquired, brown eyes geared toward the distant shore, “... Margot saving her scaremuch from the beast.” she answered after a pause, as if she was concerned about something involving Anna, “A very scary beast.” As if on cue, a bloodcurdling roar blasted through the area, all too similar to what they had been hearing. All too similar to an echobird. Perhaps a trick, but one that got Anna to freak out with screams of fear. She began to flail and smack Ismette, although being panic she appeared fine and definitely no match to the Yasoi.
Ismette backed off, confused by the girl's actions. "Stop!" she hissed, knowing panic when she saw it. She could hear the sounds too, but it was just more of those damned birds and she'd started to cue into the fact that they could carry a sound for miles. She tried to gently restrain Anna without hurting her. Something about this entire situation was... off. "Please stop and think. What happened here? What happened to you?"
This was quickly degenerating into a two-on-two debate on whether or not to waste Margot. The little Sanguinaire was not oblivious, nor did she panic. Instead, her bullet wound began to heal with the discretion of a seasoned rogue. As Viktor shot an approving nod toward the Nikanese Yasoi and further antagonized the decision made by Casii and Manfred, Margot had enough leeway to efficiently get to work. “The lady?” she inquired, brown eyes geared toward the distant shore, “... Margot saving her scaremuch from the beast.” she answered after a pause, as if she was concerned about something involving Anna, “A very scary beast.” As if on cue, a bloodcurdling roar blasted through the area, all too similar to what they had been hearing. All too similar to an echobird. Perhaps a trick, but one that got Anna to freak out with screams of fear. She began to flail and smack Ismette, although being panic she appeared fine and definitely no match to the Yasoi.
"You saw it!?" Manfred asked, but then he heard the sounds. They were... Echobirds, but maybe they weren't. "Viktor, Ymiico, I don't trust a sanguinaire either, but I trust a sanguinaire to be the enemy of a wildblood, at least." He turned to face the direction the sound had come from, sweeping for energies. "If that thing is out there, we should find it and end it."
Casii's eyes narrowed as she glared at the back of the Daxsoi's head. "Mighty fine coin-in-sin-dence with that there roarin', daxsoi." The yasoi crossed her arms. She was growing suspicious of this yanii'daxsoi and her casualness about the whole thing. "If yer so sure then why ain't ya leadin' us to this beast. Unless yer bein' scaremuch" It was two against two and the daxsoi would be fine so long as that remained. However, if she wasn't going to lead them to the beast and help them take it down then she'd find those odds not quite in her favor. Even if she were a daxsoi. "Manii boi is right. Lead on'n then we can see about lettin' yer off the hook. Yer better be helpin' though 'cuz Imma gonna be watchin' ya." Casii added.
“You's.” she answered, eyes darting between the party members. Clearly, she didn't trust those that pinned her down and shot her.
Casii rolled her eyes. "No gone'n before us. You were cut all over'n what were yer gonna do with that other yanii gurl we saw?"
Manfred revealed himself at that moment, emerging from darkness, an energy signature congealing all at once. "We did, but you have magic. You'll be fine. I'd like to know what you were doing looming over an unconscious woman in the woods." His gun remained raised if not quite pointed at her. "Answer that to my satisfaction and you will have at once my sincere apology, my healing, and my assistance. We are here to catch the Beast of Mandelein. You would not appear to be it."
Margot didn't immediately address Casii's query. Manfred, however, did a good job in capturing her attention, “That lady sleepdeeping?” she used the back of her idle hand to brush some of the dried blood on her face, “Need a snack.” she confessed in nonchalance, “But beast?” she snorted, “Why asking Margot?” she pointed right at Viktor, “He knowmany on beasts. More than Margot.” she glared at the blonde man. And he glared back, “Another Blutsauger. Even worse than a beast.” snarled the man who didn't let up with the gun. He was just about ready to fire, “Unlike a beast, things like her can blend in and take your ilk. She is the real threat. The monster that won't die, and WILL spread.”
Manfred glanced at Casii and then at Ymiico. The former was a wildcard, but he supposed well-intended. The latter, he could usually rely on. When Viktor spoke, he was not surprised either. Margot had been unusually fast and strong: traits he had noted in the Titan Sanguinaires he had fought. Instantly, he was wary. His weapon remained raised. That said, other things interested him a little bit more. "Your snack," he began, "Seemed to put up one helluva fight based on the blood and the... scratches." The nascent flickerings of a crazy theory were starting to take root in his head.
