Avatar of CitrusArms


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1 mo ago
Current Pomodoro timer!
1 mo ago
-17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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1 mo ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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2 mos ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
2 mos ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

"I'm all ready to go. Shall we?" Regan gave a smile and led the way out of the building. She checked the compass on the side her bag, getting her bearing for North. Ah, but how far North? And which way would be best? She was completely unfamiliar with the lay of the land around here, which created a problem. "I'm from a much larger island nowhere near here, so I'm not too sure of the area. The approach to the area we're looking for is just straight north, then?"

The Ranger turned her attention skyward, waving to a bird soaring high. The bird banked and descended quickly, stopping and landing in front of Regan. "There's my good bird. Rapier, we're looking for a large Onyx to the north. I'm not sure how large, exactly, but I'm sure you'll be able to pick it out. Sarah, have you seen it before? Do you have a more... useful description for Rapier?"

Ooh, I was working on one. I think I left it on my laptop. I'll have to see if it's there, still.
"An Onyx? Well, you're in luck. I just so happen to be especially handy in the mountains and caves. My pokemons' fighting-type techniques will take care of things handily." Was that all the professor wanted? It sounded like there were other things she could use a Ranger for, but she'd keep it simple for now. If it was important, the professor would say something.

She turned to the... student? Not a traditional trainer, if she was receiving assignments this way. "I'm Regan, pleasure to work with you. Lucky you, gettin' your own escort. I'm no slouch, either."
Nah, I think that's fine the way it is. I await the second chapter. I suppose we'll see a renewed player roster?
Regan saw the sign quickly enough. "Aah, this way, huh," she murmured softly to herself, following the directions given by the sign. She took her time, peering in this shop or that on her way, but made a point not to meander. She knew she was getting close when she saw the fenced in wilderness. Who else would need that, here, but a Pokemon Professor?

She found the front of the compound shortly, "guess I'll try the door." The Ranger found it open and let herself in, poking around before finding the person that looked like she was in charge. "Professor? I was wondering if you needed a Ranger for anything today. I'm on my way to HQ to report in."
Regan grabbed a couple of brochures whole she was waiting, sitting about in the lobby while she waited for the status report from Nurse Joy. It would do to learn more about her surroundings while she had the time. From what she could gather, she'd have to catch another ferry to get over to the rear island, where the HQ was. That was... Evoru, also the smallest island. She felt like Jenny might have told her that. Ah well. She might have to make a few different landings on the way there. Rapier could carry her, but... She doubted that was comfortable for either of them.

Well, she should keep moving. If she let herself get stopped like this all the time, she'd never get there. She confirmed with the coordinator that he was comfortable seeing the Wingull back into the wild on his own, before going to find herself a bus. She had to go through Lilan Town, and she should stop to visit the professor while she was there. They'd probably be working together in the future.


She'd just managed to make the bus. Rapier reported nothing of interest, just a shrugging ruffle of his feathers. She gave him a few pets before getting into the bus, which he would follow from a comfortable distance, moving from roost to roost or simply circling lazily above. She climbed down off the bus, that brochure in her hand as she tried to decipher where should could find that professor. Maybe she'd have to stop by the Center and ask. They might even have another brochure.
Lumina Lusteria, the Lustrous
Southern Gate

Ecthel diversified his magic with rigorous training to expand his basic capabilities. He also applied some other magics to help him obtain the necessary speed for close quarters with a bow. Interesting. Aah, but the conversation turned to her, in turn. He inquired of her magic, just as she had of his. "Drawing a bow is no mean feat, indeed. As for my own magic? Hmm..." She thought for a moment, wondering how to explain it properly. Without getting weird.

"Well, it's nothing as formal as spell casting. More like a sort of... spell, or enchantment was put on me, to give me extra power. When my will and the enchantment align, the power increases. When they do not, usually if I'm being selfish or something, or if I'm unsure, it decreases. Conviction and compassion guide my power, like when things resonate with each other."

"Aah, was that sufficient? It's kind of not very straightforward."
First season only season.

I miss the first James.
I was talking mostly about the show. The first season has James talking about eating Magikarp, which I thought was great.
So, I just looked it up. Staraptor, the Predator Pokemon. That's something Pokemon totally likes to gloss over, too. Food chain.
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