Avatar of CitrusArms


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1 mo ago
-17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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1 mo ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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2 mos ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
2 mos ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

Ah, this one was straight to the point. And brave, being so calm in front of a much larger bird. No use dancing around the subject, then. "Oh, I suppose I am a little startled about something. I just saw a rather rough fight over a meal. Fighting is one thing, but I dunno if that one would have made it on his own. Do fights often get that intense?" The Staraptor knew he was lucky, having someone that would feed him if he couldn't get food for himself. Not like that was going to happen, though.
Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Southern Gate

"Ah, so you're here for magic tutelage. ... Archery? Oh, I think that could be useful. You could pin a rope in most places that way, yeah? Certain constructions would be a lot easier. If you're creative enough, you'll figure something out. Hunting comes to mind, as well." Magic archery, huh? Why didn't she think of that?

"Do you think... do you think we can save Varjan?"

"That's what I intend to find out. If, somewhere in his soul, he wants to be saved, it will be possible. We just have to reach that part of him." It wouldn't be easy, likely, but she'd sure try. And she wasn't going to be alone.

"So, you would magic archery? How does it work? Do you enchant an arrow as you fire them, or do you manifest them? I'm curious."
Trinity Stratos
Tenrou Island

@Crimson Raven@t2wave

She had been wondering what she was going to do. If she had the magic power for it, she could have wrapped herself in her energy make, but her power had been fading the last couple of months. She couldn't get a grip on why, but she had the feeling it has something to do with the technique she'd been using in the magic games. A pool of magic she had to cheat her way into. Thinking back on it, of course it was a bad idea. Should have done more research.

But that was neither here nor there. She felt something wrap around her, which was alarming enough. Shadows? They pulled her toward the shore, and not into the depths, so that was good. Ariel was being pulled too, even better. She let it take her ashore.

Once in the shallows, she pulled herself to her feet and located the source, a mage. Well, of course it was. The woman? brought Ariel over to her and started doing... Something to her. It didn't seem like she was trying to harm her, and she had to be grateful for the assistance, so she approached slowly. "That was you, then? Thank you." She looked at Ariel obviously, "what, ah... Whatcha doin' there? Miss, er..." this wasn't anyone she could remember seeing before, "Miss shadow magic."
Rapier landed on the roof of the center first. Information, huh? There was a Wingull nearby on the roof, that was as good a place as any to start. "Excuse me, hello. Beautiful plumage, you must take good care. I'm new in the area, do you mind talking for a minute?" He settled himself down on his perch, getting comfy. "Lots of humans seem to pass through here. You must see a lot of different things from them."
Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Southern Side

"It's my pleasure, Ecthel. Travel is better with good food." No, food wasn't free here, not even rations. Another reason for her to wish she was home. At the same time, however, it gave her more reason to stay here. To effect change, however subtle... But that was neither here nor there.

"No, I'm quite the foreigner. I come from an island nation. Out, aaah..." She took a moment to get her bearings, before pointing out toward the ocean. "[color=bbeeff]That way."

He asked more about her mission. "Yes, the seers of my land have foreseen... Certain major events we could not ignore. In the name of Sacred Life, I am here to influence them."

"So, ah, any luck?"

"Hmmmnnnn define luck. I have a lead that I'm here following. Ah, but, no. The prophecy was, as prophecies go, vague or non-descript about certain things but clear to a point of others. I can only do what I think is right." A pause. "And how about you? What brings a country bumpkin into all this business, Ecthel?"

Regan led the way to the nearby pokecenter, stopping at the automatic sliding doors and turning to face her bird. "Rapier, I want you to look into this incident. Fighting over food is one thing, but to take it this far is abnormal. Was it just that one Wingull, being ornery, or is there something upsetting the Pokemon around here? I don't have enough information, go check it out."

Rapier took flight as Regan disappeared into the building, getting some height to get a look around. Maybe he'd find a Wingull to talk to, see if it would say anything interesting. Or, perhaps there was a disturbance he'd be able to see from above.
Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Southern Side

They were going on a trip, so she should come prepared. She'd probably end up on guard duty, at least for a few shifts, but she could be quite the hungry lady. Luckily for her, she'd been sent with plenty of equipment. She had a wool-insulated container with a crystal imprinted with cold magics, stocked with meats and other things that might spoil. Roasting some meat over an open fire sounded pretty appetising, and she wondered if the princess had ever tried such a thing. If she would be joining them in the first place, apparently she had other obligations. As to be expected of royalty she supposed.

A voice called her name. Ah, this lad looked familiar. Let's see... Ooh. He was there when they failed to secure Juan. She couldn't remember seeing him at the cathedral before then. He reminded her of her mistake, and now to find out they were on the same side! There were many other approaches she could have used to see a better outcome. More patience would have rewarded her greatly. Alas, that had all already come to pass, and she would have no opportunity to correct that grevious error.

"You know my name, but I can't recall if we've been introduced, I'm sorry. You'll be with us for the journey, then? I've brought meat for an open fire, kept cold and well in this container of mine. If our journey is long, I can only assume we will camp somewhere."
No response. "Best carry it, then. Let's go." The less the Wingull was moved, the better. The next transfer should be to a stretcher or bed, if possible. Regan led the way down the street, returning Kawaken to his ball on the way. She stopped for a moment and found her bird, "Rapier, help me keep a clear path." She stopped for a moment to put on as much of her uniform as she could quickly. She had the hat and jacket, she should grab the gloves and put them on while on the move. She was wearing the boots, and her pants were, ah, close enough. She just had to make a strong enough impression.

Rapier flew high and assessed the crowds, finding places that were crowded and obstructed the path to the Center. Regan would be leading the way, he just had to bring her the appropriate attention. He would accomplish this with screeches and, if necessary, a gentle gust.
Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Seraph Infirmary

"If perhaps I weren't so inept I could have stopped this."

"Hey, hey. Don't blame yourself." Lumina placed a hand gently on the princess's shoulder. "There are many hands in this, and you are yet young."

"If that's the case, then there's no time to falter. It's time I did my part and made things right among my fellow students. Lumina, you have my sincerest gratitude for offering your aid."

"Yes, This is your chance to shape a better future, right? It probably won't be easy, though, but that's why I'm here. More or less." She gave the girl a couple pats, there on her shoulder, before she went into the area she'd been given previously, to retrieve her things and let the nurses know she was taking off.

After she spoke with her temporary employers, she grabbed two hunks of crystal she'd been growing from the garden. Large chunks, suitable for a variety of things. Maybe even sculpting. If she could reach out to that part of Vajran, maybe she could befriend him. Sharing a favorite pastime or hobby, especially an art, was an excellent way to make friends.
Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Seraph Infirmary

Well, it wasn't like she had any better ideas. There was the crime ring, but she didn't think they were directly connected. Just another catalyst, the important part they had to play was probably the drug. To amplify the power of a magical prodigy sounded like the perfect stage for disaster. If she could stop things, was this her chance?

"I've my own preparations, but I will join you." She should let that old couple know that she wouldn't be around for a few days, and probably pack a few things. She still had to grab her shield and booster from where they'd been letting her rest, too. "Shall we meet by the gate, then?"
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