Sleepdeeping? Blutsauger? What were all these yanii words? Although there was one that Casii did get. Snack. That meant the yanii gurl in front of her right now was something she had only ever heard about. Casii scowled but was glad that yanii boy Manfred was quick to call out the thing Casii had noticed. "Daxsoi? Eugh." She flippantly chided, rolling her head back but not without taking a few steps back. "Yer definitely somethin', alright." She uttered in disgust. Daxsoi were in a strange place for Casii's personal belief. They took but they didn't necessarily have to kill to feed. She couldn't help but remember a story told in her youth about how Daxsoi were misguided into becoming one. Power, greed, or whatever desires. They were disgusting but they were still people. Knowing that, she decided better than lifting a finger to start healing the Daxsoi, seeing as she'd be able to recover herself. Manfred's remarks did bring her back to focus, however. What reasonably could give a Daxsoi trouble? "Manii boy's right." She nodded her head towards him. "Yer tusslin' with somethin' fierce if.. it... can...." Casii trailed off putting the pieces together. "What was the other yanii gurl?" Her tone grew dark as she felt a sudden wave of intensity. Isii was all by herself with...
Ymiico would have returned Casii’s pleasantries had she not been sent flying and knocking the wind out of her sails. The beast was definitely stronger than she looked. A few broken ribs sent some toe curling pain through Ymiico, but she had been worse for wear before. She had been wrong in her premonitions of what kind of deity or spirit this thing was, it appeared to be more human than ghoul. With the interjection of her other peers and the words they flung around, she was starting to understand more and more. The mention of Dario and a word she heard from her last mission, sanguinaire, her head began to spiral in remembrance of that night she fought against another of their kind and barely lived to tell the tale. The chaperone had also been there too, she could not trust this woman beast or not. “Must shoot. No risk it” her breathing was uneven as she cradled her side.
This was quickly degenerating into a two-on-two debate on whether or not to waste Margot. The little Sanguinaire was not oblivious, nor did she panic. Instead, her bullet wound began to heal with the discretion of a seasoned rogue. As Viktor shot an approving nod toward the Nikanese Yasoi and further antagonized the decision made by Casii and Manfred, Margot had enough leeway to efficiently get to work. “The lady?” she inquired, brown eyes geared toward the distant shore, “... Margot saving her scaremuch from the beast.” she answered after a pause, as if she was concerned about something involving Anna, “A very scary beast.” As if on cue, a bloodcurdling roar blasted through the area, all too similar to what they had been hearing. All too similar to an echobird. Perhaps a trick, but one that got Anna to freak out with screams of fear. She began to flail and smack Ismette, although being panic she appeared fine and definitely no match to the Yasoi.
Ismette backed off, confused by the girl's actions. "Stop!" she hissed, knowing panic when she saw it. She could hear the sounds too, but it was just more of those damned birds and she'd started to cue into the fact that they could carry a sound for miles. She tried to gently restrain Anna without hurting her. Something about this entire situation was... off. "Please stop and think. What happened here? What happened to you?"
This was quickly degenerating into a two-on-two debate on whether or not to waste Margot. The little Sanguinaire was not oblivious, nor did she panic. Instead, her bullet wound began to heal with the discretion of a seasoned rogue. As Viktor shot an approving nod toward the Nikanese Yasoi and further antagonized the decision made by Casii and Manfred, Margot had enough leeway to efficiently get to work. “The lady?” she inquired, brown eyes geared toward the distant shore, “... Margot saving her scaremuch from the beast.” she answered after a pause, as if she was concerned about something involving Anna, “A very scary beast.” As if on cue, a bloodcurdling roar blasted through the area, all too similar to what they had been hearing. All too similar to an echobird. Perhaps a trick, but one that got Anna to freak out with screams of fear. She began to flail and smack Ismette, although being panic she appeared fine and definitely no match to the Yasoi.
"You saw it!?" Manfred asked, but then he heard the sounds. They were... Echobirds, but maybe they weren't. "Viktor, Ymiico, I don't trust a sanguinaire either, but I trust a sanguinaire to be the enemy of a wildblood, at least." He turned to face the direction the sound had come from, sweeping for energies. "If that thing is out there, we should find it and end it."
