Avatar of Carlyle


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15 days ago
Current I'm so tired of this cold weather. I can't wait for the warmer months to come by.
16 days ago
4 more hours until I'm out of work. Closing shifts are suffering.
20 days ago
The new Captain America movie is definitely flawed, but it wasn't trash cinema IMO.
28 days ago
Oh, yeah. I forgot it's Wednesday. Time to go watch the trailer.
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1 mo ago
Cleaning out PMs and other test threads. It's amazing how much junk you can easily accumulate over time.


twenty-five x central standard time x open for roleplays

[ ] C U R R E N T R O L E P L A Y P R O J E C T S

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*Pokes head in*
... It says you're still open to appications, soooo...

Just wanted to stop by and express interest in potentially joining. But I'll hafta read through the OOC tomorrow after work, and then possibly ask some questions if they haven't already been answered, before I express anything more than interest.

We're still in the market for players. There's only 5 of us with approved CSes (6 if we count Micki's secondary PC, and 7 if we count my potential secondary PC). Though there are a couple of people I'm waiting on for sheets, so that number is going to increase soon.
Got room for one more? 👀

Well, yeah. As long as you keep me from spending anymore on Gundam. Just put down 200 bucks worth.

What sort of character? I know Mistress Dizzy is talking about doing a baker.

I've got a few ideas that won't overlap with Dizzy/a baker.

If you intend to run a RP here, it must be hosted on the site; not Discord or elsewhere.
Welcome to the guild, @IcingCold.
Might make a secondary character for this, not sure yet.
Luna's preference for tea is a Long Island Iced Tea. :)

I thought her preference for tea was spicy drama.
@RavenClawz666 It sounds like you're looking for the 1x1 interest checks section. This category isn't for a "looking for roleplay" board like the one I linked above.
Kali Nordstrom

Location: New York Streets, Outside Home
Skills: N/A

It seemed the woman was alright, albeit shaken. One of the teenagers went to check on the woman, and began to sign to her. Well, shit. Kali felt awful—she had no idea the woman had been deaf. Here she had been, all up in her face in worry without the woman being able to understand a single word Kali said. A part of Kali wished she had paid attention in school, barely remembering how to sign her own name from the short ASL course they had one day. Perhaps then she'd be able to apologize, and even on the chance she never saw the woman again, it'd at least be good to know later on if Kali ever ran into anyone else who had been deaf.

As the awkwardness died down, however, the scene suddenly broke into full-on panic. Another one of her neighbors, a teenager like the other two, had come seemingly out of nowhere, and tackled one of the kids to the ground. Staring in disbelief, the events at the restaurant replayed in Kali's thoughts as Isaac jumped to the teenager's aid in response, proceeding to wrestle the other off him.

People were going to get hurt—one of them very much already was by the wound on his shoulder. But what were they supposed to do? Restrain him? Good luck with that! It took two of her co-workers just to lock up the co-worker that attacked Jeff, and even then they had a giant freezer to lock him up in! Were they supposed to hogtie the teenager with their belts or something?

Biting her lip, Kali soon found her questions answered by the arrival of an ambulance. Unfortunately for her, however, they seemed just as lost as she had been. It was good to know that her tax dollars were being put to work in hiring "quality candidates" for the emergency services, Kali sarcastically thought as the man froze up before them.

"Snap out of it!" Kali yelled, turning to face the wide-eyed paramedic, "You're the professional here; do something!"
<Snipped quote by Carlyle>
I've been working all day and I am tired. I'm going to bed when I get home. Early.

Jokes aside, I'll be waiting for your post(s) whenever they're up.
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