Avatar of CitrusArms


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1 mo ago
Current Pomodoro timer!
1 mo ago
-17 F. Can we just build a series of tubes? To take us places.
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1 mo ago
It was -3 F when I left, this morning. The winds were breezy. I can only assume that, because I didn't freeze on the return trip, the sun improved things.
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2 mos ago
V. II Snail is a bitch and he should burn in mech hell
2 mos ago
I didn't know the enter key works on the status bar


I'm a generally chill gremlin that can be kinda particular. I grew up with plenty of electronics and video games, mostly with games like Final Fantasy, Zelda, and StarCraft. I like to blend magic and technology in my writing, bringing fantasy into space and sci-fi.

Most Recent Posts

As Crysalis came out from the alley, he noticed he had two pros following after him. "I think I saw something ascend to the building top." He looked, all he could see was the overhang. "I think it was the villain, I heard him. I can handle a little rescue work, if you want to chase the-" thump! Crysalis looked up toward the noise. "Oh, someone's got him? Hmm. What's his Quirk, anyway...? It's gross." The student hero looked around, thoughtful, for just a moment. "If he's got this many grenades on him, he may have something else up his sleeve." He bounced on his feet as he turned and moved toward the shop next door. He heard the announcement from Doombreaker, but she was across the street. It didn't seem like anyone had come through this building. Despite the blown out glass, Crysalis propped the front door open. Safer than people stepping through it. It looked like three grenades had landed in here, but anyone in the front room had the good sense and was fit enough to run away, apparently. They'd also had the time to do so, which meant... Something, but he was too busy to figure it out just then.

"Is anyone in here? I'm a hero, here to help." He smiled and greeted the few people that came out, but learned there were more people inside. It didn't seem like damage from the grenades went too deep into the building, but there was also another floor above him. Just as he was thinking that, he heard the ceiling starting to give way. He worked whipped around to see, wondering if it was a person or furniture. If it was a person, he'd have to catch them. He moved quickly, and heard no shrieking or anything. A filing cabinet fell through! It fell mostly upright, but poised to fall over on someone from tilting. He deflected the heavy thing away from the citizens, relieved he didn't end up crushed himself from being too eager to catch a person.

"I need to clear out the upstairs. This room isn't safe, so come in past the damage and we'll go together to Doombreaker when I come back down." If either of those pros were still following him, he'd feel a lot better if one of them could see them safely across the street. Maybe he was being paranoid, but he had a bad feeling this had been too easy.

Upstairs, he had to contend with a weakened floor. The shockwave from those grenades just have done it. The upper floor was a maze of cubicles, but he could see where the filling cabinet had fallen through. "Jeez, talk about the labyrinth of work. Anyone in here?" Crysalis tried to remember the floor plan from the floor below, and stick as close to those walls as possible. Further collapsing the floor would only make things more dangerous, and his crystals and gear made him heavy.

He walked very carefully as he called out. He got a few responses, but there were also weak sections of floor in his way. After considering things for a moment, he got the idea to use the cubical walls to support his weight. If it would support him, it should support them. With pathways laid, he brought the civilians down from the second floor and out the building. "Alright, let's go."

He looked over his shoulder at the rest of the street. Damn... Did they get the rest of the buildings already? Or was there work to do? Crysalis put himself between the small group of civilians and the threat, hopefully still up on the roof.
Here's some developments. Mostly history, maybe.

Crysalis had the window open to vent the strong scent of bacon, from his cooking bacon and eggs. His plan was to scramble to egg part way after letting it cooks just a little bit. But, as it started to cook, he thought he heard something. It was faint, hard to hear past the sizzling. Sometimes his eggs screamed at him, but... No, it wasn't that. There it was again. It was from outside! "Damn!" He cut the fire and dumped the contents of the pan onto his plate. Sunny side up, bleh. Oh well.

Someone addressed him, he turned, the second of two sunny-side up eggs hanging out of his mouth, "Mm? Mm!" It was Blizzard, asking if he wanted to join the fight outside. He slurped it up and swallowed it. "Yeah, sounds like they could use a hand." He took the bacon from his plate and put his plate in the sink. No time to clean up, unfortunately. He'd have to come back.

He heard explosions and turned toward the sound. These guys didn't care about collateral, either, apparently. Those kind of guys are the worst. "Before they cause any serious damage. Ruffians." There was a good street vendor near here, he'd stopped there for a bite to eat before. Crysalis took the kitchen exit to the alley. "Where'd this guy get all the-" another wave of explosions cut him off, this time with the sounds of breaking wood and shattering glass. Cliff thought he saw something leap up to the top of the building, and he thought that's where he could hear the villain now, too. But... He didn't exactly have the best offense, so what was he gonna do? And getting up there posed a problem. Another hero could get up there. For him, there were likely people on the street in need of help that he could get to efficiently. There were likely some injured, but hopefully no casualties.

Clifford Blackwell had a quirk that made itself very difficult to hide in his current environment. If he really wanted to hide it, without risking exposure, he'd have to cover his arms and legs and be rather... Energetic. The problem with that was the climate. It was difficult for him to remain so enthusiastic and covered in this hot, humid weather. It was much easier, much for comfortable, and much safer to stay in costume and be his usual, low-key self.

So he was Crysalis. Clifford Blackwell was as his pupa, and he was wrapped in the cocoon of school, to become Crysalis, the hero. He'd made his decision to become a hero, and he knew what that meant. For him, it meant that his quirk could readily betray his identity, and he couldn't let that happen. Just a little bit of crystal growth on his face was all it would take. Someone finding a chunk of crystal he'd accidentally shaken off. His sleeve or pant leg lifting too much. And he could not let that happen.

So he was Crysalis.

Crysalis was, in fact, also in his way to the kitchen. Difference was, he was hungry and not looking for tea. Also, he was watching where he was going. He saw the girl coming, staring up into the beautiful blue, and he stopped to let her pass him. "You'll bump into someone that way, y'know." He smiled softly, ready to lift his hand in greeting when she turned toward the voice.@BlackMaiden

Here we go.

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