Casii's eyes narrowed as she glared at the back of the Daxsoi's head. "Mighty fine coin-in-sin-dence with that there roarin', daxsoi." The yasoi crossed her arms. She was growing suspicious of this yanii'daxsoi and her casualness about the whole thing. "If yer so sure then why ain't ya leadin' us to this beast. Unless yer bein' scaremuch" It was two against two and the daxsoi would be fine so long as that remained. However, if she wasn't going to lead them to the beast and help them take it down then she'd find those odds not quite in her favor. Even if she were a daxsoi. "Manii boi is right. Lead on'n then we can see about lettin' yer off the hook. Yer better be helpin' though 'cuz Imma gonna be watchin' ya." Casii added.
They had her there, it was quite obvious the screech resembled an echobird's. There was no fooling them, except- A second, far mightier roar answered. It was just under half a minute since the deception, and this scream reverberated through each person. For the briefest of moments, their extremities felt cold without any sense of touch and the desire to lay low became powerful in each of them. Even the seasoned Viktor appeared startled. Whatever made this wasn't distorted or filtered like an echobird's mimicry. And it was further East. “It's very dangerousing now herein. Margot suggested we leave.” she too seemed unnerved by the booming and wild scream. And just then, Stigenroth began to panic hard, downright attacking Ismette with punches and bites. This no longer was an attempt to run away, but to downright hurt her savior. All while screaming in terror. In the midst of all this chaos, a fully concealed land-mollusc dropped a wave of little bombs from the trees above, all of which exploded at different altitudes to unleash discombobulating flashbangs. This was Margot's opening. She was going to flee when the group was at its most exposed and unaware!
Anna hitting her had an effect on Ismette. It had an effect that she was not familiar with and, on top of that, it hurt! "STOP!" she roared back. "Stop hitting me, you stupid girl! It is not okay!" She picked Stigenroth up in a kinetic grasp and forcibly held her hands and feet together. Roughly, with a dark sense of satisfaction, she used binding to create cuffs and... bind them. "Since you can't be trusted to behave like a sapient," she decided, "I shall have to carry you along like a prize boar." She shook her hear and rose, floating the stupid girl along with her. In truth, that sound had scared her, but perhaps not as much as it should've. Ismette had seen other monsters before. Ismette knew monsters.
The Sanguinaire had made quite the conundrum for the party in question, Ymiico and Viktor in favor of extinguishing her life whilst the other two hoping she would prove her usefulness in tracking the actual beast. Between their indecisiveness, Margot’s instinctual need for self-preservation, and the cacophony of sound echoing through the corridors of the woods there was enough cover for Margot to race off in the disarray. The howl chilled Ymiico down to the bone, but her focus remained on the fleeing Daxoi. Sumpfkrake where quite the intelligent invertebrate and their mental compatibility allowed Ymiico to sync up with them without oral communication. The five of them, named after each of the chosen creed gods, saw her as their mother and surfaced from under her clothes sensing both the presence of a foreign Sumpfkrake and the desire for them to tail Margot from a comfortable distance. Each one scuttled up the trees surrounding them, disappearing from sight. Once she regained her nerve she spat out a ball of blood and stood back up. She walked over to the rest of the group to see Ismette binding the hostage turned baggage. A quick whistle left her lips in call of her apple dragon, “Tarqit!” The boisterous and curious dragon sprinted out from the bushels of grass surrounding them coddling up to her leg. “We follow shout yes? We find Daxoi later, my holar will follow. Come now yes?” It would have been easier to speak purely in yasoi with the company of two of them, but practicing with Manfred and Viktor could stand to help her emerge from her shell.
Manfred had let his guard down. He rarely did so. This was a just comeuppance for doing so in the presence of a vile, good-for-nothing bloodsucker like this. Instinctively, he went evasive, as he'd been taught, navigating by energy sense and rendering himself as invisible to sight, sound, and that same sense as he could. The sanguinaire was fleeing, with a sumpfkrake on her back and a bird tailing her. She had probably made the decision that she wanted no part of whatever was in the forest and would leave them behind as a sacrifice. Then, Ymiico spoke and Shune bless her adorable little foreign voice! "Yes!" Manfred exclaimed. "Agreed. We follow the shout. Stay stealthy. Stay hidden: close but not clustered. Nobody try to be a hero and engage without backup. Let's move!" He nodded in her direction and set to moving, preferring to trail near the back, where he could do his job as a magusjaeger best.
Casii rubbed her eyes, annoyingly dazed from that daxsoi's escape. It had just proved her suspicions that overall daxsoi are an untrustworthy lot and should be avoided. At least, she was sucked on like a scii'tur set upon her. Honestly with the attention of the group shifting to the second roar, the real one, it was better for them anyway. One less beast to worry about if the daxsoi ran off, leaving that for the yaniis seemed fair since they were here for the main beast. "Yea, fine with me! I'm gettin' Isii!" Casii hollered back to MiiMiis plan. Manfred's strategy was a bit lost on Casii as she really just wanted to round up Isii to keep an eye on her. It seemed like beast hunting with daxsoi about was hardly the best time to have an identity crisis among significant others become a thing and yet here she was. Casii bolted over to Ismette where she had just finished tying and floating Anna. "Reckon she ain't the beast, then." Casii gestured towards the floating Anna. "That there other yanii was a daxsoi... I'm startin' to get lost on what we were supposed to be trackin'. Beasts, birds, dasxoi..." Casii shook her head, leaving one name off of her list. "Come on then Isii. Suppose we can follow the others at the back if yer wantin' to." Casii reached a hand out offering it. For now, she just wanted something simple in her life.
Anna hitting her had an effect on Ismette. It had an effect that she was not familiar with and, on top of that, it hurt! "STOP!" she roared back. "Stop hitting me, you stupid girl! It is not okay!" She picked Stigenroth up in a kinetic grasp and forcibly held her hands and feet together. Roughly, with a dark sense of satisfaction, she used binding to create cuffs and... bind them. "Since you can't be trusted to behave like a sapient," she decided, "I shall have to carry you along like a prize boar." She shook her hear and rose, floating the stupid girl along with her. In truth, that sound had scared her, but perhaps not as much as it should've. Ismette had seen other monsters before. Ismette knew monsters.
The Sanguinaire had made quite the conundrum for the party in question, Ymiico and Viktor in favor of extinguishing her life whilst the other two hoping she would prove her usefulness in tracking the actual beast. Between their indecisiveness, Margot’s instinctual need for self-preservation, and the cacophony of sound echoing through the corridors of the woods there was enough cover for Margot to race off in the disarray. The howl chilled Ymiico down to the bone, but her focus remained on the fleeing Daxoi. Sumpfkrake where quite the intelligent invertebrate and their mental compatibility allowed Ymiico to sync up with them without oral communication. The five of them, named after each of the chosen creed gods, saw her as their mother and surfaced from under her clothes sensing both the presence of a foreign Sumpfkrake and the desire for them to tail Margot from a comfortable distance. Each one scuttled up the trees surrounding them, disappearing from sight. Once she regained her nerve she spat out a ball of blood and stood back up. She walked over to the rest of the group to see Ismette binding the hostage turned baggage. A quick whistle left her lips in call of her apple dragon, “Tarqit!” The boisterous and curious dragon sprinted out from the bushels of grass surrounding them coddling up to her leg. “We follow shout yes? We find Daxoi later, my holar will follow. Come now yes?” It would have been easier to speak purely in yasoi with the company of two of them, but practicing with Manfred and Viktor could stand to help her emerge from her shell.
Manfred had let his guard down. He rarely did so. This was a just comeuppance for doing so in the presence of a vile, good-for-nothing bloodsucker like this. Instinctively, he went evasive, as he'd been taught, navigating by energy sense and rendering himself as invisible to sight, sound, and that same sense as he could. The sanguinaire was fleeing, with a sumpfkrake on her back and a bird tailing her. She had probably made the decision that she wanted no part of whatever was in the forest and would leave them behind as a sacrifice. Then, Ymiico spoke and Shune bless her adorable little foreign voice! "Yes!" Manfred exclaimed. "Agreed. We follow the shout. Stay stealthy. Stay hidden: close but not clustered. Nobody try to be a hero and engage without backup. Let's move!" He nodded in her direction and set to moving, preferring to trail near the back, where he could do his job as a magusjaeger best.
Casii rubbed her eyes, annoyingly dazed from that daxsoi's escape. It had just proved her suspicions that overall daxsoi are an untrustworthy lot and should be avoided. At least, she was sucked on like a scii'tur set upon her. Honestly with the attention of the group shifting to the second roar, the real one, it was better for them anyway. One less beast to worry about if the daxsoi ran off, leaving that for the yaniis seemed fair since they were here for the main beast. "Yea, fine with me! I'm gettin' Isii!" Casii hollered back to MiiMiis plan. Manfred's strategy was a bit lost on Casii as she really just wanted to round up Isii to keep an eye on her. It seemed like beast hunting with daxsoi about was hardly the best time to have an identity crisis among significant others become a thing and yet here she was. Casii bolted over to Ismette where she had just finished tying and floating Anna. "Reckon she ain't the beast, then." Casii gestured towards the floating Anna. "That there other yanii was a daxsoi... I'm startin' to get lost on what we were supposed to be trackin'. Beasts, birds, dasxoi..." Casii shook her head, leaving one name off of her list. "Come on then Isii. Suppose we can follow the others at the back if yer wantin' to." Casii reached a hand out offering it. For now, she just wanted something simple in her life.
“Goodest worker, Tock, Schleim!” Margot had made considerable distance between the group and herself once they came to, zipping through branches as her Sumpfkrake coiled itself around her abdomen to hitch a ride. When it was clear she was free of any pursuers, she slowed the pace and turned her head to the origin of the scream. “Two days only. Then we'll helping.” a nauseating wave of guilt washed over her visage as she realized how close the due date was. She had a good idea what was to come, and could only image how terrible things could get if nobody did anything. Maybe she should've asked for help, she thought. But most people couldn't be trusted. Especially the do-gooders. Their hearts oftentimes got them killed before they could make a difference. With a sigh, Margot finished her trek toward her destination. As she neared human activity, her hair colour had changed and her clothes were binded into a slightly different shape. She still looked like Margot, but now with ginger hair, extra freckles and a fake scar across her cheek. She greeted the first human she crossed before gazing at the near-Galleon sized ship parked in what seemed to be a far too small river for something like this. ------------------- “Scheisse!” growled Viktor as he recovered from the surprise attack, “We had our chance!” he angrily directed his attention toward Casii, and then to Manfred. “Never, ever,” he loaded a new shot into his rifle, “hesitate with a Blutsauger. That is how I lost my partner. Either one of you could've been taken, or worse, turned.” he scoffed and shook his head. The group agreed on pursuing the voice further to the East. Stigenroth, after continuous resistance, suddenly calmed like a kitten nipped from the nape. She was fine, breathing normally and even responding with only a slight delay. There was a slightly unpleasant buzzing noise that lingered for a few seconds right as she had calmed, but otherwise it had no real consequence to anybody else. “You,” he pointed at Casii, and then Ismette, “bring her back to the cabin. The other two with me.” he ordered, taking the lead once more. There wasn't much of a hurry to jump into the jaws of a suspected beast, but a loud shot would put Viktor at a jog. It wasn't just any shot, but something that almost sounded like a cannon with how much oomph it seemed to have. Whatever it was, someone had encountered something worthy of a big, fat gun!
The group had now been made whole again, even with some barking that Viktor had done due to the escape of the Daxoi. Ymiico would have chimed in, but Viktor had more authority and status over the Nikanese Yasoi. It was good to see Ismette once more, yet every time she saw her face she was reminded of the printing press incident. So her mind wouldn’t linger the interruption and assignment of takes delegated by Viktor Snapple her back to attention. She was to return the girl while Ymiico and Manfred were to stay with him. She nodded to Viktor and began to walk palming her recently purchased daggers, there was a strength to them. She turned to look at manfred, who didn’t seem to be the same one she partook in the trials with. ”Hair snip new?” she motioned holding one hand still and the other with a cutting animation.
The group had now been made whole again, even with some barking that Viktor had done due to the escape of the Daxoi. Ymiico would have chimed in, but Viktor had more authority and status over the Nikanese Yasoi. It was good to see Ismette once more, yet every time she saw her face she was reminded of the printing press incident. So her mind wouldn’t linger the interruption and assignment of takes delegated by Viktor Snapple her back to attention. She was to return the girl while Ymiico and Manfred were to stay with him. She nodded to Viktor and began to walk palming her recently purchased daggers, there was a strength to them. She turned to look at manfred, who didn’t seem to be the same one she partook in the trials with. ”Hair snip new?” she motioned holding one hand still and the other with a cutting animation.